War and peace

The fundamental assessment of what belongs, and what or who does not belong.  The critical understanding, that a decision is not only necessary to be made/ but has already been made, and will be carried out as designed.  The functional reality of a first amendment redress of grievances is:   that the people themselves, believe change must come, and this is a legal fight/ that there may be no literal war, with weapons that maim and kill.  Peace is the essence of being heard above the want, so that life shall not be sold to slavery. Peace is the elemental task, of a  prepared society; that will then choose beyond fear, by the assessment of reality and truth; to prepare a different world, by necessary change.  The coward, the deserter, the traitor, the greedy will never help society/ they know only selfishness, and have no heart.

Redress is not a political matter/ the first amendment gives LEGAL protection to:   all religion, that is functionally true (not strictly a social excuse)/ all speech not defined by hate, and the intent to disavow or destroy someone else’s life/ all press and journalistic intent to help society rather than destroy it/ and to the people themselves, that they may NOT feel a need to wage war against their own government, but will be listened to: WILL be respected as the true owners here.  That is redress, and it is a functional legal tool, for the people themselves/ through the court.  The only actual legal defense against a demand for redress through the court is: that there is no cause for concern, no crisis to be avoided or examined for truth as to a threat to or against this people. It is the jury (speaking for all the people in the land, as a beginning)  that decides this question/ not the court.  Redress is the law, and the law provides it to the people themselves, as their own proof of democracy “WE THE PEOPLE”, are the owners. Procedure has been established for this case, therefore the court has no excuse; because it has no prior case to declare against the procedure requested. Its only option is to declare a “higher court” must make this decision/ anything less is an act of criminal conspiracy to avoid the law, and steal its purpose from the people.  Or simply accept the case, and let it go forward in this court of the people.  Prove me wrong.

In my own reality, balance between male and female was conceived to be a “sustainable situation”.  But already that has passed, and I now find myself somewhat slightly aware of what breasts assemble in me/ more sensitive now, they are “driving me crazy/ they are doing something, it feels like they are ready to explode”. I hope not.  But for the first time I actually feel attached to them or something, as if me/ or some kind of relationship with me that is suppose to exist; “I don’t really know”.  Not strange (can’t say why), but something  different. Other influences too/ I care not to talk about.   Life has again proven what is female will do whatever she wants in body and mind here in me/ she just owns me. Not “awful”/ just different, or really different. Not really a war, that has already been won. Its not that I won’t let this go/ this is a reality that will not let me go. My choices are essentially over, there is no going back. I feel like, I have just become a girl. Not “processed through” but its’ over for male in me. Not kidding, and my mind keeps repeating “gentler, kinder, be nice to people, use a soft touch”.  Not unhappy, but really different. You can’t imagine. Everything is shifting, creating a new relationship with me, or maybe without me, I can’t tell. Life is different too.

In your own reality, the balance you need to continue as life on earth, is placed before you as trial.  If you refuse, then judgment will be passed, and ownership of this world goes to men.  They will provide to you every threat that has been assembled, and within a short time you will be dead/ an entire planet of life lost.   Its not a choice you can afford to discard/ this is life on earth for you, yours, everything. Consequently like me, it is female that will decide how this ends.  Whether you like that or not, is completely irrelevant. I cannot survive eternity anymore without female as part of my life, or “entirely female” as life.  You cannot survive any of the major threats against life on earth, as men have created, developed, assembled, desired, or demanded;   all will die instead.  The ONLY REAL CHANGE, is women must lead.  Nothing else will do. That is reality for both of us. Consequently women will decide.

As to war on this earth today, this first functional reality of trial, determines whether you have the desire or ability to recognize your truth, and examine, investigate, and recognize your reality for yourselves.  If you do not/ then the war is over/ women fail too, and life moves from the possibility to survive; to the endless tragedy that will become death to all life on earth. It is, a simple concept, assembled by the severity of threats/ and determined by the evidence you prepare and create for yourselves. The opportunity to deny or compete against the evidence to prove this is not a certain disaster coming quickly/ is for a courtroom, not an opinion poll.  If you simply deny disaster and choose fantasy as a majority/ then one of two things will happen.  If women are a majority who will defend this earth with their lives honestly/ then disease or death by whatever means    GOD   chooses will befall all men, removing from their numbers an amount sufficient to sustain    HIS CREATION.    If women are in the minority, preferring NOT to defend this earth for life, even if men are a majority, it goes immediately to terror and tragedy; and you CANNOT lie to    GOD,    HE will know.  Simple as that. I suggest you talk to all women, every single one/ and try to make them understand this is important.
Apart from who gets to decide, the critical war is between love and everything it needs life to be for peace/ and hate, everything it wants life to be for pride, power, selfishness, and control.

