A life in time learns:
1.  That if you do not die, tomorrow will come; therefore what you did today, or do tomorrow will continue as the truth of your life; until you die.  You have to live with these decisions.  You have to understand, what you did to other life; because it will remain as the evidence of who you are. Will not the people you know today, be known in 50+ years, if you live? Treat them honestly and with respect, because you know not what life will bring to either of you; don’t judge. I guarantee, “life and your own future can change”. Be HONEST WITH YOURSELF! Be honorable with love, which means love those who love you honestly too/ don’t live in fear. Understand, “you will meet many people/ before one clearly becomes someone to share a life with: plan on it”. Work is when you must/ life is when you choose.  Discipline creates a planned tomorrow/ but freedom gives the random reality known as happiness.  Choose both.
Family decides for the majority, “if this world will be, harsh and cold”. Be thankful, for help/ don’t judge.  Understand possession is not much in comparison to love, friendship, respect, and happiness/ but it is not “nothing” either.  Be real, be honest, respect life with your need and want: understand time does not stop/ truth does not care; so consider the future too. Work hard, so that opportunities will give you hope. If you live within the law/ then the law will arise to help you.  If you live outside of the law, it will come as an enemy to your house.  Corruption is an enemy to all. Fantasy is a fool. Delusion is only a game of idiots.  Reality decides!

Liars, thieves, want, and anger will come and go/ but true friends are few and far between.   Respect your relationships, don’t judge, because you do not know who will become a true friend. Don’t bully/ don’t ridicule/ don’t ignore or abuse or use: be a friend, even if none will return it.  It’s a choice, let your choice be true to life. Listen carefully, and never assume you “know” what the other is about to say/ it is their story, listen to them/ respect them.  If you wish a proper answer to your question: then ask the proper questions. Because if you don’t, you will not convince that person “you are serious”, or this is important; therefore a proper or complete answer will not come.  Treat every child with kindness, they deserve it, but be fair.
GOD,   “Will love you”, if allowed/ but not as you might think.  You exist in time, you are here to learn, you are here to build an identity, you are here to choose life in truth, respect, and love/ or not:   therefore loneliness can be abated, but more is not added, because it is your job “to grow up here, in time”.
Always know, things can change in a heartbeat. Live a life worthy of you!

2.  No greater “toy or possession” exists, than the honesty and value of a good friend; because friend means, we chose honestly to accept each other, faults and all.  A human being that loves and accepts you as equal is worth more than all the money/ pride/ or power, in this world; particularly if they are the opposite sex.  Two are “greater than one”, if you respect and believe in each other. BUT REMEMBER THIS, that love is not a possession, not a want, not a demand, not a purpose or desire beyond the gift of a truth that means: our lives are shared, because I care, and believe you care too.  That gift means, a part of you is given to their purpose and desire/ just as a part of them must then also be given to yours.  “Can’t take it back”/ you can only lose that love, or they return it to you.  Love is a hope for the future, a desire for happiness through participation’s that prove loneliness will visit no more.
Liars will tell you anything you want to hear, or fear, “its what they do”. Manipulators will listen, hoping to find the keys, for controlling you/ NOT for your benefit.  Tempters learn: “you can be bought/ its just a matter of the right tool”.

3.  Forgiveness is necessary/ where honesty proves friendship is still possible, or you will live your life alone.  Never lie/ never tempt, or manipulate or control; because it is unworthy of friendship/ it is the end of respect.  And when these die, it is the end of “friend, for me and you”.  Even so, many times the possibility of friendship remains, with forgiveness; because love knows “the truth of life is a heart shared”, this cannot fully be discarded/ not ever, because “I hold a piece of you within, and you me”. Love is not a game.  Love is “a footstep” beyond the barriers that hold all others out; once inside, that cannot be undone/ unless you or I choose hate. But lessons learned, cannot be ignored. One of those lessons is:   GOD MUST be first in the definitions of love and the importance of life/ because no other is truly worthy of that place. No other, can or will love you “the same”.  Religions exist because people hate/ thereby causing the need to band together to protect each other with rules of behavior, so that love can be protected “with prison walls/ keep these out”: bad for all.   The elemental truth is: it is better to separate out, those who hate, and remove them from out society;  so that the rest can be free.  Hate is an identity, YOU can perceive & do understand.

4.  Hate is a cancer/ it grows, until it is removed; it can consume your life, leaving you dead inside.  To lose your life to hate, recognizes you did participate in this/ you chose it, accepted it, and desired the consequences promised for the other. The reality of consequences to yourself, are only realized at the end. Harsh and unforgiving, becomes dead, mutilated, and disabled;  to do more. Life, does not “live” in hate, only death.  We do not “save” anyone/ each must choose for themselves; even if it does not seem fair.  The possibilities of love as an example, are still best served by the story of    JESUS;   whether you believe that or not.  Find a way to love, or you will die, even eternally.

