Into the wall


Challenged to understand the true difference between life and death; you are failing.

The consequence of that is mixed between religion and reality:   "I believe, therefore this cannot happen to me"/   or I will accept what is true leads and determines the future.  It is not a simple choice; because it requires you not only to be honest, but to understand the difference between life and death demands your participation.  Not a game, therefore no exceptions, no excuses, and no pretending or fantasies in reality.  People commonly hate that, and prefer to sink themselves into the abyss of war instead; because that limits their decision to "they ARE trying to kill me".  Today however, the world has changed, the university has found numerous ways to kill us all/ and they used the power of government to destroy the securities, hopes, and definitions of life that are the elements of survival itself.  The threats are enormous, but the realities of what we must do to stop them is small.  That leaves the decision to the critical realm of courage.  Courage is not found/ courage is built, upon the clear determination to choose what is most important to you, and then fight for that as if it were your very life.  Courage is, the expression of a treasure found, that will not "be given away, without a fight".

Within these simple precepts, the consequence arises:   one second too late in dismantling all these threats, and we are dead;  as life or world or both.  People run away to hide; at such statements:   BUT REMEMBER THIS, when the world itself faces extinction/ THERE IS NO PLACE TO HIDE OR RUN AWAY TOO.  No amount of preparations will save you from a planet or a biology so severely impacted from the consequences of university arrogance and their religion (we are gods)/   so it is a worthless pursuit.  The reality of this day and all future days is: together we live or die as a planet and its life/ we have as humanity and all life and its existence, even this very planet; come to the day when everything is at risk, from even "small and irrelevant satan worshipers (those who deliberately destroy/ those who chose, absolutely NO RESPECT for life or living or child or anything but themselves.)

That brings us, to the rather strange phenomenon of biblical prophecy: what is real?  In this particular day, we will revisit Ezekiel 1.  We begin with verse 4; it is the description of a terrible explosion, that does not go out in this prophecy; clearly a prediction that could easily be the national ignition facility:   and its failed theory, fusion does not need gravity to sustain itself/ because it is the burning of atomic bonds.

Verse 5;   establishes what men do therefrom.  The four living creatures represent the four directions of the wind/ north, south, east, and west; or all men are involved.  (Verse 7, armies have a different footprint/ stance/ harder to push down;  on this world, than the rest of men.) Through verse 9, this is a description of armies, with one objective; they will bomb San Francisco, in an effort to disperse the flames/ because they cannot get close.  Verse ten looks at the rest of the human race: and decides not only are men truly involved here, it is every creature on earth tied together so intently they live or die as one.  Verse 13 understands IT IS FIRE, that does this to them all.

Verse 15 the machines of men, in all nations;  come into these decisions, these desperate times.  Chrysolite is a refractory material, meaning furnaces: everyone is trying to help/ the reality is AN IMMENSE FIRE must be contained/ the eyes are remote video, because the fire cannot be confronted.  These men, "tried everything".

Verse 22 it was too late, the fire cannot be contained;   it is like   "God Almighty" fighting with men.  They surrender.



So then backed into the wall, by forces that will not surrender:   it is you, humanity itself that must decide if you are going to let the insane reality of men who demand to play with the same fire as is on the sun?  OR STOP THEM, before this world, this planet, every life, and every child shall be lost.  Because as you can see on the sun itself:   THIS AIN'T NO GAME!   This is life or death for a planet, one second too late, and we are all dead!

This is a choice, and if you don't care/ if you won't share the burden of finding enough support to stop the destruction of our entire planet.  Then clearly you don't deserve to live, how is that not so!  If it works for them, you have no means to use it; thereby worthless.  If it fails for them: then the world is dead!  How is that wise?  At a minimum!


While the substance of this prophecy is extensively portrayed in delusions, that are hard to comprehend without the critical evidence of those who are so damned arrogant they believe themselves to be gods, and can play with life on earth however they wish.  The reality of interpretation is really quite clear: the foundations upon which that interpretation exists, are fundamentally obtained by simply looking at the truth of only one threat, from the university of many: that are all designed for the same truth.  They want to be gods, and have included our lives, our planet, and the future of every child in their games.

That leaves us all, with the only conclusion there is:   PICK UP YOUR WEAPON, AND FIGHT FOR LIFE ON EARTH.  The weapon is:    THE LAW!  The weapon is, THIS DEMOCRACY (WE ARE THE OWNERS HERE/ WE HAVE RIGHTS).   THE WEAPON IS:   your demand, that our lives shall NOT be gambled with by anyone/ without our true consent by vote.  Not for any reason.  WE, the people:   OWN THIS WORLD.  

Do it now, or die!   THE NATIONAL IGNITION FACILITY, is completed, the tests are running, and fusion is a fire that cannot be put out; "just like the sun".   This is YOUR choice.   Because as one single citizen, I cannot!

But;  NEITHER can these satan's continue, without your acceptance.  YOUR DEMAND TO STOP!


Make your decision, remembering:  WRONG is dead! The planet lost forever.



The spiritual dimensions, that allow prophecy to be established or interpreted, are NOT conceived of within the boundaries of any religion.  They are instead definitions of truth which establish themselves as the methods, behaviors, and realities of men and women come to define the future.  Therefore what is prophesied, is a direct relationship with humanity itself; through its past.  The foundations that allow prophecies to be told or interpreted however come only to those who have encountered the spiritual existence or essence of truth itself.  Truth is not a constant of religion/ rather it is a constant in universal laws.  Truth is a definition chosen, to identify the creation of an identity/ thereby a pathway to its destiny.  Truth can be altered by that path, prior to its destiny: BUT ONLY if true change in the identity described by the dimensional characteristics themselves are declared and accepted by a function of reality.   The dimensions of truth, are available only through the definitions of time/ time alone measures.  Thereby the foundations which create a destiny MUST be changed, or the path of this creation cannot.  Those definitions "of leadership", cannot remain the same; or there is no change.  Consequently, the ascension of new ways, the understanding of new paths and a new identity describe; a different destiny.  For us all.  Even so, every dimension is known by its content/ no form of leadership, or message, or need;  can change the whole,  unless those conceived by its first identity will share a new vision of life.  Identities or dimensions that fail a survivable truth, do not survive; even if it is an entire planet.