400 second street NW, Washington DC 20217

James Frank Osterbur

2191 county road 2500 E.  St. Joseph, IL 61873

social security #338-46-2535


IRS, person to contact Josephine Stockli #0860162

dated: 4/ 23/ 12



The identity of a nation, the preamble of the US constitution/ the bill of rights/ and the declaration of independence: each of  which unites us, and is the FOUNDATION;   CARRIED forth BY LAW:   to its rightful RESPECTED PLACE in the governance of this nation.

The critical reality in dispute is:


2. ARTICLE THREE, OF THE US CONSTITUTION: section 2.1 The judicial power shall extend to all cases in law and equity, arising under this constitution.....between a state or the citizens thereof...section 3.1 treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.....

3.  Amendment 14, ...the equal protection of the laws.

4.  The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures...

5.  Amendment 13, Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude...

The preamble: WE the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America.


RE: NOTICE OF determination concerning collection actions under section 6320 and/ or 6330

certified mail 7003 2260 0000 5778 9781:    dated 4/ 16/ 12


in accordance with this letter from the IRS:   I do petition for the simplified procedure: but NOT under tax code.

 Rather as indicated, defined, and demanded:  throughout this process, of making the employees who do represent the democracy called this UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  Understand and respect:  the contract that they work under.  The constitution of this USA.  MUST COME FIRST!

Constitutional law is not a joke.  A critical and real guarantee of the constitution COMES FIRST/ before any assertion of a right to demand payment for a job that was not only "discarded in the trash"/ BUT DENIED as the law of this land:   to me, James Frank Osterbur.  THAT IS, completely and absolutely ILLEGAL.  Thereby the dispute:   that I owe nothing, UNTIL the day YOU THE EMPLOYEE of this nation grants the full and complete obedience to the constitution by you/ THAT I AM OWED.  In that day, when that trial called redress is convened: THEN I owe.  MINUS, the reality of time, effort, work, money, and life sacrificed to demand:   WE ARE THE OWNERS HERE, and you must obey our laws!  NO EXCEPTIONS.  And that includes the court judiciary!

While you may find that statement laughable, I assure you it is not.  This is OUR nation/ not yours.  These are OUR COURTROOMS/ they do not, belong to a judge.  THIS IS OUR BLOOD, SACRIFICE, AND MONEY: OUR FUTURE/ and mere employees, regardless of the position they hold/ are granted ONLY the rights and truths that are deliberately held within the preamble which is our contract with each other as a nation. The guaranteed rights that DO BELONG to each and every citizen by constitutional law: and the restrictions either stated or implied that control our employees/ particularly the highest officials.  The oath of office establishes in all forms of law/ right/ or authority:   BEFORE YOU CAN DO ANYTHING ELSE, the constitution itself shall be obeyed first.  Therefore NO assertion, or denial;  by the judiciary can evade or confront this trial, until all matters regarding constitutional law, ARE resolved. 

 These laws:  are neither trivial or frivolous, THEY CONTROL all government employees.  They are NOT defined or controlled or mediated by internal revenue tax code/ the constitution comes first.  They are the basis and foundation of your authority/ the power or right to demand anything:   as judge or employee of any kind in the work CALLED:    WE THE PEOPLE.  There is no conflict with the amendment 16/ as there is no conflict raised with the power of taxation/ ONLY THE GUARANTEES OF THE CONSTITUTION, and this demand that YOU the employees of government SHALL provide, surrender, and support in all possible ways: the true intent of constitutional law as will be examined upon you by the preamble/ and as the guarantee called first amendment redress of grievances which you FAILED to provide.

This is "the case before you"/ and there is no place to hide.

I DO NOT contend that taxes should not be paid/ NOR do I contend that I would not pay this tax applied to me.

 Rather I do demand that before I should pay you: as a respect to the foundation principles of justice and democracy itself.  YOU MUST OBEY THE LAW, and provide to me in a legal participation of the people:   the rights and reality of constitutionally guaranteed REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES.  A first amendment legal right, EQUAL too;   the rights called freedom of speech/ freedom of religion/ and freedom of the press.

 The courts of this nation deny redress as has been proven in the process, and by the means of undeniable proof:   that US SUPREME COURT cases 08-1339, 11-100, and the extra-ordinary writ 2023.  FAILED to support, defend, respect, or obey the constitution of this United States of America!

