Rhetoric and lies/ versus simply truth

In america, the constant voice in media is:   how do we get out of this mess, WITHOUT PAYING ONE DAMN DIME.  How do WE THE LEADERS (business, government, medicine, education, etc) continue lying, stealing, and cheating WITHOUT ONE DAMN PENALTY;   cause the slaves, are over-burdened and can’t take any more.  How do we propagate, infiltrate, sell, and trade the lives of an entire nation, FOR WHAT WE WANT?   And the beginning answer is:   let more influence desecrate the media and government and business, by using numbers and the media to control even more. Let money control everything, “that’s the answer”. 
Traitors are subtle you know, “lets call it free speech”/ CAN’T argue with that.

But let’s review:   what is free speech?  Is it not everyone has an opinion and is free to declare what that opinion is?  Yes it is clearly that.  Is it not everyone has a right to work and pay for the government they believe should be directing their lives, in whatever way that the others will accept as well:   democracy is not your way or mine/ it is our way, as best we did choose for ourselves.  Consequently yes, this is free speech as well/ the portrayal of what “I, or we believe is true and in the best interest of this nation, or even not” is free speech/ SO LONG AS, there is NO INTENT “TO HYPNOTIZE, OR CONTROL” the thought process or mental stability or ability to choose for oneself!    Or more simply, all have a right to influence the direction of society with speech and action/ so long as they let the others decide for themselves freely and without constraint or restriction or UNDUE influences.  Giving a tiny few, the right to influence all they can, with media, money, threats, or bribes is NOT free speech, it is the intent to control and rearrange society from democracy “we all have a say”/ and make it communism:   “Our leaders, those who have the power to manipulate, communicate, silence, and destroy the others:  will decide for us”.
In america today, the constant voice being heard is: I WON’T PAY/ I DON’T GIVE A DAMN/ I WON’T PAY NOTHING:    PERIOD, get out of my life.  But alas, you said: let me have everything I want right now/ and I will pay later.  But NEVER DID.  You collected numbers, and pensions, and promises that were unfair/ couldn’t be paid for at the time/ and absolutely didn’t care about the future, even though it was plain, simple, and obvious:    Trouble will come!  No sir, TO HELL WITH YOU, I want everything now, and the money too. let the children pay/ then the grand children/ then the world/ then the illusion of money, as fantasized by wall street, and government/ then hidden by “we are the richest nation in the world/ because we never paid our debts”.  Yessir, we got the most numbers ever accumulated, because we propagated the greatest greed, and participated in the greatest financial lies:   this world has ever known.  Yessir, “rich”. And of course as is the absolute hallmark of greed/ “hell no, I won’t share nothing”.

So today when they say we need another tax break/ what they mean is   HELL NO, I AIN’T GOING TO PAY NOTHING/ them damn debts are buried; let the lies continue.  Make the people believe,   steal from the entire nation at once, by making them believe debts that cannot be paid/ are not in fact inflation, that robs them of their expectations in money (the life I did spend) every single day.  Real money is human life spent as time, effort, ability, the opportunities of resource: given to you/ and expected by me, in comparable real terms of “same”.   We are equal/ your life, is not greater than mine.  Even if the work is different, we are still equal/ because life itself, is far greater than any work, that any person can do.  We are “same”/ only the time and effort is different.  Ability itself is a gift of   GOD/ or Creation if you prefer; consequently “you didn’t earn it/ you were born with it”.  As such I owe you not, for something given to you for free.  But there is a difference in the effort and time spent to accumulate “something good, with your gifts”. Therefore equal, but different; “within limits”.

