Book of the day

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Bod chapter: recognizing, potential for change the foundation principle of all life in society, is WE DESERVE OUR SAY, OUR NEEDS, AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES TOO! Without that truth, there shall always be discontent. The Libyan war, (middle east controversy across many nations) represents that completely. Because it is primarily a crisis or impending crisis, simply because a few take too much/ as is true everywhere on this world. America will soon have its own crisis, because “the wealthy” have cursed you with their greed. Take them to court/ or the “bill will be very high”. Nonetheless, THIS writing is about Libya and the need to recognize what can be done and why that is necessary. The obvious critical response in this day is to stop the attack, by proving “not a game” anymore. People without a clue, as has been the rebel forces/ are not fit contenders with a literal army. But if international forces remove the machines; all things change. So then if stopped, as expected: the question is what next? The answer is: rebellion against the greedy is NOT a matter of armies/ rather it is a matter of law, wherein all the people decide together what is wrong, why it is wrong so as not to allow this to repeat later, and what must be changed to identify and create what is needed for life in this society to be at peace. When these are done/ then it is time, to implement the decisions. FIRST comes the decision/ THEN comes the battle to create, understand, and implement THE LAW. LAW is our decision as a society, about who we are as a people, and how we the people shall choose to live, and establish ourselves as rulers of our land. That is both an easy decision to create, and fundamentally already in BASIC reference as to how that is done, by referencing American foundation doctrine as is the constitution/ bill of rights/ and declaration of independence. Other nations have valuable considerations as well. THIS IS a start; which means simply DECIDE WHAT YOU NEED OR DESIRE FOR YOUR FUTURE, by beginning the discussion here. Once you understand and agree, this is who we shall be. Then you have the right to enforce the decision “we the people have made”. Not WHAT YOU BELIEVE, but in reality a real and true decision created by vote of not less than 70% of the people in affirmation of what is decreed to be in our best interest for all the people. International armies simply remove the MAIN attackers/ “rebel forces” protect the people working for peace inside the city set apart for this purpose. You will as an international force create the communications required to inform all the people of this process/ or you will destroy the leadership’s ability to communicate with any part of the people, unless in person. WHEN you have the basic premise created for how this society MUST be changed/ only then is a leader brought before an international court: so that the recognition between what was, and what will be, can be negotiated and formed. In so doing, once the leader is temporarily removed from creating a battleground or any other attempt to avoid LAW. The remainder of this people shall be completely informed as to the communications of what these countrymen and women believe is in their best interest for this nation; granting opposition to have an equal say. When it is clear by international standards that everyone understands realistically: THEN a national vote shall be taken with true international oversight. So that a national agenda and decision is truly made. According to the percentage of voters in favor of change or against/ the force applied to leadership shall be governed by the international community. If 50% of the entire population (MEN AND WOMEN) want change and 50% of the population within 7% either way; the nation is divided; with realistic compromise regarding resources. If less than 50% want change then some aspects of the law must be dealt with so as to grant greater individual expression, but that is all. If greater than 50% do want change, then a restructuring of basic rules and authority shall be rewritten for this nation, by the people themselves; and enforced for peace by reminding this leader: upon doing these things/ or the failure to control this group. The confiscation of materials, money, weapons, and rights of a leader shall occur. If a percentage greater than 75% of the people want real change: then the leader is removed/ his army is disbanded/ his weapons are confiscated/ and his people are no longer his people. If 80% of the population demands change/ this leader and his group of rulers shall be brought before criminal tribunals before the world, and there shall be consequences. Death to a leader shall be directly related to their own decisions proven true/ torture the same: an eye for an eye; for a leader, and his little group. If the population count is not over 70% of the people demanding change/ then a leader may simply remove him or herself if the international authority allows it. With a small amount of money suited to an average lifestyle for the common citizen/ a retirement fund; that is all. With the exception: you shall NOT return to this land/ you shall live somewhere else or face execution. You, are done here. The international purpose here, is for peace/ as is important to this world. It is not, to judge a leader; his or her people shall do that. The international method is: to create a separated city or zone of suitable size; so as to allow the introduction of change in society/ BY THE INTRODUCTION OF LAW. Not force. NOT until such numbers of people arising in protest/ alternate forces using death and fear to control: make it absolutely clear something must be done. They threaten our own stability/ because war is war, it aids none. Even if it is necessary, because of leaders. The foundation principle of action here is simple: IT IS THE LEADER who shall be targeted by the international community. The army is irrelevant, unless forced to be dealt with as minimally as possible: it is the leader who pays. IT IS THE LAW, and base foundations of governing; that shall be dealt with by the people who want change. KEEP THEM SHORT AND SIMPLE! Regardless of all other things: the law, and its enforcement, DECIDE what society shall be like. Therefore be careful what you do/ understand the consequences before you decide them. KNOW what failure means, and enforce what is true. AND UNDERSTAND THIS: THAT RESOURCES, and LIFE DECIDE WHAT IS POSSIBLE. Want is irrelevant. Money just a tool for gluttony and control. Take away the game, and the competition largely ends, making friendship possible.

CHAPTER 2; making friends A reality clearly not simple or easy for most. The question is: WHY? The reality is competition, and trophies, and listen to me! ACCEPTANCE, is sharing this reality as equals/ or within the truth called respect, because it is earned! Rarely done! Because people have learned to compete; the university demands it/ and without trophies, “well, your just a damn loser”; ain’t that right? HELL YES. So then acceptance and sharing is for “fools”/ cause traps are so much more effective to get WHAT YOU WANT. The chance to prove, “I am superior, or equal”. Thereby we see failure as an absolute association with the arrogance of university, and the desire to participate in games which are intended, to make people sad. It’s a choice. In the desire for acceptance, WE MUST FIND a willingness to learn, or more simply be educated in a life or purpose or desire. If we do accept one another, then we will listen to each other; because that is what it takes to be accepted/ or be willing to accept each other. If we do not accept each other as equals/ then you will not listen; which translates into I don’t want you to be a real part of my life. There is something I would rather use you for instead. Consequently those who try to find friends, are commonly used until they find themselves unwilling to do this anymore. It is a strong spirit of commitment to life, that can ignore the games of arrogance and greed; to continue on searching for a life that will be friends. So then we now consider the truth: IF acceptance and understanding are so extremely hard to find/ THEN WHY? The answer is again arrogance, on the part of countless people in countless ways; who are so absolutely certain they are “perfect”/ and we are not. Simple as that/ because it doesn’t take a lot of people to give you “a beating: you worthless pile of shit”, before the scars show up permanently. That lends itself to hate and revenge. But it also shows up in the arrogance of feeling inferior/ and proving it to be so, just so you can accept the hate, violence, and be jealous: thereby worthy to make the others suffer. “They made me do it”! Which is “sewer shit”; you chose. The list is long/ the excuses are essentially endless, because that, is what people want to do. Arrogance is the first sign of evil; the tragic consequence of people who believe they can and will play god, over another life. Sometimes by just a little bit/ but some with murder, torture, guile, and absolute hate accepted and true. It’s a choice, but some have wandered into the spiritual dimension; and are trapped by their own decision. Still a direct decision/ but with consequences beyond expectation. NOT an excuse, because ANY “child of GOD” can find their way back out. But those who don’t desire mercy, just dig themselves “a deeper hole”. Anyway this is about friendship, and the questions which surround the difference between trust and no trust, or insufficient trust: to pass beyond the barrier, and enter within someone else’s heart. Respect is first, in every consideration of friendship. Respect IS NOT the assembly of reasons or evidence to believe this person is someone “that I should know/ can help me good/ will educated me without cost/ I can use or abuse/ etc. RESPECT IS: the acceptance of a period of freedom within which the truth can come forward so as to understand between us, WHY we should not be friends. Or more simply everyone deserves to be considered honestly for friendship, and NOT judged, until it is proven necessary to be skeptical about being friends. Color/ size/ shape/ ability/ intellect/ etc are all useless in terms of character, value in heart, and truth in purpose or desire. So then now we know, that friendship searches for distinct characteristics before being friends. Or more simply: you must already possess, or be willing to learn, at least one, of the various characteristics which identify we can appreciate each other through the relationships we will share. Different people value different things; doesn’t make them wrong, its just different. But it does mean, if your values are entirely opposite of someone else/ there will be no friendship, because they are not welcome to come into your own heart and share existence as equals. The majority are not essentially enemies; but they are unwelcome/ because they will demand, “my way is better”/ and that either changes you, or you separate from them. When you change yourself for anyone else, IT WILL, always come out badly; because the end result is no longer you. Rather you have become what they made you to be, and that has consequences; none of which exist as friendship UNLESS you agree, and change become you have decided to change yourself. That means they DID NOT change you, you changed yourself. Either way it is a choice, you made. The difference is your acceptance, its called purpose. Character; is the singular dimension in time and place that says “I have identified myself” sufficiently to stand out from the crowd. Or more significantly; I have made decisions that enable me to attain the honesty of desire within my heart. Until you know the truth of who you are, at least in some small part of value/ rather than simple greed, want, pride, power, selfishness, or other like failure. There is no character, there is only failure. The things of value to a human heart are courage, love, friendship (the values cognizant to life worth living), respect, happiness, hope, discipline, honesty, life, strength of soul; and so forth: GIVE US, a relationship to which we can become attached as “this is, what I choose for myself/ and WILL pay for with my life”. The crowd, commonly never arrives here; because they wait for someone else to come along and lead them. Character is a personal decision that identifies only you; even if someone else is the same, it is still your own independent decision. So then friend does mean: you must separate yourself from the crowd, to find a place here, because friendship is a relationship with you individually/ NOT the others, you have attached yourself too, and hide behind. Value in heart; Recognizes, that what is true about life and living, IS AN HONEST MIRACLE. Or more simply, regardless what you believe as to “GOD”/ you do understand, that life is a gift. The purpose of life then an opportunity in knowledge and truth. This is a foundation that grows and builds and defines existence by the presence of expression and experience beyond the simple means of want. Thereby without want, the door is open to life and heart and truth. “Good friends, reside here”. Truth in purpose; Explains, the simple process or procedure by which we all determine what will be fought for, searched for, expressed, or expected from you. There are many forms of purpose, each is built upon the steps of an ascension beyond simple things, to the creation of what is beyond fear. Or more simply; purpose defines what we are in fact willing to die for/ want to or not. Purpose explains what we are willing to pay; what we are willing to pay for; and how much we will pay before saying NO, this is too much for me. When your purpose exceeds fear; only then can you participate in dimensions beyond time. Truth in desire; IS the relationship we share with the elements of time, life, spirit, and soul. These are the ingredients in heart; the measuring of life itself. Or more simply: WHAT is so absolutely essential, that you would not wish to live without this, as a distinct part of life and living within you? There are many dimensional traits that do come into play as a means of identifying the base levels of what has meaning in the creation of time. Love is, the most important experience in time/ because it creates the foundation which becomes family: the honesty, that I am interwoven in the fabric of life, by the existence of those who share my soul. Soul reflects the internal dimension of our experience as life itself; but soul itself, is a barrier separating us from true spiritual harm, until we leave this life. Unless, you choose it/ or allow it to be. Time shapes the experience and expression of what is measured to be our truth. Life is the internal dimension of our own reality. Here we can ask: IF we are separated from time, by a barrier called soul/ THEN what is the truth, of life “behind that spherical wall”? The critical question becomes: “A separation”. Because if there is a life, a barrier, and yet another form of living/ then there are three degrees of existence. The first being a participation in measurement as is time/ the second being a force that holds together the essence of the third dimension called life. I am again reminded of the horrendous failure, that is humanity/ and believe this may again be too much to tell you. But you are already such a tragedy coming, that I leave it in place. THE END.

