The box, people “paint themselves into”

Or more simply, the definitions of why people refuse reality and turn to “the essence of fantasy” to describe their lives, or purpose, or desire/ finding in the hiding an escape within themselves and beyond their place in time.
The functional paint, people do hide behind is the illusion or reality of secrecy/ the assumption that if I do not hide this, the consequences will be severe.  The reality of humiliation, ridicule, disgust, anger, isolation, and entrapment a burden too heavy to bear/ and there are other lives affected, not just mine.  The possibilities of jealousy, revenge, violence, abuse, or use; people intentionally tempting, fabricating lies, flattering, or just plain demanding what they believe can be owed to them as well.  People judging, to the point of taking away the possibilities of work, the opportunities of shelter, the hope of help, the discovery of religion, or a host of other assets that make life here in time a definition of equals, or at least a definition of belonging to one group or the other possible; are all at stake/ because people judge, and fail to forgive or forget.       
There are those who hide, believing in the illusion, “if they pretend to be someone they are not (hiding themselves, in a portrait of someone else, by clothes or images of any other kind)” / then the others will like me, will accept me.  But this is not you, and as a consequence there is no truth in who you are, or what you pretend to be; thereby no real relationship can result.

In essence each group confines itself, to the assumptions of what others will do/ and controls the environment of their life, for the simple purpose of:   “What would the others say”.  Creating in effect a secret society of failure (you failed yourself), &  the disease which spreads as “I can trust no one”.
Therefrom we come to the question:   WHY are you so afraid?  And find our answer as humanity in the simple words:  because they can & will make my life bad!  The question returns to:   HOW will they make your life so bad?  The answer, in all the ways listed above and even more.  The question then becomes:   do these things last forever, is there no escape from what people say, or what they do, or your response by letting them decide for your life what will be your time on earth?  The answer replies:   many things people fear are very temporary/ and if you do not respond, most of what people fear will simply go away for all intents and purposes of life in time.  But some does not.  Some is inescapable do to environment and reality of a life without true choices.  Some is real fear, discovered by real threats, that would or could end in death or other tragic events.  So then the real question of “the box” people put themselves in/ is determined by the reality of three separate decisions:   WHAT do you fear/   WHO do you fear/ and WHY do you fear this!

What do you fear, is the cause and isolation of judgment by the others in their ability to impact your life by a variety of methods and ways/ not the least of which is sexually.  Common school lessons in social behavior of others clearly classifies some as being the brunt of an assault by some of the rest/ which then isolates you further, because “guilt, or ridicule by association” is a constant in some of the young.  Or more correctly, these hide their true feelings/ by “painting themselves” in the image of those who are either worshiped as being “better”;   or simply NOT wanting to be grouped with people either ignored, or pushed to the side.  The elemental impact of the bully, is very simple:   I will not be made fun of/ so I will make fun of you, and demand others do the same/ so that none will “stare at me”.  The elemental truth of the few who go beyond bullying, is hate, either taught or chosen because it represents power/ pride/ and the opportunity to be selfish and blame it on the others who simply want to be “not a freak (someone who stands out, as different)”. 
We live as a “critical dilemma”;   either there must be differences so that each can feel the existence of an individual identity is theirs’/ or we must become the same, with all things equal in face and form to establish the only difference is inside. “Nature” provides that we should feel different, as an individual/ and that means the reality and relationship of all things identifiable shall be “mixed in the pot” to create both “extra nice, and less so”.  But it is truly the inside that does matter/ because this is where the heart, soul, spirit, purpose, and desire of every living human being lives.  Only the body lives on the outside/ everything else, is inside.  Consequently different is an irrelevant consequence of individuality, and no more/ UNTIL we get to sexual expressions and the experiences of dating. 

But before we do, the elemental paths that become a critical hardship for human beings without their consent must be addressed.  The reality is, that with only slight differences we are all equal as children.  Yet there are those who hide at a very early age/ building walls around themselves, that cannot be breached, because trust has proven to fail completely.  The greatest percentage of these, are corrupted by the introduction of an adult who used or abused them beyond all acceptable means of behavior.  When this happens at a very early age, the withdrawal from life and trust in people CAN and often is, “very subtle”.   With hope and opportunity great strides are made to connect with the others of their own age/ but the issues created by mistrust of all people get in the way, and they fail to accept the responsibility to believe life here, will be at least ok.  The mind and its measurements can be a “terrible thing”/ just as the consequence of those terrible things can impact other people beyond the moment that failure occurred.  So then the question of human existence, is WHY    Do terrible things exist?   The answer, in its most simple framework:   “I WANT”!

