Since tragedy and disgrace (modified list), are all that the future has for you/ as you are.  While you have resolved to this date to die, instead of survive or even hope to survive/ it remains simple enough to prove.  Either choose different or die.
We begin with the current Iran situation, wherein the bully’s on the schoolyard say: “you can’t have the same as us/ we won’t let you”.  Threatening  war, potentially releasing nuclear weapons if not by missile, then by deception, and transportation in one form or another to “cities in other nations”.  But these are not the only weapons of mass destruction: there are biological ones, which can appear from anywhere.  Which are declared to be “98 percent” effective at killing human life.  Whereas chemical ones are only capable of killing millions.  Does not Syria have these too/ certainly, most likely; Israel does. There will be war, OR there will be a world court/ law/ and international policing dedicated to making the rulers of nations obey “Our law” as a world of humanity demands.

We turn to America: wherein the current resurgence of GM and other car companies is possible ONLY because the “US leaders” stole 300 billion from the money of every poor investor in these companies, and gave those companies and their rich investors;  a free gift not only of money.  But attacked the foreign competition/ destroyed the used car market with “cash for clunkers”: you got to buy a new car now.  And without doubt an influx of current new debts that make it possible to play this game.  The same is true of the nation itself, except for the fact that the money (time and life invested) for the entire nation except “the one percent” has been stolen; and the one percent given a free gift of money, their creditors attacked with “can’t pay”, and the creation of a game whereby the one percent get to buy every foreclosure, and every property they desire.  Turning the nation into slaves.  There will be costs/ there will be civil war with horrendous consequences:   unless you return to truth, which requires bankruptcy.  Or more simply: let us make the rich man pay!  It’s a choice.  The nation says “no, it can never be: this is america”.  But reality says:   stop being bastard’s, and open your eyes.  A debt that cannot possibly be paid is inflation, which means “someone IS GETTING FREE money”/ to be used against you.  The only solution for any such nation is:   to go to court, and re-divide your PROVEN reality, including property. Choosing to be as fair as it is possible to be, TO ALL.  The poor people come first/ those called wealthy will be last; at the very end of that line are those who made their money “with wall street”: they had their reward.
And the people, except for the poor say: that is too much/ the price too high/ WE WON’T do it, I will become poor!  But lets review!

Who does not know: “you cannot live on,  credit forever”?  There will NEVER be a day(federal reserve) when it is possible to create a tax or any other situation whereby these debts can be resolved.  It is impossible for you/ thereby mute, won’t happen.  That reality means: “the rich get everything they want/ the poor become increasingly slaves”.  Because they hold all the keys when it comes to debt/ and who gets to benefit, by political, and media controls.  There is no sharing/ there is no “trickle down economics”: there is only how do we make these slaves do what we want them to do, with the least cost possible to us?  The answer is, we promise them everything (IF they work hard, and don’t complain), but give them only numbers: so they fight among themselves, and leave the rich man alone.  Because they want to be “us”.   Numbers have no meaning, unless you allow it/ because numbers are just a measurement, rather than the reality, of man.
There will never be a day when more debt is not needed: because “limitless resources” are over.  What is critical to your future is then, CHANGE! That means either you stop raping and ravaging this earth or you die/ BECAUSE 7 BILLION PEOPLE consume a tremendous amount of resource every single day!

As we proceed in the tragedy and disease of genetic mutilation; what we get is an increasing spread of consequences, in a wide variety of organisms, which then affect every other organism in the chain that feeds us all.  Such as is seen today in cancer/ birth defects/ and other.  As we proceed in every more invasive chemicals and pollutants, ingested on purpose or in other ways: what we see is an increasing allergic reaction to almost everything.  As we continue to degrade and destroy the water supply, what we see is a migration of life from the newly formed deserts, “to where the water is”/ because they must.  As you continue to destroy the oxygen content of this atmosphere with fire and motors to sustain a human population, that now stands as one human being on every acre of green or growing land on earth/ cutting down, and consuming every organism that creates oxygen for us: how is the end of that unclear!  Consequently the “extra special smart people: we are gods/ compared to you”;  have designed their own end for life on earth: “they intend to destroy everything/ so as NOT be forced to share anything”.  The powerful people have joined, saying simply:   WE WILL HOLD THESE WEAPONS FOR YOU.  And the people cower and destroy themselves with fear.  With cause.
But not to be outdone, the vast majority have made plans to destroy the “rich & powerful man”/ with guns, fire, etc.  Once that day begins.  The only problem of course is none will survive it.  Because these are not solutions, but merely revenge.

