What, is gentle, kind, and compassionate?

These are questions, assigned by the creation of a new and better society, built upon peace, harmony, and happiness.  Therefore, it is necessary to learn the relationships that form RESPECT for all life.
Gentle, is the time it takes, to feel the blessing called soul/ the reality that is the creation of heart/ the discipline required to earn and own the understanding “this one needs, today”.  A gentle love hears the soul, because it asks not for me, but for us. A gentle heart lives within the truth that time is not the treasure of life or living/ rather the essence of our friendship is. A gentle truth discovers passion, because it lives inside the honor of a life chosen for love.

To be kind remembers the day, “I/ we chose to hear our hearts beating as one”.  To be kind surrenders the substance called pride, because we are equal.  To be kind, lives within the truth of happiness, because we can/ because we care and share the environment that is not only hope, but respect as well.  To be kind, encourages the heart to find trust, to hear love, to see the possibilities of a life defined by the meaning of family, the existence of friend, and the essence of faith in the truth of miracles as we surely are.  To be kind, is to discover happiness shared is the breathe we take as one life given to another in harmony through hope.  To be kind, remembers the elemental truth of sex; that we are bodies held by the light within our soul, to the essence of love, and the heart earned/ or abused by those who honestly care not.  To be kind, is to understand, that the mind is a treasury of what you gain in truth/ what you hear, that must be cleaned/ or the discipline we share, to believe in life; even when none are worthy because pride means more.  To be kind, is to refuse greed, knowing and accepting it is an enemy.  To be kind, is the gift of self, the relationship expressed, the tears shared, or the experience of a time created “just for you, and me”. 
Compassion is, the end of judgment/ and the beginning that leads each one into the experience of being alive.  Compassion, is the expansion of self, that it may no longer see “only me”/ but understand, this is a world completed only when the world, the living are alive with us.  Compassion creates the environment of home, the discovery that you are more than alive, you are more than trusted, you are family;   the essence of a truth that will never be abandoned.  Compassion is, the participation in love without pride or purpose, the elemental truth of a decision that needs only you, to make it worthwhile.  Compassion is, the blessing of hope, as it sows within tears of joy and sorrow the beginning of a new day, even an eternity where love cannot fail.

Of these three basic things, life knows it is born for love/ experiences faith/ earns the relationship of time/ and commits to the disciplines of a reality that can grow forever.  When you “see the flower flourish, and blossom in every way”/ it is impossible to misunderstand, love lives here.

The foundation of new and better things, lives where respect rules through truth/ life believes in happiness/ and hope cannot be denied, because sharing and caring exist in the honesty of lives dedicated to love.

 Instead of that, the world is a battleground formed by greed, punished by pride, controlled by power, and delivered to hate by the endless reality of threats, both small and large defined by those who gamble with our lives, simply so they can play god, for the singular purpose of destroying what is precious and sane/ to prove “they believe, they are god, over us”.  Such is life in this day, where the flock of sheep has grown so large/ it overruns the land; and the wolves prepare for the slaughter.
Gentle is not the endless excuse, “I DON’T want to deal with this/ SO i RUN AWAY, i HIDE, i BELIEVE ANYTHING i AM TOLD; JUST SO, I DON’T HAVE TO KNOW THE TRUTH.”  Gentle, is not the endless attack of sexuality used as a trophy, for the game of men; “where women must compete”.  Gentle, is not the foundation of lies, fraud, extortion, and theft/ that has become government, healthcare, and business aligned to see who can steal the most.  Gentle is not the tragedy of a courtroom given to corruption, the endless seas of fraud, liar, thief, and whore.  Gentle is not the intent of every pension plan to make the rest their slave/ to steal and kill the heart of every worker left to do the work, because you WANT to play king or queen or ruler with their lives.  Throw them in the trash/ so long as I get to BE RICH:   HELL, let them be disemboweled, sell them “for dog food”.  Because you refuse to care, if a penny is lost from you. 

