Family ties and friendship aside,

 the reality of business IS ALL, this letter is about.  Written, because you are always certain, "two words about anything, and you know everything I could possibly say/ so you don't have to listen".    HOWEVER, you have been practicing in the rental business maybe 5 months now/ and I have been living with it, working for various landlords;  for at least 35 years.  YOU DON'T know everything, "it's a fantasy".



        THEREFORE, listen to the words of a landlord:


        A single mother with 4 kids does NOT have a job, unless she is very rare, and supported either by a college degree and a foundation previously cultivated in business BEFORE she had children/ or she has an inheritance that makes life easy.  Not here is it.  She doesn't have a job/ because raising 4 kids is a job; and there is a limit to what anyone can do. She doesn't even have a vehicle.  They get sick/ they have needs, wants, and realities that demand the job must be second;   so they get fired from a good job/ or the children feel abandoned; or there must be a caring adult to take care of them.  Childcare is NOT cheap/ so they have no money, even if they have a job!  If the car breaks down/ get sick/ anything unexpected, can become "I cannot recover financially from this. Not an issue of black or white/ its reality.  That means she is dependent upon "government"/ or the courtroom ravaging the lives of one or more men, to steal their money (its only owed, if it was your choice too)/ or the limited realities of how do you get money quick?  And that, is only the beginning.  It is NOT kind or fair, to let someone into a place they will not be able to afford.  Even though you do know this, you decided to make us a charity.  That is truly unfair.

        In business either you run it for the money/ or you get no money: and that means, you get to take nothing out of the business for yourself, your kids, your responsibilities in life, nor any other charity you might actually choose.  Or more simply when you let a renter for instance make us;   a charity for them. That ends our choice, and makes you, and those who do depend on this business;   the one in potential need instead.  NOT a good decision.  You can give all you want to charity personally/ but you CAN'T make the rest of us in this business pay for your charity.  Its your charity/ its your bill; NOT ours, unless we agree.  You can't use the owners property as a charity, unless she agrees.  She does NOT, and I don't even have to ask/ because I know, even if you don't.  You, like us;   are an employee of this trust/ not the owner.  We get paid based upon what we earned for the trust/ NOT just because you want money that is no longer there.  That requires the sale of assets/ and that ends the flow of income; so "next year" is expected to be worse.  So then more assets are sold, and suddenly "nothing left".

        So then let's look at the more complex issues involved/ NOT as simple as it seems.  If the tenant(s) that share the building, can't get along/ they move.  Very few tenants want to move into an apartment next to a single mother with four kids.  That means unless you want to take the few who do, that apartment will remain empty until the mom +4 decides to move or is evicted.  Eviction is harsh, which means the temptation to do things "less desirable/ for money" lurks around every corner.  Criminal aspects arise, and the neighborhood deteriorates.  Because there are a number of people who do understand, if they keep the other side from being rented, or cause trouble enough so they move:  "then they can own the property"/ and abuse it however they like, without paying anything.  If they can keep control long enough, they can destroy the value of the neighborhood, even just one house, if its bad enough, and the police don't get involved.  If they do all property values, and the ability to rent decrease dramatically: because NOBODY wants to get involved in this.  Being evicted means angry for most; which means holes in the walls, and destruction to property.  Call up the last landlord to be sure?  If it has been bad, and a lot of trouble; that landlord is going to give a "good report" just to get rid of that tenant.  NOW, he or she is your problem, I am free.

        All cultures and colors have "problem tenants" associated with them. The black population (as a much higher percentage/ NOT the majority, but more.) does have one particular reality associated with it, that is NOT suitable for a "good renter": they know and understand how to use "government protections".  They study it, they learn from each other and "many", consider it their business; HOW to use the system, and screw the landlord. For instance they know, if they just don't open the door/ or run inside when a police officer shows up/ they can't be served.  Which means you can't evict/ because you have no court date until they are served.  So the police become beggar's (we just want the money); and won't return until you pay them more.  Or this becomes just another criminal conspiracy without the legal ties: "you get to stay/ I get paid protection money: let the damn fool pay all he or she wants."  This goes on until you are tired of paying; and must resort to a private detective to serve them; more expense, and more time.  Only when they are officially served, can you get an eviction notice and it usually takes one month/ plus time allowed.  6 months is not uncommon/ it all depends upon how much you know about working the system against the landlord.  If you, the landlord;  interfere in the process, you can be arrested for violating their rights; you have none: except the damn bill they are going to charge you with.  When you get the place back, it is usually trashed or just plain REAL dirty.  That doesn't mean whites and others don't/ it just means, as a percentage, the black population is much better at it, and knows more.  Which means more likely to have significant trouble.   Three of the previous black tenants, at different places this family has  rented too;  were a terrible problem with police out, failed rent, can't collect/ property damaged/ can't serve/ and more: costing thousands lost.  Not a good record, other landlords do have more trouble as well; which means the bar is set higher. Although the white population is clearly having more trouble as well. Both are a sign of financial troubles, depression, etc.  However that is irrelevant in terms of the purpose of this business: which is, CAN YOU pay the rent, and take care of the property, and not cause trouble in this neighborhood!

