I am promised, my work is done (apart from court), and I may go back to “my own studies (that too, has been a long time since)”/ if I simply provide a platform for you to begin your own different means of proceeding, in the study of life.  There are consequences for both of us.  I must rebuild, under the definitions of female/ you must rebuild or die.  It’s a choice for you/ I have lost touch with male, except for one area, over which I have no control;  and cannot rebuild him (parts and pieces are missing) I cannot find them back.  Or maybe its find a new path in-between, I just don’t know.

Life is based within two distinct parts, what is external as the universe itself/ and what is internal as the fabric of our lives as society, and humanity in the process of what our truth is chosen to be.

We then begin simply, within the process of your two most grievous experiments about this universe; NOT because it is the right thing to do, it is not.  But because “your leaders” have chosen to gamble with all life on earth in pursuit of next to nothing, by using these tools of extinction.  The failure to stop, is death.  So then, NO discussion of the basic principle of fusion  ignition will be allowed/ simply accept it can happen at NIF.  More interesting however, in terms of understanding are the consequences of fusion as it overtakes a mass.  We begin with 3 very simple assertions: that an electron mass, is the remnant of a big bang explosion, that remains at energy levels, outside the base parameters of an action/ reaction world called time.  We will then accept the base level attraction of mass to electron, is the participant between these two distinct levels of energy and the gap that exists between what is controlled by time, and what is controlled by an energy that does not exist as time, because it is too extreme for a reaction, or action against it.  And Balance requires, a discipline conceived by order/ that does not interfere in either level of energy; thereby they co-exist together, but in entirely different planes of energy existence.
The question of attraction, examines the “gap” between these energies, and asks: HOW do they co-exist, remain balanced, ordered, and disciplined without interference? The answer is, the difference between time; or action and reaction/ and the difference between no possibility for action or reaction without interference: is “something of a gender issue”; more easily understood as male acts and reactions/ while female assembles into an environment of relative peace and harmony, thereby intended to be, isolated from much of the strife of life/ but in constant communication with its own members.  Or the differences between these energies, or more correctly energy environments, is compatible under certain circumstances.

We know, that an electron is by its essence and speed an existence created by extreme heat/ that then loses its heat due to acceleration;   there comes a point when the initiating charge (mass) of force, disengages from its source of energy, and isolates the force itself within that electron primarily as speed and mass (an electron does have mass, or it does not exist/ however at an alternate state of energy, mass is a different existence).   We know, that a proton is a constant state of mass within the framework of time/ because it is the base structure of everything elemental in our existence as atomic reference allows. The question that erupts, “allowing the simplicity,  statement of nature abhors a vacuum; for ease rather than definition” is:   what is the change between heat which loses its connection to a mass in speed/ and the relationship which follows that allows for the attraction called time.  In the alteration of energy levels from time to eternity (by some standards)/ when they disconnect, that gap is the difference between the energies themselves, and the attraction is basically the relationships created in the departure from time itself.  A list of these relationships is NOT wise, as they will not help you/ or gain you anything for life; and as we see all around us, the experiments of men will already be bad even with this information.  They are gambling with life or death for a world, in every possible human way/ right now, this very day.  I will not add more failure.  This is only a request: stop them, before you die.  Therefore discussion ends.

