Searching for “a soft touch”/ you need not fear me.


Contrary to everything, I ever had been/ without the slightest intent to surrender male in anything.  A life and body I liked.  I find myself looking from the exact opposite of everything I use to be;   or more carefully stated.  I have clearly changed places with women.  I am now “the girl” and they are now “the men”, as to all sexuality;  in my life. While it is true, I absolutely believed there was nothing in this world that I would trade for being the life of a man/ it became more true, that life on this planet and the extreme threats we currently face were a need I could not turn away from.  Men have no solution/ I had no solution; therefrom only women could be conceived of, as the possibility of leadership, allowing survival for this world.  I have traded “male” for that.  Plain and simple, my life has changed way beyond imagination/ because I never imagined anything to do with female as a life in me.  Nonetheless, “what is NOT male in me” has become the new essence of my life.  What was male in me, is literally nearly gone, and I cannot bring him or me, as I was back;   “That has just disappeared”/ not mine anymore.  Why this was necessary, I do not know.

What I do know, is I am different.  Simple as that. Don’t know how to live, or survive in the simple sense “all new to me”.  Everything is different, including “shutting life down to perceive of the mental arrangements that define our resources as a human being”.  Very different from everything I have known/ but I now find myself becoming interested in “a new life”, and wondering how or what to do.  Even so, the body is different too.  Bizarre in some ways, you probably wouldn’t believe it.  Different/ clearly “like a girl”/ without the slightest doubt, NOT like a man! 
So then the question presents, WHY on earth, would I tell you that/ when it can only bring “who knows what”; from both men and women and children.  Not your average statement or life for that matter, anymore.  But truth applies the need for understanding; to the struggle to redefine a nation, and life on earth and I know, you will look for a leader/   someone NOT like these descriptions.  And as a consequence, they seem good to me to share in that sense; because I am NOT your leader.  Rather, I give you the opportunity to lead yourselves as WE THE PEOPLE,      not “follow him or her or them”.  The difference is,   LEARNING how to govern yourselves.  It is a necessary function of a peaceful and harmonious society; that each believe in equality, and know the function of law within their lives and their society and world.  This is what we do together/ NOT who we follow.

Therefrom, the issues of gender become irrelevant, and the reality of what is best for life on earth, establishes the time of renewal:   demands your own cooperation and decision/ for we are simply too many people for any other way.  This earth is now too fragile, for any other composition of survival:   we ALL, must share and care.  Or we will all, die.  There is no intent to “make you believe that statement”/ this is about understanding “GO TO COURT” and learn the truth about our reality, and our future, and life on earth today.  Tomorrow is too late/ the point of no return is close, and we cannot go back.  NATURE MUST BE SAVED, regardless of what you want. Life is now a choice between:    Will you choose to live/ or will you run away and hide, surrendering life unto eternal death for an entire planet.  Go search, and decide for yourself, by the evidence that is available, if this is not true.  Are you a coward? Then GO,  PROVE ME WRONG!  Or accept we simply CANNOT gamble with life, and do the best you can!

I am coming to terms with my new reality/ and you must also come to terms with your new reality as well.  Life is not going to remain the same;   because NATURE, ENVIRONMENT, THE CHAINS OF LIFE, THE OCEAN, ETC/ ETC/ ETC are all in jeopardy of being lost.  We are so many people, that we destroy more than nature and the planet can rebuild for us; which means we die in this future.  So much damage has been done to everything/ that starvation and crisis is a guarantee, and if not prepared properly with sharing; there will be war.  So MUCH LYING, CHEATING, AND STEALING has gone on in the past decades; that an entire human world will soon be ready for war.  There is only one alternative to war/ it is the woman’s way:   to depend entirely upon the law, and let the law that we decide, choose our destiny.  Without regard to vulnerability; because we can only do, what we can truly do in our situation as life.   War will NOT help/ world law, and enforcement of that law will.  Sharing, caring, hope, happiness, freedoms, discipline, RESPECT, courage, honor, honesty, truth, understanding, forgiveness, wisdom, knowledge, acceptance of equality, justice, fair play for all;   AND EVERYTHING WITH TRUE VALUE TO LIFE,   will be “our goal”/ because that is the difference between survival and death, in a world covered with humanity.  Like it or not, it is true.