Chapter 3; what is failure? The foundation of all failure is arrogance, the inevitable disgrace that comes from a want satisfied too easily. Or more simply, those who become “winners” without knowing the true sacrifice, or pain that game inflicted. Become convinced, that they can and will play god, over our lives. From that point on, it doesn’t matter what they do, because in their own mind; “they are perfect/ well, at least compared to you”. etc/ etc/ etc. That applies to all aspects of society, because from the most successful to the least as in serial killers; ARROGANCE is found in them all. “I am a winner, I took all you cared about”. What is not the same about this, in either the rich, or the murderer? What is not failure, is doing the best you can/ regardless of the circumstances or outcome; because that, is the best you could do. What someone else could or could not do is absolutely irrelevant because that is their life, and this is your life. What YOU do, is the relationship you share with failure or success/ trophies be damned. Life, as a healthy body and mind; is so far beyond a trophy only a fool suggests otherwise. Life in less than a healthy body or mind; is a struggle only for the brave. Fear controls most, but because it does; life fades away, into the religious assumptions, or “idols and gods”. Fear takes life away, it hides you in the tragedy of whatever you assume will “save you”. It is a simple, unfortunate truth. But some simply cannot face the reality of life, or consequence of death/ so they run, to anything they can find; believing “its better than death”. Some run to whatever they can find; believing “its better than life”/ addicts fall here. So the question is, WHY does death create such fear? The answer is wide spread over countless issues in fact/ but it fundamentally comes down to an aversion to what is visible in death; “a body nor mind, anymore”. The question becomes: WHAT could possibly be left? This life in time is “All gone”. Simple as that. Which gives us all the ultimatum “either you live or you die”/ there is no in-between, or alteration of that fact in the proof of death. Is that not so? Therefore religions crept in, as the plausible proof, of life beyond these means. Each asks the question: WHAT do you want to believe/ as if you can pick or choose what eternity would or could be. It is not so. Simple as that. WHATEVER IS TRUE, is what eternity shall be. Nothing more or less. Chapter 4; DIVIDING the human experience. So then let us ask the question, what is true? The critical concentration of the work to identify evidence so as to correctly ascertain a functioning workable hypothesis: requires the single decision, IS OUR BODIES AND MINDS, THIS WORLD, AND THIS PLANET a gift to us? Or not? The absolute failure that is evolution, “a shoppers paradise”/ suggests: we built ourselves one piece at a time. It’s a bit like the Johnny Cash song “built it one piece at a time”: DON’T FIT. Because the body of life requires all its pieces, boundaries, disciplines, balance, courage, desire, and respect for reality AT ONE TIME, to survive. Not to mention bones, joints, how to hold them together, hang all the parts, build them; an endless list of realities that prove not only evolution is the sewer of human despotism: a ruler of complete failure. But it also proves that life, including body and mind; is indeed a true miracle and gift, without the slightest concept of doubt. Thereby we know, regardless of any other component or faith or illusion/ that something besides us: exists as the foundation of life on earth. Simple as that, there are no other conclusions that exhibit the slightest connection with thought. “GOD” it is. Not a question for discussion or debate: SIMPLY CREATOR of us all. Within that truth, then comes the understanding: that if we have arisen from nothing to the elevation of miracles on earth/ then whatever death is, it can be a miracle equal to this or greater/ or less. Who can prove it is not? There are none. Those who believe JESUS, will tell you this is proof/ and I DO accept that truth, because the level of truth as is evidenced not only by HIS story but the fact of HIS influence on this human earth is massive. Thereby the evidence is fundamentally acceptable/ and review of the teaching and path HE did walk is elemental to the struggle to learn more. But this is about death, and the relationship we each share with the foundations of fear or life. Life is not about fear/ it is about thought, truth, love, respect, courage, desire, and purpose. Therefore in these things, we begin our journey into the creation of what the word miracle means to us. Within the elemental journey’s what is law/ governs what is truth, because without the functional relationship with laws that govern beyond the existence of time; we cannot survive. Therefore law serves us, if we serve it. The most critical construction participating beyond the limits of time is very simply: that truth, cannot be changed! Regardless of time or its end. What is true, is simply true, and in death: every individual truth becomes final. Even death cannot stop this from being true. Therefore we ask the question: if we are alive, and that is true, at the moment of what is called death/ then did this truth change? Or does it remain, that the functional recognition of our lives remains just as it was? Before this is dealt with it is important to ask the question: WHERE does life itself come from, as we do begin from just the seed and egg of human sexual acts? Or, what gives us life? WITHOUT expressions beyond simple. We can answer that question, by searching through the following: IF we are alive or life in time/ then what do we all share that is absolutely essential, and apparently taken away in death. Thereby proving change has come? The answer is, that we all share thought (the essence of recognition, and the referral to decision), and we all share freedom (the expression of what we choose), and we all share truth (the experience of our relationships created by the choices we made; whether you lie or not/ your own truth knows). These three things prove life, from least to most able. What of these three; then can survive, the loss of body and mind? Death removes relationships both physical and mental; we have formed as or in time. Death takes away the freedom of body and mind to make a decision, in time. Death for all intents and purposes discards the ability to recognize anything, or make a decision for change, in you. Are these things not then proof of absolute death/ the end of all life? This question returns to “we share, thought, freedom, and truth”. And ask what does that mean? We begin with the simple fact, that a body is a tool/ and the mind simply measures our reality so as to grant that we may experience life. They are “the house” we live within/ because mere chemicals in any form does not make a life. Search the world, look at your own machines: chemicals, nor batteries, nor structures, nor electricity, etc can create life. Therefore when we look at even the most complex chemical structures, it is necessary to confront the decision: is this life? I suggest to you, the answer is no. Without further detail, it is then simple to say: “that we share our lives, with the body and mind we have been given”. NONE can say with truth, “I built myself”/ therefore none can say the body and mind, are all there is. Thereby it is simple and plain to say: if we share the experience and expression of living with something that “resembles a house”, here on earth. When that house is removed from us (body and mind dead): are we not alone, as the life inside, or now outside? These actually become spiritual questions, because they recognize a relationship changed from time, to eternity/ as time is now dead. So then WHAT is eternity, WHAT is life, and WHAT is the essence of truth, so as to grant an experience or expression that is not measured? We begin with truth, and the assertion; whatever is not “pure enough, to be truth”/ MUST be burned away. Simple as that/ because only truth survives. That essence of your truth, is then the identity you did choose to create. “It is YOU”! Or more simply the body and mind of your own creation/ congratulations, you have become “a god”, sort of/ because you built yourself. And it can never be changed/ unless destroyed. This is, your eternity; because it is your decision revealed. We then ask what is life, in eternity? The answer becomes critically accepted by the presence of your own desire: WHAT is your passion, and WHY did you create this as your own existence or purpose for life. Because that is the foundation upon which the expansion from time begins. Or more simply; every life is an individual path/ every desire illuminates that path to prove you are alive. The final question is what constructs the relationships wherein thought can be “the essence of our world; to come”? The answer is faith (the decision within yourself and your own truth, to accept a relationship beyond your own clear understanding; and live that decision as your truth. Within that experience is acceptance such as: GOD IS ALIVE. Therefore it is possible and real to have an experience with life itself. ), respect, love, courage, desire beyond ourselves, and a purpose beyond existence. Within these simple truths, a destiny is formed, and a passage beyond the door that divides our experience as time and the truth called life begins. The question: what shall we share, is for another day. DO NOT misunderstand/ I am NOT “your savior”. Rather I am “just talking”, for the purpose of an understanding or knowledge, expanding within you. What you do with the words, is your decision. What you choose to believe, is the reality of your truth, as a life in time. The consequences of that belief, shall be your eternity. Want is an enemy, because it relies upon the fantasy you can have anything you desire. Not true, because life is about reality, NOT fantasy or delusion. Chapter 5; Spiritual dimensions connect us as life shared, to the body and mind. The question that erupts is: HOW can life and body, including mind; be different/ rather than the same? The functional reality is: they must share an intermediary. Because they are two distinct realities working within the same space, as time. Time is the measurement of all things. Spirit is NOT time: Thereby time cannot fully or realistically understand what is NOT made or built from time. That requires “an intermediary” as well. So then there are three parts to the ascension past time. One step accomplishes the relationship beyond limits imposed by time. One step accepts the limitations of our ability to understand or conceive of any relationship that comes because of, or in relation to the life we know as time. Respect accomplishes each. One intermediary is you, beyond the limits of yourself/ the other is CREATION, the elemental building blocks of life itself, by laws. Passage between them is a series of doors, established and controlled by the purity of your own truth. Mine has been a quest for knowledge, governed by the dimensional need to understand truth, and participate as life. Truth alone decides; anything less, is extremely dangerous to you. Every passage is an absolute desire to understand/ every door, a purpose without deceit. The question is not “if you can enter for yourself”/ rather the question is: truth determines if you will live or not/ therefore, ARE YOU, “true enough”, to life? Don’t lie, you can die; even forever.