America as a nation, HAS TAKEN far more that it ever gave away (look at your numbers, look at reality; understand theft by “we will pay later”, is the same as swindlers today. There is no difference.)/ it is an extreme tragedy for the rest.  America as a people, do give some, where they believe in the cause/ only to be extorted with lies/ tempted with tears/ and discovered fueling organized crime with all the corruption that stands as a trap in their way.  There is no kindness here, because someone always tries to steal it.  It takes honor, to be kind.  Without honor, there is an ulterior motive; which means it is a trap.  Without honesty, there can be no compassion/ because life needs truth, to hear the reality of respect, without respect, nothing else matters much.  Not even life, because being alone, abandoned inside, and assigned to death by isolation is no friend.  TURN TO GOD, if people have done this to you, HE IS, “a true answer”.

The elemental passage of time, has not diminished what is gentle in the life and death of JESUS, because he lived for the sake of those who needed him.  The critical lesson of value, recognizes the contribution of a life given to the essence and relationship called love, that JESUS left behind to understand, GOD has not abandoned us.  The disciplined lesson in compassion is, critically aligned with the honesty of a life sacrificed to prove that love and not hate is, “the better way”.  Because hate only proved, it was wrong.  While love did prove, “this is, where I belong/ to all who believe the lesson lives in me”. 

In this day of temptation everywhere, where fools rule, failures are “experts”, idiots gamble with every life, bastard’s live only to destroy nature, devils brew pandemic tragedy in every corner of the earth, satan rules through endless lies, the people are sheep, the propaganda is endless, sex has turned to rape and the people say “I did it to you/ so you couldn’t do it to me”, and so much more, it is not worth listing.  Some would say:   if you believe in all this/ then you should stand up and demand to be heard/ you should, pay the price whatever it is, so the people can believe in you and stop massacring their own lives.  YOU are a troublemaker/ you, are a failure and fool, because if you do not go to war, with all these things, then you do not belong “talking, to us”.  IN REPLY, I do state; I have talked, I have walked, I have produced evidence and established truth throughout the decades, using every form and style of communication possible for me;   but not a single one was interested in anything but greed, power, or pride/ or hiding, “let me not know this/ so that it cannot be my fault”. WANTING to say, “I didn’t know/ therefore I am innocent”/ but that is a fool’s game, where the subject is life or death for a world!  That is you, not me!  Therefore, my statement to you has been reduced to:   YOU MUST CHOOSE to expand this message, to understand and investigate, and decide to live among yourselves/ because it is clear, you will not listen to me/ you will not care enough about life to change/ you will not share the burden or the desire required to help life survive/ UNLESS you do so, by your own decision.  And I, cannot help you make that decision/ you have proven that fact is so, time and time again.  Gentle is the decision to produce and define this message of life over death/ as is necessary to understand prior to believing it is required of YOU, to help life survive.  Kind, is the reality of information that can attain with honesty and truth, the means to change this world through the law, through decisions called WE THE PEOPLE.  Compassionate is the truth, that refuses to fail, even if it is reduced to dependency upon YOURSELVES, to establish, investigate, examine, and decide;   by the witness of plain and simple words being the essence of a new life for you. a life born in peace, harmony, and happiness for you.

Gentle understands: that we cannot ignore those who gamble and choose to destroy our planet, our environment, our water, our ocean, nature itself, the chains of life, or every other asset required to survive.  Kindness knows, that the failure of men will result in war with weapons of mass destruction soon/ thereby to run away or hide is cowardice;   but to insist on world law, world policing, and a reality wherein only the leaders are attacked;   is elemental to our continued existence.  Compassion creates respect for you/ respect in me; thereby it is the elemental sign of sharing and caring in such a way, that even this world understands it is true.  Compassion exists in the translation of hope, through the existence of truth, as it searches within the reality of what we can do for ourselves and this world.  To be wrong, in this world of 7 billion people with millions willing to play god, destroying everything with their pride/ the power of governments to create weapons of mass destruction in big science or other projects from the universities of HELL & ARMAGEDDON . Is to be dead, an entire world lost to human delusion and fantasy.  There are “big projects” now, capable of killing this entire world/ with liars numbering in the millions/ experts falling down the abyss of foolishness/ and people playing god, because they think they can.  Yet every one of these big projects, in big science or destruction as is weapons of mass destruction/ can have only one conclusion: the world only dies once.  There is NO resurrecting it/ no mercy, when it is in fact your own decision to destroy, or hide, or run away from the truth. Shame on you is not enough;   but what else is there to say?

