Disciplines state, that in order to accomplish my desire or design requiring the removal of threats from this world/ IT MAY be possible, to help you; so that you will help me.  I say that with “an if” because you are so dishonorable and diseased by pride, selfishness, and absolute arrogance even today; that the conception of an agreement cannot be made.  The hope that you will accept your responsibility for the planet, is virtually nil; look at where we are!   But, with little other opportunity for change significant enough to stop the complete destruction of our world:   it is necessary to remove all excuses.  “You have your chance”/ your failure, is your own. No more excuses, either work for life to survive on this planet (LIFE FIRST)/ or it dies.

What is important to you, is strictly personal to you/ the endless chant or demand: I WANT MORE.  The destruction of a world, by countless measures:  has not proven to be enough/ you want the death of a world.  Because that is what you are choosing for yourselves.  The future is built, on your choices today; like it or not/ what is today came from the choices of yesterday; and not one choice from the past (very few)/ were honest decisions for anything but greed.  Therefore we begin with the simple and plain assertion: that you can no longer have any and everything you can grasp, cry, manipulate, tempt, war, or scream for; that is over.  Just as it is that you cannot have a world survive, if you refuse responsibility for your own choices:  you will simply die/ the end of life on earth.  That is the parameter you will accept, or this work and this world will fail, because that is the choice you made.

Assuming for once in your life (regardless how unlikely that might be), that you might choose less than absolutely selfish:   we begin.

The reality and relationship we share with money, is very simple:   I don’t want what you have to offer in exchange for my work/ therefore we use money, to offer someone else the promise they can find what they want elsewhere, “just do the work”.  Money is that tool, used to distribute a resolution for the simple truth: we cannot  do “everything” for ourselves.  We need an intermediary device.
Given that simple truth, the reality becomes: what has no real intrinsic value within itself/ CAN BE manipulated to deceive, devalue, destroy, steal, lie, cheat, and fail society because someone removed the value added by society.  As is today/ greed wanted more, and they took it, with lies, cheating, and theft.

That leaves us with the simple and plain solution: UNLESS we accept the price of returning money to its rightful place, as a distribution of time, energy, resources, and work:   according to a realistic value for every citizen and every future life on the planet.  It will be impossible, to resurrect peace in society or the world.  You stole, they stole, most stole/ everybody wants, and the world cannot provide.  That means the thieves and those who DID receive stolen goods, SHALL give back what they stole.  That means: these will be “an angry mob” for a time/ because “they won the game/ and took the money”.  But if you fail to convince them, REALITY PROVES they did steal instead, which means WE DO NOT OWE/ and refuse to be your slaves.  You end in civil war instead of a courtroom to decide how best can we make this right.  The poor get their value back first/ they were stolen from; whatever is left in the end (if anything), the rich of this day can divide among themselves.  That will of course make them mad/ the plotting will begin/ and murder will be the mainstay in their hearts;   because “they are winners” and ____,___,___,____,___, or curse, curse, curse, etc they will not be made losers.  But that is not the point.  The reality is these did make the rest losers, instead of friends and a society united for life.  The price of that is NOW, you get as did the poor: “whatever is left”.  How is that not fair?

The question of a division called wealth or money is reduced to the examination of reality, and the proof of what you did do for society itself.  “The best of the class/ best of society” DID WORK for society itself, not just greed, pride, or personal want.  Working for society is doing what society needs to have done.  Therefore those who did an “honest days work”, and received an honest days pay;   are the guideline for all other decisions.  My work is equal to yours, is a realistic beginning/ assumptions associated with a university degree are NOT welcome.  The actual work, and its actual real benefit for society itself/ rather than the individual;   is the key to what is fair.  In that arrangement, a plumber/ electrician/ doctor/ farmer/ etc are all equal in terms of a job description for society.  A plumber removes sewage and brings water: an electrician makes it possible for you to use every utility that we all want: a doctor provides a personal service that is consistent with peace and harmony in society; and a farmer provides food.  How are these less important than the other/ therefore the same, regardless of PERSONAL life or death issues required of a doctor, in terms of true benefits for all society, it is still the same.  As are most jobs.
CONSEQUENTLY, since nearly all jobs have an equal effect on society itself, the reality of what is the proper pay for any individual employed by that job, becomes consistent with the risk, the reality of time, an appropriate understanding of the education involved (which is then tied directly too: we as society choose to let or help you become educated/ therefore we will pay that debt.  In return, for this amount of service to us.  A “bidding arrangement” between communities may help/ but cannot rule the day).    What is fundamentally fair, will be found.  You know how.  The difference is in who holds the power to decide.
So then the question you need to most diligently ask:    must be, “how do we the people decide among ourselves, what society/ justice/ law/ fair play/ and equality:   shall be”?

