"Loosely called money"/ because the counterfeiting is so extensive; the reality of our American dollar is: the value cannot be identified by truth.  Too many dollars exist/ therefore they have no basis in reality.

The critical question is no longer how to stop this deterioration from truth to fantasy/ it no longer matters, this cannot be fixed outside of bankruptcy for a nation.  Therefore all other possibilities cease to exist/ and we must examine the methods by which our lives and our nation has been changed with regard to the money.  So that it can be stopped from happening again.

In its most simple terms then:   the question of what went wrong is elementally examined.

We begin with cause:   three major developments gave the university diploma power to do what they wanted to do.  The atomic bomb (we want them on our side)/ the discovery of antibiotics (our saviors)/ and the  " scopes, monkey trial" (we are free/ "lets play").   These three gave rise to university superiority/ and that changed government into a university creation.  "The expert" became your ruler/ and the fantasy, or illusion, or delusion of one tiny bit of knowledge, about one tiny thing irregardless of the rest; became the ruler.  That made all the decisions for the rest.  Having become superior/ they then began to give themselves "raises/ bonuses/ pensions/ and every other possible component of being as kings or queens"/ we should be their slaves.  Wiped your own ass, with a diploma:  get a million dollars for that.   So then it is arrogance and greed/ heaved upward by fear, and the assumptions of intelligence: that gave you this grief.  Bankruptcy, the cause and reality of when too few/ make too many their slave. 

Bankruptcy is:   I/we, cannot pay this debt.  Clearly the reality of America today, and most of the world.  Depression is:   the game of money, power, and pride is over/ the few have won it all, and won't share: be our slave, is literally what is left.  Which simply means:   for the vast majority, your wages will steadily go down/ your opportunities in freedom will disappear/ the competition for every job will increase, and that means society itself will constrict into a maze of "I want more".  When a critical threshold of anger is reached, like a snake about to strike/ society erupts in war.    Or the leaders recognizing they are about to lose control:   wage war on anyone else that looks likely to be a target (we can win).  That keeps the people busy, so they cannot target the leaders themselves. At the end of war, very much has to be rebuilt; so suddenly there is work, and "less competition".  Wages go up, people are happier.  BUT TODAY that no longer works, because we have crossed the line regarding resources; without everything that is left/ there is no tomorrow.  Which means a war even if won/ has been lost.

So then, the question is:   how do we avoid war?  So we can fight for our future, and not be lost forever?

The answer is, a courtroom: whereby reality searches for what is left/ and then re-distributes what the rich man stole:   so that all can survive.  Nobody earns more than what is fair!  Everything else is stolen, or assumed a gift that we the people can afford.  So the question is:   what is fair?   The answer is: that money is the exchange of life/ not numbers.  Life is about time on this earth, therefore most of the exchange is about that time I sacrificed for you/ what is fair asserts, I deserve an equal, or realistic opportunity to have time spent for me, by you in exchange.  Work is however NOT entirely fair/ some things are much harder/ much more dangerous/ have consequences that are extreme/ and so on.  Added is the fact, not all people are willing to work hard, nor do they give their time willingly, nor do they care about the work, or share the reality of survival with the majority:   which simply means, THERE MUST be differences in what people are paid.  Some simply earn more!  Therefore to accommodate the differences:   society must choose what is fair.  So then HOW MUCH more, does a doctor earn honestly/ or a high risk worker; etc?  What is fair, for an extensive education/ or potentially losing your life: as compared with the average job?  Its up to you as a society/ but remember this: in reality, when someone makes more/ it is because many others must then make less for themselves.  Answer the question: because it matters to all of society, when reality works instead of delusions.  Its called limited capitalism.              


So then we turn to the delusions of the university diploma/ to understand not only where did the money go/ who took it/ and why.   But also to identify the road they took, to betray us all: with greed/ by betraying themselves as well.

The first delusion is: that a diploma is worth more, than simply working for life and survival.  They worship themselves, simply because they went to school a little longer:   where the vast majority will tell you, "best years of my life".  So the question is:   WHY do we owe them for the best years of their lives/ when the rest, simply struggled to survive, because the few managed to control everything, and force labor to take what was offered?  Organized labor said no: we want more too/ greed expanded.  Which simply means: it takes more people now,  to suffer the fate of slaves to work for them too.  "Everybody superior" raise your hand!  Everybody tired of being a slave, try not to raise your gun: because it will fail you/ the earth cannot survive another major war. Neither can this nation.

Work is:   what I must do for you/ in exchange for what you must or will then do for me.  If I make ten times less than you/ it simply means, I must work ten times longer for the same compensation as you.  Or if one works one day/ the other must work ten days; in simple concepts.  How is that fair?  Generally it is not, although some consideration must be given to:   you get to work all the time (steady employment)/ my jobs are few and far between (I must search, survive, and wait).  Therefore the yearly wage is what matters, rather than per hour.