  All deliberately applied to the law called first amendment redress of grievances/ all denied by the court, and each preceding  court prior to the supreme court.

 In addition as will be proven in these cases:   the federal court also refused to demand of the state of IL/ that they MUST provide the guarantees of the IL constitution to its citizens, in particular me under Article 3 of the US constitution.  That is illegal, the betrayal of the citizens of IL! Which does mean, I too,  AM BETRAYED, by the judiciary.  Which seeks instead of constitutional law and order BY LAW;  as is clearly written in the constitution of both state of IL and US constitution.  They have denied, with the intent to destroy our written law/ our guarantee as citizens this shall be, "the nation we defend with our lives".  A true conspiracy against the people of this nation/ by the judiciary of this nation and this state.  An intolerable, and absolutely illegal act, a defiance of we the people: which does constitute a treason. They do seek to tear down our law!  REGARDLESS of the courtroom within which it fails, that is the act of an enemy.

The constitution is "our government", the sovereign reality of our authority/ established by the foundations upon which it was built: as is the bill of rights, and the declaration of independence.

 Because this: is the contract between this people, one and all: that our lives shall be governed: by these words. This then becomes, the identity of who we shall, or shall intend to be.  By the laws we create for ourselves, and the guarantees we give to each other. As is REDRESS: the demand for accountability from our employees!

THE SWORN OATH REQUIRED, for employment:  that demands, it is the constitution that comes first/ NOT the employee.   Means: EACH AND EVERY POLICING AUTHORITY HAS A CHOICE:   Either to obey the constitution, as it clearly reads, for "we the people".  OR, a judge/ president, or ANY other as may believe they are rulers instead of us, as our democracy:   we rule/ we own/ we decide; one nation: one vote per citizen.  As we choose it to be!

 It is my intent to prove:  The courtroom/ "its judiciary":  is found by the clear and absolute preponderance of the evidence:   to be in open rebellion against the USA, and against the state of IL.  BECAUSE the judiciary in both environments of law/ REFUSE AND DENY CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND ITS GUARANTEE TO EACH AND EVERY CITIZEN of which I am one.  Thereby they HAVE conspired, to attack our very foundations of government/ and deny the truth that is OUR DEMOCRACY.  Playing rulers instead, and demanding rules govern the nation and state, rather than the constitution shall govern them.  That is tyranny.  That is anarchy as well; because it seeks to destroy the guarantees we rely upon as our law.

  NONE in the judiciary has the right to discard or deny or destroy a guaranteed right of the first amendment, or any other.  Neither has the judiciary a right to abandon the people of a state/ when called to enforce their constitution for the people.

 A legal right/ is NOT a political one.  There is no interpretation to prove otherwise/ the constitution is our ruler/ the sovereign right of our authority either as a citizen or an employee is governed by these words.  Equals under the law!

  There is no authority greater than we the people, as this is our democracy, and we the people own the right to interpret our contract with each other: for ourselves: by the words MOST CLEAR.  Or the descriptions we choose to create for ourselves.

Consequently we come to the moment of truth: 

 should I "aid and abet" the employees particularly identified in the courtrooms of this nation, who are so clearly attacking this USA and this state of ILLINOIS?

  Or should I demand, that duty requires me to INSIST  THE LAW, AND THE CONSTITUTIONS of this society MUST BE OBEYED.  Before any tax can be paid.  So that then I can in fact pay the taxes that are consistent and fair; the same, as with all others.  It is treason, to aid or assist the enemy.  Those who attack the foundation of our democracy, those who do destroy and literally deny the law as written in our constitution: or to mutilate its purpose and design.  ARE called enemies.  Proven so by courtroom testimony that cannot be denied/ in the cases presented by the litigant James Frank Osterbur.

 While the "IRS, and all other government employees will contend, they are not the enemy".  The reality is very clearly proven:   that the court systems of this state and this nation HAVE DELIBERATELY conspired to remove and deny a foundation guarantee of the US first amendment / AND the fifth guarantee of the IL constitution.  That is fact.  Therefore the only question left is: HOW MUCH harm have they done?  If found guilty, what should the penalty be!

Answer, looking at simply the US supreme court cases presented:   it is proven, redress WAS NOT respected as the law.  Was denied this citizen without cause or law in opposition.  Was hidden away from the people, so they would not be informed.  Was destroyed from the 7th  federal appeals court so the record could not be found.  And much more.

