The reality of women

It is the consequence and reality of men, that if there is no discipline/ then there is no man; only boy.  Therefrom many things can be deduced about men and boys.  As for me, the changes required are intensifying, and what is male has become less; to the point of “doesn’t seem to belong here” anymore. Its complicated/ not kidding! Consequently from a position of neither male or female, I do ask you to believe by the evidence/ that I mean women no harm.  It is a strange experience. That being said; the question is, how best can the world of women create change for themselves? 

There are seven basic steps
1.  It is the law we all create as a society that determines our lives in society.  EVERY LAW must be gender neutral, meaning its life, not male or female that matters.
2.  In every decision by society, the right to vote on what matters to me is absolute.  Therefore women shall not be denied an equal vote and an equal right.  Which means you are equal with men.  Make it clear, nothing else will do. 

3.  In every society, the law must be enforced by those it does effect.  Consequently INSIST that laws and punishment which distinctly affect only one gender SHALL be judged by that gender.  Such as is the case of rape/ and sexual crimes against women.  It is your right as the victim, to insist upon justice/ and not let men stand in the way. This is your body/ therefore it is your decision.
4.  In every society the need for justice cannot be underestimated/ because that determines peace, hope, and happiness for all of society, and its future.  Therefore the means to insure the guilty are found and brought to justice is paramount to building these things in society.  That singular truth, is aided and abetted by “victim defense jewelry (a free gift)” or: more simply, the use of a chemical embedded in the jewelry that can be used simply to identify, track, stop, and testify in court: this is the one. Along with all other methods of doing the same.

5.  In every society the reality of religion identifies the fact: THIS WAS “thought up by men”.  Consequently, although religion is not all bad/ it is plainly not all good either.  NOT a battleground against religion/ a need to take religions apart to find what is in fact VALUABLE to life on earth/ and leave the rest behind.  Or more simply redefine your religion without a bias toward men.  Because OUR CREATOR built both men and women as equals.  If you will not believe that/ then remember this: that no place on earth is a man closer to “heaven, GOD’S WORK” than the temple of its creation here on earth, as is woman.  Not a game/ just a fact.  Or more simply: remind men,   GOD’S CREATION here on earth, comes through female; including male:  GOD WORKS, through women/ not men!
6.  In every society, the demand for economies is governed by the games of men/ because they want pride, power, and selfishness; control over others.  As do many women/ but not nearly as many as men; because they are not forced to compete in the same ways.  Changing society to remove the game of money means: the competition goes away, and the rights to alter and conceive of LIFE FIRST/ shall occur.  That means “limited capitalism”: boundaries that remember “us too”. Are the means to a different working environment, and a different life, where money is limited to only small effects.  No more, “he or she has it all”.  Which then becomes freedom and rights and liberties for the rest too.

7.  The balance that is man and women together as one, is NOT to be taken lightly.  The right to lead or control society is NOT to be conceived of for selfishness.  The reality of sex is NOT a game.  Therefore the desire to change and rearrange the relationships between men and women/ from today’s “men have chosen”/ to the consequence of “women now choose instead”.  IS A VERY POWERFUL reality.  While you may believe and individually find “women choose”.  The more clear reality is women react/ because men have chosen.  “The opportunity, to change society and rearrange the rights and obligations of both sexes to become “fair and legitimate” to each other.  So that no games exist.  Will change the truth, of how happy we as a world can be!


The issues of how to deal with violence to women in general, MUST be dealt with through international laws first.  When the world says, this is what we will allow/ then the nations must comply. Religions be damned, if they won’t.
The critical course is: all forms of slavery are outlawed.  The penalty for having a slave is: the slave gets to exchange places with the owner/ what was yours, is now hers.  That leaves the reality of women, and children who are cast into the streets with no means of economic survival; other than sex.  The primary force against them is food, and very basic needs.  That means the critical reality that must be overcome is: “the governments” through their taxes, SHALL provide all people with a minimum level of existence/ such as would be a fair and legitimate job, taking not over 20 hours per week; that would then give them a REALISTIC  subsistence living for the entire week.  Twenty hours/ because that leaves the time and effort necessary to work for better.  20 hours, because more equals slavery.  DO these two distinct things, and this world shall change.