5.  We are equals, because nothing is greater than life itself!   Nothing done by man, woman, or child is equal to the gifts they did receive from birth. Nothing compares.   Therefore although work is involved, and choices will be made:  The truth of life is, all are the same/ even if body,  mind, and purpose are slightly different. The only true difference, resides between love and hate; the choice you will make for and within yourself.  The foundation of this life at its core is: the reality of love, hate, survival, or death.  Every single person chooses accordingly. You are, the decisions that you make/ the reality of what you carry through to create.
Want is the environment/ pride is the ruler/ power is the purpose, of all things hate.  Hate is the emblem of selfishness, the consequence of believing nothing is more important than me.

Love is a desire born in truth, a creation given to the light of honor, discipline, honesty, respect, and courage; for the simple purpose of peace and harmony through happiness as we travel together in the essence of thought to discover for the sake of eternity; what our own truth will be. Life honored within the presence of who we are in truth, is an identity created. A destiny defined and developed for the purpose we chose. The will to succeed, represents the desire to conceive “life in time, as you believe would be better”. To accomplish this purpose in time, an education is required/ time must be set aside for its reality/ opportunity must be granted for each participant to decide: and life itself, must grant the opportunity given the truth of what each situation demands.  Life is, the relationship we share with reality, governed by truth/ but complicated by lies, theft, cheating, and all humanity represents.

6.  Freedom is an expression given as a definition which provides no rules/ no law/ and the consequence of no hope to life in peace: because no rules means the others can do what they want to do, “just like you”.  Freedom applies the assumption: “nothing bad will go wrong/ do anything you like; who cares”.  Reality teaches, life without discipline or respect for the laws and realities which exist as truth in living:   will go bad, in the company of others.  Because contrary to freedom as a purity that needs no thought/ reality is a dimension of truth, that demands respect, or it will teach you pain/ death/ or disease; until you learn the blessing thought is.  Liberty is then, the opportunity to be free, as best we can be, within the respect life demands.  Because  the laws which do govern our existence, demonstrate our experience, and identify the path which explains our true desire: MUST BE RESPECTED. It is better to be free, within the law/ than dead or mangled, because you would not listen to life teaching itself, to you.  There are passages that lead to happiness, or hate.  The failure to understand that simple fact/ leads to endless tragedies as is the result called human history.

7.  To believe, is in reality the opportunity “to test, and assess, what you are willing to accept”.  Prior to that acceptance within your own reality;  as actual truth or law.  If you fail to move beyond belief/ then you have chosen to either discard your belief, or accept “I cannot do this/ which means fear has overrun you”. Either way it is failure/ proving that in fact, you do not believe what you have tested with your mind or life.  Searching for life itself, as apart from body and mind;   requires the acceptance, of a path beyond yourself/ because life is in us; rather than we are life itself.  Therefore if it is not “simply ours”/ then we must look elsewhere! That means: the search is not within you, but it is a part of who you are. Spiritual compositions are “actual truths”/ testing the boundaries of who you are, searching inside of you for what can be believed, and what you will accept as living.  Laws, are the boundaries of what life can accept, prior to destruction/ damage/ disability/ or mutilation.  None, can enter a spiritual truth and return to time, unless you prove “understanding, is now assembled/ participation has become real”.  It is the price of acceptance/ fail, and you become lost; until you learn.

8.  The elemental truth of life is thought, without thought we are nothing, “but a mass of materials and energy combined within a boundary (like a body without a brain, everything there, is useless): no freedom/ no choice/ no dimension of identity/ no future or description in reality called value”.  With thought, we are the essence of freedom/ the relationship of a decision with the life it represents; and the dimension of what we have chosen to create within ourselves. Thought alone, by itself;  gives us life/ the body and mind, simply create time. Time is a blessing, because it slows our reality down into measured moments of living: so that we begin to understand the possibilities of what must come next.  Love is a passenger, created from the truth we desire to build within ourselves for the purpose of friendship with life, or the living purpose of self.  That which identifies “the transparent dimension” between time and life.  Time exists, but life is an expression or experience of self.  The path between existence and expression is filled with a journey explaining the dimension of love.  The path between existence and experience is filled with truth as it defines and creates the identity of who exists, and who does not in the light of love.  The combination of all three, decides what is life/ who will be alive/ and why.
Hate is the boundary/ battle line, discovered when your purpose is not to be friends: your desire to use, abuse, or destroy is proven real.