Gentle, is not the essence of american society, where devils elect to manipulate society into believing anything they suggest;  simply bring it before their eyes often enough/ and they will think, “its what people do”.  Simply say it often enough/ demand it often enough with news/ produce the lies, the fantasy, the delusion with people in power established as “their protectors/ or so they think” and suddenly the lies have won.  Until truth intervenes, such as is the beginning of complete economic meltdown.  Make the truth disappear, and the lies discourage anyone from saying “untrue”/ because the propaganda machine is busy, making war.  Make the law a tool for power, and corruption knows only who to beg for money; MAKE ME proud too.  Tell the young women and men, “its your debt”; stealing with pensions and resource depletion their very lives/ and you assassinate them, in plain view, with complete contempt.  Because they have to eat, don’t they!  Hell yes, “what can they do”/ absolutely nothing, condemn them to hell;   shit on their face; eat them alive.  Cause the fools in charge, believe they are gods.
It is a kindness to understand, NOT every politician/ rich/ university/ or other is “ a devil in disguise/ waiting to kill, searching for the power to be god (in their own eyes)”.  But it is a kindness as well to understand: until “the house is cleaned”/ it is impossible to separate those who are a disaster for life, from those who are not a complete failure to life; and as such none can be trusted, because power corrupts, and pride lies forever.  It is a kindness to remember, the passage of time allows for repentance/ because the soul, the heart, and hope can change tragedy into life, if it is true inside.

Compassion, is the purpose of love; the endless sea of a disciplined respect for life.  Compassion directs us all, to understand: every single life, “beyond human as well”, is a gift presented to the world by nature.  We cannot possibly create/ we did not by any means create ourselves/ we will never be gods: instead we can own, the understanding LIFE IS PRECIOUS/ and hatred is an enemy to us all.  Therefore compassion recognizes all life with respect/ but compassion also understands that hate has no place here, among the living.

Gentle, are the arms that hold another life in happiness, with the true reality called respect guiding our way.  Gentle is the decision, that leaves this world behind, to understand, “we are the essence of our own little world/ standing together in the blessing of our time”.  Gentle is the acceptance of love, as it delivers knowledge within the wisdom called sexuality for the purpose of true happiness and hope.  Gentle is the life, that limits the tragedy of heartbreak, “because it simply cannot be”/ even though love would honor every need.  It is unkind, to bring happiness, and tears.  It is a responsibility of compassion, to let desire fade, when the purpose of life cannot be, “the same, for you and me”. 

Elemental treasures are, the distances we bridge, between the heart of man and woman/ the relationship of love in all aspects of life/ the essence of sexual creation, where soul joins us together.  The foundation of each and every possibility described, is built upon respect.  The discovery of purpose wherein love is accepted as the true test of trust/ is the destiny achieved by heart on its journey beyond ourselves.  When we trust, we believe.  When we believe, we understand the destiny of life is beyond this time.  Gentle are the passions of hope, the decision to accept rather than believe in a purpose called love built upon the miracles of creation itself.  Kind, is the purpose of a life, who lived to build and create a spirit of love, so eloquently crafted by GOD,   we can communicate with life.  Compassionate are the messages, delivered to human existence since the beginning of time, to keep them alive.  Today, is no different in that sense; again humanity seeks to kill itself, by refusing truth and living only for want, pride, and power.  Destroying itself, through the endless rampage of greed, and tragedy of people playing god.  The test of our lives in this day is simply: can you stop being sheep/ because if you cannot, then you will be slaughtered, and life on earth ends.

Kind, is the transition from confrontation/ to the elemental association with female in me; because a reality that is not gentle, is not compassionate but aggressive;   is the end of our potential to survive.  Therein it is a blessing, to struggle with these beginnings in gentle, kind, and compassionate/ without the essence of male.  It is neither hard, nor easy to do.  The fundamental reality being: truth must always lead, and I cannot help within the concentration of what was male.  There is no solution in men/ the reality being, it is the decisions of men, who brought us here, to this edge called extinction. Because it is, what the majority of men have chosen to do.
Elemental, to the leadership of women, is then the honesty of sexual command that gives to female the decisions that lead society on this earth.  Gentle are the hopes, for kindness and compassion/ rather than revenge.