Work is:   the reality of resources to be used/ because without resources to work with, nothing truly changes.  Change is the essence of work/ the reality of choices either forced (as is food) or made by us, to compensate for time spent for others.  Work without resources is minimal/ it is, like living in the desert:   not much there, work hard/ gain little.  Business is different than simply working/ business requires a return that is greater than its cost, before you make money for yourself.  Therefore this reality MUST be considered in all aspects of governing society itself.

So then we can easily see:   that in situations such as life in society, the only EASY way to get far more than you deserve is, "too organize into diploma armies/ unions/ healthcare/ government work/ or other" to force the rest to give you more.

The question is:   HOW do you do that in reality?  The answer is you cannot!

Which brings us to inflation:   the legal printing of money by governments, who have simply surrendered the fact they cannot pay their bills;   so they increase the money supply.  Thereby giving more each time, so that the people will take it/ and not revolt. 

In America, we have the ILLEGAL conception of debt/ the reality WE CANNOT pay this: and the intentional deception and lies, of calling a debt that cannot be paid/ anything besides the inflation that it so clearly is.   What is illegal is the lie, that it can be paid: a debt owed, that can be paid/ is forced in a court.  A debt that is purely fantasy and delusion as is american debt:   cannot be forced, simply because there is no possibility the people can pay.   Which brings us to the next reality of time and money.   When the people do not share in the inflation/ THEY SUFFER, because of the lies generated to protect and defend the wealthy from the consequences of their actions.  We are bankrupt/ YOU HAVE TO STOP.   But so long as the word debt is used, the assumption is: that reality will intervene, and the force of the market will make it stop.  That is not so in america;   because the people refuse to accept the fact/ ALL THESE LIES are not better than truth.  So a game is created/ and the people play:   because the price is now "way too high".  So they hide.  But behind those doors they closed, is the truth, that counterfeit money is stealing their property/ their future/ their lives/ IS,  kidnaping and raping their children,  and their nation.  Because the money does spend, so long as it is accepted.  "Its all free/ to the few":   BUT YOU DON'T SHARE, all the new numbers they call a debt.  Isn't that true?  They go to the bank and get more, so as to buy everything you have or want/ while you get less, and more competition for your job arrives everyday.  NOT from immigrants/ but from the reality, "we just don't need (you Have no money to buy)  or want you anymore (the easy money is gone/ why should I work hard with or for you)": when I have plenty of numbers called money!  Added is: "let the robot/ computer do it".

So then there is a hidden cost to debts that are not real, and cannot be made to be real:   it is, they steal your lives silently with numbers that the few alone get to have/ and you CANNOT compete with a pure fantasy of numbers counterfeited every single day.  As is the "for simplicity, one trillion dollars given to banks in 2008-2009:   the politician gives that one trillion to a bank/ because the bank can legally then increase the number by ten or more:   making it ten trillion dollars instantly, and they do.  Some is then "left over", from the extensive failures of "experts"/ and that can then go into the stock market, where you can legally buy stock on margin for 50-1 (an investment of 1 dollars/ buys 50 dollars of stock), perhaps more.  So then, the politician took one counterfeit dollar, multiplied it by ten in the bank/ and then the bank multiplied that ten trillion dollars by however much they invested on margin in the stock market.  Making it very simple to inflate the so called money/ because today stocks are bought and sold in roughly less than a million trades per second: by computers.  So, "they see you invest by computer programs" and if it goes up a penny/ they sell/ down a penny they buy; and so on a million times a second. The best, can do it faster than the stock market itself/ which means the computers know "which horse will win/ before it crosses the line": and can place their bets accordingly.  Fair is irrelevant!  Which means you the individual investor does not stand a chance; all the "real" money is gone/ "it just disappeared".

Beneath the tier of "super rich" (you HAVE to pay me/ I own the resources you need or want to survive).  Comes the next batch of people who supply jobs.  "If I keep the competition down/ and make those who work, do more"/ then I will be very rich.  So the question is:   how do you keep the competition down, and force those who work, to do it for less?  The answer is:    You refuse to educate them properly so they can do what they need to do for themselves; thereby creating a need only you can supply.  You tempt them into believing fantasies/ provide them with propaganda creating delusions of prosperity through debts to you/ and elevate yourselves by buying governments, courts, media, and all that is necessary to control the people so they cannot become wise enough to stop you.  Therefore the university comes into play, with their endless surveys and testing to see what the people will accept/ rather than to work for life or truth.  That gives the advantage, through media:   "Believe in us".  But it is insufficient to make slaves until you apply fear:   YOU will be left out/ you will be terrorized without us/ you must pay the price, because we protect you; etc.  In other words, you have no choice/ because you have no weapons to defend yourselves (sheep).  So the critical answer to how do we get weapons to defend ourselves is:    To find your answer in the law/ that law is called redress:   let the people be made aware, let them decide for themselves, and honor the intent of democracy which is:   we shall rule ourselves, by the law we create!