The elemental relationship of a vote to a reality of society is:   THAT WITHOUT A TRUE EDUCATION, so that you understand the consequences of your action/ a vote is nearly worthless.  Because all you can truly do with it is to “vote someone out”/ NOT vote for a world you wish to live and work  within.  Therefore the question of how do we become educated, by the truth which will govern our decision:   becomes a relationship with media.  Without the participation of REAL conversation, so as to discuss and thereby educate yourselves through interactions and the relationships of cause and effect that do govern every decision;   we cannot educate ourselves for this purpose.  Therefore a “free press, which proves itself by the honor of directly providing what is true, what is the consequence of these actions, and what is the future of our decisions: is absolutely required”.  That is not what you have today.  Today, greed, temptation, manipulation, propagation, and purposes of power or pride elevating want to the stature of an idol govern the process of “news, & entertainment”.  You get the news most use, “to be uneducated/ AND RIGHT, you damn ignorant pighead”.  Do not all say “I know (or I believe, my god/ the expert [cannot be wrong]; told me)”/ rather than I have learned?  The difference is: learning requires the evidence to decide, thereby what is true or not true by the common discourse of reality proving the pain (failure/ fantasy/ or foolishness):   or pleasure of a blessing produced by an honest decision which does not impact the future badly.  Are not learned here.  Instead the expert says/ the people believe/ the failure extends/ and the future is dead.  Consequently as is proven by time, “your experts”; were either liars/ thieves/ cheats/ whore’s (doing it only for the money, power, or pride)/ or they were just plain fools, whose sewer slide now includes you.  More simply an education REQUIRES your mind to participate, rather than simply believe what you are told.  learn this: that you will share the work and resources, because unless you do, there shall never again be peace and harmony on this earth

Therefore a future society we can survive as a planet requires three dimensions of these basic things:   we must have truth/ we must have learning provided by that truth/ and we must have a free participation in the conversation of all society in referencing what we have learned and expanding the evidence of our conclusion, by the composition that is called “the free press”.  Given these three things IF YOU IN FACT PARTICIPATE in an education;   will prove to be all that is needed to govern yourselves.  By vote, within constitutional law.  One of the first levels of education is the understanding, that in order to gain control of your governing as we the people/ the first rule is to return to the contract (constitution) that determines what is or is not fair for a citizen or an employee to do.
Constitutional law is: the foundation agreement between all citizens of a nation that this is the freedoms we guarantee to each other/ what we resolve to be as a governing entity, which decides what is liberty among us/ and what the basic tenants of our employees contractual duties, in that governing context and  effect will be.  Without a base agreement as are the foundation documents of this USA;   you will get lost.  Therefore it is absolutely necessary that all understand the foundation of society as agreed/ respect that/ and let it be “the sovereign law, WHICH DOES guide our lives, our society, and our employees”.  Nobody gets to defeat it/ but we all get to change it, IF clear and certain desire among all the people exists as an entire nation or state; by vote.  This is the fourth dimension of society.  It is necessary to re-state, according to the US constitution; the federal reserve is an illegal organization; because it determines how money is spent/ an opportunity  legally given ONLY & strictly to:  the house of representatives.  Consequently “get control of your money”.

A dimension is:   “The destiny, in the distance”/ or more simply, the expansion of knowledge which creates an opportunity to discover “new worlds”.   We participate in the quest to understand what is better for us, by acknowledging the foundations of thought, which is:   to discard belief for truth/ to understand and respect the disciplines which keep us alive/ to trust in the existence of wisdom/ and to accept what we cannot control as a value yet to come. 
There are 7 BASE dimensions in reality (infinitely more in thought itself);   the four directions of the wind/ the top “of the box”/ the bottom, and the inside.  What is outside does not matter, unless it cannot be refused, OR the question is: who controls the box (your experience), you or another?  But that is a different discussion, and needs not be considered here.
We then return to the three remaining dimensions of you.  The top being, what you believe is your share or purpose or value in living; the “fight for more”.  The bottom being what you believe is absolutely necessary and required of you just to survive; your “acceptance of reality/ by truth”.  And the most personal dimension is simply: what do you choose love or hate, where is your desire and value in living:  the foundation of your own personal decision and life!  These are matters which do impact society, and are determined in part by the things every society does.  Consequently, changes in society create changes in people;   choose wisely.

