In america, there is and has been a tremendous attack on who owns the law, and therefrom who can own the land by using inflation to create money for the rich/ while giving only debts to the people themselves.  With that terrorism used against democracy itself, the few have managed to encroach and destroy these preliminary defenses: which do give us all the possibility to make decisions on your own.  Consequently when they steal the property, and destroy justice in the courts as is plainly seen in the trials I present as an absolute denial of constitutional law by all representatives of the judiciary and politicians.  We know, that the rebellion has truly invaded all aspects of our government, with the clear intent to rule our lives, rather than serve our purposes as a democracy itself.  They then stole the money and the law, with intent to kill democracy itself:   can’t have you free/ “the DAMN SLAVES” MUST stay chained.  So there is war.

The war of rebellion against an entire people from the inside does not exist as simple weapons to kill/ RATHER IT EXISTS as the propaganda to move the people, within fear, by controlling their thought process, the medium of their conversation by giving them “experts”: you cannot win an argument, only the expert knows.  Regardless how ill-conceived, and stupid the fools are.  As is proven by the extreme experiments of this day/ the reality of evolution as the religion of US government, and so on. “evolution cannot and has not been proven at all/ its merely another story, built upon the delusions and fantasy of university myth, or, we know everything”. Nonetheless, the foundation of propaganda is controlling all the news media in this day; as has been done, by a tiny handful of people apart from the internet, “which they are working to control”.  Fail to obey the rules, and you are blacklisted forever.  People believe, because they hear only what the majority want to hear/ their entitlement to an opinion comes from a fifteen second blip segment, which is tailor-made through university efforts to be “sucked in” by the common public, and thereby instilled in common belief.  Or more simply the vast majority believe whatever they are told: even to the point of such extreme experiments that this entire world is placed in jeopardy of absolute disintegration or destroyed by fire or all of nature mutilated beyond recognition; by people who believe they are, or can be god.   Such is the blind worship of the religious and their “university is our god/ religion”.   You bow down/ and they then kill you, while you say, “please give us more”.  Pathetic is not even close. 
So then we come to access, the vital link between being free and able to defend yourselves under true conditions of calamity: and we find that nearly all small business has been dismantled and destroyed/ leaving only a tiny few:   TO BEG and pretend that there is a choice, other than do what we have been told to do.  Without options, there is no freedom; even if the descent seems to be useful (cheaper for me)/ IT WILL PROVE to be a disaster.  “Time to be robots, enslaved”/ or die. There are more.

The final weakest link in destroying democracy so as to bring tyranny uncontrolled, the rebellion complete.  Is to take away the money.  Even though money is the least influential factor in society/ it still has a very virulent position:   you believe, therefore it has an action placed upon you.  Rather than this is merely a tool, and we have rights as have been determined by life to work/ thereby access and survival: regardless what any other may say.  By surrendering our rights to work, choosing numbers (money) instead.  We give money the right to choose for us.  When money is allowed to choose/ there WILL BE a war to collect that power over people, so as to enslave them all.  Pride is pride/ and there shall always be the people who covet pride so much, they sell their own soul.  Consequently so long as money decides/ war is inevitable: because the game of pride demands “I WIN”/ nobody else! That time has ended on this earth, as nature is only barely able to survive right now/ take away any substantial more, and we all die.  Simple and plain. 

These are then the simple truths, that examine the disciplines in society, to determine its health.  Or in the case of america:   “Sick indeed”.  You are attacked at every important direction for life in society there is/ and losing badly.  The war will soon be over/ letting you starve will soon begin.  Some will claim “can’t happen here”/ but lets review:   ONLY MONEY is important/ and yet the money is worthless because it exists only in fantasy; the reality is bankruptcy, without the slightest potential for less.  That means, anger and hate will soon grow as the people themselves decide WE HAVE BEEN CHEATED/ and quit believing in money.  When greed dies, it takes with it all the hopes and expectations of the selfish.  When the selfish are dying, “they blame you”/ regardless of the actual facts.  When the nation is full of guns and bombs and “matches” and poison and more:   the end result of hate always revenge/ therefore it is a very predictable reality.  The propaganda machines will work hard to control: “don’t let them take our money and power away; the people must listen to us, we are like gods”/ but revenge will overwhelm them.  Access will be denied, “the livestock rounded up and penned”; so as to keep the people under control:   why do you think so many police have been added?  Police do not keep society from failing/ they merely lock the people up.  That is because no matter what the law says:   it is up to the people themselves to obey the law/ if they refuse, the police use their weapon which is prison: and hate then grows. “You took my friend/ family/ lover/ justice/ land/ future/ everything”; and called me loser to the world, locking me out.  How should I not hate you? 

