Our relationship to a job

IS, determined by our need to survive.  If you must/ then you will, because to do less is worse, than the requirements of the job; regardless of the fact it is right or wrong for the vast majority.  The consequence that is personal/ governs and controls the consequences that are public. Is it not the same with you?  That means: to functionally address the critical decisions of protecting this planet/ WE MUST first account for the facts that will challenge or destroy what we know to be in our best interest/ our children’s only hope for a future/ and the planet its life & itself.

Those facts are: EVERY person needs a job, so that they can sustain themselves with food, shelter as required, water, and basic happiness.  Thereby we KNOW, to protect the future and the planet and ourselves: A JOB must be in effect guaranteed to all.  Without that right/ without the ability to choose for yourselves what you can and will do, at no less than an honest minimum wage useful to every person: there is no hope of life to come on this earth.  People destroy, rape, and hate when they have no hope. The critical question is: HOW do we supply everyone a job, at a realistic wage?  The answer is: 5 primary developments must occur.  1) the opportunity to limit greed CANNOT be dismissed: that means, the workers have a say in any business that gains more than double its initial asset or investment base: over not more than 7 years.  OR more simply, when you have regained your investment and made some money too/ THEN WE as a voter work force shall determine the distribution of wealth with you.  Everyone worked together to get here/ everyone gets an honorable share.  Work it out for yourselves: BUT NO worker vote is allowed to destroy the business investment; only the excess!  Once that vote is taken, the process of doubling the asset base begins again/ before another vote for control (worker rights) shall exist; or not less than once every 7 years: the accounting shall prove what is real.  No pensions/ no employer healthcare/ no long term promises of any kind: simple money in wages/ nothing more.  NO special deals for management, NO golden parachutes/ NOTHING BUT A WAGE that is plain simple and clear; proving “a current weeks’ work (so that all understand).  Worker rights include diminishing your wage/ distinguishing what is fair or not to all.
2) Every worker needs a job MEANS: IF there are no other jobs/ then the community, state, or nation shall make one.  That includes the “Roosevelt style, conservation corps, etc” .  Payments or money exists: because in reality all money is about human time, and if capitalism is limited to the majority in the middle/ the maximum allowed is no more than three times the wage of the poorest paid: THEN reality will prove balance!  Resource usage and protection determines “rich or poor/ and who dies in the future”.
3) Investment means: for the sake of the community, state, nation, or world.  BUT IT IS LIMITED TOO: the realities that exist, NO “MAKING COUNTERFEIT MONEY: NO pretending or lies: NO GAMBLING with life or the securities of the nation”/ as is the constant on wall street today.  The purpose of an actual investment in business is to create jobs for life/ protect our future for every child and living thing/ establish new possibilities without endangering anyone/ and control resource, rather than abuse it. 

4) the currency of government MUST BE STABLE!  No exceptions!  That means literally, “every dollar” must be equal to a definable, critical reality such as population count: thereby we sustain the correct dollars in the economy to demand and insure balance.  That means literally: the “dollars” that are exchanged between governments SHALL BE defined by a resource that is definable such as gold/ so that counterfeiting or lying or exclusion shall not occur.  With stability and limited capitalism every person has a realistic chance to approach and achieve their own working ambitions in time.  With currency controlled and balance, NOBODY can steal it from you, as has been done by so many in “big business” today.  With YOU in control of your wages, you decide/ if you fail, “too bad”.

5) the current reality of old age retirement is a lie: how extremely few, did NOT take everything they could get/ without regard for the future or their own children.  A life called “I WANT IT ALL”/ who gives a damn about the others, GIVE ME EVERYTHING & I pay for nothing.  Take a look at your debt/ the absolute tragedy you have been to all resources and life on this world: particularly in america.  That means: YOU already got yours!  That means in terms of medicaid and medicare, you deserve next to nothing:   with some allowances for the poor. YOU CANNOT STEAL anymore.  The future belongs to the children and their young parents, who must raise them: that means, medicare and medicaid transfers to them.  The education of ten times more doctors, etc is required! Healthcare payment, must become a percentage of income, with limits/ redistributed across the state per individual “accomplishment”to healthcare workers: so as to assure, all patients get equal care/ all services are fundamentally same. Social security becomes a percentage of GDP/ divided up by vote among all who shall attain it.  Or more simply the people who are getting social security decide who gets how much/ and who will die, because they need too much. It is their decision/ by vote.
These 5 determine primary stability, thereby the economic picture that is to be your future.