9.  The fundamental value of sex, is the participation in hope that conceives of love without its relationship to “rules”/ honest and honorable sex, is a freedom granted without restraint, because trust has replaced the consequences of “completely free (can do anything to me)”: with the belief or acceptance that our union shall be shared honestly/ honorably/ completely/ and with respect “SAFE, BEYOND ALL MEASURE OF FEAR”!  Because we do care for each other! That cannot exist, unless true love has proven the desire of your heart, exceeds all other intent.  Therefore “heart” or the existence of an understanding which allows “I know”, or I believe, or I respect the value of who you have proven yourself to be; has become “as if a home to me”.  Without concern or worry, we become the essence of who we are inside, to each other. A freedom cherished, because it is like no other.
Sexuality without love, is the discovery of “people who use/ people who abuse/ people who need/ people who don’t care/ people who won’t share/ people who didn’t respect/ people who trap/ people who have failed inside/ people who are lost and crying inside/ people who cannot live alone, because life is too hard, time too long”.  Therefrom we begin to understand, that sexuality can both harm and help/ but the path is a quagmire of all the things that stand in the way of happiness; a reality which both consumes and creates the will to live.  Sex is not a game.  We learn as well: that sex identifies the truth, of who you are inside; and as a result those who hide/ hate/ and choose violence, will also believe that now you are, or will become, a threat to them. Consequences exist, because fear consumes the heart; a dead heart is revealed in want; because want will consume these, or kill them.  Consequences exist, because need translates “no love here”, as the current reality of “your life”;  suicide then looms.  Consequences exist, because what you believed became untrue, your relationship to lies, thereby grew. Consequences exist, because now you believe in lies and liars, instead of life and hope.

The essence of sex is “a change from me, to we”/ but the reality of sex is: to open a relationship that extends beyond self into the life of another soul, another human being;   is to create the possibility of change in each other’s life.  It is, a very serious matter to bring change to someone else, even if you did not mean to do so.  The reality of tears, a burden that discovers: the time of sharing hopes, living truth, & caring with respect; cannot end without a pain, that is equal to the happiness shared. There is no kind way, to end a relationship that has begun sharing sexual honor;   “The time we give to each other, as a gift of our love and body or mind”.  Although it is better to have loved and lost/ the price is high; but the memory cherished as time goes by.
Every man learns discipline/ boys do not.  Every discipline learns honor/ therefore a choice exists, and a duty is presented.  Every duty confronts a boundary, every boundary identifies a truth.  Every truth in love, becomes a man.  The foundation of sex between man and woman, the basis and purpose of a life beyond self.  Even so, duty represents a calling beyond self.  Just how it is.  “Little boys, only think of toys”.
The dead and dying, “only think of trophies/, or how best to use, abuse, destroy, & defile your body or mind (let there be slaves)”/ or, how to beg, borrow (without paying), buy, or sell.

10.  Self respect is a demand for your life, without it you fail; it is up to you, to respect yourself.  Life is not determined by what the others say or do or have/ rather your life is built upon what you are willing to accept as true in your life and hopes: and what you do with that knowledge.  To understand truth, and refuse to accept it/ becomes a lie in you.  To know that what you want is not applied within the limits of truth/ becomes pride in you; and pride is the destruction called, “winner or loser”. Life is not a game, thereby you become “a devil: by accepting someone is less”.  Devil means: only time matters/ only I want: let the others be damned: devil is, “To assert, DEMAND, and defend, I will be: king or queen or special/ I will control & my own want will rule; and I WILL make me slaves”.
Life is: the elemental ascension from a beginning, into the creation of an identity, conceived from freedom, born from the essence of thought, and built from the truth of your own hope, desire, and purpose for living.  None of these things are a game!  Games are an assumption in time/ that then preclude eternity, because it assumes time (body and mind) itself is “important. Rather than understanding Life is important, time merely the vehicle to determine what your own journey will be.  Life is, “joined creation”/ but only truth provides eternity; the chance to participate directly.

11.  Society is the discovery of what can you do for me/ governance is the understudy of “what can I do to you”.  The difference is justice/ the reality is determined by law/ the truth of any society is enforcement of that law, and the existence of that justice by the truth of its fair play, equality, and purpose for law among us.  America is led, laws are created, and the judicial branch formed “to give what the rich want to themselves”.  The  University has failed on all counts, are they not the leaders; “what is not broken/ threatened/ or simply lies to all”? The answer is very little. The university professor, is “One single thing is all you need to know”; a proven path to stupidity and failure/ because this world exists in complex chains of life and survival. Military exists to control “thieves and murderers”/ leaders exist, to make life easy; “you do it/ don’t bother me”; rarely do they not fail. But society fails, when electing or allowing them as well. “Easy is not an answer/ law is!”  Demanding justice is the opportunity for happiness and peace; fair play and equality equals harmony”. Because these build a world for life.