So then lets review again: particularly in america, you are diseased and dying, because of the fools and failures who lied, cheated, and stole their way into government.  Is the evidence not clear?  Even so, the reality is far more serious than that, because terrorists have come: threatening an entire world with extinction from within.  The most extreme threats we all face, are not found with suicide bombers, or “al-queda”/ etc.  The most extreme threats we face are found right here, and in every university around this world.  There is no recovery from mutilating genetic life/ it will ALL, die a horrifying death; because you didn’t care, and worshiped your university gods, instead of RESPECTING life.  Only a fool does that!  Then there are the people who have convinced you to let them bring the same fire as is on the sun here to earth.  The people who have convinced you to let them re-create the single most destructive event in the history of the entire universe, right here on earth.  For absolutely no reward to all that risk, “just playing god”/ that’s all. And then there are the rebels who literally do work inside government to destroy democracy itself.  Plus all the people involved in dismantling everything life, environment, ecology, chains for food supply, survival, oceans, climate; and everything else we CANNOT possibly live without:   ALL WORKING AGAINST LIFE ON EARTH.  Because they don’t care enough about life, to put it first.  They ONLY WANT MONEY.  Or more simply, every damn thing they can grab, and more slaves (you), than the rest.  For the singular purpose, to call themselves winners/ by making all the others LOSER.  What a good game men devised, it almost makes war tolerable/ until the body mutilation comes: isn’t that so?

EVEN SO, the simple truth is:   like it or not, this is what human population has become, an endless sea of selfishness, that impacts the others until so much hate has arisen: that it is inevitable war will begin.  The end result, annihilation of the planet/ because nature cannot stand much more, even apart from weapons of mass destruction. 
So then our lives do become a decision: to choose better, OR if not/ then to die, from what seems like countless threats, every single one of which can make us all extinct.

What can we choose?  Returning to the four directions/ ingredients of society above.  We can choose to be FAIR in the disbursement of property, so that all have an honest opportunity, to reap their own reward.  That is not so simple as making every single one a property owner, with a tiny bit of land.  Rather it is more clearly a decision of society to accept the responsibility, which becomes “in the best interest of us all”.  Because when we are fair/ respecting life of all kinds/ then we build a future.
We cannot rule ourselves, UNLESS WE MAKE THE LAWS OURSELVES.  It is that simple/ we cannot let any judge rule the court:   we must judge him or her, through every trial conducted so as these decisions about who can and will become a judge, and determined by ourselves.  NO MORE politicians deciding, or money or populous voting on people you have no clue about.  Every trial, and its alignment with justice, fair play, respect for all sides, equality, and law.  Decided by the people who were there/ the people who watched: NO closed doors.  We the people are the law/ we govern ourselves by constitutional agreement, which NO EMPLOYEE can alter or disobey without severe consequences.
Every resource on earth IS OURS, AND BELONGS TO THOSE WHO HAVE YET TO BE BORN!  That means you cannot assault them, without assassinating the future.  To control the resources, it is absolutely necessary to think beyond this moment, and understand what is honestly in the best interest of this entire humanity/ the best interest of life itself.

We absolutely CANNOT HAVE, the media controlled by a tiny few/ that includes the word editor.  Rather what we can have is the presentation of ideas, the investigation of facts, the examination of past, present, and future, the understanding of truth and reality in society as best we can.  The purposes of life, hope, freedom, liberty, law, and so forth: front and center, that we may vote for change, or not; by ourselves.  Instead of delusion, fantasy, greed, and endless want; as is today:   choose DEMOCRACY, “it ain’t for free”/ because there will always be those who thirst for power, pride, selfishness, and want everything they can get, regardless of its cost to the rest. There will always be mistakes.  Pay the people who provide you with the best, respect the people who provide you with substance, honor the people who do the work of democracy for you.  And search for the basic educational means to instruct all the people in fighting for their democracy, their laws, and their lives: so as to know the difference, between liar/ and justice; fool/ and “different”;   failure and thief/ or just stupid.
The money is a separate issue, because it has no relationship to reality in or of itself/ it is simply what we are willing to believe.  Nothing more or less.  So then the question is, WHAT do you believe the money in a society, should be used for?  That question comes after, reality replaces fantasy and delusion with actual numbers that have a distinct truth for humanity and society itself:   such as is gained, when the entire currency available is limited by “only so many numbers” per citizen.  When you have returned the money to reality/ only then is there any truth in what you do beyond that moment. 

