Exhibit A sees the next generation of laser and recognizes its claims:   quote, the lasers will be the first to operate in the exawatt  scale- a quadrillion watts.That’s about a million times more powerful than 10 billion 100-watt light bulbs.”   (Their quote, not mine).
A fire so ferocious that it need not control the atomic environment: it will start fusion simply.     To be wrong for life, is to ignite this entire planet on fire.

So then the question to you as a member of the jury is: what can go wrong, when those who CANNOT contain their greed, or thirst for power, or desire to play god:   fail to respect life, or respect we the people, or any other base level value for or of life first in this world:    get to do whatever they want. “Or more simply, “these are the worst among us, in charge/ and spending your money, to destroy all life on earth”.  Because the numbers called money, are not required to be real ( they are; counterfeit) / the fantasy grows, and the delusions increase!  As have these threats.
 Or more simply, these “delusional schizophrenic psychopaths  (they can play god, can’t they)”  have been getting away with lies, stealing, and cheating by playing the game of numbers, rather than living in reality. Bringing their fantasies to destroy us, “with the game called a good  job”: a BRIBE, to not ask questions!
THIS IS YOUR REWARD: threats of extinction;  for not caring enough about the real money or nation:  to defend yourselves.  The price, FOR NOT accepting the reality of freedom which is, YOU are responsible; for a democratic government.  You are in charge of your employees.  Having failed: means releasing or Letting  liars/ thieves/ cheats/ and their fantasies control.   Their future/ their delusions for you,  has been proven: just look at “American debts (where did the money go?  To those who controlled and stole the most/ the biggest liars/ the greediest among us )”! Particularly when they have absolutely no restraint when spending “your life”/ do not your rulers, get everything they want:   is that not so?  They have numbers, isn’t that right? Trillions of dollars have been placed in the american economy every year: $10,000.00 per one in three citizens/ per 1 trillion.  DID YOU GET YOURS?
Arrogance as is consistent with the realities of this day; appear again in their claim of “paltry funding issues”/ for this weapon of extermination, for the planet.  Or more simply “they can’t understand why, they had to beg: aren’t they gods”?   Is this not a precursor to death, where the reality is,  larger issues do NOT exist. Look at what they are doing!  Understand the purpose, has nothing to do “with life”/ only death.  Because life requires us to serve each other, with respect for the planet.  For money in the real world/ we understand “something for you/ something for me”.   But these have escaped their play pen, and now fantasize daily about how great they are going to be:   being able to begin a fire, none other has achieved.  The result however, is obviously schizoid, the delusional/ the reality of insanity “with a face”.  What else could you expect, from terrorists ?
As life on this planet however: We the people, have only one world, we cannot be wrong!  If we fail to stop them, fully knowing what the outcome can be: YOU become just as insane. Answer the question: what happens when a laser beam as described above is in operation.  What happens  when fusion ignites, and we cannot put  out the flames (described on the sun as 8 million degrees and a million or more miles high)?
How do you answer this demand:  Because everything here is fuel, just like the sun: its all atomic structure, and fusion is the burning of atomic bonds.  This is truly impossible to “put out/ or stop”.

 This is a world problem, and it is then a world crisis.  IS IT NOT?   Answer the question. THE TERRORISTS ARE BUILDING A FURNACE, to throw you in.  THE FOOLS, are attacking us all.
Are you willing to die, when they are proven wrong?   OR are you willing to ignite a fuse against them/ to protect our world?   Answer the question!  Get your ass up, and defend your world: THERE ARE NO SECOND CHANCES!  One second too late, and life is over for this entire planet.       This ain’t a game/ wrong is dead!  An entire planet lost.

1.   Fusion is the burning of atomic bonds.  Everything on earth is held together with atomic bonds. That means EVERYTHING ON EARTH IS FUEL, FOR THIS FIRE! And the university, with government help, in many nations; are desperately trying to bring it here, to planet earth. “It’s a good job: MONEY”.   WHAT COULD GO WRONG?   They will tell you, “its free energy/ no pollution, all we want”.
But they will not tell you, it’s a fire they cannot control, and the earth will become just like the sun: if its brought here.  Believe who you like, but remember this: you cannot put it out, “look at the sun.”

2.   THE SECRET to creating fusion previously:  is to entrap the atomic environment so that no escape is possible.  It must then accept the changed reality of an extreme energy and either burn, die out by incinerating itself (fail to oppose the energy)/ OR turn itself inward, to become a “black hole”.  For every action there will be an equal opposite reaction/ and these are the choices!  The national ignition facility in San Francisco/ has one hundred and ninety two lasers focused on one tiny spot (quote “we can create 180 million degrees of heat/ MORE than an exploding sun”):   with the electrical energy of millions of horsepower to be released in less than one second, in an area that will be focused to no bigger than a pin head.   WHAT COULD GO WRONG?  This new machine is worse!
Contrary to the university which says: “we can gamble and play all we want”!  The reality is, THIS WORLD, can only die once/ just like you.

 3.  The university says:   fusion cannot be sustained here because, “there is not enough gravity to hold it here”. Which means the experiment is worthless/ simply trying to play god!  Their theory further states: “the sun burns from the inside out, from the center”. So even if they start fusion, it cannot be sustained. BUT REALITY SAYS, THAT IS NOT TRUE!   3 things disprove it entirely:   a supernova explosion is preceded by a massive expansion of heat/ for that to occur new materials must be involved (not possible, if everything is on fire already as in burning from the center).  In simple terms, a candle flame proves that heat will rise above the surface that is being burned/ when an entire sphere is being burned, that heat will rise proportionately with the energy released: proving the flame does not reach the surface of the sun, rather the materials being burned are suctioned up/ rather than gravity holding the fire down.  If the sun were on fire in its entirety, there would be sustained cracks and crevices revealing the intensity of various heat releases/ and because everything is on fire, it would consume the material at a great rate/ which would be in evidence over time as a sun that changes its diameter because of fuel consumption.  History proves it has been stable, and burns only a comparative little at a time.
BEING WRONG, about fusion:  IS THE END OF THIS PLANET, and the machine is running.    If this is NOT enough TO SAY NO:    without any other measurement or proof, of a need to investigate, this extreme risk/ at a minimum!  Then you deserve to die/ your brain is dead.
DO YOU WANT TO BE WRONG!  “Oops, your dead”/ they killed, every single one.

Exhibit Bestablishes that
quote, “an energy burst,  the blasted target generates 500 trillion watts-1000 times the electrical generating capacity of the USA”.  & quote; “the force and temperature of an exploding nuclear warhead”.  In a suburb of San Francisco/ currently running.
From me: the energy contained by 192 lasers all pointed at the same spot:  what happens when a single laser fails?  The answer is, all that energy comes out as a laser beam.  The name of the facility is: the national ignition facility.  Its primary purpose is to explode small amounts of nuclear warhead bomb material: to see if it still works!   Its secondary purpose is to create fusion.  The fact they have not done so to date is irrelevant, as with “russian roulette” it only takes once.
 On a religious level, the prophecy of Daniel 12 is:  that once the abomination of men has arisen or been revealed (used)/ there shall be 1290 days before the end of all life shall come.
What could be a greater abomination than to gamble with an entire planet!   Answer the question?  Go ahead, what could be worse, than that!

The point being:   "just because you aren't dead yet" does not mean it ain't coming!  The prophecy date comes in December  2013
Want to stop them?  An army of people proclaiming ITS MY JOB/ AND I WANT IT: “how great we are”, will stand in the way.  Never accepting the fact, they prepare the guillotine for themselves!  Disconnect them from the electricity, for a start.

 The only possible way to claim an energy explosion equaling  500 trillion watts (their claim NOT mine), is with a consequent nuclear explosion. that is the plan being enforced at the national ignition facility/ a military installation built into a tiny mountain range/ building or other; in a suburb of San Francisco, CA. Do you remember the gas main bursting into flames: multiply by eight million, or more! It will be, “a pillar of fire seen by half the world”; as it ejects, the entire atmosphere of earth/ in less than one month.  How is that not “your concern”.
For a more distinct understanding;  total energy received from the sun on earth is equivalent to 232,000,000,000,000 horsepower. [The claimed generation of 500,000,000,000,000 watts is equivalent to 670 billion (670,000,000,000) horsepower or 1 horsepower released at the national ignition facility per every 346 horsepower received from the sun here on earth] IN THIS one, TINY PINPOINT SPOT/ what could go wrong?  Solar radiation reaching earth’’s orbit is 1,400 watt’’s per square meter (W/m2) as measured at right angles to the sun (ie, Solar constant) 19% is absorbed by the atmosphere. Clouds reflect 35% more. The accepted standard is 1020 W/m2 at sea level.. In North America it is 125 to 375 W/m2. (3) [or the 473.5 trillion BTU’’S expected by the NIF is equivalent to all the sunlight and radiation reaching the earth at the north american mean latitude of 250 watts per sq meter= 2 trillion square meters of land and water surface. In one tiny spot, in San Francisco!  Sources: www.timeshiftedenergy.com ( not in italics, here in small print is/ Borrowed from this site)1. New elementary physics‑ Ginn & Co 19362. www.es.doe.gov/emeu/met Energy overview section 1.2 production by source. En wikipedia.org/wiki/solar_energy

“YOUR leaders/ your experts, NEVER once told you the risk/ never once allowed you a choice”:  is that not true!   Yet these threats are easily seen as real!  WHY, do you listen?