But without human population controls/ without protecting and rebuilding the possibility of a future we can survive/ without the elimination of weapons of mass destruction/ without an honestly viable ocean and protection for its life/ without resource protections/ without an end to gambling with our lives, a complete end to mutilating nature and playing god.  Nothing else will matter.  ALL are equally important for a future, providing any appreciable amount of time.

People make work, by their needs and wants/ NOT “the rich”!  Investment in a business is determined by: whether you and the public believe in the product, and how well you have determined the  costs involved/ and can make it work for you.  The past has been entirely about HOW FAST, CAN YOU CONSUME RESOURCES!  Which means, that day is over/ or you will not survive long.  The new days, beginning now: demands, PEOPLE MUST understand what we build today, is going to determine tomorrow.  We are 7 billion people/ and this is a finite world.  We now control nature, because it can no longer truly control us all; that means we decide if nature, environment, ecology, and life is sustained or not.  More satan than god/ because destruction has always been the majority man’s method of dealing with nature.  UNLESS you change.  Life requires truth to survive.  Life requires resources to remain hopeful.  Life demands reality cannot be a delusion, as university and religion create.  Life supports love/ hate demands death: thereby the endless disease that is “media entertainment”;  a corruption used to instill fear or failure or temptations or revenge; etc MUST STOP.  No more trash, the mind is a precious thing/ and it needs NOT, garbage and disgrace pumped in by devils disguised as “my GREEDY DAMN RIGHT”.
The wealthy WILL declare: “I AM going to leave/ I AM going to shut down this factory/ DENY this resource; unless you do what I want”!

Let them leave, because we will NOT honor their demand for payment;;;;; “the dollar bill is worthless”. Therefore their money is worthless as well.  As to title, the critical truth of life in a Democracy, much like a dictatorship, or communist country:   WE THE PEOPLE, will decide as is our constitutional right/ and not a lawyer in the nation can stop us.  WE OWN THIS NATION!  We make the rules, according to constitutional demand: that demand does NOT include traitors giving away the nation/ does not include traitors and thieves selling the nation to foreign lands/ does not include extreme and excessive greed or any attempt to declare that we cannot redistribute the wealth as we see fit.  Rather the preamble “instructions to all/ as to the true intent of this document” are quite clear:   WHAT IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF ALL THE PEOPLE, shall be called “constitutional, and valid under the law called democracy”. To those who would leave and desert this nation in its time of greatest need: I tell you plainly, “you won’t like the result”.       As to the courts who would declare themselves “gods”/ I remind you, that by no means or interpretation does the constitution provide any immunity to anyone NOT clearly demonstrating “good behavior” behind a bench.  I remind you, that deliberate abuse and corruption as is the declaration, that a judge is a judge forever, and cannot be removed by the people:   is a tyranny, and thereby a treason against this nation.  A clear foundation for organized crime, as has been proven to exist; with regard to redress of grievances according to the first amendment: THE PEOPLE’S LAW/ the right of ownership stolen, by a courtroom.  RATHER than your interpretation, we WILL look to our bill of rights: and understand section 4 is distinctly about those who would commandeer power/ and use it to destroy democracy: it is a treasonous offense.  Or section 2: that all power is vesting in, and consequently derived from the people; that their judges are trustees and servants/ NOT kings, queens, or gods.  Your job, is to enforce the constitution/ our job as the citizens of America: is to make this DEMOCRACY TRUE.  You, are our servants in that demand/ YOU are trustees who have guaranteed obedience to the constitution, declaring by oath:   NOTHING can stop us from attaining what the constitution demands is OURS!  Failure to obey your oath, and our law: is treason.  For real, with penalties in truth.
The question of life is: WHY are we alive?  The answer from the living is:   as “children of our Creator”/   our duty is to protect and defend this world, its life, and its future.
CHOOSE, because you cannot destroy a world and save it from extinction: one or the other is about to happen.  The evidence is simple and plain/ and needs no “great mind” to understand: even a child can do so! One direction, or the other decides your eternity.   Make your decision/ or be cast into the destruction of those who didn’t care enough to try.
Simple as that!