 The result of NOT being provided with redress of grievances in a timely manner, as is/ as was THE LAW.  WITHOUT the means to demand accountability as is clearly PROVEN, by documentation that cannot be denied.

NOT ONLY did our employees running rampant over us destroy the value of our currency/ discard every known value of life and living, to gamble with everything we need for life and a future: choosing to believe only in the religion they infested this country with.   As is evolution, and the entire "university is our savior, cult".  Their treason extends to the reality of terrorism:   because these employees have chosen to risk exterminating every life on the planet by theorizing "we can control the same fire as is on the sun here, on this earth.  We can bring the same energies as did cause the big bang (single most destructive event in the history of the universe, here on earth).  They can take the foundation of nature itself, which is the instructions that build the bodies called life:   and play god with our future/ as if it were their own personal toy.   Mutilating everything, for the purpose of their religion/  and preparing pandemic invasions that will be weapons of mass destruction. Let loose upon this world, because they are clearly INSANE!  That is the fact we face today, the reality of our existence threatened to the extreme:   because the court refused to provide REDRESS, the employees of our government denied accountability,  for this people.  DESTROYING OUR SAFEGUARD AS A DEMOCRACY; and removing the authority called WE THE PEOPLE,  so EACH CITIZEN could have their own say.   These RISK OUR EVERYTHING/    Which means we the people of this world, HAVE AN ABSOLUTE RIGHT, to "our vote/ our knowledge created, so that understanding may exist/ and the reality of OUR RIGHT as life on this earth: BE HEARD.

 The press being muffled, and nearly worthless/  destroyed to the extent:   they cannot, and will not,  protect anything.  Because the courts took away their individuality, their ability to decide for themselves;  and gave it away to those who have been stealing.  With the tsunami of counterfeit monies against us, thieves have run rampant/ LIARS have come, Pretending its debt/ when in fact, NO possibility exists, this debt can be paid: thereby clearly and plainly inflationA reality of knowledge/ denied to the people/ so they might at least try to protect themselves.

 It is with extreme shame, and absolute disrespect, that the employees of this government have shunned their duties, denied constitutional law:   rampant with fantasies and delusions of playing god, with arrogance and pride beyond sanity.  An absolute failure for life and living.  A complete vomit of sewage, rather than a respect or demand: LIFE MUST COME FIRST!

   It is: Clearly a duty to intervene/ and create REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES; so that this nation and state, even this world:  can survive.   FOR YOU TOO! Like it, or not.

WE ARE THREATENED WITH EXTINCTION!  Because of the failure of these courts, and the leaders who refused to protect and defend our nation or our world.  Believing in their religion "the university, is our savior"! INSTEAD of relying on TRUTH, BY THE EVIDENCE/ and its INVESTIGATION OF OUR REALITY!

There are no second chances/ either we fight for life, or we ALL     die! 


   When the constitutional questions/ demands/ and guaranteed rights: ARE RESOLVED .

 THEN it is time to argue "the payment owed", and to whom.

REGARDING THE ARGUMENT OF FRIVOLOUS/ the demand to inflict damage on me.

REDRESS is established, and demanded for the following reasons: none of which are frivolous.

You are reminded with regards to each, "in opposition" position referred too: that if I am right or wrong is ultimately irrelevant, because I do not threaten you with extinction.  BUT THAT IS NOT TRUE, of the terrorists who have created these threats.

A; under construction:   the lasers will be the first to operate in the exawatt scale–a quintillion watts.  That is about a million times more powerful than 10 billion 100 watt light bulbs.  And a fourth laser to be built.....twice the power of these three.    By 2015

FROM ME IN OPPOSITION to exhibit A: this is a fire so ferocious, that fusion is guaranteed; a planet on fire.  The claim of an energy roughly equal to what the sun brings to this entire planet, in the same second; isolated into "a pencil point"; by men. What could go wrong: "take a look at your sun"!   This is "the biblical, pale horse rider of death"/ because humanity chooses to ride it into hell.

B;   NIF will achieve temperatures of more than ...180 million degrees fahrenheit....pressures more than 100 billion times as large as the earth's atmosphere. –only three places in the space and time of our universe have ever produced anything close to these conditions.     The BIG BANG.....INTERIOR OF STARS......THERMONUCLEAR WEAPONS. .....laboratory experiments that attempt to reproduce the processes in the order to drive the implosion of the ignition capsule.... for fusion.  "Supernova explosion...much lower than the temperature expected to be achieved in the NIF target.....density.... well below what NIF will achieve.....the extreme neutron density at NIF is larger than that achieved by a core‑collapse supernova‑(an exploding star‑ or when two neutron stars". collide.)