Critical to the truth of women and sexual leadership, are the ways that give them the right, and even the power to enforce command of what is “right, and fair, and happy” between man and woman on this earth.  That reality is learned, from the evidence of sexual superiority in the ability to outlast, and thereby gain control, through taking from man his sperm; culminating in his strength is largely gone.  That truth is created from the organization of women, which then complete the task of superiority by “teaching, you WILL change/ before we let you go”.  Gentle is the path of love.  Kind is the acceptance of truth as it assigns with honesty, the honor and blessing which is sexual love between a man and woman through respect.  Compassionate are those who understand, it is not the physical act/ but a spiritual one, that gives the essence of marriage, the blessing of two lives joined as one.
There are no religious commands that matter, between male and female.  No morality between society and its people, that can determine if marriage exists, or it does not;   truth, lives on the inside.  No ethics to judge one life against another, because every measurement is a failure in respect/ thereby every judgment the cause to say: you are wrong, only the law can decide.  The law is not gentle, but true. The critical failure to abide within the law, is not kind/ but important to subside.  The foundation of punishment, is simply, for the sake of peace and harmony among us, this simply must be contained, or removed or rebuilt.  Law is the leader of merit, not by the standards of men, but its relationship to our survival; for we live by laws, that govern this world for us.  We survive as society, by the laws which we make, and enforce against those who hate. The critical purpose of every governing body, is to function as our decision within the law.  The critical purpose of every citizen in society is, to function within the responsibilities we owe each other, the future, and GOD. 

Gentle is the relationship of   GOD to our lives.  For while people love to condemn their creator, even their “savior, JESUS”/ the reality is, that every crisis, every hatred, every failure of humanity in this world, is your own decision.   GOD has given to you HIS CREATION/   but you, have given to yourselves the want, pride, and power to play god, even though it is impossible, and can only end with death to all.  You, are the responsible ones;   for every starvation coming.  You are the responsible ones for every tragic moment of HELL AND ARMAGEDDON that men have created for you.  You are the responsible people, who chose to turn away from the future, and assassinate your own children, taking from them everything they need/ because you were so very greedy and filled with fears.  The delusional believe they are gods, so “its ok, to gamble with, and destroy every life”.  The people of fantasy believe, “they are not responsible for their actions, WANT IS THEIR GOD, and consequently its wants fault”;   so then they are innocent.  The liars all gather to propagate failure, because they hate the truth; it interferes so, with a reality lost in theft, cheating, fraud, extortion, and every other form of hate available to control the rest.  The proud cannot stand the possibilities of losing their trophy, so they say “I don’t care/ let the rest die; just not me”, convincing themselves “winner, to the end”.  But of course their ending is as a god/ not, as the slime this world shall become under the crucifixion of men.  Too bad, nonetheless “winner/ you played god, and destroyed yourself; the trophy is yours; death to all”!   You are god, of destruction.  The religious call it satan.

Gentle is the heat that beats for life, the kindness shown between human beings with respect “the honor and honesty that we are in fact equal” that we are truly welcomed as family, friend, or just plain “miracle of life”.  Kind are the moments shared that appreciate each person with a caring heart.  The essence of moments known to be, “for you and me, the reality of friendship”.  Compassionate is the time placed at your discretion, the abilities chosen to give you happiness, the soul that recognizes “we, are loved by GOD”. 