         The police are nearly useless/ the courts are corrupt, and intend to make you house these people as long as possible;  cause somebody has to do it/ AND THEY SURE AS HELL, don't want to do it; with their own money.    So they take over your house/ your investment/ and cause your bankruptcy; and absolutely don't care.  When you get in the house and its trashed or "broken"/ its just too bad for you.  If you think the "media mice" are going to help you/ you are wrong; they live on crumbs, and hide behind anything they can find.

         Even if a reporter would be useful, with only a very tiny few individuals  owning all news sources;   censoring everything seen or heard through media: unless its their own  agenda, means you lose.  These "rich owners" know, that to treat a judge with honesty means:   THEY WILL GET YOU BACK/ because sooner or later something will come up, and put you in court.  Where the back door closes, and organized crime truly exists.  Those who refuse the law, as have been proven of the leaders of this state and nation; including the police, courts, and hierarchy of government; are only one step away from "kick in his teeth/ beat him with a hose/ knife him where it doesn't show";   and if they really want to get mean, "declare he is a terrorist"/ so you can lock anyone up, and throw away their lives without even a court appearance.  Not that it matters much; where corruption rules. I have proof: []  So they shut up, and demand bribes, "hey judge, I want this for me; instead".

         Renting to families means: All the painting and preparations you have just completed, are now essentially erased; because VERY few parents control their children enough not to mark up the walls/ glue on the walls/ put things everywhere on the walls/ throw things into the walls and windows and doors/ drive toys into the baseboard/ play with sticks; and more;  an expensive and time consuming repair in most cases.  Which does also;  put all the windows and doors at risk of damage, and they are expensive.  They have clothes to wash, and that means this one tenant has taken 4 years of machine usage out of those machines for every year she is there; adding to the expense.  There are many in the black community (particularly with kids), that fail to use a shower curtain.  That means water on the floor/ and the floor rots.  The water runs under the walls, and the floor rots in the next room; and nobody tells the landlord until its too late.  A very big expense.  The black community in particular, has limited resources, so they congregate in houses, as large parties:  more than one house has had its floor joists broken: TOO many people in the house/ dancing adds more structural fatigue.  A bigger expense.

        Children are hoped to have friends, that means now we have more children in the house and in the yard.  Mothers that have 4 children often babysit other children;   now we have more long term children in the house, in the yard, and in the drive: the neighborhood changes.  The children in the drive, run the risk of getting under the car of the neighbor in this building;  and that puts the neighbor at risk of "terrible consequences"/ particularly at this building because the drive ramp is so steep:  can't see them.  In a hurry/ just too bad; and because the family is black, the next door neighbor is white; you can expect the black members of this city to be out in force to say "kill them too"/ so there are riots, its what they do.  Welcome to the neighborhood.  (Unlikely but real).  The ramp also provides an amusement for bigger children; because if they like to glide down the ramp on bicycles or skateboards or other/ they will; failing down is a medical bill, somebody has to pay, and if not the landlord, then the tenant, and now she has no money to pay for anything else.  There will be friends come over to glide down the ramp; they could end in the street, and get killed.  That is another lawsuit, and it doesn't matter how ridiculous it is, the courts are corrupt, and the reality is:   the cost of lawyers and the reality of idiocy in a jury is fundamentally a big risk.  So you put the farm at risk as well.

        Children with friends have people coming over in cars/ there is no parking available for more than one car.  That means, they will park in the neighbors drive/ and that will frustrate the neighbor, and make him or her want to move.  Again you have an empty apartment.  They will also park in the yard, on a rainy day; you get mud, not grass.  Throughout the summer, there will be toys in the yard; that have to be moved to mow.  They will leave things in the yard, which means the mower can catch and throw those things at the house or children; now a lawsuit. 