FROM ME IN OPPOSITION: the next step if contained is the creation of a black hole; if not fusion. The process:  if the energy absolutely cannot get out/ and more pressure is applied than the environment can withstand, then it must turn inward, and that is what creates a black hole, or dark matter as a result; "for every action/ there WILL be a reaction".  Is that not so!

Idiots suggest/ scientists gamble our entire world on the theory: it takes extreme pressures to sustain a fusion fire (therefore safe)/ because they believe "the sun burns from the inside out";          But we see no fissures. HOWEVER  the primary evidence OF, the processes on the sun, in reality are already discovered.  That a dying sun (getting ready to explode)  goes supernova, and as a result expands to more than 3 times its current size. For this to happen: the core/ mass of the sun must add more fuel to the fire, to increase intensity.(fires grow). For more fuel to be burned than previously, as a supernova proves.  It is absolutely impossible to believe the sun "burns from the inside out".  If it did, all the fuel in question would be already engulfed in flame/ burning quickly; it does not. The evidence of a supernova, ultimately and without question proves this their theory is in doubt.  But there is no doubt regarding what a fire released on earth just like the sun will do: just look at the sun.  The evidence of reality as to what does happen on the sun with fusion is: heat expands, just like the flame on a candle: therefore we know, that the flames are lifted off the surface of the orb/ causing the fuel to be vacuumed up: not fire held down by "their delusions of gravity: which they don't even have a theory for".  Neither is the assumption that combining atomic environments into elements is what creates energy as heat.  While it is true that atomic nuclei combined into different elements does release heat, IT IS NOT the making of a new molecule or element that releases heat.  IT IS THE INTERFERENCE GENERATED, by adding into or subtracting from the orbital arrangements of an atom that causes heat to come forth.  The rhythms/ balance/ disciplines/ and stability of the whole atom/ each atom:  is interrupted and influenced to remove energy, and from that energy releases from the outside (electron field)  atomic environment:  that is heat, from a chemical reaction. NOT the end result which is a different molecule or element/ but the degrading of atomic stability for a length of time.  Heat from a nuclear fire, is the degrading and dissolution of bonds that hold the proton and neutron nucleus together.  In the case of the sun and planetary orbit: the remaining neutron now freed, is attracted first to the remaining mass of the sun itself/ and secondly to all other mass close enough to be influenced: that effect/ represents gravity itself. Therefore it is the fire on the sun that presents the greatest gravity in this solar system. Not the mass.  A greater mass attracts a smaller mass, because there is more degradation, of the nuclear environment; wherever there is more atomic nuclei, in motion.   The sun is NOT hydrogen, held together "by magic".  The sun is a dense rock, being dissolved by fire because the atomic energy of individual orbiting electrons are removed: thereby releasing the potential energy that is a proton at its core. by the resultant chaos, which "shakes the proton"to be melted. The debris field left that is ejected from the sun; consists of  whatever can survive the fire.  WHICH IS, the smallest/ lightest potential element/ that then reassembles itself beyond the flames; and even smaller particles;   as does become the debris field of this fire being ejected: therefore viewed as hydrogen.  It is a result of the flame, NOT a composition of the orb itself.

Add in, that they do expect their "star" shall produce 100 times more energy than they put into it:   they say they put in 1000 times more power than all the electricity used in the USA during the same time. Or by their quote: they must contain an energy equivalent of : 500 million 100 watt light bulbs in their machine. 50,000,000,000 (50 billion) watts, unleashed, in a very tiny area.

DRESS REHEARSAL is over/ nothing left to do, "but create fusion or a black hole/ or a megaton explosion in San Francisco".   This is the "biblical red horse; the reality of trial, either for life or death of a world/ as there can be no second chances".

C.  Crucifying our world:   Page 1.  "Is the first microbe that thrives and self‑replicates with only a synthetic genome to guide it....forming an artificial chromosome 1 million characters long.   ...motivating force is commercial....could be worth more than one trillion dollars....proof of concept that we can make....changes across the entire genome of an organism....add entirely new functions....create a new range of industrial organisms....produced short strands ....strands reassembled....spliced in.   The crucial step...synthetic genome and transferred it into another kind of common bug.  As this bug multiplied, some of its progeny ditched their own DNA and began using the synthetic genome.  THEN the transformation began.    "Its pretty stunning when you just replace the DNA software in the cell.  The cell instantly starts reading that new software, starts making a whole different set of proteins, and in short while, all the characteristics of the first species disappear and a new species emerges".  applications of this enabling technology are enormous....weaponised microbes...make the most powerful bio-weapons mostly by our imaginations... unless it is deliberately injected or sprayed into a goat...

