Thinking for yourself requires truth in knowledge:   which means go to court and investigate your reality/ DEMANDING the truth, and accepting nothing less.

          That demands redress of grievances (the purpose of lawsuits here); as our authority over the nation, by vote of each and every citizen.

          That,  Requires questioning everything until it is clear, this is our true reality, and the simple assertion of a future revealed.   Thinking for yourselves requires understanding;   thereby this site and others I have provided will give you aid; search for more/ and question everything until you do understand.  I am NOT the question/ not about me=  I have done enough!  Learn for yourselves:   after decades of GREED/ GLUTTONY/ EXCESS CONSUMPTION/ FAILURES/ AND ABSOLUTE ARROGANCE by so many; with not a care or concern for life or environment in sight among the vast majority.  I am not particularly interested in anything but life for this earth. This Creation MUST survive!  Believe that.



and then we come to the genetic mutilation of all life on earth;

          They demand to be god over nature: saying, we will make "NEW CREATURES OURSELVES".  Their priests,  Hidden behind closed doors, have been deliberately trying to dissolve genetic disciplines/ balance/ and order:   every single day, for the last fifty years or more. That is their stated purpose, to demand that evolution [chaos, without so much as a mind;  must rule life/ including you and yours]  And suddenly they are about to succeed.


 NATURE IS DNA (THE INSTRUCTIONS, THAT BUILD/ BALANCE/ CREATE/ AND SUSTAIN:   YOUR BODY, AND MIND:   AND MAKE EVERYTHING ALIVE,  WORK because of the disciplines/ order/ balance/ and ability to think: plus the energy needed to create life.   The abortion of genetics demands this shall not remain/ they want control! As is seen in excerpts from their own words below.


C.  Crucifying our world:   Page 1.  "Is the first microbe that thrives and self-replicates with only a synthetic genome to guide it....forming an artificial chromosome 1 million characters long.   ...motivating force is commercial....could be worth more than one trillion dollars....proof of concept that we can make....changes across the entire genome of an organism....add entirely new functions....create a new range of industrial organisms....produced short strands ....strands reassembled....spliced in.   The crucial step...synthetic genome and transferred it into another kind of common bug.  As this bug multiplied, some of its progeny ditched their own DNA and began using the synthetic genome.  THEN the transformation began.    "Its pretty stunning when you just replace the DNA software in the cell.  The cell instantly starts reading that new software, starts making a whole different set of proteins, and in short while, all the characteristics of the first species disappear and a new species emerges".

applications of this enabling technology are enormous....weaponised microbes...make the most powerful bioweapons mostly by our imaginations... unless it is deliberately injected or sprayed into a goat...


Page 2.   They're building life.....dubbed genetic engineering on steroids" - is inspired by the convergence of nano-scale biology...mail order synthetic DNA.  "Just about anyone has the potential to construct genes or entire genomes from scratch, including those of lethal pathogens..... scientists predict that within 2-5 years it will be possible to synthesise any virus.....backed by government funding and venture capital.  They aim to commercialize new biological parts, devices, and systems that don't exist in the natural world. some of which are designed for environmental release.... concentrated in the hands of major multinational firms....biological samples, sequenced and stored in digital form, will move instantaneously across the globe and be resurrected in corporate labs thousands of miles for synthesising genes and genomes are widely accessible and advancing at break-neck pace....there must be an immediate ban on environmental release of de novo synthetic organisms until wide societal debate and strong governance are in technologies that will challenge human society and food sovereignty...

Page 3.   ...successfully fused human cells with rabbit eggs....for years scientists have added human genes to bacteria and farm animals....artificial life refers to the synthesis and simulation ...and also to possible life forms and concepts that man not have occurred ....not only in life "as we know it", but also "life as it might be"....US biotech company announced they have first cloned human embryos.... all embryos died early.... federal policy regarding stem cell research, human cloning, and biotechnology.  