Chapter 6; failure, and more failure The utter insanity of war machines, and renegade generals, is plainly proven again. Instead of following the directive to stop what would have been a slaughter in the town of Benghazi, Libya. The american’s worship their bombs, and use them without a concept of retribution. It is a fool’s paradise. Not the fault of soldiers, as always it is the fault of leaders and generals who are given the task to understand TRUTH, rather than power or pride. As is obvious, RARELY is their a general concerned with truth/ and they are never without power or pride to deceive themselves about what the purpose is, that they do. Had the onslaught of military might been stopped at Benghazi, an army forced to turn back without severe damage, and this simple city protected for the purpose of finding a resolution to the war, an honesty for the people to vent their concerns and change their nation, or divide it. The world would have benefitted, the people of earth found a way to resolve critical freedom and liberty without the endless disaster that is man, and his war. That of course did not happen/ INSTEAD frothing at the mouth, rabid, and without sense; the generals decide what better time to simply kill the declared enemy, and take away all his toys. While a weapon may not be a toy in fact/ to leaders and generals, the upper command: they are nothing more. That is the way of war/ that is the way of generals/ that is the primary association of fools who do make the decisions that impact life in society on this world. That is the primary battle, which must be defeated for this world to survive. As it is proven beyond all forms of doubt, NOT even the slightest excuse to believe otherwise exists. The reality of men in power, the consequence of armies, and the capability of declaring war upon the others can be left. All must be extinguished to create peace. The functioning reality of all military leadership is fear; because with knowledge of what weapons and wars can do, the generals say: remove it all. Because their only concern is war. Not life/ not peace/ not destruction/ not environments or ecology or a future, or anything else. JUST war. They consider it their job, and indeed it is. However, it is a job they create and sustain of their own free will, because the incessant demand to prove “I am in charge now/ AND WILL MAKE YOU F EAR, instead of me”. Is an endless failure in men. Apparently those few who can understand the difference between what is necessary and valid/ and useful to a future with life; is utterly vacant in the composition of men who do become generals. Certainly not in leaders either, as is proven by those who do literally run away. WAR is, Not a game. Those who enter it, should never underestimate its destruction. You did have your chance to do what was “right” in the eyes of the world/ as always, the military refuses; to “enjoy” what we do best: “Lets kill someone”. Shame on you. An absolute failure, once again. Doesn’t mean there ain’t a fool on the other side of the line/ but two fools are even more destructive than one. Is that not so! If we ask why? The answer returns with: to prove we are powerful and dangerous and to be feared. Because that fact lacks force in gorilla actions which cannot simply be bombed. However where the target is clear, america desires to be known as FEAR ME, or I will destroy you; with machines. Thereby we know, that this is not about the men nearly as much as the image they wish to create. Not about courage, because it is fear (don’t attack us) and the intent to portray “we are gods of war”; that rules. Images, or the intent to create images; then control the military man. A blathering psychotic idiot removed, because the world no longer exists as how many bombs can you drop. Rather the world is simply waiting for the single second where weapons of mass destruction drop, or canisters of biological weapons are released. Which means your machines are worthless to stop the extermination of this world, it is an enemy you cannot fight. In a world filled with the insane, looking to prove “I can be god”. How pathetic you are; dead, between the ears. Absolute dumb ass, sucking on the sewer; “got the drift”? So we ask the question: HOW can these images be destroyed? HOW can we remove the blight and cancer and disgrace that is the military general from our world? The answer is as always, with LAW, and the enforcement of that law, by a true international force. “We are the world”/ there is no one to impress with fear; because this is all of us, working for peace. HOW do we control leaders, and make them obey the law: SIMPLY make them the target, refusing to believe in armies, it is the leadership that matters/ let them die. Bypass the army, because once the leader is dead, the rest will writhe and fall. Thereby what is necessary is to create very simple laws so that leaders CANNOT be allowed to say: “Didn’t know/ or understand”. You knew, and this is the penalty; must be set into place. The critical question, is NOT law; because you can easily write that for yourselves. Proving what is fair, for a leader or a nation to do to their own people/ themselves/ or to others is long held to be simple and plain. The critical question is: HOW do we remove the power of leaders and military generals, so as to take control as a world, over the pride and power of war? The want of men, to rape, ravage, and steal. The fundamental answer is: to remove men from power, by choosing women instead. NO, I cannot guarantee what women would do/ but I can guarantee they are different. And different is absolutely essential to a different answer or method or way; thereby establishing a different outcome and reality. DIFFERENT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. And that leaves us all, with one single option; let women try. The most useful method of attaining the moments necessary for a peaceful transition of power is through democracy. Let the people vote, let them understand there can be no real change without “different”. Let them choose, a WAR to end life on earth as is literally coming/ or let women try, because the reality of men is, every choice they made is collapsing in the threat of extinction for us all. FIND YOUR COURAGE. It is absolutely necessary. That however leaves us with the second round of insanity, which is the fear cultivated in women for thousands of years/ do to the reality of issues called strength. Insanity is a tiered system of panic, having many layers of regret and instability. To remove it, each of these layers must be attacked for the purpose of discovering what can be done, to make them stable. In terms of women: there are three basic means of stabilizing their panic. Let them be in charge of all sexual crimes against women/ they will be the judge. Give them the opportunity to mark and find the men who assault them so as to bring them to justice; “Victim defense jewelry” as is found in the invention section of will do. And let women decide political leadership and direction, through their vote as an organization of all women directing (so that none, can be threatened) those who are in charge to do as they say, and confirming it with penalties. These three things do not overrun man/ but it does make women equal to men. And if provided by democracy as true; they will control the military of this world. Men will object/ but consider this: YOU ARE surrounded by life ending threats which will exterminate an entire world soon/ because of the choices men and their leaders did make. YOU FOLLOWED did you not! Is this not the best men did do? Indeed it is. Elect women, and let them try. As to women, IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to attain a global understanding of issues that are functionally the critical realities of an entire world. That fundamentally offers you, the opportunity to do what men have refused to do/ WHICH IS CHOOSE A FUTURE, THAT LIFE can survive. Or more simply: the game of money ends/ and the reality of human work for human existence and a return to the possibilities of life remaining on this earth. Instead of the game men play, “let’s pretend, we aren’t about to die/ so we don’t have to change or work or care; cause we’re gods”. Fear us, we have bombs. So then let’s consider reality: HOW do we the people, create a new and different society, by replacing the leaders which have clearly proven to be completely inadequate for the job? The answer is LAW. By creating the laws that govern life and society, with the words we create for ourselves. OUR LAW, VOTED UPON AND ELECTED TO BE OUR WAY/ by ourselves. Let no one vote for me/ I will vote on the law and critical issues of this day for myself, each citizen/ one vote. Yes it is fair, that those parents with children cast one vote for them as well. It is their future/ why should they not have some form of a say....the old however are passing away, it is not their future: consequently WHY should they? It is a question dependent upon reality. As all things are worked out, the need to vote disappears; because the big issues of importance, “will be done”. The issues of war/ the reality of what can or cannot be done to help another/ all get decided in this way. The reality of support for international forces, and world law as well. The removal of weapons of mass destruction. The choice of environmental truth. The consequence of “it’s the decision you made”; are all realities of this choice, which is true democracy. Or more specifically “we the people shall rule ourselves”/ with OUR law. Enforced with penalties, that will be clear upon the leaders who declare, by oath with the penalties clearly established for failure: YES I WILL OBEY this people. Thereby the law, removes the leaders as necessary. Therefrom the world court, and our international laws, (every human life on the planet, has a right to vote): SHALL control the nations. The resolution to build a new society based upon the discovery in communication that we can decide the laws which will govern our lives, by ourselves. Is a vastly different reality than simply voting for someone to vote for me/ and then blaming them for whatever goes wrong; like fools. That means instead of being the diarrhea of a jackass; bitching and moaning and complaining I WANT MORE/ DAMN YOU. The reality of life, and its truth in this experience as life and living on this finite earth, MUST enter your lives. No more want/ TRUTH decides. NO more pride/ let the games be removed; including the pride of money, the power of control, and the purpose of wealth, beyond the limits we describe. To survive, we must share. To survive, we must care. To survive, we must establish what is important in terms of life, nature, environment, and more so that what keeps us alive, can survive as well. There is no in between/ there are no second chances: either you get up off your ass, during these last moments called the possibility of change/ or life will simply pass away. Lost forever. It’s a choice/ but not for much longer. Once you know, the planet is dead; its just too damn late. Is that not correct? Which means somehow, the damn mold between your ears must be cleaned out, so that you can think for once in your life. WAKE UP, or soon you will be dead. It is a growing reality. Created by male stupidity and disease (going to be gods). Fucked up DUMB ASS, shit head! How could a greater fool exist? You ain’t gods/ you can’t mutilate nature and survive/ you can’t bring the same fire as is on the sun here to earth and live; ETC/ ETC/ETC/ETC/ETC/ETC/ETC/ETC/ETC /ETC /ETC/ETC..............................DAMN FUCKING ETC. The purposes of fools, failures, and the dead. Shame on you. The days are running out. Wake up or die. We do, have only one chance left to survive. Hopefully women can do better. You can’t do it as individual leaders (you will fail just like men)/ YOU MUST do the best you can as an organization of all women choosing what is necessary for life on earth, and a future for us all. Regardless what you think, or what you fear: this reality is clear. WE ARE SURROUNDED BY THREATS, anyone of which can exterminate us from life on this earth. There is no place left to run or hide/ either we stop these threats or life and planet will cease to exist. Which means in reality there is absolutely no cause for fear, because failure is death for us all. Fail to understand we must have change, is a dead earth soon. It’s a choice/ but not for much longer. Get your ass up, make a difference by organizing yourselves together as one entity determined to make a difference for life on this planet. And then do what you can do. No more playing. No more righteousness, “we are too holy” for this. No more judging other women, EVERY VOTE counts. Do what you can do. Plain and simple, make it happen now/ or kiss your child goodbye. Your life and planet as well. This is not a game. Fail to understand that, and I guarantee you will weep and cry beyond imagination. Death to a planet, IS that harsh. MAKE YOUR DECISION. Do it now. Men too.

Chapter 7; dividing up the military command The most critical reality in absolute evidence throughout the wars america has fought over the last fifty years or so is very simple: the military leadership is a failure/ as well as the political leadership that proves fatal to so many lives. The critical error is “one command structure”/ giving all the power to a tiny few individuals without the sense of sand. The critical resolution of that error in judgment which is to allow a tiny few individuals to design and create war/ its destruction/ and its fatalities on both sides: REQUIRES a new method of thinking. No more insanity leading the way; no more power to a tiny few. To accomplish that as fact, three distinct realities must take place. This is regardless of world policing/ and refers simply to individual military, within nations. Again the critical determination of whether we go to war/ end a war/ or extend a war: CANNOT be left up to leaders or generals. But turns to our will, as a nation, NOT influenced by media propaganda as is so constant and visceral and insane as to participate in “destroying the competency of a nation; to make its own decision”. Again not necessarily the workers/ IT’S THE LEADERS, who own the company and demand “this shall be done”. The removal of individual power, is the reality of rule by law. To accomplish this as fact, there must be a selected set of circumstances by which the reality of life and death in the protection of a nation clearly does or does not exist. The protection of other people’s, places, and things allowed or not. This is NOT a hard concept: prove what you are willing to let people die for/ and make it law. Demand ultimate control, is strictly determined by we the people/ and anyone, who corrupts or taints the evidence used to make these determinations will be tortured to death; because it is many lives you play with. NOT your decision/ it is ours, don’t play with our lives. The second decision in the reality of war is: WHO FIGHTS, or more literally/ nobody goes to war, if we all don’t go to war. It is that simple, and there must be a dedicated military educated in what they need to do, in order to take people without much sense in war, into a situation that requires better than that. Or more specifically, the military must be leaders throughout its ranks. NOT CHARGE the enemy and die. People who understand, the best way here, is to think for ourselves/ and accomplish the objective required of us. Or more simply: give a great deal more authority, and the means to coordinate an attack; to the individual platoons. By teaching “the cost of battle”/ in ways that identify what is going to work, or not work; and why. Those individuals who accomplish this learning prove to be leaders of value. The third decision in the reality of organizational conduct, is the hierarchy of military command. The critical relationship between what is “fair and reasonable” to ask of soldiers, or do/ is an actual fundamental of battle for the purposes of peace. ALL OTHER ACTIONS, are a definition dedicated to extending war. The distinction of fair is an oxymoron, in terms of life/ BUT NOT in terms of society. Societies are from time to time tested with failure of their own, or some other group or decision that threats life, hope, and reality of survival. Consequently one group, or one leader; turns on another, and there is war. Fair consists of: what is necessary, to remove this threat from our lives/ and that can and does include the removal of weapons so grievous an enemy cannot be allowed to keep them. BUT UNTIL you have declared and proven this is “our enemy”/ they are not. Which means, only the bare minimum necessary to achieve a distinct and obvious objective as described in truth. NOT by fantasy or delusion or lies/ BUT by truth and real intent. Clearly not happening today, because while; one side is an enemy to the other side in any kind of war/ the reality of an intervention is DON’T take sides. Simply separate them so political and criminal legal consequences by the definitions people need; can occur. Not “we love to play with our weapons/ and prove incompetent, failed, and diseased with power.” Again, the decision of generals/ not soldiers. What is fair in battle with your enemy is: whatever they are willing to do to you/ is fair to do to them; by whatever means you have available. That means to declare and define an enemy is a very serious matter, because war is failure through death and mutilation. Legal resolutions are justified realities of need. Warring, to prove “we are gods over you/ fear us”; without an absolute need, is for fools; the murderous & insane. What is “reasonable” loosely used, in war is simple: the quickest/ least destructive/ and most likely to succeed methods to make it clear: THIS IS NOT your answer either. Therefore lets quit, and resolve this another way. Is fundamentally, the most likely resolution to any problem war or not. Wars quit when the people fighting them no longer want to pay the cost of war. Therefore they just stop fighting, whether leaders complain or not/ BUT THAT only happens when the people themselves are ready to quit; because the cost of losing is made high by the reality of leaders that allow or create a catastrophe of power to rape, ravage, steal, kill, and dissolve entire societies for their own purpose. Again it is the leaders who make war last/ it is the leaders who start or allow wars to begin/ it is the leaders who create the machines or weapons of war/ it is the leaders who attack/ that have determined the casualties, sacrifice, mayhem, and failure that is the consequence of war. IT IS THE LEADERS that reside as the cause, thereby the question of what should an army do in the cases of war. Without question: that answer is, destroy the leadership on the other side/ critically and without mercy as is proven necessary. Armies are irrelevant/ which means, the purpose for a general is to decide how best to remove and destroy a leader, both political and militarily. Generals love to fight, its what they do/ its their job. Leaders of society can avoid their own troubles and lack of competency by declaring war: “it gives the people work, and something to do”/ thereby eliminating social unrest, and upheaval. Can’t do it now/ people are dying. Regardless of that, it is the generals, the political leaders, and then the rich; that decide/ create/ determine/ and define a war. Kill them, make them an endless target no matter where they go; and the war stops. Or more simply, instead of the front lines of a battle field determining the direction of a war/ look into the back field of a war machine, and find the leaders. Killing them, as required. Because being real and distinct targets, WILL take all “the fun”, out of playing war games/ out of playing with power or pride, and using people for pawns. That is a difference/ that proves, NOT about a theoretical death, but your own; changes the truth of what you will or will not do. Fear translates that into “kill them all”/ respect for reality changes that into the critical dimensions of WHAT IS TRULY important for us to do. Not destroy, destroy, destroy; but think/ plan/ and understand what will end this fight, here and now; for the best interest of us all. IN OTHER WORDS, if there is no honor in leadership; they will descend to genocide, rape, and tortures. If there is respect for life: those who lead shall work for whatever is truly functional, to ending death for both sides. Because making enemies worse/ never results in peace. TEST YOUR LEADERS FOR RESPECT. Prove what they will do, by creating law and punishment in the behaviors of war. NOT attack some minuscule clerk/ but imprison the general, that takes it upon his or herself; to escalate fear in any other person. That is not the job. The job of any military of honor is: TO END this war. The distinction of direct associations with doing that during a time when this nation is at war, is considered treason. Consequently it will not be done/ as I have no disregard for the US military or any other for that matter; where soldiers are not just mercenaries (people who believe killing is good/ weapons are “big boy” toys). I “hate” those who are so arrogant they don’t know: this ain’t a game; and want to play god. The more you punish, maim, destroy, or violate what is fair/ the more you create revenge and the determination to see you die. Stop being so damn stupid.