 1.  GENETIC CODE IS NATURE ITSELF!   And EVERYTHING YOU HAVE LEARNED ABOUT NATURE IDENTIFIES: “it is FAR more complex, than humanity ever thought it could be”!  Those DNA instructions give us balance, order, discipline, abilities to survive and adapt, thought processes, body (two arms, eyes, etc in the RIGHT PLACE, same proportions, with a mind to control them).   And it is these foundations of life, that the university is playing with/ gambling with/ and mutilating every day;  in an attempt by men to play god.   The “holy grail” of all their genetic experimentation/ their practice:   IS THE TRUE INTENT, to cause genetic structure to fail completelyby man’s design/ believing they will then learn how to put it back together, and “be god”.     Literally crucifying all life they come into contact with.  What they/ and you, if you fail;    will learn is:   genetic discipline is gone (how to build a body, or mind)/ balance is ended (two arms the same length in their proper places, ETC)/ and order no longer exists (the reality of cooperation, and relationships that conceive of, and create life).     Instead, YOU HAVE BECOME, “THE LIVING DEAD”.   This is not a game/ its life on earth lost.
There are people trying to become “like god” everyday/ mutilating, crucifying, destroying, desecrating, disrespecting, terrorizing, and in every sense of the word, GAMBLING; WITH ALL LIFE ON EARTH, every day; across this world. Trying to combine insects with men, or fish with birds, or anything/everything,  they can touch, just so they can ridicule all living creatures.!  In most nations, with absolute freedom to inject their “monster/ death/ or chaos genes” in anything they like.!  HOW can you NOT, expect ARMAGEDDON (nature in chaos)!  HOW can you lie to yourselves and not understand this tremendous tragedy! The answer is, YOU want to be god too/ or you want them to be god, so they can give you more: even though history is full of people who played god, and slaughtered the rest, when they achieved power.  An environment lost/ a humanity broken, because fools and failures were in charge.

Exhibit D
C.E.R.N. another very large particle accelerator in France and Switzerland, whose stated purpose is to recreate the ““big bang””/ the most horrendous and destructive event the universe has ever known ““right here on earth””: what could go wrong with that?   Answer the question!
What is important about the big bang for this discussion is:

FOR ANY STRUCTURE TO DISINTEGRATE INSTANTANEOUSLY , as did the originating mass of this universe:   ALL THE STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS INVOLVED,     HAD TO BE WEAKENED FIRST, (a very important fact)In other  words, something preceded the explosion itself. The question is HOW, OR WHAT? 
The answer is:   only an energy SO EXTREME, that no reaction could exist, no elemental relationship could defend; to confront it:   did exist.  An energy and momentum  accelerated so fast: that time did not exist, by the physical laws of energy we know today,  as our truth.  Time is by actual fact: the law that says, for every action there will be an equal opposite reaction.  OR, in a mass so extreme as “everything in this universe”/ for an explosion to propagate through that mass would have taken time/ rather than being instantaneous for the entire mass, “a big bang”.  All agree it was instantaneous/ therefore it was weakened.
What is important here is: THE RISK TO OUR WORLD/ THE GAMBLE these few, and their propaganda news teams, experts, and governmental leaders have created: to convince you of “how great this will be”.  When in fact, the entire game is nothing more than:    to PLAY WITH, this entire planet of life.  AS FOOLS, AND TERRORISTS.  TO RISK, AND GAMBLE WITH AN ENTIRE PLANET OF LIFE!


  There are many more of these projects, with energy, or mutilation;  so extreme the consequence is world ending. These are, Harder to understand, but without doubt do to the extreme energies/ the horror involved: a consequence beyond repair will occur;  at any time/ once a single event goes wrong.  Being wrong, means deliberately changing atomic disciplines, order, and balance/ CHANGING LIFE:  “just to play god”.  That does HAVE CONSEQUENCES/ they are terrorists.   You willing to gamble the price, they can’t do what they say:   creating “a dead earth”/ ending your life, your child, every future? That is their experiment:  we will be gods, or kill this planet and its life!  How is that not fair?  Answer the question.
YOU WILL PAY, with life on earth/ no second chances; if you fail to stop these experiments.  These deliberate terrorists!  Can you prove me wrong: THEN DO UNDERSTAND: “the evidence I present, can be correct!”  You can die.

Exhibit E
( EVERY, one trillion dollars= one hundred million people owe, $10,000.00 each) One in three US citizens (babies and all).

Is an accounting statement from the federal reserve, posted on its web site march 8, 2012.  Of interest is line 19: “all sectors total liabilities.  In billions, which means you add 9 zeros to the number, past the decimal point.  Or it states as of March 8 total liabilities for the USA equals: $121,094.8 billion dollars.  (121 trillion)  Or written out with all zero’s the number looks like this $121,094,800,000,000.00 as the debt for the entire USA.   The constant media barrage of 15 trillion is just the federal debt: they hide the rest/ even though they know, “I told them/ today & years ago”!
Of interest however is the fact that NO MENTION exists as to the liability established by social security/ medicare/ or medicad; in this accounting.  An item removed from the accounting in the Clinton years, “to balance the budget”/ by proclaiming silently (NO media attention or reporting/ their choice), “social security;  is the people’s debt to themselves”/ not “the governments debt”.  Even though they continued to collect all the money paid into the system as “general tax: and spend it”.  Discounting and denying:  we are the government, NOT they.  Don’t think so?  This is the federal reserve release titled L.5 total liabilities and its relation to total assets.  Find social security! Divided by 308,000,000 citizens/ this accounting number demands: each and every citizen babies and all: do owe $393,164.00 thousand dollars:  Each.  Or more simply, divided by 100 million workers: each and every worker is in debt  $1,210,948.00 (1.2 million).  No true figures exist about how many real workers there are in this nation/ every federal site conflicts with the others.

Exhibit E further goes on to say in line 15 household and nonprofit organizations, pension fund reserves, asset.  The total debt of these pensions which does NOT clearly define federal and state worker pensions are included, nor for profit corporations: is $13.16 trillion dollars. This equals a debt load placed upon the children;  of $131,600.00 per each, and every one;  of one hundred million young people.  And that does not include social security, which suggests an additional debt load of $60 trillion or so dollars: “to the young/ the old aren’t going to pay: nor did they (thieves exist)”.  Established, by the counterfeiting of dollars as has been so prevalent in the inflation hidden by liars, who call it debt.  The dollar is just a number, people are willing to believe in: because they don’t want to pay the price of reality!  The REAL money, is our time, life, ability, and sacrifice: and every resource we need to create a job or survival in this life.  THESE ARE, “extremely different”: a number is just a trophy/ a life, and its survival is reality for you and me. As to the purpose of creating this debt: in simple terms it is literally just greed, selfishness, pride, power, and want, for those who didn’t care/ or more simply “ITS ALL about me/ to hell with you”.   Having lived in the time frame that caused most of it/ the reality is:   FEW decided to make the young slaves on purpose.  INSTEAD “they simply wanted everything, they could possibly get/ and didn’t care, DIDN’T want to know, who would have to pay.  Their excuse:  “its just money/ nothing personal”: unless of course its their money, and then nothing is more personal to them.  Isn’t that so!   Instead of learning, they hid and ran away,  closing their ears and eyes to the truth/ the reality of what was going on.  BECAUSE they wanted to be rich, and claim a prize.  Therefore bribes came: the claim of numbers, let them lie to themselves/ pretending “it’s not stealing from the future/ it’s just money”.  The greed not as aggressive for the majority;  as the desire to prove “I can do this too”.  With bribes, they became fools.  With serious competition, they learned not to care:  “ you don’t care about me”/ ain’t that so.

