Controlling relationships, the disciplines of work/ the reality of society.


        Contrary to the current malaise that is a complete failure in governing by the current mobs/ the reality of all working relationships is respect. Without respect there is no dignity in the translation of needs/ consequently want takes over.  Want divides, subtracts, distracts, and destroys the basis and reality of all working/ marriage/ or life relationships.  Only in fantasy and delusion does want play an active role in life/ it is in truth,  confiscating the values and foundations of the majority who are in need. Want is an enemy, because it has no value in life.

        Separated from want by truth, is desire and purpose as defined by the needs of life on this planet.  Desire contains the deliberate decision to qualify and substantiate/ to define and declare what we must protect, why we must not be wrong here/ and how it is, that we have come to a world filled with the insane in charge.  Liars/ thieves/ cheats, "everywhere".  Purpose is then to remove the failure, distribute values, and create a sustainable world, if possible; because without change we do all die.  Just the oxygen lost to fires (cars/ etc) created by humanity is enough to destroy us all in a very short time.  NOT a game.  Therefore life or death is now a choice for our time, and our humanity decides if the entire world shall die; OR we do the best we can, to redefine and protect or defend all living creation for this world.  The evidence proves we stand at the edge of extinction/ not a game.

        Therefore WE THE PEOPLE as a majority MUST confront those who do wish to destroy us all, and establish a better way.  What is "right" IS AS SIMPLE AS,   "Life comes first/ for the planet"!  This entire matter is fundamentally NOT more complex than that simple statement.  Before anything else truly matters; all the threats that exist to make us extinct, must be dismantled, must be understood, so the correct choices can or will be made.  If not, then we die by your own decision/ I cannot help that, it is your decision not mine.  If we are to live by your own decision as a majority; then you must understand WHY this is important to do; you must learn what is necessary for life itself, or time will refuse you.  And you go back to the chaos coming, as is today.

        One of the critical realities in the understanding of what is necessary, is tied directly to society itself: we DO NOT work, live, or find happiness do to money/ the money is irrelevant, "nothing but paper, or other".  Rather than money, the power of society, and the ability to manipulate or control society or the individual comes from the choices that establish starvation, thirst, sickness or health, cold & freezing to death, or pain and the resultant mutilations or death.  These are the power against society/ the numbers called money are merely trophies and toys of the few.  Therefore we know, that money has nothing more to do with society than the buying of weapons or warriors.  A weapon is a tool that inflicts harm, with ease; money is a weapon, or a friend.  Warriors, are those who understand, "there WILL be sides"/ consequently it is important to pick the right side, so that the reward can be sustained. Want decides/ or reality proves, I cannot accept this.  The people however are the money, along with resources necessary to do the work required or desired by those with power.  Without the worker, there is no money; because it buys nothing, unless a worker translates that want into something real.  When people refuse to work, they are challenged with any or all of the threats listed above; if they find a way to survive without bowing down to the power that demands it.  Then warriors are hired, weapons are drawn, and people are mutilated, tortured, or killed until the people agree to be slaves.  This is the basic description of human society, that history proves time and again.  Therefore to understand the basic description of how to dismantle those who claim power over others, three distinct things must change: the allowance to be very rich/ the reality of power that lets a tiny few control an army/ and the weapons available to inflict damage and fear.  These are manipulated in the following ways:   "Limited capitalism"   discards the ability to become very rich by applying democracy to the structural integrity of society itself, and allowing the people to decide within what fundamental range (no more than this/ no less than this), any and all shall receive a payment for their services.  That grants the power to all the people, and ends "TOO MUCH", which ends their power over society itself.  The development of world law (we choose/ the leaders are arrested and go to court, for our judgment as a world) and world policing, to bring those leaders to justice;  which we the people provide (send your best).   That ends all but a minimum military, and or army, or its weapons; it shall be law.  The development of other weapons to inflict harm on society or the individual is restricted through whosoever controls society itself.  That control is NOT given to employees, that true control is given to law, that we the people create for ourselves.  A law is: a critical demand, that within very limited boundaries "this thing, action, etc" SHALL, OR SHALL NOT be done.  Thereby the question is plain, and the reality is simple:  because it is an important demand with true consequences for society itself.  NOT a rule, which is the intent and purpose to create a ruler, and identify how you, the abusers of society can get power for yourselves.  A rule is, the foundation of abuse/ the elemental dismantling of freedoms, so that a few can have power.  A rule is not critical to society/ a rule is a guideline, that is used against society; because it makes "rulers" over you.  No justice here/ only rules and rulers.                                               


