400 second street NW, Washington DC 20217


James Frank Osterbur

2191 county road 2500 E.  St. Joseph, IL 61873

social security #338-46-2535


IRS, person to contact Josephine Stockli #0860162

dated: 5/ 3 / 12




The identity of a nation, the preamble of the US constitution/ the bill of rights/ and the declaration of independence: each of  which unites us, and is the FOUNDATION;   CARRIED forth BY LAW:   to its rightful RESPECTED PLACE in the governance of this nation.





Constant with the demand that our employees MUST obey the law/ the foundation of any and every contract:   "You do this work for me/ and I will pay you as agreed"!   Must be upheld as the foundation of a right to demand that work contracted,  SHALL BE DONE.  There is no difference between a contract of individuals employed for the specific purpose of providing what our constitution, and its promises which are the bill of rights and the declaration of independence:  demands.  And the owners who have hired these individuals to do that work. The reality expressed is THE SAME;  ANY OTHER CONTRACT or expectation of contractual work by its reality!  Between any other individual or party or organization in this nation/ and those who agreed to do this work, for the price agreed upon/ which is, you our employees GUARANTEE to obey the constitution and provide what it says/ establish its purpose/ and respect our lives, our money, our future (clearly including the children) and our time. 

Because we are all "equal as citizens here"/ and YOU are NOT rulers/ merely employees.  You have no rights beyond what the constitution allows, beyond your sworn oath declares;  as officers of OUR government.   To do, what the constitution demands: is the true and complete description of the work you were hired to do.  The failure to do that/ the clear rebellion against that:   DOES establish anarchy and treason.

 The conspiracy throughout the court system of America as has been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt through the court cases established by James F. Osterbur/   TO REFUSE THE GUARANTEED RIGHT, of first amendment redress of grievances.  Is an absolute,  proven denial of our law, our constitution, and your oath of office.  Thereby an irrevocable act of war against the people of this nation; that must be stopped.  You are proven guilty, in court case after court case: that the leadership of this nation, the leadership of a court system has  stolen our right, denied our heritage, and have been conspiring to destroy the democracy of our lives. Our guarantee, to be "WE THE PEOPLE"/ govern ourselves by the law we have established as our protections against those who would rule or attack us.  Proven by one court case after another: as undeniable proof and evidence.   That fact constitutes and describes:  criminal activity, by the  extreme dismissal of a right guaranteed to each and every member of this society; by the judiciary, and dismissed by the executive and legislative branches of our employees hired to protect and defend our constitution/ OUR VERY LIVES as a democracy. Constitutional law destroyed in a courtroom both state and nation, by the people hired to do exactly the opposite.  Rulers using,  the "elements of a rule" that carries NO VALUE to society, to control the constitution and defeat it.  That is open rebellion;  and is used only to insure "the ruler" has control.  Not only is this simple and sure.  The reality of justice, the expectation of fair play, the foundation of a jury trial which is:   to let the people decide for themselves what is, or is not acceptable for life in the real world of this nation/ this state/ or this community.  Denied to me;  as proven in case Champaign county 2011 TR 022442 James F. Osterbur  vs state of IL/ city of Gifford. Not even a pretense, to obey constitutional law or its purposes to grant and sustain justice and fair play for every individual.  Rather than the law of our constitution upheld, the court is guilty of replacing constitutional demand: the essence of its preamble to build a better nation/ with rules, that have no meaning or value to society apart from creating or demanding "You, NOT we the people;  are the ruler here".  That is not your job, nor is it your right or authority.  Your job is to protect, defend, provide, and establish all that is promised in the three documents which unite us first as a nation, and then as individual states and people.  Your job is to create equality, fair play, and justice.  Your failure is extreme.

The purpose of this courtroom, this defiance against: the  anarchists who are destroying this nation by refusing its law/ the terrorists who absolutely refuse the foundation principles for society itself:   WHICH IS, YOU SHALL NOT gamble with our lives.  You shall NOT declare yourselves "gods (we know everything/ we can do anything we want)"/ so that extreme experimentation and insanity through delusions can control, rob, steal, kill, maim, mutilate, sacrifice and destroy the very foundations that all life depends upon: FOR THIS WORLD.    I demand redress: to investigate, examine, identify, and decide as a people what is or is not in our own best interest:   BEFORE FOOLS and the absolute disgrace of an entire humanity;   kills us all!  How is that not terrorism.  How is that NOT "aided and abetted" by all those who stand against:  the fair and true understanding of what exactly is being done/ and the clear and simple truth of what happens when this goes wrong.  A terrorist decides:   "Let them die/ I don't care: these are merely pawns".  REDRESS DEMANDS:   I AM EQUAL TO YOU/ kill yourself, and I won't care:   BUT DON'T DESTROY MY LIFE/ THESE CHILDREN/  MY NATURE/ OR MY WORLD.  The delusion of these  courts, the fantasy of these leaders:   side with and protect terrorists.  NOT constitutional law: the right to govern, thereby decide for ourselves, as     we, the people.

THIS DEMAND IS FOR REDRESS, our right to decide, our right to be fully informed, our right as owners to establish control over the employees who have decided they are superior, and will threaten our very existence. Discard their oath.  And serve only themselves, by stealing our substance, our securities, and our future.  Fundamentally enslaving us all, through the counterfeiting of money.


Assembled into the composition of this demand for contractual obedience by those employed for the purposes of this state and nation.  These individuals hired to establish the truth of what it means to be  called Americans:   is the contractual foundation, that not only must our work be done for us, as commanded.  That work MUST BE DONE IN A MANNER, that is consistent with the demands of the constitution and this people.