Exhibit E establishes a claim in “currency printed” for this USA line 33 all sectors total financial assets:   of $155,249.5 trillion dollars.  Or, one hundred million of us (one in every three citizens) hold   $1,552,495.00 in assets apiece.  Or more simply: there is an extreme amount of currency in circulation which has absolutely nothing to do with debt: because it is impossible for this nation to pay.  Therefore it is entirely inflation, and that fact has aided the few in obtaining all property, rights, and control over this nation and state:   because they get the numbers of inflation/ while we are left to believe;   it is a debt that we the people must pay.  Or more simply the question is: “the money has value, “doesn’t it”?   The reality, NO its just a game/ but because many have numbers or want them: the elderly and the young who want the same, “riches for themselves” refuse to let the game end.   After all: Then “we got to pay”/ so, HELL NO, let the young deal with it.  Or let me die first.
Answer the question,     if every single citizen (babies and all) 308 million last census: holds $504,056.81 “divided equally”/ exactly how much is an american dollar worth?

    Somebody is holding all these dollars.They DO expect every single dollar is going to buy “a dollar’s worth”/ just like you: isn’t that true? Therefore just how long will it take you to pay these people off/ assuming you are not one of the few, such as the 1226 billionaires, who hold these numbers against you.  Every one billion dollars means, 100 million (100,000,000 people: one in three citizens) owe them ten dollars each! Do they not say: you owe us/ nor more simply, in comparison are you not their slave?  Look at your debt, divided equally 1.2 million dollars each (one in three)!  WHO then “the rich/ the university/ the military/ the politician/ the media”: have  NOT stolen our nation/ our lives, with counterfeit money (didn’t work for it)?
Where did the counterfeiting come from?  Suggestions exist, that “wall street” sold 600 trillion dollars of derivatives (bad debt)/ and hold 100 trillion dollars in stocks alone:   IS THAT NOT worth investigation?  THESE Added together;  7 billion people divided into 700 trillion dollars is $100,000.00 PER HUMAN FACE ON THE PLANET.  And that doesn’t even include all the pensions, bonds, etc.  What then is the truth about our economy?  Only a coward, hides from reality.

What exhibit E does not tell you in direct terms is: that all the decisions of governing, over the last few decades have been made by the college graduate. “The best of the class”/ by their own estimation (the propaganda machine that is media); and they paid themselves very well. 

What is important about that statement is not concerned with the money, because we are clearly and without doubt bankrupt: too late for that.  But the fact, that these “extra special smart people” with a university education have decided they can be gods over this planet, its energy, its life, its environment, and everything else including the guarantees of the constitution of this USA, and this state of IL. Denying or, rearranging the constitution to suit themselves by denying redress of grievances/ reality/ and every other value of respect or life on this planet. TO MAKE THEMSELVES RICH.  Because as the cases prove in www.justtalking3.info: they utterly refuse to obey and respect the first amendment redress of grievances clause, or the fifth amendment/ guarantee of the state of IL constitution. This accounting sheet proves they hold your lives in disrespect: their lives/ their desire for money, power, and pride, far more important than yours.  With the clear intent to make us all slaves/ destroying everything we value, and did work for: they spent for themselves, our very economic (time sacrificed) lives. Bankruptcy is our only answer: “make the rich man pay”! Those who make rules and “extra laws” so they can control and manipulate us: DO  destroy democracy by controlling we the people, our court, our government, and our lives and our property;  with counterfeit money and “the rules”.  The rules grant power to a few,  the referee bends the law as he or she desires; or is told to do/ or your job is over. Proven in the court cases in www.justtalking3.info .   Media propaganda established by “ownership given to just;  a few”/ destroys the free press. They own media:  to avoid democracy and create a true and deliberate rebellion, by controlling your information, and making you believe whatever they desire.  Do you question the media/ do you think for yourself, or wait to be told?  Absolutely no concept, only a tiny few, “rich men” control/ even though “it is just a few voices”.
 All of these together DO establish tyranny:   there is deliberate anarchy, in refusing constitutional law.  As is defined in these next exhibits:   terrorism against our lives and our world,    is also in view.

http://ptaff.ca/air/?lang=en_CA#conclusion   a site dedicated to pollution through the amount of air sucked into a common engine/ converted here: because that same air is responsible for our oxygen.
For every hour a large truck operates on the highway, an average of 111 human days of oxygen (by content in air volume) are consumed.  For every hour a school bus 61 human days/ SUV 40 human days/ econo car 29 human days.  15,000 miles per personal  vehicle (average cars and light trucks) averaging 30 mph for simple figuring in both city and highway driving equals 500 hours per year in that vehicle; average 35 human days of oxygen consumption per hour equals: EACH AND EVERY PERSONAL DRIVER, is responsible for consuming 17,500 days of oxygen, that could have been breathed, by a human being;   per year. By driving their car.   “Look around you, and be afraid”!
Each and every TRUCK DRIVER on the other hand, being on the road an average of 6 hours per day over a 2000 hour work year= 1500 hours, is responsible for consuming the oxygen required by each human being, for 166,500 days;   during that year.
Consider the reality of oxygen simply “thrown away” for trains idling on the side track/ or ships at dock/ or trucks/ or planes/ or cars waiting in traffic; irrelevant mowing;  and so on.  The extreme amounts required for your air-conditioning/ as is required for electrical generation.   SHOULD there not, be extreme fines, for that..

2010   ETHANOL PRODUCTION WAS 13230, million gallons us.  At ten percent of gasoline sold in the US that means multiply by 100 % and we get 132,300,000,000 gallons of gasoline sold in the US for 2010.  The rate of air to fuel vapor ratio is 5 to one/ in a vehicle. At standard temperature and pressures, one mole (standardized elemental unit) of any gas will occupy a volume of 22.41 liters=0.02241 cubic meters=.7914 cubic feet.  The weight of gasoline dependent upon the blend (mid range) is 6.152 lb per gallon/ density .739, at 60 degrees/ BTU’S per pound is 20,750; per gallon 124,800/ and gravity, deg API 60.0.  The density of air at 60 degrees is .07651 pounds per cubic foot; or for the simplest calculation gasoline as a vapor occupies roughly ten times the space for the same amount of weight.  132.3 billion gallons of gasoline times 6.152 equals 813.9 billion pounds times ten8.139 times .07651= the equivalent of 622.7 quadrillion cubic feet of air/ and at a fuel air ratio of five to one that equals a volume of air required for producing combustion in a motor of 31.135  Quintillion cubic feet of air.  The USA has about 105.8 quadrillion sq feet of area (one fifteenth of the earth).
Which means simply all the gasoline motors running in the US require a volume of air and all the oxygen in it of the first:  about 294 feet of air (above your head),  by volume:   over the USA!  To burn the necessary oxygen to run these motors.  That doesn’t include diesel/ coal/ forest fires/ heating/ air conditioning for electrical generation from coal/ what we, or any other creature breathes for ourselves, etc.   It is a big atmosphere/ but it is also finite, which means the day will come; when no more oxygen is left..  That figure does not account for the production of new oxygen by plants or other. It does not account for atmosphere over the oceans/ only the USA and only the gasoline with ethanol consumed within the USA in 2010. Nor does it take into account the oxygen produced over time that is stored in the atmosphere as ozone (believing it can be reintroduced as common oxygen/ by radiation).  Neither does it take into consideration the volume of oxygen already lost. NOR does it allow for the accumulation of pollution’s which interfere with our breathing; roughly believed to be about 4 billion tons worth, just in this USA/ this year.  But it does state whether the figures are exact: that,  they are sufficient for this purpose/ that we are without doubt using far more oxygen from the air than this planet generates. 
We are cutting down the trees, removing the forests, eliminating the ice which grows and sustains base level production of creatures that do create oxygen in the sea; and so on.  Intensifying the reality of what our future is going to be, “a hell”; coming with speed.

the burning of natural gas propagates  in air at a percentage volume between 4.8 and 13.5./ or more simply;  it does commonly burn,  using more oxygen that does gasoline.

The staff of Biosphere 2, and several reports (3, 4, 5), revealed to the committee numerous examples of surprises that had been encountered since the facility began its first "mission," the widely publicized enclosure of eight Biospherians from 1991 to 1993. By January 1993, 1.4 years after material closure of Biosphere 2, the oxygen concentration in the closed atmosphere fell from 21% to about 14% (see figure). This oxygen level, ordinarily found at an elevation of 17,500 feet, was barely sufficient to keep the Biospherians functioning.  No open flames were used in the building/ all energy generation was from outside sources, and these included air conditioning: “therefore the only consumers of oxygen were the people”. Therefore it is not representative of our true world, wherein we do consume oxygen at a much greater rate than here, “under glass”..  DO YOU UNDERSTAND?

there were 8 people, in 7.2 million cubic feet of air volume, enclosed and sealed/ several varieties of eco systems included..


just a sampling:
Today his community in southern Kansas, 180 miles west of Wichita, is one of the High Plains areas hardest hit by the aquifer’’s
decline. Groundwater level has dropped 150 feet or more, forcing many farmers to abandon their wells. The cause is obvious, says Mark Rude, executive director of the Southwest Kansas Groundwater Management District: overuse.