"Building an evolvable physical self-replicating machine is a grand challenge.  The main problem is that the device must be capable of hereditary variation, that is replicating in many configurations-configurations into which it enters unpredictably by mutation. Template replication is the solution found by nature........replication must be maintained by preventing side reactions such as spontaneous ligation, cyclization, product inhibition, and elongation of staggered ends. The last of these three results in every lengthening sequences in a process known as the elongation catastrophe.  The extreme specificity of structure required by the monomers is indirect evidence of some kind of natural ......prior to


FROM ME IN OPPOSITION: as is the reality of the last paragraph made above: biology is NOT a simple mix of chemicals in a pot, stirred.  Mutilations cannot be undone/ ask a soldier who knows.  Pandemic's cannot be reversed; known to be caused by species boundaries crossed.  Biological weapons can kill at least 97% already, of humanity.

           Evolution is nothing more than another religion: very little more than "I went shopping for what I wanted a body to be/ I chose/ I built myself, over billions of years"; without a mind.  How is that not a religion?

           Rather truth says:   you cannot have a body of any life;  without all the parts, pieces, processes, reproduction, utilities, etc: that you must have/ that  you need from the beginning to survive.  An entire body without lungs/ a heart without blood or vessels/ mussels without bones or joints or hands/ everything else but no mind?  WHAT, DON'T YOU NEED, for life to survive?  How then did evolution build you one tiny piece at a time?  It is insane.


          You will, either start thinking for yourself/ or die!  It is a guarantee; do they not have the machines running/ are they not literally doing the work, to threaten and gamble with; or DESTROY all life, with everything the planet is.   Based only upon their religious "I believe";   theories. Billions of years ago, according to the theory of evolution, chemicals randomly organized themselves into a self-replicating molecule.   Or more simply:   "poof, organization/ discipline/ balance/ life/ and everything it instantly needs just came out of chaos, without so much as a brain.  A MILLION BITS at a minimum just lined up/ found a specialized environment/ boundaries to protect it/ reproduction to enable it to continue;  in a puddle of chemicals.   OR, by their simplified version, "we shopped for what we wanted"/ and took whatever we desired for free;  again without so much as a brain.  How do you make a decision establishing anything new, with less than a brain? That does not even include all the mechanisms that are required to sustain life, separate chemicals, establish harmony between the various parts, contain the whole, import and transport the chemicals needed/ clean up and remove;  or a few billion other considerationsIf you abandon all discipline/ all balance/ all order, and randomly act without a single consideration of consequences:   WILL THAT IMPROVE YOUR LIFE OR BODY?  Obviously no.  Critically proven, without even a guess:  "NOTHING, BUT A DAMN RELIGION".   Science is: IF IT AIN'T CRITICALLY TRUE, at every level of comprehension/ THEN, it's just a  guess, and absolutely nothing more than another university religious insanity.    WHAT IS LITERALLY TRUE, and can be identified by its own reality, fundamentally constitutes LIFE by its essence.  What is belief, is merely a personal decision.

           the insane men (men do control this world) demand:   that all of nature shall be mutilated/ because they “can do better”.  They will create, “whatever they damn please” out of life.  

          The reality however is:  Nature is DNA, the instructions for building a body of life, and allowing it the freedom to choose.  ARE BEING SACRIFICED! Without the body, there is no life.  YOU cannot build your own/ nor can they repair the damage they are doing!  Little is more insane!

 Without a body that works effectively, and with the associated abilities and consequence of knowledge as is necessary to survive and be happy: there is no life.  Mutilated means: forever changed.  Without the critical resources provided at exactly the right moment of construction, and in the right way: the body/ mind is damaged forever. Our very humanity DISSOLVED FOREVER/ EVERY LIFE ON EARTH!  Where there is no body/ there is no life on earth. 

Without all the fundamentals in place, there is no mind or concept of thought: there are no eyes/ears/ taste/ sex/ touch/ balance or anything else we do expect, because NATURE has proven to be correct: (all agree), FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS, AND MORE.

Without these literally:   BILLIONS OF INSTRUCTIONS, that create disciplined factories, which build life.  Create the chemicals, the energies, the utilities, the workers, the parts, the transportation of goods, and everything else a body (plant, etc) ABSOLUTELY NEEDS TO ESTABLISH LIFE.  There is no life.  Yet the most insane people who have ever lived:   believe they can do better/ changing one piece at a time, so as to recreate life, “in their own image/ whatever they want.