Page 2.   They're building life.....dubbed genetic engineering on steroids" ‑ is inspired by the convergence of nano‑scale biology...mail order synthetic DNA.  "Just about anyone has the potential to construct genes or entire genomes from scratch, including those of lethal pathogens..... scientists predict that within 2‑5 years it will be possible to synthesise any virus.....backed by government funding and venture capital.  They aim to commercialize new biological parts, devices, and systems that don't exist in the natural world. some of which are designed for environmental release.... concentrated in the hands of major multinational firms....biological samples, sequenced and stored in digital form, will move instantaneously across the globe and be resurrected in corporate labs thousands of miles for synthesising genes and genomes are widely accessible and advancing at break‑neck pace....there must be an immediate ban on environmental release of de novo synthetic organisms until wide societal debate and strong governance are in technologies that will challenge human society and food sovereignty...  Page 3.   ...successfully fused human cells with rabbit eggs....for years scientists have added human genes to bacteria and farm animals....artificial life refers to the synthesis and simulation ...and also to possible life forms and concepts that man not have occurred ....not only in life "as we know it", but also "life as it might be"....US biotech company announced they have first cloned human embryos.... all embryos died early.... federal policy regarding stem cell research, human cloning, and biotechnology.  

"Building an evolvable physical self‑replicating machine is a grand challenge.  The main problem is that the device must be capable of hereditary variation, that is replicating in many configurations‑configurations into which it enters unpredictably by mutation. Template replication is the solution found by nature........replication must be maintained by preventing side reactions such as spontaneous ligation, cyclization, product inhibition, and elongation of staggered ends. The last of these three results in every lengthening sequences in a process known as the elongation catastrophe.  The extreme specificity of structure required by the monomers is indirect evidence of some kind of natural ......prior to

FROM ME IN OPPOSITION: as is the reality of the last paragraph made above: biology is NOT a simple mix of chemicals in a pot, stirred.  Mutilations cannot be undone.  Pandemic's cannot be reversed.  Biological weapons can kill 97% already, of humanity. Evolution is nothing more than another religion: very little more than "I went shopping for what I wanted a body to be/ I chose/ I built myself, over billions of years"; without a mind.  How is that not a religion?  Rather you cannot have a body of any life;  without all the parts, pieces, processes, reproduction, utilities, etc: that you must have/ that  you need from the beginning to survive.  An entire body without lungs/ a heart without blood or vessels/ mussels without bones or joints or hands/ everything else but no mind?  WHAT, DON'T YOU NEED, for life to survive?  How then did evolution build you one tiny piece at a time?  It is insane.

          This is the "biblical black horse: judgment day, the earth and all its creatures have died/ are now, the living dead".  It is Armageddon: nature destroyed by "man-made" chaos!

D. the experiment: can we create a big bang here on earth: the single most destructive event in the history of the universe.       CERN;  Experiments that smash protons...."god's particle"....proton smashups to 115 to 130 gigaelectronvolts....(.00000000000000232).   LHC will run through to the end of 2012....the beam energy for 2011 will be 3.5 prepare for higher energy running starting 2014....prepare for it running at its full design energy of 7 TeV per beam.

FROM ME IN OPPOSITION:   The answer is:   that a big bang did not happen without structural disintegration.  That means: SOMETHING "sliced and diced" the mass  to be blown apart prior to the big event so that everything could go at once.  That means in real terms "a proton" so energized no physical resistance could oppose that force, existed against it.   But tied by "electrons", this force  moved back and forth through the mass at tremendous speed.  Thereby destroying atomic order (time itself), a little with every pass. A  GREATER understanding, is provided  at the end of these exhibits. Lacking the intent of a foreign language used to hide it, from the general public;  as is math; so that you may understand.

This is the "biblical white horse; where the university is given control to do whatever it desires, threatening life/ they say:   who can stop them".