The study of want examines the relationship of that want, to what will be gained in return.  The investigation of these measurements will always reveal: “it was not enough”.  But the illusion of want as it leads humanity into “evil” is without exception:   I WANT MORE!  The little bit that was not enough, is then translated into, MORE will solve that.  Once past the point of no return for many, the mind is believed to be “life itself”/ whereas every measurement is granted the ability to say “I am”; and every existence of “more” is given to add “a god”.  But the consequences of evil are discovered in the lives that want took away/ the sanity it erased/ the treasury of friends that could have been, simply dissolved/ and all the damage created by acts or reactions;  to those whose acts in time DID NOT care at all, about the people they used or abused or destroyed in their own quest, to be “a god, in their own eyes/ simply because they captured a reward for their own body” their own assumptions of pride, power, or selfish grandeur. The methods of “terrible behavior” include greed/ sexual abuse/ making lives a game/ judging people worthless/ enslaving someone else/ and a long list of failure in every potential dimension of life.  All because “I want”/ is not contained by respect for life, truth, discipline, balance, love, or courage.  Want is then a VERY powerful example of what causes people to fear.  What challenges every life throughout humanity, because it is an infection, that can and does become a pandemic disease.  Want in and of itself, establishes how and why people hide from each other/ develops the means and measures that become evil/ and invades the life of an entire world:   all because want allows the human mind to close around itself, and measure the others with     I DON’T CARE! 
THE MEANS AND METHOD REQUIRED to escape the tragedies of want/ are limited to one single existence in the living of a life:   you must go beyond your own self, to accept and consider the other lives which surround you as literal equals in all forms and ways/ you cannot judge.   The child knows this of their own accord/ it is the adult who corrupts them.  But the child knows want, or will come to understand it, as a choice between me and you/ thereby becoming ingrained with the simple truth: that want is a moment of discovery within the mind, as the understanding of individuality becomes real.  Consequently although we all know, that our lives are better with and because of people to share it with honestly, and in respect for each other.  We are all indoctrinated into individuality, and the response that I can have more, than you, in visible and thereby real ways according to time.  That means a decision will erupt, to be equal/ or to “be more”! The question is not why/ the question is: what will be gained?  The answer then becomes what is the want in you, that refuses to be satisfied with what you have in life already? 

Evidence suggests: there are pleasures, including sexual, gluttony, securities, laziness, temptations (I can own you), flattery (I can deceive you), intellect (I can entrap you, with a game), and manipulation (I can lead you, I can play god)/ pride, “I am the winner”/ power, “I will make you”/ selfishness or greed, “I want it all”/ and the avoidance of pain, that would include ridicule, humiliation, poverty, and so on.   Are these NOT “all games”, except the avoidance of pain/ which by definition is ultimately another version of games, “for someone”.
The investigation of all these things, produces the periodic response of “winner”/ but it is momentary; and the consequence of that is the evolution (the destruction of knowledge and order, by foolishness) of calling another life in judgment against them, as worthless/ or at least less than me.  Which brings the fundamental assertion, “if this one is garbage, or inferior to me, so that I recognize by the measurements of my own mind, I am like a god here”/ THEN surely, I can do anything I want, with that life.  The devilution (a change from foolishness/ to the intent to be god over another life) of evil begins. 

“The box”, then becomes a search to avoid the people who have targeted you with one or more of these demands to play games with your life/ and establish a barrier.  That barrier or wall between you and me, is established early; as every child learns, “you just can’t trust some people/ and others will sell you, for their own popularity”.  Consequently the pulling back from life in time, is the recognition of a failure to trust/ but with cause.  Establishing yourself in a “box”/ causing yourself to hide from reality, is in fact isolating.  That isolation prompts the need to create “a different world within yourself” so that the participants can be trusted by you/ and that leads us to the fantasies and delusion of people who cannot trust reality/ because they are literally afraid of what the other people would do, if they were caught outside “the box”.  So then it is in fact fear, that creates and sustains the people who accept they must escape from reality.  There are a wide variety of causes, and many are fundamentally justified to accept people shall not be trusted/ because as is the evolution of foolishness, the more it is accepted, the more others join in the hunt for someone to sacrifice and discard so they may have MORE. 

