In the realities of “this time”, I have changed.  Instead of being correct, it is now more possible to see that the reality of “our time” must be established in superior ways to the subjection that I am/ or more deliberately the evidence is, correct.  Or more simply, you must understand how to establish what is or is not correct for yourselves.
There are two essential compositions of what is true.  Real truth is dedicated to what cannot be changed by the consequences of human decision.  While personal truth is essentially, a dimensional decision to make or exclude certain factors from influencing your life; thereby making “your own truth/ because on the inside, it is your personal world”; therefore you can play god over yourself.  If you wish.  I personally do not wish nor accept that in any form, because what is real truth decides reality.  What is personal truth beyond the limits of reality, are mere fantasies;   therefore by their own creation, a lie, restricted to you.  A lie restricted to you is your own personal property/ by playing god with your personal world, you can restrict truth to yourself.  It is not wise, but humanity is “filled to overflowing” with these “personal truths”.
What must be understood however is very simple:   we are not gods over our reality as life in time.  Rather we simply play games with the life inside ourselves, in time/ to redistribute the consequences we don’t like, to an alternate experience or expression that is then avoided to prove “yes we can”.  That has held humanity in the constant state of “childhood”/ regardless of age, throughout all of history.  But I tell you truly, it is TIME to grow up.

In this day, I do see a world ending/ because the list of threats that can create life-ending results, is long and very serious.  That means, this is not a game; our planet is approaching crisis, and soon we will have no decision to make, that can intervene in extinction.   Contrary to that description is the common description:   “We are great”/ we are going to “turn the corner” on all this simple economic stuff soon, or go to war and fix it like all of history has done; and then its back to normal again.  Simple and plain/ ain’t nothing about end of life on earth here.  Its just a lie.  Given the large disparity between these descriptions, it is absolutely clear both cannot be correct.  Therefore we must attain a level of REAL TRUTH, within ourselves to compensate for the lies, and find the future of our reality by the evidence that exists.  That is what wisdom would do/ because we simply CANNOT be wrong, or we’re dead. 

The very first state of crisis that makes everything different in this day, than at any time since the history of this world began;   is the fact that as human beings we are 7 billion people standing on this earth.  If you add all the stated agricultural lands claimed by each nation, and subtract for various things like cities and streets; we come up with roughly 7 billion acres of agricultural “growing acres”/ the ability to raise or collect food supplies.  Or roughly one person per acre across this planet.  An acre is not a lot of ground, particularly when it must supply an entire years worth of food, not only for you, but for every other living creature on land as well.  Clearly we survive because we have taken the food we needed out of the ocean/ but that day is fast ending, and soon will be gone forever, because of common practice by humanity.  The never ending cycle “I WANT more/ regardless how much you have”; as is constant across human existence.  Doesn’t matter where you go (there are enough immigrants here to know). 
The issue of whether this is true or not, can be debated for long periods of time as it has already been.  The power hungry, the arrogant, the proud, and the selfish all work feverishly to quell and contain any aspect of reality that advises we must change to avoid complete catastrophe:   because they want more/ and to accept we have a responsibility to the planet and the children and life in general means; they MUST stop taking everything they can.  The simple truth is: they WANT MORE, not less/ and a percentage of this, and every people are absolutely certain; “let the world go to hell/ JUST GIVE ME MORE”.  I don’t care about nothing, but me.  You can argue that for a long time as well/ but reality says, if we don’t stop the slide into catastrophe soon;   nothing else will matter, because extinction is already here.  Its still a choice, but not for much longer.