        WHAT WE NEED IS:   the critical means to identify and create an understanding, by removing want/ discharging disbeliefs/ fundamentally explaining the truth as best we can/ functionally combating the fearful, with truth translated until they can hear/  and isolating what can or cannot be done for life itself, and why.  So that the rhetoric associated with any decision by those who demand to confront it; to remove change and demand fear of change, and/ or, deny change,  regardless of its value or right can be dismissed.  We the people, must translate, and identify ourselves, assembling into the workers that then become, "the soldiers or saviors of this planet, and its life". 

        Because that is the quest, in this time of extreme threat.  It is not simple nor without sacrifice/ but it is necessary, honorable, and the foundation we must rebuild:   for a future on this planet;   as all the threats so identified do prove, we will die otherwise, from extreme disrespect and the disease of university and its religion: "we can play god".   Want, does not belong, in a battle for life.  LIFE BELONGS, and the search is for truth, as it is  necessary to understand what we can or cannot do for life; because that is "our part".  Even if we do not succeed, it is better to have tried; an entire planet is threatened.  HOW then, can that not be true!


        Want argues, without substance other than selfishness/ therefore it is banned.

        DESIRE LEARNS how best to understand, by investigating the evidence for truth, examining the participants for details that identify reality, and making the proper decisions based upon that knowledge.

        Experts are banned, from leading/ they brought us here, and that is proof enough of failure.

        That means WE MUST THINK FOR OURSELVES, not listen to the other people, but examine the evidence, and investigate the participants for lies;   so that we can learn what will be trusted, at least for now.

        Politicians are removed from power/ as they have led, through following the university, and believing everything they are told.  No more sheep, time to be human.  No more excuses or talk, it is time to work for life, and change what must be changed for our survival; not tomorrow, but today.

        That means the elemental truth of our decisions must become laws/ therein we accept the power and responsibility of implementing our changes/ governing ourselves. By vote, under constitutional law, because it is at this time and in this day; literally "our government".  The law governs us; but the constitution identifies what we have agreed too;   until amended, it remains the government, and to deny that is anarchy.  With consequences.

        Religion is denied by its leadership, they have failed on all counts of value and life for society; letting evolution take center stage/ letting experiments gamble with our world/ letting extreme threats confront us all; and never saying a word.  Because they are believers in the university instead of the religion they claim to practice.  Their idols are the failed disease of a university that says "we, will be gods"/ to hell with GOD.  Do your leaders not bow down?  Where is the objection to mutilating this entire world?  "Not a peep"; anywhere.  That can only mean, "lost in delusion, destroyed in arrogance, denied in grace, and fantasizing about want:   instead of living,  reality or life.

        That means "its time to grow up now/ its time to wake up now from the university stories, the blatant disregard for truth or reality, the fundamentals of theft, the endless lies, the ravaging and rape of everything they touch, and the desperation assigned as is clearly in view:   "They intend to kill us all/ instead of surrender to the truth of what they have been done".  Cowards, deserters, death, and LIARS;   CANNOT lead anymore.

        The media intends to make you believe whatever they have been told to sell.  They were not there when ANY ASPECT of learning about all these threats, all these thefts, all the cheating or lying or inflation or anything else of value were beginning or going on.  They knew, I told them; and it was obvious to anyone investigating, with a mind of their own.  Not a peep/ because they want to own you; NOT serve you.  "It pays better" to worship the rich man, and be his puppet/ than to be discarded because you tried to do what humanity needed.  Even if they did not want to know, as is the case of this work, these sites;   the reality is so severe, there are NO EXCUSES for anyone.  We the people MUST KNOW the truth.  To gather with reliability that decision, there must be "the essence of a trial"; because far too many cannot do so on their own.  They are dependent upon "help and aid".  They are reliant upon each other, and it is absolutely necessary to participate in ways and methods that give the promise of truth its chance.  None should believe/ all must make their own decision:   because ALL TRUE CHANGE,  requires a decision, made in RESPECT for the realities we face.  Nothing less will do.