In america today, the constant voice being heard is: small business that’s the answer to all our problems.  Yet until crisis came, all the leaders said: “BIG BUSINESS” that’s the answer, and an entire nation agreed/ “lets sell our diversity, lets destroy our community, lets accept “numbers instead of men and women” in a factory line; so we can be rich/ have healthcare/ get a pension, and make someone else our slave.”  Got to organize to steal from the others, otherwise they steal from you:  “Its how life in america is”.  Its how the game is played/ what’s wrong with that!   I WIN TOO/ let the damn bastard’s fail, someone has to be slave (work to survive, with next to nothing/ while the others claim everything, and do little of actual value).  But lets see:   while big business is HIDING BEHIND “little business”/ pretending “we aren’t here”.  The swindlers and con artists are busy “talking/ talking/ talking”.  Its what they are paid to do/ what else can you expect?  Public opinion IS A POWERFUL THING.   But even more powerful than that, is the control of what the public thinks.  Therefore “lobbyists of all types, and all formats, using every expert and university” have set about controlling your mind.  Have they not been effective?  Really, they stole all your money/ they made you work for what is becoming clear to everyone, is absolutely nothing/ a dollar without value.  They directed you into the stock market “going to be rich”.  They sold you “we are experts”/ and destroyed more than you can even imagine.  They are mutilating nature, playing god with everything we MUST HAVE to survive; and made you believe “this is a good thing/ we are so smart; nothing can go wrong;   HELL NO/ ARMAGEDDON (nature in chaos) is for fools”.  They gamble with the entire planet, by experiments that can literally light this planet on fire/ or cause it to blow up; and that, is just two.  They have prepared weapons of mass destruction, and made you believe “our saviors”.  They have set your entire livestock industry up for a pandemic disease that will take them all/ leaving you starving.  They have done absolutely nothing about fertilizers that will soon be gone.  They are wiping out an ocean of life, hardly a word to inform you; cause you don’t need to know, I guess.  They are running out of water to irrigate with/ causing food shortages without any other factor in less than ten years.  They are using the underground aquifers for fuel production/ FAR EXCEEDING regeneration capacities: which means you will soon die of thirst across america.  And that is just the beginning, there is much more!  So    The assumption of americans “MEDIA cannot influence me/ UNIVERSITY makes my life better/ LET GOVERNMENT do it all/ or I sold my life TO BIG BUSINESS, and they will protect me”    Has been foolish, and a lie.
I don’t know how to say it “softer than that”. This is who you are, or have been.  Simple as that.

But “your safe” are you not?   Well lets review:   as the ocean loses its ability to regenerate life/ there will be open ocean fighting.  As each nation that begins to go hungry searches for more.  That will intensify the hunt/ and take “every last one” will become the result; as it always is/ wherever humanity can.  Ocean done/ 1 billion people already hungry today.  Ocean feeds over one billion people/ so that means now 2 billion people are starving;   gee what could go wrong from here?  HELL not to worry, we got weapons of mass destruction/ going to save america, to HELL with the world.  Ain’t that so!  But alas, one single disease, and within six months more than 90% of the world livestock “supplies” can be dead/ because close confinement and complete dependency on antibiotic feeds are all you have, with no possibility of immediate change; so the disease wins.   One billion more people starving.  But not to worry, “you got grain, and war machines” HELL we won’t die/ kill them all instead.  But alas, you have mutilated your food grains with everything you could find to destroy their ability to defend themselves from any attack.  Which means these plants are completely dependent upon the chemicals dumped by the trillion ton.  But hey, what could go wrong with that.  I leave it to your imagination/ even so, without water to irrigate/ without fertilizer to assist, you are down by billions of bushels even if the plants don’t die, in less than ten years.  Oh well; we can always attack someone else/ ain’t that so?  HELL YES, most powerful damn war machine on the planet/ just too damn bad they don’t have nothing either. And there is more.  But not to worry, “numbers, that’s the important part”/ going to be rich!

I do wish the conversation could be “kinder/ gentler/ nicer to people/ softer touch, so that no fear could be present”.  But the simple truth is,   without understanding these threats/ without comprehending what the future will be/ without honesty and a disciplined acceptance of what is real, what truth can reveal, the reality of complete collapse as a world will simply come.  And there is nothing kind, gentle, nice, or “soft” about that.  So I am doing the best I can, with what I am forced to work with.  Because there is no other way.
I will continue to work until the end of September 2010.  Even though that is really late in the possibilities of your survival as a planet/ and discounts all the threats that are endlessly multiplying against you.  Even so, there is nothing more that I can do, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for communicating this message requiring change.  You are responsible for setting your pride apart long enough to find your heart, before you die.  You are responsible for making the decisions required of you/ fighting for life on this planet/ protecting your children so they can have a life, and so on.  I am only responsible for delivering this message:   change or die.  And I HAVE finished delivering that.  It is up to you, I am NOT your savior/ just a messenger.  But I will be continuing with the court as needed, regardless of the outcome, because it is the only real chance you have; or this entire planet has, to understand and change.  All done though, at the end of September 2010/ and it does not matter what state the court process is in.  Unless we are honestly proceeding to work for life first. 

