The simple things
It is necessary, to provide an education for all children & people where possible.  But it is also necessary to insure population controls, so that every life possible can be sustained.  Consequently all “gifts, as are bound upon the richer world/ to give to the poorer world;   shall be tied to NO MORE than two children, and you are done.”  If there is not a strict adherence to realistic goals for a population that can survive/ then there are no “gifts/ little mercy/ or allowance for immigration elsewhere.”  Every nation must deal with the problems of over population honestly/ NOT like China, wherein the escalating trouble of a nation that chose almost entirely male;   WILL soon learn what young men can do when confronted with NO females for their future or life.  Tragedy will come/ the chosen slaves will revolt.
There is a solution for every nation that does not treat women equally.  It is to remove the women from the lives of men, separating them; so that reality will teach male “the facts of life” in terms of honoring the presence of female in their lives.  The men will say:   WE WILL SIMPLY TAKE THEM.  But truth will learn to answer, with law/ as the reality of a nation of women who join together to protect each other becomes a formidable enemy.  Learning to use the law means: THERE WILL, be laws against kidnaping/ rape/ etc.  The consequence of men who “take women”, then break the law/ and the law shall rule over them.  The critical reality of honor, respect, equality, and hope IS DETERMINED:   by who controls the court.  Either the law controls the court, either the law is proven to be the purpose of the court: OR THE JUDGE is proven to be corrupt, and with criminal intent has broken the law/ thereby facing punishment for his or her crime.  Critical control of the court requires two basic things:   an open door, whereby everyone sees the reality and truth of justice or not.  WHEN YOU PROVE, THE LAW WILL RULE, you own the court. And laws that are simple and plain for the people to see and understand/ so that none can be dismissed without consequences.  The critical control of the police requires three distinct things: 1.  They too, are subject to the law.   2.  The law shall be enforced properly and equally unto all:  or your job/ or your crime shall be subject to punishment or loss.  If you adhere to the criminal/ we will give you “his world in prison, or his death” 3.  If the police are attacked without warrant/ we the people will help  defend you; as best we can.  Therefore a trained & armed, public militia, outfitted by the government or world;  is a useful deterrent to crime.  When you prove, YOUR OWN neighborhood no longer needs the police/ then you own your world: because you are “its peace”.
Wherever there is a failed state, and a public in near chaos:  THE REALITY IS, you shall begin to rebuild by sustaining and controlling distinct area’s of the country, particularly suited to human life (choose the best/ and throw out the rich, if they offer resistence).  The intent and need, is to establish law, respect, and equality; thereby granting with justice the right and the reality of a life in peace.  Where this is observed by the rest of the public, they will gravitate to these area’s and be willing to accept the disciplines necessary for a life in harmony and hope.
The elemental association of work for society, sharing the burdens of, and resources for life, among individuals;   begins with the understanding ALL MONEY,   is NOT paper, or metals, or property, or animals, etc.  MONEY IS, the work, the efforts and time, and the resources of another human being in exchange for what is done for them in return.  Life makes us equal/ but work makes us different, because some work hard/ some take risks/ some choose to learn: and some do not.  Therefore equal in life, but not in your own participation with society.  THERE ARE HOWEVER LIMITS!  Such as how much you will be allowed to control, or earn beyond another person.  There are means of enforcement;   by vote on a periodic basis.  There is an education: the understanding necessary that applies the decision/   this machine took our jobs, or this “wall street” sold our stability as a nation, or this government “list of employees, LIED, CHEATED, AND ALLOWED criminals to steal our world.   And so on.
The fundamental essence of work in society is: that we are all entitled to work, at a fair wage/ with honorable conditions and choices for ourselves.  To do this, it is honest and true: that we as a society MUST share the work, by whatever means are necessary. YOU CANNOT have “riches”/ by making me poor.  Nor can I control your world, by insisting “we are the same”/ we are not that, but we are equal as life, and that gives every person the right to honor, dignity, and the integrity of doing their share.  Those who do not, are evicted; a place will be found.  It is elemental and true, that there are NO “rich”/ without the poor.  Because all “money” is either about someone working for you, or the resources necessary to do the work that you ask for.  Equal is: if I do an hour of work for you/ then you shall do an hour of work for me.  Fair is: if I do an hour of work that risks my life, my body, and my future/ then you owe me more than an hour of, no risk at all. 

