In the critical search for “life after gluttony/ disrespect/ greed/ consumption/ and endless want;   the reality is: there are those who will go to war, to prove they DON’T have to care.
In the critical demand for equality and justice: there are those who will “cry/ scream/ hate/ and destroy” to prove they DON’T have to share.
In the critical reality of a time essentially without money (YOU spent it all)/ the element of GREED will participate behind every blind or deaf door; plotting, planning, swindling, lying/ stealing, threatening, extorting, bribing, and in every way possible attempt to disrupt or destroy all possibility of peace.  Not because they have to/ not because it is warranted: but because they are fools.   The consequence being, it is a fight.  The reality being, IF SANITY AND TRUTH do not win this battle, you as life on earth will not survive.

In the critical realm of work, there are those who will believe they can be LAZY/ and not suffer for it.  They are wrong/ and you will prove it to them quickly.  THERE ARE MANY JOBS THAT NEED DOING, fundamentally repairing everything men have been destroying for forever.  Today, with nature on the verge of collapse, YOU WILL CHOOSE to sustain and support nature in real, true, and honest ways, or nature will die, taking you with it forever. There are forests to replant/ seas to rebuild/ rivers to clean/ new means of transportation to build/ insulating everything at roughly 4-10 times current values (beginning with commercial enterprises). Stopping the continued insanity of this government today, which suggests by buying new products that use a little less energy; they can make up for the energy used to create that product and destroy the other:   it simply is not true, as always “they are liars/ it is a ploy to create jobs, with debt”.  The list continues with destroying all the science projects of any university/ business/ or research  experiment that is dangerous to this world. You CANNOT gamble with life.  Building world law, and transferring all weapons of mass disposal to “termination, by peaceful means”/ creating world policing and its courtroom and military force.  Stopping all large fishing vessels throughout the world. Feeding the fish with the only thing we have to spare;   dead human bodies.  Removing american military presence from overseas, wherever its presence is not warranted; such as Europe to start.   Ending large banks and financial institutions. Ending “wall street” as a gambling casino/ as a game using business for its toy. Ending large agriculture, and returning it to small business.  Ending debt, by declaring bankruptcy and rebuilding a sustainable economy/ with real assets, not lies. Searching for truth in all manner of life/ not power, but respect.  Ending the travesty of imprisonment when in fact, it was not a crime punishable by such.  Returning education to its basis in fact: “to HELP the child prepare for life, honestly”.  Ending medical tyranny, by establishing competition. Ending the excuse “let the government pay”/ when in reality, as is proven fact none intend to pay. Ending student subsidies for college/ thereby inflating the price of college “because the government will pay”.  Demanding college shall be fair: you get a subsidy based upon the income of the student you trained/ for the job they got: out of their pay.  Dealing with healthcare honestly: instead of the lies, blaming all but the medical profession:   WE WILL LOOK DIRECTLY at the medical profession and demand FAIR BILLING, in all ways.  Demand critical knowledge of every doctor and surgery and drug;   NOT blind ignorance, fed by swine/ but real information created by reality.  No more genetic manipulation/ no more hormone injections/ no more excuses.  No more “elder programs: NO social security/ NO medicare/ none of it”/ YOU GET a percentage of GNP; and you will divide it among yourselves by vote, with minimal standards for all.  YOUR LEADERSHIP led to bankruptcy & YOU have no money, regardless of your numbers.  You cannibalized the future of  your children for those numbers/ and they get their lives back.  YOU pay YOUR debts.  Even though you cannot pay, you will try. Take the numbers, power, & pride back, “from the rich” and you get to be equal. Take back your nation from the tragedy of those who cannot even lead a    “Damn (run by cowards, who believe every child is a potential murderer) grade school/ because of tyranny and fears”;   and you will rebuild a nation of value again.  Shame on you, for letting university build you a death trap, by creating jobs:  for liars, cheats, thieves, and fools.

Some will complain, stating/ crying/ demanding/ warring against the fact that they have nothing left:   your leaders lied/ your business and accounting stole/ your institutions swindled/ and you believed in numbers and greed;   rather than life.  You protected nothing/ consumed everything you could; and when that was not enough, you threw everything you had or have away/ just so you could go shopping for more.  Shame on you! Failure and a disease to this world; THERE IS an end to resources/ THERE IS a road to destruction, and you paved it with your greed/ THERE IS a road to hell, wherein men go to war and destroy us all;   and you built it/ designed it/ fought for it/ and do intent with your mind;  to exterminate this world, rather than live for life.  BUT YOUR FEAR will consume you instead. Work for life, or die in terror.  “It’s a choice”!  It ain’t all “the leaders fault”/ YOU CHOSE, YOU WANTED, YOU COMPLAINED, YOU DID NOTHING ABOUT THE LIES, YOU HIDE FROM THE TRUTH, because it requires you to change.  YOU KNOW, that you are indeed cannibalizing your children’s lives/ taking away their future;   and YOU CHOOSE to do so anyway.  YOU KNOW, that you are wrecking the future of an entire earth, and helping/ instructing/ leading other nations to do the same.  Shame on you/ even though they want it just as badly as you. Shame on them too.
This is a basic beginning, this is change and the truth: either YOU WILL accept the burdens of rebuilding life and nation here/ or you lose it all.  NOT the end of civilization as you know it/ the end of gluttony, greed, disrespect, uncontrolled consumption, and blatant want regardless of the destruction. NOT, the end of resource usage/ the balance of life and needs for an honest relationship with a future for the children/ their children; and all other life too.  Hate WILL be removed, one way or the other.

