In competition with the following links is a dose of reality.

Or, MORE SIMPLY as we see on the sun:    ONCE A FUSION FIRE IS LIT/ there is absolutely no reason to believe, it will die out, until the laws that govern that fire allow it.  THERE   IS NOTHING,  IN THIS UNIVERSE OF TIME, THAT CAN PUT IT OUT; it kills itself!  Self‑sustaining means: it reaches out, from one atomic environment into another atomic environment to burn atomic bonds, growing hotter each time:   "Just like a chemical fire, does to molecular bonds here on earth:  as the fire we do know."  Fire is fire: the difference is similar or same;  as seen in the intensity of an atomic explosion versus, a chemical one (tnt for instance).  Real fusion means:  Can't control it/ can't stop it/ can't do anything but die BECAUSE: EVERYTHING HERE IS FUEL, even the rocks and water! (How, you going to put it out)!  Answer the question.  If your university priests are wrong/ you're dead, as is your child.

CERN, the European physics lab responsible for discovering the Higgs boson just last month, has scored another major achievement in the realm of physics. No, scientists there haven't discovered any freaky new particles — they're just doing some pretty cool things with existing particles. Or should we say hot things: CERN scientists have created a "quark‑gluon plasma" that clocks in at a balmy 5.5 trillion degrees.



Researchers believe that the mass of sub‑atomic particles they created approximates the state of the universe immediately after the Big Bang. The ingredients for the mix were quite simple: two lead atoms, smashed.


Finishing the basic framework, in opposition to CERN. Both sets of experiments had neatly and independently confirmed the existence of a new sub‑atomic particle with a mass of about 125.5 GeV (gigaelectron volts), which is about 133 times heavier than the protons at the heart of every atom.


Even a simple mind can understand:   when you annihilate the "proton trains". In front/ like NASCAR, those following close behind simply accelerate through the opening created.

(c) The energy experiment at CERN is built, for the singular purpose


The machine lies in a circular tunnel some 27km in circumference, straddling the Franco‑Swiss border just outside Geneva. Here, massive magnets accelerate two opposing beams of protons to 99.9999991 per cent of the speed of light in the hope of crashing them together in such a way


  The answer is:   that a big bang did not happen without structural disintegration.  That means: SOMETHING "sliced and diced" the mass  to be blown apart prior to the big event so that everything could go at once.

What happens to matter when it is heated to 100,000 times the temperature at the centre of the Sun ?


The establishment of this trial asserts:

 The ATLAS detector is searching for new discoveries in the head‑on collisions of protons of extraordinarily high energy.



5. The critical call of democracy itself is: that we the people/ the owners of this nation, state, etc; shall rule ourselves by the law we create to govern our rights, establish our freedoms, and seek a foundation that will survive and be happy for those who come beyond us‑cms‑heavy‑ion‑results‑quark‑matter‑2012‑conference

This week, the CMS collaboration is presenting many exciting new results using high‑luminosity data corresponding to approximately 1 billion lead‑ion collisions delivered by the LHC in 2011.



As extreme energy is then, the critical existence of all those nuclei

 NIF 'tantalizingly close' to ignition breakthrough ... to achieving fusion with energy gain, following their latest experiments.


find at justtalking3  FUSION IS, "A SELF‑SUSTAINING FIRE"!

The diplomas believe:   "That fusion cannot be sustained here, as it is on the sun: because there is not enough gravity here".




Wrong is dead, for earth in fire. 


  MAKE THEM PROVE ME WRONG!  They believe:  the sun is on fire from the center out; completely engulfed, means you cannot see it/ THIS is a guess, an assumption.


Instead of a theory of men:     we ask simply: are there no  physical realities, which describe it instead.


Make them prove their theory: THEY BET YOUR LIFE/ YOUR EVERYTHING on the result! Prove it with truth, and wisdom;   not actions of the damned.


