Personalities, leading

The most clear and distinctive reality of every personality is: I have made a decision/ regarding something in their life.  Or more simply, a reality of dimensional expression has appeared. Dimensional expression is:   “Fighting for a place in time, that belongs to me/ I do not surrender it”.   Most do NOT know, what is truly important enough to fight about, or risk something for.  Therefore they do follow those who have made their own decision, and established a path leading to or from what they have valued.  “If its good enough for you/ then its probably good enough for me; until better comes along”.  If you want it/ and I take it; then what will you pay me to get it back.  Is one of the functional realities created; akin to stealing/ but not quite.  Rather it is the distillation of your own specific truth; which decides, I will make them unhappy/ so that I am greater; because I hold what they desire.  This is one of the beginnings to hate/ power/ pride/ selfishness/ and more.
We thereby learn why most people do not allow a personality to be exposed.  People will target you/ try to step on you/ ridicule and use any expression not identified with them as a means to accuse you of being different, therefore “don’t belong here”.   And of course if not enough personalities are exposed to pick on/ then it comes down to: “different clothes/ hair/ color/ teeth; don’t matter, something; smart/ dumb, anything will do”.  UNLESS, it is believed that revenge or strength suggests “not worth this price”.

This dimensional experience of time and place assembles the basic resistence to our reality as human beings forced to submit to less than who we would choose to be/ if we were freed from those who choose to attack us.  Time is the element of life that is inescapable here, if you have no time/ you have no life here.  Time is then the clock, which isolates the truth: will these others steal your entire existence?  Place establishes the parameters of what can be desired:   such as desiring trees while living in the middle of an empty ocean is useless.  The same is true of living in the midst of too many people, who know nothing of themselves but hate. 
Life is separate from time as a truth/ because it is not tied to the extreme concentration of experience called a body:   IF you consider the basic realm of existence is our thought.  Thought is in itself, the conscious reality of awareness that exists in connection to body/ rather than because of body.  I know I have a body/ is not the same as the body knows it has a life.  The difference is: a bit like software to a robot/ whether all the hardware exists, is turned on, fueled up and ready to go;  or not/ it does nothing, without a base level of instructions that lets “the computer inside” do something for itself.  Do you understand? 
Personality means: I have made a decision/ BUT the strength of that decision is based entirely in what you believe or accept the decision as being or bringing value to your own interpretation of what thought shall be.  Without thought there is no value/ just as without body there is no life.  Without truth, nothing can be gained, because truth identifies life, and makes it possible to survive.  Which is why some survive into eternity/ while others do not.  It is their own relationship with truth that decides. 

Strength is determined by three separate developments, that must be accepted either way to become influential in life or living.  They are: fear/ love/ or hate.  Each is an element of respect.  Fear identifies, my life or body is at risk/ I could die, be mutilated, or reduced to sadness so complete suicide is all that is left.   LOVE, is the elevation of reality and value, by understanding and experiencing I have a friend/ this world and this life are NOT simply about me.   While hate is the identity created when fantasy collides with reality; and your personal selfishness admits; “not going to be god” no more: which then becomes “ITS THEIR FAULT”.

What is obvious and plain about each of these, identifies the fact:   we are not alone in life/ and what we do or say to each other distinctly matters in time or beyond. Thought is a destiny beyond the boundaries of time, which you can experience here and now.  The reality connected however is: that if you are not truly dedicated to the truth of what you have chosen for your life to be/ there are consequences in “the spiritual world”; beyond anything here.  People are consumed by entering spiritual dimensions; because the truth you seek/ becomes the framework for your life.  The structural definitions of how we then perceive our world, in time and beyond.  BUT if truth is your way, and you are HONESTLY and HONORABLY able to respect the decision that gives you opportunity to learn; there are great things to be found in spiritual existence as well.  “Just don’t make a mistake”. They are very “expensive”.  As to me, and the spiritual mistakes I have made; I have come to accept opening the door to female spirituality was not only absolutely necessary for life on earth, because it enabled hope.  I had no hope left for you/ she changed that, “with women are different”. Thereby a different outcome.  That simple fact, proves it was not a mistake.  The consequences of change are just that.  Spiritual truths are not reflections of what might be/ but environmental relationships of what can or will be.  Without belief, “the elements of doubt”/ it DOES become possible to enter within a truth; because there are real life participants and laws that will be obeyed.  The door inside exists, where life meets the truth of an experience without the boundaries of time.  BE CAREFUL what you choose to do/ the consequences are real.

Regardless of that, the purpose of this writing is to discuss the relationship between what is a future for this planet/ and what is not.  The personality identified in this pursuit of truth, is a human decision involving all of us/ or more correctly the vast majority of us: as our truth, by the value of what life itself does mean to each one.  This is not a game, the evidence clearly states life here on earth can and will be soon exterminated; without change.  Therefore we must lead ourselves into the examination and investigation of what is real/ what is to be valued/ and what is to be surrendered, because the risk over-weighs the reality of benefit.   If you choose fear, then what must be done for life/ will be frozen in inactivity, because you are hiding and running away or fantasying about things that no longer exist/ if they ever did.   That will not work for life/ we will all die.   If you choose hate, for countless reasons and costs that did not really involve you;   but affect you.  The reality is, without forgiveness, all that is left will be war.  Therefore you must ask yourself, is revenge truly worth an end to the entire planet?  Really, are you sure?