12.    A resource determines who will live well, or not at all.  A right is determined in truth, by who created the resource in reality:   WHAT is not created by life first?  None! Thereby what claim in truth does humanity have?
Your work is your right/ BUT our claim to life in society,  is the existence which will determine the truth of what you can or cannot have.  Those who would tempt you to “give them more”, CANNOT prove “greater than two or three others”!  A doctor is worthless without support from all sides, medicines, tools, information, education, people: and particularly a body or mind that essentially heals itself, with only slight aid. A farmer is useless without the seed or animal which grows of its own accord.  Any particular aid or value to society in any form;  is gifted due to its relationship either in body and mind, or potential realities which come from the earth itself; a gift then of life and nature (DNA STRUCTURE AND INTEGRITY). The relationship business presents, is governed by the work and willingness of people. Therefore limits arise, and reality through democracy;   decides the consequence of what individual influence in society will be: we all participate.

13.   EVERY Religion of any value;   is a discipline, created by men to relieve the demand: “ help me be, what I must, or need, or desire to be”.  Religion establishes the rules, by which we may then believe:   because I did this, I AM the man or woman I wish to be.  Religion becomes, the environment of participation within the rules, and the intent perceived to be, the purpose of our lives together as this religion designs us to be.
The road beyond our struggle to survive and be happy/ is littered with the debris of “fallen heros, religions without honor”, as the truth, that these men did not achieve their goal of entering life itself, becomes clear. The reality of failure multiplies with their intent to “get what they can/ for themselves”. Consequently others stop looking for life beyond the elements of time, and fear controls the path to eternity, because failure looms large. It is a dangerous path.  Fear describes the tragedy of failure/ but not the reality of acceptance within the distance that is beyond ourselves. This translucent definition, applies what we believe, to the reality of who we are:  it is from here, that eternity calls. Acceptance equates life with its fate through the definitions of faith/ distance understands, no matter where we are, or begin; a journey of faith must form. Faith is, reality transformed by truth, through the existence of love.  Destiny is a relationship conceived by the discovery of thought/ thought is our participation in life itself; not time the elements of body and mind, but life the essence of truth and happiness through participation in freedom. Thought does not accept rules.  Therefore religion cannot enter therein.  Thought is an elemental freedom, described by the purpose of a desire so pure, it can be conceived of as the beginning of truth itself.  Eternity is built upon this truth, only what is critically true in you, enters therein.  But there are steps, outer dimensions, hopes, mercy, and other means of participation so long as there is “some truth, describing love, respect, and value” in you.

As to religion itself, “the congregation has no meaning” in eternity: YOU are either accepted or rejected/ there is no “we”.  As to religious prayer and rights; it is NOT “a want list/ not a get out of jail free card/ not GOD, becomes your slave/ not you can be lazy now/ not anything, but an opportunity to be heard.  Never believe you are not responsible for what you do, just because you prayed.  Rather believe, if YOU ARE DOING THIS, it is because you made this decision; you chose to do this/ and YOU are responsible for the outcome.  That does not mean to say mercy will not, or may not be applied/ but it does intend to prove, YOU are “the decision maker here”, not   GOD. You have the right to make a better decision/ you have the right to learn more before you make the decision/ you have the right to turn away, or go forward.  Its your life, good or bad/ it is your decision; therefore a consequence you will be required to endure. Life in time, is also a reality defined by the consequences others have made upon our lives.  You cannot escape tragedy;   regardless of the fact you did not personally do anything to,    Cause this truth.  “Its called freedom/ and the consequence is religion”.
I simply believe GOD, and JESUS/   not a religious man; I choose faith.
Others simply discard or deny the possibility of life beyond their own comprehension exists.

14. Democracy is NOT “the boisterous sounds, loud signs, or bloody carnage of fear us: for we are great”.  Democracy is the truth of living individuals expressing their need for society to become justice for all/ fair to each one/ and the opportunity or knowledge called equality regardless of who I am.  Democracy in america was born out of genocide/ they took the land away.  Democracy here in america became powerful, because resources allowed it to be.  Democracy expanded after ww2, because the people themselves found the power and purpose of their own education (war did most of that) in doing things for themselves; because resources still were plentiful. Democracy here in america died, with the expert/ the university (particularly the atomic bomb, and especially the antibiotic): who convinced the people they were just “too dumb to compete” for themselves. Capitalism: the greed of taking all you could get, by entrapping the others; replaced democracy/ and its lies, failure, disease, dysentery, stupidity, hatred, and violence have brought us to this day.  Democracy is the voice of the people/ capitalism without restraint: is the voice and power of GREED, attempting to control and propagate the ruling class over slaves.  Every depression is created:   “When the rich man” has been too successful/ the traps “completely full of fools, who failed to understand: the price for this is yet to come”.  And the people say:   “It will cost too much to change”/ even though the rich man and woman are making plans for your own starvation; to make you beg, steal (so they can kill you for sport and to prove power), sell your body, or worship them because they can watch you die.  Surrendering failure, is as simple as understanding the power is ours/ it is the money that is theirs.  But money IS: the work of humanity when matched with the resources of nature.  Without the worker or a resource, every form of currency or trade requiring the worker, is absolutely worthless.  The rich will argue: LET THEM STARVE, to prove they can control.  But reality knows, it is the worker that produces the food, makes the products which build and sustain our world; and they have nothing without us. We are the food. We are the worker building everything.  We are the money, and there is no substitute for resource. Throw it away, and you are dead.   But learn as well, that today we see the beginning of robotics that can perform as armies against us/ a competition to replace us all with little more than a kick in the ass.  A choice exists: to control our world, or let those who claim everything, or are about too;  take it away. Learn that, and change this world: to DEMOCRACY!   Or more plainly “we the people will rule ourselves”, by making the laws which govern our world, ourselves.  No more voting for someone to vote for me/ I will vote for the law, myself.  As is true democracy, and power to the people.  With democracy, WE DECIDE: how much influence any man or woman shall have/ because it is our nation, and we are the owners, for real!  We decide the wars.  We decide whatever we choose.

