Examining controversy,

The demand to know, even if you refuse to accept: what is or is not real!  Pockmarked by the expectation that someone has to lead, history is full of quarrels without foundation, rights without merit, power without honor, and dignity without the honesty it deserves.  All because people WANT more, than they have any right to take.
To achieve and create a society that will survive our future, as a human population so grossly expanded that we are defeating nature today;   REQUIRES that controversy be set aside (by dealing with correctly) so that truth can decide what is real, and thereby the best possible method available to us; to share and care for this world.

Among the endless disgrace, that is human society in America today, are the people who believe they can continue stealing/ and never pay anything.  These are the extremely long line of college graduates who believe because they passed an irrelevant test; they are now entitled to extreme amounts of money for their limited services.  We are broke for a very simple reason: too many people took too much for their services or resources, bankrupting the rest.  Simple as that/ consequently if your actions cause all the rest to fail, then you stole their security, their jobs, their peace and harmony, and their lives by failing to be fair.  We are equal/ not the same, but there IS A LIMIT when it comes to taking more for yourself,  than the rest. Life in society is not a game/ a game of money, power, or pride that destroys the rest is a disease created by you.  In this case a pandemic of university paychecks that account for extremely little value in life itself/ or are so abundantly overpaid, as to destroy the foundation of society itself.  Either way, change means you WILL no longer have the opportunity to cheat us. Every debt of money, is built upon a promise of one human being, demanding payment from another human being.  Which means NOTHING ABOUT MONEY, is anything other than, what one human being did to the other human being.    Or more simply all debt is about,  what proved to be “NOT FAIR PLAY”.  They made life a game, extorted, trapped, condoled sympathy, played on fears, or by many other methods made you believe there is no choice here, for you.  But it is not functionally, or entirely the graduates fault/ because behind closed doors the predator forces their congregation to “go get the money”: because we will hound you for life.   You owe the university, even if they gave you nothing; just how religions work.  The reality of american money is; claimed assets are $154 trillion dollars; $495,176.00 divided equally among all citizens; babies and all/ every single one.  Or 311,000,000 people divided equally have money totaling almost one half million dollars.  The public thinks their dollars haven’t changed, because they keep being told its their debt, so they don’t see the inflation (its money in a wheelbarrow time, to pay for lunch), in reality.  But because the people accept nothing has changed because their world has not changed, except for debts, except for this inflation has given to the few an opportunity to buy everything, driving the wedge between rich and poor that cannot be removed without dealing with the truth.  ITS ALL DAMN INFLATION, and we have been lied too, endlessly.  They, the people who ran this ponzi scheme;  are thieves/ cheats/ liars/ and fools. Or more simply by inflating the money, they stole our lives.  By failing to inform and hiding the fact (cheating); a debt that literally cannot be paid is not a debt but inflation; they stole our future.  By lying about the reality of debt, inflation, wall street, social security, and every other aspect of our economic lives: “the rich” have been making us slaves, stealing our work, promising everything, but delivering nothing, and redistributing our wealth to themselves.  Plain and simple, it’s a fact; your enemies of greed have defeated you.  They cannot find any possible way to continue the game; and they sure as hell, ain’t giving you back one single penny; which means depression (go to hell) is near.  Bankruptcy is the only answer/ because nothing less than war will take their numbers away, and make them equal again/ US EQUAL AGAIN. Bankruptcy is the war, which says: you went too far, and will now share the poverty.
Go to court, in front of the world;  and decide there, who deserves what, who was fair, and who was not.  It is the only way.  Establish a simple payment system as in a debit card; everybody gets the same; to pay for the interim. Continue working or you fail.  Take away any business that refuses to cooperate, and throw the bum out. Use redress, and remove the power of political office: WE WILL DECIDE, by vote, as a nation/ NOT you.  Simple and plain.

OR, You can quarrel about everything, endlessly and die;  because the single opportunity left to us all, to aid and support this planet ends soon.  Or you can continue to be apathetic, listless, ignorant because that is your choice, wanting because that is your demand, and useless to life; because you are the problem and die.  Or you can learn the facts of this time, and recreate yourselves to be for life, rather than against life/ thereby resurrecting the possibility we will survive our time.  That simple fact is NOT tied to money, apart from the war you have prepared to end life on earth.  Because the leaders want power, not balance or truth; just power.  World court/ world law/ and world policing that is strictly for bringing leaders to justice for what they have done, is balance.

