The 8 local  news agencies mentioned here, get a pass this time as the original ad contained the    Website instead of the website.  It is otherwise stated: they know, or should have known/ and had every opportunity to choose an interest over the years, but refused.   NOT a free press/ an edited press owned by special interests, who do believe they are so special:   “Only they, KNOW what you can be allowed to think, broadcast as communication, or discuss: because they limit that conversation to their decision”.  Not democracy/ it is another form of anarchy.  Or in different terms it’s the propaganda of force by denial/ communication for their purposes, NOT for society.  Or in other countries they would be called “the local communist party headquarters”.  Because there is no difference between a media empire/ controlled by a tiny few/ and a communist country, whose communications are also controlled by a tiny few; and whatever they decide.


AS HAS OCCURRED many times in the past: all news organizations in this area, have been informed; as of July 19, before noon.  An ad for the us supreme court trial is paid at the newsgazette paper (the evidence remains intact).  You decide if they treated you well/ or in fact, edited/ hid/ or refused:    the things you needed to hear.  As to the rest of the nation and its responsibilities to the fact that life or death questions exist here.  They are the same as yours:   it’s a decision not to work for life, when you know it is important.  It’s a choice make your decision.
Some will say:   he should provide more advertizement’s / he should pay more, do more, be more, accept the price of media or whatever it takes to get this job done.   So I say to these: GO AHEAD, it is your job/ not mine.  I cannot save you/ we must save ourselves; all of us together, or it cannot be done. 
Some will say:   he is a fool/ some religious jerk without any sense.  I reply; “let the evidence speak for itself”.
You do not need me anymore.  Because I did bring you this choice, and now it is your responsibility, not mine.   We the people for life/   or we the people don’t care, and thereby choose death, by the reality of decisions that have already been made.  It’s a decision/ nobody is excused.  What you do, or do not do/ is your answer.
The future of this planet, is in your hands; each and every reader/ every person who knows; that even one threat coming true, that is capable of exterminating our ability to survive/ means the end of this world.    THIS IS, as far as I can go without you.  Eternity will know.