As to “the fabric of our lives”/ the base elements which determine behaviors, grace, and discipline.  The functional element for most of these decisions is “the point of impact”.  Or more simply, it is the reference of what harmed or helped us in our lives, that builds the ties that bind us each one to the behaviors, periods of grace, and fundamental disciplines that we therefrom begin to choose, as our life and society.   A relationship will be built, between the realities that bring you hope, love, truth, courage, and the essential respect of time spent among miracles.   And a destruction will occur, between those elements of hate, violence, revenge, judgment, and the demand called self.  For simplicity we will say that love and all its graces are “the vertical lines, giving rise to hope, happiness, courage and everything of value”.  And for simplicity we will say that hate, and its punishments are “the horizontal lines”, which depict boredom, the lack of passion or commitment to anything, and the elemental plans to obstruct, detain, or destroy those who are “feeling alive, in what they choose to do”. {it is a simpler discussion, in rise and fall/ but there is a base line, created by “plain and simple”}.   Or more correctly we all experience life/ and we all experience the tragedies of hate, in its various forms.  The difference between us is at what level, of truth and respect:   do you accept that your choices shall be made.  The greater experience of life, where love can be found, is above the impetus and expansion of intensity called passion.  Here where truth becomes a need and respect becomes a way of life, the fundamental values formed live by the experience of trust in each other, thereby we form “family”, by the existence of a desire and purpose to care and share as our decision to commit to peace and harmony does allow.  Love envelopes these relationships through the passage of acceptance/ and life entangles these relationships with bonds built upon the decision that YOU are valuable to me.
At the alternate decision, which is born out by lies/ the variations of life and living are all measured against the expectation of “what has value to ME”.  And the subsequent decision, that unless you participate to give ME, what I WANT/ you are worthless, and as a result “become the trash/ which I can do anything I want to with; because your worthless to me”.  Hate cradles the disrespect into full fledged “cancerous growths” of the human psychotic experience (I am right/ in fact I deserve to be called god)/ and the expressions that result end in violence, and tragedy for all. Every failure has a distinct ripple effect, through human existence.

 While every love has a genuine relationship with life, that can be shared.  How you weave these basic influences together for yourself, and your society/ becomes the fabric of our lives.  Truth and respect determine the level of your life. But forgiveness and repentance decide if you will be allowed to return when you fail, from one level to another. Life is not free, there is a price for every level of truth (no lying/ no cheating/ no manipulating or controlling or abusing or using, etc)/ a distinction assigned by every concept of respect: worthy of trust or not.  There is the law, which defines and creates peace and harmony/ or if not respected, then anarchy and punishment.

To achieve a new and different “Platform: a level of trust, that exhibits the possibilities of change or peace”.  The relationship that must be born is:   truth and respect have led us here, where we can begin again to establish and create harmony, and therefrom happiness and hope for a future that is built upon the essence of love, friendship, respect, and truth.  Therefore mediation by law; NOT pride and its constant demand, “I HAVE power/ and I will prove I can make you sorry; which then becomes hate in many and the revenge, I can make you sorry too, with a gun”.

The second definition of a new and different means for interacting as a society, IS BY LAW, not confrontation or any element of society by its own discretion.  We must have law, created and approved by the people who live it/ there voice and their vote to determine the base elements of our survival WILL be governed by these words for life, future, and nation.  Simple and plain/ so that it cannot be abused or used out of the context for which it will be written.  Protected by greater percentages of vote/ so that no “light or transient cause” can intervene and change what benefits and protects us all.  We must have freedom as protected by inherent rights for us all.  And we must have liberty, the elements so necessary in behaviors, that it risks destroying harmony in us all.
The third definition of new and different is: NO MORE “BIG SCIENCE” PERIOD (no more tools, that make it possible).   OR your life on earth comes to an end!  If ANY experiment can be so devastating that it risks all life, or a substantial and real possibility of disease, or any form of destruction so elemental that we cannot recover from being wrong/ THEN IT SHALL NOT be done, at all.  That clearly includes GENETICS (or more correctly absolute insanity through terrorism across the face of this earth) in its every form of experimentation and tools: except genuine police work.

