Time and distance, create the elements of an environment we call life, as human beings.  Time is the constant relationship of action and reaction to energy that then becomes the deterioration of mass, and body.  Distance is the measurement of our existence, in terms of our reality on this planet.  Life itself, is our individual decision/ the freedom to implement that decision, and produce the evidence that will become our truth.
Given these simple parameters, our humanity exists and experiences the reality of our expression, and the values/ disgrace/ destruction/ or love that is associated with human life.  We know, that we are alive: because we think, or at least on the bottom end of thought, we measure and thereby understand “its freedom”.  The failure to arise beyond “mental measurements”/ results in sexual chemicals as the “high point of body existence”; one uses the other as a simple tool.  The ability to achieve a critical relationship with thought itself, opens the door to sexual realities that become spiritual, residing in the truth of life itself, as the element of love defined within the union then called “ourselves/ our life and living as one”. There human existence does experience a journey developed, not by time or its distance/ but by destiny and the expression of values, that are unlimited or without measurement within the mind of man or woman.  Thought does not “claim, an intellectual existence”!  Rather thought itself does elevate the compositions of heart, unto the door called soul.  Heart is, “a messenger” expressing the meaning most clear of life in you.  Soul is, a miracle joined, that gives you and me life.  Spiritual is, the heart talking to the soul, through thought, in truth & respect.

The question of life begins: where the environment of our existence meets, the element that will become our time.  I offer you NO more understanding than that.  You are insane.
But even so, with the end of life on earth approaching quickly, the quest to help you understand, “without true change” survival is not possible.  Admonishes me, to help you understand death “a bit better”/ or bribe you, because you simply are too insane to listen to anything else.  Therefore we begin with death, because that is the greater concern at this moment in time.
Death is: discipline unleashed, the consequence of a boundary broken; in time.  In close association, are the terrorists determined to destroy biological/ life disciplines; so as to break down nature and planet to destroy us all: and you give them money and fame/ letting them do anything they please because they flatter you with the idea “we will be gods”: how is that NOT,  utterly, and completely INSANE.
Regardless, this writing is about individual realities of life collapsing into death.  The participation in human existence as is true of everything in nature is: that our time shall end.  It is not then a surprise, for anyone/ but a reality we all endure.  Like it or not, as is life/ so is death; a beginning/ an end/ a reality unclear, but by thought.  So then the question must be asked, what is death, to human existence?
The answer becomes an elevation of purpose, the consequence of desire conceived by thought; and a participation beyond ourselves as is consistent with truth.  Purpose is divided into two basic categories: “love or hate”.  As simple as that, destiny is described.
The question becomes: how do we know, if life beyond time exists?  Rather than simple belief/ where is the evidence?

The answer resides as the examination of evidence beyond ourselves, as encompassed by the critical framework called truth itself/ the law of a universe revealed.  Here in this reality, what is true, remains forever true/ it cannot be changed or denied; NO lie, will ever influence it.  Therefore we know, as is constant and true about the universe itself, that what is true, at the base level of influence on reality itself:  is “forever”.     So then the question is:   CAN WE, become this truth, and thereby participate in “forever”?  The answer resides in truth itself, or more simply: what is the composite reality that we call “the law” governing life itself?  The answer is again   {Heart is, “a messenger” expressing the meaning most clear of life in you.  Soul is, a miracle joined, that gives you and me life.  Spiritual is, the heart talking to the soul, through thought, in truth & respect.} Or, if you enter within the evidence and culmination of the miracles life itself are/ then you become a part of soul; and are described by this truth or this law, that is constant in this universe.  The foundation being: as a human being, it is absolutely necessary to recognize, “this is BEYOND self”.
Beyond self, is a journey to discover the framework of love or hate/ hate being death “horrified”.  While love is the existence of happiness multiplied beyond comprehension.  Even so, many are those who choose hate/ they are discarded.
Therefore we turn only to the truth that is love, and ask the evidence of love:   if life itself, can accept the value we represent?  If value can exist as life/ if life exists because of value/ and if the disciplines of love, can provide an environment that sustains us all?

