The passage of time, as people

Critical to the resolution of a life worth living, is the understanding called WHY.  Within that framework, the function of our humanity is to conceive and create the blessing and the bounty of “our decisions, in the face of what life will be for you or me, or we.”  We live to create the decisions that reflect our true desire/ we build to distinguish our true purpose in life: the one we chose for ourselves.
That simple statement understands the foundation of how we come to be the individuals we are/ with one exception: the environmental reality, of human experience as society.  Or more clearly the reality of our experience when expressed in a relationship with those who are also here in time. From all happy things, we gain a respect for life.  From all sad things, we learn the value of what our lives could be, to me or you. From all hateful things, we discover there are enemies in our midst. From nature, we learn how truly dependent we actually are. From love, we gather within respect, to belong as family in the truth of being alive, (at least for a short time) within a dimension that separates us from the rest of this world: we are, or become, the essence of our own truth.  “Touching the boundary of spirituality”.

The body is a temporary home, the house within which we are born, measured by the existence and experience we create for ourselves, with or without the help of others. The function of happiness is to simply discover this world, without fears.  To understand that life is about creation itself, and to learn that in this creation, we are literally “each one” considered to be the most treasured of all life on earth.  Not because the body is worth more/ but because we are able to reach beyond ourselves into the experiences that are not limited by time.  Love is one such experience/ not because of its existence in time; but because of its purpose in eternity.  Happiness invites us, to understand our reality as life, is far more complex than people assume/ that our dimension in time is far less, than the life within which we exist.  The consequent relationship understands, that it is love that created our existence in time, an entire world/ and that love establishes the possibilities of a truth beyond ourselves, that simply cannot be explained; because we know not why.  Therefore only RESPECT for this relationship can exist, only love for this reality in truth can establish “real LIFE”; as the terms, desires, and compositions of what we were meant to be.  Happiness leads us to believe, we are loved.  Therefrom comes the question, WHY!  The answer to that search, is a journey beyond ourselves into dimensions that step between the levels of purity, to become a truth within ourselves;  an identity formed by the grace of   GOD,    into the reality of a destiny with   GOD in eternity.

It is sadness that teaches us, how much we can never be, here on earth/ time and measurement decide every journey has an end.  Therefrom the value of this journey in time as life becomes, the definition we create for ourselves as    What we truly value within ourselves, as a part of this world, or the things, lives, and people we live with or without.  Sadness measures life, in time!  Sadness does not measure life itself.  Rather value accumulates around the purpose we engage to become “the best we can be”/ accentuates the desire of our hearts to be engaged with life itself/ or testifies to the tragedy of what we have not gained, thereby judging self as a testament to “the others have more”.  Games are created to challenge this assertion, and thereby “even the score”.  From that moment, you “have a voice inside your head”, to measure and re-measure the moments called “winner, or loser”.  The value of life in time, thereby translated by trophies and conquest.
From the element of sadness, people learn to hate.  From the tragedy of loss, people learn to blame “someone”.   From the elemental conquest of time over the body, the existence of violence does arise; as your contribution to “ I WANT YOU, to be sad as well”.  From here, WANT becomes the enemy of humanity, discovering in plots, plans, action, and reaction the means to tempt, influence, or manipulate and control those who remain happy among us.  Hate asserts, “you have no right”/ while violence demands, I WILL make you cry.  From these beginnings, the elemental destruction of being human descends to the levels of predator, or prey.  Those being predator assembling death/ while those who cannot accept the demand, become tempters, false prophets, liars & thieves; and more.

Nature is the existence of “experiences and expressions” we could never have imagined within ourselves.  Nature is the true value of an identity created, balanced, ordered, and disciplined to survive; and keep us alive as well.  Nature is an environment with boundaries, an opportunity to experience and explain the extremes that ARE within our grasp to do.  Nature is the foundation of this living world, the CREATION that can never be disputed by truth, that literally keeps us alive.  Nature is the discovery of time, by the introduction of a life we can measure, to create our own boundaries of influence and decision that then becomes the existence called myself/ ourselves. Without nature we are dead/ without a living nature, capable and willing to survive;   we are little more than dying. A disgrace of gambling, and the horrors of pride, arrogance, selfishness, and the greed called power.