The question before us all is simply:   how do we stop “the university/ the power mad/ the extremely proud/ and the determined majority of men” from killing us all.  A reality now, because of the weapons that are in place.  The threats that reveal without change there shall be no future.  And the consequences that are known by a history of men in charge that cannot be wrong: they choose war, when confronted with any problem they cannot solve with a simple “its mine/ damn you”.  Or more simply, how do we adapt our situation, to an answer we will survive.  It’s a choice.

The answer left to us is simply this:   as men have failed the planet and its life/ the only solution left is to hope that women can do better!   Simple as that, this is the best men did do, and we stand at the edge of an abyss we cannot survive.  Therefore our only answer is:    “DIFFERENT”.  The only possibility of different is women, and their reality is plainly “different”/ so even if not any more value than did men.  AT LEAST we stand a chance of survival, because they are different/ and different means, they will choose differently.  Might not be worth a damn/ but it is absolutely clear; the reality affixed to us all, by men; both leaders and followers:  IS DEATH, BY HORRENDOUS MEANS.  Consequently women absolutely CANNOT do worse than these.  THAT IS A FACT, whether you like it or not!  Therefore it is the only chance we get.

How do we wrench governments from men and turn it over to women;  establish it with “our own law, as every individual choosing society themselves?  The answer is: they have destroyed themselves by devaluing their own money/ stealing, cheating, and lying to each other for decades.  They have practiced, Doing all number of things in secret, and pretending they have a right to gamble with every life on earth including the planet itself.  How is that worthy of trust in any form at all?  The answer is then proven: these cannot be trusted anymore/ not ever.  Simple and plain.  Only the law can intervene in realities of threat/ risk/ and stealing our rights.  Only different can sustain us, thereby the decisions of choice in government now fall to women; because men have failed us all.  That failure, “threatening a world”/ means: THEY MUST be replaced.

But that is only the beginning, as it is not women that must lead, but truth itself/ in direct compliance with our own reality.  Thereby laws are created/ old law removed or redone UNDER the influence of what we the people decide SHALL be our laws for this nation.  THEREFROM, we select these laws, and establish this society: by a public vote on the issues and laws and forms of governing we will accept for ourselves.  That opens the door directly, to the influences of who shall create for themselves the greatest voting block; of people who work to re-create societies for themselves.  CHOOSE JUSTICE/ CHOOSE FAIR PLAY FOR ALL/ CHOOSE EQUALITY/ AND CHOOSE for a future, by understanding what is true.  NOT guessing/ NOT wanting/ NOT listening to experts: but understanding for yourselves what is honestly true.  When you have achieved the laws, and redefined what is fair in money and property.  THEN it is time for women to bring to bear, their influences in finding a new way for society to be happy without:  trashing the earth, destroying life, or competing for every resource; without the slightest regard for the future as did men.  By creating a society NOT dependent upon severe  “competition and money” (its all MINE/ or, “it’s all theirs”):     you lay the foundation for peace, harmony, and happiness.    It’s a choice.
By understanding that change brings with it a new dimension to life itself/ the realities are lessened, the education is valued, and the development of truth becomes a new life itself.  We cannot discard what is true, and survive.  Rather what is true must be embraced, because it is the relationship we now share with our future itself. This is a decision to accept the new limits, realities, and boundaries of a different future/ because what has been, can no longer sustain us.  You cannot go back to a time when the resources seemed limitless.  You cannot go back to a time when competition and war solved the immediate problems of man.  You cannot go back!  Want is absolutely irrelevant, truth must decide.  We are now simply:  too many people to survive, without true and real change.  7 billion people demanding food, water, wants,  needs, and “we don’t care”:  24 hours a day/ everyday, forever.  Think, about the consequence.  It is that simple.

It is also true, that the disease that spreads in countless ways due to arrogance/ pride/ hate/ power/ lust/ etc:   MUST BE DEALT WITH NOW!  Or it will be too late, to change anything; ending with life abandoned, a planet destroyed.  It is not a choice/ we must intervene, or have no future at all.  NOT because I say so, but because that is the truth of our reality; read “science at the extremes” on this site/ for a small glimpse of our reality, and those who DO literally gamble with this entire planet.  There are many more.
  Understand what is at stake, what it means to be wrong!