Chapter 8; sanity What is not sane is the expectations or fantasies and delusions that simply are not true, or realistic to the purposes of truth and life. In this particular instance we look at the IL population count for 2010 from US census, of 9,701,000 over the age of 18. Then deduct roughly 10% unemployment and another 10% retired and old age/ 5% for health and imprisonment; “These are just a guess”. But even so, because more accuracy is unnecessary that leaves us with 7.2 million taxpayers, including the military. 7.2 million divided into 64.5 billion dollars in unfunded pension debts= $8,958.33 per each taxpayer; divided over time/ but not including any other debt or tax or payment to the state. Just unfunded pension debt of which forty billion dollars is said to be teacher pensions. And the price goes up each and every year, as more teachers retire as early as “I think its 58" years old on full pension, with all healthcare benefits for the rest of their lives.” Good deal, ain’t it? Doesn’t even include social security or medicare; our debts too. But not to worry if your forty years old or so working without a pension and below the poverty line set at $10.00 per hour/ you can retire after 70 years old or so, with almost nothing assuming something called social security exists. Got to support those teachers and government workers “don’t we”? I am not against teachers or government workers/ BUT I AM AGAINST, being their slave. When you take from me, so you can have more/ I have less: It is that simple. These are contracts created “because they could/ by striking against the children (using them as pawns, and barriers to actual negotiations); and demanding anything they wanted. Those who believed “the problems we are creating financially; SOMEBODY ELSE will have to solve”. Have now run out of time, the problems these have created is here and now. You the teacher and government union worker, DID NOT achieve parity with any other average worker in this state. YOU WANTED MORE, and with the aid of a strike/ YOU TOOK MORE, leaving the rest to be your slaves while you claimed and stated “how great you were/ HELL it’s a state contract: THEY GOT TO PAY”. Well, today I am telling you plain: hell no. What is fair/ is what is average for your city and state. Diploma be damned. OR if you wish to look at the reality of true benefits for the children gained by your work, we find a dismal consequence of many children who gained far too little by the methods and realities you employ. Which means as a group, it is entirely possible and responsible to FINE YOU, for failure and disgrace. That includes the universities which in fact: CHARGED so much more than they were worth to the average student. The cause and consequence of extortion (regardless of the outcome or work, money is demanded)/ fraud (did NOT make life better for high percentages of students)/ and failure (as we look to all the threats that exist which can exterminate us, and cause us harm, financial being only the smallest part of real threat; we find the diploma threatens us most of all). These all exist. Should there not be a penalty for that? Toys be damned/ life is the most important part: IS THAT NOT SO? And the majority definition of diploma is: failed life, and society. Simple as that. I am not against university, I am against those whose actions and decisions establish threats to an entire planet and its life/ and those who just plain take too much and call themselves gods; because they got away with deceit and failure for too long. LIFE FIRST, is not a game. LIFE FIRST is not limited or defined “by one little thing/ as is consistent with university”. Those courses which claim to know more, are nothing more than the memorization of someone else’s words. Or more simply the student who graduates here, knows nothing but words in a book. Books are commonly wrong/ do they not change? Did the world not “used to be flat”. LIFE IS more important than a book; they are not the same. Even so, we need both the investigators of little things and the reality of people engaged in life, to transform our world into the possibility we could survive, IF WE CHANGE. There are thirty or so major threats, each of which will exterminate us if we don’t change our world here and now. The fact they exist, is nothing less than insane; but they do exist. You can find basic lists in both trials on this site and as “the list” nearer to the bottom of the page on this site. should you wish to look. As a function of time and reality then; issues of money are ridiculous. Although not without a need to address. As to the critical comprehension of true threats that will destroy this planet and all life soon; they are complex realities that must be investigated and understood by some resemblance to thought. Until you get over your insanity, that is virtually impossible; as that fact has proven to be true over decades now. The consequence of this day is: finally some form of sense MIGHT be visible, do to the truth: all your lies are dying. We wait to see/ but if you don’t hurry up, soon all work will be for nothing; as there is a point of no return from which we cannot do anything but die. Simply because we are too many people, on a world too small for this population (GROWING at 2 million more mouths to feed each week). Therefore we see in financial collapse, both a cause for hope/ and another threat for complete destruction; because people DO like revenge. How it turns out, is up to everybody to decide. The Insane need disaster, “to think” of something else “but myself”. So, let’s decide: are you going to choose to be sane/ or continue to be insane, as is so common among all citizens of this earth? You are insane, YOU LET your leaders of society/ university/ business/ and military: threaten you with death of a planet, the extinction of a world, at least 30 times over. You chose to sacrifice your children/ by taking away their future; “yes, you did/ NOT a game, it is a fact of today”. You DO have this one final chance to become sane, by recognizing your reality, and searching for truth. THEN WORKING for life first, instead of money/ want/ greed...........etc. But even so, the reality of this day is: “it is only money, that peaks your interest or concerns you in terms big enough to make you move off your ass”. So we look at money, and ask what is next? In America the following appears distinctly true: just the federal government by itself, intends to spend $37,000.00 per each of 100 million workers for this year 2011. That is how much 3.7 trillion dollars is equal too. The reports do not say if this includes social security or not. Not a guess, its just math. You cannot afford that, and even if you could; consider this: WHERE is the money going? Did your neighbor get some? Did you? Its $37,000.00 per each and every one in three of US citizens. Divided equally among us its roughly $12,000.00 per each citizen; that our federal representatives are going to pay out. Did you get your twelve thousand dollars/ did you get your child’s twelve thousand dollars.....etc? Answer the question, because SOMEONE is getting these numbers. The question is who? But that too is completely irrelevant in a reality, where life or death to a planet exists as fact. Even so, because you are insane, we will continue to look at the numbers just a bit more. The USA must borrow this money 1.65 trillion dollars, or $16,500.00 per each of one hundred million people just to get through the rest of this fiscal year, 2011 ending in October 2011. But alas, NOW; with Japan in crisis, they can no longer pretend to buy major amounts of US Treasuries (how the US gets its loans). China is now a seller of US treasuries instead of buyer. We just entered another war, for a few more billion dollars. Every 100 billion dollars is $1,000.00 per each of one hundred million people. And the middle east has more on its mind than supporting american bankruptcy. Not as much money allotted, to the US, most likely at this time. Or more simply: the money cloud has ceased to rain/ and a drought is coming. That leaves this USA, and their legislative bodies fighting for pennies in a storm of enormous proportions. Because they don’t know what to do. The people who stole, lied, cheated, and claimed to be gods; don’t want nothing less. While the people who claim to be concerned and working for more sanity, haven’t got a clue about what this really means. The only answer there is, is simply: START OVER. The game is over, the failures are too significant to survive, the reality is: we must take back, “what the rich” stole from us all, and gave to themselves. And we must change government so that these tragedies and failures do not occur again. That means true democracy instead of voting for someone to vote for me. True democracy is ruling ourselves by creating the few laws ourselves (one citizen, one vote), that then govern us all equally. That is sane, whether you like the consequences or not, the reality is: you have no other choice apart from civil war. Because the rich will never surrender a penny they are not forced too; “it ruins the game/ WE CONTROL for a reason: NOT to be like you”. So they aren’t going to help you/ they are insane, wanting money more than life. But insane is simply insane, what else can you say but goodbye? Bear that in mind as you discover: NOT the money that is important/ but all that threatens to make us extinct! Or more simply, everybody needs a lesson in what it means to be sane. Sanity expects: the decisions we make shall be distinctly tied to the truth of any and every situation/ because only the truth, can make life better. That is simple and plain, and you do understand it. Who does not understand, following lies; can only lead to ruin? Just liars! Who then are you? Sanity knows: that life must come first/ because without life, there is nothing else (apart from conceptions of eternity). But that is not a part of this discussion, this life, is separate from eternity/ therefore it is all we have here in time. WE MUST PROTECT LIFE FIRST, the claims for money, etc be damned. Sanity learns: that it is not money that “gets things done” in humanity or society. It is the need of human beings, or their desire for something work and resources can create. Money is just a tool, like any other. Our relationship with life is very simple: with resources we survive/ because nature and environment and energy allow it. Not really our choice/ instead it is our journey granted as a gift through these things. Love is a destiny, created in those who honestly desire it. Fail to desire it/ and you will not find it. Love is a choice. Without love, there is no excuse for friendship/ consequently people choose to control the rest, and most demand slaves for themselves, if they can; “that’s what money is for”/ you do my work; you surrender everything you worked for to me, I will play god over you. Is that not so? Answer for yourself, but remember this: in terms of life or death for a planet, WHAT IS IMPORTANT? Regardless, we can choose to work for and with each other for the sake of this our only home in time/ there is no running away or hiding, if we lose this planet, whether through our own fault or someone else; all die. Simple as that. So the question is: can and will you work for this planet and its needs; in the truth and consequence that is repair and rebuilding and change from all the destruction that men have created in their insane and critically stupid demands for money? It’s a choice. Because if you will not work for life first/ but demand money instead; all that will be left is war and cannibalism and endless rape. Its just a fact. But for a tiny amount of time, it is still a choice. We can choose friendship/ we can let life first decide/ we can follow the truth, and create a new world; we can choose to care about this planet and all its life. Or we can die, in your selfishness, WANT, arrogance, and greed. Apparently that is a hard choice for you! I do not know why. There is no excuse but to say “you are insane”. There is considerable evidence to support that statement in countless ways. Greed, plain and simple; or by its corrected definition “I/we, don’t care about NOBODY, OR NOTHING, but me/ us”. IS the foundation event, of a life threatened, and a planet in peril. You chose not to care. Partly due to the event of three separate things: learning at the university and through media, of things you could not change, that were threatening you with extinction decades ago; thereby giving up. The interstate highway system, that became the exit from family and all known acquaintances through the assistance of a car, or a diploma (no “good” friends left; no point others will leave too). The endless competition, that continues to get worse, because no matter how you look at it; foreign competition through the aid of machines and now computers/ the loss of all resources: has become a cycle of poverty that cannot be changed, without severe structural social change itself. These three have contributed massively to the consequence and reality of this day; by creating greed. Add in jealousy, “I WANT” more. And the picture of america for the last forty years or so, becomes clear. Change requires limited government/ through democracy; we the people decide for ourselves what is right/ fair/ justice/ and equal; within constitutional boundaries. Without it, you will not survive, because without it you CANNOT defeat the competition, and conserve the resources that are so desperately needed for a future to exist. It’s a choice. In the reality of nuclear power electricity; sane and insane are found in this truth. The first part is, that nothing about electrical generation is sane, unless it is first established by clearly insulating everything where any fuel or fossil power is used. Old failures must be discarded and better chosen as is the hoover dam electrical generation; which is delivered to customers hundreds of miles away/ while other plants deliver to los vegas (where hoover dam sits) from hundreds of miles away. That is more stupid, but still insane. Nuclear power is generated by making the atomic mass unstable. This is done by causing