EDUCATION is the functional upgrade, of an opportunity to control your own destiny with truth.  What is applied by education as a lie, or other misfit of contempt for the truth as is the obvious religion called evolution: is a destruction of that destiny/ which only you can decide by individual distinctions.

Education is the need to understand, that choices have distinct consequences.  To know prior to your own decision/ WHAT that consequence will be, based upon the knowledge gained by truth.  This foundation comprises an experience in wisdom that completes the relationship between time and action or reaction/ because “we are now in control of our time, and the consequences of our decision: based upon truth”.  Lies will always destroy, even if time passes, it will come. Truth will always “build a path” to a better life; because nothing less can survive. 

The human question is: HOW, do we understand and decide what is true/ what is necessary, to teach the next generation so that they can survive and do better than we?  The answer is: learn by the evidence/ the reality of the past: what is or is not real, & then determine by deliberate investigation, what can be known.  Thought is the entrance, beyond time where nothing matters of time, but the essence of life within.  Thought comprehends existence, but understands the relationship “of a journey unto its destination”.  Thereby completing the cycle of knowledge, by reaching for the understanding only wisdom can provide.  School is: the relationship shared by truth, with you.

The building of law or reform begins


THE DEMAND: to be educated with truth/ NOT stories or religion.  Rather the evidence of what has value/ the relationships that generate peace, harmony, and happiness.  The fundamentals of survival and work. And the participation in real life, as a function of our decisions together; shall determine what the future shall be.
THE REASON: we are too many people for any other way.  In a world of 7 billion people/ wherein we literally do stand on one acre of growing land per individual human being:   WE ABSOLUTELY CANNOT afford to be stupid anymore.  Or we all die!
THE REALITY: knowledge is a blessing IF it can substantiate your existence with understanding/ thereby acceptance of what has value to life/ world/ and you. 
THE WORK: to understand the relationship between living and life/ between body and mind/ between time and existence/ between death and eternity/ between religion/ university and life/ and between the close collaboration of nature and the balance of life on earth forever, or extinct; because you didn't care enough.



THE DEMAND: the creation of knowledge is NOT determined by the quality or wealth of a building/ location/ person/ or nation.  Knowledge is determined by what the mind can comprehend individually/ society can furnish collectively/ the body can outline, with dignity as a reference point to reality/ and the dimensional capacity of whether thought and its ability to transform an education into personal wealth;   or simple memory is applied.
THE REASON: knowledge, is the collection, discovery, and definition of what has consequences/ and what does not.  Understanding is our relationship to the elemental truth, that determines a direction/ thereby compliments a decision with our expression or experience of value.
THE REALITY: life, represents the discussion and thereby integration of what we have learned/ with the reality of what we are missing, or have misunderstood: WITH OUR DECISION.  Our decision determines society/ the future/ our impact on this world/ war/ justice/ fair play/ equality/ disciplines/ and every other impact humanity has on this world.  Thereby IT IS important.
THE WORK: to understand our contribution to this lifetime we live/ to this earth that gives us time/ and to the future so that life can continue on: is based upon the fragile connection we have with truth.  Without truth, nothing matters, because life will be destroyed.  With truth, everything matters because balance and the purposes, desires, values, and love provided by living encompass our world, and give us peace, harmony, happiness and more.   What is in-between truth and lie, or life and death:   is the relationship we share with our existence.  Cherish truth and live with hope, love, and   GOD.   Despise reality, and you will seek revenge/ jealousy/ and violence.



THE DEMAND: the foundation for building a life, is dependent upon what you are willing to hear.  Those who promise themselves “I know enough/ leave me alone”: are done building; and can achieve no more.  Regardless of age.  The critical composition of learning is then, PRIOR to pride overruling life, and controlling your destiny.
THE REASON: education begins with the young, because they are willing to learn/ they understand, “much can be gained, by listening/ asking/ and accepting”.  The critical challenge is then to provide what is true; rather than stories and lies; as is consistent with the university teaching. The critical challenge is then to teach: you may learn as you go/ BUT YOU MUST LEARN, what you must NOT do; PRIOR to extending knowledge with risk.  The costs can be extreme, even to an entire world.
THE REALITY: want/ selfishness/ and greed are particularly invasive throughout life in humanity.  The critical question is CAN YOU discover and accept:   justice is a decision achieved only when want, selfishness, and greed are not present/ fair play is a presentation of life, when happiness and harmony know “we chose peace”/ equality exists through the appreciation of miracles, “how else, could this be so”.
THE WORK: those who choose life, choose the foundation which presents life: the knowledge that “I am/ we are”= the result of our decision, either for love or hate as our way of participating in life itself.  Because everything else is survival, a choice to remain in time, rather than identify the critical truth called you.



