Bullies in the window

 The critical reality of N. Korea is identified by the terms “bully/ tyrant/ fool/ and failure”.  That means, they feel certain they have little to lose with regard to measures that are unwise and unfair. Stepping beyond that relationship within their own reality; they now choose to believe: “WE WILL BE GREAT”/ when we prove how much death and destruction we can be responsible for.  Great warriors, to the end; let the world remember and fear.
But as with all images, idols, or realities based in fantasy/ the delusion has draw backs.  There is a price to pay! Even a small nuclear device set off across boundary lines will bring an end to that population forever.  Such is the reality of nuclear war, or more distinctly a single nuclear strike from one nation/ and there are many nations which can deliver that blow. The war will last seconds, not days. Consequently all the military preparations are completely useless.

Current threats of retaliation should be a limited response to TARGET AND DESTROY: “the rich and powerful”/ every country has them.  Make certain the people defined by the “power of money and pride” KNOWS: “you, and everything you covet or possess; dies first”!  Don’t bother with the government officials, they know: target the money/ target all manufacturers of military hardware/ target electrical generation/ target the bridges/ target every form of communication.  And let them know, the price of any nuclear warhead going off: will be extreme (EASILY death to a nation).  DO NOT “kill the country”:  just because a rat climbed into a building/ you don’t destroy the building; only a complete idiot does that!  Rather kill the enemy/ those who believe they can play god!  Only the leaders, do that! Leave the people alone.
Bully means: “no one plays with me, therefore I will make them fear me instead”.  Tyrant means: I believe, your death/ destruction to your property, mutilation or whatever YOU must pay to prove; “I am god here”.  Is worth the price.  I will be safe/ but you will pay for me.  Fool means:   not only cannot I not see, or hear, or feel, or believe anything called value or truth/ my mind lives in the arrogance that god is nothing; therefore I must be god over my world.  Failure means: I refuse to repent, of all the things that cause unhappiness for me/ instead, I will believe YOU are the cause of my unhappiness, therefore if I destroy you, or make you fear/ THEN I will be happy. Because no one makes me sad.
Reality states: bully has no desire to participate as an equal, because that option does not exist. Whether by your own fault or another or both, the path between us is filling with hate.  Their decision is: I can be more/ by making you less.  The cost of removal is: honest negotiations regarding inclusion/ and distinct penalties for failing to choose peace and harmony, when given the chance.

Reality states: tyrant has only a desire to prove “I am a god/ over you”;  therefore until the image is struck down, and the reality of a tyrants own life is put “in the gun scope”; they will continue to believe fantasy. But when they know, that their own life, is the price they will pay: fear grips them, and killing/ torture/ and terror are often the price paid by those who do fear them. Or more simply, because “I can’t kill everyone who wants to kill me”/ I will make everyone fear me, to such an extent, even the hint of a possibility you will not sacrifice your life for mine, is cause for torture.
Reality states: the fool has a distinct desire, as does a serial killer/ to prove I am god here.  To prove I will choose YOUR fate, because I can. To prove I am smarter than you; but none are smarter than me, or I make them my partner.  So that we can control you/ so that we can buy your soul, with words, or weapons, or hate.
Reality states: the failure will always believe, “THIS IS YOUR FAULT”/ regardless of any and all reality or truth as designed by the consequences chosen in the past.  They will never repent/ because repent means they must change.  Few do.

These base principles are governing the actions and reactions of the few people who so arrogantly believe they are warriors to be feared/ rather than people to be dealt with.  It is their extreme pride in being “armed and dangerous”/ that allow them to believe, “we are enemies to this world”. Their reality however is proven to be: failed.
What is important, requires these four principles shall be dealt with:   before this grows to far greater consequences.  Because nuclear fallout/ the death of millions in N. Korea/ and far lesser deaths in S. Korea; the rise of tension across this world/ and the panic it will create, are all intolerable solutions to some “stupid damn little ignorant asshole”.
The question is not: about governments or leaders/ this question is about life on planet earth, and the reality panic is more often worse than the threat. How many people will say: “we dare not wait/ fire the missiles NOW”.  Those who think a missile must come from america/ do not understand the purpose of missile carrying ships and submarines.  “Surprise”.