Even so, I tried passive resistence once, as a child/ and it is like handing hate a toy; there is no possibility of respect.  Consequently remember this, that although it is the law that must always lead.  There is NO REASON, to line up “and be shot down”!  If the opposition come shooting/ then shoot the shooter.  If the opposition comes clubbing/ then club the bastard.  And so on.  BUT DO NOT start any violence/ simply return in like account, what they try to do to you.  But beware, the people of hate will attack the defenseless as soon as they are aware they are beaten.  To make you pay, make you believe this is not worth the fight. When confronted with a hidden enemy, search only for hate.  You will recognize it easily, and if not, the women forced to be prostitutes can tell you easily who these are.  Sex, tells many secrets.

For my part, I have given you the keys to change life and governing on this earth.  The book of life and death reads: he or she who works for life shall be recorded in the understanding of what is critically true/ as will each one who refuses to work for life, thereby choosing death instead for this planet.  My work is honestly done/ however the spiritual woman who made this possible has given me to women;   and whatever that will be, is whatever that will be.  It is NOT my decision anymore, and everything inside of me, tells me “they have become like men to me/ and I have become like a girl, perhaps even to them”.  And that cannot be changed.  I don’t know the ending, or what comes next, or why.  I do know, “I have never been this vulnerable in my life”, it is literally a whole new world of experience and expression.  Because given the state of change already, without doubt, even more is coming; and I have no idea “what to do with that change”.  Everything I have been, has or is “just fading away”.  But honestly, not so bad, at least today/ because I did get my true desire for this life in time:   YOU DO have your opportunity to survive, IF YOU BEGIN VERY SOON.  That would be your fault, not mine.  I have done, the very best I could do, for life on this planet, including humanity/ not just for humanity.  Your turn now, “it’s a choice”!   Make your decision/ before it is simply too late.  

I have made mine.  There is no turning back/ either as a nation and world you will choose your destiny as well; giving what is necessary for life on earth: EVEN IF YOUR CONTRIBUTION is not fair.  Or you will not.  Simple as that/ except the future is determined for an entire planet, by the answer you give.  Not me, YOUR ANSWER.  Because like you, I am one single individual, and every single one of us matters when it comes to our future as life on earth.  You, like me, have one vote;   use yours well.  You, like me, have one life to offer as a chance for life to survive.  You, like me, must make a decision based upon the evidence that we do know or accept as valid, and real, the best we know how to decide:   our only defense, the investigation of that evidence, the examination of what we do know is true, and the reality of want displaced with the honesty:   WE CANNOT GAMBLE WITH LIFE,   ANYMORE.  Because we simple CANNOT BE WRONG!  Or we die, and take the planet, the future of life;   with us.  How is that a decision any life or government can make?  It is not fair.  And we must stop them.  It is life or death for a world.  Genetics included; how can you claim, KNOWING the intricacy of your own body, even just a little/ that some human being should be allowed to mutilate and crucify life on earth.  You are gambling with everything.  You are choosing absolute death for a planet, and you know it!  Pick any part of the body you like, such as how it is the heart and lungs “hang in place”.  If they were not hung on the framework somewhere/ would they not be in your shoes! Or how about tears to lubricate your eyes, eyelids to protect them, eyebrows and lashes to give you definition and physical identity; all just “magic”/ not a chance! You have trouble hanging a picture on the wall/ the body does it completely correct for all but the tiniest fraction of life; and you are corrupting ALL life!  SHAME ON YOU.  You are a disease, a disgrace, and a life hung with disrespect for everything called value/ because YOU CHOSE GREED.  Shame on you.  Remove your fear, by choosing world law and its enforcement/ or life will remove you, from this earth.  DO, remember this: that all law is enforced by the majority/ NOT the policing front.  What the majority demand, will be done; unless force makes them fear.  Consequently to control the law/ you also need to control the weapons that can be used against you!  Don’t forget it/ because the insane, will remain, even if their numbers fall to almost none.  The worst weapons only need “one”/ DON’T “get one too”!  REMOVE the weapons that are your/ our worst enemies.  Remove the people who cannot repent of absolute hatred.       Never fear, it cannot help/ do the best you can.