The fundamental relationships we share/ the realities we must confront are simply these.
1.  Throughout human history, under male leadership there have always been those who wanted to enslave the others and did so, with one form of weapon or the other.  Women being particularly vulnerable to this.  The same is true in this day here in the USA; the current weapon is intellect “the ability to set and expand traps, to ensnare, kill, or manipulate others.  Thereby the university came to power after the atomic explosion/ the expectation of medicine came to power after antibiotics/ and the religion called evolution came to power as a means of disputing the others, thereby to take control over society.  That power of the university in three very simple consequences of time:   to de-stabilize and then destroy atomic structure/ to envision that NOT all microbiology is an enemy/ and to make believe, “we can and did go shopping for our bodies”, achieving incalculable odds against us being alive, and all, without even a brain. 

  Your failures in this ignorance and stupidity; Are merely the evidence of a humanity more willing to believe any new religion, than remain tied to the old ones.  You have no proof of life/ therefore it is merely a religion.  People WANT to be led.  But they WANT to be led, to whatever is MORE than what they currently have;   doesn’t matter who or what, as is evident and proof by the realities of war and its causes/ they just WANT more!  The religion of university: the combined relationship formed by the grouping “intellectual trades”; to conceive of an answer/ push, manipulate, and control  that answer/ and then demand payment for that answer.  IS EXACTLY LIKE every other religion that has ever existed.  The followers exactly like every other religious cult that has ever existed; accept the answers without proof or knowledge, simply because the priests are their leaders, “and who knows”;  “Lets just believe”.  After all “priest don’t lie/ right”?   Makes life simple.  Apart from evolution, the single most lubricus religion possibly ever devised;   built upon the idolatries of those who absolutely want “anything, BUT a Creator” to be responsible too.  They have created,  a long list of simple stories that hold no merit at all.  Search for yourselves, by removing “religious beliefs (can’t be wrong)” and start asking real questions/ without accepting unrealistic conclusions or theories.   Such as is the burning of the sun from the inside out/ just NOT real, and completely unsupported by reality.  A molten core inside this planet does NOT constitute a basis for the belief the sun must be the same, and if so would this planet not be on fire.  The sun is absolutely not on fire from the inside out, and that, has been proven by the evidence.  Yet they gamble this entire planet on their lies; after all anything is better than letting “the congregation believe they are just plain wrong”/   can’t get no damn money or power or pride, if they don’t worship.  They lie about evolution, for the simple purpose,  “So, we can mutilate anything we want”/ and demand without real harm; even though that is criminally insane.  But the religious zealots will not be refused their gods, and every life on the planet stands ready to simply disintegrate into refuse and horror, from mutilated DNA.  But who cares “bow down oh lowly creatures/ pay your scientists with your brains, or failures and fools”.   Ready to cause the entire collapse of genetic disciplines that are body and life to this planet; and still too righteous to be called fool?  So go ahead and die.  All because the religious zealot of this branch of university religion says to themselves and you;   “Hell, WE are gods”; WE KNOW, what we are doing, evolution will fix it.  A greater insanity has never existed, unless you look at all the rest this religion does in the process of destroying life on earth.
Treachery, threats, trickery, failure, disease, mutilation, treason, forced slavery (they make numbers for themselves to spend, handing themselves big loans/ but hand us the debt, we get nothing, but foreclosure; as they rape us, and ravage the nation, and the world, and we the people with their game).  That is your reward, for this religion.  The believers of course will come out in droves, as all religions do;   swearing, cursing, denying, and demanding REGARDLESS of the facts, their religion is without doubt “superior to all you damn liars”.  After all, as is proven throughout human history; the way to lead, the way to control, the way to run every society is WITH POWER, kill them if they don’t believe.  Blame it on your religion, “this blasphemer deserves to die;”  Like a damn rat!  Isn’t that what religions do?  Few can say no.

