To the Urbana Champaign sanitary district


from James F. Osterbur

dated 9/ 18/ 12


regarding the past due notice you have sent to me.


I am in NO CONCEIVABLE WAY, delinquent or past due!  Rather I have plainly stated in two distinct letters mailed to the address on your billing: demanding an explanation for why I am billed for a usage charge that does not exist in real life.   Because these are rental units, and there is NO water usage by the landlord of this property; they provide their own.  At least one tenant explains:   she is billed by the sanitary district on her water billing.  Which means a double billing is occurring on a regular basis.  And unless you can substantiate the reality of why we are both charged for tenant usage/ and why we are both charged for the same sanitary billing.  I can only consider this to be fraud and extortion.  Therefore again I do demand that you clearly and plainly support your position with the law that allows you to double bill/ and the reality of a usage tax or billing,  that is plainly NOT BEING USED BY THE LANDLORD of the property.  That means the tax is not uniform under the law/ but disproportionately distributed to the landlord.  There is no usage regarding the landlord/ therefore no tax is owed.  You are not allowed to "tax anyone you wish"/ you are required to tax all, "with equal justice".  Or more simply do you tax a homeowner that lives in his or her dwelling twice/ once for the house and once for the people living in that house?  Because that is what happens here.  The uniformity of tax requires that you do, or is it a "ghost" that you tax (then make him pay), in the fantasy land of your continuous failures?  Does the house "take a shit"?  Prove it.


PROVE I owe this money, and I will pay it.  Fail to prove I owe this money, and I do demand a refund for the past years you illegally obtained it.


This letter now goes to the mayors of Champaign;   102 N. Neil st; 61820/ Urbana 400 S Vine st 61801; as well  as the states attorney, at Champaign county court, Urbana IL 101 E. Main 61801.  And the landlord association CIRPP box 17324,  Urbana IL 61803

Your reply is mandatory.

As any action against one of the tenants of this property will be deemed illegal/ any action against me, which includes fines and penalties for simply demanding proof of billing rights; will be considered criminal trespass.   I demand to know YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS UNDER THE LAW, as is consistent with any contractual duty or right/ and that does not mean a simple "city tax", because you want to.  Simply show me the law, that applies constitutional democracy in action.  Show me the law enacted by the IL congress, that lets you bill me for a usage fee; when no usage exists.  Prove to me, that double billing is warranted; and not merely an illegal action against the ownership of property.    That is my demand, the failure to substantiate your claim, establishes legal cause to enter court, and demand not only repayment but penalties, fines, and imprisonment for those who have broken the law, and discarded democracy to "play ruler" over us.

A digital copy suitable for distribution, is located at



To; the urbana champaign sanitary district

from: James F. Osterbur


dated 9/ 12/12


regarding sewer billing for 615 Colorado, in Urbana IL


bill #3018166


the billing in question is being charged to the landlord; the landlord has no usage of water on this premises; as it is entirely up to the tenants to pay for and provide water to themselves at the cities price.  As we the landlords do not use the water/ thereby the sewer; we owe you nothing/ OR YOU MUST PROVE, that not only can you charge the tenants in question/ but can LEGALLY double bill for the service you provide.  The question of criminal conduct does arise



  Send me the law, upon which you depend.  Send me proof, clearly and plainly depicting how it is that a double billing, both tenant and landlord is legitimate.  Prove you do not owe this community of landlords a REFUND.    If you can prove it is legally within the law/ I will pay the price.  If you cannot prove your actions are legitimate; there can be legal, and public  consequences.