15.  Remember this: anyone who is flattering you, with endless words and rhetoric as do the politicians, media, and every bastard wanting money or sex; “pert near an entire nation”/ INTENDS to steal from you, something you don’t expect to let them have. But they do it, because it works.  The sheep line up to be slaughtered, because “they believe, after all, according to this one: its all good”.  Such was the case with nazi’s and every other tragedy in history. Rapists use it/ advertiser’s use it/ politicians feed upon it/ scams and thievery of all kinds exist because of it/ and people become slaves; because someone believes they will be “great”, if only they deliver you!

You can’t fix debt with more debt.  You cannot be bankrupt and not start over; because bankrupt means, you spent it all.  You cannot change a nation, a people, a society, or the means of government without law/ law governs or rulers do.  Throughout history there have been rulers, because men like power, pride, control, and war. It is time to give women a try; to see if they will abandon or obey the law of justice, for the sake of all society. Men, have proven they will not/ thousands of years of history CANNOT be wrong. If women cannot either; it makes no difference, because the evidence says, “your dead soon” without true change. Nothing lost to try; maybe even survival if they succeed.  Read the web site www.justtalking3.info if you dare.

16.   The rise and fall of all nations is built upon the consumption and destruction of resources. Want consumes sanity, destroys respect, defeats justice, and denies equality or fair play; thereby want, fundamentally defines the religious word “satan”/ when added to the people who do intend to play god.  But they are supported by the derivatives of want in society:  which is greed, power, pride, selfishness, revenge, jealousy, and hate.  There are NO MORE endless resources to be consumed.  No more consumption for the sake of a job, that can be tolerated.  Therefore either you must choose “friendship and respect for life first/ granting with courage what must be done for peace, harmony, and happiness” or your dead soon. Because life, earth, environment, etc;   cannot go on as you are.  It’s a choice. The whiners/ beggars/ extortionists/ criminal organization/ and propaganda machines of leadership be damned; or change.

17.  The differences in people, as to who belongs and who does not; extend 90% as a result of competition or pride. The pride is, “I am great/ because I can make you insignificant”. The competition is, now I must share even more; and I don’t want to care: I WANT MORE!  The result is, I can get more/ only if you are a loser, and I the winner.  In a world over-populated and growing by 2 million more each week; either we will take the game away and divide carefully/ or war causing extinction across the planet, recreating all our lives as cannibals: because we are so very many people, its all that is left.

The immigration is then limited to those nations who are contributing to the solution of a human population under control; so we can all survive.  Immigration is then understood to be limited to those who not only can bring peace and harmony, but honestly choose to live here as “one of us”; therefore a time limit exists for making that decision.  To understand what we believe is acceptable for an immigrant requires a clear and conceivable test: an opportunity to discuss what is fair and legitimate behavior/ and what is not.  That test is created in the trial I have presented in Danville IL court: Osterbur v. Alit Selimi (he, has volunteered to stand up and be examined for “the immigrant”, and what is or is not acceptable). Whether I am alive or dead/ this one chose to do this work for you.  This trial, or examination before the world;  will serve, to describe the immigrant who stays, and who goes; the reality of what they may or may not take with them, and why; by confronting the relationship called equal; the right of man and woman to claim their world. The question of what you are entitled too, or not, is more complex than want.  Either you will find friendship and responsibility/ or you will get war, and revenge. It’s a choice. We all have human needs, we all, have a right as defined by our existence in a world no human being created or can claim in real terms as their own. Democracy gives us hope for our future/ not a claim to selfishness beyond limits.  But make no mistake: What we/I build literally, with my own two hands (not money/ your own body and mind, with money or not, your personal physical work. Not the claims of politicians or whore’s who claim the work of thousands or any one else. Money is irrelevant here/ work is not.), is mine. That includes nation building: or more simply “our language, and our ways are first”.  And you have no right to simply take it away; unless it is clearly necessary for life or nation or very definable “life needs” for the vast majority.
It is fair to add, marriage is an immigration from one place in life to another: the foundations you set into place which govern who belongs, who has earned the right, and so on are literally the same. Marriage is not about love/ it is a contractual obligation that gives NO possession of body or mind; but asks for compensation and respect to the lives that are joined. Marriage is joined, because the expectation of fair play is real! The question is: WHAT is fair/ not what can you get.