We begin with life, because before we can express or experience anything; we must exist as a reality before (not within) the boundaries that can consume us. To do that, there MUST be disciplines in place, that accept and understand, the law: which governs these places. These laws, and these realities are NOT for the insane (you)/ consequently, the basic facts of this conversation are mute.  But we can extend the understanding with these simple things: every truth participates in motion/ every law establishes a boundary.  Every life discovers value “in something”, or it disappears, surrendering to death.   Love thereby is the evidence of a value that truly adds to life and living without question/ thereby the first answer is clear:  that love is an accepted value of life, a cause defined by living.  The question is then DO YOU love/ is that your truth?  We then ask of value to explain itself, so that we can decide/ so that we can understand, if the value of life and living and love applies to us. 

We begin with the experiment of love itself, as an environment in which those who love can escape the contamination of an environment which would otherwise consume them?  If that love is extensive enough, to participate in an environment dedicated to all love and the search of life as happiness through joy?  The disciplines recognized as valued in this journey to a destiny beyond ourselves: consist of these.  That RESPECT is fundamental to the integration of life and living in an environment beyond ourselves/ it is absolutely necessary in the relationships dedicated to finding value, by understanding truth.  Truth is a deliberate element in the foundations which create both love and life, flowing from one to the other and back again, as the energy recognized as shared/ because we care for each other.  These two are primary to the elevation of value, to its consequent treasure called love. Without them both, love cannot be sustained.  They are choices, you make. 

 The third ingredient is a decision to participate on an “individual value”/ with one or more, as life presents to us all, a destiny created with, or because of, the living.  Living presented means: I have completed the tests of creation, to determine within myself, if the value of love, life, and living are sufficient to sustain my desire for life itself, in the environment of love. Miracle means: I have not the ability to transform myself, into anything more/ THEREFORE RESPECT    “FOR GOD”   Is paramount to all considerations for life beyond time, or as time (eternity) conceived without body or mind (these are subject to the constraints of action and reaction, and CANNOT enter eternity), simple and plain.  But that is not true of life itself, which is recognized thereby composed of thought, because without thought, there is no recognition/ thereby no life, by the accommodation of;  a decision matters to me. Thought returns to truth, to identify the critical discipline of energy which is “containment of the reality”.  Thought being a reality allows its containment, as is life on earth/ by energy.  And we can easily see or understand that a mass of rock for instance has potential energy contained in nuclear structure, or kinetic energy; without thought/ but nonetheless energy contained.  Consequently we know that energy can be contained, and we move on to the realities involved with the containment of thought as a relationship to energy itself; as a boundary involved in disciplined existence.  These too, are NOT subjects which can be discussed with the insane (you)/ and as such the conversation ends.  With the simple truth, that what you don’t understand/ has no relationship to what is real or true in universal law and energy.   The critical relationship that thought has a distinct value, and its creation as an intrinsic part of life and living and love cannot be discarded without ending our reality.  The foundation argument begins: that life exists because of thought (to make it possible, through law and truth) and love, to make it worth living, thereby sustainable.  But neither is possible without the critical environments of energy, by its truth, disciplines called reality, or boundaries which separate and contain the possibilities of life.  These are unnecessary subjects in this discussion, of death and you.

What is critical to time and distance is, the foundations we rest, or move upon (believe) in our decision to apply truth, as best we can;  within our own individual lives.  Male and female are the same here/ is fundamental to the distinction which is destiny.  Fate being what either cannot be avoided in time/ or the description assigned to those who “simply didn’t care enough about life itself, to assemble, or understand the term miracle”.