Love alone exists as a path that we can take; at this very late date:   to rebuild our relationship with life, time, thought, hope, and a destiny that can experience and live survival or more.  The first question is: what is survival really worth to you?  Most will answer “not so much”/ until death lurks at their own door.  Then the answer changes.  Most will answer: without this and that and more, “I wouldn’t want to live”/ however when the few who do lose “all that” must confront their own reality: most beg, plead, and buy whatever then can to survive.  So then in terms of human behavior: the common description “I don’t care, too much”:   does not meet the common reality or truth of survival, “please don’t let me die”.  The purpose here is to understand your own truth before you make decisions that will take away every life/ your life, “for cheap”.  Not a game/ this is a very serious situation.  There isn’t room for error/ you have played the tantrum child, too long.
Surgery is now required.  The cancers you have chosen for yourselves simply too great to remove in any other way.  The foundation of human behavior, particularly grotesque, over the last few decades has been WANT/ WANT/ WANT/ WANT/ WANT/WANT:   GREED, damn you; give me everything/ GET OUT OF MY WAY! That is at least the american way, proven without doubt by endless financial disgrace/ garbage dumps without right or reason:   etc/ etc/ etc.   Surgery means, whether you like it or not; the relationship you have had in america with money throughout your lives has disappeared.  You threw the value away, and demanded so much more; that in reality poverty for you would be “living high”.  But we all know, that extreme will not work; because the intensity of your pride would simply kill this entire world.  You have set it up to die anyway; but “the last straw” is important; and we must not allow an excuse. 

The difference between your reality, and what we can do instead;   relies entirely upon what you can learn and choose differently for yourselves.  WHAT can you learn?  This begins with the simple question:   will you or will you not investigate your reality and truth as a nation; and for a future?  If you will not do this simple thing.  Then there is no hope for you/ because truth is necessary for change, for life, and for every child.  So we wait, whether there is time or not/ because it is the first step, and without it none of the rest exist.   GO TO COURT, and find your truth.  Do it now/ none can stop you, the door is open; whether I live or die.

If you find your truth/ then we can talk, because you will graduate first grade;  be able to listen, and then understand.  NOT about me; but as to the evidence itself that exists, and why this truth is important to you.  That is for you to decide.

To assemble this relationship, what we must do first is attach questions to the hierarchy of human behaviors so as to determine what you will give up or not.  The functional parameter of all human behavior is simply:   HOW does pride fit here?  The elevation of pride, unto the basic description of human conduct is critically correct, ONLY because it proves to be an extreme influence on the desires of men and women and children.  But that is enough, to make it truly important here.

Pride is attached in three basic ways to the human condition: “I WANT to win/ I WANT to be the center of attention/ & I WANT to rule over you, or more simply; listen to me”.  Each of these establishes or controls a game.  Each of these form the basis and functionality of a personality created by the decision to play games with life, and other people.  Each of these determines a purpose, and lives to establish a desire called “winning”. And there are penalties and costs associated with each one.  Including “what I DON’T want to do”.
Let us begin with “a peculiar pride”: the consequence called addiction.  It is a personality trait, because it does require a decision.  It is a game, because someone is winning and someone is losing/ beyond the scope of just the people directly involved.  Or more simply “I can affect you/ even if I don’t see or touch you”;   so I win/ you lose.  It is a focus without a reflection/ because to be addicted to anything is to lose a part of your humanity. The functional relationship to life and addiction is:   “I am angry/ because I am so completely unprepared, for what life requires of me: I blame you”.  Even if its wrong/ I don’t care anymore.  Life is too hard.  To establish a new beginning requires enough time to recognize I can live this life/ I do know how/ and I am able to deal with what life requires of me.  Therefore I need not be angry anymore; it serves me not/ the game is over.

“Winner pride”, is an association with life that includes ONLY a reflection/ there is no focus on reality or the future;   because I am so damn great, nothing can affect me.  In reality, this is a cry for help; because all games end/ the goal or trophy is dead; bringing the question, “what is life for”?  When the game itself is no longer important, because I won every trophy: it is, very lonely, because a winner stands above by standing on the people they used or abused to get there.  No true friends!  Therein what can be bought, “to fill the gap”;  keeps suicide away.  Suicide is, “the tears of my playpen, are drowning me”/ because it is in this case NOT a matter of survival;   which does present real consequences and struggle.  In the end, unless you find a relationship between your heart and soul/ tragedy will come.  Heart means, “I have put aside my pride to join the others, as equal.  Soul means; “I have put aside my beliefs, to accept what I have chosen as my truth, the spiritual dimension that belongs to me”.
“University pride” is one of the most destructive the world has ever known/ like religious pride it depicts itself as the reflection of truth, and thereby declares itself to be god.  Consequently using the various living people, as tools for the purpose of gaining control over this world.   University or religious pride works by discovering some fundamental of truth that “the people” can use/ and then transforming that singular truth into a wide array of illusions, fantasies, and theories;  by which “god” is what we demand to be called; GIVE US YOUR MONEY.  They want slaves, and are not happy until they prove “we are gods” over you.  The common method is:   “We have to make all the decisions around here/ cause you just ain’t smart enough to do it yourself”.  We are gods/ you are slaves; accept that and we can get along. Obviously not true/ we are equals.         “Hate pride” lives to play with violence and revenge  as well as ultimately believing itself to be god .  “Thief pride” lives to prove they can take something from you too.  “Pedofile pride” seeks to prove/ I AM in charge here, YOU must obey me.  “Murder pride” is the intent to prove I am god, over you.  “Arrogant pride” uses the moment to say, I CAN make you do, whatever I want.