LOVE is a singular expression, explaining the purpose of life is NOT to be simply self!  Rather love searches the heart to listen for life beyond the “measurements of me”/ to find the respect that allows me the freedom to express all that I can be, to you; and believe that you in turn will honor that freedom, and become “the home I have never known/ but always cherished”. Love accepts, this is a description of family that cannot be washed away, a dimension in time that will never be expressed without respect:   a discipline seized, to give order to our lives, as we search for an equal destiny created within us both,  as life alive.  Love remembers the meaning of life is captured, in truth.  Love understands, that truth without respect, is a tragedy for all.  Love discovers the blessing of freedom is NOT, a life without law/ but rather freedom transforms the relationship we share, into the blessing we are for each other.  Love examines the honesty of gender recognition, the value of being sexual opposites in truth; as the existence of “time standing still”, our hearts as one/ our souls, as if a ladder to explain the meaning of who we are, or who we hope to be.  Love is the message we share, that lives as the structure which binds us together, finding in grace the meanings that will fulfill our lives as one.  Love is a treasury that remembers, I have given of my body for you, in this life/ and I do ask that you remember me as well.  Love understands, that TRUE need, represents a love expressed that has no answers/ and caring is not limited “to just one”.  Love explains the miracle of children, as our trust in a future we must create together.
If you pass by, “your partner” to choose the child instead/ there will be a divide, that cannot be healed with simple words.  If you choose not to respect the child, your soul will begin to die.
The definitions who we are, or the life we will become, conceives of the time we are willing to share with those who do care about “I/ us”.  The creation of a scale, by which people measure their love, against their desire for things, or pride, or power/ etc;   is the surest way to create a door by which you intend to escape there is.  Therefore the question of love is:   WHY would you choose against me/ against us?  The answer:  WANT, is bigger!  The answer is, love is not the value in truth of who you are, or hope to be. Those who truly desire love, will always choose “life first”/ at least when reminded this is important too.  But never forget, in this world of “money rules everything, according to men”.  The consequences of not “defending your work”, becomes a defeat, and then a disaster for all. Therefrom we begin to understand, that a life discovered by peace and harmony/ CANNOT be marred by a competition so aggressive or extreme, as is today;   that is literally destroys family and friend.

The elemental search for a lover, is established by three things bound under the cover of passion.  “Notice me/ choose me/ & desire me as a life worth knowing honestly”.  Passion covers the imperfections of knowledge, and understands the possibilities of a future with you.  Passion remains, if the body is respected, and honored with life (the honesty of sharing, because you care).  Passion exists, because time has discovered the cause of loneliness, “is the lack, of you”.  Passion means:   I am, described by measurements I cannot explain as a man/ to men, about a woman.  Or as measurements “I” cannot explain simply to other women, for a man. Rather it is, the hope of a destiny that removes loneliness from my life, combines with the decision that you complete my life, here in time.  Or more simply, if you have not chosen the other sex over your own/ then you have no passion, and you live in a lie. Or you have chosen a path for yourself, that either does not include love/ or denies it, because there is something more important chosen; for or by; you to do, or be. It is your life, and you are free to choose for yourself.  Passion is the discovery of a world, beyond yourself/ held open to understand: “the value of a door” listens to the one who knocks/ waits for the one who asks with honor/ and opens only for the one whose respect cannot be denied.
Believe you are equal.  Believe and prove you respect yourself.  Never take away any respect from someone else/ that they may not learn to hate.  Search for truth, and you will find love inside.        Remember the body, “is a temple”/ for all who honestly worship    GOD     For HIS CREATION of us, both male and female alive in grace.

Grace is:   the blessing of a search joined by life. A hope created by body and mind.  An eternity filled with promise, because the reality of this creation, is MORE than we will ever know.    Do not overburden yourselves with morality: the demand of humanity to blame sex for all its troubles.  Sex is NOT the problem/ want, pride, hate, lust, etc are the choices humanity makes.  Sex has nothing to do with these, rather sex is an excuse used to cover up the demand:   FOR WANT, power, pride, hate, lust, etc!  These are issues of control, manipulation, temptation, revenge, jealousy, and the foundation of violence that establishes “I will hurt you”/ and    “Entering inside, or abusing the body” IS the most fundamental way to do that.  Sex for these, is then a weapon/ not even a tool, but the means to say:   I refuse to love, I chose hate.