5. There are experiments in nano technology, small enough particles to invade cellular structure and clog immunology, function, foundations of life and life processes  as well as other cellular activities.  Some that self replicate, and threaten to change the balance, order, and disciplines of molecular and even atomic movements in life.  Almost identical, to the virus’s that infect and kill: these then mimic,  the foundation of epidemics and pandemic’s that have laid waste to much of life and living biologies.  Self replicating means: potentially complete overtaking of the biological system/ even every biological creature or plant on earth.  How many years will it take/ does it matter; another can’t get rid of this, or stop the invasion;  beyond the point of no return?   Or let us say potentially every base food, in the chain of life, could be attacked instead of us/ causing the entire system to collapse.  Do you see a problem with that?  Out in public, where they can be breathed out, or shed from the skin or other; how can these not be spread.  Under certain circumstances, how is this not potential terrorism?

6.  The advances to artificial intelligence are an easily detectable threat.  As history has proven time and again:   when power is in the hands of men, it will be used, for war.  Having built an army of robots that can kill proficiently/ what will stop, a single madman from trying to take over the world?  He has artificial soldiers/ don’t need you anymore.  Do you really want to compete with these too?  What have you failed to learn from all these threats to exterminate all life from the planet:  Nothing?  It will be horrible because it can be horrible/ not because it has to be?  Love to compete in robot games?  Are these not watching, even stealing.


7.  The continuous dumping of pharmaceuticals into the waterways and estuaries, has proven to be horrendous, infecting all manner of creatures, as one meal at the bottom of the food chain is eaten to transform the creature which is then eaten by another insect or other, which is eaten by another bird or other, which is eaten by a fish (causing reproductive harm, in many) or other creatures, which then continues on up or  down the food chain until it gets diluted enough to stop the chain reaction. How pitiful is the truth, particularly since advertizing began/ that a tremendous increase in usage has occurred. This Indicates nothing but fear, and the power to make people believe “I will die/ if I don’t do what they say”/ and the greed motivating it for many. No money to spend/ but not smart enough to keep from throwing them away, or giving the medicine to others. The introduction of mutilations such as Bt corn (kill any insect that bites, sicken many insects in contact with the pollen/ and the pesticides based upon that same chemical reaction/ or other types of killing sicken the world that lives on insects. Killing the insect world, and transforming the rest, from the bottom of the food chain on up. The determined end of habitat for all but what men want/ extinction of species, by removal of diversity/ poisoning everything in sight, water, and everything else.  Devastating OUR POLLINATORS, the creatures who ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR;  an entire base food source to this world.  The entire system of pollination, from all its creatures, to all its seeds, to all its life is being decimated: and we are about to live within and forever changed as, “a true silent spring”. Where fruits and vegetables no longer exist/ where much of life itself is now extinct.  The only thing left: swarms of insects dedicated to the plants men do want, that have found a way to survive your poison.

The necessity to begin feeding shredded dead human bodies to the sea/ as a food source to grow back fish populations; demands limiting the pollution in that body.  Fail to feed fish populations that you have so badly decimated, and they cannot return/ therefore you starve; and WAR.  Fail to recognize, this is the only food source we have for this purpose/ NOT a choice.  Or you choose, & allow the sea to die: therefore the children will be cannibalized (the easiest to kill, always go first), “just before you will be eaten as well”.  And let us not forget, without refrigeration/ they will eat you, while alive.
2.  ONLY THE MOST LITERAL FOOL, GAMBLES WITH EVERY LIFE, EVERY LIVING THING.   Or suggests, to improve this individual life/ EVERY other life on earth must risk complete annihilation/ absolute deformity/ insanity/ or destruction of every living thing.  Such is the method, the temptation, and the reality of “THE GENETICIST”. Only an absolute idiot/ devil/ or terrorist,  mixes genetic information from two or more distinct species: BECAUSE WE KNOW, this is the base ingredient in all of the worst pandemic’s that have ever been.  The diploma has made you a fool/ ravaging life/ destroying society, “with their experts, consultants, and games”.  The media, “sacrificed sheep”/ because they refuse to let you know the truth of what these risks to life DO MEAN.
Rather THEY ALL SAY, “Believe in us”/ don’t question nothing; we are gods for you!  BUT take a good look at where they led you to be! A world filled with threats of extinction/ where even such a simple, stupid thing as money has been destroyed.  Reality NOT “delusion, assumption, or stupidity”;   is necessary! Want is the basis and foundation of every lie.  YOUR WANT, has made you fools, failures, liars, thieves, and whore’s (only the money matters, to me):   prove me wrong.  Your leaders will tell you, “you can’t handle the truth”/ but our reality in every situation that exists as a threat today, is life or death for a world/ and the diploma led you here!   Consequently, either accept your responsibility and stop the insane:  or stick your head in the dirt/ as a preparation for YOU, and your children; build their coffin now.  Because soon, you WILL be too insane to comprehend it.

  “It’s a choice”/ or more clearly its your choice: to fight for this world or just surrender as cowards!  Think for yourself.

3.   Evolution is their excuse, it will fix anything they destroy/ so they say.  Something new will come out of your chaos, their intentional destruction of life on earth, (we CAN MUTILATE LIFE, because evolution will fix it) “in a million years or so”.  You want to wait a million years? Do you care, if a vagina grows out of one ear/ a penis out of the other: after all, the instructions of DNA decide, don’t they?  Just mix them up, “what fun, being satan is”: ain’t that right.  Evolution is the religion which says: “I built myself, one piece at a time/ and mind came last”.  Or more simply I chose what I wanted, even though early life, by their own religious statements:  had no brain (couldn’t think/ couldn’t choose). The billions of genetic instructions/ the body chemistry/ the body utilities/ the waste removal/ the food supply, and ability to eat, recognize, catch, swallow, excrete, use it; etc/ the reproduction/ and the environment,  required for life, to survive.  Replaced with a fantasy, and a delusion:   just simply made themselves up/ out of thin air. “Its magic”.Wherein reality itself condemns these religious idiots, for their consistent  absolute stupidity.  What is different about these and all the other “witch doctors/ or zealot worshipers of idols, & images, etc” throughout history? Nothing, is the correct answer!
What good is a heart, without blood, or muscles, or impulse, or lungs, or organs or blood vessels, or clotting or thinning.  What do you not need now, “so that you can get it later”?  Really: should we drain your blood, to see if evolution will save you?  IF IT DOESN’T CLOT & HEAL ITSELF/ that is what will happen.  What good is muscle without bones, or a structure to tie it all together upon.  How can you choose, if not even a mind? Can you build a body? Can you tie joints together, or lubricate them, or cause them to function, the list is endless of what we need: to be or have to literally  function as a body/ to sustain life, and reproduce offspring.  TRY USING YOUR MIND, its not just a toy!

Or in an alternate  “human world” sense, evolution is like saying “robots” just suddenly arose from the earth, a little sun. a little water, a meteor hit the mountain and suddenly all the parts and pieces for a robot appeared, and put themselves together in the appropriate way, and “low and below” a battery appeared, and suddenly it moved.  Therefore it got up, and made the electricity it needed to survive, and the robot built factories to supply itself with other little robots/ all without the slightest access or knowledge called software, or even the hardware to use that knowledge had it existed.  Sound like something you would believe: it is the essence of evolution.  It’s the same, minus the propaganda and delusion of experts/ the media of fools.  These are the people who led you to genetic mutilation/ the pretending “we can be gods”; who failed to tell you the RISK to every living creature on this planet..  These are the people, who filled your schools with fantasy and pretend “they are extra special smart”.  YOU should be ashamed;   the insanity of it, is beyond stupidity/ it is a sewer of the damned.  And you believe, because you fail to think for yourself/ falling into the abyss of want and pride instead.