So then we must look at “the expert” and understand, WHAT exactly is going on here?  WHO are these people who claim to be “so wise” as to make guarantees that “they know” such things as genetic mutilation will not hurt nature, or evolution exists, or gambling with energies that are extreme enough to bring the same fire as is on the sun here to earth; etc.  The answer is; they are individual citizens just like you or me; who are put into powerful positions by the wealthy (those who WANT MORE), for the express purpose of claiming to know as a “division of the federal government of america”:   what they do not know.  Which brings us to the purpose of arrogance and lies;   which is to provide accreditation by university, position, or power to those who want to control.  So then we examine the real truth behind the expert, and find a common citizen; boasting after being bribed with either money or the insanity “you are a god, to us”; for doing this.  So that the others can make MORE MONEY and do things they otherwise could not do/ without this “expert testimony; and the subsequent claim:   they know, what they are doing”.   Even though everything is a theory about energies beyond the limits of what is created by this earth and its environment.  Even though everything is a mutilation when it comes to changing nature.  And every mutilation is known to be “a birth defect, a tragedy to the body or mind, and absolutely what NONE OF US desire to know, or experience in our own lives.”  Yet with the expert, this very thing; the mutilating of all nature by DNA manipulation;   is occurring across this earth, with millions of people participating/ and hundreds of millions supporting those efforts.  Regardless, that most of the money is gathered with lies about how “we will be gods”/ the reality is: you chose to give the mutilators your money, so they can continue crucifying life on earth.   Armageddon means “chaos in nature”/ and it is absolutely clear, you are certainly on that path.  Religious or not, it is coming true.

 To which the “experts” say; it is coming true: we will be gods/ we are doing   GREAT.  We are changing life/ we are changing plants/ we are changing everything for the better.  WE CAN MAKE LIFE.  But lets review: the endless rearrangement of what previously existed as life, by manipulating DNA is not creating anything.  It is merely taking what works, destroying it on purpose and constantly rearranging it until something less than horrendous appears.  A “whole lot of HORRENDOUS” has already appeared/ but even that is not enough to keep these experts from proceeding to mutilate even more.  The expert does not know/ does not care/ does not consider/ does not think: the expert merely manipulates genetic structure (the essence of nature itself) into something it was never intended to be.  You should think about that for at least one tenth of a second, before you join them in saying “how great we are/ going to be gods”.  You are going to be gods, the religious term is satan (destroyer of a world).  You chose it.   You can debate this too, as to the reality of its real truth.  But consider this, that life is either dead or alive; is that not so?  Life exists because nature or DNA structure has corrected itself/ established itself in near perfect replication for all living existence again and again and again;   because it is, what it is.  That trait of perfection, the critical truth of genetic structure that defends us all: is either already in jeopardy of being lost forever/ or will soon be completely dismantled to lose its discipline/ its balance/ its separation of species/ its everything beautiful or desirable;   LOSING,   OUR LIVES/ OUR FOOD/ OUR WORLD.   Still think it is not important?  Consider this, what if instead of women having one child as is true for the vast majority today/ and instead their bodies suddenly release and nourish lets say 30 fetus all at the same time.  “Will they not suddenly cause the woman to explode and die: there is not room for this/ there is not body for this, in woman:   it is the structural integrity of genetic instructions that keep it from happening”.  Not a game.  Or what if your penis grew out of your mouth instead of a tongue, would that be better for you?  After all it is strictly genetic disciplines that put it where it is; is that not so/ they are the “building instructions”.  Or what if you grew two arms out of the same side and none on the other, its just a trait established by genetic balance/ surely you won’t mind if everything “gets rearranged”.  What possible harm could it be?  You tell me/ because this is exactly what your geneticists, and other “university and government experts” are doing. They have made nature itself, “their toy/ their garbage dump/ their decision to be gods themselves, by trying to create life through re-arranging the components that build and create a living creation.  They are mutilating nature in every conceivable possibility, trying to be gods/ and you not only let them, you provide the money/ time/ work/ tools/ and protections,  used to crucify nature itself.  They are telling you “believe in me”/ when in fact, they know nothing at all;   but WANT the money/ the power and the pride for themselves,  more than life itself/ or more correctly more than YOUR life.  Or more simply: these experts are threatening every life on earth/ and you support them, with your money.  Because they say, “look at these few with tears/ WE will make it all better, WE can be gods:   just you wait and see”.  Rather I say to you, look at those tiny droplets and remember them when the FLOOD of your own TERRORS come.  As you sacrifice a world of life, to gamble a tiny few might not cry.   Ask yourself is one life,  worth destroying billions, an entire creation?  Our reality in this day, is extinction is close at hand.  NOT because of anything more sinister than:   our ability to keep every human being alive, is principally responsible. Over population is a grievous offense/ it takes the lives of everything else.  Which means even though tears are harsh/ the reality of people who don’t die, IS FAR WORSE.   Plain and simple, it’s the truth.  But even so, what is truly sinister is the true intent, the absolute lies, the foundations of failure, pride, and thirst for power:   that takes our world, and chooses to defile/ disrespect/ disgrace/ and condemn it, with our lives sacrificed as well.  Because the universities, and governments, and businesses:  are doing that too.  Have you failed to notice, all the lawsuits against new drugs/ all the increase in breast cancer and all cancer/ the dramatic increases in autism/ diabetes/ asthma; how much more?  “We are gods”, is failing.   Humanity is at least thousands of years old;   can you not fathom that changes are do to something; particularly when it is considered with all the genetic mutilation in foods/ all the poisons surrounding us/ chemicals we are forced to interact with everyday/ the chemistry sets, people make of their own bodies and lives with pills/ etc.  Where is your mind?  When they say to you, “we are doing great, see the plants we improved”.  Ask yourself: are there not people, other things;   who look beautiful on the outside/ but will be a tragedy to you on the inside.  What is the difference/ apart from genetics change the entire world?