   Is life DESTROYED by arrogance, power, pride, and absolute selfishness, because of devils (for lack of a better word) in our midst”.  This ain’t no game.  The endless promises/ the blind rhetoric/ the deliberate destruction/ the merciless enforcement of “make it mutilate, all of nature/ corrupt it all”.  Is not less than satan on earth!

          The media propaganda machine, and the enforcement of rhetoric strictly tied to the theories of men: to demand “we can play, with this”.   Is an absolutely clear tragedy of chaos coming; and all the rest of life destroyed with it.

FAILURE HERE, IN LIFE ITSELF:   Which can only lead to the complete disintegration of biological structure;   turns life, or whatever is left of it:  “to slime (no structure)”; how,  cannot that NOT be less than “satan”.  Religious word or not, you do understand it!  These diseased and damned  “sewer excrements”, RISK OUR ENTIRE WORLD OF LIFE!  There are no second chances;   consider any disease unleashed/ consider AIDS.  Understand nearly every pandemic is a result of species boundaries crossed:   WHICH THESE DO, EVERYDAY across this world.  And understand nature in chaos is clearly coming quickly now.  And there is no going back/ once we pass the point of no return!  One second too late, and we are dead!  The future, a HORROR FOREVER!

Geneticists are literally trying to become “god”/ literally trying to decide what life is going to be in the future instead of nature.  They actually believe they can do better.  They literally say, “we want to create completely different creatures”.  When in reality as is plainly evident today:   humanity CANNOT even control its own money.  How much less nature itself!

Armageddon means:   “Nature in chaos”.  Geneticists are actually working as hard as they can, for the last fifty plus years/ DELIBERATELY trying to cause genetic stability, disciplines, and balance to be destroyed.  They believe once they see it fail/ then they will know what to do, to “be gods themselves”.  I say: instead of gods/ they will be “satan”;   the destroyer of every living life on earth, as we descend into living chaos;   because the bodies of life in peace and harmony;  shall exist no more.  They will cause the end of balance (two arms, two legs, etc)/ they will cause the end of structure (defined forms, bodies that are more than slime).  Everything beautiful, desirable, valued, or worth living for DEAD AND BURIED.  And;  There are more threats!  Not a game, life or death for this world.

    Make your decision;   there are NO SECOND CHANCES:       Choose!      Do it now, time is running out.


  The endless mutilation of plant, animal, insect, reptile, human and everything on earth by the priests of university religion demanding they will be gods/ they will create life by stealing genetic information and rearranging it so they can call themselves creators;   are beyond insane so far that there is no word, even satan does not truly fit.  Because the lies are so extreme (the promise, we are going to fix every problem/ we are going to be gods over life) so blatantly beyond man or woman to conceive of with the slightest degree of truth.  That these liars simply have no description other than satan; there are no words.  Genetic disciplines are nature itself, combined with energy, THESE “FACTORY INSTRUCTIONS” on how to build a body of life:   create, sustain, reproduce, identify, support, conceive, and provide every single form of life/ every single individual life including yours on this earth.   This religion called university, and its priests say to you:   we will now be gods over life.  But look at the truth of history, and ask yourself when was there ever a time when what men did/ was greater than what nature is?  They gamble is an exaggeration!  Rather they mutilate everything, saying to you “DON’T worry, evolution will fix anything we destroy; in a billion years or so.”  Ask yourself:   when did chaos, destruction, the violence of mutilation and disease, the endless destruction of resources, or extinction ever bring you happiness?