THE DEMAND: the functional dimension (encapsulated portion of truth) of an education system generating knowledge for the consumption of children MUST identify the base elements of participation in society first.  That includes reading and writing/ math and science as it applies to living/ functional physical abilities including those most useful to a healthy body, with an underlying education in preliminary medicine/ and relationship analysis so as to understand how best to get along with life and society in this world.
THE REASON:   we all have to live in this world/ the less dependent we are on any other person or decision, the more freedom we will have/ thereby the greater opportunities for life in love, peace, happiness, and hope through our own decision in truth will exist.
THE REALITY: every student needs, to identify within themselves/ that this is THEIR EDUCATION, no one can force them to “listen up”;   but no one can truly take it away if they succeed in learning.  Therefore it is up to them to participate and do well.  That means, each student is responsible to themselves.  Each school and teacher is responsible for teaching.  Each opportunity MUST ADDRESS TRUTH in THE REALITY OF LIFE, WORK, SEX, and RELATIONSHIPS.  So that an education is possible, a decision made by the student is not considered to be worthless, or useless, or irrelevant to them.
THE WORK:   each student shall be responsible for selecting their own classes.  Each student shall be responsible for learning, thereby tests shall be given, but they are not pass or fail: they are “life with an education/ or life without an education; determined by the student.  IT IS their future, not yours/ it is their success or failure, not yours: therefore it is their decision, not yours! That means, if insufficient students fail to accept your form of teaching, and choose you/ then you are UNEMPLOYED.   No unions/ no tenure/ no exceptions/ no excuses/ no diplomas: either you can and do teach what has value to a student, or you cannot.  Simple as that.



THE DEMAND: every form of higher education is a relationship with work.  Every form or division of work is about accomplishing the stated goal/ within an amount of time considered to be acceptable.  Therefore, NO higher education is paid for by creating debt per student.  Every student of higher education shall apply a percentage of their income BASED upon acceptance and work in their chosen or related field: as the amount owed to the teacher/ for an agreed upon length of time.  In other words: the teacher/ professor is paid, according to what he or she accomplishes for a student. There are NO mandatory studies/ there are lists which produce comprehension of what is needed and why.
THE REASON: fantasy, delusion, worthless and irrelevant teaching, critical failures, absolute tyranny and stupidity, fundamental disgrace/ disgust/ disrespect and the rest are constant realities: disguised as teaching.  No more, let the student decide/ help them sustain their will to succeed, by letting them choose not only the teacher, but supporting a need to “go elsewhere” if necessary.
THE REALITY: critical to the development of a well rounded education is the comprehension of new and varied opportunities.  That means over the length of time that preliminary education (grades 1-6) has been replaced with;  your turn to decide (7-12).  During these years, the teachers will travel to various schools/ rather than the students.  And/ or in the case of specialty studies that require “tools”; it is the students that will move.  Opportunities to “live onsite” are up to the public to provide.
THE WORK:   nothing in life comes free, but knowledge and education or the understanding of what to do with that knowledge prior to life teaching you with pain or loss; is elemental to a better life.  We all have to eat, throughout our lives: therefore a participation in school will be to grow/ cultivate/ collect/ butcher/ cook/ and clean.  More so, as they grow older.  We all have to work, throughout our lives: therefore every aspect of business and industry shall be taught, as a participation or preparation for changing the future, by building on the past.  Without time to think (why, did or did they not do this) and understand there are reasons, or a need for change: the opportunities of work, for most, never progresses much.  Without a relationship in truth, love, hope, society, family, etc;  many turn to hate/ suicide/ and violence.  Teach them!



THE DEMAND: if you don’t have fun in your life/ then most if not nearly all, WILL turn to one or more of the following:   drugs/ alcohol/ food/ sex/  laziness/terrorism/ violence/ hate/ jealousy/ lust/ greed/ power/ selfishness/ or revenge.  The establishment of want: is the critical parameter which disguises happiness with living/ by measuring it against someone or something else.  Fantasy erupts as a means of dealing with your own inferiority.  Lies erupt as a decision NOT to value your life.  Theft erupts as a decision, “to get even”.
THE PRICE: of inclusion and acceptance as a valued human being cannot be underestimated.  The demand to learn how better to communicate and value each other cannot be dismissed.  The desire for male to female relationships, are critical to long term happiness and balance in your own life and someone else’s.  The reality of sexual compatibility is not a game.  All of these and more are required for building a better society.
THE WORK: to identify what will work, when transferring the desire and decision for a better society, to reality.  Change is required.  Particularly change between young people of the opposite sex, and their relationships to each other.  The foundation of change is between male and female.  The reality of change is functionally: men have tried, and been in control throughout history.  It is time for women to design education by their own ways.  Equal, if not the same;  for male and female, always!



THE DEMAND: no more excuses/ no more comparisons to the rest of the world/ no more tests.  Instead reality: WHAT can you do/ WHAT CAN you prove is true about you/ WHAT is needed for this world in terms of life/ HOW can we improve our relationship with everything.
THE REASON: we are not grist for the pulverizing mills of the rich, who have created a system to produce the few they want.  WE ARE the people of this nation and world, who must create a society that is a blessing, rather than curse for our future, and child.
THE REALITY: the questions we seek and must answer to attain a successful and respectful relationship with everything is NOT dependent upon any teacher/ it is dependent upon ourselves.  That simple reality proves: it is the creation and honesty of love, respect, and truth;   that will decide how successful the future will be.  Find love, and you build the future.  Find hate, and life will soon end for an entire world/ this earth.
THE WORK: discover the truth and adhere to it, cleaning out the sewer filth & debris; that clogs or destroys the purposes of love in this day.  Teach RESPECT and adhere to its reality/ thereby all benefit.  Control the video and audio aspects of media/ those devils deliberately trying to destroy honesty, purpose of life and love, desire established by respect, and other fundamentals of life and a future that is able to survive.