4.   Of the various things available for us to see the past/ one of the most clear is:   that to have created the vast amount of coal, oil, and gas underground/ some buried thousands of feet down.  There had to be a world wide flood/ nothing else could bury this amount of debris, all at one time, in the same places, so as to produce these quantities.  That also demands:  for this to occur, a tremendous amount of life HAD TO EXIST, so that it could be buried.  There are no excuses, WE KNOW, this happened/ because the evidence is real, and indisputable. The geological record agrees. And if this happened, then most all of the claims called evolution completely disappear/ without a murmur, because there is not time as life;  where chaos ruled. The past/ the coal, oil, and gas proves water wiped out life from the earth, establishing Noah’s flood did exist”.  Life and time divide in religion/ but this religion professes the next “disaster” will be by fire: enter “fusion”. Or more simply, religions are put to the test.
Evolution says:  Because their next claim, “nothing matters, go ahead and crucify life/ it will just come back as something else”;  assumes time is free/ life is just an accident, there is nothing sacred or special about life: go ahead, kill all you want!   Add in,  “Your science” says the sun burns completely from the inside out, which means IT CONSUMES immense amounts of fuel, and that changes the temperature of this earth, with that consumption/ or the size of the sun in comparison to that rate of burn. Determines time on this planet: in a direct relationship to:  if life can survive the heat.  A world wide flood, can be caused not only by a large planetary object coming close to this earth/ but the mid‑Atlantic volcanic rift opening with heat enough, to swell the water significantly/ and even move the continents apart: this however is likely to have caused the glacial  ice instead. Other things could have been involved as well, but it is all irrelevant/ no need to bother.  Except for the fact, the lie called “evolution, needs to die.”  Their priests thrown out.



1.  THERE IS NO WORK/ NO LIFE, WITHOUT RESOURCES.  How long before you have nothing left?  How long, before a critical part, a critical material or element, disappears forever?  Is this not important TO YOU?  You have consumed more in one hundred years, than all the population of this earth before you: to throw it all in the garbage.  Get me a damn job/ just to throw it all away.  Think about it, or die.

2.   What resource is more important than oxygen/ so you can breathe?  Yet you kill every tree, attack every ocean organism that produces oxygen.  Yet your consumption of fossil fuels demands a volume of air, containing oxygen at between 5 (car) ‑ 14 (natural gas) times air to fuel vapor mix.  And you burn more fuel, than the oxygen being produced JUST FOR FIRE. We know this is true, the experiments at “biosphere earth”/ prove how much oxygen is made by plants in a confined space.   All this oxygen created, by the earth, in a year cycle and neither “You, nor the life on earth” have  yet to take a breathe: the fire takes it all”.  Take the volume of fuel times the amount of air required to burn it/ and you get the total volume of atmosphere that is involved with fire.  We survive, because of the vast resources of oxygen stored from thousands of years or more;  as ozone, are providing the difference.  In three to five years the ozone hole will be one third of the atmosphere (thinning matters)/ opening the door for direct radiation “anywhere it wants to go”.  Establishing our reserve is gone; what will you breathe then?  Fantasy won’t save you!

 3.  Current fuel production of ethanol uses up to 6 gallons of drinking  water per gallon of fuel in the direct conversion process/ new methods say 3 gallon of water NOT including irrigation to grow the crop. Trillions of gallons lost.  Trillions of gallons of drinking water, are being pushed into unrecoverable areas to produce more natural gas/ and oil; contaminated and lost.  Trillions of gallons of water are used to irrigate fields/ from aquifers that took thousands of years to fill.. Trillions of gallons damaged by nitrogen, to remove the oxygen content and kill all but the bacteria and algae. Trillions of gallons of water have been polluted so badly it is impossible to use for life. Polluted with radiation products, chemicals, garbage, etc. Trillions of gallons of drinking water have been lost down the great lakes, Trillions of gallons can easily be lost, if one tiny hole opens in the great lake Erie (I believe) above the salt mine below it:   [will the salt pillars not dissolve/ ceiling cave in (what about seeping)/ and when they do, the water below in extreme salt conditions (can’t be used for drinking), will be pushed back up, to contaminate the lakes forever]   if that happens there will be no more shipping on the great lakes/ no more water for millions/ because it will become salt water below.  No fresh water flowing downstream for years either/ no water “its life products” to sustain the fish dependent upon it in the atlantic. No Niagra falls, or power plant, for years. (the lakes do not have to be empty to stop or create all these things) What happens if you have an earthquake.  Trillions of gallons of water are at risk of complete destruction due to trillions of gallons of pollutants/ toxins pumped in beside them; once it escapes into the aquifer is dead. Toxins pumped in at high pressures into cracks in rock formations/ one tiny hole, and these escape ending forever our water supply.  One earthquake in the wrong area, and its over; no water for millions/ is that not war.  Trillions of gallons lost to the chemical industry in direct production, and then direct pollution across all of agriculture/ city scape’s/ golf/ roads, oil and gas, etc. Indirect pollution from making the chemicals.  Only One inch of rainfall, per 50 inches of rain, ends in the aquifer / information from, state of IL water survey dept; and they are collapsing under your feet.  No water/ no well to drink from.  What, does that mean to you, “not your business”?

4.  The lumber industry consumes enough wood, in board feet:   to go to the moon several times each year.  A twenty five year old tree on average will produce about 140 board feet of sawn lumber if your lucky, and it grows fast, and you use it all with glues.  (does NOT average that, and only by thin kerf blades, carefully cut/ using every branch, perhaps even the roots).   Or more simply: cut down a hundred year old tree in 2012, and it will be 2113 before you see its replacement. The sites with real information closed years ago; as to how much is lost. HOW MANY YEARS GROWTH, is then consumed/ so you can build, destroy and then throw it all away? Creatures lost/ habitat ruined/ environments desecrated. Oxygen depleted/ carbon sink ruined, etc, etc, etc.  Not to mention all the trees lost for paper production and the like. At the current rate/ a bald earth in less than twenty years. The use of forest for cooking or more can be moderated/ must be limited..

5.  There are a wide variety of resources world wide, that are 90% gone or better.  It has been thought that   world supplies of potash, (an important fertilizer: adds up to 30% crop production) would be completely gone by now  It appears new reserves have been found, but that does not mean it isn’t a finite resource, with a world in need. 7 billion people asking for more: This will end! Think about it/ are you young!

 6.  The environment cannot be replaced/ either we live with it, by respecting its laws/ or it kills us for not caring enough.  We cannot be wrong about anything so vital, and so immense as global warming just because temperature change in any specific area occurs/ does not mean the average temperature of this planet has not changed.   Open the refrigerator door, and the room gets colder/ but not for long. Or any other issue your leaders wish to discard. {because it interferes with their greed and thirst for power and pride}. More simply, when the ice melts, you cannot “make cold” anymore. Great amounts of ice have melted, some say enough for a 20 inch rise in sea level around this earth.  THAT IS,   ALL THE PROOF REQUIRED: TO PROVE GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL! That means you have moved “this much weight” from its location on one tectonic plate/ to another tectonic plate shifting the balance and disrupting the stability of these earth structures.  Which means they are going to re-balance themselves.  Tectonic plates sit on “a jello-like surface”: it bends and dips and moves when required: earthquakes form, and more.   The Japanese tsunami a most likely event due to this action.
The current situation in USA with weather:   is likely to remain abnormally hot and dry: because ground temperature prove there is no great deviation from hot to cold across the nation.  That temperature difference creates the weather and rain.  Without it, things expected, do not arrive; droughts occur. The reason summer is hot and dry is: no great temperature difference between hot and cold/ to establish movement, without hurricanes. The endless lies about global warming;  have proven to be a potential disaster “early”; right here, and right now.  The reality we face when the ice itself is completely gone: is a world without rain in many more areas than today.  War, due to vast human migrations.

We cannot be wrong about energy experiments. We cannot be wrong about genetic crucifixion of life. We cannot be wrong about weapons of mass destruction. We cannot be wrong about food or water or anything that will make us extinct.  Because if you are/ the planet dies, and you with it. EVERY SINGLE ONE.  You are on your way to world war 3/ and will be arriving soon: because we are too many people, for the way things are.  BUT, The only thing war will solve is;   no hope left.  Your leaders brought us here, along with every follower, and every person who said: let me hide/ I don’t care/ or just GIVE ME, every damn thing I WANT; and don’t tell me nuthin.

7.  We cannot be wrong about species extinction, already at extreme levels nearing an end for very many:  all habitat destroyed/ food sources extinct/ etc,   “All gone”:  world wide due to humanity. Because men want NO DIVERSITY/ they want only what they want, and that ends the diversity of life by process, establishes unintended consequences,  and describes environmental change.  The chains of life are real, break a chain and everything above it fails to survive.   Even if you don’t understand why!  You, are vulnerable too!  The same is true in the ocean; because as is true of the ocean food chain is also true for us/ and it has become a primary food source, from which a billion people eat.  You are devastating the base level food supplies for the ocean; taking what ocean life MUST have.  You have destroyed much of the ice that gives rise to plankton (food for the ocean), and other creatures/ things that make oxygen.  Consider this too:   Destroy the creatures that remove shit and dead bodies/ and these things  pile up with no place to go.  Isn’t that so?