The spiritual woman who began and established CHANGE IN ME/   has now sort of left,   still around somewhere, not distant; “I can feel it”.   But not in me, and not close by/ or maybe it’s the male in me that has become distant, and what is woman now looks “the other way”. I do not know;  I, a different person or identity;  am left to be, whatever it is that I can make of this new expression and experience called life.  Don’t know how, but it’s a new day, a new experience, and I will do the best I can, “its all I got to offer me, as for you; only time knows, I do not”.  Everything looks the same “sort of”/ but everything is different inside, I really can’t imagine the future, how can it not be “all mixed up”?  Wrong parts and pieces, too ugly to be a girl, can’t find male back/ he’s all but gone.  Just how it is. 
Anyway the purpose of this work is to explain: “I am not your, or their anything/ not the religious assumptions/ or the expectation of power, and he or “she” will try to take over/ not anything”.  Not a liar/ not a thief/ not deceitful;   or manipulative beyond the very rare occasion: “this is important to you, PLEASE listen”.    Just a messenger, providing the evidence that this world will die if you don’t change/ a man trading places with woman for the sake of an opportunity for this world to survive, (it is the spiritual woman’s demand/ not mine)/ and a new life searching for a new way, in a new reality I cannot even conceive of; “this is the opposite of everything I have ever known”.  A bit like the fairy tale, of walking through the looking glass, can’t go back/ without the fantasy.     If that makes me,  sounds “scary” to you, you need to reevaluate what makes you afraid.  It is a strange new world for us all.
I will grant, that the understanding of Revelation 12, from the bible; participating here,  is a bit unnerving for most.  But that, is NOT a fear assigned by me, its just a prophecy coming true.

 You need, to: Find the value of this message, calling for change in humanity, inside your heart/ and work for life. Because you care enough, and know enough; that we CANNOT be wrong.  That is not a guess, with threats that can exterminate us from this earth, how can you believe otherwise?  You were not born a fool, PLEASE wake up.
It is not too much to ask/ it may be a manipulative question to allow the word fool/ but this is IMPORTANT, WITH EXTREME CONSEQUENCES for being wrong.

James Frank Osterbur

I say to you plainly one last time, by the evidence/ the world humanity and men have known since the beginning of civilization, is gone.  7 billion people have caused this to be so/ along with the machines that can take more/ damage more/ and steal more than nature or environment or the ability of men to remain at peace can stand, or survive.   If you do not accept your world has changed, there is no future for life on earth.  That fact, now requires you to participate in a new and different way/ just like my life requires me, to live in a new and different way.  Life on earth cannot survive.  Humanity has longed for, demanded to be, and searched continually for methods and ways to “play god”!  Today, you have received your wish, and MUST take possession of the demand to save this world for yourselves, or be lost eternally.  It’s a choice.

As for me, I never “wished to play god/ and absolutely knew I cannot be GOD” so that was never an issue.  But it was my wish that you survive, and it is my life as male given to that choice, which brings me here. I literally had no answer left, as male/ that would not end in death for the planet; it was a choice, woman or dead planet.  NEVER the intent to save a single life, not even mine; a choice to find an answer, that I myself might do the best I can, for this world.  The fact that we all need that answer, was just a fact of life.  It was the right choice, for me, I am not sad/ you can live if you so choose. “Women are happy too”, I have hope/ no clue, but hope; “however, a body that really does not belong anymore”.  Different does not mean “bad”/ it just means different, even if you haven’t got a clue what to do now.  Like me. Only time will find the answer.   However WE BOTH KNOW, its either give up and surrender life, or adjust, and do it now.  Simple as that.