        So lets move on to trial, whether formally or not is irrelevant;   the foundation of evidence knows not "whether it is viewed in a prison cell or on top of a mountain so to speak".  It is your soul, that hears truth.  Therefore find your soul, it is the relationship we share with LIFE.    Not "YOU"/ but life and you. When you understand this VERY BASIC principle of existence, only then will you find the respect necessary to learn what life itself has to teach. 

        Even so, the basis of every trial is, or is intended to be:   TO UNDERSTAND,    BEFORE making any sort of judgment. 

        Understanding requires you, to accept the disciplined relationship between what you hear/ and what common sense has taught you.  Common sense is, the lessons life itself teaches, regarding all things; by pain, truth, reality, love, and hate. 

        Knowledge demands:   YOU do not know without a true investigation, regardless what you think.  Therefore you must listen, and acknowledge what can or cannot be proven;  without any doubt.  Where doubt exists, a true judgment cannot be made.  Even if life requires one, the foundation itself that includes doubt does not allow for "an extremist view".

        Wisdom is the excellence of wading through the various debris or flows, while collecting the essential tidbits of truth;   so that an honest and dedicated assessment shall be made.  Wisdom demands:   not until I am convinced by the truth itself.  Not without an assessment of reality that is involved; such as we all die, if this is proven wrong:   because they did it anyway.

        The foundation of judgment is: that this, or these things affect all our lives in society, even this world/ therefore we cannot be glib, or fail to do our justifiable duties as a jury.  A jury has only one job:   TO DETERMINE, what is in the best interest of society, to examine and dedicate their decision to what is fundamentally true, and justify that reality by the punishment of their verdict;  or its reverse. 



        People are governed by their preconceived ideas/ what they believe is true of the others;   RATHER THAN what life explains as "the options, to which we are entitled/ the freedoms we own"; simply because we are alive.  Those who cannot hear, most often believe they have been "betrayed by society"/ and will never trust again.  Those who do not want to hear; believe they will escape the possibilities and punishments of whatever it is they do not want:   but that is absurd, considering the threats we do face; an entire world at risk of destruction and death. NOBODY escapes that, we all live or die as the consequence of what we do decide/ or fail to decide in these days.  So says the evidence, because there is NO "going back"/ this is last chance, make your decision now. 

        The quest for a foundation upon which we can rebuild a future for ourselves and these children/ this life called earth;   is failing, at this time.  Because you refuse to communicate as is necessary to get the job done.  This is a burning house, whether you believe it or not/ there is no escape:   unless we put the fires that intend to consume us out.  Contrary to the university expert, which intends to control every job; so as to make you bow down and worship them.  THE JOB IS,   EVERYBODY HAS A DUTY TO DEFEND LIFE/ EVERYONE HAS A JOB TO DO, AS BEST THEY CAN FOR LIFE AND A FUTURE, particularly for those who cannot defend themselves, as are the children.  If you are an adult/ THERE IS, "something you can do": find it, and do it!  To do any less, is treason against this earth.  To do whatever you can do is a duty, to do your best is enough, regardless of the outcome. 

        When there is a war, that everyone understands must be won/ there is also an agreement among the people by a vast majority that it is NOT "money" that will decide this outcome, but truth and desire, a purpose that decides rather than a want.  This is a war against the threats that truly can destroy us all, an entire planet; therefore there are NO NATIONS in that regard, it is everyone involved/ because the outcome will be for everything, as a dead or dying world is useless to us all.  We cannot let that happen.  We cannot simply give up, when the propaganda machines of media refuse to participate/ or the university blight refuses truth/ or the politicians are more worried about making people happy for this moment than keeping them alive tomorrow; etc.  This is a battleground, the earth itself is our prize; we get to live/ or die, by what we do, or refuse to do.  The price is high.

        Controlling relationships is then about respect, when we give and receive respect; the world and our individual lives are established by peace and harmony/ with the possibilities of love, friendship and honor.  Without respect as is consistent within the university doctrines which have been ruling our lives, manipulating our societies, and controlling our futures: by leading us to extinction: we die.  It is not "a hard concept".  Simply look around at the evidence and investigate who did, lead us here.  Plainly it is the university diploma.  Without exception/ their propaganda machine barking at the heels of every individual life; humping the legs of us all. Simply to play with our lives, by enslaving us.


