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With regards to this ignition facility; ask yourself the question: what happens if even one laser fails to work properly, “leaving an exit hole, the size of a laser beam” for all that energy.

The reality of energy being conceived of, is beyond anything men can control. Beyond anything that can be considered to have no consequence. It is beyond insane, and fully describes what can only be called ““satan on earth””/ it is that bad, and it will be that destructive. 500 trillion watts is the equivalent of 473.5 trillion BTU’’S/ or 430,210,000,000,000,000 calories, gram/ per hour. All to be released on one single basketball sized hydrogen spot on earth over the intended period of about 1 second. They build a machine out of ““the star wars military program”” of the Reagan years. They have taken 192 of these lasers that were suppose to be powerful enough to bring down missiles thousands of miles away NOW UPGRADED TO EXTREMELY POWERFUL.. Focused every single one of them on one ““basketball sized sphere”” filled with hydrogen/ and intend through lens manipulation to create an environment of no escape for the atomic materials inside these 192 pinpoints of light. The only possible way to claim 500 trillion watts (their claim NOT mine), is with a consequent nuclear explosion. that is the plan being enforced at the national ignition facility/ a military installation built into a tiny mountain range in a suburb of San Francisco, CA. For a more distinct understanding total energy received from the sun on earth is equivalent to 232,000,000,000,000 horsepower. [The claimed generation of 500,000,000,000,000 watts is equivalent to 670 billion horsepower, OR 1 horsepower released at the national ignition facility per every 346 horsepower received from the sun here on earth] v. solar radiation reaching earth’’s orbit is 1,400 watt’’s per square meter (W/m2) as measured at right angles to the sun (ie, Solar constant) 19% is absorbed by the atmosphere. Clouds reflect 35% more. The accepted standard is 1020 W/m2 at sea level.. In North America it is 125 to 375 W/m2. (3) [or the 473.5 trillion BTU’’S expected by the NIF is equivalent to all the sunlight and radiation reaching the earth at the north american mean latitude of 250 watts per sq meter= 2 trillion square meters of land and water surface.Sources: ( not in italics, here in small print is/ Borrowed from this site)1. New elementary physics‑ Ginn & Co 19362. Energy overview section 1.2 production by source.En They proclaim nothing bad can happen, BUT LETS REVIEW : although I purposely reduced the effect of 500 trillion watts (the energy pulse of an instantaneous explosion/ not over an hour of time) to a more controlled 115.7 kiloton explosion within a second of time:   for the sake of people being introduced to this reality; so they could grasp it, without complete panic (there are people to point out the error). The reality of 500 trillion watts is still 416,666,000 pounds of chemical explosive going off instantaneously. Or more correctly a kiloton is equal to 1000 pounds of chemical explosive/ a megaton is equal to one million pounds of chemical explosive or this 500 trillion watts (their claim) is equal to 416 megatons of bomb= 28 twenty megaton nuclear bombs going off in one area. What do you think ““end of California, then the end of the earth/ or fusion, earth on fire””? Take your best guess! As to fools and failures and idiots/ the reality is: the earth has not come to an end yet/ because no possibility for man was created, by men; to cause this to happen/ until now. The nuclear bombs/ the weapons of mass destruction/ the biological weapons/ the genetic crucifixion of DNA (nature itself)/ and these scientific experimental machines are all enough to end life on earth: ARE THEY NOT? LOOK AGAIN. Therefore understand this very simply: the earth can only end once/ YOU can only light it on fire once! And the keys, ““are in the monkeys’’ hand””. Either you stop them/ or you die, and all life on earth with you. Its not a game, it’’s a fact.
In its simplicity: NIF is an experiment in what the consequences of heat energy can do. Those consequences are: it can create fusion/ and fusion will sustain itself, because it is the atomic bonds burning (a bit like a chemical fire where molecular bonds are burning); and there is an endless supply of fuel here/ which means once started we cannot put it out, and will become just like the sun. The earth simply a "lake of fire". There are other consequences: by controlling the atomic environment and "suffocating it" with energy through heat: the energy will try to escape: that is literally what keeps us alive during any nuclear event. The entire purpose of nif, is to contain the nuclear environment and not let it escape. That leaves us with three potential options/ but no more, because it is a simple environment. Fusion/ one of the lasers fails and allows escape; creating an explosion commensurate with the energy being used (the law is, for every action/ there will be an equal opposite reaction)/ and if sufficient energy and pressures are created (they can do so), the next step if contained is the creation of a black hole. Because if the energy absolutely cannot get out/ and more pressure is applied than the environment can withstand, then it must turn inward, and that is what creates a black hole, or dark matter as a result. Under anything close to full operation nif WILL establish one of these three results. Fusion the world dies in fire/ a black hole and the whole world will be sucked in, believe it or not/ an explosion massive enough to duplicate the energy being used could easily extinguish the entire San Francisco region; creating a shock wave and potentially dumping massive "disturbances in the ocean", through earthquakes that would then be felt across the ocean as a tidal wave. Such is your experiment/ and you CAN understand this simple association of facts. That means it is a choice, and you allow it to exist at the risk of an entire world. Idiots suggest: it takes extreme pressures to sustain a fusion fire/ because they believe "the sun burns from the inside out"; an apparent fools paradise, as they have no other means of identifying fusion for themselves. But we see no fissures/ no means of identifying "hotter area's and colder ones" as this must occur if indeed it burns from the inside out; pressures will move and vent where they can. But apart from all the evidence in this/ the primary reality already discovered is: that a dying sun goes supernova, and as a result expands to more than 3 times its current size; becoming much more intense. THAT MEANS, in simple terms for this to happen: the core of the sun must expand. To expand, the mass exposed must be heated farther than it has been. That means the inner core of any sun is much cooler than the outer surface where fusion occurs is. And that means it is absolutely impossible to believe the sun "burns from the inside out". The evidence of a supernova, ultimately and without question proves this is not so.