That means as time goes by during trial, there will be those on both sides who become “more aware” of the stakes here/ and that will bring consequences.  This trial is not about simple economies, healthcare, or any other threat by itself;   this is about every influence that will become a distinct part of our future from this time forward.  Everything, every life, every aspect of environment, every participation as human beings or any other life form, is going to be determined by what you do, or do not do, here and now.  That means, YOU have become judge and jury for life on this earth.  You wanted to play god/ and now you will bear every responsibility required, that you can honestly bear.  If you refuse, then you are finished.  If you turn back on your decision, to move forward for life, tragedy will return. If you fail to stop the experiments that threaten your life/ you will die.  If you refuse to consider the damage being done, on every front;  and make real honest efforts to address and correct these failures, you will learn why this was so bad/ and billions will die.  This is no game.  Neither delusion, fantasy, lies, or hate will stop any reality that has been set into truth against you.  Those are done.  Your only option is to accept the price of life, and pay it.  That price is truth will lead, reality will decide, women will design and determine how best we can all proceed, and justice will protect LIFE MUST BE FIRST FOREVER, from now on.  Or you fail.  It is NOT, a hard concept/ it’s a choice.

As to the battleground before us, the question is who owns the right to determine what society here on earth shall be?   We the people, or those who call themselves our leaders?   But in truth, it is more complex than that, because WANT is absolutely irrelevant, what is justice, fair play, equality and equity for all is a function of life first.  Therein the essence and element that is law, becomes the venue and the reality of who gets to decide what our lives are going to be from this time forward.  That means, the endless words of current male law will be abolished.  And a new form of law, similar to a one page fits all design/ with less than one hundred actual laws shall take its place.  World law shall be similar, and after this creation for America/ the rest of the world shall follow, with their own versions CLEARLY RESPECTING WOMEN, in every possible way.

Religion is certain to have their own say/ mostly I suspect will go against the message or me.  They like control too.  But that is irrelevant to me/ and I suggest you continually review the list of threats against you, and understand what it means to be wrong.  Understand this is literally, THE ONLY CHANCE you will get to make any change to the outcome of all these threats to life on earth. Being wrong will mean you die/ that is not a threat.  It is a fact that will be bolstered by courtroom evidence:  and THAT IS what I am demanding of you.  Not to believe me or the threats listed/ but to search, examine, investigate and decide for yourself.  Demand the facts, and let none stand in your way;   IT IS YOUR RIGHT/ BECAUSE THIS IS ABOUT YOUR LIFE, and every life on earth.  What could be more important than that.  Certainly not me!  I am not your threat/ not your leader/ not your savior/      Not an enemy of any kind.  I am simply the messenger, bringing you this message of life hangs in the balance:   and today you must decide if you care enough to believe in the truth, as you must learn for yourself/ and then fight for life on earth, by paying the price that must be paid.  Its not a hard concept. 
Lots of things must change.  Particularly want.  No more taking whatever you want, we must protect life shall come first, including the future and every life in it not yet born.   That means decisions that will require you to accept sustain ability requires this fact of life.  But that also means, you must be careful not to let the others decide what that means/ but do so as a society with your vote in broad matters, and with your courtroom in small ones, when necessary. Hate must be isolated and removed in one form or another.   Greed must cease to exist, as much as is possible for you.  Selfishness must give way to friendship.  And pride, with all its attendant games must end.  Not simple games/ but the intent to make people winner or loser; measured and found worthless or less.  NONE of these things are too hard for you, all are possible with merely the decision to apply them to your lives.

This economy will fail, lies and liars and thieves and cheats and traitors have made it impossible for this not to happen.  BUT ALL THAT REALLY MEANS IS;   the money is missing, or in the hands of the rich who refuse to share.   Since the money has been made worthless in and of itself, “the rich” are irrelevant.  And the rest, shall simply understand:   all the struggles and plans to BE WEALTHY, and take everything you wanted from your children, by making them your slaves;   has now disappeared.  It was never yours.  It was never fair.  You did not earn any of it/ but spent every penny and more.  And you will NOT KEEP these signs and the evidence of your rape and pillaging the nation and your own children besides. AS A GROUP/ some individuals do not belong, but the majority certainly do!  Shame on you, even if that is not nice, its true.  Even if that is not “soft”, your children have needs and desires too.  You cannot make them your slaves/ as you CLEARLY DID DO.  Life is not a game, and that means “you did not win”/ you cheated, lied, and stole.  Pretending you could take more than you earned, with pensions, wall street, social security, healthcare, government, and more.  The more you struggle to keep your stolen goods/ the worse you will suffer. Simple as that.