There are aspects of both fusion and “satan’s sword” that can be discussed/ since you are willing to gamble with the entire planet, and every life on it;   words are not sufficient, to describe what I truly think of this horrific failure.  Nonetheless, for the sake of discussion only, we can “play” with basic concepts rather than fundamentals.  Leave the experiments alone!  We will then return to “the mountain of electrons” that cern intends to build/ and its atomic bullet that they intend to release, as explained earlier.  As we look into the basic physics of particles in motion altered from their concentric paths toward an elliptical, and narrowed into the basis of a plane/ the explosion that will result in cern is a functioning atomic wind (so to speak).  This enters an environment of circling electrons, and as the bullet heads outward it is followed by the vortex created within the electron cloud (an upside down tornado, in effect)/ which pulls it back to earth because of overwhelming “negativity” for simplicity sake/ opposing the force of a proton heading for the same level of atomic energy that the electrons habituate.  This becomes a spring effect for the sake of discussion, not so called science.  We then look beyond the simple and examine the next structure involved which is fusion at the fundamental level of initiating on the sun itself; didn’t always burn.  It would have ignited in one area only, and centrifugal forces would have created a symmetrical circle on a line around the mass.  That ejection of energy WOULD have created a functioning “electron spring” on a plane associated with this line/ and things like planets and moon would be affected.  We then look beyond this structure of influence, and ask how it is planets and moons come to be.  The question itself asserts:   to establish the various elements that we find on this planet, it is necessary that the basic formation of the planet come from inside the coalescing mass and gas that became the sun itself.  As it is these forces that build the variations in atomic structure known as elements. The inclusion of an inner mass on fire, is evidence of fission captured and sustained, rather than set ablaze by the planet itself.   We then look beyond this structure of influence to ask how    Giant clouds of gas/ and mass in more deliberate forms coalesce in the first place/ and understand that mass passing through a gas at speed, leaves behind it a vacuum and an area evacuated and waiting to be filled with something.  Consequently any object that enters the gas cloud at speed, will collect something in its trail, and slow down do to the mechanical effects of both friction and pulling weight. This is essentially gravity, and it works the same on earth, only with electrons escaping one orbit to transfer outside the atomic discipline.  It does have mass/ and any mass traveling through a gas no matter how small, does have a consequence. Fission in these clouds is simply two masses colliding.  Planets are those environments that travel through the gaseous cloud at just the right time, and in just the right plane; before it assembles into “the sun” in our case.  The right plane is the one created by fusion, so that the “electron spring” can retain control. In this case the solar wind.  So then we ask: what about the fission that must have existed when the parts and pieces of the sun actually adhered?  The answer is; heat pushes mass apart, or into each other/ while cold pulls it together, and locks it in place. That means, before an enormous mass can be assembled, the basic materials must be cold. (You can see the basic effect in hot grease/ throw in cold “tator tots” and the potatoes  will group and hold together).  Not all fission is sustainable, it depends upon the construction and materials/ that eliminates most.  As giant masses begin to turn from developmental forces/ they also grant centrifugal forces, and if a hot spot appears, since it cannot lock on, it is thrown off.  Thereby we do understand that one or more small hotspots could or do exist within the center core of the sun, they are not sufficiently large to affect it, when compared with the energy known to be released in our planet.  And everything separated by distance from the center is cold at its time of construction.  Fusion is the effect of a critical implosion/ that then multiplies over time. It can be generated by a direct impact large enough to cause the “driving bullet” to implode itself.  This is strictly  conversational, rather than developmental construction. Not intended to be “perfect”; I will not be defending it; as is proven by your congress “the smart people” will only make it a game without value.  The conversation intended is: being wrong about imploding energies/ or playing with an alternate energy level  beyond time: IS AN EXTREMELY HORRIFIC IDEA!
NO second chances.  Sorry is absolutely irrelevant!
Here’s a simple question for you: in your calculations of  cosmic time; do you include how far this earth has traveled, or is it considered “stuck in space”?