Lesser prides involve such things as “bully pride”, or if you won’t respect or play with me/ then I will make you sorry and sad too.  “The lord of Rules pride”; stands ready to prove you are wrong, because I own the rules; regardless of merit or value/ I own the rules, you lose.  “Police pride” is the assumption of a right, where none ought to exist/ based upon rules instead of law, the reality is simply I CAN, therefore I will inflict punishment on your life.  “prejudicial pride” seeks to prove THEY are the problem, if only we could remove them from our lives/ THEN we would live better.  The “pride of games” accepts, if I win here/ then I am equal or better; because I or we, own the trophy.  “Intellectual pride” assembles the trap, so they can believe superiority exists.  “Political pride” performs the actions which change our lives/ by transforming the relationships we share: thereby power to me.  “Business pride” asserts and defends, I AM the one that made a difference here/ I AM like a god, to these who are my slaves; because I AM the power, that gives them work; & lest we forget, they are nothing without me.

Then there are the endless line of prides such as “we will cut down all the trees/ cause an insect has come”.  Plus all the other tragedies men have accomplished on their own, just because they want either the work, the resource, or the claim “I am like a god”.   Is this the best you can do?  Is it really!  What if you actually looked for solutions such as identifying the insect and using such things as steam to invade “insect space” to kill them.  The probability of harm to the tree is minimal/ the steam will go anywhere it needs to go, and can include a chemical if absolutely necessary.  Stop destroying everything.  And that includes buildings, resources, oceans, forests, species, people, and everything else you touch; to build the damn little coffins you call a house.  Or how about three trillion miles driven in America per year= 10,000 miles per year per each and every citizen.  “Over 3 times per citizen coast to coast every year.  How is that not arrogant, or proud?
The long list of various prides and the consequences they do establish on human behavior is not worth the time it takes for the writing.  Instead simply understand this, that all human behavior is in one form or another reliant upon pride to establish it.  If we were to eliminate pride, which is by its very nature: the demand to play games with life.  Then we would see a different world emerge from the shadows.
The elimination of psychological games from human life, requires three distinct separations from this time in history.
1.   Money shall never be first again!  That cannot be done unless we take control over the boundaries of how much is it the right of anyone to take or control “more”, than the rest.  Limited capitalism is the only way, until such time as life proves otherwise.
2.  The elemental game of sex as a trophy between men and women;   MUST stop.  It pits one person against another, and eliminates friendship/ it interferes with all aspects of finding a mate for life.  The discussion of this change is best left to all of us, rather than just one person suggesting.  Find a way.  Remember it is the game, not the sex itself that interferes.
3.  Want is an enemy determined to rule this world by taking everything it can/ to prove “I did better than you”.  The reality of that competition and aggression towards other human beings has a price.  It is a society commonly viewing itself, as surrounded by enemies; certainly not friends.  This world cannot accept want as its ruler anymore.  We just can’t afford it, the world shall die.

That brings us “to baby pride”; I have a right/ I CAN, therefore I WILL.  But all the evidence says; the failure to accept the limitations this planet imposes on us, will be our death.  Will result in cannibalism and war.  Will come soon.  How can that be your right?  It’s a choice, today.