As to all the rest;  In this time, the real truth is:   if we kill the breeding stock that gives life to the new generation/ there is no future generation. Mutilating the breeding stock is exactly the same as killing it, because you chose to deny, the future called life.  Even if you have some success, it means nothing but trouble over time.  That is true of the creatures we raise for food/ the plants we raise for food/ the biological resources we feed these creatures for food; and every other NECESSARY biological reality required to sustain and create the chain of life on this planet.  Its not a game.  If even one critical component fails/ the entire network of creation dependent upon that single biological reality fails with it.  Look at your manufacturing plants/ they are now spread out across the world in many cases:   fail to get a part from one place/ and the entire cycle of manufacturing closes down.  Can’t do it/ don’t have the parts.  Simple and plain.  In the cause and case of genetic mutilation.  The critical assault currently going on against all sea life/ “going to take them all”.  The utter insanity of close confinement agriculture that cannot survive without antibiotic feeds.  The absolute failure in reality of assaulting everything that creates oxygen or controls winds such as are trees; means we have nothing to breathe/ fires are consuming more than this earth creates, “and you haven’t had a breathe yet”.  All of this the experts refuse to admit to/ because their power/ pride/ arrogance/ and purpose called selfishness will die if they do.  Their attachment to money and playing god destroyed, and flushed into the sewer; because even that is more than the insanity and arrogance is worth.  But if reality were to look at this, and WAKE UP/ the sheer volume of threat/ the utter treason and traitorous actions of making us all vulnerable to destruction: WOULD find some sense somewhere.  Is that not so?   But apparently, it is more important to “believe in the media” than it is to think or have sense, or protect and defend creation itself, or anything else that is real.  Rather in america for certain, the tragedy is:   “We believe”.  But that is exactly why the rich bought the courts with their money/ why the courts allowed the media to be owned by a tiny few, with their money/ why the university is used to provide the purpose and practice of finding just the right words to keep your minds blank, and keep you feeding like dogs “fighting for the best bone”/ while life dies all around you.