The tragedy of our human condition is: that far too few are willing to be “honest friends”.  Therefore hate arises, revenge lurks, tragedy exists, lust consumes, and crime is extensive. There are three primary failures which cause this condition: lack of discipline/ measuring with pride/ I cannot compete.
The lack of discipline is simply, accepting the delusional content of images that are generated by a lack of respect; either by you/ or against you.  An image is, the assumption of superior/ dangerous/ deadly/ worthless/ strong/ or weak.  The accumulation of images, into two or more descriptions accepted;  the reason does not matter.  Becomes a delusion, that provides an opportunity for you to make a decision, and allows the brain to;  step inside the image/ bow down to it/ or use and abuse it. I belong here/ I own this image/ I hate that image/ and so on.  The acceptance of three or more descriptions, applied to an image: becomes an insanity. The lack of respect for truth and reality;  is mandatory in all images.  From these simple steps, all manner of violence does emerge.  Therefore learn discipline and respect/ and violence will succumb.

Measuring with the brain, is a constant in human conditioning/ it is required to a limited extent; because without some form of reference we are without the boundaries a human mind will impose. Some of those boundaries are: I am a winner/ I am a loser; or they are.   I am desired/ I am not desired; or they are.  People like me/ people hate me; or I am discarded.  I am like a god/ they are like a god; or I need a god to help me.  Each of these are assigned by pride: the intent to isolate life into a description that I then control.  Even if others control me.  The purpose of measurement in life is: to assemble and maintain a structure within which we work, without serious risk or threat to our lives, or the others.  The reality of human corruption is: that measurements are used to establish pride, want, and selfishness.  Or more simply: you are not my equal/ I don’t care about anything but me/ and I want it all, be my slave.  The ascension beyond human corruption, is a demand; that I, will NOT be less than equal, or more so.  That I will participate in the miracles of life and living with a purpose that is dedicated to more than me.  That you, are a miracle that must be given the right to be free/ even if I don’t agree, so long as no other but you is harmed.

The competition of life is based upon three things as well: I can make you listen/ I can hear what you say/ and I can be, what I need to be, as desired.  Competition is the relationship we share with each other in a limited world, or environment; down to individual conversations.  Without the ability to be heard/ be listened too/ or adapt to the situation, it is impossible to find a solution;   which integrates ourselves, “into this other world/ their lives; rather than just mine”.  Competition is about getting the job or position of power: therefore it is sales related/ evidence established/ defined by talk, either right or wrong/ and fundamentally defined initially, by conversation.  Therefore the ability to convert time, into an acceptance of design, or leadership is critical to how well you can or will compete with the others for a place that says, “pay attention to me”.  THE ABILITY to turn time into “happiness, interests, direction for love, or other things of value, as conversation; is a blessing to both you and others.  It should be taught.  Adaption, which is required for all those who did not compete as well/ is necessary.  Therefore it is fundamentally critical to learn how to talk politely and with interesting topics, to control your destiny in society.  These are learned, and consist of a simple truth: to identify more than self, requires the knowledge and understanding accumulated from living outside yourself, and your own needs.  Or more simply, we learn to talk by introducing ourselves to new and different subjects of interest, to ourselves or others. If it does not “interest the others, by pertaining to me; they don’t care, to hear it”/ unless they are gathering information to ridicule you later. To be polite requires both listening and talking when it is shared conversation.  Or more simply, even if the moment is quiet/ sometimes that is better.  Those who use “foreign languages” to talk, such as physicists with their math/ or courts, & catholics with their latin;  do so simply to confuse, and thereby suggest, “we are more than you”.  Its just another form of bullying.  Its purpose is simply to keep you from discovering;  “all THEY DON’T know”.  The single largest form of bullying; is to use or abuse you for conversation/ because these have nothing else to say: its called laziness or jealousy or judgment.  The second purpose of bullying is, to claim superiority, by establishing: “you, can’t stop me”.  And in more aggressive forms, added is; “but I can stop you”. 