There are realities of life involved in the judicial cases found on this site.  “The status quo”/ which is the power structure of political might, that rules this nation from behind closed doors.  Absolutely DOES NOT want anything to do with change that will interfere or take away their power.  Don’t need to ask them, greed has proven itself time and time again.  That is reality.  The political power, that is an elected official DOES NOT want anything that plays or takes away their power/ because that is NOT the reason most came.  They want look at me/ pay attention to me/ I am like a god over you”.  Its why they run: why else would people pay enormous amounts to get elected to a job that pays far less.  They want the controls.  The judiciary   sits in the middle/ the “upper levels” are chosen and picked by the hierarchy of power, to protect their wealth and power, and give legitimacy to the claim: WE WILL take all you got.  Regardless of right or wrong, because we own the court.  Even so, once in that position, the judge is able to make decisions on his or her own that will have consequences outside the lines they were chosen to enforce.  Particularly when the cost of not obeying the law as intended, becomes visible.  The reality here is:   the judge is caught in the middle.  I won’t let them go/ the hierarchy of power, WILL NOT forget/ and the people who will inherit whatever is chosen must live with it, or stand up and change this reality for justice if that is proven to have failed.  It is again most probable of those, that the consequential proof of a judge that did not protect the wealthy: these WILL search for ways to end this trial before it begins.  Such as my death/ “said because they are talking anyway, it is a known constant in greed and male behavior”.  Want to get rid of a problem, then kill it.  In a function of personality;   That is pride seeking to remove a threat/ because the threat seeks justice rather than greed, power, or pride.  The reality here is, for the judge, there are consequences too/ although if the people take notice it may be he gets to be hero for a day; but he or she can also be threatened in a number of ways.  As for me, I am just a person standing up for my constitutionally guaranteed rights;   as anyone of you can do, the same. As to reality, whether I live or die will make no difference in this trial; although it would delay it.  When or if it becomes intimately clear: that democracy is coming. The level of threat now a war, to the rich/ powerful/ proud/ etc.  At that point, the mumbling stops;   The reality of revenge then occurs/ bringing with it, the simple rule “we want these people to know/ NOT for free”. Revenge multiplies the probability of my death coming soon, by at least 7 (the various primary entities of pride and power,  under attack here)/ for the sake of we the people instead!  The endless list of people who WILL be “nearly insane” because what they believed couldn’t be taken away, is now simply worthless; fantasies are like that.  I ask you: “will they not think I should be dead as well”?  Having lived 57 years, this is what life here teaches me to expect/ I could be wrong, it’s a prophecy.  Its also a gamble to believe women would care/ and or, not also want me dead; some will.  That too, won’t be a game; at least not after the first little while.  People/ men,  want an enemy, it keeps them focused.  Don’t have to think, know what to do.

 Instead of reality, which is everything you took to build your fantasy:   is everything your child needs just to survive in the future; the question is not what I took from you/ I took nothing.  I simply suggest, as a nation we should know the truth of this nation; its up to you, to make that come true.  Not me/ its your lies, not mine; that will cost.    Keep it in mind, and prove the law called democracy shall rule this nation.  That is not me or you/ it is all of us as a vast majority proving we do have a say in this our government, and the truth that is our nation.  Do you not know how to protest, or organize yourselves into a group/ or make your voices heard, etc, etc, etc.  Without doubt! March on their courts/ their police stations/ their government offices: because if the constitution does not rule: THEN rebellion has taken over our lives and our democracy.  Should that stand without complaint or contest?  Its your decision!  The door is open; whether I live or die, DO WALK THROUGH.  The path is clear/ the reality is laid out before you; these are their arguments, and they are defeated.  Choose.

Opposites are not the same, which means they cannot be equal truths.  For example:   it is impossible that a 5 month old pregnancy is “nothing”/ on one side of the hospital aisle:   and a 5 month old pregnancy gone into labor is a child worth spending millions of dollars on exists behind a different door.  One version is a lie, but that does not mean the other version is correct either.  There is a limit, for us all.  There must be an allowance for life on either side: the first few weeks for the mother/ the last several months for the baby.  MAKE UP YOUR MIND, no playing games.

Just so there aren’t any doubts.  You are free to condense these words into there respective truths, for the purposes of education, or entertainment or whatever.  YOU ARE NOT free to claim the words as your own, thereby removing the possibility of other people from doing the same.  Free is free.   Which does mean you can make money on them/ but you cannot restrict the others from doing the same. Or more simply what is free for you/ is free for them too; doesn’t matter who or how many, my words are on these sites, are free.

LETS review the current unemployment situation  For 2009 this report says, we are 307 million;   between the ages of 18-65 we are 192 million people, at the working age.  At different sites 19% of people in america claim to be disabled/ doesn’t give a breakdown that equals 58 million people.  2 million in prison.  1% homeless or 3.7 million people.  No accurate count of sickness.  No accumulated account of people in “higher education”/ not workers, spenders.  Generally speaking in government accounting of workers, the military is not included; find out.  No accounting of people such as housewives who do not collect a paycheck.  No account of immigrants either working or not. Does not indicate who is part time/ full time/ or poverty workers as slaves.  Does not state how many on welfare.  But we do know the claim of 8.9 percent unemployment with 13,900,000 people unemployed indicates a proclaimed workforce of 156 million workers. 

My question to you is: are we really 156 million workers? And what exactly does that mean?  Go search.  Do ask: is a retired person collecting social security accounted as a worker/ because he or she is accounted as a taxpayer, with an income (as is young workers with an income over “$500.00 or so”)? Divide the reality by who claims to be a business owner/ are they a worker?  How many went bankrupt?  Instead of believing, find the truth, but remember this in years past when looking for this number, not a single government agency agreed with another; they all had completely different assertions.  How many government workers are there?  Really?  Must we pay them all.