E.  LIARS, CHEATS, AND THIEVES:   Page 1.  Is a short summary of the various sites and information found, detailing the extreme disregard for reality, as it reveals "just 363 billion left in US account; after social security and medicare for a year, from taxes".  But they spent 6.3 trillion in IL they collected $21 billion, but spent 140 billion.  The money called a debt/ HAS IN FACT, been inflated to $504 thousand dollars per individual citizen: they just call it a debt/ so they can keep these numbers for themselves; using it, to steal everything; because we cannot compete with these numbers they did counterfeit; simple as that.

This is the "biblical apocalypse; the reality of vengeance, caused by men; as the world begins to learn WE HAVE BEEN MADE SLAVES.  The result, established by guns without end:   everyone is considered THE ENEMY; shoot first".

F. the short list, from other threats listed here:

1.  We burn more oxygen with fire, than this earth can produce/ you also cut down, mutilate, or destroy the very organisms that produce the oxygen we need.  "The average person uses about 3,000 gallons of air to breathe a day; a small car, average distances:  use thirty times that much. A large truck over one hundred times more."  Think about it: using more oxygen just for fire than the planet makes/ WHAT happens next?  Answer the question.

2.   Antibiotic feeds are failing/ which means the factory farm is nearly extinct: a single pandemic then destroys the entire herd; across this world (taking your food with it).  We cannot wait to rebuild, too many mouths to feed.  We have NO OTHER means to raise or keep these animals currently; therefore it will be cannibalism.  Antibiotics are what make most of your healthcare possible; "all gone, for a few pennies, and a little ease".  Pharmaceuticals of all kinds; sucked in by the handfuls; ARE without doubt causing the increases in autism, asthma, and more; chemicals of all kinds, ADD IN.

3.  Only one inch of rain replenishes an aquifer/ per fifty inches of rainfall.  Ethanol is added to fifteen percent of all gasoline used in the USA/ times at least three gallons of water to make it/ times (guessing another two for irrigation, etc).  Trillions of gallons of water are pumped into gas fields/ oil fields/ used in chemicals/ made toxic by chemicals/ contaminated from garbage/ removed from saturation into the aquifer by tiling; and a whole lot more.  Go find out.

4. There are experiments in nano technology, small enough particles to invade cellular structure and clog immunology, function, foundations of life and life processes as well as other cellular activities Self replicating means: potentially complete overtaking of the biological system/ even every biological creature or plant on earth.

5. The advances to artificial intelligence are an easily detectable threat. It will be horrible because it can be horrible/ not because it has to be?

6. The introduction of mutilations such as Bt corn (kill any insect that bites, sicken many insects in contact with the pollen/ and the pesticides based upon that same chemical reaction/ or other types of killing sicken the world that lives on insects. Killing the insect world, and transforming the rest, from the bottom of the food chain on up. The determined end of habitat for all but what men want/ extinction of species, by removal of diversity/ poisoning everything in sight, water, and everything else. Devastating OUR POLLINATORS, the creatures who ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR; an entire base food source to this world. The entire system of pollination, from all its creatures, to all its seeds, to all its life is being decimated: and we are about to live within and forever changed as, "a true silent spring". Where fruits and vegetables no longer exist/ where much of life itself is now extinct. The only thing left: swarms of insects dedicated to the plants men do want..

7. Fail to feed fish populations that you have so badly decimated, and they cannot return/ therefore you starve; and WAR.

8. "It's a choice"/ or more clearly its your choice: to fight for this world or just surrender as cowards! Think for yourself.

9. Evolution is their excuse, it will fix anything they destroy/ so they say. Something new will come out of your chaos, their intentional destruction of life on earth, (we CAN MUTILATE LIFE, because evolution will fix it) "in a million years or so". You want to wait a million years?

10. Of the various things available for us to see the past/ one of the most clear is: that to have created the vast amount of coal, oil, and gas underground/ some buried thousands of feet down. There had to be a world wide flood/ nothing else could bury this amount of debris, all at one time, in the same places, so as to produce these quantities. The same religion that establishes this flood declares, "the next time" by fire. So enters fusion!

11. THERE IS NO WORK/ NO LIFE, WITHOUT RESOURCES. How long before you have nothing left? How long, before a critical part, a critical material or element, disappears forever?

12. More simply, when the ice melts, you cannot "make cold" anymore. Great amounts of ice have melted, some say enough for a 20 inch rise in sea level around this earth. THAT IS, ALL THE PROOF REQUIRED: TO PROVE GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL! That means you have moved "this much weight" from its location on one tectonic plate/ to another tectonic plate shifting the balance and disrupting the stability of these earth structures.

