EVERY JOB, is created because an individual person or community/ nation/ or world decided they needed to survive, wanted more for their living, or chose they must do something with their life/ lives.  That means every job, is a human job. That means literally, the only restriction to having a job, is whether or not another person needs, wants, or desires to be assisted, and has the “money (time and effort invested, to believe someone should help them too)”.  That means in human society: full employment, a job, depends entirely upon whether the people have any money among themselves for the purpose of hiring someone else.
OR MORE SIMPLY: not a single rich man in this world provides a job/ every job is created by the people themselves.  All the rich man does, is control the resources required for the job to be done.  Thereby the rich man takes jobs away; by refusing the resources/ he does not create them.

CAPITALISM IS: the fundamental relationship between resources and worker.  Without restraint upon how many resources can be used/ all resources diminish or die; being thrown essentially in the garbage by humanity because they just don’t care enough to be concerned about anyone’s future.  Not even their own.  Capitalism works by allowing those who are able to prove themselves careful consumers of resources/ fundamentally dedicated to long term investment, thereby the building of society and self.  Rather than the short term reality of most human beings which is to take everything you can get/ and demand much more.  Consequently becoming wealthy in realistic terms does identify who is and who is not looking out for the long term health of the community. 

Capitalism in america died, at least twenty years ago/ replaced with absolute greed and the numbers without meaning that replaced currency or the assembly of “real life wages for work”.  Wall street is a primary contributor to that reality/ being allowed to create their own currency and distribute amongst the public as if it were real.  Wall street creates “phony money” by allowing products to be bought on margin (put in one dollar/ buy ten dollars of product)/ THEREBY creating usable currency so long as the “market value continues to rise.”  Causing economic meltdown; can’t pay my bills; if the market suddenly collapses. Banks do the same/ but they are not common gambling casinos as is wall street and its derivatives of shame.  Selling what has no value/ selling products without the slightest recognition in fact of actual value in assets or production as a company/ selling anything you can think of, because if you dress it up nice: “some people will buy an air bag doll/ and think they got a date”.  The lies are simple:   “We make you rich”.  The reality is a pyramid scheme: fail to get out at the right time, and you go down with the majority, losing everything you invested; including the nation.  Of particular importance is the role of government in this/ as in the Reagan presidency: all attempts to retain a currency with value was discarded/ and the players got to make as much pretend money as they wanted without consequence until today.  America is well over 100 trillion dollars in debt: the thirteen billion is just the federal government debt.  And since Clinton removed the debts of social security from the accounting for the federal government/ BUT KEPT the income from social security as if it belonged to the federal government instead of the workers.  The actual federal debts with social security is about 70 trillion dollars; all by themselves.  Why is there no inflation?  Because they call it debt, not inflation (adding numbers without a base demand in reality: I worked an hour for you/ you work an hour for me).  By calling all their “phony new numbers” debt: they just add them to the pile.  By NOT accepting or providing the accounting for everything the federal government is responsible for: they hide the truth/ and lie.
One of the biggest REDISTRIBUTIONS of wealth any nation has ever seen in history has occurred since the Reagan years:   proving YES you can steal from the american nation/ all you got to do, is control the media.  All you got to do is prove: either you go along/ or you must pay your own debts yourself; and since none of the leaders want to pay; the cheat by grouping together in lies; as is common to any and all criminal organizations.  The so called wealthy, have been collecting real assets over the last few decades and giving us federal/ state/ personal/ financial/ business/ medical/ etc debts instead.  Or more simply:   the university graduate in particular have found they can increase their own take of the plunder by simply raising their own salary with the tyranny of need/ can’t refuse as is healthcare, or schools and so on.  And then demanding LET THE GOVERNMENT PAY!  Over $100,000,000,000,000.00 of claims,  you owe us more money! That literally could NOT be paid because reality did not allow it.  Did they not make you slaves, or am I missing something here?  Did they not destroy capitalism, by simply removing reality and pretending “LET THE GOVERNMENT PAY”, for everything? 

So then with all this debt, what happens is:   the workers get to retain basically the same rate of pay, THROUGHOUT THE YEARS/ but the wealthy collect all the inflation (numbers paid/ but no worker to do the job; because none represent the money in real time, resources, or effort: JUST A GAME).  Particularly grievous, is the recent “increase the debts to every worker/ and give it all to the rich man so he can create jobs for the poor”.  Or give the wealthy wall street gambler all his money back/ and give his debts to the poor and middle class.  As always these things provide no jobs/ because the assumption that the wealthy care about the poor at all is simply ignorance, mixed with blind arrogance.      Or “we are the smart people/ they cannot survive without us”.  But as always the opposite is true: survival is about reality/ NOT money.  Money is the game society plays to end the competition of greed, which confronts survival, and causes war.  This allows the distribution of assets or resources to be achieved, within the working framework of its ok to go ahead and do “one simple thing” instead of trying to do everything for yourself, as is needed, in order to survive.  Survival is entirely dependent upon the resources available, and how many people are competing to get them, or own them and thereby control the others.  A job is: the opportunity to do something for someone else.  MONEY is: simply the opportunity to take that work (time and effort) used for someone else/ and buy a product or service from a wider variety of people/ than the one you worked for.  Jobs as a community are dependent upon: HOW MANY DIFFERENT PEOPLE hold “the money”, required to let someone work for them.