Of the various things to be remembered is:   that money is not the determining factor, regarding who can or will teach/ work/ or whatever.  Money is simply the tool by which some are able to control the others, because in one form or another: they have convinced themselves and others, “we are worth this price”.  That is clearly NOT necessarily so.  As is the case of the university professor;   most classes are taught by graduate students.  The university merely sells the name.  What would happen do you suppose if the excess money was taken out of the price of schooling?  The answer is: either you work for less/ or you get a different job.  Considering most classes are taught by graduate students/ the vast majority of schooling is taught by underpaid people.  Only the upper levels of the university collect “all the money”/ the rest actually work for it.  The question is: what happens if the professor MUST find a job that is not university related?  The answer is, most of them will fail/ because the real world is a very different place than is the university, with completely different rules.  They majority,  won’t survive the change/ which means they must take less or move to different countries.  That might aid some foreign nations a bit/ because if they do, some real work is actually going to be expected, unless your “sales quota” can be met.  Some will offer, “we KNOW how to create terrible weapons to kill you all”/ and so it is.  That of course offers the clue: should we kill them first/ or let them go?  The correct answer is somewhere in between: wherein if they do begin working in ways that can be considered threatening to life on earth.  Then we should certainly kill them.  But until that is established, what person among you cannot do something stupid or insane as well?  We live in a world, filled with threats and human beings on the edge of insanity; because men have created a situation we cannot survive as a planet.  That, is a very serious matter; and no amount of delusion can change it.  Only truth, the acceptance of disciplines as needed, and the reality of work, justice, fair play, and equality as is needed to let people understand:   together we will live or die.  Because we are simply too many people for any other reality or relationship to survive.  That, IS;  “Just how it is”.  I do wish it was not/ but wishing serves no one, the future cannot survive as we are today.  That makes this time on earth DIFFERENT, than at any other time since humanity began on this earth.  That, is our reality, and we MUST change to survive it.  Simple and plain.

There are those who will point to America and say: we are great, we conquered the world, with war, science, and economics and we will do it again.  But that is over/ the world is not destroyed so as to need your manufacturing today.  The resources that were once plentiful, are now all but gone.  The competition that is claimed to be “your ability to win”/ is now consuming you.  The education is failing at all levels; and being used to ruin the nation by dividing it into have’s and have not; does not help you.  Because the human resources graduate in charge of hiring for a tiny few monopolies that will soon exist.  Will, and do;  just refuse anyone without a degree.  That degree is important, because it proves “the young are in debt up to their eyeballs”/ and if they walk away; its for life, in poverty.  They will war instead, an army for us; a divided nation/ a world soon to be at war..  This world has changed, whether you believe it or not/ reality is not as it was, when nature could take care of us all.  Today, if we do not take care of the nature that is left/ it dies; and so do we.  Not a hard concept/ you do understand.  I merely demand, let us know the truth/ no more games.  Let us understand the future, NO MORE assassinating every child/ or planning the destruction of this entire earth.  NO MORE EXPERIMENTING with our lives, our planet, our everything;  or we kill you instead.  Not hard to grasp.

My personality says:  The conclusion of this work exists when you have established yourselves as “interested enough to begin”; the site is registering : over 2,200 unique visitors/ coming back on average 3 times/ with 111,000 hits for March 2011. That is from site statistics today, rather than “math”, as developed and stated earlier/ a very significant difference: not intended to mislead you with the previous statistics/ just apparently “bad numbers/ not me”. Everybody makes mistakes/ but I should have checked first. Nonetheless, numbers are absolutely worthless to me/ what matters if there is enough interest to change this world. Anything else is a failure/ because we all still die.  You will have to support this site to keep it running by next March 1, 2012/ it is supported and paid until then, at 8 gigabits transfer a month all sites combined.

The purpose here is to understand; “this world can only die once”/ like any other death, too late is just too late. I would say to you: there is no real love in you, if you are willing to let the future die without fighting for life honestly, and as honor and truth will allow. I would say to you simply: letting even the slightest possibility that life on earth can die, without an investigation; is insane. I would say to you, risking the future for every life, and every child on earth; can only be described as “satan among us”: NOT religious, simply an intent so destructive and dangerous to all life/ there just isn’t any other word. This site is full of realistic examples of why we need to know what is true about our world, and our future; because the consequences are horrendous/ no going back. How is that not worth your time; I have given my life to that understanding and pursuit of a single possibility: we can change. People often call me pessimistic (meaning expecting the worst)/ I reply I am realistic (all expectations are based upon the evidence available to me). But in fact in this one small area, I am an extreme optimist: I believe an entire world of human beings CAN readjust their lives and expectations from “money first/ to life first” and make the necessary change to keep this planet alive. Given your proven insanity for greed, want, and pride; that can only be called EXTREMELY optimistic/ but anything less is simply surrendering this world and all its life. I refuse/ therefore I hope! Before it is too late, if people just come to understand the truth; they literally can change this world; “it’s a choice, we make each day”. How can that not be optimistic? But this too is not without reality: any one of the current lawsuits on this site, can open the door to people learning. The words are: instructions allowing for true democracy and freedoms through liberty, to sweep this earth. We the people in charge, rather than money, power, selfishness, or greed; which makes them the most powerful words ever written/ but never the most important. JESUS for me, wrote those: of life/ disciplines/ hope/ eternity/ love/ forgiveness/ and everything I desire to know. Any person who learns can make a difference. Any person who wants to be equal, and change their world by the foundations which create law as our ruler instead of people; are able to make a difference. The fact I am equal/ but not exactly “average”, is irrelevant; its just a different education. As to my insistence, that warnings should be given; that simply stems from too many times being told, “I should have made them listen/ I should have done something to stop them/ I should have explained this better: and the endless its all my fault”. Therefore I prove by giving warnings; “fail to understand/ and its your fault, not mine”. Don’t complain to me, no more. As to the question created by numbers associated with data transmission of this site; presented to a few that are not consistent with reality. I have only this to offer: although I did believe something is wrong with these numbers/ I am not educated to any degree on the intricacies of “internet”; just don’t care. Doesn’t matter/ because only change is important. As to the incident itself: it seems likely to me in review of memory, that this was “a vision or premonition (prediction of the future)” of some kind instead of reality by the distinction of time. Time will prove right or wrong. It was not a dream, only one tiny thing sticks out in my memory: that is “a view” to the numbers being created that I now recognize was not consistent with known realities in that “common situation”; everything else, was exactly as it should have been. Which becomes the suggestion “believe”. A vision exists when: truth expands itself, into the future and you are able to walk inside that dimension. In this situation, no choice of my own existed/ therefore I am surprised. But perhaps that too is indicative of the future; time will tell. A dimension outside of time, but inside of truth is by its essence; the participation of life beyond the scope or purpose of self. In general, this has not been found to be “overly dangerous”; it simply requires no fear.