The discovery of sexuality is a friend to those who have found true love, or at least the elemental expressions that fill an honest need.  The acceptance in love, of blessings that include the happiness of a time shared. A time shared to create our own sexual truth.  And a time whose purpose cares not only for me and you, but our future as well, our decision as love for life knows that want must not live here, with us.  Because want, is an enemy that cares for little, respects nothing, and is entirely selfish taking all it can get.  The experience of love is a beautiful thing, expanding the experience of both worlds, both creations in the identity of self as a participant through us.  The experience of sexual expression, lives or dies in the arms of what you both believe is our purpose here.  If that purpose is nothing more than sex, little by little even with your consent, the existence of love inside of you will be tested; the heart breaks, if love is consumed, and not returned. Thereby you put your life in their hands; remember to put your soul in GOD, first/ so that you may survive.  If the purpose of sexual expression is to bargain and decide “do I WANT, this one”?  Then the reality is, that love does not design your desire, and life will not honor your work.  Instead, what you build is a playground/ what you wish for, is the death of something else;   therefore I trade sex for property in one version or another.  It is “the sign of a prostitute”.    When love builds a relationship that believes in trust, when life establishes a truth that cannot be bought or sold;  it is our truth, our lives together.  Then sexual expression is the beginning of hearts joined together by the simple decision “I am yours/ please be mine”; because it is NEVER a situation of ownership, and always a decision based upon the value of us.  Who then are we?  Is a primary question defined in the destiny of three simple words: will you trust?   In the essence of trust, every relationship becomes “welded together as one/ our destiny decided together”.  But in the reality of life, while love can join you together, only   GOD can keep you alive.  In this one area of our reality,   GOD does choose; giving to those who ask, the possibilities of prayer.  Every life has a plan.  Every life makes a decision.  Every life becomes responsible, to   GOD   first.  That statement does not come, “from a religious book of rules”.  Rather that statement exists in the creation, that gives us time itself, and we do owe OUR CREATOR, for this opportunity.  JESUS for bringing to life, the possibility or evidence that WE, the created;   are NOT forgotten.

The tragedy of sexual reality is: that one, even anyone can be used, abused, violated, raped, maligned, ravaged, and even killed/ for women pregnancy is added; and the consequence of a majority being “weaker” takes hold as an added detriment to safety and security in this world.  Added to that, the endless sea of manipulation from all forms of communication and media as is used to convince both men and women, “that this behavior” is acceptable/ and being done by others, “all the time”. Fundamentally this complicates the lives of the young, into believing that they should do so too.  But then that, is its purpose/ as we see in the dregs of society, the human voice of shit “runs uphill, to where life exists in discipline and honor” too.  Complicating again, the measures and the meaning of life by adding to it, the endless streams of deceit, delusion, misfunction, denial, liar, thief, swindler, prostitute, “expert failure (sell your soul, for nothing)”, and more.  There is no such thing as “free sex”!  Every aspect of physical sex, every participant in anything that conceives of the possibility of love, has a price.  It can be small or great/ but there will be a price; it comes with the consequence of “friend, or enemy”.  It comes, with your relationship to the chemicals the body uses to recognize “this touch”.  It comes within the honesty, of who you have chosen to be, and why!  The discovery of sexuality aligns with the relationships you choose to create among the people you do live with.  The most tragic consequence apart from violence, is the assertion or temptation:   “Go ahead, who will know/ they can’t control you; right”.  Or more simply, there is a price tag associated with all sexual behavior in society itself/ within your own community; and if you break that code of conduct, you break your connection to the people among whom you do live.  While this may not sound like much/ it is!  NOT because it isn’t your right to choose/ BUT BECAUSE, you do have to live among these people, until such time as you can, and have created your own path/ your own journey as life apart from the influences of others; potentially alone, and abandoned but ok.  That does not exist, prior to the age of true and complete independence (out of school/ critically prepared with the knowledge, “not just today/ but for the next fifty years”.  The difference between young and old is:   tomorrow comes/ whether you are prepared/ no matter what you did, or did not do/ with needs, demands, and realities that cannot be ignored: UNTIL YOU DIE.  Innocense is the singular existence of a time and body that does not know, how much harm can be done to someone else;   just because you stole their love, trust, or truth in life.  People die, because of shame.  People die, because of the tragedy other people are. Its not a game.  One of the tragedies of today, IS the cross over between culture and race lines: NOT because color or heritage is particularly important/ but because it’s a game.  And the purpose is trophies, the intent is to use, the desire is for abuse, and the end result of hate is forming everywhere.  Hate is a terrible thing, because revenge results.  Failure on all sides, as children are abandoned/ women are denied “fair play”/ and what are called “men”, cannot be found with honor.  Every life is important/ every life deserves respect, until hate destroys it/ every woman needs the honesty of a time and place to express and experience the reality of love.  If love is not in your heart/ THEN you are there for the purpose of murdering her heart. If love does not guide your way, then you are raping the purpose of her soul; if she is true to life. 