We separate in part from this discussion to include the slightly different aspects of sexual wants/ rather than the introduction of love, as it applies to the trust created between two people of the opposite sex, who then believe it is safe enough to accept each other in the honesty of that love.  Sexual wants include lust, the intent to use or abuse your body for the sake of their pleasure.  Sodomy, the definition created by a mental aberration, or preclusion of the mind itself/ simply allowing the body to seize pleasure without the slightest consideration for another, that is even attributed to lust.  Perversion, the act itself conceived by fear, and attributable to a spiritual death, or dying. The pedofile, from its various levels of lust, to the perversions created by the intent to murder: it is fear that defines it, and the desire to control without mercy that establishes it. 

From a different direction sexual insanity occurs in some, whereby the human body is considered to be “an idol”, which is then worshiped, by choosing to believe you are a god over that idol. Which then becomes “I am the priest here, and you are my slave”.  Established in an uncontrollable behavior, towards the naked body (there are a variety of levels to this).  There area variety of sexual games, most of which are defined by “the trophy/ the winner/ the fool/ or the plot to gain what I came to claim”.  There are prostitutes, whose focus as either male or female is to claim a job was done, or money was spent/ and YOU OWE me.  There are “easy marks”, which simply mean: the trinket, or pride exchanged for sex, was something that person chose to believe “was more than they expected to have or be: something WANTED”/ so they traded sex, (of no great importance to me).  There are whore’s either male or female, which use sex as a weapon/ to gain control and extract a violence to ease their tortured (I WANT, what I cannot have) existence.  There are many people, confused by sex; through a variety of methods and ways, including religion, people, temptations and media, really a wide arena of corruption in all methods and ways through people fully intent upon leading these others to their own decision.  Consequently capturing, and imprisoning, by the force of their own delusions.)  These do become boxed in, by the demands “I KNOW/ and you do not”. Ending in tragedy and failure for very many people in countless ways.

In opposition of this, let it be simple and plain that sex is an opportunity to experience your body and life in new and unique ways to you.  Your body belongs to you/ and it does NOT belong to any other person regardless of what any religion or law does say.  YOUR BODY, IS YOUR OWN/ and you may literally do with it whatever you please.  Sex and all.  BUT understand this clearly, you are also responsible for what you choose to do/ for situations you choose to create, even if they get out of hand:   NOT BY CLOTHES, OR THE LACK OF THEM.  But by temptations or manipulations (things which emanate from your mind, not your body, realities which you create) that then get out of hand.  The true opportunity of sexual relations between a man and a woman is the honesty explained by love, which through respect, time, healing, and hope then becomes the essence of a trust which can open the door to your heart as well as an honorable touching of bodies.  Sex is not a game/ sex is not a rodeo (together we experience this as one, NOT “just you or me”)/ sex is not a possession, to anyone: it is your opportunity to inherit someone else’s truth in connection with your own.  But if not love, then it is simply a measured response that will require greater amounts of chemical exchange to keep it acceptable to you; but will ultimately fail, leaving you empty inside. There is pregnancy a reality of life that cannot be avoided without the expense known as your heart.  There are liars.  There are fools.  There are “demon possessed” which means simply they believe in the lies inside, and measure themselves and you by “performance”.  There are true needs which cannot be discarded without real tears, open the door, and life will ask you plainly “stay here with me”/   it is impossible to leave without tears, even if you stay long enough to know they are healed.  There are many wants:   I want you/ I want this/ I want something else!  And then there is:   I GOT YOU/ therefore I “own the rights to you”/ therefore I can do anything else I want, regardless of your life or desire or need.  And so on.  The consequent advice to all young people is:    Sexual behaviors are far more complicated than they appear/ it is why parents and religions offer “don’t do it”.  Because MANY  people are liars, both male and female/ and they will use, abuse, threaten for sex, tempt, manipulate, flatter, take advantage, etc:   to do with your body, whatever they want.  Particularly young men do so, more than young women/ because UNTIL they learn that sex is NOT a toy, NOT a game or a reward:   they just don’t know much better.  Not an excuse, just a fact of life which forms the conclusion that all young boys must be taught:  either the penis will control you, and things will go bad/ or you will control it!  The more control you have, the better women will like you sexually, and the happier you will be with your own existence, because it is “my decision”/ NOT a decision forced upon me by an object or mind, out of control.  The wrong sexual decision, can literally change your whole life, or someone else’s.  Usually not for the best, until you do understand the parameters and opportunities life does hold for you/ and you have deliberately chosen:   THIS is who I desire, and who does honestly desire me.  Forever is not necessarily important, but love is.  Love is not necessarily able to remain “yours”/ not every life is the same, or can be what you desire or need forever.  Just how it is, no matter how many tears may fall.