        In this particular situation there is a sizeable population of poor black people just down the block.  With cause to cross the street so to speak/ with teenagers especially in the house:   NOW we get an influx of young black teenagers, who today have a near fifty percent unemployment reality; and parents in need of money as well.  That is a mixture ripe for crime: it's a money and opportunity issue/ not a black issue.  But like so many things, "it's a circle":   come angry to an interview and you don't get the job/ etc/ etc/ etc.  You don't pay the rent; people with money talk to people with money; who then say these are a problem, as a higher percentage.  It no doubt varies with location, which color or culture feels:  "I didn't get my fair share". The common reality of high density poor is: WE are angry/ which becomes we damage or destroy the property; force people out of the building; and in general prove "we are angry".  In terms of changing the "next door neighborhood";    Just one incident of crime in "our neighborhood" and the property values will plummet, and the available tenants to choose from will become MUCH poorer/ and less likely to stay.  Just so you know, a lot of poor people are far better renters and individuals than the rich.  The worst risk in renting is:   "The lawyer"/ because they know far more than the black population and are more capable of setting you up, and using the system.  And they have "back door access"; which means "oops, I just dropped a wad of cash/ and I don't realize it", at the judges door.  So the judge says, "finders/ keepers, it's the law".  Who wins?

        So in this case, with a single incident, you have just added to the possibility, the property value itself has just lost at least $10,000.00 and it could easily be more. We will hope for the best/ but make no mistake: the purpose of this business is to make money, we don't "do it for fun/ and I don't need no more practice; so its about money".   However, If things go wrong;   now we need more policing/ the address is in the paper and on news;  NOBODY comes to the entire neighborhood to rent, other than those who cannot afford it; and all the money goes away.  If you believe the mother is suppose to watch over her children better/  then she doesn't have a job.  If she has no job she can't pay. If she does have a job, she can't watch over her children.  That makes her upset on many levels; and if "pretty enough" she will attempt to find a man to make this easier;   so now we have "suitors"/ and they will notice the female next door.  If they are the wrong suitors, and most are who come with four children already in the house: BECAUSE THIS IS a big burden to any man who enters.   Do you Agree:   and you don't get the woman long; she is tired/ has things to do (all colors and cultures).  But you do get all the debts, all the bills, all the wants, all the everything.    Few want that/ but they will take the sex, as women try to buy a man, with what they have.  It VERY RARELY works, sex is not enough; it takes love.  If there are more than one suitor, or a party with many "single men"/ it is NOT uncommon, for a group of black men to "entrap" a white woman in particular: making her fear, causes the demand "I must negotiate".  It rarely turns out well, because it does border on criminal.  Others do it too, however if they are from your own color or culture/ then you know much better, if you are in real trouble.  If they are not, then you must guess, and fear tumbles out.   This is, an "out of my element reality" more than it is a color one: but black women are a far better judge; ask them.  Again, this is about reality/ not prejudice.  The difference is: to be a friend, is to understand and respect/ NOT abuse or use.  Prejudice is, to abuse or use as a symbol rather than a life:  it is the evidence that decides.  The purpose,  is either the information and understanding of a problem, that brings to light the possibility called change.  Or, the intent to focus on "one little thing" so as to make that one "the enemy"/ as described by the "uniform (color, etc)" that separates us. Without change, you get hate/ because those who want to hide what they do; use prejudice to enforce, "let's make him or her cry"/ lets make them, the enemy.

        Nonetheless now the neighborhood gets scared of falling prices, just as soon as they consider themselves "being overrun"/ change, people we don't know, are taking over. Their own investments ending tragically for them;  if they panic, and sell just to get away.

           DON'T WANT to come home to a place where I don't feel safe, is a common human condition.  So the neighborhood starts mumbling, and the young or old;  listen, and if unemployed; they believe "I can do something"/ and force these away; one way or the other.  They make a mistake, and soon we have gangs.  Don't think so: there is a growing crime problem in this area close by.  We stand at the brink of a complete economic collapse:   GEE, what could happen then!

        These are issues that arise in every color or culture, but in this area a slightly higher percentage exists with black.  Every circumstance that can exist with this mother of four, exists with every mother of four; its reality, not design or prejudice.  The elemental task and desire of every landlord is the very same:   to make the most amount of money on every investment possible;  with the least amount of risk.  You do that too, or you will remain poor; regardless of your salary.  Color, nor culture is relevant in renting or investing, IF the black community had the best rating available of all renters (everybody says, "you got lucky/ they will pay and take care of the place, and the neighborhood will be happy"); THEN they would be first in line, at every single rental property.  As would any other color or culture; because renting is about making money, and that is what the landlord needs to do so.