Therefore the true question here is about life or death for a world; assuming “bullies/ tyrants/ fools and failures” on all sides can be controlled for a little longer.  OUR REAL CHOICE, is to take away nuclear weapons on all sides.  Thereby ending the primary threat of life being exterminated by this particular class of weapons of mass destruction in less than one hour.  Is your life on earth worth this fight/ to survive?  Answer the question, because if you don’t that end will come, and all indications are; it will be soon/ as economies and resources die, around this world.
The question for us as human life on earth is:   WILL WE CHOOSE, AND DEMAND: no more weapons of mass destruction for anybody? That means WORLD LAW/ WORLD POLICING OF THAT LAW/ AND WORLD COURT!  No nation or small group of nations shall choose/ ONLY THE LAW GETS TO DO THAT.  Big or small: EVERYONE OBEYS.  THE RESPONSE OF THAT POLICE IS:  TO ATTACK THE LEADERS, AND BRING THEM TO TRIAL/ JUSTICE/ OR DEATH. Leave the people alone! Limit the destruction to finding and destroying those who failed to surrender.  Iraq is a clear lesson in what NOT to do/ the reality of arrogance/ the failure of leadership/ the disgusting mutilation of truth: THE COMPLETE LACK of law, or the building of law, or the demand for justice across the land.  All the result, of fools in charge.  Fools/ bullies/ tyrants/ and failures cannot be in charge:   ONLY THE LAW, for all life.  Choose it well.  Let none fail to keep it.

 So as to remove the keys of death/ from the hands of bullies, failures, and fools.  Tyrants will never surrender/ but to be a tyrant requires only one gets to lead.  Thereby ONLY ONE NEEDS TO DIE.  A fact that can be easily accomplished; with the right incentive.  So then the question is: WHAT would the people closest to these tyrants desire most?  You don’t get close to a tyrant/ or stay near a tyrant unless you want something for yourself.  What then do these people, these armies, these masses believe: WILL BE far greater, than a damn bastard?  In reality “a penny would do it”.  But the question is: HOW to stay alive/ in a pack of predators (they need each other/ or all die), when killing the leader? The initial response is: disband the pack!  When the prey is plentiful, nobody needs the others, just reach out your hand so to speak. So then what destroys the bond within the pack of predators?  The answer is two-fold:   a choice between you or me!  In other words:   kill this other one, and we will make you “king”.  Fail to kill this other one, and we will torture and kill you too.  Every predator thinks they should be in charge/ every target believes “it could be anybody”: can’t wait, must kill them first!  The seed is planted in society by producing “the necessary advertizing; use your imagination” to tell the people: THEY TOO, can be “king”.  Just kill the bastard in charge/ or if you wish we will grant you asylum to any nation you wish; after you get the job done, with enough money to be “happy”.  Let the gaming begin:  let the odds reflect what nationality shall in fact kill this man/ and win the game! Or, more simply: there is no place to hide! Kill him, without cost: BUT REMEMBER, “only those directly in the inner circle of this target (the primary predator pack)” are allowed to be killed.  Otherwise, innocent death;  is murder. NO indiscriminate killing methods; or we come for you too.  So that the world becomes interested, in proof of death, an initiating one million dollars should be provided, it will bring those interested:  IN THE MONEY! The various religions, can be avoided by the truth: see all the destruction this one, to be killed has caused”.  Is not protecting   “GOD’S CREATION”  worth the life of a tyrant; damn near ain’t worth a penny/ why care?   We now have the inner group concerned with each other, and someone will pay; making the rest suspect: making the rest believe “its you, or me”.  We now have the outer groups prepared to believe: the risk, is worth the price.

When these are done: the intellectual will understand, IF I simply surrender this nation/ things could still be all right for me.  Consequently the door should be recognized as open: UNTIL the killing begins!  Surrender in peace/ or the time line shall be:   you have 7 months to surrender.  If not, the next 7 months are given to those who might kill you “from inside”.  The next 7 months are given to those, who might kill you from the outside within your country. The next 7 months are given to any assassin who gets the job done, at a price that will be advertized world wide.  The next 7 months: WAR SHIPS SHALL ARRIVE, soldiers shall be prepared.  The next 7 months international mediators/ moderators;  from around the world.  WILL TELL YOU, what the world is willing to offer in exchange for the removal of this government/ the disbanding of this military/ and the destruction of its worst weapons. Critical revue of courts and every other aspect of “a better tomorrow, for us all”. Following this period, if no resolution is made: intelligence and guessing will decide exactly what government and leadership targets will be destroyed, which leaders shall face the death penalty.  Bombing will go in stages: giving time to reconsider to the people (GO GET THEM)/   until surrender is made.
Nobody crosses the line: that is what soldiers are for/ keep them back, in their own country! This, will be done with missiles and aircraft.  Giving notice to the public first, for their safety.  Letting them know:   “Learn who your leaders are”/ and surrender them if they try to hide amongst you, so that life can be better.  We, as a world;  will help you, build a civilization that works for peace.  Instead of trying to erect a government, we will help you erect JUSTICE, through laws and correct enforcement of those laws.  YOU will make it happen, WE will support you for truth and justice.  IF YOU DO PRODUCE TRUTH AND JUSTICE for the public/ THEN we will give you aid beyond the minimal level, credit to support business, and learning as is necessary to join this world in peace.  If you fail to produce peace through justice in the first 7 years by establishing truth for life:   we abandon you/ until threatened again.  The second time, our help will be simply to bring your leaders to court for trial.