The fourth definition of new and different is: the common examination of humanity throughout the years, issues this specific statement gleaned, or more correctly taken directly from you:   “I DON’T WANT, to be correct or right or anything you have to say/ I WANT WHAT I WANT, WHETHER ITS ABSOLUTELY STUPID, DESTRUCTIVE, BASTARDLY, WITHOUT THE SLIGHTEST ASSET, OR CLAIM OF VALUE;    I just want whatever I DAMN WELL WANT!  Give it to me RIGHT NOW!”   Which has led you to today, which is extermination on every side.  Not one solitary exit plan/ all dead, without real change.   The problem is not “life”/ the problem is “I” & “want” & “I don’t care”!  Or in one word selfishness, pure and simple: which leads to pride, which becomes power, which destroys respect, which leads to hate, and all the tragedy that comes from these things.      Unless you contain yourselves within what is true, and respect the limits we now have because of population and damage to this earth already; there is no future.  Simple as that.  It’s  a “disease” infecting well over 95%/ some are dead from it; some are horribly sick/ some are in need of intervention/ some are “feeling bad”/ some are infected without significant symptoms as yet/ and some are carriers, spreading it, while not significantly being harmed as yet.  This is a decision, and you will make “the bed you will sleep in”/ for eternity.  Whether you want too, or not.  That is not a choice, its an entire planet of life; and your help is needed; no excuses.
The fifth definition of new and different is: what are, you willing to do, to help life survive on this earth?  Not just today, but for every day you exist?  Without change there is no future/ change means: NOT as you are doing today!  Not by the leaders of today!  Not without respecting reality & letting truth decide instead of want or a purpose that cannot be sustained as beneficial to LIFE MUST BE FIRST.   Not money! Not consumption!  Not throwing everything away! Etc.  Which means:   you have to choose to be friends, you have to honestly choose to share with this world honorably, and they with you.  You have to mediate, instead of control or threaten.  You have to stop manipulating, stop tempting, stop demanding your rules “are the boss”, and simply put a LONG list of the things you do by choice/ which do not belong in a peaceful, happy, or harmonious world.  It’s a choice.  Make your decision.

The sixth definition of new and different is:   RESPECT OF EVERYTHING WHICH HAS VALUE/ the law alone is judge of what does not.  IS MANDATORY.  That means this earth, and all its relationships which give us life.  That means GOD and HIS CREATION IN US AND THE MIRACLES SURROUNDING us.  That means each other, and all life on earth everywhere including the seas. No more gambling with life, environment, or creation; PERIOD!  LIFE FIRST will and must become your creed.  Which means simply money is not an issue, life and its needs, environment as its reality must be served correctly so that we do survive.  Money, is merely the intent to “make me slaves”/ and that is fundamentally over.  Do your own work, make your own choices, be free, but be responsible for what you do.  Life is not a game, it’s a privilege.
The seventh definition of new and different is: we must find within ourselves the passions and purposes of life, without the expectation of simple consumption/ or controlling someone else/ or laziness/ or any other form of failure to accept and identify what is true in you.  Love is an experience and expression in true happiness, blessed are all who know it.  But “sad: (some prefer hate, and will not change)”, are all who do not/ therefore they fall into one trap after another to lie and cheat themselves out of life, and into the delusion of playing god in one form or another.  Separation is mandatory for a peaceful world among those who do choose and live for love, respect, and truth.  Hate is identifiable; you will learn easily.

The functional parameters of change are these: 
1.  As with all people in every situation of crisis, and thereby confusion; it is absolutely necessary to take an accounting of life as it is today/ examine, investigate, and decide by looking at the evidence of recent past:   to UNDERSTAND exactly what is wrong, and why.  Unless you educate yourselves in these ways, you will simply repeat the past.
2.  As with all people who face true difficulties in the near future, IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY; that you define and state and set as law, the truth of what you believe as a society IS FAIR, JUSTICE, AND A GUARANTEED RIGHT, for us as individuals, or we as a society joined together, to accomplish the singular goal of not only survival, but a future we shall be happy with, in peace.

3.  It is functionally true, that for equality to actually take place, and freedom or liberty to bloom as it should/ THERE MUST BE LIMITS upon what any individual or group can do to any other individual or group.  Including governments.  Limits that are defined and created by the people through their vote, regarding income or possession or control of such things as the air waves by which propaganda is spread.  Limits that return to periodic voting, so that none may deceive you by “changing the rules”/ YOU change the rules over them instead, as reality demands.  Limits on the creation of debt and money/ by establishing what we the people will pay for this section of society, without interference or borrowing from any other sector (independent assignments of taxation, as we decide the broad sector shall be).  Further money itself, MUST BE, AND MUST BE FOREVER RETAINED AS, a number defined by either gold or some other (not easily counterfeited thing among nations, or governments) so that your reality of work, cannot be stolen, by liars and thieves/ cheats and failures and fools.  Or it can be a number assigned by population count/ as people and resource are the real money;   even with a small percentage to help grow credit if you wish.  But beware, credit will come due/ and in a world with resource demand beyond what is sustainable, and lives in the future lost because you took too much; it’s a choice better left alone.  Business and personal lives DO NOT “run on credit”.  Business and personal life, is based upon making the right disciplined decisions, and doing what needs to be done, at the appropriate time and way. It’s a choice.  Debts if you are wise, can help you compete/ but they can also ruin your opportunities for the future; as is clearly evident today.  So then the education required is how to be wise.  The demand for society is:   as plain, and clear, and legally easy to understand as it is possible to be, so that all; can be, as wise as they can be.