The critical purpose of humanity as is honest friendship/ understands that without honesty, the intent to be fair in all manner of ways and dealings:   IS REQUIRED for trust.  Without some minimal level of trust, as is commonly considered or identified by “like me”/ there will be no friendships. People do not come close enough to participate with each other unless some idea/ some moment, or other; causes them to take a chance and learn if you can be trusted, and participate in their lives for happiness or need, or not.
Happiness is the friendship identified by, the creation of time “with you”.  People who are “happy” DO make time, or set aside time; simply to participate and share your life in these moments with themselves.  They choose, as do you to understand, and acknowledge:   what is a path we can walk together.  Some of those descriptions are:  A shared journey is friendship.  A trusted companion is friendship.  Someone who will share your burden/ you theirs;  is friendship.  Someone who will be kind to you, is friendship.  Someone, that understands your pain, is companionship.  Someone who lets you be free, to understand and express or experience yourself/ is a friend.  Someone who remembers your own needs, with theirs/ is a friend.  Someone who listens, shares friendship.  Someone who talks, when a warning is needed/ because it is necessary or valid to this situation; is a friend.  Someone who gets help for you, is a friend.  Someone who deliberately risks their life for you, is more than a friend: this one has a soul. 

When it comes to sexuality between male and female, a friend is: the one who truly respects me, and his or herself.  You must respect yourself to be a friend here/ because you are asking or allowing;  to share what is important to you, with another.  A friend is one who does not manipulate or control for any reason or cause: all sexual responses are entirely free, or more specifically the choice of the one who either makes or receives this “contribution, of body and life”.  A friend is, someone who hears; “I am in need”/ when some form of sex (which does include a hug)  can honestly make a difference.  Sexuality is not simplified into “chemicals”/ rather it exists because we care enough to share honestly: AS TRUST ALLOWS!  A friend does not lie. A friend is disciplined enough, to stop when asked to stop. However, reality knows that some who can be “limited” friends, are undisciplined with sex/ therefore the cost to you, must be limited, as well.  But the decision for sex is entirely up to you/ remembering: they will want more/ and it is your life, because it is your time and opportunity to meet others that you surrender: their’s too.  If you wait “until they heal, from loneliness, or rejection” and then say goodbye;  they may hate you.  In other words: decisions have consequences. Never forget, “want is a liar”/ and people can be very “good” actors: even deceiving themselves. Remember as well, loneliness can follow rejection that is not fair/ suicide sometimes, is next: BE HONEST. Even so, “not your fault”/ your life is just as important as theirs.  A friend, always tells the truth, because without truth verified by the evidence of life; trust will not come/ thereby true  intimacy cannot be found.  A friend does NOT use or abuse you, for any cause/ PARTICULARLY not sexually.  A friend, remembers the simple words:   “I love you”/ are reserved for honesty and hope.  KNOWING, these are decisions that cannot be made for you, or because of you by another: they must choose for themselves.  A friend will always choose, what they believe is “best for you both”/ because sexuality has many complications.  Friends can be wrong/ but not repeatedly. A few are lost to sexual compulsions beyond their control: if you will help them/ then chain them up, go naked if you wish to do so; and video tape exactly what they do/ so as to teach them their own reality.
A friend becomes a lover: when the desire “to move each other beyond time” is real.  More simply: when time has no meaning together/ when time is endless apart: and the desire is mutual, the possibilities of knowing or becoming what is the beginning of real love ignites.  A lover, becomes a companion for life: when, BOTH he AND she recognizes “you are my destiny, you are my life shared for an eternity”: the same must be true in you BOTH.  Trust is the path constructed.  Therefore do not lie, it will hurt you both.