To attain power over the employees of government is a very simple process.  Instead of power over you/ apart from murder and imprisonment which are a separate issue.  The power of government employees “is in the money, and making or enforcing laws”.  Take away the making of laws, and that ends.  Take away the money, as is certain with a “legal tax revolt”:   legal only when tied to the demand YOU SHALL OBEY THE CONSTITUTION, and do such things as honor redress of grievances for the people.  Take away the money, and the employee on top will borrow from foreign nations:   CONSEQUENTLY as we the people ourselves/ IT IS absolutely necessary to make the foreign nations believe:   “Don’t loan these employees anything/ or when we regain our democracy, we won’t pay you anything: STAY OUT OF THIS”.  Leaders will “bunch together” to defy this/ and you will make some concessions to the people themselves; if that is fair.  From here, we ask simply:   WHAT WILL HAPPEN, if a legal tax revolt actually occurs?

The question more simply is: what will your beliefs allow, as a society?  Will you let the employees believe they can starve you out? Will you let them believe they can imprison or control you with fear?  Will you let them believe they are invincible, and can send the army to destroy or enslave you all?  Or will you believe of yourselves that as WE THE PEOPLE, who choose to govern ourselves:   WE DO HAVE THE FINAL SAY?       Ask any union person who has been on strike, and it comes down to who is willing to lose more.  What then are you willing to lose/ and what are you willing to do to help each other?  Pride will always say: I want to win/ let the others lose.  It is useless, for life.  Life says: we cannot build anything, unless we have a permanent foundation that allows us to be free enough from threat:  to accept our decisions will have value, both now and in the future.  That does not exist on lies, cannot survive with thieves, refuses to comply when cheated.  So then if you want life to survive, this is not really a choice/ it’s a duty.  That means you cannot count what will be lost, rather you become a soldier as in any war: fighting for what you believe is important enough to risk everything.  Believing that the day will come, when your life or death proves:   “I did do, the best I could, returning some small portion of the time & miracle given to me; for life itself”.  As is true of every war/ some will give too much; others receive too much; others be left out entirely; while the majority generally get substantial relief, for a significant amount of time; if you win.  If you fail, the intent and reality, will be slavery.
We the people means: this is our government, and WE DECIDE, under constitutional law.  That means, instead of a war with guns/ THIS CAN BE A LEGAL WAR: between the citizens of democracy, and their employees.  A demand for redress as is constitutional law/ THE LAW OF THIS DEMOCRACY, AND ITS SOVEREIGN RULER, WHICH IS THE CONSTITUTION ITSELF, over every branch and every employee of our government.  We the people its final interpreters of meaning or design or right, by our vote, for ourselves. That means, it is a true and literal choice: BECAUSE THE LAW, IS ON OUR SIDE!      THE CONSTITUTION:  is our government, not any employee or branch of government. That Means, if that employee refuses to obey the command of OUR GOVERNMENT, the constitution/ they shall be accused of treason, and imprisoned immediately: to be returned to trial only at our discretion.   “IS that NOT, what they just did to you”?

 That means: during a time of inquest as is necessary to investigate and determine the truth of what has been going on/ that  we will,  take control over our resources as a nation, and feed ourselves, etc.  During this time of trial, the fate of this nation:because WE ARE THE MONEY ourselves; its our lives, its our work, its our decision: and you the employee shall obey.  Or in the day we do take back control, I say to you:   “We the people, SHALL judge what you did, or did not do; for us, and for our democracy itself”.  Nobody gets an excuse: CHOOSE for democracy, or be found in prison, or dead/ as a traitor:  we the people decide.  A tax revolt IS the most fundamental method of claiming possession of our nation.
That simple reality DOES take care of the foundation effects caused by redress of grievances.  The LEGAL war then turns to become:   WHAT IS FAIR, WHAT IS TRUE, AND WHO CHOSE AGAINST US!    We do, own the nation!  Simple and plain. 
CRITICAL to understanding the functional reality of our position as people living in "a sickened nation"/ established because of liars, thieves, and fools:   is the fact that we cannot become a police state, and retain our freedom.  As people become forced, or angry enough, "to lash out" against society itself/ the constant is, "we need more police".  Which for a time, can drive the needy or angry into hiding;  but more police means, there WILL be more harassment, more stalking, more imprisonment, and growing resentment.  Which in turn leads to more extreme violence and hatred.  Which in turn leads to civil war and more, because there are so many people at the edge of breakdown.  So many people about to be cast aside:  not "go find a job"/ but go be a slave, without hope for better.  The foundation of a peaceful  and sane society is:  THE RESPECT required to live a life that is peaceful and sane, because harmony exists.  Harmony means:  we share the work and reward together as one/ NOT everyone the same, but everyone has an opportunity and a right to share in a dignified and honorable life, with hope for the future.  NOT slavery to a few, shared responsibility and value to all.  That does require "limited capitalism", and the values of democracy revealed under a fair and legitimate constitution:  EVERYBODY GETS THIS!