International law in terms of immigration would extract: in exchange for population control.  The nation being immigrated too, shall provide technical training in all area’s of work and life so as to better prepare a large portion of the population immigrating an honest opportunity to go back home and make a difference there/ instead of here.  They will take with them “something of value”/ such as would be an old but useful machine, that was rebuilt by the people who then would be using that machine.  In other words, the immigrating nation agrees to go back home in exchange for an education that would be useful and legitimate to their needs.
“Limited capitalism” is the boundary between you and I, which allows for differences in pay and wealth and property/ BUT DOES NOT allow for anyone to obtain or take more than the amount of money or property or control, than we the people create as a boundary for this nation by our vote.  By our “once a decade vote” so as to adjust and insure the bastard’s can be controlled.  It is that simple.  We the people are more powerful than leaders/ we are the law within our own land, because none can rule without extreme violence/ unless we agree.  The international community does owe, the protection of women so as freedom can be fought for.  Does owe the opportunity “for a fair fight”.  But does NOT owe, one side or the other anything else, apart from a world court to prove “this was or is unfair”.  Bring the leaders to trial!  Target the leaders directly, when demanding trial.  No more armies.  Let the leaders live or die for themselves.

MARCH 29,2011 Libya is again the concern of the day, because of war. War is never nice/ never fair/ never an answer, its just the method men use to say STOP mistreating me/ us. When enough agree, this has to stop; there is always war/ or a change in government leadership. Which clearly establishes, “it’s the leadership” that is the problem or has no solution or the people simply want what their nation cannot give them. In any regard, it is the leader that does stand in the way of peace/ because even if the people want more than a nation can provide: it is up to the leadership to prove to the people what they can do, or cannot do; by the evidence of reality. When people know they cannot have what they want/ then the men commonly prepare and attack their neighbor nations. Such is history and government by male. Or more simply: men look to one man to lead them, therefore instead of constantly bickering and fighting among themselves, it is one man that makes the decision for the majority, or at least the men holding the most weapons, and lack of mercy. Regardless of that; as we look to solutions for evading crisis and ending wars: we need look no further than the removal of a single leader or the few around him that demand they shall control. That is a very small target focus. That is a very few lives that must be threatened. That is an opportunity beyond war, for the resolution of mental chaos “how do we rid ourselves of this leader, protected by armies”. That simply means: we aim entirely at the leaders/ to hell with armies. They are unimportant, in terms of war. Because once the head is gone, the body will writhe for a time, but die. Removing leaders/ ends war. But it does not end the reality of why there is chaos unless it is the leaders that did cause the chaos to exist. The first part of removing leaders is limited to: WE DEMAND YOU THE LEADER OF THIS NATION, shall come to international court, and account for your actions and decisions; to your people and the world. International law, NOT leaders shall decide if you are guilty, or justified. Penalties shall be written into the law. The second step is: if you do not come to international court/ then we will come get you; by reward/ by mercenary/ or by international force. IF that seems reasonable to us. If it does not/ then we will simply have you and your little group destroyed, by the easiest/ least collateral damage; means possible. NO leaders like this method of compliance with the law, or enforcement of international law/ because it paints a target on their back too. It makes them “no longer gods”/ but servants of their own people; who the hell wants that. Being leader ain’t fun no more/ where’s the power! Or more simply you are responsible for the decisions that you make and guns won’t save you. Or more directly the entire structure of governing as men have designed it to be falls apart. No more guns decide/ rather law decides. That is a very significant change/ and significant numbers of men won’t like it, or they would have chosen it. That means there will be a backlash/ of men who want violence, because violence gives them power, and guns give them control. However as is plainly written here: those who want control and power the most, are leaders/ and if you take away the leader, the group falls apart. Unless there is truth and substance for life; which means simply, there is no power or money in charge: this is about life, for a planet, must come first. As indicated above; wars are about leaders/ but chaos is about the people who want what they cannot have and consequently lose their hope for life sinking into violence instead. It is a common distinction in men/ the results being rape, ravaging everything, a thirst for power, an intent to control, abuse, use, and deny by lies; and the elemental demand “to make someone else pay/ for what you have done to me”. Even though that is commonly for the vast majority as simple as: YOU DIDN’T give me what I wanted! As if you had earned it/ when clearly that too is a lie. Chaos reigns in men, when leaders die/ because they want, but no longer know how to get what they want, by participating as a herd with weapons, or more simply an army of thugs. Thug being: the failure of life turning into the violence of man. To combat men turned free to be violent, because now no leader exists to confront them; and give or allow them their ration of violence and control through the power of weapons; as an army of thugs. The reality becomes, groups of thugs randomly tied together because control demands a group. Without that group, these thugs quickly become defeated/ therefore they must have their groups. Since there is a limit as to how much you can use/ steal/ or rape; one group controls here, another there; and all the people are taught to fear by the brutality of those who absolutely don’t care about anything but playing god over you. Alternate groups arise, to kidnap too/ steal/ kill/ etc with varying degrees of violence; because the need has arisen to protect ourselves from those who are worse. Therefore primary to the question of how do we protect ourselves from the men of chaos? Comes the answer again