   IS, "that too much to ask"!  They will say, there is no possible REAL way (don't accept fantasy or delusion) to prove it is true or untrue without this experiment.  Rather they are believers, like any other religion: and their priests/ their congregations believe;   therefore like every religion,  nothing else matters, to them.  "They are, miniature gods"



  So then we again return to this our reality, too; and find:   IF THEY ARE WRONG/ WE ARE DEAD TOO!  OR more simply, these experiments are NOT, "just their choice".  The entire planet dies with them, if wrong/ an abhorrent risk so extreme,




MORE TERRORISTS FOUND. JUSTTALKING‑news/8857154/Worlds‑most‑powerful‑laser‑to‑tear‑apart‑the‑vacuum‑of‑space.html

Capable of producing a beam of light so intense that it would be equivalent to the power received by the Earth from the sun focused onto a speck smaller than a tip of a pin, scientists claim it could allow them boil the very fabric of space – the vacuum.



 A fire so ferocious, fusion (the ignition, and subsequent sustaining; of atomic bonds burning is guaranteed); same fire as is on the sun, here on earth. Destroying us all! "Simple satan"/ for lack of a better word. If their theories are correct, and it works/ the earth becomes a sun; and all life dies. But the lasers planned by the Extreme Light Infrastructure Ultra‑High Field Facility, known as "ELI," would concentrate 200 petawatts of power ‑‑ that's 100,000 times the world's power production ‑‑ and fire it at a single point for less than a trillionth of a second.



Find at justtalking3   One instantaneous explosion we agree on that. Anchor there

 GRAVITY:  is a weak force clearly and without doubt/ PROVEN in our own definitions of life, "we are not glued down to this planet; think about that"/ even though our proportionate size would require that to be, if gravity were anything as they describe

Synthetic biology aims to improve the process of genetic engineering. It looks to a future where the design of genetic systems and the idiosyncrasies of DNA are decoupled, and one can compose living systems by mixing‑and‑matching genetic parts.




Your story tellers make a big statement

Computer‑Aided DNA‑Assembly Design

The construction of the first synthetic microbial genome and the first synthetic eukaryotic chromosome were aided by the use of scar‑less, multipart DNA‑assembly techniques. Although these techniques are highly effective and of vital importance to synthetic biology projects, they are also error‑prone, time‑consuming, and labor‑intensive.


A new industry model is emerging where microbes are first developed by specialist organism engineering firms and then deployed by customers in specific application areas. It is now realistic for companies without prior fermentation experience to purchase and deploy an engineered organism to expand their business.


C.  Crucifying our world:

Aside from Frankenstein, previous attempts to make synthetic life have focused on genes. Geneticist Craig Venter and his colleagues, for example, announced in 2010 that they had created a one‑celled creature by inserting an artificial genome in an existing cell that reproduced.


Now a separate team of scientists from Harvard University and the California Institute of Technology have built an eight‑armed jellyfish by inserting muscle cells from a rat into a sheet of silicone. The resulting "medusoid," as they called it, could offer insights into tissue engineering ‑‑ such as re‑building a heart. And show that when building tissues, there might be several ways or materials to use other than those found in nature.


PHOTOS: Five Scariest Bioweapons


 biology is NOT a simple mix of chemicals in a pot, stirred.  Mutilations cannot be undone.  Pandemic's cannot be reversed.  Biological weapons can kill 97% already, of humanity. Evolution is nothing more than another religion: very little more than "I went shopping for what I wanted a body to be/ I chose/ I built myself, over billions of years"; without a mind.‑change‑materials‑bring‑us‑closer‑to‑brain‑like‑computers‑110630.html

The brain is an enormously complex machine whose processing power is unmatched by even the most advanced supercomputer. In fact, as evidenced by IBM's famed 'cat brain' project, the best supercomputers are required just to simulate the basic behavior of biological neural circuits.


A major difference between the brain and a supercomputer is that the brain handles memory and processing at the same time ‑‑ on what is essentialy a parallel circuit. But even the best computers are built with physically separate 'memory' and 'processing' components. The back and forth transmission of data between these two subsystems makes the machines inherently non‑parallel.