8.  We cannot ignore Yellowstone super volcano/ if it erupts;  life on earth will die by the billions (just in the human population); a reality of consequences.  Thought must prevail.  We can intervene by drilling to relieve the gases that cause an explosion to occur. Without the gas, if it erupts, it becomes just like the Hawaiian volcanos/ rather than mount helena.  Much more, needs to be done; such as; just a simple sump pump switch placed in the ocean: will tell you when the water recedes too much.  Is that really too hard to understand?  The college graduates could not understand: provide a machine for shredding paper/ so the poor could do for themselves;  for insulation purposes; even though we sell it/ they ridiculed and played; and were complete fools.  How much less anything of importance for life.   WAKE UP AND DEFEND YOURSELVES, from those who declare themselves “extra special smart/ LEADER”.


1.  THE OCEAN FEEDS OVER ONE BILLION PEOPLE (you already have one billion people hungry); a statement developed from past industry statistics indicates some years ago: an 11 billion ton catch: if in american tons, that’s 22 trillion pounds, of seafood sold/ not to mention what was spoiled or discarded or destroyed.  Still think the ocean is too big to destroy?  Cannot be sustained/ all surplus is gone.  Search and find the truth about our oceans.  The site above was removed after it started being used.)/ and the ocean is nearly empty now.  WE WILL: Likely will be without sustainable populations of sea life within 4 years/ probably 2 years.  You can investigate by establishing “sea life sales” over the years/ particularly when debated by length of time out to sea, with adjustment for the tragedy of factory ships, and new equipment and methods.  These large factories stay on top of an “entire fish nation”/ in the middle of the sea/ so they can get every last one.  Ending the food supply for every other kind of  fish dependent upon that food supply too: such as tuna and others.  Killing entire “ sea nations at a time” is devastation on a massive scale/ no balance: it’s a man’s way.. Nothing but want, and greed.  “Make me rich”!  The same is true about lumber, and nearly everything else: KILL IT ALL.
1a)   Millions of cubic miles of coastal waters  have been decimated with nitrogen fertilizers, oil spills, mangrove extinction, human waste & pollution, human activities, a wide variety of insane activities all due to human decisions, and the simple words:  I don’t care.  These incubators of sea life, will be ENTIRELY GONE, in less than twelve  years/ probably less than seven. Areas, which contribute to  “Feeds and populates the ocean”

1b)   You have chosen to kill the fish by trapping in cages/ soon to be overrun by epidemics of one kind or another.  Once it begins in earnest, these will invade the ocean itself. Because like factory farms: disease/ parasites/ etc, will kill them, without antibiotics or more.  These have,  Failed to respect the needs of fish to spawn/ disrespecting every life process for money or want. Over‑fished or for all intents and purposes caused to be extinct/ or, at the edge of extinction; for a wide variety of sea life.  Take the creel and other base food organisms now taken for pet foods, or livestock/ that sea life needs to survive.  Attacked the ocean currents (food delivery system) with global warming, changing them/ these are also the navigational systems for sea life.  Which means soon all sea life will be lost. Humanity has Caused icebergs to fail, ending an incubation medium for considerable base food life. Caused acidic increases in water. Caused one plant, insect, reptile, animal, bird, or other species to invade other new areas, changing the ecosystem.  Caused extensive coral destruction. Left millions of square miles completely uninhabitable ( a death trap) by sea life in the pacific ocean due to plastic garbage. Are invading even the last refuges for the very last stocks of many types of fish because the ice is gone now in the Arctic .. Are genetically mutilating creatures of the sea.   A complete we don’t care attitude, a “we are gods” arrogance.   What is the result: IF NOT a DEAD OCEAN?

 2.  Having genetically mutilated primary food crops/ to eliminate every type of diversity or protection from invasion  “a possible, or potential enemy” these crops face.  While  those crops are currently producing more:   in exchange you have opened the door to an epidemic/ a catastrophe:  that can kill the entire plant/ leaving you with no option but to abandon the entire species once this has taken over. Disrupted the balance between what is honorable for the sake of the plant, and its life/ and what the plant can safely produce.  For your wants/ NO RESPECT for life.  Why?  Well corn for instance requires ethanol usage (a failure in every respect), or “we can make no money”.

3.  You are killing all pollinators at once/ with poisons clearly introduced that weaken their defenses and make them vulnerable to everything.  Without them you have no flowers, no fruits, no vegetables, few seeds, and no food.  Without them many other creatures will die too/ because insects play a much bigger role in diversity and life, than you believe..        YOU WILL cry, because of this.

 4.  You have taken all livestock operations, and confined them closely so that the only possible method of retaining their lives and keeping them from disease is to feed them antibiotics daily or as needed by the millions of tons. [do you feed your pet “antibiotics etc”/ then you do too]  But do to this practice all antibiotics have been failing/ and will soon be useless (within 3 years).  Then epidemics will break out, and the entire livestock business will fail.  Then, because the animals cannot live in this close of confinement without antibiotics/ and you have NO SUBSTITUTE for keeping them alive. Your livestock food supply ends!  You have built death and starvation.  You have built “superbug’s/ or extremely powerful diseases, that can invade us as well”. You will starve.  YOUR surgery and healthcare are very dependent upon antibiotics:  and that means,  you die too.  All because you want food, for free/ greed forces “only the rich man gets to play”.  Proving:  absolutely don’t care about anything “but pennies”.  Does the rich man force you, to let him contain livestock?  No:  It ain’t all his fault, but he is involved.

 5.  With one billion people already hungry/ 2 million more added EACH, and every week; as the human population grow;  they need more.  A population that is over 7 billion: means WAR, to any who would suggest “we can die/ instead of you”.  War is a completely ridiculous male solution.  TODAY,   Kill a billion people/ still 6 billion to go!  It solves nothing!  The demand for food and water will soon multiply more aggressively, taking everything to extinction. Including humanity with war, and cannibalism.  Unless you act together for life first, and actually care, as friends, IMMEDIATELY.
If you don’t, men will war/ and ruin every last chance to survive with that war.  7 billion people standing,  touching 3 feet apart:  wrap this earth around the equator (standing on water too) 256 times/ in an unbroken chain.  7 billion people stand on slightly more than  1 person per tillable green acre of earth/ which must also supply the food for every other creature as well.   One acre growing land for each of us/ for every other creature/ without the sea.  Think about it.

1.   Who is a bigger terrorists than those who can ignite this planet in an unquenchable fire?  Did you know, that this fire (8 million degrees/ said to be millions of miles high, on the sun) will eject the entire atmosphere of earth in less than one month?  
Or is it bigger terrorism to cause atomic structure to be destroyed, in a planet big bang? Are these NOT risks?  Or is terrorism to:   mutilate life and body so badly that “nothing works” anymore? No one survives! For an entire planet dead/ a demand to experiment and risk, destroying the very nature that gave us life! 
Just like AIDS invaded your world, and you did not stop it/ the same will be true of every genetic collapse in discipline, balance, or order.  Once started, its too late to “say I’m sorry” Or to late to stop the food and water  supply to be lost? Or too late to stop the insanity which drives humanity to war, with resource loss?  Or extinction/ pollution/ population/ pandemic diseases due to antibiotic and genetic tampering/ oxygen depletion;   etc! Or steal from an entire world, by lying, cheating, and making enemies with greed and failure, and fools.  Because they don’t want to pay the price for life: WHICH IS, from this point forward:   ONLY LIFE FIRST MUST LEAD. BY ITS OWN TRUTH/ no more money first, no more want first, no more insanity.  ONLY LIFE FIRST, forever.

2.  With a world filled with nuclear bombs, only twenty five detonations of which are said to be enough to end life on earth: HOW can these be your saviors? One missile carries enough destructive force to flatten all of New York City and its surrounding area.  Who is the fool/ who believes “my savior”?  Be honest, and look at what your propaganda machines have done!  To make you “believers”.  Chemical weapons, they your savior too?

3.  With many nations holding biological weapons, whose stated efficiency is OVER 97% DEATH RATE in humans if released:   WORLDWIDE.  How is these NOT a terrorist?  We must have world law, and a world court and policing.  This is no game.

4.    With people across this world intentionally trying to play god with genetic structure/ PURPOSELY trying to cross humanity with any other form of life, in a direct crucifixion of the genetic stability of nature itself.   The media propagating “how great this will be”/ with biological failure, death and disease completely imminent; and happening soon:  IF We are not already too late.  Add in the Current teaching, “even you can take out genetic DNA, and mutilate it, yourself”!  Or, lets all play at destroying nature, “its easy”.  How is this not TERRORISM?