You can choose to keep business running. You can choose to keep foreigners from taking everything.  You can choose to make a new currency and distribute it now, so that everything is not stolen from you by the rich.  You can choose to work for life, and respect your reality by supplying food, water, and resource required for this interim time while we all decide what the future will be.  You can choose anything you wish: BECAUSE IN THE END,   MONEY is just about what you wanted to buy/ rather than about what you need to survive.  The difference is:   how you measure a life.   If you measure by the game of money: then “the winners” get to have anything they want regardless of supply and demand/ they can and have sought to strip this earth bare.  By that measure “the losers” have given up their resources, their time on earth, their future, and their means to survive/ being disassembled by fear to allow the predators to gorge themselves.   If you measure by the reality of money: wherein the truth is, WE the people ARE that money as life working, time spent, efforts and ability used to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of those who give us in return; “a paper dollar” without any real numerical or accounting value/ then the vast majority of we the people have been fools.  Spending time, surrendering resources, obeying commands;   for what can only end as nothing, on a day not determined by us.   If you measure by what the rich people “allow us to have”/ then we are getting more “expendable” everyday.  As population increases, and machinery efficiency continue to make us less valuable as resources or more correctly slaves (just keep them alive/ that’s all you got to do).  You can continue to believe “the money will forever be ok/ cause this is america; and we’re rich” OR you can look at the facts, and understand like everything else, if you simply take, and never put anything back, the day will come when nothing is left.  Resources will start ending soon.  The largest aquifer in the US will be completely drained in ten years/ ending grain surplus forever. The fertilizer potash will most likely end within ten years further reducing crop production by twenty percent or so soon after.  Livestock are without doubt going to experience an epidemic of disease within ten years because they are in close confinement and the antibiotics are certain to fail before that date.  The aquifers will be drained in ten years;   due to ethanol production/ gas and oil production/ pollution/ and just plain wasting water, with no hope of recovery.  The sea will be empty within 5 years at best.  No food/ no water, and that is just two threats of many. Do check it out/ don’t just believe what you are told;   demand the evidence and investigate through several sources. And if at trial, be certain to clearly establish:   THERE WILL BE SEVERE AND DEADLY CONSEQUENCES FOR LIARS.  You can be honestly wrong/ but if you intentionally lie, you die.
This is not a game. 
This is not a command or a demand to believe whatever I tell you.   This is a true and correct NEED to identify and assemble the truth by the evidence, so that you can make changes to your life, to this nation and this world/ and survive.  I MERELY TELL YOU,   “GO TO COURT”, and find your truth as best you can.

I will add this story:   there once was a small group of individuals who believed they had been tragically ridiculed, disrespected, made to fear, and maligned just for being “identified for prejudice”.   The consequence was, a demand to find weapons, and enforce not only respect, but dominance over others.  Into this situation, a young man walked, not understanding any portion or part of what was going on (not me), and quickly believed “this is not fair/ not used to being: second class”.  So he said to the others, “let us stop this, and went to confront; but no one went with him; as is often the case”.   He backed down/ but as hate had formed in the group who wanted revenge on someone, perhaps on life itself, he was soon attacked, and with a knife at his throat; found his own fear.  They did let him go, because true fear can be seen in the eyes, and it will not attack what it fears.  The moral of this story is:   without respect HATE will form.  The consequence of that hate, will be violence and revenge; even if the actors on this stage would never have ended here on their own.  Lives are altered, love is lost, fear is expanded to include “all such people”/ and the world is divided into tragedy; because these cannot be trusted, not from either side of the line ridicule, disrespect, and want did make.  Want assumes “if I can take this, its mine, I earned it.”  But truth says: if you took, what someone else did need/ and left them in trouble, or without, or even dead inside or out.  Then what your want DID DO, was to change this world, by creating the fundamentals of hate, the reality of violence, and the revenge demanded by disrespect.  These are the things want earns.  Fear follows, because hate demands revenge, jealousy, abuse, plotting and planning and contempt.  Or more simply, “we must NEVER forget”.