CURIOSITY.COM: How Has Our Definition of Artificial Intelligence Changed Over the Years?


9. Evolution is their excuse, it will fix anything they destroy




However, this month in the scientific journal Advanced Materials, a study led by David Wright of the University of Exeter in England has shown how semiconductor 'phase‑change materials' have just the right properties to build a machine that can store memory and process information at the same time.


The curious property of



That means something happened here that is extremely unlikely.  Show us the evidence this is not so.  Water is not a creator of life, any more than is oxygen a creator of life:  they are tools and resources.  NATURE IS THE GENETIC CODE.                

1. Human Genome Mapped

Coiled up inside every human cell sit 23 molecules that, if unwound and placed end to end, would stretch about three feet. Those molecules, known as chromosomes, contain all the instructions necessary to build an entire human being. It took more than 10 years and an international collaboration of scientists, but the year 2000 saw a rough draft of the entire human genome, followed by a completed version in 2003.


The publicly funded Human Genome Project and its private competitor, Celera Genomics, constitutes one of the largest scientific endeavors in history, one that revealed in intimate detail just what makes up a human being.


With the information from individual genome maps, scientists can uncover new clues about everything from a person's body odor to mental disease.


Since decoding the human genome, dozens of other species have had their genomes sequenced, including pigs, dogs, bees, mosquitoes, puffer fish, chimpanzees, yeast, corn, and rice. With these maps in hand, scientists can and will discover new ways to heal diseases and improve crop yields.



By vote, WE GIVE OURSELVES the jobs we need, by sharing the work/ sharing the burdens/ building for a future "that reality designs", not want/ and asserting:   "We have rights too".  The ownership of any nation, is dependent upon "OUR DECISION"/ anarchy is dependent upon, "I will never share, with them".  So the question of governing itself is: can you control hate, or will it control you?  The difference democracy designs is: we the people shall control hate, by our law.  If by law you choose to share, as equals: then an opportunity to work at a "fair, living wage"; is fundamental to democracy itself.  "The promise" you have made to each other. Not charity or welfare, a job.

By vote, we shall decide: what is fair and legitimate risk/ gambling with life, environment, or world.  This, IS OUR DECISION, NO exceptions!  The reality assigned by "what happens IF you are wrong" OR by the truth of a threat, that desires NO place here, AS IS "weapons of mass destruction!  Terrorists relegated to a world court: because you threaten all life, and every future reality.



ALL OF IT, BY using counterfeit money;

if it cannot be paid/ it is not a debt/ IT IS INFLATION.


10. The fundamental failures of american government by our employees has been "endless". The delusions of numbers; the literal claim by high ranking employees "we don't have to pay our debts/ we can just make more numbers. The absolute stupidity, of every fantasy they can think of is "brain dead". The past is little better: "Reagan's grand success"/ was generated entirely by selling all the nation's gold. Go look at exhibit #3 federal case 11108‑12L, line 20: today's gold holdings by the USA are 11 billion dollars, at $1600 per ounce equals 4296 gold one hundred pound bars. A stack roughly 10 feet/ by 10 feet/ by 2 and one half feet high. Not exactly "Fort Knox full".










To keep this hidden, it was called a debt/ so that everything seemed stable to the masses: while the few stole everything they could get (with their new free numbers): currency not tied to reality or truth.  SOMEBODY HAS POSSESSION OF ALL THESE NUMBERS, and they DO expect the others to do their work, and surrender their possessions or resources to them for these numbers called money.  IS THAT NOT SO?  Truly it is. 



As we head to depression in this USA, what is clear is: those who are prepared will do better than those who are not.





They stole from us all,  the wealth of America/ the democracy that is America, and redistributed it to themselves as debts against the rest (be our slave).  Claiming now to be rulers, instead of our employees.  Claiming now to own this democracy, as their personal treasure chest/   because a traitor signed:   therefore we owe them,  forever