The whore’s of politics, seek power and pride, that they may say of themselves: “look at me/ listen to me/ let me decide”.  So then lets look at them: and see, that of little things, the space shuttle has now risen to its 131st mission at 4 billion dollars or so apiece.  Equals 524 billion dollars (50 million workers, paid $19,480.00 dollars each, for this)/ or slightly more than half a trillion dollars in public money.  Show us the reward! Doesn’t include anything but the space shuttle program itself/ nothing preceding;  such as the worthless trips to the moon. Thereby hiding the intent and reality of experimenting with missiles to deliver atomic bombs. In listening, we find that our politicians removed all the regulation and oversight prior to financial collapse; just so they would not have to contend with reality or truth, by pretending debt doesn’t matter.  I owe you/ or you owe me: “doesn’t matter”!  The fact they are proven wrong, will matter! The fact, that they live making decisions for this financial world, like a drunk with a stolen credit card/ spending wildly in the dark:   WILL matter.  If we look at the decisions that “our leaders” have made: we find ourselves attacked by threats from a wide variety of sources that can exterminate life on earth/ yet they choose entirely, to protect power, pride, selfishness;   and let life die, preparing for what can only be described as hell on earth, Armageddon in nature, or even a “lake of fire” with fusion, because no matter what they say; it cannot be put out, this is the burning of atomic bonds, and EVERYTHING is fuel.  And that is merely the beginning of their decisions, to destroy our lives by playing god, and making life itself, “a game”.  Add to that the media, and we find a source of propaganda so virulent and infectious; than an entire nation is ready to collapse, and does not even know it yet. So extremely anti-american, that the source of “news” is controlled by a tiny handful of people throughout the nation/ thereby owning what you believe, by pretending “their expert knows”.  Yet what they know is:   don’t reveal the economic lies/ don’t let the powerful fall/ don’t let equality stand, give the nation to money, greed, and then desperation;   because they will then be our slaves. 

Gentle is the understanding, that WE THE PEOPLE need only the few BASE LAWS that protect ourselves, our world, our future, and our nation.  NOT endless politicians making laws, by which we fail as life on earth/ because WANT was there, and it became the law, that stole truth.  Kind is the knowledge that grants to each one, the honesty of what is real/ the basis of evidence that identifies what is true/ and the elemental descriptions and discoveries that begin our decision as life on earth; becoming LIFE MUST BE FIRST. Never again money, power, pride, want, hate, or any lesser thing than life itself:   NO GAMBLING, LIFE FIRST!  It is compassionate to accept that wisdom is not a game, that education comes before wisdom/ BUT NOT, as is so obviously proven as in from a university (they are representatives of the worst threats against us/ the experts, who have so blindly sold us to ruin).  Rather compassion seeks to create new and better/ by the differences required for new and better ways.  Or more simply, since men drove us here as a world.  It is now elementally simple to understand: women must lead us now/ because men chose extermination of life on earth, they chose the reality and truth called destruction by gambling and refusing to accept:   LIFE must be first!  Not, money or power, or pride, etc.  Compassion understands, it is wisdom to believe in “different”/ because in the end, it is all we truly do have to determine if life can survive.  Men, have chosen to kill us/ by the evidence of threats that exists around this world.  Not a game, a reality.  Consequently, to have any chance of survival;   someone entirely new, with a different view MUST be found/ and women are that key.  Are they men?  NO!  Are they different?  YES!  Consequently, they WILL choose differently than men!   Whether they will choose appropriately or not, no one knows/ instead, what we do know is: THAT MEN chose to exterminate us with their games, by the evidence, by the reality of threat, by the consequence of human action and decision around this earth;  that is beyond doubt, the simply truth of our lives.
What you are willing to do, what you are willing to accept, what women are willing to work with/ are all decisions that rebuild the possibility we can survive.  Or simply finish the death of this planet.  It’s a choice.  But make no mistake, women have a lot to learn in a very short time too.  The failure to be honest, to choose and allow truth to lead/ rather than want;  all decide the end or beginning of a new life, for humanity or not.