Even so, the reality of stating numbers that now seem realistic is: each and every person that can be, or is likely to be subjected to the consequences of “too much press”/ HAS had their opportunity to decide what they wish to say, or do. The final warning of this work, is then in place. Everybody DOES deserve a warning, when its possible/ so that they can choose for themselves, and not be forced by panic or delusion. Every principle party, has had their opportunity to ask questions/ search for themselves/ and make decisions according to whatever it true for themselves. Other than that, I cannot help you. Therefore “vision or whatever” you wish to call it/ it has proven to be valuable for a warning; as of this date 4/3/11.

It is worth noting, that all suggestions are subject to dangerous consequences, if they are not studied; I did study this a tiny bit/ but because it does not matter; just didn’t care enough. That however is not a “good attitude” in any relationship with truth. Whether the prediction is correct must be established by time. But the question that erupts inside the dimension of truth is: does this matter now, or later: is it absolute or does the decision of other human beings in this case alter the consequence or definition? Mass hypnosis is based upon the layering of suggestions/ therefore whenever something is to be believed, rather than known exists. Unlike me in this case, it is important to care; OR you can be misled. There is no intent to “hypnotize you”/ no purpose to suggest anything other than something to be aware of. No desire to be more specific about mass hypnosis, simply because there are many who would use and abuse and damage you; if they knew better how.

So, the question of this day is very simply, what are you going to do?  That is your decision, not mine.  I have opened the doors so you can understand how to defeat those who desperately want to rule over you/ with law.  That is infinitely better than war.  Whether the court ever finds its courage/ or continues in cowardice is somewhat irrelevant; because the keys to take over this democracy through law, and the rights guaranteed to each of us, AS WE THE PEOPLE;  now exist within the concepts of your own heart and mind.  That is, a very powerful reality for you.  I have spent all but about ten years of my life on this purpose, and I do believe this message is completed.  NOT a debt to you/ a reality of choice that I made, and paid for which says to you: I DID MY SHARE, and more.  Remember that, when I tell you: ITS YOUR TURN to work for life.  Whether you live or die at this point is up to you/ I guarantee, the experiments that are so horrendous and related to you here, CAN DESTROY everything in a heartbeat.  Stop them/ take away the tools/ take away the electricity/ open the communication, so that all the people know their very planet is being gambled with; as opposed to the religious propaganda of believing anything the university says.  How can you not question them?  Every life on the planet is at stake, and not one possible thing to gain; its just to prove they can play god.  Does that not make you, as insane as them? Wake up/ because we all literally can die.  Its not a game/ there are no winners or losers, this is life or death for a planet.

As we look at the truth of where we stand otherwise; reality shows us that wars spread.  Other arab nations are watching Lybia;   because they too have been under the thumb of people who take all the money for themselves, leaving millions without/ making them jealous for a reason.  Why should they have all the power and wealth!  If Lybia finds an easy solution, the rest will learn how, or be embolden to try.  The rest of the world will fight too, because they want the oil.  Which means, when one side is picked by this nation or the other/ if there is a chance, other nations will back the other side so in case they win: WE GET THE OIL.  The end result is potentially a world at war.  The planet will not survive that, believe it or not.