        There are issues of boundary;   "We deserve what we want to come home to after working; as best we can".  Which means

different things to different people.  Neighborhoods are moved into, because the people say, "this is where I choose to live".  When the neighborhood changes, and becomes this is not where I chose to live; a long list of complaints will follow, along with anger, etc.  Or more simply, in terms of apartments it is your job to find a tenant that will get along well, hopefully with the people that are already there.  If you do that, then the entire building is at peace and happy.  If you don't, then the entire building is at war, and unhappy, and the property will reflect that, as will the ability to collect rent.  So it does matter who you choose, each time.  When an opening exists for a new renter, YOU HAVE the option, to choose someone that WILL make a difference in the life of their neighbor, or not.  If you do, both people or more become much happier, and you have made a difference to lives.  Fail, and those already in depression, now come home to more ridicule, and more trouble, and there is no escape or friendship or reason to live; and consequences arise.

        As to finding a renter:   when it's the wrong time of the year/ it is sometimes useful to offer a short term rental agreement; usually at a higher price, but not always.  A sizeable amount of people are looking for shorter term leases, due to a variety of factors;  and that usually gets you into the better rental months.  BUT, because it is the law, that you have to offer a year lease:   it is absolutely necessary to get a contract with a substantial, clear, and certain agreement.  That you KNOW this is a shorter lease/ and there shall NOT be any problem at its conclusion: you agreed to accept the terms:   have them sign by the terms/ not for a year, unless both parties agree at the termination point of this contract.



        Just so you know: if you think big things don't grow out of comparatively little things.  I have no teeth today, because about 35 or so years ago, I drank a glass of poisoned water from out well.  Shocked, I went to town and bought pop; because at that time it was either pop or beer (all you could buy)/ and then went searching for what happened to the well water.  After a year or two, I decided things must be all right, nobody else is having a problem, and we use the water for cooking.  So I went to have a drink behind the garage/ to find dad using the drinking glass for  herbicide measuring.   I gave him a lecture/ DON'T ever do it again, and expected now the problem is known, and "fixed".  However the next day, I went to get a drink of water/ and found a clear syrup in the bottom of the glass; which I would not have seen, without a bunch of insects in it.  Can't depend on him, in this; continued to buy pop, gave up water.  Dad would also use other things to measure chemicals in, and then put that in the dishwasher with the dishes.  Put the hose down in the chemical tank/ and was always spraying chemicals; carried three containers all summer long just for mowing; every week.   If not for the poisoned water/ I would never have began drinking pop; as a method of not using the well.  NEVER crossed my mind to buy pop before, didn't like it that well/ I liked water.  After years however, I have just plain gotten use to pop.  Or more simply, one tiny incident can change your life and future; even if it is a very little thing.


        Beyond that;

        So then lets continue with reality; somebody does need to take care of "family environments"/ that cannot afford themselves.   Even if this is the nicest person in the world/ that does not account for "can't pay the rent". I am well aware, they need places too; and a good place not only helps them all succeed, it helps society in a hundred different ways as well.   BUT; That is a job for society itself.

          That job begins with: NO MORE CHILDREN for you; don't care what color you are.  Fail to get that problem corrected permanently, and we won't give you a single penny or your children.  Two is enough/ because this world is full.  Not my demand, it is reality talking to you; or we will, starve as a world.


        The issues of unemployment as are a primary cause of a great deal of trouble/ cannot be fixed: UNLESS we all choose to fix it together.  We can make changes to this society so that everyone is included; but to do that, there shall be no more "extra special rich people"/ and they will all fight you, with everything they have.  But they can't win/ because we outnumber them so dramatically; kill a billion people, and there are still 6 billion to go.  Therefore to understand, is to rule.  To accept the limits reality and this planet demand of us:   is "growing up", being responsible for life. 

        In terms simple to understand, there is no place left on earth where it can continue to be said: "just throw it away/ we will get more"!  We are 7 billion people needing, 24/7 and growing by 2 million more every week.  We must create a world that accurately reflects that truth/ or we die.  We must CHOOSE LIFE FIRST;   respecting all life/ or we war. 

        We must share the work, the resources, the responsibility, and the reality;   or we will die/ because the earth itself, is at its limit.  It CANNOT sustain what is being done today.  You must choose to want less, and love more;   "As simply said, as possible".  Those who will not, shall be separated.