We now return to the “box”, understanding that the variations in human behavior are more complex than they appear.  And add the functional behavior of children who act or attempt to act “just like one parent or the other”.  This is self defense/ unless it is an act clearly of love (but always remember love is a decision made in absolute freedom, it is not an act.  Simply understand “being like you honestly” is different/ than being like you, because I fear abandonment).  The elemental need for love, surfaces in a number of ways, a critical desire for time and space within your reach/ a constant reminder “pay attention to me”/ even acting out, such as “I am a pet, comfort and pet me”.   And so on.  The critical fear of a parent, or another; conceives of the opposite:   “Not within your reach/ hiding or playing out of sight so you do not remember me/ never wanting attention, and often running away in tears.”

I WANT & I DON’T CARE equal a violence.  The interpretation of that violence becomes the directional equivalent of a life descending from love and life/ to hate and the fear of death.  A fear of death MEANS:   I WANT EVERYTHING, that I can get, steal, or have today.  Tomorrow I WANT MORE.  Because I am going to die/ I have a right to demand these things; death will take everything away, and we have no guarantees: so I want mine RIGHT NOW.  And I want yours too, if mine is not as much as I can get/ including sex. It is called a road away from life/ because “the traffic” is so heavy, with so many people traveling in the same direction, that it cannot be called anything less.
The road to sexual tragedy is filled with want, excused with lust, experienced with anyone available, and formed from liars and fools who will not love you, even a little.
The path to sexual happiness, is discovered within respect, as truth defines our relationship by the decisions we make to honor each other, the courage we embrace to tell each other “I will be there for you”, and the freedoms required to know what true happiness is.  All gathered for the sake of your life and mine, in the passage created to remove the other world so that we will become “simply ourselves”.  Accepted, trusted, and respected without compromise.