4.  Nothing has been fixed, debts that cannot be paid are just inflation.  Work that comes without the value of sustained realities in truth, for you too, is just slavery.  And money without meaning, because inflation has taken it all away;   is just a lie.  You face the consequences of lies, cheating, and theft today:   BECAUSE THERE ARE SO MANY WANTING “A FREE LUNCH”/ give it to me, no I won’t work.  In a world growing by 2 million more mouths to feed every week.  Millions of social security “free”/ millions of pensioners “free”/ millions of healthcare needs, mixed with the most grotesque (let someone gain a new car or new house for a few hours work, AND THERE WILL BE, “degrees of crime and fraud involved everywhere”) extortion available:   I cannot think of a single reality of society, where this nation has not corrupted itself badly.  You not only chose greed, you worshiped it with your whole heart; so many, “demanding we want everything/ but refuse to pay for anything; let the government pay”.  You confused life with stupidity and disgrace; and the bill is due.  Liars will come to convince you pride SHALL sustain us/ power shall control, we got guns and bombs;  but nothing is less true.  Can’t happen here/ take a look around with honesty instead of pride.  Only truth can provide the means and ways to recover and survive.  It’s a choice.   War, is your only future reality without change/ because everything you need to survive, stands literally at the brink of chaos.   Changing to understand LIFE MUST BE FIRST, in all our ways and deeds/ instead of money:    IS THE PRIMARY DECISION of this day.  Fail to choose life, and you get the death you chose instead.  It’s a choice/ make your decision.

Enough for now, it’s a decision/ make yours!

Just talking, a conversation piece for now:   where the sea runs up underneath glaciers, it would be interesting to install “barrier walls” that tilt to allow glaciers to go over them, but then arise to stop the flow of warm water from underneath.  Floating doors so to speak anchored to the bottom (dropped using weights), & chained together along the anchor chains.  Set at a depth most useful to the purpose, stops some heat from attacking the ice. 
Known depressions on an ice flow can be sealed with plastic prior to being filled, thereby keeping the water on top.  Rivers of ice can be redirected, with dynamite.  Spraying water in the freezing season;  on top with pumps will smooth the surface eliminating a minimum of twenty five percent of surface area thereby decreasing summer melt.  Creating an ice dam in glacial rivers and then sealing it with plastics will contain the water for a time. If you build an aqueduct, you can redirect the water and potentially put it under white plastic to help it re-freeze one spot at a time. Wind turbines provide the power.  It is useful and necessary to collect the water for transport across the globe to rebuild deserts and aquifers and more.  It is potentially possible to use a bulldozer on some glaciers to smooth the surface and thereby seal it from massive heat damage by reducing its surface area.  Large balloon shape rubber spheres can be lowered into the top portion of massive holes to plug them up/ once done, you have the opportunity to pump it back to alternate locations.  There are more intricate solutions, but they require studies.


As for me;   Suddenly even everything male has changed, and there is nothing left, where male has not been changed somehow. I have lost the last connection, and am different.  I feel like, I have just entered an entire new environment, beyond even myself/ I am someone else, different.  Not a game, don’t know how it ends; clearly a strange mixup of parts and pieces that don’t belong together/ but have to live it anyway.  Its not “sad”/ mostly vulnerable, and confused; what now.  Apart from just “ugly girl”.   Even so, life is more than just gender, or sexual issues, or expectations, or pretty.   Beautiful, is about the reality and relationships of truth and love inside your own heart and soul;   and I will hope for “the best I can be”/ regardless of what that is.  Simple as that/ I have no say, I can only do the best I can. As can you.  This is not a statement of perversion/ it is a reality of being given to women; there are only women allowed to participate.  In truth, it clearly is a lesson in exactly what life is like as a woman, by turning my relationship with women into the exact opposite of what I had always been; they get to be “the man/ not me”. I AM so surprised, you cannot imagine.   Why I need that lesson, is completely beyond me. Why women might need or want that lesson is beyond my understanding in this day.  I cannot change it back; I have become “a gift to women” and don’t know why.  They get to choose as if they were men/ and I get to be “the girl”.   Not a situation I could have imagined “in a thousand years”.      
I TELL YOU THE TRUTH, I DID NOT HAVE ENOUGH RESPECT, for their situation in life. It is a “whole different world”.