what is called a neutron (a bonding participant in the atomic center) to be removed in massive atomic structures as are the uranium atom. To achieve instability, isotopes, which are atoms that have an irregular atomic structure, to the norm are used. Making it easier to shift a small portion of available neutrons out of center. Electrons are altered in their course and dramatically veered off course in the process. Changes in atomic mass by disrupting the equilibrium of atomic balance/ produces heat. It is the unbalanced byproducts and electron scattering that causes trouble in biological organisms. That however is not particularly interesting to the general public. What is important is HOW SAFE is this machine? “As I understand it”, having given it only a tiny bit of interest/ because it is too dangerous as built; and no one listened. Therefore I leave it to others to point out or prove my flaws. The core is stated to be a set of 50-200 nuclear fuel rods that come into the reactor facility chemically unstable due to re-composition/ but radioactively stable, because they have not yet been bombarded. All nuclear reactors must be “lit on fire” to start this process once. After that, without control rods in place, they cannot limit the process of degeneration; but by coolant. When it works as planned; the fuel rods decompose until the rate at which fission is occurring diminishes to a point of non-value; at which time they are replaced with new fuel rods, and the old are put in a pond to cool over months; because even though they are not producing enormous amounts of heat/ they are still fission-ing inside. Until that process stops of its own accord, they will return to hot, and thereby can melt the containers and release radiation in massive amounts. That travels by steam or air, to who knows where. Therefore we do understand that fuel rods are taken out in an active state, and stored in a state that can endanger our lives. No surprise. What is necessary is not a single repository as in the west/ because they will NEVER be entirely dormant; a consequence of that is the making of gas. Over time, that represents an extreme risk, unless vented/ can’t be vented because its radiation. Put “all your eggs in one basket”/ and if one goes bad, they all go bad; making any kind of intervention impossible. Not to mention an intentional or other explosion which invades and corrupts the entire repository. Its just not a good idea. That leaves the planet with two direct solutions: either immediately reprocess them/ or place them in the deepest part of the ocean; no where else. NO minimal radiation debris/ that can be put into the repository. NO weapons grade materials, remove the threat first. Transportation can be dealt with, if your careful; it’s a choice. As to the steam cycle of these plants, the following is believed to be true. The reaction time to create heat is in seconds/ therefore if something goes wrong with the fluid or heat transfer, it is very bad. Control rods are simply dropped in these times, and steam relief valves are expected in use. One of the things about steam generation is: at 600 degrees F. The pressure is commonly about 1500 psi/ at 700 degrees F. The steam pressure is commonly about 3000 psi. DO YOU SEE THE PROBLEM? Heat rise above a distinct value is very dramatic, and I doubt can be contained at over 800 degrees which is most likely the cause of the Chernobyl explosion. That means ANY PROBLEM with the pumping mechanism that cools these plants, and catastrophe can occur in a heartbeat. If the control rods don’t drop quick enough/ or the sensors that cause that to happen fail/ or the wiring/ electricity/ computers/ humans/ etc fail to take action quickly enough, all that is left is a steam relief valve and radioactive materials HOPEFULLY released. Because if they are not/ it all blows up. So not only are these very important to safety/ the most critical link is one single pump that keeps the coolant flowing on the radioactive line into the reactor itself. If that primary pump fails, for whatever reason/ then the control rods must drop/ pressure relief must open if necessary. And the heat transfer of water taking the energy out of the radioactive part, by another pump must be sufficient to keep the heat down with control rods in place. If the control rods fail/ when the primary pump is not working/ there is no possibility this will work, it will overheat, but if the relief valve is working, and more fresh water can be pumped in to relieve the steam being flushed out by another pump/ then it can remain stable. If however the steam gets ahead of the new water coming in, then the fuel rods become uncovered, and they begin to melt. The reintroduction of new water onto these melting fuel rods, will flash into steam immediately when uncovered, and you see the rather large explosion at the second Fukushima plant; as it cannot then be contained. If on the other hand the fresh water and control rods get ahead of the system heat, then the steam valve closes and the now radioactive water is cycled into a specially prepared pool, until the pump is running; where it will then have to be dealt with in some fashion later/ after the primary pump is working again. So then we now know, that two extreme critical components exist: how fast or if the control rods drop/ and if the primary pump works or not. A third nearly as important or more so because if the steam valve fails entirely in these situations, it will blow up. We now add, that 4 distinct participants are very important: the steam relief valve/ water for cooling, including secondary water and pumps to intervene immediately, with valves/ sensors and equipment for determining if the control rods should drop/ and the computers and people who actually decide the operations that will happen and when. We then understand that secondary equipment must be recognized as potentially very important as well. That includes backup generators, pumps, motors, electrical feeds, and particularly the piping that hooks it altogether. Because if the piping breaks, or the reactor breaks; it will melt. In earthquake zones; either it all must move together/ or there must be some style of accordion relief incorporated into the piping. To give the machinery an option to move, rather than break. We add to that the third and final tier of a dependency upon diesel engines; which are fine when they work/ but which are dependent upon starters, cold, fuel supplies, that are not tainted with water or crud, and various other natural or man-made potential problems as they exist, including gauges and human beings themselves; upon which people depend. What happens when its melts? Is a question in and of itself/ which participates directly with: fission-ing atoms is what happens inside atomic bombs? So the question is: WHAT’S the difference? The answer is: that the materials inside weapons is separated from the materials coming out of reactors, for that tiny amount so very unstable; that when collected together, into a bomb; they show very little resistence to complete annihilation of the atomic bonds holding the structure together. Those components ARE WITHIN the nuclear fuel rods in the reactor/ so it cannot be said, that they are completely safe. But, a weapon exists, because it multiplies each little explosion until the last explosion is literally “a type of hell on earth”. These are not considered close in a reactor/ which allows even if one explosion exists, the debris separating each atom is sufficient to stop the acceleration process. However, the destruction of the pipes that contain the fuel, and releases the fragile uranium isotopes into the bottom of the reactor; conceives of another problem. The depositing of specific types of atoms within the steel lattice work of that atomic structure. These are chemical questions, which I have never studied at all. The question being, where do the highly volatile atomic elements go, if they escape containment? I don’t know. They can be released, that is known/ but if they can congregate in this environment, or not is unknown to me. But we can look at the primary containment vessel as constructed in concrete and steel, and recognize: “not for a little explosion”. The difference between the canister of the fuel rod and the reactor is minimal, but it is a violent environment; and therefore no guesses should be made. Alternately if sufficiently hot, the uranium is known to chemically transfer its atomic structure into a relatively safe glass, insofar as explosive capabilities; as I understand it/ but could be wrong. I don’t know. As is the proof of Fukushima; just because you don’t think this can’t possibly happen; means little, if not nothing, but tragedy. The biological problem with radioactivity is that the consequence of unbalanced atomic structures send out “little missiles”/ which then contact and corrupt the bonds and processes of biological structure, causing fatal errors in the basic building blocks of life, and all the components therein. Its like swallowing little-bitty bombs; not so terrible in small quantities but horrendous in larger invasions of life. Reactors that do not contain enough fuel to melt its container, are relatively safe. Reactors underwater, so as to need anything more than gravity to intervene in an overheating process are relatively safe. Reactors that do not depend upon water for coolant, are generally relatively safe. NOT perfectly safe/ so I believe at this time. The critical truth is: that we are too many people, wanting too much electricity and doing nothing to prevent the host of problems associated with that reality. MOST critical will become: the reality we are burning up more oxygen than this planet produces, with fossil fuels. That leaves us all, with the simple decision: EITHER we dramatically cut the use of fossil fuels and leave the organisms that create oxygen for us alone. Or we die, breathless, and without a single chance to survive, WITHIN less than two decades, give or take. That is insane, but real. Rather looks like we are stuck with nuclear power, to some degree. ONLY used with sense, instead of arrogance. Primarily that means MUCH SMALLER POWER PLANTS, spread around; to minimize catastrophe. The Lybia air assault on this March 24, 2011, has proven to be “regime change/ by the destruction of an army”. NOT humanitarian aid, as was prescribed. That is an extreme arrogance created and established by american military leaders and their president. It is blind/ foolish/ and likely to fail on all counts of expecting a good ending. The following reasons for that statement exist: gorilla wars do occur/ revenge is a powerful enemy/ the failure to establish the cost among the population; of regime change, DOES NOT recognize what is truly necessary for better. You chose to discard the trust of Arab nations. You chose to destroy considerable materials and resources that did not belong to you. You chose NOT to involve the people of the region and the nation in your decisions, making them believe you are a war-monger. You took a bankrupt nation, and caused more damage. You failed to realize: with everything destroyed, NOW, what will you barter for? The answer is you intend to deal in death. You did not bring justice to this land, of absolute and primary importance in the rebuilding of society. You did not prove what democracy is, and controlled every decision by a tiny few. You did not recognize the possibilities of retaliation for what will now be considered murder in various circumstances, opening the door to terrorism here and elsewhere. You did not bring in the alternate countries in this decision to annihilate an army. You did not pursue the possibilities of friendship that are created between those who need, and those who do respond when needed. You did not stop the process in time to cover the lie that gadafy was not targeted. Working together means all involved are guilty, or not innocent; UNLESS you strictly forbid this action, and thereby became an observer like the rest/ which clearly you did not. No doubt offering anything you could, “it’s a coverup”. You did not save the resources of a nation, either nation, or any nation. You did not save the soldiers who believed they were fighting for their own nation. You did not provide the necessary communications and means to create a dialogue for political purposes. You did not assemble the truth about what will happen next, simply saying let gadafy die instead. You did not recognize the value in separating the women, so that they could talk to and for their men. You did not understand the concept of justice, nor act in fair play, or with any concept of democracy or right: simply “I am the big bully here”. Not a moderator of any kind/ an escalator of violence and revenge. You did stop what was most likely to be, rape/ plunder/ and torture of the citizens of Benghazi. That had value; too bad/ too insane to stop. Again: Of the many insane things, that can be attributed to humanity, one of the most insane is not intervening in the probable eruption of Yellowstone super volcano. Evidence gathered suggests it is not only possible but probable in the near future added to that mounting list of probability is the now prediction that due to ocean rise and the weight added to the pacific rim, a movement not only on the west coast is likely/ but if land moves even a little as did Japan/ that can have a dramatic effect on this volcano. Even so, the volumetric rise of land as is evident at Yellowstone indicates it is most probably ready. As established before, the difference between an erupting volcano, exploding as did mount St. Helens/ and the consistent volcano’s that occur on Hawaii, that merely spew lava: IS THE GAS. Without tremendous gas pressures and volume built up, and suddenly released/ there are no “tremendous effects”. No change the whole world scenarios. The technology to vent gas is known, which means we can intervene in that part of the volcano. It is not only extremely stupid, not to do so/ it is life ending for at least one billion people should it blow up prior to that being done. Another insane gamble, when we know how to change the outcome.