What the people at NIF, the national ignition facility of the US military are doing with their lasers. Is very simply: they have arranged 192 of the most powerful lasers known to exist around a sphere. Using adjustable lenses which they hope to start at a beam width of 16 inches / they intend to isolate a basketball sized sphere of liquid hydrogen within all these 192 laser beams all working at the same time (lasers cut steel you know/ therefore energy is being forced)/ and with computers they intend to reduce all 192 of these heat producing beams into the smallest possible focused spot they can; fully expecting the lasers to quantify that basketball into a smaller size than the pin head on a sewing needle; collapsing it with the energy of lasers, instead of an explosion as is done with common thermonuclear bombs. By the power of these lasers/ and they have tested them: they expect to get 180 million degrees Fahrenheit / and a 100 billion times the weight of earths atmosphere; on this tiny spot. For the purpose of generating fusion. The purpose is to contain the explosion long enough and with such force: that the atomic nuclei cannot escape/ therefrom fusion will be generated. Atomic matter on fire/ a fire that cannot be put out, because it burns atomic matter, and everything here is atomic material. If not a massive bomb/ then the end of this earth, by fire. 3 things are worth noting:1. A thermonuclear bomb has not yet created fusion fire, because they cannot contain the nuclear materials long enough to cause them to light. That problem is now remedied with lasers. It will prove true to the purpose, and they will generate fusion fire which will consume the earth if they are not stopped.    2. The 50 megaton bombs that were detonated, were without doubt the last tested in the USA, and if you go back in time to when the treaty was signed, the USA DETONATED THREE OF THESE within about a month or so. At their most southern site on the Mexico border/ Within the week they said they would detonate, the Mexican volcano erupted in that time. Within a week of the next one detonated, California had an earthquake. Within a week of the last one ““I no longer remember, but it was something equal”” Do check it out   .3. Einsteins formula E=MC2 Is read energy is equal to mass times the speed of light squared. The formula for kinetic energy/ the energy of motion is E= mass times speed. Therefore Einsteins big theory is nothing more than energy is equal to mass with speed given as the constant called ““the speed of light squared””. It is simply the kinetic formula, with a number attached/ not energy at all, in its truest sense. While bombs have been built because of the directional statement, rather than wisdom; it is still little more than a grade school math equation. In other words ““they ain’’t so damn smart as they think””/ PROVEN in a billion ways at least. IT IS YOUR TURN TO THINK NOW, I do suggest this is as simple, as work as best you can: or die.  FOOLS never stop what they are doing/ because it ruins the game; which means they must be stopped or they can exterminate us.  It will be, one or the other/ stop them or not.
Your Communication, and education is key/ do what you CAN do for yourselves. The lives of millions in the greater San Francisco area/ lives of millions in Europe, AT A MINIMUM are dependent upon ““we the people, interceding/ and telling these terrorists NO””. These governments, are believers in the university religion of “we got big brains”:   HOW DARE YOU BE SO BLIND!    GAMBLING WITH,  Even the entire world is at stake, and you can tell it is true; look at the numbers created by their game.   Stop playing, and grow up yourself/ there are terrorists attacking us, with our own money, government, and resources.  How is that fair?





the  first theat!

YOUR american LEADERS/ YOUR university EXPERTS, gamble with this planet, at the national ignition facility:   BASED upon these theories (guesses/ expectations).  The machine exists/ the experiments are now running.  What is true, DETERMINES whether this entire planet lives or dies!

Not a game, because this is our reality; because this is the same fire as is on the sun/ the potential same result as is the sun, here on earth!

This trial is NOT about “the science”!

 Rather this trial for WE THE PEOPLE:   is strictly about the risk and reality of being wrong/ or being too late, a future destroyed; if we do not act now!

THEIR Theory #1

fusion cannot be sustained here, because the necessary gravity, hence pressures “to crush atomic materials, thereby attaining heat”:   are not possible to maintain for any significant period of time, on earth.


thereby;   all fusion is generated from the center of the sun, (wherein tremendous pressures are believed to exist, BECAUSE OF gravity) and radiates out.


GRAVITY, because the sun is considered to be so massive, is the cause of fusion.


gravity is: the evidence of a large body attracting a smaller body, thereby holding it by some form of unknown attraction.