 Sex is a conversation, a reality dedicated to the discovery “what can and will, you do for me/ or to me”.  Kissing is the artistic rendition (your description) of the places we can visit together.  Hugging is the construction of a door between us.  But everything of value that sex can be, is determined by “the treasury of life and hope we do share/ because caring is evident and real”.  The critical difference, between the people we choose to have sex with; is regulated by a decision, either for chemicals/ OR determined with the purpose for a child/ OR dedicated to the disciplines of love/ OR is established by loneliness, or a need to care, therefore share (at least a little).  Chemicals assume a toy (the body is not, so it fails).  The demand of a child is “body and mind”: therefore genetics, and disciplines, and possibilities; do make a difference.  Love is a discipline that requires trust to be established, be sustained, or grow to complete the journey within destiny itself.  Trust cannot survive manipulation/ temptations/ control/ hate/ lies; etc.  Even if love can, the relationship, or purpose of time and sex together, will end.  Loneliness is a grave reality, it can cause a wide ranging descent into crisis; or be the stairway to ascend “beyond this time”.  Those who are descending, need help; need companionship; require a decision to “choose me”; and do understand, “sexuality does all three”. Eliminating the excuses that arise in conversation/ BUT multiplying excuses used in sex, by sex, or for sex.  THAT HOWEVER DOES NOT mean it’s a good idea for you to get involved, or provide any access to sex with you.  Everything does have a price, and if that price is too high for you/ then you will soon fail too.  BE HONEST with yourself, and everyone else; so that more damage is not done, including to you.  A large portion of the human condition and its troubles are linked sexually to human behavior and want.  Want provides the lies, “its ok/ because I want, therefore I have a right ” to do what I want to do; including plot, plan, deceive, manipulate, and more.  Behavior is the consequent result of “age-old/ or current”, human morality and ethics, combined into your own personal decision regarding these things.  People behave the way they do in public, because they believe this is going to get me attention/ keep me from being noticed/ open the door to better things/ or protect the life I have.  Everything else is survival.  People use behaviors, because they are evident in society; thereby consistent with expectations regarding what I want: do this/ get what you want.  Consequently most behavior is a lie, because it is not preforming the desire or purpose of your heart (I live, because this is precious to me).  Rather behaviors are designed to recreate the desire or purpose of society itself, in doing so: whether by religious conditioning or not.  People choose behaviors, because these are the accumulation of evidence: that with these, the majority of our society will do better.  Thereby “a flock, or herd”.  Individuality requires, your own decision/ rather than theirs.  Your own search “for why/ or why not” instead of the morals and ethics of others.  But do understand, the price of freedom is removal from the herd.  As in every herd, the purpose is to protect against predators/ if we don’t all act together in the same way: THEN we get in each other’s way, and fall down, “to be eaten”.  Common behaviors, then have a purpose.  Individual decisions are an ascent beyond time, and its influence over us all.
We then come to all the ancient religions, which seek guidance by understanding “Miracles mean something”.  There use and abuse of fundamental behaviors as a means test, to what is acceptable and what is not; is largely or strictly due to the fantasies of men & their desire to lead, and what they want, others to do for them; playing god, with each other.  BUT BY NO MEANS, are they to be considered “completely blind”/ as there are truths discovered that have had immense impacts on humans and their societies. They are based upon the idea, if we learn/ our lives will be better. To bundle them altogether, creating what is “strictly true” would be beneficial.