We begin with belief: the assertion, that together as human beings, we can define what our eternity or our truth must or can be/ all religions start here, within the brain.  Every brain is a measurement tool, not a description of thought, but a translator of time.  While the dimensional characteristics of thought include a relationship with measurement/ the reality of life is not subject to the tools of an intellect; only the weapons of a decision to play god.  Consequently although you can kill/ you cannot create.  Even then, with thought only GOD truly creates.  Belief is an association with the historical values that humanity places upon its own existence.  We believe, because the evidence of not respecting this aspect of living has proven to be harmful or disastrous/ therefore we want to avoid that, and believe whatever it is that “our group” accepts as needed to survive, and be happy.  Religion applies the rules/ the rules separate the people into three groups: leaders/ followers/ and those who did not accept our right to rule over them, by these rules. 
We then turn to truth as a “valuable reality”/ by which we then can understand why the tragedies or happiness which participate in time with us occur. Truth in time, is assembled by the evidence/ it is not “as you believe”: but as can be proven significantly probably, or adequately represented by the recurrence of fact.  What we discover to be “our truth”/ then becomes the foundation of our law.  And humanity is divided into leaders/ followers/ and those who refuse to obey these laws.

The critical “formula of death” relates to, the insistence of religion and truth to identify: “who has the right to expect or demand eternity”.  Religion has its rules/ its “saviors”/ and its historical words which cannot be refused: “because we say so”.  Truth itself, knows what your desire and purpose in life and living actually is, and thereby reflects the reality of what it means “to be you”.  Neither is a gate to eternity.  Rather eternity rests or exists or expands in the “nature” called soul.  Nature means:   GOD created this!  Soul means, we have, or more distinctly of each human being “I have”; asked within the concept of miracles, IF, “life can go on for me”?  It is not a game, but a description of purpose, as driven to the forefront of life by the desire called love through respect.  We are miracles/ that is the evidence of our truth, and this entire existence on earth.  Consequently we must look within that miracle, and within ourselves to conceive of the love that created it, and understand the reality that is more than simple belief/ but extends as faith instead.  Faith is: the actual acceptance of what we believe is true/ therefore we live accordingly as if it is true, regardless of the rest.  The story of   JESUS   IS SIGNIFICANT, because it suggests and describes a world that has NOT been left behind.  But rather exists as a test to determine who can or cannot walk into eternity with love.  The test is necessary, because it determines the truth about you/ rather than allowing the opportunity to “corrupt and contaminate” eternity itself.  That is determined by you, as your individual truth:  before you are allowed to enter.
Nature is, the foundation of our lives/ which means in all respectful occurrences: nature is correct.  What is not respectful of that fact is “the weapons of man/ or the intent to corrupt, by women”.  Nonetheless, in human existence reality serves to prove:   this is the freedom and choice of humanity as men designed.  Consequently what is abhorrent to   GOD,   can be commonplace among men.  What is NOT acceptable to   GOD, can be commonplace among women.  So we end this with the simple truth:   what cannot be forgiven can be “covered up”/ what decides eternity is MERCY, not perfection or the rest.

Because humanity is influenced directly and sometimes without a choice by the actions or reactions of others:   in their own freedom of choice.  The descriptions of love or hate are resolved to be based upon the framework of what is true inside, rather than disciplined by the reality outside.  Or more simply: the reality of what you did do, because you chose to do it; when that was possible, is the essence of truth in you.  However that does not mean, “all are the same/ they are not”.  It does not mean, if you lived a life of violence, everything is forgiven entirely.  Or more clearly: there are levels of separation in eternity, and it is you: that decides where you belong.
The steps that ascend through time to life eternal, are these:  1. You must understand that all of nature is a miracle of existence,   CREATED BY    GOD.  Until you do, real respect is not available to you.
2.  You must accept that RESPECT IS REQUIRED OF YOU, because life is not owned by you/ rather you are a gift in the essence of freedom created, so that you could then “create yourself as an identity of your own truth and existence in time.
3.  You must understand and acknowledge that only truth can sustain life, thereby want is irrelevant/ the foundation of every lie.  Truth must decide for you and us all.
4.  You must know, that “amen: we agree” is not acceptable/ because you do not know/ therefore you cannot agree but to lies.  Rather every individual accepts or denies his or her own truth, and must live within that reality, or change it themselves;  as their own journey in time. Life is an individual decision, “not a flock”.  The grouping of humanity together as in the past ends/ because you are not able to comprehend and communicate for yourselves individually.  Whereas in history, these were limited.
5.  You must accept that male and female are equal.  There is no difference in the composition of life as time.  Even though there are real and true differences in time itself. Each is half the composition of a “whole”/ thereby introducing you to the experiences and expressions that are “beyond self”.  If you fail to accept, and treat each other as “equals”/ you fail to RESPECT   GOD.  And will suffer for it.