The reality of human existence discovers, that other people of the opposite sex NEED someone to love of their own.  That applies a need to help them find someone, by creating opportunities through hope.  But in the end, if that proves impossible or unlikely; if it comes down to suicide, or clearly the possibility of some type of insanity, because I am so alone.  Then for me, the question is:   is not this life worth such a simple thing as sex? NOT “anything they may want/ but something useful and with value”: your life has needs too.  But that is a relationship with demands/ that is a compromise with the one you love/ that is a last resort, with a price that can be high.  But so is death, and so is the various forms of insanity that become a tragedy for one or more.  Not a decision for the young.  But not so simple, as love without responsibilities to life itself.  It is absolutely necessary, that you be honest with yourself (for love, or more importantly need; not lust) and with reality:   will more damage be done, than repaired? Life is not a toy, people nor sex represent a game. It is absolutely necessary to be fair, as best you can be. To feel happy, to be accepted honestly, to be chosen because you “have value to me”, even to feel the honorable and disciplined, warmth and touch of another human being DOES have an ability to heal the heart, and give life another chance. The value of another human being should not be measured, simply accepted/ until proven otherwise.  But make NO MISTAKE, there are liars, thieves, whore’s, tempters, etc.  And it is a quagmire, in countless ways to intervene in another person’s life.  If you assist with sex, they will become dependent upon you/ they will cease to look for another, when if you had not intervened they may have found someone/ if they are “married”, even though clearly in trouble, this can end with divorce and children abandoned;   it is a long list.  But if truly in need, married or not, people do die (suicide, or the attempt to say help me, DO something which is common to drug overdose) / they do commit tragic acts against themselves or others, people do die, because insanity took over ( the little voice inside your head won, and you lost your life to it).  Talking or more correctly listening is clearly the first method of any intervention, hugs are a method of saying “I do care”, spending time and being a friend the honesty of sharing.  But if nothing else is sufficient, the question is: if this one dies/ when HONORABLE CARING sexual touch, would have been enough, to make them feel alive again!  Did you make the right choice?   If you are married, and your spouse “says I must”/ that opens a lot of doors in conflict.  There is disease, divorce, disasters particularly with children.  The simple conclusion is:   each MUST make their own decision/ and then you MUST be willing to suffer, or accept the real and actual consequences for what you do or do not do, because that is the life we live.  Not a game, another life is not a toy, or a tool for sex.  But even so, when the question of one life or many lives are at stake, clearly it is “the many” who must be given priority.  If the choice is true.  For clarity, this last paragraph is not about conflicts/ these words represent decisions, that people do make.  Choices they have made, and with consequences that did affect their own life or another.  It is not so much different in dating, where another living “heart and soul” asks for honor and the respect, “please value me”.  That is different than sex, but when others have come before tragically destroying trust with lies, lust, theft, etc;   sometimes all that is left is honesty and the disciplines, of caring, and sharing that will heal these wounds.  BUT the tragedy of “I cannot stay”, will bring more tears;   the end result, a choice that both heals and wounds, but in a different way.  If everyone would simply RESPECT EACH OTHER,   all of this would disappear/ replaced with love, or at least the essence of friendship.  The question is not why, the question is why not?  The answer is, because there will always be, the people who want, steal, deceive, and lie.   Just do, the best you can.
The longer I live, the more I am convinced that each and every one MUST make their own decisions particularly about sex.  NO ONE owns you or your body, regardless of any marriage contract, or other.  Only you, own yourself!  That means with absolute rights to your own body and mind, you are free to do with them as you please.  NOT necessarily broadcasting that to other people through intentional media/ but clearly able to do what you wish, with regard to your own personal life so long as there is no real intent to significantly harm any other life.  Doesn’t mean its wise!  Doesn’t mean its safe in every environment or time.  Just means you own/ therefore you decide; with respect for society, at least where we gather together.  Don’t endanger the others.  But do understand, there are consequences to the decisions that you do make.  You own your freedom/ but you do not own reality, and that means, regardless of the right, the reality does matter.

As to the box people build around themselves, it is not entirely unwarranted as this is protection even in eternity; the 7 sides of a box do represent this:   the four standard directions/ the top, the bottom, and the inside.  But if you are not careful with what you do, the box becomes your prison/ or your will imposed on another, becomes their prison; which is absolutely unfair.  There are no images worth adhering too/ they represent something or someone else, and YOU can only be YOU!  THERE IS NO ONE ELSE FOR YOU TO BE, only you!  Which means you must choose yourself, or life will not be kind or wonderful for you.  To be yourself, the box you apply can only truly protect you from someone or something stealing the “very BEST LOVE” that exists in you.  In other words, what truly needs protection is simply the love   GOD   gave to you/ and if you give that back to HIM, then it is protected inside your soul.  “The box” HE provides, for the inside dimensions of your love.
As to all other excuses in time;   what possible good does it do to protect yourself from life?  You cannot change yourself, or know yourself, or identify your eternity unless you accept the truth about who you are.  Think about that.
As to me;   there are many who would express, “if he had just left out the spiritual woman talk/ or just been more friendly instead of adding to the threats by saying change is required”.  If he had just respected us all, or the media, or paid the price to be famous/ then we would have listened and things could have been better.  Therefore this is “his fault” too.  