13. The current situation in USA with weather: is likely to remain abnormally hot and dry: because ground temperature prove there is no great deviation from hot to cold across the nation. That temperature difference creates the weather and rain.

14. We cannot be wrong about energy experiments. We cannot be wrong about genetic crucifixion of life. We cannot be wrong about weapons of mass destruction. We cannot be wrong about food or water or anything that will make us extinct. Because if you are/ the planet dies, and you with it. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

15. Because men want NO DIVERSITY/ they want only what they want, and that ends the diversity of life by process, establishes unintended consequences, and describes environmental change. The chains of life are real, break a chain and everything above it fails to survive.

16. We cannot ignore Yellowstone super volcano/ if it erupts; life on earth will die by the billions (just in the human population); a reality of consequences. Thought must prevail. We can intervene by drilling to relieve the gases that cause an explosion to occur.

17. THE OCEAN FEEDS OVER ONE BILLION PEOPLE (you already have one billion people hungry) Ending the food supply for every other kind of fish dependent upon that food supply too: such as tuna and others. Killing entire " sea nations at a time" is devastation on a massive scale/ no balance: it's a man's way.. Nothing but want, and greed. "Make me rich"!

18. Are invading even the last refuges for the very last stocks of many types of fish because the ice is gone now in the Arctic .. Are genetically mutilating creatures of the sea. A complete we don't care attitude, a "we are gods" arrogance. What is the result: IF NOT a DEAD OCEAN?

19. While those crops are currently producing more: in exchange you have opened the door to an epidemic/ a catastrophe: that can kill the entire plant/ leaving you with no option but to abandon the entire species once this has taken over

20. You are killing all pollinators at once/ with poisons clearly introduced that weaken their defenses and make them vulnerable to everything.

21. You have built death and starvation. You have built "superbug's/ or extremely powerful diseases, that can invade us as well". You will starve. YOUR surgery and healthcare are very dependent upon antibiotics: and that means, you die too.

22. With one billion people already hungry/ 2 million more added EACH, and every week; as the human population grow; they need more. A population that is over 7 billion:

23. Because they don't want to pay the price for life: WHICH IS, from this point forward: ONLY LIFE FIRST MUST LEAD. BY ITS OWN TRUTH/ no more money first, no more want first, no more insanity. ONLY LIFE FIRST, forever.

24. With a world filled with nuclear bombs, only twenty five detonations of which are said to be enough to end life on earth:

25. With many nations holding biological weapons, whose stated efficiency is OVER 97% DEATH RATE in humans if released: WORLDWIDE.

26. PURPOSELY trying to cross humanity with any other form of life, in a direct crucifixion of the genetic stability of nature itself. The media propagating "how great this will be"/

27. How is an angry world, a world stolen from, and berated as less than "us/ the extra special smart people" going to stop itself from war. Men choose war as their answer,

28. 7 billion people growing at 2 million more each week! Standing on one acre of "growing land" each.

29. Want a better world, create world law & dedicated world police. Who will not attack nations, BUT WILL bring their leaders to justice by trial, or if necessary other means of enforcement and denial of superiority, including death for leaders. The law, Will enforce

30. The separation and protection of women from men in terms of making a nation different: IS A TRUE incentive to men, to make the other men change. So that the women will return

31. Want to use all the resources of earth today: HELL yes/ no worry, we will just go get more! After all, how much stuff can 7,000,000,000 people take, every day/ every year for their entire lives:

32. Armageddon means: "Nature in chaos". Geneticists are actually working as hard as they can, for the last fifty plus years/ DELIBERATELY trying to cause genetic stability, disciplines, and balance to be destroyed. They believe once they see it fail/ then they will know what to do, to "be gods themselves". I say: instead of gods/ they will be "satan";

The machines are built/ the reality is at hand/ a moratorium (and everything else to stop it) is required at all levels: including demanding the press SHALL NOT escape our reality

. We are going to intervene RIGHT NOW, or we will be too late. Play time is over/ GROW UP OR DIE. It really doesn't matter what you want/


I, James F. Osterbur:   do hereby declare, that a true and correct copy of this first filing has been mailed to the following parties at the addresses so listed:   by certified mail.   Placing the parcel,  in the US postal service/ as prepaid mail on the date of 4/ 23/ 12


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