The functional difference in my own life, has been the alteration of a male definition (last resort is war)/ to the female definition (continue in hope, die if we must).  The reality is considerably different, but I am now glad for it, simply because I do know: war would have only accelerated the ending of life on this planet.  War cannot help, unless it is to enforce “no leader/ no group, can be allowed to destroy us all”.  This is limited confrontation, not nation against nation.  As to female “as me”/   I can’t imagine “an uglier female than me”.  Oh well.  Regardless of that, the decision is made not to return to male, even if that were possible, and its not.  Not because I disliked male/ never a thought.  But because these last days here on earth cannot be saved with anything less than “we must continue in hope”.  Period, simple as that.  There are billions who will tell you,   “We are FINE/ NOTHING is wrong”/ well nothing we can’t fix!  But they are wrong, like walking out into the desert with food and water and all the confidence in the world/ but it will turn to death, if you get lost/ even though you were sure, “it couldn’t happen to me”.   Because the fabric of environment, nature, energy, oxygen, food, water, peace, harmony, hope, justice, fair play, equality, equity, purpose, heart, love, discipline, order, balance, and everything else that can build life or sustain it in truth:  Is simply dying.  Like every chain of life, when a single link breaks;   you cannot continue to tow, what it is that must be left behind.  And what we are leaving behind, is everything we need to survive.  Religion will not hide you/ hell and Armageddon are prepared to enter this entire earth: there is  no place to run. Only true change can make a difference/ nothing else.
Terrible decisions have been made.  Terrible leadership, propaganda, purpose, and practice have reduced an entire planet to the risk of extermination;   all because the arrogant truly “want to play god”/ and the rest, just don’t want to be slave anymore. 

You must open your mind, “by a tiny crack” to understand anything/ and to date, very little evidence exists that this is so.  I can’t save you/ you have to change.  I can’t lead you/ YOU have to accept these decisions as your own, and pay the price yourself, that change and life require.  Its your job to do this, it is not mine. Your job to describe and determine how best to do this. That is the truth.  Your truth, is what you did do/ NOT what you said, or thought, or wanted, or made plans for:   ONLY WHAT YOU DID DO!  Or did not do!  FOR REAL, IN TRUTH, AND WITH CONSEQUENCES.  Plain and simple.
As for me, “strange beyond anything I could even fantasize about (not even a possibility), certainly not comprehend until very recently”.  I am “heading toward female”.  The female spirit DID IN FACT create the work you see, not by herself/ but by redirecting me to stop thinking “me or you”.  And accept, either we all go together, even if we fail/ without war, choosing for peace as best we can.  Hoping for understanding, even though it remains unseen.  Because any “unlimited” war, will only make things worse. ONLY THE LAW can save us/ we cannot do this by ourselves.  It is, a bigger change than it sounds.  But it is true.  Do recognize prophecies are only expectations based upon what is constant in humanity, particularly men.  Change means different/ and different means, “a prophecy must then be re-written”.

My breasts are a little bigger, I think (feel bigger, but look the same).  I suggested “hope no bigger”/ but find that was not fair.  This spiritual woman gave to me, what I desired: you honest opportunity, and I am trying hard not to interfere or offend.   And will offer today, “whatever brings honor, hope, and is a sign we are loved, not lost”.   It was not really a problem before, not anymore; but was thinking how am I going to convince a jury to consider decisions that are very important to life/ if all they can see, “are breasts, that should not belong here”.  Or work (don’t want him or her), or pass by men on the street without trouble, etc.  These are not honestly my concern today/ therefore, it should not trouble me, and I just hope for the best.  Its what I do.  A strange conversation I know/ out on the internet, never go away, I know/ not what “lots of people” want to hear, because they would hear me better, if not for this.  And so on.     Not perverse in any form or fashion/ mine is a life “given to women”/ by the spiritual woman who will decide my eternity.         GOD IS FIRST,    But that does not mean HE rules alone, with an iron fist “so to speak”.
I simply choose, “to be, what she would have me to be”.  No clue why me.  No clue how it ends. No clue what my future here on earth will be.   Just know, I desired a message you could hear, in time to give you/ this life on earth an opportunity to choose better.  And she delivered it, through me, to me, & to you.                

  Consequently, she does deserve whatever it is that is her desire as well.   Its called “fair play”.  I cannot say, what that will be or mean/ its not my choice.  I am happy, with the gift of this message she gave to me.  “Her turn”.  That is my choice, as best I can.  No idea, how it will all turn out; but I do understand, “gentler, kinder, nicer to people, and with a softer touch, so that none need fear”.  I don’t give interviews/ the message is change or die, recognize your reality. And that has nothing to do with me, USE THE MESSAGE.  There is no need for any description of me to be displayed or used; it just makes me a bigger target. And there will, be plenty of people who have no desire for me to live: “DON’T WANT NO ____ CHANGE”. That will become the job of women, if this becomes “blessed for you to hear”.  No need for “trophies” either/ it is irrelevant;   this is about life on earth.  There is no bigger or more valuable trophy, than we “all” get to survive.

“Good prayers to you”/ I do wish you well.
This work is surely done, apart from
Simply responding, to what the court requires.
YOU DO, have your chance.  Enough know, that they will determine communication for the rest.  IT IS your decision.
But do understand, there is no going back.
Nature and earth, are dying.
         That means, without change: “you too”.