Chapter 9; failure They played and played and played, too long! That simple statement can be applied to so many things, so many men. But the most critical is limited to the most destructive events possible. In Japan today, all signs point to a coming collapse of the entire nation/ due to nuclear meltdown. The contamination of all or major water supplies/ Tokyo soon unlivable. The meltdown of all four reactors followed soon thereafter by the remaining two nuclear reactors/ followed within two or three years by the rest as nuclear fallout across that land and this earth becomes simply too much to maintain any reactor on the island. All gone. You failed to apply enough water, even though you sit right on the ocean. Failed to use enough cranes and trucks to lift sufficient hoses for water insertion throughout the building. Failed to use the time prior to “the horror scale” approaching/ to prepare for entombment or any other means of containment. Failed, because the price was higher than anyone wanted to pay. Without doubt, WHO WOULD. However that is not the choice you made, you choose nuclear power/ you chose to put the generators in the flood plane/ you chose to abandon prior to excessive levels. Etc/ etc/ etc. Not Japans’ fault, could happen anywhere; because it takes only the accumulation of 2-3 unexpected events to create a situation that cannot be turned back. At this point, it may well be true/ the only thing you can really do is bombard the reactors with sand from fire control planes. It should work. Either that or put the boron, concrete, etc into appropriate boxes; and drop that out of planes. Once you have some covering, helicopters and ground supplies can be used. While that may sound futile/ if you have enough planes it isn’t. Unlike the Chernobyl plant which exploded sending most of the radioactive components away. This one is worse, because all the radiation is still inside. It may be impossible to send men until enough covering exists to make it possible. That leaves the core to sink into the ground and destroy the entire water supplies. But you can move ice or distill water from the sea/ and perhaps remain in the nation. The pitiful example of a concrete pumping truck on site is absolutely stupid; too little, too late. Just consider the people trying to bring the same fire as is on the sun here to earth at NIF/ or the people at CERN trying desperately hard to blowup the entire planet, before they are shut down/ or the people deliberately mutilating all of nature: deliberately hoping that genetic structures and discipline can be destroyed “so they can learn how to put it back together”. That won’t happen either; destroyed is mutilated to death; by a few arrogant beyond belief, absolute failures. And you let them all/ because you don’t want to pay the price of even communicating “lets discuss this/ and be wise enough to say NO”. Japan is only the beginning; as it increases hope for life will disappear/ that means VIOLENCE beyond compare will come. The end of law, coming soon. It may still be possible to stop some of the destruction from irradiating all of Japan. It may still be possible to use enough water to stop the situation from getting worse. It may still be possible to entomb the reactors before it takes the whole island. But not without sacrificing life. Got to die now. Who volunteers? An entire nation at stake, nobody even going to give you a true thank you; because after all “its not their fault”/ isn’t that right? But if you don’t the nation could easily be lost forever. It’s a choice/ but the price is high. Even so, millions will be dead, many more injured; because of this if you refuse. Perhaps eternity will remember. I cannot say. The beginning of the end. Again other will tell you no, “nothing to worry about” as they have been doing. But if one reactor goes/ all work on the other three will end. That means they will melt too; which will produce so much radiation nothing can be done/ which means the nuclear plants close by will be abandoned/ which means they will eventually stop and melt. Which means six nuclear meltdowns in one single spot. In one small nation. Which means radiation beyond all possibility of containment. Which means a flood of refugees/ which means no place to go. Which means even more hardship and chaos across this world, because we are already overcrowded. Which means the nation itself is abandoned and all the reactors there, will eventually melt within the next two years. Because the fuel rods when too active cannot simply be removed. But not to worry, after all, across this world, and particularly in America: “you played and played and played until time was all used up”/ isn’t that so? Life is a game, right! Don’t need to do no damn work. Don’t need to investigate any truth or reality of threat so severe and extreme, it can make life extinct. No sir, HELL play the game or _________? But who knows, perhaps a little time is left for the rest of this world; maybe. As in Fukushima; there does come a day, when all the apathy, arrogance, failure, and lack of respect for the truth of what you are doing comes to an end. No man plays god for long on earth/ but they do play satan. Won’t help to be sad/ there is no place to run. That means either we all face the truth of what we can do, for life on earth/ or there is no future. Make your decision. But remember this, without the work, it is no decision/ just an excuse to claim “I did something”/ when in fact, that is just another lie. Your reprieve is ending/ HURRY UP, or it will be too late. As to all the unrest in the middle east, that too is a powder keg; preparing to blow apart. It is not democracy they want; but “more things”, as are expected to come with democracy. “Just like the west”. They expect it, because the oil is producing great numbers and luxuries for a few; and each nation of people DO expect to share, MUCH MORE. But you are too late, we are too many people/ and there is NO GREAT ABUNDANCE ANYMORE, not anywhere. What is left is: the work necessary to survive and rebuild, if we are lucky. It is that plain and simple. Like it or not/ believe it or not; is absolutely irrelevant. Truth decides, and truth can be quite clear. What the americans’ failed to perceive with all their bombing is: that violence breeds violence/ revenge the “food of hate”. Men can be exceedingly hateful, regardless of the machines of war. Men of hate, will always find cause for rape; and today especially, “most don’t care if its women, children, or other men”. Thereby due to a lack of respect for the opposition/ another “can of worms” has been opened. Not that they deserve much consideration; but I do not live there, and know not the true and real story of this people. Violence is coming here to america soon as well. Can you not see it in Wisconsin? There are the people trying to contain greed, and there are the people who say: WE WILL NEVER be less greedy/ GIVE US MORE YOU DAMN FOOLS. And then there are the slaves, who are expected to worship the greedy, and give them everything they want. But cannot. How is this not a powder keg preparing to explode? Add in all the workers who have lost everything, to those who are SO ARROGANT &GREEDY, they are no longer to mentally conceive of a situation wherein they cannot play god any longer; and violence is certain to come. Particularly when this next time of unemployment compensation runs out, and then masses of people are thrown out into the streets. Instead of a safe and secure job as has been policing/ it will become one of the most dangerous jobs in the nation. Instead of law, there will be guns. Instead of peace and food or water/ there will be blood. That will end farming/ that will end sanity: that will begin cannibalism and absolute failure across this earth. But not to worry, cause you got to “play and play and play, and pretend; we are gods/ look at me; ain’t I great”. Ain’t that worth all life on earth? Hurry to truth and the reality choose LIFE FIRST (for a planet) INSIDE YOURSELF; or die, time is running out. If I could do more, I would. But the spirit inside of me says no. This is the beginning of the end/ if you do not find enough HONEST love for life inside your soul, to do something for life itself. Doing something means: creating the communication to understand, life on earth is NOT a game anymore. The consequences of what men in particular have been doing/ are closing in, changing everything to death. I do not say that to make you fear. Its just reality. A little time remains; try to find some wisdom and work/ its important.

Chapter 11/ 10 has been separated into “safer nuclear” Reality; the disciplines necessary to establish change. In the functional truth of what this site is meant for, comes the simple decision: that without real and true change, this earth by the assertion of human and natural occurrences brought about largely by humans; IS going to die. While the glib and arrogant will say, “nothing we can do about it/ so I don’t want to know, & I won’t care or work for anything but me: taking all I can get”. Is that not the description of so many today, particularly in america? Indeed it is. Those are irrelevant, to me. Those who understand this is not a game, by the investigation of evidence/ the examination of reality to prove or disprove the level of threats/ and the purposeful, deliberate actions that give us a chance to survive; are all that I particularly care about. Not a judgment/ simply the truth in this case of life on earth; either you are willing to work for life/ OR you are a component of failure, deliberately choosing for the end of life on earth. Its one or the other, because we are 7 billion people; enough to stand as one human being on each and every acre of land capable of growing anything; on earth. And we are growing at 2 million more mouths to feed each week. Because well over half the population on earth today, is under thirty years old; so “they say”. The reality of an increase of another billion people to feed IS LIKELY within the next ten years/ one decade. Think about that, and understand this. Revolution and war is not caused or brought about by facebook or any other form of social media or communication: IT IS BROUGHT ABOUT, when a large percentage of the people lose hope in their own situation and demand change. Or more simply put: “I want more, or need more to survive/ for my family/ for my life; therefore I might as well die/ IF WE CANNOT CHANGE THIS.” Thereby the more people who are thrown out of society, to be “outcast or slave, without a comprehensible future of better”. The more likely there shall be revolution. In today’s world: that has become a more serious undertaking than it seems. With social media and computers: “the leaders” are collecting immense stores of information on nearly everyone. Which means they know what you think/ they know what you want/ they know where you are, and where you go/ they know who you talk too/ and they can find you very easily; if they want to reveal what is being done. That means every “revolutionary leader” will become targeted/ every friend/ every family/ everything/ everyone, will become a target for revenge. That is a very dramatic increase in violence, without appearing to be greater violence/ than at any point in the history of man. Even if you do no more than is already done: its too late, over the next decade, or until new members of society come. Will they not become indoctrinated the same? That leaves “the herd” to be slaughtered, at will. The ONLY SOLUTION to that fact is: “The herd, MUST be dismantled”. The human effect of thinking for yourself, MUST be plain and expressed by truth. Lies will only get you killed. People think, “search inside themselves”/ only when forced to accept: I cannot let my life, be led! I MUST make my own choices/ therein I must learn about life, about me, and about everything that impacts my reality/ which is our reality as well on a broader scale. Or more simply: without the energy, work, and education which brings honest knowledge into your life/ you cannot think. WE MUST ACCUMULATE KNOWLEDGE, in order to make decisions. We must identify what is true or false in order to make decisions that we can predict as valuable to life, or to me. We must accept the definitions of a personal decision and its consequences to establish that I AM responsible for my life, my world, our futures. Without this work and these decisions that is not possible; and the formation or reality of a herd is formed. Herds group together, because if forced to run/ they know we can kill someone just because the reality is with all of us moving in one direction we cannot be easily stopped. Herds exist, when grouped together the actions of some, are determined by the need to prove as a group you cannot ignore us all. Herds demonstrate, because they know not, what else to do/ but prove “we are many”. But herds need leaders, or they simply become targets as is plainly visible in all documented historical tragedies throughout history; a prime example being the reality of nazi germany & japanese world war two horrors. But you can look to nearly all nations and find the same, in lesser versions over time. “The human wolves”, are always hidden among the flock/ until they see themselves as in control. If they get out of control, they quickly disappear in the crowd, donning the cape of “sheep”. Which is another reason why “hate” must be removed from society. Nonetheless, TO DISCARD the validity of being called a herd/ THE REALITY OF KNOWLEDGE, must be learned. That reality consists of, the absolutely critical dimensions called LAW. Law exists, because it is the communicable demand of us all/ as we exist in time, and demand THIS IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF EVERYONE. Thereby we have made a decision, that the law shall rule over us; as a vast majority of people that will not be disobeyed. With the law, there is democracy. Because without the law, there are only rulers and leaders. THAT is a very important reality: learn it clearly, and accept that we truly are in this together as one under the laws we enforce. Under the law, that WE PROVIDE FOR OUR OWN NATION AND LIVES/ the decisions formed in our own individual lives and hearts: to prove we are responsible for this nation and its existence, its freedoms, and its liberties. With that law, we become enforcers of OUR WILL as a people/ upon us all, including those who declare themselves to be our leaders. The difference between real freedom, and the reality of our environment, our resources, and our choices for life: and our slavery becomes. That we must understand only TRUTH can lead us/ wanting what is impossible to sustain, is choosing death and failure, instead of life. Take a look at america today; they threw nearly everything away, just to play the game of greed; to declare, if life is going to end/ THEN I want it all. TO HELL with the rest/ lets “eat the children”. Because when you sacrifice and destroy the future; that is exactly what you choose. When you gamble with an entire earth: it means, YOU have chosen to believe death is better than life/ because that is the risk being taken. Like every other gambler in the world, just because you believe/ just because you dreamed of gluttony and excess/ just