We now look at “what is outside the box” that cannot be refused.  The population count grows by 2 million more mouths to feed each and every week: they have rights, just like you.

You cannot survive further population growth, and must choose to contain it or die/ because of the destruction of everything required for humanity to gain just a few more years.  It is a choice/ it is a woman’s choice/ it is NOT a decision men can make: however you may bribe the women or bargain, etc in an effort to make this reality more tolerable for the women of this world.  Fail to respect that truth, and there will be true consequences.
Dealing with those who are here already requires truth; not simply mercy.  Like it or not/ just how it is.  Compassion asserts: make room.  Reality proves: NOT until you, and yours,  have done “their part to contain this epidemic, or crisis of numbers”.   When that exists on a per individual nation (or distinct group that refuses) basis, it is then necessary to participate as equals.
The difference between citizen and immigrant is: our heritage says, we built this society, this economy/ you did not. Therefore you are not allowed to change or control it, not even by language.  Our language rules/ any alteration of that is limited to the acceptance of a world language as a second language to be taught.  We shall NOT teach yours here/ refuse, and you must go “home”.  Our language is required of you/ just as yours is required of us, should we move to you.  The second major consequence of immigration is: no one moves unless they believe “things will be better elsewhere”.  Consequently, the need to educate and provide basic foundations in all nations of the world exists/ so that life there, seems or is, ok.  Real world solutions, not more lies.  The third variable is, that our population counts require “making room” for those nations, who did comply with the need to prove non-growth;  population sustainable or reduce-able  decisions.  There are costs to everything, accept what truth demands.  Share and care REALISTICALLY with all nations on earth/ establishing punishments for those who refuse as is no resources for you/ a closed door to the world.  Or more simply, as hunger and thirst consume you, we WILL NOT aid/ that is the decision you made.  Do the best you can, yourselves.

The reality of work is: the more competition you have/ the less you get personally.  Just how it is, like it or not is absolutely irrelevant.  Nonetheless, that is the basis of why people are always trying to control the competition: because they want more for themselves.  Because resources, thereby personal opportunities,  ARE limited, with more competition.  Consequently the immigrant is not “overly welcomed/ unless you become nearly a slave”.  Only society itself can change this combination of factors to improve equality for all.  That requires the reduction of   “Big business” into smaller and more distinct businesses; so that many can be employed instead of a few (particularly now with robots, and extreme machines competing so effectively).  The dismissal of production that does not functionally produce an appropriate amount of use for the resources consumed, is also required.  The throw it away society ends/ or humanity does; it is, just a matter of time.  A decision to murder the future generations or not.  The use of a “grading system”; which fundamentally categorizes the business into a specific percentage markup on each and every item sold; eliminates the primary competition and allows for whosoever does a better job to produce the outcome rather than price. Displayed/ standardized/ and payed for, by society itself.  That is more personal, thereby less competitive, simply because different people like different people.  The use or care of resources another category that defines “working for society, and our future”/ rather than strictly selfishness or not. This Aids society in choosing who it wants to be in business.

The elements of healthcare are simple: train your students early and often to understand as best they can.  Because we all need to participate in healthcare/ so that none die of “little causes”.  That is unnecessary and unwise.  Remove the blockade built by the american medical society to control the competition by refusing to educate any more doctors today, than they did in the sixties: here in america.  Throw them in prison; or make them be slaves; “its what they did to you”: is that not fair?  Society owes for this education/ but it is limited to reality:  NO MORE endless years in school, for what is completely unnecessary. Training to replace a knee for instance DOES NOT take years;  A years’ training does most specialties. Demand re-certification of doctors/ thereby testing to find out what is needed to be learned/ because it is used.  Apply more computer technology to the diagnosis of disease; if you do this correctly, it will help you. NO MORE allowing the production of medicine or ownership of medicine beyond the control of government.  We will own the medicine, and ALL its patents;  any who can produce the desired results shall be allowed to produce it.  NO MORE EXTORTION.  No more patents on mutilation or genetic considerations/ no more “science” outside our own laboratories as a nation.  Rather those who do find a useful medicine will patent with the government, gaining their own reward.  The amount of that reward: by the proven use of the medicine or whatever it is.  No “scientific laboratories”, wherein a group or business is paid for the possibilities.  Rather you will prove what has promise, and then we, as a nation will consider funding or not.  If you do produce an answer alone or as a group, without assistance from government; you receive double in “patent rewards”.  But if you fail to honestly protect life in your efforts, by mutilating it/ etc:  you get prison instead.  Like it or not, there are limits to medicine; to your personal worth in society (what we must pay to keep you, alive)/ let the nation itself decide what they will pay.  NO CREDIT, if the nation says “that’s all”/ then you die.  NO PASSING THE DEBT down to the children/ you pay or you die.  NO ALLOWANCE for personal wealth, our lives are equal/ which means if not for me/ then not for you either.  Love and hate are extreme opposites: I don’t pay for hate/ do you? Very few exceptions allowed; only for true benefits gained by society. Payment is:  A percentage of income, redistributed among all doctors; (so as to make all equal) this proves the amount that will be paid. NOT any damn extortion they can think of.  Our choice as a society in healthcare/ IS our training of replacement doctors to prove, we will decide; RATHER than be forced.  It is a serious matter/ NOT a game.  Therefore you will make a decision that you literally CAN as a society live with; we all die/ because if we don’t, the next generation has nothing to live with.  Consequently, your value as a human being is limited.  Not a choice/ deal with it.  Like it or not.