 5.   How is an angry world, a world stolen from, and berated as less than “us/ the extra special smart people” going to stop itself from war.  Men choose war as their answer, when they cannot or will not negotiate further: it is an historic fact.  (most countries do it for pride, for power, and to steal/   the will to dominate another are also historic facts); or simply to push the others out.   A male humanity determined to use war to prove we shall be listened too; or you can die.  How is this not going to erupt in violence and hate?  As we are literally,  Becoming A true world:  soon out of resources, and out of options.
  Can’t be so?  7 billion people growing at 2 million more each week!  Standing on one acre of “growing land” each.  Life in the ocean nearing extinction.   Does this not mean:  "either friends/ or enemies, there is no in-between".  It is a choice.

 6.  Want a better world, create world law & dedicated world police.  Who will not attack nations, BUT WILL bring their leaders to justice by trial, or if necessary other means of enforcement and denial of superiority, including death for  leaders.  The law, Will enforce environmental decisions by the majority on all.  No more weapons of mass destruction/ no more large armies: police.  An international court to decide in all cases of terrorism, regardless where on earth it occurs.  Potentially erected in Guantanamo ( a gift of land, from the American people to the world); with a jury selected internationally.
An open door court, under constant surveillance, with no hidden anything: this policy, set into law: that can never be denied. World policing is accomplished by “the best of every land, providing soldiers and police” to represent us all. For terms of service no longer than 8 years/ replaced in shifts of two years per one fourth of the employed force.  All critical weapons, and/or parts of weapons;  shall be placed within various nations around the world: so that, it is known, when these are desired/   they can be controlled so that none represent a true threat, to any but the leaders out of control.  Unless all of us join by law/ against one or more who refuse law. THESE “agents of the law” ARE Primarily based upon aircraft carriers; which can be leased from the USA and others;   after all weapons of mass destruction are disposed of properly.  When every nation agrees: it will be the law that decides.  One international language for all/ that intimately works with, or is based upon the ability to use sign language directly, if necessary.

                         The separation and protection of women from men in terms of making a nation different:   IS A TRUE incentive to men, to make the other men change.  So that the women will return. Let the women decide, what needs to be done/ so the men cannot argue, barter, or make excuses. Little in life motivates men more/ therefore this is change.The world,  protects the women:  while the men change themselves, and their nation, one way or the other.  Its your decision/ but the women get to choose when they will return: within reason and a right, and the reality of involvement by the nations of this world.   Arm those who need it, so they can survive.  This is: how you reform a nation!

 7.  Want to win the “old fashioned way” with guns? In a world of 7 billion people, kill one billion people:   “And you just have 6,000,000,000 to go”.  Better buy more bullets.  Want to play the old fashioned game of driving the other people out/ there is no place truly left to go.  Consequently, wherever genocide erupts, you must arm the victims with the necessary weapons to prove “no more”.   Want to use all the resources of earth today:   HELL yes/  no worry, we will just go get more!  After all, how much stuff can 7,000,000,000 people take, every day/ every year for their entire lives:  one pound of food per day over a life span of 70 years=25,568 pounds, or 12.8 american tons per each person over 70 years at one pound per day!  89,488,000,000 american tons or 178,976,000,000,000= one hundred seventy eight trillion, nine hundred seventy six billion pounds of food for the next 70 years/ IF, we do not grow in population anymore; for us all. Want a gallon of water with that? Then quit wasting it!  But who cares if environment and nature collapse; “what the hell”/ right!   Bit of a pity other creatures need food too.  We are 7 billion people today/ no one argues we soon will be more.  Fantasy won’t feed anyone/ reality is plain and simple:  you can have as many babies, etc;  as you want/ YOU JUST CAN’T  FEED THEM; cannibalism is next.  You have chosen to remove the water supplies/ oxygen/ and call weapons of mass destruction “your saviors”:  are not happy days ahead! Answer the question.   Prove the future/ stop “backing into chaos/ building HELL ON EARTH”, as a decision limited to men: we have entered death for a world .   WE MUST have DIFFERENT!
Physicists are literally trying to bring the same fire as is on the sun here to earth, a fire that burns atomic bonds which means everything here is then fuel.  Just like the sun/ we can’t control it.  A fire once started is millions of degrees, miles high; where everything is fuel, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you can do.  This is the answer of your “extra special smart people”.  It will be great! Do you agree? Its your life/ your child, when they fail.

Physicists are literally trying to bring the same energy here to earth as did cause the “big bang/ single most destructive event in the history of the universe”.  An energy so extreme, nothing could stop it until absolutely all the mass in this universe had been impacted and the universe itself was changed forever.  An energy beyond time, that cannot be controlled, once released; it goes through the entire earth/ just like the previous “universe of mass” ripping it apart prior to an explosion destroying everything.  DAMN, ain’t they smart; HELL, what could possibly go wrong: with bringing that here, “to play with; and pretend we can be gods too”!  Answer the question, its just our planet.

 Geneticists are literally trying to become “god”/ literally trying to decide what life is going to be in the future instead of nature.  They actually believe they can do better.  They literally say, “we want to create completely different creatures”.  When in reality as is plainly evident today:   humanity CANNOT even control its own money.  How much less nature itself!

 Armageddon means:   “Nature in chaos”.  Geneticists are actually working as hard as they can, for the last fifty plus years/ DELIBERATELY trying to cause genetic stability, disciplines, and balance to be destroyed.  They believe once they see it fail/ then they will know what to do, to “be gods themselves”.  I say: instead of gods/ they will be “satan”;   the destroyer of every living life on earth, as we descend into living chaos;   because the bodies of life in peace and harmony;  shall exist no more.  They will cause the end of balance (two arms, two legs, etc)/ they will cause the end of structure (defined forms, bodies that are more than slime).  And;  There are more threats: a university so blind, arrogant, and vile: NOTHING is sacred or respected or valued/ but your money, and their power and pride over you as superior!  Not a game, life or death for this world.

 The machines are built/ the reality is at hand/ a moratorium (and everything else to stop it) is required at all levels:   we are going to intervene RIGHT NOW, or we will be too late.   Play time is over/ GROW UP OR DIE. It really doesn’t matter what you want/ TODAY is our last chance to STOP THIS INSANITY!  OR THE CONSEQUENCE WILL BE: They gambled, and we lose everything.   Do you really want to be wrong? Is your life/ your child/ your body/ your future/ your everything worth the price? OF THEIR DAMNED GAME!   There are NO, “Second chances”!
Answer the question, IS YOUR EVERYTHING;   worth letting these failures and fools;   play their damned games?

 They do NOT “know what they are doing”/ that’s why they call it a theory, or an experiment.  And even if you suppose they do:   these terrorists are then deliberately and  literally choosing to gamble with all life/ all planet/ everything this entire world is or can be FOREVER.    Which means:   THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY INSANE, without the slightest defense to prove otherwise.  An arrogance so invasive, they don’t even know:   there are NO SECOND CHANCES HERE.                                Dead is dead/ do you disagree.


 What then does that make or describe of  you/ if you do not stop them?  Answer the question.  WAKE UP, make a decision for life!   Or kiss your child good bye (if they let you)/ because you have aided and abetted their murderers. We cannot be wrong/ a game of fools, is nothing more than failure waiting to happen.  There is no future with these people, their tools, their electrical umbilical cords to turn the machines on, or their complete lack of respect for this entire world.  Either we stop them, and put an end, to their delusions/ before we die;   or we reap the reward they chose for us.            MAKE A CHOICE,    Work for life FIRST!  Your Want is irrelevant/ this entire world can die.   Still can't believe it?  Is that because you don't want too/ or do you just prefer lies, as do all religious zealots?
  The "university (OUR knowledge)" ends/ when the quest for knowledge no longer accepts the reality of our own responsibility to life, planet, and every other thing of value we hold dear.   That day is here. THEREFORE IT DOES, become just another "simpleton religion".  Worship and die if you wish/ but remember this:  THERE IS NO GOING BACK, to life!  DEAD IS DEAD.  No mercy either, because you chose to kill "us all"/ THE REST chose to let you.   Only a true religious zealot, or an absolute fool:   would assume with this MANY threats so this extreme against us, "nothing bad, is going to happen to us".  That is insane/ are you insane?

A supernova is an exploding planetary type star/ a burning sun that reaches the point of no return, and ALL the remaining fuel inside reaches its critical threshold of chaos (no more discipline); and explodes the entire mass.  This has been documented as fact, according to scientists.