The next tier, in the game of money is:   those who believe themselves to be superior to "the majority".  We are better/ WE DESERVE more.  Unions/ the university diploma/ etc are found here.  But they cannot be "truly rich"/ because reality simply won't let them.  Their answer is:   THEN GIVE US PENSIONS AND BENEFITS, so that we can retire/ and spend as if we worked and contributed something; which clearly they do not.  Or more simply:   let the masses be our slaves/ WE ARE superior to them; and we don't care about them even a little.  To the victor, go the spoils.  The current claim is:   we earned.  But the reality is, absolutely not.

The next tier down is, "the middle class";   which is more distinctly labeled as those who must actually work for a living/ and have had some success, primarily without substantial support from others.  These understand reality, because they live it/ but cannot control their government or anything else; because they need and want what society offers them.  Even though they know it is wrong/ the debts are crippling: THEY DON'T want to pay the price, life is too hard, and they refuse to go back.  So the lies continue/ and the reality shifts to the consequence of counterfeit money:   we cannot compete.  But alas the courtroom is primarily their enemy/ the lawyer is a fraud and a thief/ the judge has no interest in justice or fair play/ and the election process is "so damn crooked" it is useless to play.  SO THEY BUY GUNS.  "Ain't taking mine/ without a fight".  There are believers (its america/ nothing bad will happen)/ there are non-believers (everything bad has already happened, and we will fight, to survive ourselves)/ and there are the majority, "we are sheep": we cannot do anything but wait, and hope for the best.  Even though that is just a dream.  Each is caught in a trap:   the outcome is out of their hands/ and they know reality is, in this case, going to be unkind.  Only redress will change the truth:   you cannot compete with them, UNLESS you use the law against them; as democracy intended!  A mass of "motivated humanity" is nothing to play with.  A democracy demanding to own its own law for controlling government/ for bringing their employees to accountability and truth:   IS A POWERFUL THING.

The next tier down, are the people who live "hand to mouth"/ they cannot and will not "get ahead"/ unless fate opens the lottery door, and they just fall in.   So these are the primary gamblers in society; NOT because they play with big numbers/ but because they choose to play with their lives; slavery is too hard, so they become even greater slaves, throwing the little they have away:   trying to get out. 

The next tier down is the people on welfare and other government programs, who have learned how to complain and make the politician fear or use their vote.  They are cheap to buy/ and easy to use for a politician; so it makes good political sense to do so.  Welfare assumes "I won" because I don't have to work as a slave/ while in reality, it costs you your life, because the failure to accept responsibility for your existence; establishes a road that leads to nowhere, but poverty.

The next tier down is: the people without anything at all to call their own/ living without a social net, breeds crime.  Theft is primarily:   I AM treated unfairly/ you owe me; so I will take it!  That then becomes an excuse to participate in violence, and instead of being owed "a life, like the others"/ these want more.  Turning to revenge, it no longer matters what any person has done:   to steal/ lie/ kill/ etc become a part of life; because you or society, have become "WORTHLESS" to me.  And you know, "if something is worthless"/ then it absolutely doesn't matter what you do with it.  Isn't that so?

 So then this is the basic list of participants/ but they do not include the evolution of government officials:   "We adapted with lies/ we cheated with regulations/ we stole by removing reality/ and we pretend by controlling the propaganda of media, and promoting the games university wants to play.  The reality being:   nothing in university wants an answer, when a fantasy will do far more to let them play.  Or as is seen in the crucifixion of life/ the energy experiments also intended for the sole purpose of playing god with our lives and this world:   they live for delusion, so they can lie to themselves.  And not be responsible for truth.

Truth knows, we are bankrupt: because those who could stole too much.

Truth knows, that life cannot survive the mutilation of nature/ but they want to play; and pretend and propagate "we will dry every tear with our work".   When in fact, the absolute opposite is true. 

Truth knows: that reality cannot be avoided in the resources or consequences that determine whether we live or die.  The failure as has been proven true, of a leadership strictly established under university control: that avoids all truth with regard to the future.  Because they have already accepted survival is too hard/ SO THEY STEAL all they can get, before that day comes.  You are abandoned, to a future that on this day, by the record of our reality according to the evidence simply no longer exists.   They don't want to pay the price/  SO THEY LIVE IN FANTASY, and pretend to be gods.   Trying to avoid fear.  It is asinine, and worthy only of contempt.  It is murderous, and the intentional sacrifice of every child.  But it is real, and the vast majority are willing only "to play the game too".   Even so, what you believe is worthless/ what is real, shall decide.  So says truth itself!