because life isn’t worth living if you lose: DOESN’T MEAN A DAMN THING. Losing is the end of your choices/ the reality of what you did do. Regardless of that, we return to the truth that law gives us all both freedom and liberty, IF WE MAKE THAT LAW OURSELVES. Therein its our law/ its our rules/ its our decision/ and its our future among ourselves. We decide/ but we must enforce as well or it turns to “corruption and dust”. The human wolves, will never just go quietly away; they must be forced to believe, there is no place here, for you. The human wolves, will always try to retain their control, because anything less makes them equal to you/ and that is never what they want. Consequently the first indication of a “human wolf” is that they refuse to be equal/ and fail to accept each life deserves and must receive respect. Even if that respect is for the reality of hatred, and the violence it performs against life: its still respect, that you must die. The consequence of nation is, that leaders are chosen or demand to be heard/ thereby they do take control, which means “every wolf” in the land wants to be a leader in some form or fashion: to control, use, or abuse the rest. Some leaders are “wolves” some leaders are not. That is not the issue/ the issue is, that all forms of leadership does attract “wolves”/ and they will be entangled in leadership regardless where it is. Making decisions that the others shall regret. The critical reality of today is the machines of destruction that are all around us. Being able to massacre easily and without consideration of the consequences; is an immense tool of social collapse, the purpose called chaos. Chaos, is the demand established: that NONE shall be allowed to think/ all must react or act immediately, according to what we do; what HAS been done. Weapons of immense destructive power, means chaos is at our doorstep; and beyond the point of no return/ there will be no more life on earth. That can only be moderated by world law/ and the removal of all weapons that give power beyond our ability to resist: TO A TINY FEW. The propaganda says, “its all for us/ its all a good thing; let robots war for instance”. But consider what that would mean to any would be “hitler” that finds the control box for that army of robots; what could be done to you? Answer the question, and understand: men are men/ doesn’t matter where they come from; the ability to be violent, and without concern is real. The majority of men are not violent/ but a large percentage of men are able to be violent, if given the opportunity. Playing the video game with real live people in the sights is not beyond their delusions. How can you doubt with weapons of mass destruction surrounding you, everywhere? Today’s world is threatened by democracy: the human desire for more and better; given the excuse called democracy. Is real and growing because so many people are becoming outcasts of society or slaves to it. That will not decrease, the population rises 2 million more a week! SIMPLE AS THAT. The consequence is, that even more hardship and starvation will grow in the coming years, because we cannot feed ourselves without destroying the very fabric of our survival in nature today. That means we are doomed without true change and distinct decisions to protect the very foundations we need to survive: IMMEDIATELY, not later. Do it now, or you fail and die as a planet. Not a guess, just the fact do to evidential realities. We do have to share. We do have to care. We do have to choose friendship, because without it we war. We do have to depend upon the law/ and make decisions that we don’t want to because without the truth of what is real and honest with life/ NOBODY survives much longer. That is reality. Proving me wrong means your dead/ if it was you, that was wrong instead. BY THE EVIDENCE, prove me wrong. Do it now, or work for life. Its not a hard concept! In the consequence of changing governments, the reality is: as men do it, by proving they can make the leaders pay, by destroying people and things. Or as women would do it, if not controlled by men. With the law, and its understanding for the benefit of us all. By establishing what is important to us all/ we find common ground and the ability to make our voices heard. By representing the methods and ways of legal rights, fundamental values, and critical discussion of what is/ what can be/ and what will be if we do not change our nation at this time. We gain the right of being heard. Not as ourselves, but as our nation, our relationship with this world. What is pride is an enemy, because it cares “only for me”. What is want, is an enemy because the only future that exists, is inside your own head; no one else truly matters, apart from you. This is in essence a non-violent revolution/ because what matters is the decision that comes from knowledge among all people involved. Therefore the decision that is presented MUST MATTER, to each and everyone. That primary decision is: DO you desire to be EQUAL with everyone else? It’s a question, that cannot be resolved without law. Not the same as everyone else/ BUT EQUAL. Equal means: given the right and the ability, to choose by freedom the life that I will live, as best I can. Whereas the constant in male dominated leadership is: I WILL choose for you all/ bringing the expectation, you will then worship me; adding/ I am so much superior to you, that you are nothing. When we become worthless, or less to anyone/ we become “the trash”, and if we are the trash, then we can be discarded or used for toys and violence and hell on earth. Therefore EQUAL MATTERS. Thereby equal is fought for, because we must; as things go from bad to worse. War then erupts, because life as the trash, makes the decision to change this: TO REMOVE these leaders a very simple choice. That leaves the armies of men in the way. But they are filled with the armies of men who are told in NO uncertain way: THAT THEY ARE NOT “equal”. They are pawns, or toys, of their superiors. The officers in charge. Consequently presented with the clear choice of being equal/ participating in a better world and a better life for every friend or family in their own nation; MOST, but not all, will turn to you. Those who do not, are “wolves” in their own right/ not because they want to control, but because they want the violence that control of war brings. With chaos, who can stop me? With chaos, who can I not kill? With chaos who cannot be raped, or burned, or mutilated at my whim? The answer is a gun. But the consequence of soldiers is: WE ARE in this together, and that reality proves, “either you choose for them/ or you choose for us”. Make your decision, because war on your own people is NOT without murder. Finding an enemy that is not attacking you/ that is not deliberately trying to take something of value to everyone in society away IS NOT an answer. That is an excuse for violence/ an act of war against your own people. Because it turns people away from the truth of what your own nation has done. It turns the people away from law, and demands they turn to war as their own answer; as well. There are NO ANSWERS in war/ there is only death and destruction, in a world so fragile that we can reach the point of no return at any time; all die. Search for the laws that will make your society “as great, as you can or choose to be”. Simple as that. Communicate that law. Describe that law. Define what is true about living in that society. Prove that WE THE PEOPLE are capable of organizing “millions to one”/ and leaders, wolves or not; WILL get out of the way. Prove you can insist the law WE THE PEOPLE have designed and voted upon and called for you the leaders to make for us, shall be enacted. Prove the laws that oppress you, because that is why they were made, SHALL be removed. Prove the courts shall be watched, and those who fail to judge by the law/ will be punished and thrown in jail. Control exists for the people in law, therefore establish the law and enforce it; and democracy exists whether the title is used or not. Fail to do either, and democracy fails, whether the title is used or not. So lets review: revolution comes because the people feel left out and cheated, and therefore protest is worth the price we expect to pay. When protest fails, because leaders will never accept being equal in their mind: then violence comes and multiplies. If it is too effective at disassembling the people by acts of war and violence/ soon after that is clear, we cannot win. The violence of fire, the acts of ruin, the chaos of I won’t obey; all begin as the last act of a dying society. Without hope, rape is enraged, and women are overrun. Not a game. With a society in ruins, and a leadership that cannot be defeated easily: hatred turns to other nations so as to have a new enemy/ and particularly to “strong nations” so as to have an enemy so powerful there is a reason why we have to endure this hardship, and cannot simply come out of hiding. The terrorist is born, by excusing themselves from their own nation/ because they cannot be heard. But make no mistake, for any person to be heard in the matter of equality. THE LEADERS MUST do with less power/ less pride/ less everything. The leaders of every nation, are backed by the rich/ because without the rich, there is nothing to rule in terms of wealth, gluttony, greed, and power. Except sex. Therefore women are targeted/ because it makes the other men accept: I am less, they did this and I could not stop it. That builds until someone dies; because that is the purpose/ rape is then a tool to prove I can defeat that man too. Making him mad is necessary, because its not a good game, if you just kill them. “Let him attack without weapons instead”. So then begins the descent for many: which is, “since I cannot defeat him/ I will defeat you instead; thereby proving I am superior too; TO YOU”. It is a lie. On to better subjects. The civil rights movement in the 60's in america succeeded: for three specific reasons. The people affected by the civil war (I died/ I was mutilated/ I was alone: because we fought for you. And on the other side, the slavery was lessened) were no more. Therefore the most grievous objections were removed. Second, because non-violence was able to prove, that the black people were being abused without a cause/ and that fact was communicated to a wide enough public sympathy was achieved. Third, the 60's proved to be a very fertile time for black musicians to introduce white society to songs that spoke of love/ romance/ life/ and more; making black people human instead of what common arrogance taught; which is less. To their shame, what now comes from the “same black population” in song is largely “crime/ death/ whoring/ stealing; and all things shame.” It is doubtful civil rights could exist today, do to these things: you took the honor out. If you have no respect for yourselves or your lives/ then why should we? Get your ass up, life is a relationship with quote: “if it is to be, it is up to you”. RESPECT LIFE. Ain’t nothing falling from the sky; choose to be independent and learn how. Even so, the lesson is: separate the hate from their reason/ establish that respect demands we shall be equal, at least in part/ prove the truth that is honor, a life that reveals you have no cause to think less of me. We face depressions the world over. The loss of jobs and resources; as are necessary to employ and create stability in society. All depressions are caused by the simple fact: “The rich man” won the game, collected all the money, and will never freely give any back. Simple as that. They don’t need your work anymore/ they have your debt; you are a slave, worthless to me, unless you do exactly as I say. The mere threat of job loss, achieves the same level of slavery “I will do exactly as you say”/ when jobs are scarce, for far too many. There are even those who choose to be slaves, when times are good; case in point on a construction site, the electrical service was cut in half/ therefore the piping was cut in half. But the distribution service demanded to put in a useless pipe anyway, because their book did not have any situation in it which allowed for a smaller service. I demanded bring your supervisor; together neither could find a reason in their book; so that I could avoid putting in piping that no one would ever use. AND WE ALL knew that was the case. The utility workers arrived, and immediately stated why did you put in a pipe no one would use/ they thought could get that changed, but couldn’t. “The book” ruled their lives, and that made them slaves. As for me, going to court takes at least a month, and the project just plain could not be held up for a month; simple as that/ too much power in the hands of fools. The limiting of all power, as much as is possible in government anything is absolutely necessary. Which means the laws that we create for ourselves must be flexible enough to allow for reality, by its truth and consequence/ and NOT become a book of rules. The law is a working relationship governed by the existence of truth applied to our environment and situation. That creates the structures and framework of a dimensional shape, wherein we can defend ourselves. The reason most realities of life that describe or defend our lives, is in threes or more: IS that until we have at least three conceptions of our reality, by its truth/ we are defenseless in at least one area. That can be very bad. THE JOB set before you is plain and simple: start talking among yourselves about THE LAWS, that you need to be equal and fair. Describe and define them thoroughly/ KEEP THEM AS SHORT AND PLAIN AS POSSIBLE. And then move them through society until it becomes the will of the people to do this. When that has happened, the force called WE THE PEOPLE shall be heard. Establish control by law. Establish the law by control over the courtroom; through insisting the law shall be obeyed by all. Change requires “insistence”. Do the work. Life requires your participation to sustain it, at this moment in history/ or we all die. Make your decision. We are so many people, there is no room for “any more pitiful failures”. We must make a stand for life, right now. Or it will simply be too late. Chapter 12; the end of an ocean for food the Arctic Ocean is opening up/ the very last sanctuary to incubate and create the fish that we eat, has been found. The very last major source of “going to get them all” has been revealed. And that means the point of no return for most if not all “feed fish” will soon be violated past the pont of no return. Or more simply there are too few to multiply quickly enough to feed our needs or any other predator in the seas. Which means the entire sea begins to die. Because it is absolutely certain, the fishing trawlers will not leave this area alone. Not to worry though, after all, “its cheap food” for about a year maybe/ before we begin to starve. Just thought you’d like to know. Oh well, who cares! After all nothing bad ever happens unless you believe its going to happen. Isn’t that right/ HELL YES. Ain’t no damn way, we take responsibility for this/ NOTHING has changed. Take whatever we damn well please, AND MORE. Who can stop us, “I WANT the damn money/ get the HELL out of the way”. Ain’t that right.