The foundation of our future, exists upon the elimination of threats that will consume us, if we don’t!  The possibility of our extended future as a humanity, depends upon the resources we don’t use.  That means insulation so as not to use energy or oxygen resources wastefully/ it limits pollution as well.  Different methods of business so as not to be dependent upon pollution and chemicals or antibiotics; ARE absolutely required.  Different methods of banking so as to be responsible to your own community, and not interfering with others; NO large banks/ NO ownership of multiple banks or any financial industry combination or consideration that lends, or in any way exceeds the community bank .  As individual banks investing, along with and in cooperation with their investors:  where an exceptional need or reality exists/ a public vote can be taken, to allow or deny (its their money, their society, their future).  No stock or bond market/ no credit for any city or state unless it has taken care of its infrastructure first: primary needs/ NOT THE ENDLESS DAMN EXCUSES TO SPEND MONEY. as is so consistent with a diploma and its GREED.  Let the people participate, and do their own work/ do better as civil engineers; you have been pathetic. The reality HAS NEVER been how best to accommodate the consumption of resources/ that is death of society.  Rather what is needed is HOW BEST to provide and produce the conservation of resources, that must rule our future instead.  That includes the end of isolated “big business”/ and the return to local markets; so as to remove cars and trucks from the road.  The end of air conditioning, will be required for most; because the heat caused is changing the climate of this world.  Not only heat from electrical generation but the removal of heat from buildings adds to the heat island that is now affecting rain downfall, and more.  No more “easy water”/ protect it, and demand no more bottled water: protect your water supply instead, and use it wisely. STOP THE DAMNED (the level of destruction to life, is massive), from destroying even more water for life. Recycling/ reuse/ rebuild/ conserve/ PROTECT LIFE, and stop destroying: work with nature/  are the “commandments of a future that we can survive, as humanity”.  Refuse, and you kill the children, or yourselves.

The elemental structure of a new society IS DETERMINED BY A SINGLE DECISION:   do you desire love and friendship/ or do you want hate, and its competition to win, thereby demanding “loser”?  It’s a choice.  All middle ground will end/ because resources and population counts prove that the world can no longer sustain us, as the humanity we are.  That means change is mandatory; no exceptions.   So choose, what do you desire in truth/ because you do have to live the consequence of that decision, or its fate.  No second chances, pick your destiny, or establish your fate.  You choose for life on earth, all of it, and its future: be wise.
Life requires love and friendship to survive/ because nothing else can bring peace and harmony, which is absolutely necessary.  Anything less is death/ which needs no further discussion apart from unimaginable horrors, as you receive your reward; WHY choose that?
Life as a destiny recognizes that work is required of us all, period/ no exceptions.  But shared, by all so that its impact is limited, and the value of friendship/ the value of life,  shall be reborn in a society that must then find its soul.  Soul here refers to the critical decision to respect this creation of life as a planet given to our own decisions/ that we may find inside ourselves the possibilities of an eternity.    We are miracles, plain and simple;   unless you accept that as true, the excuses will mount, and death will multiply as reality proves you are wrong to disrespect life and creation, in this way.  The value of something that you cannot possibly create for yourself, is “without measure”.  That means literally, RESPECT THE MIRACLES which surround you.  Those with a mind, will understand.  Those inhabited by “a fool”/ are lost.  A fool is: “I will never learn or understand/ I like my fantasies better”.

A new society shares everything called a possession/ consequently marriage for instance can never again be considered a possession of each other.  Rather it is, the gift of myself to you/ you to me; because we care, and choose each other.  NEVER own or control each other.