As to the more extreme changes that are required; to sustain life on this planet.  The reality is, that we must have different.  Therefore we must allow the composite of women working together, to fundamentally describe “a new version of society”:   so as to move from money first, and its proven consequence of war/ TO LIFE MUST COME FIRST, for the planet itself.  It literally doesn’t matter what they choose, because it cannot be worse than today.  Threatened with extermination from MANY different sources.  Dead is dead/ they cannot do worse than the leaders of today, which plainly are primarily men, and clearly the university diploma. The diploma has proven to be so selfish and so proud, nothing matters but greed, want, jealousy, and pride.  They cannot lead anymore.  Consequently it must be “everyone, particularly women,” working for life.

As to me, the foundations shaken from strictly male, to female in charge, has been a war in many ways.  But the end result is: that the reality of change in me as was required to establish this chance for you; have now born the fruit of my own desire male or female.  You have your chance, to understand this warning is real/ and it was not possible without that influence. I had given up on you/ because I believed time would run out, before I could finish.  The spiritual woman I write about: returned me to the work, by promising for the sake of women, time will be granted, for their decision/ not just men.   Therefore overall, a “good thing”.  But true change came with it:  it is just a different life, not better or worse.  But different;  I no longer care which direction this goes: “NOT costumes and clowns”/ but realities of thought and life.  Not a game, not my decision, BUT, I am thankful for the result of this day.  You do have your chance, time was granted.  Believe whatever you wish. We own the world, all of us/ not just a few.  Which means: it ends or begins anew, as we the people,  demand that to be.  THE LAW IS AN ARMY/ the law does not accept “rulers”.  Nor does it surrender its authority to rules! Only to justice and fair play, everyone the same.  “The courtroom CAN defend us all/ IF, you do not surrender it.”
What you do with your opportunity, is entirely up to you/ I cannot save you, nor did I try.  This opportunity is about my commitment to life itself.  Not time (every individual)/ but life for this planet.  You are, “a participant in that” but so is every other living thing on this planet.  For us all: a reality that confronts us/ a decision that leaves out, not a single life on earth.  The wrong choice here, ends time.  True threats, that can make us extinct, are NOT GAMES.  When did you ever know anyone, who said:  "today I am going to get in an accident and die"?  Rather each believed:  "nothing can go wrong/ or I won't go":   but reality proved them wrong.
It is “your turn now”.  To live with these threats, which can exterminate you:  or REMOVE THEM from our lives.   "It's a choice".  To prepare for the future that is clearly coming, or just pretend and die.

You will believe whatever you want/ but you cannot live beyond what truth will allow.  Lose the water, and you die in a week;  it is disappearing by a trillion gallons or so a year / learn where.  Lose the oxygen from too many fires (7 billion people is roughly one per acre of growing land; each with a fire a day of some kind), and the destruction of creatures and plants that produce oxygen (the ocean is being raped for livestock food/ the trees are disappearing by millions of acres a year) and it will be a slow death, creeping in.  and humanity is growing by 2 million more mouths to feed each week.  Prove the evidence is wrong.
As to believing your leaders:  did they not lie to you for decades about your money, and much more?  Do you really think unemployment is changing for any other reason than people thrown from welfare/ people getting a low paying job, which won’t even pay the bills.  They print more money/ calling it debt:  but its inflation.  Debt just means you don’t get to participate/ only the rich:  inflation is so they don’t have to share.  We are lied to everyday, prove me wrong.  Demand redress:  a clear and accurate accounting of everything in government/ no more hiding, it’s the law.