Regardless, although some means of talking to each other, is necessary/ this is obviously not the way.  My apologies to anyone who opened those forums overrun/ it was never intended to be.  My life is not about telling you what to say or think/ my life is about providing the possibility of change, before life dies; because that is where the evidence proves we are going.  Therefore the sites I provide are about life, NOT shit; NOT here. I refuse to take time from that purpose:   “to haul out the garbage/ or flush the sewers” for someone else.  Even after I am done, I will refuse to haul your garbage, or flush your shit:   I work for life, and the people called love/ the children, and this living creation or planet;   nobody else, “on this earth”.

IN THE ENDLESS BATTLE; between those who want to pretend they are superior, simply because of “body or clothes or trophies or measurements called a mind”.  The reality is, that LIFE IS NOT a definition of any of these (they are time).  LIFE IS, the elemental identity of your participation in life itself, as heart and soul/ through the decision called thought.  What you believe is secondary, truth decides, not want!  That means, there is no such thing as “best of the class/ for grades”; or winner or loser, by any description of time;   ONLY LOVE OR HATE, as the fundamental path chosen by you, for your direction/ your steps into eternity.  Eternity is: the participation of your truth, beyond the limits and boundaries called time/ as the endless search for happiness and peace called love.  Because that is what thought means, to those who desire eternity: our entry into creation itself, the never ending discovery of possibilities beyond ourselves.    Hate belongs only to destruction.

TO;     “Those who might feel a little inferior for whatever reason;   there are lots of them”, a letter reprinted for you..

FROM James Osterbur

Unfortunately, I have lost my ability for “small talk (just for fun)”/ just too many issues with severe consequences. 
Nonetheless, the small remark I made about you “not running the bases anymore”/ was NOT intended to offend or ridicule.  Rather it was simply an introduction into polite conversations regarding the past, as that is easier to discuss, than more important or complex issues among other people who absolutely do not wish to discuss any such thing.  It appears strongly, as you left very shortly after than comment/ that you were offended, or sad or something.  Not my intent/ and as there is little other way of saying that to you; I am writing. Its realistic under the circumstances.

As is consistent with my own behaviors, I will offer you a little advice/ simply because I have always regretted it, when I don’t.  My view/ not necessarily those who received that advice, although I do believe “in the intent to help”; deserves a little slack.

I do hope you are not “too sensitive” about your weight/ as that is not a good thing for anyone.  We are whatever we are, simple as that/ the value of a human being is known by the choices they make, not the body they inhabit.  Therefore apart from pride, and or the limitations some aspects of body or mind demand;   we are all the same, regardless of the “human factors”.  That said;   if you felt, “being ridiculed”/ even if no intent existed;   the reality of my own life is very simply, “been accused of everything you can think of/ now terrible teeth/ half bald/ growing “tits” (didn’t ask for them, never considered the possibility, never tried to get them/ can’t stop them: just have to live with it.  NOT “homosexual in any way” they just grew.)/ not rich as some people think that is necessary; and so on.  Plenty to ridicule me, or just play a little;  back.  But the fact is, that I do respect myself, simply because “this is me/ its what I got/ its who I am/ its what I chose to do with my life”; good bad or indifferent, its me.  Why would I disrespect that?  Even though, most measure and say:   “Don’t measure up, or loser”/ the reality is, I did live my life within the boundaries given; accepted what I could not change; changed what I could; and chose for myself as best I could do.   Lots of mistakes are irrelevant/ today is the truth, for today.

Pride is always an enemy.  Pride is the demand or want;   to make people believe, whatever I want them to believe about me.  Consequently pride is a liar/ because want is always based upon not reality, or more clearly a fantasized opinion of oneself.  Life is about being alive inside as soul, the choices we make/ not so much outside as body, or measured as mind.  Just my opinion some would say.  Nonetheless it is my opinion.  Pride is the embodiment of want/ so as to make the others losers, thereby I am the winner.  RESPECT for yourself at the opposite end of pride is, the acceptance of myself/ the reality of my choices/ the honesty of my mistakes; which have formed the foundations or purposes which become myself.  Nobody gets to be, more or less than themselves.  Consequently, when we simply accept “this is my truth”/ it is not for anyone else to judge.  Thereby we do become free of the trappings and burdens of society within ourselves;   to be happy, with who we are/ even if measured by your own mind “could have been better”.  That too is absolutely irrelevant, and without purpose.  Today is the day, that I am alive;  enjoy the truth of it as best you can:   because we are literally miracles.   Who can make themselves!

As to your investment into natural gas and its spread in transportation/ I should have been a bit more supportive; so I apologize/ but with concerns.  As mentioned natural gas needs more oxygen to produce the same btu’s; you can find calculations on my web site if you wish (search oxygen).  As mentioned, there are grave concerns with water damage, the invasion of aquifers/ which can happen at any time, even after considerable years; or just if a small earthquake hits and creates a little fissure.  But with toxins everywhere; water resources under enormous attack/ and the reality of thirst multiplying everyday;   I suppose another threat in a world where twenty or more can make us extinct in the very near future; is just another threat.  Can’t go back/ but without real change, it won’t matter.   So then as to your investment: it is easily seen to be intuitive and an educated guess or expectation (thinking)/ which I do agree with, strictly on a business cycle kind of way.  There will be more usage of natural gas for transportation purposes until a major accident occurs, or several individual tragedies prove too much for the public to bear.  Money will still decide, therefore natural gas in transportation is coming.  But do to the high pressurization required for any real storage of fuel/ it will be primarily for localized trucking of various sorts including city buses.  The critical reality is: that high pressure pumping of explosive gases cannot be made entirely safe/ therefore most of the public should not be involved.  If you just unhook the hoses with a lit cigarette, you can have a fire/ could melt your face, if liquid is involved.  Plenty of lawsuits to come.  But it does have advantages too; training, etc.
We have lots of problems, don’t mean to take the fun out of your life.  As did all the extreme threats for our futures;  remove mine.  Keep thinking, its important.