 The question is why does it explode?  The answer is, that fusion is the burning of atomic bonds; therefore beyond comprehension fire.  The reality as is our sun here, proves that these fires, these suns; in fact burn for extremely long times.  Which means the fuel inside CANNOT be at the critical threshold of chaos until the very end. Or it would burn only a short time, leaving the universe dark.  The “scientists” here on earth believe that the fire initiates and comes from the center outward, as if nothing stood in the way.  How can that be? Because if the intensity of fire at the surface begins in the center of the mass/ then, the entire mass is engulfed in that SAME heat: and does require venting. The reality, if entirely engulfed is:   Therefore NOTHING exists to expand or change as in an explosive event.  That simply is not true, as we know a supernova exists.  As it is plainly noticed massive change occurs:  before the big explosive event of a supernova/ the heat and fire of that sun do,  multiply by two or three times greater than ever before.  Which simply means a far greater amount of fuel is being burned at this time.   That is Not possible, if everything is engulfed from the center out.  Further it then explodes, which is not possible if it is all on fire in the beginning.  An explosion is a state of change that requires an accelerated opportunity, from one state of matter to the next state of matter;   as would be a mass, suddenly becoming a gas.  To achieve such an immense increase in energy release/ there must be disciplined energy to release.  Therefore it is fact, that not all the atomic mass is burning/ or there could be no explosion/ or expansion. Thermodynamics require that a greater heat, requires a greater space/ or the pressures involved will rise.  The law of physics is: for every action there will be a reaction/ consequently we know that once the pressures inside a vessel or mass exceed the breaking point of disciplined energy retaining that environment; there will be a release of energy, one way or the other.  Or more simply once the internal temperatures have exceeded the point of no return (the ability to hold itself together) for the entire mass of a supernova sun ends/ it all blows up.  Therefore we know, that the center cannot be long term involved with fire/ because that would have either burned the whole quickly/ or would have made it impossible for the energy release that is a supernova explosion.

We return to the fire itself, and use another version of the same thermodynamic principle to understand:   as is the flame on a candle/ the heat release WILL search for the expansion necessary to resolve that requirement for space to occupy.  When an entire sphere is involved with a flame outside/ then the room needed for that heat to expand lifts the flame from the surface of the orb, thereby relieving some of the pressures that are inherent with that heat.  Which means simply “there is an internal empty space between the orb of a sun, and the flames it presents to the universe.  Or more simply “the fuel is vacuumed up from the surface to then burn in the fire”.  It is when the fuel (mass of the sun) has reached a low point making it hard to vacuum up more/ that the fire reaches down to take more in certain areas.  Causing hot spots to form.  When a hot spot does not go away almost immediately (as is created by a “soft spot” in the mass)/ that reality of heat is digging deeper, violating the disciplines that keep a balance between stability and fire.  When the mass of a sun is heated beyond its ability to retain that balance/ it begins to release mass for the fuel instead of the fire “sucking it up, from the rock”.  Surface heat causes rock to crack and come apart; hold a fire to a rock and see (with glasses on).
Or, in more simple terms: a supernova proves that the center of any long term sun is not on fire/ because if it was, there could be no expansion/ and there could be no explosion.  Because there would be no fuel, or state of discipline that could achieve that intensity of change.  Simple and plain, a proven fact.

  Important, because the theory of fusion, and its ability NOT to represent a danger to us is based entirely upon the assumption that the sun burns from the center out.  They are completely wrong.  Think about it.

Limited capitalism is a right of democracy  to choose for itself as we the people:   what our limits and boundaries shall be, in terms of possessions, property, or influence upon our lives as a society, by a very few: who call themselves rich, or powerful. 
By limiting the money/ yearly income to no more than a defined amount, a realistic amount more than the majority of other persons:   we return to equal, or fair.  Or, more simply,  NO MORE "billionaires".  For simplicity we will interpret that spread in income:  as the highest is paid 3 times more than the lowest paid “40 hour worker”.  Thereby the average worker gets double the lowest paid worker/ but the lowest paid worker gets not less than one third the highest paid worker.  All personal income/ all income:   is for a worker/ nobody gets to call themselves something else.  An inheritance is a decision for society to make for itself.
Business income is separate, and untouched by governments until it is clear they have attained more than their investment: including personal income taken out.  Even then what is taxable is what is taken out for personal income.  Anything beyond that amount goes to the bank for loans to the community; unless it is declared to be well-spent for the business/  and is therefore, something that is clearly in the best interest of the community as well.
Limited capitalism is the right of the people in democracy to say to each other: THAT WE SHALL ALL, have a chance to share in the benefits of this society/  because we refuse to let any individual attain more than the limit on income or the boundary we set for personal property or control of property or any other form of power over us; that we set BY VOTE as a people INDIVIDUALLY VOTING.  We will control our right, to share honestly in this nation;   by limiting the money to what is fair for us all.   To protect that, we will return to the numbers and limits we create for ourselves on a periodic basis for “re-vote”.

Or, you can earn that income in a day if you wish/ but you cannot earn any more until the year goes by; so that the rest can obtain their share.  If the community allows it: you can teach your competitors (community decides who), and thereby obtain a little more if you do it well.  By vote we decide what the limits and boundaries will be/ with a return vote to adjust as necessary.

This is in fact “completely constitutional” and fundamentally demanded by the constitution itself, in its preamble;   the agreement of this our nation.  Do read it.

“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and to our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”


This is not an attack on knowledge, or structure of government, the need for consistency as is common for rules that protect society rather than hinder it.  This is not believe whatever I believe/   OR, you cannot believe whatever you want.
THIS IS a legal demand: asserting I am/ we are, “the threatened ones”/ and do require an investigation for proof.
 THIS IS the beginning of a true citizen government which requires our employees, and our universities, business, and military to understand!   DO NOT THREATEN MY/OUR LIFE/ OR FUTURE!   DO NOT THREATEN, RISK, MUTILATE, OR GAMBLE WITH OUR WORLD, OR ITS NATURE.   DO NOT ASSUME, LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, EXTORT, OR FORCE WHAT IS SO OBVIOUSLY YOUR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS ON ME/ OR THIS NATION (as is evolution, and much of what the university professes to know).  DO NOT PROMISE “to be god”/ when it is so obviously correct, your only true assertion is “satan:  the name given to destroyer of a world”.  You have no right/ and I am guaranteed you shall not by constitutional law. You didn’t prove anything, but lies/ tyranny/ stupidity/ and rebellion..  Therefore to court we must go, to identify/ investigate/ examine the facts/ and determine:   IF IN FACT, what is true, and consistent with our reality in this time, is a threat, or a right, or a desire or design;  we can survive.  By constitutional redress of grievances; both state and nation.

                 You are not the jury that “saves a nation, etc/ you are the jury that chooses:    like the    story of the little dutch boy, who put his or her finger in the dike/ because anything less, will be a flood that destroys us all.   Or if you prefer not/ then reality will prove the truth.
Believe it, or not/ this is not a game;  there is evidence of real life threats/ even planet ending gambles. To ignore them, is to disrespect life itself. Your leaders/ your courts/ your "lawyers for the people"/ your universities and media/ your religions/ and hundreds of others along the way throughout over 3 decades of time ; have proven.  NONE of the above chose for life first:   even the least of them have all either ran away, or declared in one way or the other "I DON'T want to know, leave me alone".  The worst of them proved an absolute arrogance, or just  plain idol worship declaring "these scientists know what they are doing/ everything will be just fine".  Even though as the evidence you have read describes; there are many situations/ risks/ gambles/ and insanities;  that we cannot survive.  To literally gamble with this entire planet, all its life/ all its nature/ everything we need to surviveIS ABSOLUTELY INSANE. 
This is a  fight, ONLY because greed/ power/ want/ selfishness/ and pride:  refuse to pay the price required for our survival. "they simply want/ what they want:  let the world die: or, I will NOT believe anything I don’t want to believe." Whether you agree or not, that is the truth/ and that is what is being done/ has been done: and what will determine the future, if you do not.
The price to survive is:   LIFE COMES FIRST IN EVERY DECISION/ reality proves the truth, and OUR DECISION will then decide, based upon reality; as best we can/ rather than money, want, pride, power; or any other description of “NOT us/ not we the people as life needs us to be”.  Only what is true, proving WE SHALL PROTECT “LIFE FIRST”, may rule.

 I am not; CANNOT;   “save anyone, or anything else either”, just like you.   Rather like me, you have now become in possession of information that cannot simply be discarded without a decision:  whether you like that decision or not:    is irrelevant/ it must be made.  To fight for this world, or let it die; as best you can!  To accept responsibility, an HONEST DECISION:   “makes you a messenger” to this world, that change must occur:  for our very survival/ or we die.
To deny it, refusing even the need for investigation and examination of the facts.  Means you ran away, and deserted this world/ when it needed you most:   and it now did,  ask YOU directly.  OR you did choose: I just don’t or won’t care.  That is a personal choice!  Its your decision!  Your reality, regarding life on this earth!
Eternity is watching.  Not a threat, a reality!