Some assume I don’t like religion of any kind/ not really true.  I simply DON’T LIKE any religion that seeks to destroy the planet/ gamble with every life on earth/ demand to be served as if they are gods/ and lead humanity to its death;   not to mention all the lies, cheating, stealing, and failure that goes with this one, called university.  Just look at reality, and prove me wrong.  Prove the liars of government are not all university graduates.  Prove the money has not been devalued and stolen, leaving us all bankrupt.  Prove the pyramid games of pension, wall street, social security, are anything but a lie; the stealing of life from every child.  A cheating by delusions and fantasies created for the sole purpose of demanding someone shall be my slave;   “Cause I got numbers/ even though fair play and justice was NEVER involved”, ITS STILL MINE, damn you.   But it  Ain’t money if it has no connection with reality.  Therefore its monopoly money, a delusion used to enslave;  but without any facet of truth.  The fantasy ends, as if a future no longer existed, because the numbers cannot be trusted, they too are nothing more than lies.  The university religion stole it/ got to pay the priests.
The list of threats is long, the reality is simple:   we stand at the edge of complete planetary destruction, because the food supply is about to collapse/ the oxygen supply is about to collapse/ the water supply is about to collapse/ the money which keeps men from war is about to collapse/ the reality of environment in balance is about to collapse/ life in the sea is about to collapse/ mutilations exist everywhere on earth (more everyday), these are “preparations for Armageddon (nature in chaos)”.  And so much more, all by the courtesy of university decision, leading us all to our death.  And they know it/ can’t stop it: so they want everything they can get/ so they made you slaves.  Perhaps you should thank them,  after all, are you not a believer in university too.   Don’t need no damn proof, fantasy is just fine/ reality just gets in the way.  Ain’t that right?  Let’s all be ignorant and die;   “Isn’t that so”!

Just so you know; “I ain’t jealous of a university education/ ain’t jealous of the money/ or power, pride, lies, etc”.  I do believe “could have had it all”/ and said NO, nothing here I desire!  Rather,  I absolutely DON’T care about what you believe or don’t believe,  its your life, and its your eternity; believe whatever you want.  Steal/ cheat/ lie/ mutilate each other, etc.  Its your life, I don’t care; its your decision.  HOWEVER WHEN YOU MUTILATE A WORLD/ GAMBLE WITH AN ENTIRE PLANET/ SEEK THE DESTRUCTION OF EVERYTHING WE NEED TO SURVIVE AS LIFE ON EARTH.... ............. ......................and functionally steal from each other to the point of nearly world war with weapons of mass destruction.   YOU HAVE JUST WENT TO DAMN FAR!    Just ain’t any words that do you justice/ so we will call you,  the reality “satan on earth”.  Because it has some reference to undefinable evil, which is the reality in your work.  This university religion has to go, NO MORE OF THIS/ so we can hopefully still survive.

Some will assume, that all university knowledge is bad/ it is not.  Some will assume, that all university professors are bad/ they are not.  Some will assume, that nothing can be used of this religion for life either/ that is not true, as is true of all major religion;   “Something of value” does exist here.  The question is NOT what can we destroy/ the question is what can we all benefit from;   while destroying the beliefs that infect and disease our lives that are simply destructive;  the stories without merit, the lies, cheating, stealing, and more.  Just because it is stamped with the word religion does not mean its wrong, or right.   LIFE FIRST, is the judge of our future/ because anything less dies.  Whether you like it or not, that IS THE TRUTH!

The need to keep challenging you to understand:   life is dying here on this planet, because humanity is taking everything it can/ accepting no responsibility for the next generation/ and gambling “we can be gods”.   There are no real words for the complete insanity of this either.

We live as one human being on, per each and every, one acre of growing land on the planet.  Many are yet young, but they grow/ thereby needing and wanting more.  The sea is nearly empty.  Everything we need is under attack.  And even though you do not yet see the absolute chaos and calamity of what is being done/ YOU SOON WILL.  But too late to intervene, is simply too late to change the outcome of a humanity and a planet that cannot sustain itself, because we need more than nature can now provide.  Or “somebody has to die”!  That day comes, complete with weapons of mass destruction, which we won’t survive.  The reality is: complete chaos, cannibalism, and because of all the mutilation current; an end to everything we desire or find beautiful as life on earth.  In other words, YOU are the assassins of this world/ UNLESS you truly and honestly do change from “money first/ man’s way”.  To what shall be “woman’s way; or more correctly to LIFE ITSELF MUST COME FIRST, to hell with money”.  We cannot continue as we are.  That means change, and after thousands of years with men in charge:   THIS IS, “the best, they did do”.  It is that simple, and they will return to their vomit (money first)/ just as soon as possible; ending life on earth, because we simply cannot do this anymore.  Consequently female is left, to lead/ like it or not.  The reality remains:   THEY CANNOT do worse.  That is the simple fact.        Hopefully, they will do better, but they cannot do worse than to lead this planet to the brink of its own extinction/ the collapse of all its life forms/ the gambling with every life.  It is, absolutely impossible to do worse than that.
DID your other religions keep you from this horror story of absolute failure in leadership and followers?  NO they did not.  ASK THEM WHY NOT, and demand an answer.