Chapter 13; finding YOUR freedom, does not control our need/ however our need may control your freedom; “its called liberty”. The right of society to conform itself to certain boundaries so that all know what to expect, and none can say “cheated”. Our relationship with business as it is with life, is bordered by the reality of things we must do. Simple as that. Don’t eat/ don’t sleep/ don’t drink/ you die. Same as is business: don’t provide what your customer wants/ don’t attend to the realities of business in all aspects that are required of you, and business fails. Don’t put in the time, learn, and sell the product, and someone else will/ put you out of a job. The issues of pay are simple; either its enough or it is not. Either its fair and commensurate with others in society, or its not. Either slavery, honest and honorable work, or thievery just because you can. Not a good “excuse”. Business is the simple foundation of caring for our needs in relation with the environment and realities of our lives. Not a game, unless you are so arrogant to believe “you are a winner/ because you made these others losers, to you”. At that point, your failure is selfishness, your reality little more than an enemy of society: because you choose to create heartache in life, for the tragedy of a trophy, called self. There are no true friends in arrogance/ only playmates, and those who craft conspiracies to take away your money. Not exactly happy, but gluttony has its own rewards doesn’t it. Make someone else jealous/ make someone else beg/ make someone else admit or submit to your “playing god”. Eternity has “a big reward for you”/ not to worry, it will come. Nonetheless, finding a work or business that suits your talents, purposes, or needs in life is an important thing to do. I work commonly in ways that give me the most freedom to do what I choose to do; which was learn and educate myself in all manner of thought. Which became unto that end primarily construction and repairs of various kinds because that allows a work period that ends, until you find the next job. Providing time for the purposes of learning and now writing for you. You need to understand, what matters most to you? You need to identify, what provides the greatest fulfillment to you; I chose against family, because the need for change so that this earth can survive, is so extreme. But that is distinctly NOT for everybody; you do have to be called (a passion, that will not go away) to it. Few are/ but few are needed, it’s a specialty job. Nonetheless, by actual fact it is still just a job. Even so, you still must make your own money in some form or fashion, and not get so swept up in passion, that nothing else matters. Not something I am particularly good at. You need to know if you can and will accept the realities of working with people; because not all can. You need to know if you will work well with people, or believe yourself better off, not working with people/ instead by yourself. You need to understand ALL the basic parameters of the job you are asking for, and accept I must work nights or days or weekends or whatever it is; including being on call. Which means people ARE going to intervene on your life/ when you don’t expect or want it. And so on. Until you have qualified the basic framework of what, where, when, and why for a job you would ask for/ it is impossible to pick a job that will make you realistically happy. Its take what you get. After you have been in a job for ten years, it is hard to change/ because you do have to start all over from the bottom; less money and freedom too; because you DON’T know what you are doing. So then find a job early in life, that is acceptable to you/ work and learn another job or two so that if something goes wrong, “you have plan B”. And do not expect to be happy with your job for the next fifty years; because like it or not, you do have to take care of yourself, and those who depend upon you or die; “in the real world”. Big diplomas cost a lot of money. Are you sure you want to be indebted that long? Learning any job can be done at the work level; although in today’s world, that is refused in america because the unions of diploma or trade or whatever it is that stands in the way; do so, because they want to control the money/ and demand to “keep the best” for themselves. Its just selfishness, nothing more or less. They will claim “we have a right”. But that is utterly disgraceful and disrespectful, because the only real life right: Is about life, not work. Other than the fact we all have to share the work, so that we all can live a decent and honorable life. Being a teenager does NOT give you the understanding of how much or hard work or life has been on or for your parents. Rather teenagers commonly judge their parents and say; “yes, I will be like them or no, I won’t. Just be thankful for their support, and understand if you do not find for yourself, the necessary education, that keeps you away from the predators in humanity or life in general; you can die early and often (a little each day)/ which ends in catastrophe either way. Life is not a game, neither is growing up. Those who play early and often commonly have a pleasant and friendly first thirty years; with some aspect of slavery thereafter. Those who work too hard, with few or no friends commonly have an unpleasant first thirty years, but clearly make up for it in many ways thereafter. Those who commonly find themselves in between; find a job and stick with it for the next fifty years; and that determines their life to a very large extent. Those who commonly find themselves unable to stick with a job must marry well, or be lost to poverty. Those who use and abuse are the people who believe they have been cheated, even though they never worked hard for themselves; THEY WANT, what more don’t you understand; which also translates into “they owe me/ a thief” or other types of criminal behavior associated with arrogance and pride of one form or another. Some people find just as much pride in losing as others find in winning/ they take revenge, thereby believing themselves “gods; I own you instead”. The introduction of children to your lives early on; exists as a critical knowledge that I am not free/ unless I refuse this baby. Which many do. But if you accept the responsibility of a child, then your own childhood and games are over/ can’t be parent and child. Must be, one or the other/ there is no real in between. Try to make a proper choice, be respectful, caring, supportive, and willing to bend a bit for the sake of others. BUT DO NOT entrap with pregnancy or lies or promises or purposes without truth. This is a decision that needs and volunteers two lives for the next twenty years and more. Both people DO DESERVE their own say/ their own decision; because it is an option in this day. Abortion is not birth control/ therefore it is NOT something to take lightly. But like it or not, we are all humans; and that means ain’t nobody perfect. The first forty days should be long enough, to be sure; DON’T PRETEND/ DON’T LIE/ BE SURE. Neither life or child is a game. Finding a true friend today is rare; people are MORE passionate about want, instead of life or friendship. “Look at me/ or listen to me”. Friendship requires the foundation event, of accepting someone else is your equal in all ways, and NOT judging them, because they aren’t perfect. Neither are you. Friendship begins with acceptance, struggles with the compassion of sharing time together for the sake of understanding; and lasts only when truth, that understanding, and respect for each other can survive. Regardless of gender or cause, these three things decide if you will become a friend to each other. Lies tear whatever you have built apart; just don’t do it. Truth is far more powerful, even if you must be patient rather than proud. Finding husband and wife is not much different, apart from sex, more intimacy, and more intensity of togetherness. Being a part of each others lives, does require adjustment to the truth and consequences of what each other honestly desires for their time on earth and their own future/ their wants, will also arise, and cannot be dismissed. True love is a desire that removes want, to replace it with the passion of life with you is enough; “or more simply I can and will do this with or for you/ but do, remember me too”. The intimacy of lives shared with sex is the simple truth, that women in particular do know if your hiding something/ or they will think they do. They can be wrong or right, but your relationship does depend upon the truth of your ways. Because once you start getting trapped by your own lies, respect disappears, trust ends, and marriages die. CHOOSE TRUTH. If you want out /then choose truth and get out; but do it honestly, because you may want back in; love and heart get lonely. Sex is a simple matter of discovery; do you want to understand what male to female/ female to male means? It’s a question of hope, because learning means you see value in this for your future. Few do/ instead one uses or abuses the other for a toy. Men must learn, “its not a rodeo/ how many damn times you can pump yourself is not only irrelevant, but tragic; because it means you don’t care about the woman”. Women must learn: this is not a reward, this is your decision to participate/ your acceptance of this man, for this purpose in your life. You chose; therefore you are not owed/ not a game/ and not a “shopping spree”. Both need to learn, sex by itself is either a decision to appreciate the need, grow by understanding each other, or love through the shared experience of heart and soul. Or its just playing, with toys like children; who reached into “the adult closet”. Costs can occur. Everything else is either use, or abuse. Heart is the complex dimension of trial and tribulation which brings out in each of us that choose to care, the foundations of why we care/ the reality of love and life, that we are willing to share with you. Soul is the simple dimension of a relationship shared with the intimacies of life inside ourselves, or in the rare case of love and sexuality; between the soul shared inside ourselves as one. Respect, truth, honesty so that each may make their own distinct decisions, and absolute trust, BECAUSE IT IS EARNED; are the paths that combine here; to establish the “house we share”. Finding someone to share life and time with is slightly different. We can only share souls for a brief time. We can share time however for as long as we both live on earth. Memories are not living/ they are memories, move on. Like it or not; life demands it must be true. Sharing time requires that you respect the lives each other chose. Requires you must respect the level of discipline, each contributes to your time. Requires the understanding of passions that do not include you; if you cannot share them equally, or at least accept them honorably. Life requires honesty, because nothing less will let you build a world inside yourselves; as the place we chose together. Sometimes whether true love exists or not; at this time, it is just not meant to be. Sometimes, even if the other person is what you need for your lifetime, they will just have to leave. Sometimes we all just have to forgive ourselves for the tears we cause/ simply because the choice is “your life or mine”. It is not easy. But it is fair, to be the person you chose to be/ don’t try to “re-make” each other. It never works, even when they try: its not the same, they are different now, for themselves and for you. Neither is then happy; and it’s a long fight back to self; not fair. Finding a place to live, finding everything you need for life, is not a small or insignificant feat. It does take determination and the acceptance of reality. Life is not what you want it to be/ life is not what you expect it to be/ life is not what you demand it to be/ life is not what your tears make it out to be/ life is neither punishment nor reward: it simply is, what it is. Or more simply it is what reality requires it and you, to be. Your decisions on all matters of change, all acceptance of hope or hate; are the realities of what you want, or desire within yourself. If you want to be a winner/ first you must make someone else a loser. If you want more than life and nature can give you/ someone else must suffer for that; because you are taking their share. The constant being today in america: “let the children pay”/ sacrifice them. To your shame. Life is the opportunity to prove and choose your own truths. Because eternity is the reality of ONLY TRUTH SURVIVES. Therefore what you choose as the reality of life in you/ is the relationship you will share beyond time as well. Believe it or not. Finding the grace to understand what is or isn’t true about you; requires the simple act of abandoning your own pride, recognizing want is an enemy; and then choosing only truth within the respect for life that is real. It’s a choice. Finding religion, is a choice for discipline in your life/ when you have lost the path to your own truth. “Need a new beginning”/ to help sort out what went wrong. Therefore as history proves, realistic and fair religion is useful to human society. Unfortunately no religion is particularly useful and fair/ although all major religions DO have substance and value. That is why they survive in human time. What is not realistic, is any assumption beyond the limits of what we can know as truth. Faith is a relationship with life/ rather than a belief without substance or evidence of value. The difference is: to achieve a relationship with life, you MUST encounter soul: “the life inside, that gives you body and time”. Whereas to believe regardless of truth and evidence merely requires you to remove the obstacles from your mind, so as to NOT ask questions which have no real answers in you. There is a difference. I believe in GOD because the evidence is absolute/ there is no possible way the design of life, nature, planet, and environment came any other way. Thought produced it/ no accident/ no ,,,,,,,,did. Thought conceives of life, truth builds it. Simple as that. But the question why comes? When respect, integrity, intensity, values, freedoms, care, and sharing are all exhibited with the grace and mercy that we “were not just thrown together” so to speak/ but carefully thought out and created as life. There is love (the desire, to spend time with you) here. So I believe, and searched for the clearest example of love this world has ever known. That love is written down as the life JESUS lived here among us. Without going into any great detail, what is love clarifies creation, by proving its own existence. What is love identifies itself, by proving that “I will share with, and care about you”. JESUS did that, and more. Read HIS story if you wish in the Christian bible. That is not a religious statement/ rather it is a valid testimony of moments in reality, that do suggest truth to me. An evidence in time. First and foremost throughout all of known history; as the premier story of love for all humanity. It is the beginning of my own search into greater relationships with thought, purpose, time, and beyond. It need not be yours, that is a choice/ I simply state, it is mine. A warning is provided; “I found, that what I believed, was a trap”/ because it leads to what is not real, in the fundamental sense of life. Therefore be very careful what you believe, because only truth survives. At the other side of that reality is faith: the acceptance of a relationship you know exists/ because body and mind and love have combined to prove LIFE is not so simple than I understand. Therefore I accept GOD as a friend to me/ and live accordingly. Not a substitute for my own decisions or reality/ an opportunity to search for what is real, in the fundamental truths that are my world, my existence, and my ability to express and experience the thought that lives inside. There are illusions in the elemental expression of thought, such as the creation of what you believe may exist. But there are also experiences in the critical relationship with life that is thought, which cannot be denied in truth. It is a long journey searching for life beyond the limits called time; it is not for the faint hearted, scared, or those who lack a very disciplined respect or search. Not a calling, as much as it is a choice.