as: THE REMOVAL OF WOMEN, from society into protected area’s or cities just for them/ by international forces. CHANGES the game of men entirely. No more release/ no more trophy/ no more submission without a fight/ no more “quiet nights” because no woman need be considered/ no more quitting for awhile/ no more sleep, because there is no reason to stop. No more threatening the child. No more slaves being made of women, or stealing their food, or what they do for life. ALL OF IT changes overnight. And men must then deal only with men, fighting until they are willing to compromise. Fighting until the women are ready to take them back; because the women are protected: they will make their own demands for society. In other words, the men regardless of their compromise among themselves; MUST also consider women as well/ or they can say no, for at least three years beyond the compromise of men. After that, a time frame shall be required of not less than 6 months before international forces are removed. While international forces protect and serve this world, they SHALL teach the women how to defend themselves/ train them with weapons/ and provide all communications necessary so as to tell their men what is needed and valued for this society. What they need and want, just like the men have wants; so do women. IT IS the concentration of women into one single place/ per side. In other words, if you want international involvement in any society/ then the women SHALL move or be moved to a single city if possible, wherein the international forces shall then protect them. With an initial ring of female soldiers/ and an outer ring of male soldiers if needed. That leaves the men, and you shall arm them deliberately rather than liberally to defend themselves. A man with a gun & “few bullets” is deliberate/ a man with a machine gun is not. In other words, let them be deliberate rather than able to massacre. The foundation of this approach is very simple: it is men that want war/ because they want to use and abuse the power of controlling other men. That has little to do with women. BUT the alternative to that is: the greatest consistent prize of all men (certainly the vast majority) is woman. Take away the prize, and you reduce the fight to just violence, and nothing more. Which means mercy fails, and the fighting is more intense/ but for a far shorter time. Moving the women to cities that are protected leaves that city intact for the future. Separating the men from their women while they are at war, eliminates the primary prize/ the fundamental worry: we must protect the women. Thereby its just hate or compromise that is left. Hate will consume itself. Compromise will learn the value of peace. Where there is no compromise, and the violence has subsided for a distinct period of time/ separate the nation into pieces that can be self-sufficient. Nobody gets it all; BE FAIR. Tell these sides, in no uncertain terms: IF THEY HAVE DECLARED PEACE, by not fighting; but not resolving anything/ then this is going to be done. Give them time to respond, with more war, or acceptance. One way or the other/ the women go back only when they decide; or when the international force simply refuses protection anymore. To sustain and establish the fact that no male gets to hide out in these cities: THERE MUST be international female forces that will make certain NO MEN are allowed beyond this point. period. To establish that as fact, it is absolutely necessary: that there shall be “easy recognition” of the fact this is female or male. YOU CANNOT have men running around in this city; simple as that/ until the fighting is done. Make up your own mind/ but be absolutely clear: YOU SHALL NOT wear “burkes” or any other full body coverings or veils. IT MUST remain obvious to all; this is a city of only women and their children, up to the age of 15 or so. The men must fight until they resolve their differences/ and the women accept their needs have been met as well. Women must work, it’s a job to take care of yourselves and not be a greater burden on international forces than you must. Its an opportunity for education in many area’s/ USE IT. Create your own conceptions of government and religion and work, and learn to agree with each other, because this is, “IN THE BEST INTEREST OF US ALL, including men.” Communicate that, as often as you can/ and change if you must, because truth requires reality. But life does not require you to be less than equal: be fair, and most of the men will learn to respect you. This is a historical change, simply put, it means the battlefield itself shall be changed; no more women anywhere you can go. The men are free to war, without concerns or compromise if they wish! No more rape of women. No more stealing from women. No more excuses. No more using children under a threat of death. No more taking the homes of women/ destroy theirs, they get yours. No more concern the other side shall get your women or children. Just men, fighting men, without the moderating truths that women and children demand. It will be bloody or it will be quick. Because without moderation, there is only violence left, in war or chaos. The most limiting factor of death and destruction in situations that WILL DEMAND violence/ because that is what men do. Is the removal of leaders by the introduction of world law and courts. The second least destructive method of compromise to violence is the death of a leader who refuses to come to court. The third least destructive method of containment of violence to the most aggressive and hateful; is the removal of women and children from the battlefield; and their international protection. The most constructive element in all of this is: that women shall design a “new government” based upon what is fair to all. And men do not get to easily come back into their lives until some critical truth of real change has occurred. Violence comes for a distinct reason. Violence comes because in the end that is what men allowed and caused within themselves. Violence ends, ONLY when there is change in the structures of society, so the same does not repeat again and again and again, as it clearly has, since recorded time. The only real change in male behaviors over the last 200 years or so is the fact: instead of attacking each other constantly, they learned that with machines they could attack nature and this earth instead; gaining even more of what they want, than with bloodshed. Today, nature is at the edge of extinction/ and the world or planet itself is at the edge of “nothing left to steal”. Consequently there must be change. Consequently the ways of men, are NOT an answer. This is the best, they did do. And we stand moments before extermination of the planet itself. WAKE UP.