Love establishes an opportunity for peace.  Because love seeks to create peace, and define happiness for all.  But that cannot be perfect, because we are not perfect people.  Therefore the law must decide for us, who can or who cannot be trusted. It is the law that must judge, so that we do not have to.  Where there is truly violent hate/ there must be separation, and even death to the worst: you DO NOT belong here with us.  Where there is anger, discontent, and distrust, there must be a courtroom to examine the evidence, and investigate who is correct and why; so that we as a society can determine what is legitimate and fair, not only to the participants, but for our society as well.  Justice, is the foundation upon which all happiness finds its freedom to be expressed, and experienced as our own creation in life, our own ability to reflect and identify what is true in me or you.  If we have not justice, for all/ then we cannot have peace.  Because war makes no friends, and without friends, only loneliness and hiding are allowed. But a legal war searches for happiness, by granting to the people an opportunity for justice through changing the status quo, and applying hope for a future that will be kind to all.
Redress, is a weapon against “the powers and pride that be”/ therefore it creates the impulse for change by opening the doors that make change possible, without true war.  Only the people themselves can act upon that chance.  Only the people themselves, can create a new direction, and a new way; by insisting we MUST BE TRUE TO LIFE, through peace.  Redress is not a weapon for finding fault/ unless it simply cannot be avoided.  Rather redress is a method for finding hope, and happiness as a society, by giving we the people, their own true say.  We are the owners, therefore the final decision of who or what our lives will be;   DOES in fact, belong to us.
But make no mistake, you are responsible for the decisions that you make.  And like death itself, there are no second chances, once you cross “the line”.  Truth is essential to life.
There are any number of people who do fear me; “going to   bring change/ going to lead us to ruin/ going to destroy what we have; and so on”.  But I am not your leader/ not your savior either.  I simply bring the possibility of change, it is you, who will decide if change is coming.  It is you, that will be responsible for the decision that you make/ it is not me.  I have already done my job.  Redress and change, is yours.

There are those who will demand, and rightly so, that I did use [ ridiculed, disrespected, made to fear, and maligned just for being “identified for prejudice”].   Throughout the majority of this writing/ therefore I must have been working to produce hate!  Yet I did also produce the means to ridicule, disrespect, and prejudice me/ granting you relief throughout that process; so that you would not fear me.  The fact that you must fear your own future as it is today, IS ESSENTIAL to demanding change.  A battering ram was needed, do to the hardness (pride) of your hearts.  It took a war, to bring redress of grievances to your door/ war is often UNKIND, but it is “sometimes necessary”. My world has now changed, the war is over, although the battles have just begun for social change, the critical demand for today is “gentle, kind, nice, and with a soft touch” so that none are driven away with fear.  That does not mean truth will be abandoned, that does not mean reality will be sacrificed just because there are people who have failed inside and out.  It just means, change demands a literal new approach, for a future that will be different.  Whether your decision is for good, or bad/ is up to you.  I cannot make you accept anything, the future is entirely up to human respect for truth.  Want, is irrelevant.  I do not ask you to trust me with anything, except hiring or firing lawyers to represent you in this redress of grievances trial/ and that, is strictly up to you, not me.  This is your life, this is your nation, this is your future, and the future of every child and every thing.  THEREFORE THIS IS YOUR DECISION, and you may NOT apply any portion of tragedy or success to me.  I simply bring you, this message:    If you do not accept true change/ then you will die, because the evidence demands this is true.  I merely provide the means, to remove every excuse.  Fail to act upon your opportunity to put LIFE FIRST, and forever.  Simply means, then you chose to continue as you are.  Then you chose to accept the threats which surround you, and gamble with all life on earth.  Simple as that.  
It’s a choice.

Whether I live or die, makes no difference at all, in the demand for change on this earth, on this human society to change itself for life shall be first/ never again shall money be first.  Should I be killed, it merely means an asset for life, has been lost/ NOT the legal war to demand and create a future that we as humanity shall survive.  Not your savior/ not your leader:  simply a messenger, or in a slightly different wording, “I do this work to honor    GOD,         particularly, because I DO    RESPECT   HIS CREATION!  Simply the “plaintiff for life”/ because someone must, it is not a choice/ this is our need.
You are judge, jury, and now:    “holder of the keys”.   Your work, your decisions, your courage or failure decides.  Not mine. I have finished this work, for all intents and purposes in time.  “YOUR TURN”!

            MAKE YOUR DECISION, for both life, and eternity.  Simple as that.  But remember this: it is women who must identify what is true change, and the reality of what society must be.  Men have had their say, over thousands of years; and this IS, “the best they did do”.  And we DO, stand at the edge of extinction, whether you wish to believe that, or not.  Women, because they are DIFFERENT/ therefore the society they do choose, will be different as well.  They simply, “ CANNOT do worse”.  The world has changed, neither war or money can fix anything, anymore; they can and will be used as needed.  But in the end, we are 7 billion people, and war will never be able to “kill enough” to provide relief, or force the others to go away/ because there is literally no place truly left to go.  Money as is proven today, if allowed will turn society into the very rich/ and the very poor;   because it can.  Just one penny collected from each of 7 billion people means you have $70 million dollars; and there are people who fight for every single penny, “to be rich”. Regardless of the damage done to others.  There will be honest and real limits for life first, or you will fail.