One of the simple realities in genetic structure these your idols, the propaganda of your religion cannot comprehend is:   that genetics is a living structure, which means every component inside its creation MUST be able to get along with the rest of life surrounding it to survive, and do its job.  Instead of peace and harmony in genetic life as is determined through breeding: “can we get along”?   Your gods and images of gods as are the university priests of college; “throw everything including the kitchen sink/ the entire sewer”:  into genetic structure just because they can.  Saying to you, “don’t worry/ be happy; after all evolution will fix anything we destroy”; as they sacrifice an entire planet.  Knowing nothing, they sacrifice everything to worship “the devils inside their head”/ failure is NOT a big enough word!   Even though tiny successes have come, because genetics in nature itself (not mutilated) even today;   are originally, nearly perfect.  Where there is minimal damage, they have some minimal success. What you don’t know is the horror stories of what else came with those successes.  What they did do,  in countless life stories of plant or animal or other living realities in this creation: that would horrify you.  And you don’t care, because that would require believing “they ain’t gods”.  That is your failure/ because you are such “believers/ such extreme idol worshipers”.  You question nothing, and wait for everything you want, believing anything the propaganda machines say.  While an entire planet is murdered.  Shame on you.



The information and understanding discussed on these sites, is useful in creating your own purpose, design, and desire for life on this earth.  Today, not tomorrow, as time is truly running out, & there is no going back, beyond the point of no return.  When nature cannot sustain us anymore, it is too late.  As 7,000,000,000 “billion people” on this planet, we are literally at “the tipping point”.  The place where what we take, cannot be sustained by the nature, environment, and resource that keeps us alive.  Think, then act because you understand, WE must. Learn, so that you may know why, and accept:  RESPECT for  LIFE, so that all may live; is not a game.  CHOOSE LIFE FIRST! LET TRUTH LEAD!  UNDERSTAND REALITY, so that rebuilding can begin without bickering.  And do what must be done for life on this earth to survive.

 Can’t be that bad? Men are playing god with machines that by their words can create higher temperatures than an exploding sun.  Intending to bring fusion here to earth: fusion is the burning of atomic bonds/ thereby we know, “everything on earth is fuel”. That means, IF they are wrong/ the earth turns into “a lake of fire”: LITERALLY!  MEN are playing god with machines that focus the energy of 2-3 nuclear power plants into a single beam so extreme, that beyond a point of no return, it cannot be controlled/ it will be, like a bullet in a gun, “that kills planets”: the very same mechanism that weaken the structure of primordial mass, before the big bang created this universe of planets and suns.  That means, in a very short time this planet can explode into dust; as did the big bang; LITERALLY!  MEN are playing god with genetic disciplines, order, and balance/ the very things that give you a life worth living, a body worth inhabiting, a mind that works for you. THAT MEANS; without the order of designated building process/ the balance of “two sides”/ the disciplines of a mind that works at your command; and more!  YOU/ ALL LIFE, turn into nothing more than slime (what can exist without order, discipline, or balance).  DUMB ASS! Men are ravaging the seas. Mutilating life. PREPARED TO EXTERMINATE YOU! Ransacking or poisoning every resource on earth.  And have stolen all your money/ therefore preparing for war. Every food source is threatened, every medical advance about to be lost; because antibiotics are the primary source of that healing.  And that is just the beginning. Read and learn; then ask yourself, if gambling with this entire earth, and every life on it, every creature and species; absolutely EVERYTHING:  IS WORTH your apathy, ignorance, or stupidity! How can you be certain genetic promises are not exactly like “we will make you rich”/ NOW PROVEN:  THEY STOLE YOU BLIND, AND INTO POVERTY  INSTEAD!

           Grow up and learn/ this is NOT a game. ITS YOUR LIFE, YOUR CHILDREN, YOUR FUTURE, AND EVERYTHING FOREVER! This earth, our genetic existence, our ability to survive; DIES only once. Think, and ask yourself:   do you want any man, or group of men to have this much control OVER YOUR LIFE! THEIR decision determines if you, your future, your child shall  live or die/ their failure, is a price you will pay with your EVERYTHING/ an entire world DEAD.



          How is this not just another damn evolution: the religion which says, chaos (without discipline):    held together an environment/ built chains of life out of nothing/ replicated itself without knowledge/ chose for itself, without understanding/ and became your life without the slightest scrape of wisdom.  Hanging organs, building bones, plumbing it all together, providing controlled movements, and EVERYTHING ELSE; “without even a brain”  WHERE is the proof, show me what chaos builds? WHERE IS YOUR MIND!   DUMBASS, just another religious buffoon?  Do you NOT believe everything you are told? Do you not laugh at the uneducated?  Turns out/ “they are smarter, than you”.