When you look at the “technical advances” of today, people go “how great”.  Yet in reality, these things are consuming the lives of people who do depend upon their jobs/ destroying the sanctity, security, and stability of places like “rural america”.  Because one tiny group is taking everything/ by destroying the possibilities of the majority.  THIS IS WRONG!  And ought not be.  Thereby limits on the control of all resources are required.  Limits on ownership of such things as farm ground, and how much any individual can own are necessary.  Limits on resources that are necessary to the nation or world are required: such as, IF YOU do not do at least 50% of the real physical, and mental  labor; as is required to sustain a farming practice.  THEN you cannot own/ you will sell.  By vote, independent communities will decide/ within state requirements/ and national mandates that are representative of justice for all the people.
There shall be no open or structured trade among any country or nation that does not meet these requirements.  EACH SHALL OBEY POLLUTION LAWS.  EACH SHALL OBEY ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS.  EACH SHALL OBEY FAIR WORK AND LABOR LAWS.  EACH SHALL PAY A LIVING WAGE COMPARABLE TO THE OTHERS.  EVERY RESOURCE SHALL BE RESPECTED, AND THE FUTURE REMEMBERED.  ALL WILL JOIN THE DEMAND FOR WORLD LAW, AND POLICING FOR WORLD PEACE: “WITHOUT WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION”.  These simple things, create a world in harmony, with stability and grace for all.  You will help each other, by trading first: what is necessary to obey the laws above; or you cannot trade anything else.
The foundations of men as rulers, are very simple: “give me the money/ with this money I will control and take from you anything I want: and prove it with trophies/ and when that is not enough (and it never is), greed will be used to consume justice from this nation or world.”  That is the world of men.
The foundations of a world designed and ruled by women, MUST BE more complex:   establishing an education, so that all may participate in governing a world created for justice, equality, and hope.  Creating a discipline that respects both the world and each other.  Demanding from women and men; the possibilities of romance, sex, and life; the honesty, respect, and honor  which gives love, its joy.
Money is not a paper thing/ or a metal thing/ or a property thing:   it is one life, working for another life.  The difference between who works and who is worked for, in a man’s world, depends upon the competition.  When the competition gets to aggressive for the rich man/ he either goes out of business or imports cheaper helpers.  If that does not work, he then creates monopolies whereby he controls entire area’s/ thereby controlling the competition, by controlling either the politics or the court. It is a matter of pride, power is a tool to get that pride. Or with criminal elements in place, such as is the extortion of healthcare;   he threatens with “a loss, you will refuse to take, or a life you cannot bear to lose.”
When religions are in charge of ruling life, it is the competition they attack/ creating for themselves and their “little army”, the opportunity to control society in their way.  Not fundamentally money, but the power to deliberately tell each one what they will or will not do. Pride is relegated to, only the few/ the rest must be content with RULES, TO RULE WITH. Thereby passing down the power, to the army soldier; as a pacifier for his crime.
For women to be in charge of life on earth, the fundamental truth is: that they must abandon both power and pride/ and search for justice for all.  Life on earth, having endured endless arrogance and hate because of the choices of men and religion: WILL FIND THIS NEW, and refreshing, and desirable.  The question is: what to do about competition/ so that harmony can result.  The answer is: take away the fear/ but not the demand to work.  In reality that is as simple as:   establishing the more people you hire full-time , the more money we will let you earn (there are now limits). Let the worker understand his or her  power is found in controlling the limits of what the boss makes.  Let each business understand:   only what is taken out as personal income is taxable/ the rest as is necessary for the business remains intact for the business, but will be collateral for community banking.  You will inform them 6 months prior to removing the money for any purpose.  The taxes that run government come from income.  The taxes that are used for any other purpose such as roads, comes from the taxing the resources that are used upon or because of that road; in real terms/ not make believe. The taxes upon property become the means to achieve energy independence/ garbage pickup and recycling/ and in other ways establish a better society. 
The elemental truth for creating a new and better world between men and women is as simple as HONESTY AND RESPECT.  These are both failed relationships with life today, partly do to competition, but mostly due to want, and greed.  It is the expectation of being left out, that expands “errant behaviors and risk taking”/ thereby the methods most conducive to including everyone are best for society and life.  It is the lack of justice for all, that is expressed in want, whereby honesty and respect are abandoned in favor of “getting me some too”.  Greed then takes over, with I DON’T, AND WON’T CARE about you.  Fundamentally opening the door, to lies, cheating, stealing, tempting, arrogance, hate, revenge, and a long list of tragedy;   all because you did not care about any life, but your own.  Therefore hate and selfishness are enemies to life in harmony and peace/ they are weapons used to destroy truth, respect, harmony, honor, and love.   And must be removed from life “with love”.