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And yes, I do know, that what is written here will have to be dealt with for the rest of my life.  Yes I do know there are men who would kill, rape, mutilate, or murder because of it; if it gets truly noticed or before.  Yes I do know that there are over 3,000,000,000 females on this planet;   and they have control, by these words.  No, I don’t know what they will do, not pretty, almost no teeth, nearly sixty years old, etc;    So, it seems somewhat unlikely they will want me/ but there are always some good or bad, who will take advantage of any situation.  I don’t know, what my future holds; and that is the simple end of it.  Don’t want to think about what could happen / there is no point, as I have no control.  Just how it is.  I will do, the best I can.
Life is the only true treasure in this entire universe, everything else is far less.  The heart is both dimension and creator of destinies, the decision maker that decides what love will be, and who will inherit the truth inside your soul. 

Some will say, “he should have told no-one, about all this talk regarding woman, in his own life”.  He could have had honor, and perhaps even greatness/ power, and perhaps money; all the things most are willing to die for, or kill for.  But that would not be true, either to me, the spiritual woman who helped and without whom this could not exist.  Nor would that honor  GOD or    JESUS who did save me “many times”.  No one, can build a life by hiding from their own truth/ I must rebuild mine.  No one can build a life by running away from their own reality, no matter what that honestly is: WE DO, have to face our own existence or it cannot be “mine”/ I cannot, nor can you be, what we are not.  An identity is created, one step at a time, one truth appreciated for what it is, or changed with respect to dignity & what we have honorably chosen to be.  No definition of reality as truth exists in a lie/ therefore no path of distinction can come from it.  Without definition, there is no identity, and without identity as defined by your own truth/ there is no eternity.  It is a fact of life and eternity. I am not your game to play with.  Nor will I play games with my own life, regardless what direction that has taken.  Life is precious, time is a gift, hope is built upon love, and value is born in respect.  Take a look at the miracle of life in you and around you/ and explain to me, how you can be so deceived as to think this, “is a game”?  We must each one, live the life we are.  In truth.  Simple as that, as best we can/ that is our journey, our own path, as opposed to “the road of expectations created by others, for us”. 

The heart, recognizes life has a price, and we must pay for the critical truth that becomes our destiny in one form or another.  But it is also the living connection with our soul, that becomes the steps created which form a relationship with       OUR   GOD    , in hope and happiness and trust, through respect.  As we begin the journey in truth, it is our heart that pays one level at a time, to create the distinction and the decision that becomes our one true desire, our one critical passion and purpose; and I have found and achieved mine, as man.  Even though, it now means an entirely new beginning.  I don’t know why, but it is enough for me, that I have accomplished my destiny as man. And will look forward to whatever this world in time and eternity shares as “something new”.    You need not an interview/ do not ask; that would merely be used for a distraction: I am NOT the question.  The message speaks for itself, and I have granted everything else that is fair, and more for you to understand.
So say I, to you. 

As I sit and wonder, what more you could possibly need; before some tiny fragment of your arrogance, fantasy, and deceit to yourselves and to life can be compromised:   GIVING YOU A CHANCE TO SURVIVE.  It occurs to me, that it is male, in me that is drifting away/ everything is different.  But in that regard I find one last statement to make to you from him.  For decades, you have been fought with, pleaded with, instructed, maligned, led with gossip so you could expand it, proven with evidence, defined with truth, composed and embattled with reality, provided with the consequences of university terrorists, and every other form of communication from time to time; a variety of people in many different forms and places.  So that even the tiniest level of understanding might arise.  All to no avail;   because every single citizen here DEMANDED, I DON’T CARE/ I WANT THE DAMNED MONEY, leave me alone; or went running away to hide. “It’s the American way”; and since we now truly represent the world, it’s the human way.  Because fear and competition are real.  But truth don’t care either/ what is true WILL overwhelm every lie, what is real in terms of destruction or capacity to exterminate will not care what you want or think; they can, and they will, unless there is true change.  So ends the legacy of man in me.