Beyond these are the “modern religions”:  as are evolution/ physics, and others.  These are based upon the idea, if we learn, we will become god ourselves.  Evolution has been discussed previously, but it comes down to the simple truth:   NO possibility exists that these have proven anything about the creation of life here on earth, or anything else other than adaption/ which is merely the evidence of true thoughtful design.  Physics, the second major religion of men today; is based upon the theory, “with endless stories, fantasies without end; regardless of proof” they intend to prove there is no god, but themselves.  Another simple testimony to the predators impacting our lives.  That is not to say as in ancient religions that nothing they have discovered is real or valued, as true.  It returns as does evolution to the simple truth: they have proven only little/ have discarded much/ destroyed the evidence that did not agree with their conclusions/ and invaded the lives of very many with the assumptions of a reality that does not exist: where proven to be gambling with all life on earth is real.   Their common priests, both physics and evolution, which are now genetic scientists: seek the destruction of our world.  That is said because the mutilation of all nature (nature is the genetic code, the building blocks of body and thereby life in time with energy) is absolutely insane.  Do you want to be mutilated/ do you want your child to be mutilated/ do you want your food to be mutilated?  Just because no great tragedy is currently seen means absolutely nothing; just like a dam about to break, gives little warning.  Do you want this planet to be “just like the sun”?  Do you want your world to end just like the big bang?  Fools and failures suggest all the mass in this universe came from a tiny pinpoint of space; “absolutely everything” from nothing.  And you believe them.  HOW STUPID can you be/ how utterly insane, blind, arrogant, and illiterate do they have to be to suggest that:   utterly without comprehension.  But nonetheless, they have built and are using machines that can light this planet on fire/ or blow it up.  It only happens once.  Want them, to be wrong/ its your life, our everything!  The fact that they refuse to accept the reality of their want, “to play god” identifies the singular reality:   that to gamble with every living thing, and even the planet is an abomination that cannot be dismissed.  A human decision so filled with “evil: destroying creation itself”/  that only the religious word called SATAN can be applied.  To be wrong, is to be dead for the planet.   Their excuse is:   “We don’t have enough gravity to sustain fusion”/ therefore a useless experiment at best.  Nonetheless if wrong, a dead planet, burning like hell on earth, in an endless “lake of fire”.  Or the excuse at CERN:    We will find god/ we will create mass out of nothing to prove ourselves so “extra special smart: we ARE gods”/ and so on.  Monkeys playing in a sewer is a much closer fit.  They have been running somewhere around a year or more now.  What is important about that is the prophecy of an ancient religion formed in the bible called DANIEL 12.  Wherein it states clearly, “when the abomination arises (starts)/ there will be 1290 before this entire creation is dissolved.  Which gives us a date of death either in the first part of 2013, or the last.  Due to the experiments coming to their fruition: death to the planet, by fire/ by the hand of man himself.  Take your pick, rather die by fire, with the atmosphere ejected first/ or simply blown up, and turned into dust.  But hey, if not them, then Armageddon which means: NATURE IN CHAOS.  IS certain to arise.  You can’t mutilate everything/ destroy all the chains of life/ resources/ oxygen/ water/ food/  etc, and expect to live.  Isn’t that true?  Different or die is not a game, its your decision/ OR LACK thereof to stop the insanity before we are dead.  There is no going back.    Are these fools really smart enough to hold your life/ your nature/ your planet/ your whole existence in their hands?  THEY HAVE TAKEN THAT POSITION, they have aligned themselves with your death, so they can play god themselves!    WAKE UP OR YOUR DEAD.  Because that, is what the evidence will prove.   That is what you media, and leaders REFUSE to tell you.  Because it ends their game, stops their power, and refuses their pride;   destroying the mantle of your own slavery to them.    And apparently they believe “we’d rather die”/ they would rather this entire earth dies, just to keep you from “choosing your own destiny”.  Because that is the choice, and that is what they have done.
Of interest is the clear trap, that comes with allowing all retail business to be isolated into a few large entities/ which can then do exactly as they want.  Or be controlled by a tiny few in power.  When your options to choose die/ then the people you depend upon to survive, can demand anything they want/ regardless of a right.  Your complete failure, with money; numbers so large they no longer have any true meaning: complies with the idea or prophecy, that people will have numbers stamped on their bodies: OR you cannot buy anything. They will tell you it is necessary and better, and required because this is the new money: so that people cannot steal.  But in reality, it is just the first step to absolute slavery, and the complete descent of society into chaos.  Because power is a corruption of purpose/ therefore an intent to control rather than define peace or harmony, through law.

These will point to me and say, “he is nothing/ he is a ___________”/ therefore worthless.  Not a hard description to make: but this is not about me/ its about you, and the future of life, planet, love, and happiness!  I point to the evidence and say simply to you:   THIS IS about investigating our reality/ examining all evidence for its truth/ and deciding the future rather than being forced to submit to the consequences before us today.  NOT about me.  RATHER IT IS ABOUT GAMBLING WITH EVERYTHING WE ARE, EVERYTHING WE NEED TO SURVIVE OR BE HAPPY; EVERY LIFE ON EARTH.  They do threaten us all, with EXTINCTION.  So says the evidence, “let them prove THAT EVIDENCE is wrong”.       

  Demand an accounting/ demand REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES:   “OUR RIGHT, TO DECIDE OUR FUTURE, OUR SOCIETY, AND OUR FATE;                            OURSELVES!”
GO TELL ANOTHER, DO, “the best you can”.  Its important!  Past the point of no return, it no longer matters.

BECAUSE THAT IS LITERALLY THE CHOICE they made.   IS IT NOT,   “Your choice now”?
  To say NO!
THIS AIN’T NO GAME, the machines are running/ mutilation everyday/ prophecy coming true;   etc/ etc/ etc.