Respect is a discipline;  the distillation of a desire to be thankful.
It is the difference between seeing the world as it actually exists: or seeing it as a human being through wants/ selfishness/ hate/ etc. 
The difference is, true miracles exist as the passage into compositions in thought that do identify our relationship with life, as a spectacular experience.  Thankful, because honesty creates the experience and expression of truth, as identified by the reality of existence itself.  Or more simply: the gift of  life has nothing to do, with what we did or did not do for ourselves/ “we/ I” simply appeared.  As did all life, in terms of true human understanding.
Whereas want,  only sees a path to consumption;  thereby products or resources or tools “for me”.  An expectation, No one else truly exists or counts for much, because you are “as a god unto yourself”.  No matter what you or they say, want is then your god.  No miracles, just want.
There are many variations, and numerous levels of want.  Selfishness is the existence of “just me/ I alone am truly important”.  Consequently everything else is just an expression of WHAT can you do for me/ what will you do for me/ and what can I make you do for me;  a game of trophies.  Hate at the outside edge of life itself, “barely hanging on” if you are lucky.  Experiences the excuse:  “it’s all their fault/ they deserve everything I can do/ they earned this revenge”.  Or more simply, hate is: “feeling dead inside”. Thereby each group, at its  different levels;  simply understood is,  being NOT thankful for life,  at all.
So the question is:  HOW do I help those who are not thankful for life/ learn how to be thankful? How do I teach what has failed, for these children? {you cannot be adults, if you refuse the responsibility life requires of you}.  What is the difference, between these “two groups”?  Or more critically, why are these not thankful for their lives.
There are, a great number of excuses for being intolerant of your situation, your environment, or your lack of friends.  None of which (extremely few) are elevated to a relationship that does not give you the need to be thankful for living.  So then why is want, selfishness, hate, and more so easily degrading your life/  so intensely altering existence:  as to present to you the discovery “I WANT more (the path to pride/ power/ arrogance/ lust/etc, all begin here)?   How did those who attained “feeling alive” establish this within themselves?
The expansion of this gives us each one our identity/ because it accepts the values that we have created within ourselves and makes them present in life for people who do care to see.  Caring is an expression used to subject those who are in trouble, to the scrutiny of why;  the cause of concern or dismissal; the decision which becomes “use/ abuse/ destruction: OR help and life is important, I need to be responsible, I need to be alive INSIDE, so that you can survive too.
RESPECT acknowledges, a path to greater developments than simply me, exists.  Respect understands, that happiness is a mutual response, generated because we, rather than just me, are experiencing an expression that has value to life.  Therefore the lesson is, NOT what people do controls you/ but rather what you do within yourself to define and stabilize the boundaries of respect as a life inside yourself.
There are people who have done great harm to others/ freedom allows it, when no law exists.  Consequently it is the law that provides peace and harmony/ hope and happiness/ choices and opportunity;  for a nation or the world.  The critical question of law is:   HOW do we control the people who want to control the law?  The disciplined answer is:   we must demand that the law rules us/ rather than the people who want control.  That law, which guarantees our authority to remove those who rebel against us and our laws, is granted by a constitution.  That constitution is carefully prepared as “sovereign and immune” from the touch of leaders, or men, or groups/ UNLESS WE ALL AGREE.  That makes the constitution itself a contract, every oath an agreement:  I shall/ OR I can and will be penalized for treason;  according to reality & by its truth.
The method most useful in addressing the problem of traitors in our midst/ leaders who are NOT content with helping society:  BUT WANT much more than that:   IS REDRESS!  THE DEMAND:    WE ARE THE OWNERS HERE,  WE WILL DECIDE WHO OBEYED THE LAW/ AND WHO DID NOT.   We will decide, what our future shall be, as a nation called WE THE PEOPLE.  Never again, “you, the leaders who failed/ the experts who were in fact fools”.

          As a mother to child:  the foundations of your life, your nation, and your world are crumbling before you.  Now is the time to defend this, OUR EXISTENCE/ OUR NATURE/ OUR EVERYTHING ALIVE.  Or we die.  It’s a choice.