6.  The elemental realities of life and environment prove, what can or cannot be done.  It is not a game. The disciplines of our participation with each other, are simple: “treat each other as you would have them treat you: with fairness/ justice/ kindness/ equality/ and opportunity to share because we care, a life honored.
7.  The sexual dimensions of life, between male and female are not a game/ these elevate or cause life, to descend: demanding that you participated in this; for “good/ or bad”.  The critical relationship being:   no one possesses another/ no one has rights over another, these are shared, because you have proven you do care, and accept the reality in trust. To disguise or degrade or disease the trust in another human being is a sin: you damaged “GOD’S Creation”.
None are allowed to judge, only the law/ because all are free, to make their own decision, and live their own life: so long as you DO NOT force, tempt, abuse, or intentionally use another.  YOU WILL leave the children alone/or the law of life demands either castration for men, or death.  As to women who confuse young men, or tempt them:   those boys, are able to say no with their body/ consequently different;  unless a disease is transmitted.  Women shall decide if more is needed.
8.   The law of life is: do not threaten the others/ do not risk their lives or environment or sustain-ability, or future, or planet, or nature, or oceans; etc.  All of which you do, as humanity on earth today; a “horrible people/ because this very creation on earth is threatened”.  Tremendous sin.

  The law of humanity further states: that freedom has its own price, the failure to separate as necessary “love from hate”/ creates war, and all manner of criminal pursuits.  Therefore the foundation of peace in society begins, or ends with the critical resolution to remove hate, and heal the injured so they do turn to love, at least in part.  Every act of humanity is driven by one of three things: love/ hate/ or survival.  It is not complex, although anger is the resolution to fight, because there is no answer here.  Find them an answer, and the anger goes away.  Be careful what you do.

Within the element of living that is death, we find the truth in dying:  that a life too young is tragic/ that a life taken from its responsibility to work for society and the young is harsh/ but the consequence of nature, wherein the old shall die: is reality exemplified by the truth, “if none died because of time/ then none would survive in time”.  It is a price that must be paid for this world.  That does not mean it is easy/ that does not mean it “seems fair”/ that does not mean you won’t be missed, or the love given won’t be remembered.  It just means, for life to go continue here on this planet:   the old shall die.  Just like all generations who came before you did die too/ so that you could survive in time, as your own journey allows. Simple and plain. 

The simplified human element (mind that measures) “blames GOD” for death/ failing to understand it is that death that gives you your life; just as it is the plants that die, creatures that die to feed you.  It is a natural part of life, the cycle of creation is: each life, makes the next one possible; in a chain of events that is intricate and long.  Because we need the complex chemicals of other creations to become human ourselves.  If it were not so, then all of life would be spent in building/ rather than living.  So then we live, because there is death.  The realities of disease, are in all probability MUCH MORE, about the acts of humanity:   defiling nature, and environment to produce them/ as for any other potential cause.  We are “the great pandora’s box” from which most trauma and the cause for tears comes.  We are NOT “evolved”/ how can you be so damned stupid.  Just the tears alone are an extreme sense of design, because without them you have no eyes that continue to work: they will stick to the eyelids/ which contain lashes simply to help you protect a very important asset.  A billion things, and more;  all intricately laced, to become the body and mind that is you; all intensely designed to fit. All proof, this body is no accident.  As is adaption merely the proof of “excellent, well thought out,  design”.  The human body was not built in pieces: WHAT PART, can you do without/ WHAT PARTS KILL YOU, if they fail? How can you choose anything without a mind; evolution declares it last! Shame on you, for being so blind.  Understand this well, that adaption requires a choice/ to live within “these new parameters”/ even if, it is not what you wanted.  Rather adaption because reality has changed; becomes  the choice for life or death;  now a different experience, an altered expression/ or you die.  It is a choice/ you accept a new life, or continue and dissolve into extinction.