        A prime example of that is healthcare, wherein at the cost of "health and happiness" what can be done is refused/ unless you pay whatever extortion they ask.  People will arise to say, "not so, even if you cannot pay/ you can still be treated".  But that is false, they simply charge society itself; a major contributor to why we are bankrupt as a nation.  Healthcare is: the fundamental process of taking what has been learned throughout history in the process of tears;   and helping each other, as best we can/ for the sake of individual lives and all these do touch.  Healthcare is not playing god/ or intervening in nature, whereby the fact is:   this one is simply too "sick/ old/ or injured".  Or, more simply: society must protect itself/ there can be no risking the rest: for a cure, for a few.  That is simply reality, whether you like it or not, IS absolutely irrelevant.

        Nonetheless controlling our relationship with healthcare is very simple in the reality of things we can or cannot do, they are listed as:

1.  Graduate enough doctors and medical professionals to control the price.  Establish firm and real medical training in all public school environments so that each one graduates with enough clear understanding to attend to the majority of health issues that do arise/ as would be equivalent with paramedic training.

2.  Provide throughout public schools, all basic and advanced levels of understanding that can clearly aid the development of education in safety issues, as would be:   do or don't do this around the farm/ eat or don't eat this safely/ learn the signs of choking/ identify the risks associated with molds; and so on.

3.  Return to public funded hospitals, and restrict all medicine to such places as are public funded and open to all the people:   so that NO COMPETITION shall exist from private enterprise.  We will provide the hospitals and equipment necessary for our care/ or we won't have it available; and will pay a premium to go somewhere else.  Or more simply we provide the structure/ medical professionals provide the services, in competition with each other.  There shall be no need for insurance for doctors/ the public shall provide its own insurance for hospitals;   the doctors and others shall be subject to criminal prosecution if the cause is egregious and unwarranted.

4.  We will own all patent rights to medicine.  The manufacturers of medicines and other equipment shall sell to the state or nation/ and those things distributed accordingly.  All "invention of medicine" shall be done in public facilities, unless someone can prove a useful device or medicine by their own means, in which case;   the same rules for patents will apply to the inventor, as for any other machine or device.  Companies can exist for these purposes, but the state, nation, or foreign countries are the market, and we will own the patents for healthcare, and that means you will not control the price for manufacture:   human life is not for sale, or to be subject to extortion any longer.  That is why.

5.  Every life is equal, as life.  That means rich or poor you are the same.  That means a percentage of income as is adjusted for those who hide that income or excessive wealth shall be the same for all.  Ten percent dependent upon the medical treatment is more for a poor man/ than a rich man; the numbers are irrelevant, the percentage that makes us equal shall decide.  If you bribe, etc/ the price will double or more.  If you go outside the nation for healthcare/ you will pay as if you got that care here (if it was a choice); or we will reject your citizenship.  Those who cannot pay anything, WILL be given public jobs to do/ if they fail to do the work adequately; a simple trial will be held to determine if any further health assistance will be given in the future.  Some will die, as do we all.

6.  There is NO MORE saying to the future:   we WILL enslave every child/ by pretending debts don't matter; they do.  That means there can be no more pretending with social security or medicare or other.  A percentage of the GDP shall be provided to the recipients of social security and they shall divide it amongst themselves;   that is all you get/ spend it wisely, there is no more.  CHOOSE for yourselves.  Medicaid receives a percentage as well/ these are chosen by vote, among the people themselves.

7.   You will decide by vote,   WHAT LEVEL of healthcare you

willing to pay for.  When that level of expenditure has been reached:   healthcare is over "for the year" so to speak.  There shall be NO payments over time, beyond what is fair and legitimate as a percentage of income for a specific treatment.  ALL MONIES are a result of human decision.  Therefore every treatment is a relationship to how much time/ effort/ and risk;  is required to get this job done.  There is no such thing as "owed for education".  The public shall provide an education for doctors at their expense/ but the public shall demand, only the time and actual lessons that are useful shall be applied.  No more years of study, just to fill the pockets of the university and control or manipulate the price of healthcare.  You will test the current doctors, and what they can remember will then be the test of what is necessary to be learned.  You will add computer aided diagnostics "to aid the memory, and provide the public with knowledge of its own".  You will provide a detailed public listing of doctor/ patient realities, so as everybody knows:   "Good or bad"; so say the patients and their results.