 I would argue, look at all the threats that have been identified over these past years, attempts made at various times over decades, realities right now where people absolutely do not want anything to do with truth: “they like their games”.  All, ran away. And so on.  As to hiding, that is not my choice/ I will be true to myself, even if you are not.  Spiritual dimensions are real.  The fact you refuse to participate in dimensions beyond yourself, is simply not my fault.  And I don’t care what you say about me or think about me/ that is irrelevant.  If necessary, I can and will simply die. Or more correctly pray too/ if   GOD allows.   Eternity awaits.
Let this be simple and plain: that I do believe and adhere too, the biblical words of    John 3: 16-21
That is my testimony to you, “about who and why I am bringing this message of change to you”. 
The prophecies of Revelation can now be seen as they are, through the writings here.  The question of whether you or this world, will live for “another thousand years”/ or quickly come to an end forever, a dead earth:    IS ENTIRELY, up to each one.  It will be counted, as your vote called   WE THE PEOPLE.            MAKE your decision.

As to the river of life in Revelation 22, water is always the power of life to decide if it will survive, or not.  Because without water, you are dead.  The two sides of the river, depict both male and female will decide.  The tree of life is knowledge/ just as it was depicted in Genesis. Although this is the opposite end of that reality; wherein the fruit of both trees, is the love (good) which grows inside a human being/ and evil are those who consume that love, destroying those who would have become true children of the light. The skins used to cover “adam and eve”/ are the coverings of predator and prey in humanity.  Today, these coverings are removed, to reveal who is hate, who is love, and those who have not decided. No more “together”/ today the demand is life.  Therefore the separation of hate is required.  The light of this world, will be a much greater understanding than humanity has ever known. Thought, discovers eternity, and creates life. 

 As to the throne of   GOD and JESUS,  I do not know.  It may simply be, that humanity has found TRUTH, LOVE, & RESPECT, and will never again let go.
As to the spirit referenced in this prophecy, I tell you true that the spirit of woman is here, in me.  She literally governs my life, “her will, is done”.  She literally intends that women SHALL BE RESPECTED without exception; and to that end and for that purpose somehow, my life has been “confiscated, without the slightest means or possibility for escape.”/  I do not know why, but it is absolutely true.  I do not know how it ends/ but I do know, that love is involved, that life is served for the purpose of peace and harmony; and that I trust my soul to   GOD,    My life to her,    And do understand, “she is the difference between whether I can help you to live/ rather than die.   Not your savior/ just “a helper” determined that life should not die without “the best, I can do”.  Even if it is “the loss of male”.  EVERY possible solution found as male, conceived without female (just didn’t think about it)/ turned out to be a failure when tested beyond the moment to determine if it would in fact be sustained.  Nothing “all male” exists, to keep life alive on this earth/ it returns to “what men have always done”.  In reading the book of Revelation 12, just looking “is this the end of the world”/ the possibility of woman arose, and took over.  Not by my understanding, I had none.  But by an unending demand, and intervention;  to learn, what life as a woman is like. To redefine and defend, what woman is, with respect. Not a game, a fact that has taken over my existence; from the vantage point of woman and man joined together/ with female in charge. I am doing the best I can. Not perfect, never will be;   just how it is.

  This is about ALL LIFE ON EARTH.  Even if you don’t understand that, consider just one threat exposed/ then consider them all, and understand “there are more”.
As to the bride, we must wait to see.  This is a prophecy that belongs to life/ if you choose death, an entirely different reality will come: there will be no escape. If you desire life, then search for the power to believe.  That power is the existence of thought, as it lives in heart and soul, to search for love as the basis and foundation of a home created, “for all, who do truly belong”.  The spiritual passage between life and eternity, is an understanding.  The teacher, is JESUS   himself.  To attain that learning, you must be willing to accept his path.
Now it is your turn to decide for life, or to gamble for death.  BEWARE of the simple truth: your decision will become your eternity.   Repent while you can, for as the earth will be determined by your vote, and every life and every future decided by the choices you make/ SO TOO, will you inherit what you chose.  Good, or bad.
The struggles of life are simple ones really: it comes down to, “who do you love enough to die for/ and who do you love enough to live for”?   The answer can only be your own.  Life on earth is enough to die for/    GOD is simply, more than enough to live for.  So do I testify for myself.
Who then are you?


I am not your savior/ not your leader;   merely the messenger for change.  The plaintiff for life.
Will there not come a prosecutor for death? Beware how you hear.