The best thing you can do for Lybia and the region is to provide truth and honesty in communications for the country so they can find their way legally, and through the discussion of new law, and new ways upon which the vast majority can agree.  As this message progresses, the military men (NOT generals, etc) but the soldiers shall hear, and decide for themselves if they are better off with freedom, or bribes.  If you are clear, honest, and fair/ they will choose freedom.  Once the format is in place, those other nations which have suppressed many will find their own way to compromise, instead of war.  This situation in the Arab world, will not go away/ until truth and fairness exist.  That is because a primary cause of unrest is food, water, resources, and opportunities for humanity.  These are all going to decrease in the coming years/ a reality, because we are so many people there is no other choice to be made, apart from being honest and working as best we can to do what must be done for life first. Our resources or ability to survive will continue to diminish, unless drastic steps are taken now.  That reality is NOT what you want to hear, thereby for the last thirty plus years;   EVERYBODY walks away, “I WON’T listen”/ the claim of all in america for decades: “I will just go to the store and get more”.  Now you have no choice but to die, or change.   The game is over.  It’s a decision, required by the evidence and its truth/ because as the reality of no food, etc gets worse; there will be guns and horror.  Its not a game, look around you:  WHERE is the food/ where is the water for all these people/ where is the work, particularly as robots invade our lives, and resources of every kind die before our very eyes.  Even if another child is not born/ those that are here will grow, and need more.  The future is grim (if we continue to survive as a planet at all, because of university experimentation, its NOT a given).  The reality is, NOT WHAT YOU WANT!  The decision is, either life first/ or we die.  The question is then, what is life itself, worth to you.  What is the life of your children worth, to you?  Because it is their future/ or      They’re assassination, by your own hands.  Not to mention your own.

Change is required, believe it or not; because the evidence proves the threats that exist can and will exterminate us from life on this planet.  Life first is mandatory, FOR THE PLANET: believe it or not.  Truth is the only way/ regardless of the propaganda and lies; or we fail as a planet and die.  What I have asked of you all, throughout this work is:   FIND YOUR OWN TRUTH, up to this day/ that truth has been “YOU ARE EXTREMELY GREEDY AND WITHOUT CONCERN FOR ANYTHING BUT YOURSELVES”.   In a number of ways, I have said to you; that is not enough to survive; and the answer has repeatedly been: I DON’T care/ give me everything I want.  At the edge of death, the extermination of a planet of life:   I now ask you again, “FIND the truth, explore and investigate the future; so that you are not caught without a single hope to survive.  ACCEPT the facts of life are reality; and choose accordingly, doing what must be done to sustain and rebuild for life.  DEMAND friendship, because without respect and listening to each other for life first as a planet; we will war.”  None of these things are on your list of   :   HELL NO/ I WANT, whatever I WANT;  get the fuck out of my way!
 But I tell you seriously and with respect for the fact all life on earth depends upon these answers this time: that you MUST CHOOSE BETTER.  Because soon, in far less time than you believe is possible/ everything ends, all done; your dead.   Change now, and live.  Go to court, and prove me wrong/ BUT HURRY UP. 
Pride won’t feed you.  Power won’t keep you alive when nature is mutilated and dead.  Selfishness is worthless unless there is something worth fighting for.  Want is a disease that seeks to end life on this planet; eradicate it.  Your tears are worthless, past the point of no return.  Your religions have been too blind to care; simple as that.  Its now point blank, a decision to the masses, and if you fail; life will soon be over.  So says the evidence by its truth.  Prove me wrong.  The seemingly endless chant: “I DON’T want to lose nothing/ I DON’T want to pay nothing/ I DON’T want to give back EVEN IF ITS STOLEN;   period.  Is not going to save you.  Decide to be fair/ or decide to be dead; this is not a game.  Life cannot tolerate your selfishness, pride, want, thirst for power or gluttony, etc; anymore.   Live with respect, let truth decide;   or die. That is your choice/ prove the evidence lies.  Go ahead and try; COWARD!

I must change to survive the changes personal to me too; it is just “beyond comprehension” in many ways, however I am adapting, because thought allows it to be so.  I choose whatever is true in my heart and soul/ NOT want. Therefore Hard to believe change, is not a quest to be different; but a decision to accomplish a path and purpose  you can’t imagine. I do not know the purpose, I have no clue as to the path (it is female)/ but I do understand the faith.  Even so, change is necessary/ because only war was left for the man I used to be.  Without change in you/ only war is left for the world,  as well.  Your ways have tried to kill this world; with greed, excess, gluttony, hate, want; etc/ etc/ etc .  But you Can’t kill a world, without a fight/ I literally refuse to let you; others try as well.  So then this work began, and is accomplished.  YOU can’t save this world without true change; it is not possible, men will simply “return to their vomit; or more simply, a world run by money”. 
For this world to survive our new reality, which is “WE CAN’T, just go to the store, and get more”/  at whatever the cost for that will be; reality proves;  we must have different.  We must let the truth lead and decide for us, because that is sustainable. The only really different directional decisions for society;   means for leadership, is to let women try: they can’t do worse!  IT’S A CHOICE/ but truly not for much longer.  The people who wish to blow up the entire planet/ light it on fire/ mutilate life forever/ etc/ etc/ etc;   are not waiting.  That means stop them first, take away the electricity, money, and tools; the possibilities,  or die.  Not a hard concept, you do understand.

Thankfully, the influence of female, “saved me, from surrendering you.”  Not your savior, but I am your messenger {NOT a matter of pride/ just a reality of work.  I don’t know, why me.} Regardless:   This message change or die/ is delivered.  Which concludes the work.  The reprieve from absolute catastrophe, that you do deserve; exists because so many have had no choice.    Now having been proven true, that  you do have a choice.   Your reprieve, Will NOT last much longer.  You do have your chance/ you will make that decision for yourselves.   GOD IS LISTENING!  Not me dumbass, your CREATOR.  How can you be so blind?  What do you NOT understand in terms of a baby being born; “its not sex that brings life/ IT IS a miracle beyond the understanding of our lives”.  Life is not a game to be played saying;  like evolution, “well we went shopping, and this is what we found”. What a damn fool.  Wake up.
The fight through law is sufficient to give you a chance for the necessary change; to survive and grow a world that will be better.  Its your decision, not mine.  But I caution you with this:   very little time exists between an opportunity/ and the reality which follows it.