The simple truth is, this is not an answer suited to politics, “lets force the others to do this”.  Rather, the reality of our lives is: that what has been done, must be changed, into new and dramatic directions that few will automatically desire.  Been doing this always, AND I DON’T WANT no damn change.  That simple truth demands if there will be change/ IT MUST be done with law, AND enforcement.  But contrary to the political view that we can make them change/ is the truth that we must all recognize this change is important and absolutely necessary for our lives; therefore NOT a choice.  A decision we make, for our future.  That requires knowledge, that asserts “it cannot be done without understanding among all people”.  That establishes: either wisdom shall prevail, the decision allowed by accepting what is true must lead.  Or we fail, as humanity on earth/ because there is absolutely no possibility we can continue as we are, and survive for more than one or two decades more.  Billions will die soon.   Not a game, a need to understand/ a reality that cannot be misunderstood/ and a consequence that provides no second chances; because past the point of no return is simply that; we killed our future/ thereby ourselves.

There are a long list of changes to be made in simple social structures; such as no more subdivisions/ no new roads/ no endless travel/ no dependency upon foreign nations for food or other needs apart from resources shared as would be necessary.  No more large business, rather local;   means more or less a return to “fifties America” wherein the vast majority were essentially independent communities (self-sufficient) taking care of themselves.  “Too big to fail” means, some bastard you never even knew, can kill you/ WHY ACCEPT THAT!  Its absolute stupidity and failure; do for yourselves. We need educations that work for life first, work for a reality of food supplies that will be tested, demand clean water and protect resources, share the local rewards with opportunities for all.  And so on.  We need insulation values in every home that are at least 3 times greater than currently done/ so that air conditioning is no longer necessary, and climate & oxygen supplies allowed to recover.  We need to stop sacrificing the ocean, and give it all necessary opportunity to recover and help us in the future.  We need to stop all tragedy and disgrace, all the endless welfare programs for the university and demand work instead.   Find a way to incorporate everyone into the workforce by sharing the load.  Establish NO MORE UNIVERSITY DEGREE, it is worthless/ rather there shall be national testing done, for specific skills.  Those who pass can do the work/ those who don’t can try again later.  NO prerequisites required, including money.  The test SHALL be based upon what the people doing the actual work clearly use, or need for & in that work; no additional trash allowed, as is constant in the university. 

The list is long, the work is hard, particularly in the beginning; life OR death is your reward/ fail and you don’t get another chance.  Want to know what to do, pretty much its just do the opposite of what your “extra special smart people and experts told you to do/ led you to be”.  That alone, will fix most of it.  Simple and plain;   WHAT are you going to do for life/  because everybody has a right, and a need, and a work they must do for life to survive?  Including defusing the human population bomb, which we simply CANNOT survive any more.  It is, “now or never”.  What you want/ what you like or don’t like about the realities we face are irrelevant.  No more dying in slow motion either; someone else needs your place/ your done, when the body or mind proves it.  It is a clear choice: either we all choose for life and enforce life must come first for this planet/ or we die.  That is the message I have come to deliver/ its not complicated.  That is the purpose of the lawsuits created for you, as the mean testing of various claims of threat and failure which are going to kill us, if we don’t intervene right now.  But I cannot make you do anything/ not your savior/ not your anything;   you do, “have to save yourselves”.  Not because you want to, that will fail.  Rather because life is precious, and you accept the responsibility for your own decisions in terms of this planet, and the reality of what you can or cannot do as truth. 
Some will say, “he should have done this or that or the other thing”.  I say: this is the best I did do, “good, bad or indifferent”/ and that means NOW it is up to you, to do the best you can do, even if its wrong (but clearly intended to be justice for the world by law, or the reality of what is honestly, right for life). 

YOUR TURN, simple as that; or the day passes by, and we all die.  Too little too late, is ABSOLUTELY WORTHLESS!  Do, “think about that”.