In a secondary work, you will establish what is fair and legitimate about immigration, by creating the discussion of what is justice for all.  You will do this by defining the case I present Osterbur vs Selimi   a case file in the abstract on site  A case never brought to trial, because the judge declared I was not there at a motion trial to make certain the defendant knew what he was being charged with.  EVEN THOUGH I paid for trial/ I created, documented, and provided testimony establishing cause/ and I proved a case within the words presented to the court.  In other words, “I WAS THERE”.  A trial disgraced by an inferior and blatantly corrupt judge is not a trial/ as such it remains “new and untried” WAITING for the court: TO ESTABLISH JUSTICE. 
This secondary work will also provide you with the basis to discuss and quantify “divorce”/ as every contract is in some sense a marriage between those who are working for a similar goal.  The facts of the case, pursue both immigrant status as to what is acceptable in this nation, by those who do not accept or desire citizenship and prove it/ and those whose action and words are beneath contempt, thereby deserving of a “legal separation/ with consequences”.
This secondary work, allows for the viewing of what a courtroom is, and what it is intended to be according to the people who own that courtroom:   the citizens of this USA.  And it is your chance to explain to the judiciary:   WHO IS IN CHARGE.   Let it be the law.  But let the law be honest, fair, legitimate, and honorable for the purpose of happiness, harmony, and peace in society.  Let the court prove what is true of it, and show this nation and world what is justice. Not a piss head excuse for conspiracy among the rich, or those who worship power or pride.

CHANGE IS COMING, whether you like it or not.  YOUR CHOICE is to accept the price of life and rebuild/ or allow the continued disgrace and failure of your leaders to bury you, in a grave you will not escape.

 NOT rebellion/ rather the clear and deliberate examination of constitutional law, and the DEMOCRACY ACTION, that is your right under the first amendment of this constitution: which demands redress for the people.  In other words an accounting of what our employees have done/ and the right of WE THE PEOPLE to deliberately take over, and decide what punishments WE SHALL APPLY/ what new direction and purpose and demands WE SHALL MAKE.  It is our nation.  It is our right to do so, under the law/ and within the bounds of:   EXAMINING THE EVIDENCE/ ORGANIZING AN INVESTIGATION TO UNDERSTAND THAT EVIDENCE AND PRESENT KNOWLEDGE/ punishing with death or torture ANYONE who deliberately tries to lead us all to destruction with lies.  EXPLAINING THE PATH TO LIFE OR THE ROAD TO DESTRUCTION THESE WILL TAKE:   AND THEN WHEN EDUCATED AS TO THE FACTS,      WE WILL MAKE A DECISION ABOUT OUR FUTURE.   And there will be change or death.  This is life or death, for a world/ and there is no room for fools; no excuse for games; and no possibility that lies will not be punished.  You can be wrong/ but you must not be lying (the purposeful intent to mislead).

I am compelled to include: I am still changing too.  Still being “shocked” a little at what can be done to me, in terms of “female”.  Still learning, recognizing how it is that women become emotional; beginning to find that possibility in me/ never before.  It comes from being vulnerable to the opposite sex, with little or no recourse for personal protection.  Still changing without the slightest sign, in over four years that this will stop.  Still committed to life on earth, regardless of the cost.  But this is really “such a surprise” you cannot imagine; although not nearly so much as before.  Not good or bad exactly/ just really different.

 The need to adapt, because life requires it, IS NOT “evolution, a fools’ paradise in religion”/   RATHER it is the assignment required of those who will survive.  The failure to accept change that is fundamentally critical to survival, is your decision:   life is not worth this price.  The need for women to lead, is one such adaption/ a reality defined by need and created by truth:   because men did choose to lead you to extinction.  So says the evidence, and it is true.  The demand inside of me to accept this change, IS a sign to you/ that you have no choice as well.  Not as man or woman;   both must adapt.  Or you all will fail and die.  The list of threats is long/ the reality of damage is clear and will increase/ the desire for war among men will multiply/ and the tragedy of sorrow, because of what men have already done will not be swept aside.  You as women must lead, or life will be abandoned.   So says the spirit inside of me.  I present to you, a relationship in wisdom and education that proves “this is no game”.  You present to yourselves, the evidence and reality of destruction, that will end life on earth without a true effort to rebuild, a true need for leadership that is DIFFERENT than today.  It is an insane fool, who looks away, to pretend this does not matter.   Make a difference/ do what is necessary to survive, and give your children the breathe of life tomorrow.  Keep yourselves out of hades, and repair  
And destroy it no more.