Upon these four theories “of the extra special smart people”: they gamble bringing fusion to earth will not cause this planet to become as the sun is today;  completely engulfed with fire!


1. WE WILL create an energy burst explosion: equivalent to 500 trillion watts or 1000 times the electrical generating capacity of this USA.

2. WE WILL achieve temperatures inside the target area of over 180 million degrees F.  “More, than an exploding sun”

3.  WE WILL create pressures equivalent to 1000 times greater than, the gravity of this earth, inside the target area.

 THEIR MACHINE: 192 of the most powerful lasers known/ all pointed at one single pinpoint spot called the target.

THEIR PURPOSE: to surround and encapsulate the atomic structure of whatever elements are inside that target, and make it surrender to their,  heat imposed.  “No escape”!  Thereby forcing the atomic laws that govern our existence here, to submit beyond their limits to resist:  changing that atomic law of time, governing earth.

THEIR GUESS: fusion will result/ THEIR EXPECTATION: but when we stop the lasers:  it will stop, because the pressures needed to sustain fusion; containing the atomic environment will cease.    More at www.justtalking3.info


they have created a fire that cannot be put out, because everything here is fuel!

Are you willing to bet this planet on that theory?

E) the stated “military mission, or purpose of NIF, this facility; apart from creating fusion is: to test, “the exploding part, of nuclear bombs”!  Going to contain “repeated nuclear explosions”, inside a target area with lasers.  In a suburb called livermore;  of San Francisco. Apart from all the other possibilities:   containing nuclear explosions by encapsulating it within laser beams mean: IF ONE single laser fails/ there is a hole by which the nuclear explosion will escape, as a focused blast, multiplied by the energy effects, of the remaining 191 lasers.


   TO PLAY THIS GAME? Want to live in a San Francisco?

NO GOING BACK, EITHER life or death, for a planet/ based upon theory; and the propaganda of news media, declaring “they know”/ when in fact as proven by the word theory: THEY DON’T KNOW. 

These are Excerpts from  www.justtalking3.info

This is NOT a research project, it is an expectation and attempt to create as stated on their site:  fusion, the same fire as is on the sun.  Fusion is the burning of atomic bonds (EVERYTHING HERE IS FUEL)/ very similar to fire on earth that burns chemical bonds: except atomic BONDS ARE the fuel, instead of chemicals or more correctly molecular bonds.

Theory #4 believes gravity is so strong it “holds the planets in orbit around the sun”.   YET: We can defy earth gravity, by jumping; with minimal efforts.  HOW is that possible if gravity is as they expect, holding planets millions of miles away.  The math does not compute!   Compared to the size difference between earth and human, it is not possible.

Theory #3:   the sun is massive!  However, we know the flame rises due to heat expansion “millions of miles” from the surface of the sun/ because it is a sphere on fire. Thereby the heat pushes against itself, adding a tremendous increase in the distances needed, for that heat to exist in relation to the reality of expansion.  Meaning very simply: not only does the fire not extend down to the sun body itself/ but the size of that sun body must then be, extremely smaller: than common science expects.

Theory #2.  The sun burns from the center out.  IF the sun was entirely “fire”/ then it would all be burning, causing a rate of consumption applied to the body of the sun that would be extreme.  The opposite is true, it burns slowly; and we know this is true, because the sun remains constant in human history.  Since we know, that everything on fire, is being consumed.  We know, thousands of years of human history would prove the temperatures here on earth would have changed.  Thereby, we know everything is not being consumed. If everything is on fire, everything is being consumed. It is not so.

MORE CRITICAL is the known truth: an exploding sun expands tremendously prior to its final explosion.  We know, if the sun were completely on fire, being hottest at its center: THEN NOTHING EXISTS within that mass, TO EXPAND!  Thereby proof positive fusion exists on the surface/ NOT from the center out.

a large mass on fire, has a variety of “hot spots” and will attain cracks and crevices and flumes varied by the temperatures beneath. It will have area’s being consumed faster & slower/ the sun would then deviate from a spherical shape/ and it does not.

Theory #1 only intense pressures create fusion!  However reality states: being effectively contained as an atomic environment/ and developmentally altered from its normal atomic state.  Atomic energy that cannot react outward/ given the law: for every action there shall be a reaction!  Demands that energy shall turn in upon itself: because for EVERY ACTION IN TIME, there will be a reaction in reality.  OR more simply an atomic energy confined which cannot push out/ once overwhelmed, then pushes into itself. That process begins the burning of atomic bonds OR:  The process intensifies, dependent upon the length of time: establishing “no space” and a black hole is born.  When excess energy creates, a single escape route. Essentially becoming a “ram jet engine”; what we see as “extreme suction”/ pushing mass through that center; turns energy inside out, and “dark energy is formed”

Theory #5 that fusion is made by the joining of two hydrogen atoms to become helium.  HOWEVER, reality argues: When atomic bonds are severed, only “parts and pieces” are left/ they eject as individual protons and electrons to recombine past the flames as hydrogen. Meaning their theories are,  all fantasy and delusion

  People will die.

Or would you prefer to believe “Chernobyl” never happened?