The spiritual woman in me, has been proven correct;   we WERE GRANTED enough time, to finish the work of law, the possibilities of communication and decision!  It was, and it is the correct path to a new and different world.  Because it removes confrontation/ and replaces it, with the justice created when people agree:   it is the law that defends us, not a gun. Even so, hate loves the passivist; because it does whatever it wants then.  And that means, not only the law, but enough weaponry to enforce “it is HATE” that must be dissolved, by whatever means necessary.  Remove hate, and there is no more fear of humans/ even though, there will still be those who steal and perform criminal acts like that.  Remove hate, and there are no more wars/ except to remove the leaders who prove they do not belong. The common expression of time and humanity is simple: “we are, what we have been”.  Which in this case means among other tragedies: liars and thieves/ made the money liars and thieves.  Corruption, arrogance, and failure in government, made the nation unsettled, angry, and ready for war.  University reborn as fantasy, delusion, and WE ARE GOING to play god/ is a threat, bordering on extinction as in this very day; to the entire earth.   SHAME ON YOU/ dredging a sewer has less filth.  Do not religions climb on board and say “make us rich too”!  Sacrificing your own children, because that is the price, and you willingly pay it/ LYING to yourselves, that riches today, are somehow better than life itself, and time to make a decision on your own as an adult.  How little do you understand anything!  How extreme is the arrogance, that lets a human being get this insane/ a nation gorge itself, on the life of every child.  Shame on you.  Repent of it or die/ because you earned it.  Yes, I do know you can kill me with hate, ONCE!  But do you remember, eternity will come for you too/ and I guarantee, you will be remembered for that.  Choose.   This is NOT “hate” for you/ this is the reality of what you have chosen to do for money; regardless of respect or anything of importance to life.  If I did not love you, I would not care enough to at least try to help you survive.  Kindness does allow, for an understanding of what you are doing wrong. Gentleness does demand; this is your life, therefore it is your choice.  But softness or the essence of innocence, is not here; reality teaches to much.  I do not threaten you, but neither will I fail tell you; your own decisions caused this, and threaten MUCH WORSE.  Very soon.  That, is a mixture of both male and female in me/ and I cannot say, if it will ever die.  But you can read, what is male does need to finish fading away; so that a more friendly creation can exist without cause to make you afraid.  I love innocense, and all the charms of happiness;  but this human world does not. Too many use it, abuse it, even hate it instead.  I am not “a finished work today”/  what is woman needs knowledge and fundamental control in everything in me. She has achieved much, but clearly it is not over yet.  NOT because I refuse, but because this mountain of threats you have built as men, can destroy an entire world. 

Surprising to me is, “the male I use to be, is at least in small part” still standing “outside the door”.  No longer a distinct part of my life, but relegated to an alternate environment accessed through a spiritual door.  Opened only by “the woman  inside of me”/ and only so long as she desires;   but still “outside the door”.  At least at this moment in time.  It is honestly a very strange reality, I do not know how to act or react with this.  Not me anymore, but yet it is at least identifiable as a participant here. I do not know “what his purpose is”. But I do know, what is female does control in every sense of the word. 
Regardless;  What is female in me finally understands: not a thing I can do to make you understand/ but keep talking, and keep asking you to think:    instead of act and react, “by grabbing all you can get/ or taking everything you can steal from life or the next generation, because you didn’t care enough”.  So then I write for you, knowing that by this time enough human numbers have been told to “listen and test, is this is not true, or sufficiently concerning to investigate”.  Thereby placing the fate of an entire earth, in your own hands/ not mine.  NOT as savior, but as      Informant and communicator/ so as to tell the others that life, future, everything       Is being gambled with, and we must stop our own extermination/ because our leaders cannot.  They instigated our demise, by assigning money and power/ to annihilate and extinguish life from this earth.  How pitiful is that, and still you do not even help yourself to survive.  How can it be said, that YOU are not just as insane!

Wake up or die.  It’s a choice/ not a game.

IT’S YOUR LIFE, THEREFORE YOUR DECISION/ MAKE ONE, before you die.  Its too late, afterwards.

My hope for you is peace, harmony, and happiness in the most fulfilling time of human life on earth.  A day when we are equals, when justice decides for good, when hope runs over with joy.  And when hate disappears for good.  A time to be friends, family as best we can, and lovers in the purity of heart that builds an eternity for each one.  May you learn to love and respect each other well. 
That is my desire, the purpose of my ways.  Be at peace/ but understand WORK MUST be done, or life dies anyway.  Just the reality of our days, here and now.