18.  The foundations of personal decision and life, are relatively simple: build your body and mind early/ then use it, protect it honestly, and defend what is important to you; for the rest of your life.  If you fear death/ then you will fear life as well. Death comes to all, therefore it is absolutely irrelevant to fear it/ because it is coming to you!  Death is the end of lies, the beginning of eternity, whatsoever you believe that to be; the clear reality is, time will end.   You cannot have courage unless you are willing to face the pain.  You cannot have honor, unless you are willing to accept duty, respect, and responsibility.  You can work hard until you are thirty or so/ and then expect to reap some rewards because of it.  Or you can work only as is necessary until you are thirty or so/ and work hard beyond that time, because you are unprepared for the reality of age. Choose for yourself/ do not be tempted, choose.
As to love, loneliness participates to prove the value of friendship/ but only you can decide if the price of believing in someone else is worth the risk.  Love is a gift/ therefore you cannot own “your love”; it is always given to someone else; and if they do not respect you or that love, the reality of loss will prove “the home (a place where I belong, accepted and safe), ” you believed in is gone. Love is a kaleidoscope of venues and opportunities, creating an endless array of possibilities where friends exist and are willing to express that trust required to establish the “places we cherish together as one life, instead of two”.  Between friends of the same sex, it is knowing; “I trust you care, and will share with me, as need requires/ or more simply not alone in this world”.  Between friends of the opposite sex; “the scale of trust and commitment to happiness as well as sharing and caring, creates a whole different world of experience and expression”.  Liars prove to be enemies/ or if it is not malicious, they prove instead: I simply cannot walk this journey with you; I must leave somehow.

19.  Never forget:   WHAT YOU CHOOSE, has a price! If you will give your life to helping others/ then you will possess little, including securities; because there will always be needs. If you give your life to “helping yourself”/ you truly “received your reward”, eternity has nothing for you.  If you fail to protect your society from liars, thieves, and cheats; then you will gain what america looks at today “complete disintegration and war”.  If you allow religion to decide rather than truth and life/ then you will get what the middle east has today; nothing but strife and conflict, because responsibility was thrown to wolves. If you believe “someone else can make better decisions than you/ as would be communism”; then as is visible in various places and times; you get to be slave, and no one cares what the future brings until it is too late.  If on the other hand you choose capitalism for greed/ there will be war, as the effects of temptation, manipulation, control, and every other aspect of war without bloodshed proves:   the coming violence will be extreme.  Everything does have a price.  Love is a price demanded of you/ it is the risk of losing someone precious, that makes a difference in your own life.  Hate is a price you demand of others, making revenge, jealousy, violence, and abuse the purpose of playing god in you. 
Eternity is a question that will remain unanswered, as to complete certainty/ until the day you die.  The price of being wrong, is beyond our comprehension/ therefore DO consider, what that means to you.  Not a game.  Consider the miracle of your body and life around you; and ask the simple question: how can this be?  Before you commit your life and your eternity, to “forever”.

20.  The value of communication is: “we can help and protect each other, finding ways to proceed in happiness and peace”. The tragedy of communication is: “it can be used to propagate any form of mischief or deceit/ it can lead others to their own tragedy, disease, or disgrace.  The critical question is: WHO THEN, has a right or ability to decide what truth allows?  Free speech identifies a quest for truth or lies. Media form the backbone of human society by participating in that truth or lie. Government employees fail more often than succeed for life.  That leaves us with either we all “police ourselves”/ or someone has to determine what is truth. In this element of factual human existence, our reality can be helped by creating a category limiting all who are allowed to be involved:   as true, and nothing but the truth.  Which means literally: those who will belong here must be proven untrue, or they can participate.  A category strictly limited to the best interests of a child, needs also to be created. This WILL limit the influence of advertizing to what parents choose/ PRIOR to its introduction.  A category for whatever is important to you: the boundaries protected, by those who choose to defend them for life and society.  In other words, “not up to a reporter or editor”/ its up to us: within these confines of our own creation.  Money shall not decide/ truth will.  A simple construction of: what shall be allowed and what shall not be allowed, must appear with the selection of this site. a construction of “trial” must be created to prove why, some specific topic: which falls within the definition, is denied; with the opportunity to confront and change that decision.  By vote. Freedom has the rest, society owns this, but truth is the ruler; it must be true/ and if it is, it cannot be denied.
Therein, the purpose of politics as a category defined by truth: is to prove or disprove what the politician says. A standing list, becomes “the trademark” of who they are.