 Have you not always believed you could or would be “gods”/ now is your chance; make the decisions that prove life will be first: NOT just damn want and pride, as is so distinctly portrayed with money.  Life is not a game, winning means nothing more, than you chose to make the others losers/ and are PROUD of it.  Gambling, they would not kill you because of it.  Times have changed.  Today the others have little choice but to starve and watch you destroy an entire earth because of your insanity: they will start to kill you now.  Hell is coming, because hope is ending. When it is dead/ violence, rape, revenge, and hatred will rule this earth.  You can see the start in parts of Africa; because too many/ are just too many.   Do what you must/ “its life or death for a world”.  How is that not important?  How is it, you can say, “I need do nothing”?  It is not so.  Believe what you wish, BUT: man or woman or child; being wrong is being dead, with no chance of recovery.  Prove what is true!  HOW is that not in your best interest?  Answer the question, because its your life, an entire planet; the future of everything.
The world only dies once/ there are no second chances.  Do keep it in mind! Stay focused on what is absolutely necessary, or you will be misled.  Think,  or you will become lost; that will NOT end well.  You cannot make someone care/ you cannot make someone love, or be friends; all you can do is separate these into their own “little part of the world”/ and let them die as they have chosen to do.  You CAN make them share.  Its called DEMOCRACY.
To those who will live and work as have I.  Remember this:  that life is in its every truth, a gift to each one of us/ we did nothing to create it, not for ourselves or any other.  We simply inherited it.  Therefore when one dies, it is not about you, or what you wanted from that life.  Rather if we have done the best we could, “honestly and with compassion as needed”/ then what else could we have done?  The answer is nothing, therefore appreciate each other as best you can;  forgive as best you can when that is appropriate, or kind, or honorable to do. Because no one knows when the last moment shall come.  It is not our decision/ unless it is murder or suicide.  If it is, then you have chosen to kill, “one of   GOD’S creations.   NOT “a good plan”/ let the law decide, the reality of a consequence to grim to continue; determine the truth. Of what must be done.  Neither you or I can save this world.  Either we do this together, as humanity working honestly each one/ or we fail.  PLAINLY WE CAN/      Because,  it’s a choice.

Remain focused upon what needs to be done/ but not overrun by it.  A fitting story is: I once played a chess game, wherein every opponent piece was lost but three, and I had all mine; “game over, in two moves”.  No longer concerned.  But to my dismay, the opponent moved his queen, which I discarded as couldn’t harm; two moves to go.  However my confidence proved stupid, as that move trapped my king; therefore I lost.  The same is true in life, if you refuse to believe UNTIL this change is actually accomplished, you can still lose.  Be aware, and careful/ don’t misinterpret anything, find the truth; and protect your future.


If you are experiencing “arm and hand” trouble with typing, “I DO” recommend an ergonomic keyboard, as it has made a big difference to me.
In terms of reality; it is fair to mention the people who take care of these sites for me/ have had little choice.  Their financial position is poor, because of a real estate investment; they need the money.  But apart from the fact that “because of the volatility”, I am required to participate in person.  They have done better than most. Even if, they try not to know. Do not target them, its just a job.
I alone, am the creator, or more specifically the writer, and money;  for these sites/ there is no one else.

If I add anything else, its just because; I must wait for the trials to be settled/ its more trouble to discard them than deal with them.  Because each represents democracy in action, through the creation of redress trials: YOUR decision/  Honor demands it.  The time that must be dealt with, the weather, etc may simply prove its better to write than do nothing.  Not much point planning a future that is not probable to exist, believe it or not.  Simple as that.  We will see.  Regardless, I have concluded my work/ the rest is simply “tiding up”.  Until a new direction or an end of life decide for something else. What is or is not female in me, or as me, or from me; is not mine to decide; it just comes, regardless of me (the life I knew).  I don’t know how it ends, or what to do; I can’t make plans/ I DON’T understand.  Not my choice.  Honest and true, I have changed so much; I actually do need to come up with a different description for I.  Don’t know what. Strange really, different without a doubt. Really no clue how it ends. Never had an imagination, I live by the evidence/ its assembly of truth, and the facts that cannot be disputed, in reality.   Just have to wait.

Here’s a choice for IL state government: SELL the building in downtown Chicago/ and move them all back to Springfield. Maybe more.  Move them into a machine shed building, with a gravel parking lot/ and let them experience reality.

Here’s a question: should Bush and Cheney be tried for war crimes/ as thousands did die, hundreds’ or millions of lives damaged.  Because they lied about their information, and in absolute fear, created a war out of nothing to do with us.  Refusing humanitarian cause: which would have been to simply remove Hussein to a world court/ and bring justice, instead of war.