OR MORE SIMPLY:   jobs are created, when the most possible individual people/ hold the greatest possible options to make decisions for themselves.  Jobs are NEVER created by taking all “the possible money”; and giving it to the fewest possible people for their own decision about what the rest should do.  This however is: the never-ending struggle of man on earth.  He (as the vast majority) always wants, to make the others slaves/ and retain everything for himself.  Why else do so many wish to be rich?  There is the excuse to escape slavery/ but the majority extend that way past the opportunity to choose and want:   everything they can get, without working like the others/ I WANT MORE!  And then I want everything, is the constant refrain throughout male driven society. And always has been!  Therefore wars continue/ tragedy, great or small;  is common.  To achieve the demand for slaves, the rich always seek control of government/ media (to propagate lies)/ the military/ and courts.  With these they do take control and provide for themselves:   “Let the taxpayer pay/ we failed, give us back our money; you pay/ and let’s blame someone else for anything that goes wrong: tell them lies; refuse employment to anyone who fails to surrender their dignity, integrity, or desire for money( can’t be trusted, unless greedy or a coward too). The reality is simple, and applied throughout government, courts, etc: EITHER FOLLOW OUR RULES, or we make you one of them!  One of the unorganized masses, Against us, the organized owners of the courts/ the news/ the military/ and the government: we own it all. So they say.

If the money spent over the last couple of years had been given to the hands of all taxpayers/ there would be maximum full employment throughout the nation.  Because money spread into the hands of the masses creates jobs; “we need/ we want too/ we desire” is a never ending demand that does not sleep.  Even so, it would have done no good, because debt (the promise to pay someone) is debt: if you cannot pay/ then you cannot pay, a fantasy/ delusion/ and lie.   Not to worry though, the rich have a solution:   give us all the numbers/ call it debt, and let the people pay without complaint by insisting “it to create jobs, for them”.  But in fact the opposite is true as usual.  The rich simply hold the money/ using promises that cannot be kept;   TO CONSUME property and title to all that the common people hold/ reducing them to slaves.  Its just a game/ unless reality pushes you into the street, with nothing to eat, and no future or hope.  Then the people become anxious, and look to violence: “why me, I am just as good as you”!  After a period of time/ with enough “volunteers”, from slaves without a future: civil war is certain, along with the endless violence of proving: “you can’t have this either/ or you took mine, I am taking yours”.
So lets review what DEMOCRACY actually means: it stands for    WE THE PEOPLE, are the owners here!  Simple as that, it is NOT more complicated than that.

But in america in this day, WHAT does the claim of we the people actually mean?  We do not own the courts, or redress of grievances “our law” would be enforced.  We do not own the government OR they could not have stolen everything we did own and give it to themselves or throw it away/ they did, so its not ours in reality;  anymore.  The military is forced, into warfare without end; no choice/ not our war as a nation; their war, without a choice, because they signed up. As to the news, a great deal of information has been sent to them by me, and without doubt others: NONE of it is used, because it is not the policy of the owners to allow any information that is NOT “MONEY FIRST” to exist.  Hell no/ let life be damned.  Not court cases/ not threats to our very existence/ not realities that will end with violence or death or destruction or anything else that is not the propaganda of the wealthy.  And they absolutely don’t care about you or me.  Money first is everything, and it is “war” on anyone who gets in the way. The powerful and proud used our (lives and abilities) to promise we would pay/ and then stole everything they could, by inflating their own salaries and giving us nothing in return. The university diploma controls our lives more than any other institution, only the money has more influence.  The university guides you into believing whatever story, or fantasy they establish: got to have an answer.   “As in every religious organization (we are like gods/ compared to them):   we all got to believe this/ get in line, obey the rules, say the same thing”.
So then the question of technical value is:   WHAT DOES “WE THE PEOPLE” HONESTLY MEAN?  And how do we return the foundation of this nation, as is the intent of democracy;   to ourselves?
The critical and real answer is first: RETURN THE MONEY TO REALITY/ take the fantasy away. That does mean bankruptcy, it is the only way! That means redistributing what has been stolen from us and given to the rich/ BACK to ourselves.  To stop it from happening again, all currency MUST be tied to something real, as it was in the past to gold, or population count:   NO MORE imaginary numbers to play with/ NO more casinos making their own currency and spreading it out into the public, as their disgrace.

The foundation of democracy, as a truth called we the people is:   VOTING FOR WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO US OURSELVES/ not voting for someone to vote for me.  We MUST make our own laws.  We must decide the money to be spent, by limiting government to what we have demanded.  We must take away the expectation that government officials can do whatever they please, and hand us the debt: we decide.  Once the critical decisions are made/ only small changes will be necessary thereafter.  The primary rule of government is: to provide an opportunity/ and protect the people.  Providing an opportunity means:   we bid on the work to be done for government/ NOT let them own their jobs.  Protecting the people means: open access/ no secrets (apart from war in progress)/ no lies, or you will be punished severely/ NO tyranny in the court by claiming immunity from good behavior; NO judge for life.  A foundation for peace and harmony is limited capitalism: wherein all work as they choose/ BUT if you gain more than the amount we allow/ YOUR opportunity to take more for yourself is refused.  Stand aside, and let the others have their opportunity to enjoy the fruits of their labor/ the reality of their decisions for themselves.  Equal, fair, and justice does not mean; you can take it all! NO description in the constitution allows for any other interpretation to exist.  WHAT IS GOOD FOR THE NATION AND WE THE PEOPLE,   DECIDES!
Other methods are discussed throughout the sites