The endless disgrace of lies, such as is most of american politics: “the second nuclear bomb was hurried/ so that the Japanese could not surrender first”.  Kennedy was preparing for world war 3, not peace.  The space race merely covered up the intent to create long range missiles, for nuclear bombs; it had nothing to do with going to the moon.  Reagan stole the nation blind/ sold the gold/ gave away a tremendous amount/ destroyed many in rural america/ and had nothing to do with the fall of communism except “how much debt can we create/ HELL, there’s no limit”.  Clinton saved the nation “no debt/ HELL the people owe all social security programs to themselves; not a government debt at all. Even though they kept the money for these programs.  Bush did not go to Iraq because of Saddam/ he took america there because the fear for his own life, was so great: he wanted them to fear too![the question is: is that NOT, the very same objective as bin laden had?]  And of course Obama, we can spend our way out of debt/ hide the damn taxes in healthcare/ etc.  
WE NEED, “A TRUTH CATEGORY” FOR GOVERNING OUR LEADERS/ rather than them governing us.   WE NEED people who think for themselves/ rather than believe anything the reporter says.
[I recommend, you simply continue with the “justtalking.info” series; as every purpose needs an identity, and this is for truth; come prove me wrong]. It is fair to say, in competition with perfection, that we are in fact all “just talking”. Although making decisions requires the best we can do, perfect or not.

21.  What we learn from a super-volcano, is that life on this earth is a fragile thing/ because this can end the life and time of billions.  What we learn from knowledge is 4 separate things: that it is pressurized gas that causes an explosion, and consequent destruction (or its like the Hawaiian volcanos)/ therefore we can depressurize it if we do this correctly.   That the consequence of not doing what we can do to limit the destruction, IS INSANE.  That waiting “to be sure, its going to explode” means waiting to die for billions on earth; regardless what is promised to you by the “experts”.
And that the functional distinction of a super-volcano is: these contain a loop circuit, of molten lava/ which becomes cut off after a period of years, due to earth rotation and the frictional coefficients of molten lava against the cooler mantle of earth (these create magnetic effects).  The loop circuit exists, because no other method functionally works to keep the mass hotter than the rest of earth surrounding it.  Because it is hot, we know that heat replenishes itself, due to movement. If it has movement/ it has both an inlet and outlet for that motion.  If the outlet is closed:   the resultant pressurization of the entire mass will begin;  partly because the intensity of heat must rise somewhere/ and partly because there is room, wherever the freedom to flow exists: therefore pressurization can increase.  To sustain a loop circuit/ thereby retaining the super-volcano status: an explosion must open “both holes”.  To do that, all the magma will be released.  UNTIL the magma finds “a hole to return inside the earth”/ the force of extreme heat will go up. Over time, the outer edges will crust over/ entrapping more heat and force; causing the hole to then open.  The time required is directly proportional to the force needed to create an outlet back into the earth/ that decreases over time due to the release of magma/ consequently changing the energy coefficients in the core itself.  OR more simply: once it blows, it could be years before it stops/ creating unimaginable consequences for life on earth.

 The university “a one single thing assumption” creates the evidence that suggests we can trace the super-volcano at Yellowstone/ knowing it is roughly time to explode.  We can see the evidence of pressurization, in a variety of ways, so say the university “experts of one single thing”.  We can verify the movements within the earth as progression is made in earthquakes, particularly those which are assessed to the turning of the earth. Thereby we know: to be wrong/ to be “one moment to late”; is a catastrophe to human life.  
It is expected in theory, that some deviations in magnetic fields could be detected if enough data exists over time. It is believed that pressures can be released, “taming the volcano”/ if careful bore holes are applied: the resultant gases moved and  contained in empty oil and gas reservoirs.
Or, you can just run away and hide/ waiting to die, living in fantasy and delusion as you do with everything else.  It’s a choice. Like so many other threats, with life ending results. Play time is over, you must grow up; or die.


22.  On a more personal human level; always remember it is better to be you, than anyone else/ because that, “is impossible”.  Be yourself, and learn what that is/ change what you do not like, and rebuild better.  I personally have “rebuilt” MANY more times than I can remember.  It is necessary, to find the truth.  Do not be “too rigid or disciplined: unless absolutely necessary”/ because it does not leave room for friendship or hope.  This is a foundation for life/ but not for any great amount of love; love is happiness, love remembers kindness, love whispers “you are my home”, because you can.  But remember this, love is a mutual gift; a home is the place you belong because life has given you this opportunity, and choice made it come true. There are limits to every life/ just how it is.