Never forget sex is not free, but demands respect, honesty, love, hope, trust, forgiveness when necessary, truth, happiness, and a real desire “for you”.  Without these feelings, sexual relationships lack warmth, an opportunity to explore happiness, or a desire to care, or share, because this is not about you or me;  simply the chemicals inside. If you give your love to these/ WHAT will you have to give someone who does care for you? love is a gift!  That means, “its not yours anymore”/ unless that person will return it to you.  Touch is also a gift, if it is meant to be “kind”; and it returns without cost, if you believe “we can share”.  The biblical version of   “JESUS and his traveling companions is: that the disciples surrounded and protected the tent/ where JESUS and all the women slept together”.  Hardly a version of celibate.  The religious “are not always correct”/ it is simply easier to explain “DON’T do it”;   if you don’t have to answer why.  NOT a ridicule/ merely a stated fact, in the bible itself.   But do understand this simply:   sex is not an answer/ it is an opportunity to share what only man and woman can know within each other.  It is the truth about who, and what you do love/ or do not.  Women know, if you are willing to share and care.  Men know, if they have love, or do not.  Sex is NOT a “questionnaire”/ NOT a “deal, or debt owed to you”/ NOT the end or beginning of your value as a human being/ NOT your “religious piety or castration”/ NOT the ending or beginning of your love.  Rather sex as it was meant to be, is the blessing of what life will share between a man and woman/ when they are searching for the truth “of who they will be together as one”.  Not for children.  Not with apathy or disrespect.  Not without honor, or the honesty that is not shared, as our caring/ our hope for each other in truth.  But with love, the evidence formed by trust, “I will be held only by the warmth of your heart, loving mine, a touch of kindness and hope for our souls to meet”.  Forever, is not a gift anyone can truly give.  It is not ours to give.
Never forget, that sex by itself, or even in love cannot sustain a relationship, ONLY RESPECT for each other.  Respect for our humanity as individuals, as bodies of life give us the hope required to be free. Without true freedom, happiness dies.  Without truth in a relationship hope will die.  Without the disciplines needed to prove, “I can trust you”/ the ability to share, or even care fades away.  Contrary to what young girls think, YOU CANNOT “buy a man with sex”/ you can use him, even abuse him; but you cannot own him, because sex is not enough. Love is not a commodity, not a game, not a trophy or a claim of property.  Love is a gift reciprocated because you cared enough to share that which has no price, “your life with me”. 
Never forget, that sex can lead you;   and that means, the hopes, the work, the opportunities of body and mind that are not applicable to sex/ can be lost.  True love is worth its price, regardless what that is/ UNLESS reality proves, even love is not enough, if an entire world is at stake.  Even less/ but not much so; love is a treasure hard to find.  And if you do, it is a treasure worth spending your life for. 

We must gain our independence from those who hate us, want to control us, want literally to kill us/ because they don’t want to pay the price for their own life or choices.  Consequently, there will be a time of turmoil soon/ as life or death competes to win “this planet earth”.  The law, will rule for life.  Want will rule, if you fail. 
In this day we see, that current leaders have the illusion of power and pride as their idol to be worshiped and defended.  They take, and give it to the powerful, as their price to be a participant in controlling our world; thereby playing god over us. Whereas, truth only allows:  if we are to return to peace and harmony, it is the people themselves who must be returned to power over their lives/ by giving them the opportunity called WE THE PEOPLE, through law, truth, and reality without lies, theft, or deceit.  Thereby transforming society into the basis of life first/ by removing money first, as have men chosen forever.  There is a HUGE, and dynamic difference between these two decisions.  One cannot coexist with the other, because this world cannot tolerate the destruction anymore/ one will win, and the other will lose.  That, is your decision/ it is not mine. 

You may be certain, that the people of power, pride, selfishness, and hate WILL FIGHT/ by any and all means of deception and control, with war, if they can.  Because these don’t WANT, to be like you.  They don’t want justice/ they want MINE.  They don’t want fair play/ they want control.  They don’t want equality, that would mean, “they are not like gods over you”.  They don’t want “WE THE PEOPLE”/ BECAUSE that would end the cozy little relationship with politics and governing that gives them their control over life in this nation, and impact over this world.  But they do want power/ and you can be sure:   if not prepared, if not aware and certain of NOT.  THESE WILL try to gain some form of FEAR to make you obey.  Should they be at the edge of losing.  So then, you are warned.  To watch over weapons of mass destruction/ establish chains in the command to restrict leaders from making their own decisions/ stop the university from obtaining or controlling deadly diseases/ and so on.  The terrorists at home, are more than the terrorists abroad.  BUT IF YOU DON’T FIGHT THEM, they will soon kill you anyway.  There is literally no real choice here.   Hate will rise (or the people must accept being equal), but that is NOT what hate does or claims is it!   Hate cannot win unless you simply surrender.  If so/ then you die quickly.  End of life on earth, including you and yours.
Its not, a hard concept.

If you are old enough, you will remember the little girl who fell down an abandoned pipe well.  “The adults” made it possible/ and children will do, what children do.  IF those people had waited for “the experts/ the government/ the university/ etc”. OR let these bastard’s simply discuss without end, every dinky little detail, until it was too late!  The child would simply have died.  Instead, the people who could/ did what they could do/ and they did rescue that child with honesty, hard work, and the honor that goes with putting life first, instead of your own.  We are literally not that different today.  Greed opened the door to all manner of destruction/ putting the life of every child, and every living thing at risk of dying a horrible death.  IF WE DON’T take charge for ourselves, and do what we need to do to survive, and rebuild a life, a nature, and an environment that can sustain us all/ “then to hell we go”.  That too, is not a hard concept/ if you abandon your fears for an instant, and accept what the evidence will prove as true.  Run away, and you die.  Hide, and you will be consumed without hope.  FACE YOUR REALITY, and understand your truth.  Then make a decision that will become LIFE MUST BE FIRST, never money/ not ever again.  Let there be law instead. And let that law reward us all/ because we built it for ourselves.