 And I have to tell you these changes in me/ its not a choice.  So that women know too.  There is no hiding, there is no running away, there is no saying “its not so”.  There is only living, in a new reality and a different life.  As I look into the future, it could be anything/ but mostly, it could be all bad. That, is up to women too.  I need them, believing more vulnerable without women, than with women.  Everything feels so different, you just can’t imagine, as man.  Not a game or manipulation or temptation, it’s a fact of life/ that I cannot escape.  Just that simple.  I don’t know why, or why me. Not so long ago, I would have told anyone, such a thing as this at least for me, was completely impossible.  I was wrong/ change has come.  Male has been defeated, and I just plain have to deal with it.  And my breasts are growing too/ can’t stop that either.

The price of a world at the edge of extinction, is high.  But it is not insurmountable.   Everything that brought you here, to disgrace and disrespect for life and value and hope and truth/ MUST BE CHANGED.  That is the price to you.  The price to me, for needing “what would women do/ because THERE IS NO SOLUTION in men, or me”: the answer is, “back to the law, there is NO solution in confrontation and war/ either time and law will win, or life is over”.  The price for that information (more complex than it sounds/ requiring vulnerability as a fundamental until the law takes over);    Is clearly women get control.    I don’t know why me/ regardless, clearly for the sake of life on this planet;   still, a very good deal; how can you disagree.   I have always believed man and woman were equal, just a different life.  Apparently in some inconceivable way, I get to live that as a reality, but without all the pieces.   It’s a STRANGE world/ so says part of me, can’t comprehend it;   but the other part, feels like everything will be whatever it is destined to be; its ok, to be happy.   
Reality knows;    as a world, this is a life or death situation for you.  As for me, it seems a life or death situation with many possibilities as well/ a potential life I cannot even comprehend.   We both, will soon know.  The evidence of all your failures will not stand much longer/ the sooner they fail as money, the more likely you can succeed for life.  The evidence of vulnerability in me, is a reality that will be dealt with in one way or another, by women or men (ridicule and worse);   without my consent or with it, I just don’t know. Its just not my choice anymore.
It is still possible humanity can ignore all warnings given/ hide from the evidence of failure and death and the mutilation of everything; it’s a choice, that ends in death for a planet.  But it is a choice you are free to make.  Even so, you cannot escape what is true, and neither can I.  If you do not change your reality, you will die, “it’s a guarantee, by the evidence, and the reality of each threat that can exterminate you/ and those threats when combined, will exterminate you”:   go search and prove me wrong! Or be a coward until the day you die, and forever.
As for me,   I just have to live whatever it is that is coming/ or die, as a person who did their best for life on this planet.  Not a clue what the future will be, because its your choice, not mine.  Don’t know how “to be a girl”/ although I certainly do have some knowledge of “what is no longer male”;  I can clearly, tell the difference between that.

Simple as that.  Make your decision, or someone else will decide to kill you, because you “didn’t care enough to get involved”.  What a pitiful, disgraceful excuse that really is.  Do what you CAN DO.    As to me, my work is done; apart from whatever trial or women demand.  Everything has changed, I just don’t know. You can’t imagine.

I pray for blessings, may you as well.  BUT REMEMBER THIS, a prayer is NOT “a personal shopping list/ give it to me free”!  A prayer is the request to be heard, to ask and accept whatever is judged best for life, or reality, as defined by truth;   including mine.   GOD   DECIDES! 

James Frank Osterbur   2/17/10