To be “too male”, understands the need for protection and defense/ but it removes the realities of creation that give life happiness and peace: these are replaced with duty and responsibility.  Therefore be “a little of both, male and female”/ rather than the extreme of either.  Female being, a need to assemble an education for “the child” so they may survive; as well as, the need to belong in love, in a future beyond self. That too, removes a part of simple harmony in human living; by creating a need, or desire rather than duty or responsibility.    Regardless, what is absolutely imperative is life/ what is fundamentally true, is “someone has to do the work”.  If no one else will help, “its up to you”; or life dies.
What is true decides/ want is absolutely irrelevant.

As to me, all the boundaries and disciplines of male seem to have been removed/ the composition or concept of what is, or is not female does not truly exist, although I am learning more than even imagination would allow. I am in the middle somewhere, still changing: every single day, a little more male is gone/ can’t stop it.  I don’t know why; other than to say:   I NEEDED an answer male did not have, (everything returns to what men want, regardless of truth). We cannot survive that!  Therefore only women were left, life depends upon it/ but the price exceeded all comprehension; mine, is now; a strange life.  Can’t stop it/ can’t change it back/ can’t escape the reality/ can’t understand it enough to have a say; just plain trapped, even owned by the   spirit of women: for the simple question,  “what is female, and what would she do, for life first?”  The story exists in the web sites as to how this came to be.  It is VERY different inside/ and yet oddly, or mostly the same outside, “sort of”.  It is, A complete surprise to me/ you can’t imagine unless you’re a woman, but even then you can’t imagine what it was like to be “simply man”.  Some can however imagine what it is like, “to have stumbled into an environment belonging to the other sex: with no way out”.  Not that bad, but honestly trapped/ the spirit world is, “a dangerous place”.  But a happy one too, if you are “same, in truth and love”.
Of the various lessons in life; I find duty has changed, from defending freedom and the various opportunities it provides as life.  To now a new kind of duty;  protecting life, from the various opportunities people create to destroy it.  Only one chance exists, to save this world from all the destruction human men have planned and created.  Women are exempted simply because until recently they had no real control of any kind. 

It is functional and real to add,   “next time you see a man or woman, “toothless almost/ a bit unkempt/ not too pretty/ looks a bit like a bum some of the time, or dirty from work”: think of me!  What is outside, cannot reveal what is inside. What is inside needs an opportunity to be wrong at times, to be less than perfect, even less than you expect: because anything less than that will become a dependency that interferes with your own progression in time as life.  Every life, is its own decision/ you cannot simply say “amen”. YOU must make your own choice/ and accept the cost or reward. Life is not a game/ death is not an illusion you can simply discard or pretend “isn’t important”.  To believe is to begin/ to accept, is to progress into faith. The difference is your reality, as a human being.

Appreciate your life/ stop, and understand why; understand you not only live among miracles, you are one.  As to ridicule and all other things people do, in an effort to play games with you or at your expense: simply understand, what is important has nothing to do with games.  Life, is not a game/ therefore these who use or abuse it so blatantly fail to live inside.  Do better, for yourself.  The body is just a body, although it makes a difference in so many ways: life itself through the reality of truth and the essence of thought decides what love, respect, and everything called value will truly be.  A body or mind is time released within an identity of purpose/ that purpose is to discover: if YOU, will choose love or hate. 
My own body and mind in time has changed so dramatically, that it is now impossible to not believe I have become female/ even more than male. You can’t imagine.  But I tell you that to underscore and demonstrate the truth, that body and mind are not isolated from the spiritual world.  They are in fact, a journey within themselves, as spirit allows. Spirit means:  not only a relationship as is soul, with the creator of   LIFE/    But a communication as well.   Remembering in this reality, OUR CREATOR,        “Does whatever HE deems best”.  A relationship is required, to understand, or recognize this is true. Are you not free?  I was, but today in some strange way, life needs me to be “something or someone else”.  I don’t know why. I certainly never believed I needed to change, personally;  but apparently in some way, or for some cause beyond myself, I was wrong.  Just doing the best I can; clearly a potential “conversation piece”/ but nothing more than that.
Make your own decision/ but remember, I am not a decision you can make: your question is, “can this world survive, without change in you/ all humanity”?  And how do you accomplish that?

Truth by the evidence says, you cannot survive without real  change. The method of accomplishment is: an education in reality, by truth/ working/ choosing/ and becoming the democracy called “we the people” for real. Through the creation of simple laws that matter, and will rule all human life on earth.

I do, wish you well/ but without true change, you won’t survive.  The multitude of threats, are real/ only truth can defeat them, and your own decision. To hide or run away, is simply useless; the whole world is in danger. Believe it, or not. Find your courage, and do the best you can: LIFE is waiting for you!  As to threats: when,  Proven true, beyond any doubt/ means you, and every life in this world is dead.  
THINK instead. Work for life, its important.