Our drinking water supplies are under attack, here in america.  Because the “people who WANT MORE”/ don’t give a damn about consequences once the water is gone.  They WANT the money/ power/ and pride; and will sell your nation/ your world/ and your life to get it, as they are clearly doing right now.  Trillions of gallons lost, primarily from aquifers/ more lost due to pollution’s/ etc.  More in jeopardy from toxic waste pumped in, around, on top of or underneath the water supplies and so on.  Only one inch of rainfall per fifty (50) inches of rain makes it into the aquifer; so say your scientists.  Which means even though it is raining, and the mississippi is flooding currently with too much water/ THAT IS NOT the water being used for fuels/ poisons/ irrigation/ etc.   Fifteen percent of your gasoline supplies now comes from ethanol (just one user) all the gas used in america:   times 3 for the production processes/ plus another potential two or three for irrigation onto these crops.  ADD IT UP/ and know YOU are soon going to be dying of thirst.  Recognize all the fertilizers used on lawns, are not about food/ and potash in particular has been near an end to this fertilizer for years: it will soon be lost.  Recognize all the poisons released even onto the lawns is destroying the pollinators of crops/ flowers/ etc.  If the enemy were recognized as at war with you:   HOW EFFECTIVE would he be/ for destroying your food supplies/ your water supplies/ your oxygen supplies/ your ocean supplies/ your resources in every conceivable way;   your slaves in the insect world who create food supplies for you/ even though they must feed themselves as well.  Consider the cost of sterilizing plants.  Consider your real truth as a civilization orchestrating your own extinction.  Look around you, and recognize every single person you see, “lights a fire” every single day; hot water/food/ cars/ heating and air conditioning/ lawn mowers/ etc.  Ask yourself, WHERE DOES THIS OXYGEN COME FROM?  And recognize, WE ARE IN TROUBLE.

And there is much more;   such as weapons of mass destruction.  The insanity of stealing from a world; as is the cost and reality of selling “derivatives/ and other games, this world of humanity insists upon joining: for the money.”  Don’t give a damn about the actual cost, if “I get a damn penny more”.  When I tell people, we simply cannot continue to throw everything away/ they sneer, laugh, and ridicule; commonly adding “watch me”.  When I say, soon the stores will be empty/ they commonly say in their heart if not aloud, “it ain’t today, damn fool”.  Resources are not a personal truth either/ they are realities with distinct limits.  The destruction of this earth, is no longer a game/ because we literally have no real place left to go.  This is our reality, and if we don’t stop destroying everything we require to survive; we are dead soon.  Simple and plain.
Instead of letting the media ridicule you with endless prattle and drooling as if a baby “thinking only of money, power, or pride”.  Remember this, it is only important whether the end result is life or death/ in terms of being wrong.  Where real truth suggests, THE POSSIBILITY EXISTS:   that we can all die from this.  The only real solution is then, STOP THIS/ because we cannot afford to gamble with life on this earth.  It is our only home,our only bodies of life;  there is no place else to go. WE CANNOT fix genetic life, once it is gone!  Simple and plain.   Live or die is a real truth, not a personal decision.  If it were, would you die?  Reality decides, not you.

While that may seem harsh, and it is; the true question is: why do you not care enough to investigate reality to determine if one or more of the threats clearly listed on this site is true.  There are many, each of which can take life away from us all.  Believing in people, just because they say “we know” what we are doing/ or we will do great things/ or we are gods, etc.  Is not a plan/ it is an excuse to not be involved and thereby participate in life.  That is extremely selfish, in a day when all life including yours is threatened with extinction.  Doesn’t matter which nation threatens, we can all die together if a single one of the major threats proves true.  How is that not worth investigating?  How is that not worth believing in your own ability to make a decision for life/ as opposed to waiting for someone in news or other to tell you what to think?  What if they are wrong?  What if, their decisions not to inform the rest are merely do to greed, and the endless thirst for power and manipulation over you.  To be wrong about some things, even if everyone else is going along/ still means your going to die too.  As is the evidence of war/ just because your leaders want it, your media testifies how great we are because of it/ or your business believes how much money they shall make:    ITS STILL lives being killed, mutilated, and sacrificed because they had no real say/ no truth in information that matters,  of their own.  TOO LATE NOW!
Find your mind, and work for life.