 As the evidence will prove:   LIARS have ruled/ THIEVES have stolen/ CHEATERS exist in every conceivable manner, and are protected from reality and law, by rules, and those who call themselves "sovereign, meaning rulers".   By those who sold our nation and this state to whore's, failures, fantasies, and the disease of an arrogance so blind, a demand for selfishness SO INSANE:   that your only defense is, THREATS THAT WILL MAKE US ALL EXTINCT or "fear us"/ the people hired to defend you.   Or more simply, the criminal organization which has replaced our government as intended: must be removed.   You, our employees:  have sold our lives for your delusions and games.  If that was not bad enough, NOW through the religious fanatics (the university is our savior/ our god) who have taken over government:   have set into place experiments and complete failures, that will make us all extinct, as a world! How could you be worse?   Not only is the clear intent to make this people your slaves/ but to control them all, with rules, fears, and the assumption that you must be their rulers ( because you so damn superior).  Or they die.  That infection, created by the leadership of America/ the critical failures of university fools (does not a diploma rule):  has spread to pandemic levels.  The evidence,  as is clear by the listing of threats, and the reality of failure, the disease of money, and the endless counterfeiting being used to enslave and destroy us all.  Is the substance of an absolute need to be informed.  The critical reality that this court system called america HAS SOLD OUR FREE PRESS, to a tiny few whose only purpose is greed, control, and propaganda.  Or we would know/ and there is only religious fanatics spewing their delusions instead.  Theories are not proof.  Proof is:   bring the same fire as is on the sun here to earth/ and if they are wrong, we all die.  Proof is:   mutilate every life, because the damn religious priests of evolution are consumed by the complete lack of evidence/ that they intend to destroy us all.


The listing of failure is long, and the demand: I REFUSE TO PAY FOR THIS!  Substance and evidence enough: TO DEMAND REDRESS:   "Let the people decide for themselves"!

 Your work as employees, is so far from the reality of constitutional intent/ that you have destroyed the value of the contract between the citizens of this nation/ this state, and our reality as a democracy itself.    Establishing plainly: this is not the union of citizens organized to protect, defend, and provide for themselves, as is constitutional democracy.  I defend that/ I do not refuse it.  BUT RATHER, the sewer of individuals who have contaminated, our lives and our state & nation, creating a war against us by the consequences of their failures, their insanity, disgrace, disrespect, and their  disease of arrogance.  What has effectively become, "an invasion of plague-riddled vermin; the essence of a pandemic created to destroy us all."  Where truth/ life/ value/ and respect are  destroyed or covered up, because all that matters is your want, selfishness, and delusions.  Whether intentionally or not.  The consequence to this society being:   you have become a lie/ called the "America government".   By the definition of those three documents which define us most as a people:    You may represent us,  NO MORE!    We must defend and protect and rule over ourselves!  Because these leaders have completely failed!


 THE LAW OF THIS LAND, which in terms of our democracy means, and declares:   WE THE PEOPLE are rulers here.   Understands, as provided in our foundation documents:  "....that whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness......"  Declaration of independence. 


With the law called redress, as provided by our own constitution, both state and nation: the reality of those words come to fruition, here.  WE HAVE THE RIGHT BY LAW, to investigate/ demand an accounting/ examine the reality of every detail/ and punish every individual that attempts to deny or assumes they can hide in power or pride or arrogance: by not providing the whole truth, nothing but the truth, and everything we need to know as a nation of people who must now defend ourselves/ protect our world/ and restructure our government: TO BE what we are promised it shall in fact be.  None of that exists today.


For these reasons, the foundation of threats, the reality of lies, the consequence of theft, and the failure to abide within the law; as is redress of grievances.   This demand for contractual obligations and remedies have been met; by the foundations necessary to declare a court case/ and demand resolution.  You the employees hired to do the work of governing on a day to day basis/ are clear parties competent to the contract:   THAT WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE GOVERNMENT/ AND OUR CONSTITUTION IS SOVEREIGN OVER US AS A NATION OR STATE.  Which plainly means:   YOU are not sovereign over anything. You, are hired workers/ paid to do a job, that you did not do.   Nothing resembling  honesty, integrity, duty, or anything that asserts or defends the purposes of this people or the reality of evidence against you; can be found.  The contract your leaders swore to obey, (or the organization they command):  professed to protect and defend; has been defiled and desecrated.  You failed to do the job, you were hired to do. Which brings you to trial; before this people.

  I too, am a party clearly competent to the contract, between this nation and each individual citizen, as a democracy.  As you say and agree, because of that: " I must pay the tax".  Thereby agreed, we have a mutually binding contract/ you are then not the ruler, which can demand.  Rather you are the employee hired to obey the law, and provide the agreement we the people declared was our government.  THIS IS A CONTRACT, with a clear obligation on both sides to do what we have promised to do.

 Consequently, at the end of a true and honorable REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES hearing in front of all the people of this state of ILLINOIS, and this nation called the United States of America: as guaranteed to be my individual right.  By constitutional demand and contractual law: I in fact have a duty to deny you the opportunity to continue destroying AMERICA.  You are accused of "terrible things".   These facts must be dealt with. 

Then,  I SHALL pay the tax, after an appropriate compensation for doing the work of demanding YOU MUST OBEY THE LAW/ YOU ARE NOT "gods, or rulers, or superior: or anything else:   MERELY EMPLOYEES.  That are equal, not sovereign/ not assigned or allowed the power to gamble with "our everything".   But the evidence assessed proves:   religious quacks/ or schizophrenic fools whose true intent, if not purpose contributes to the destroyers/ aids terrorists against this world.  Experiments so delusional,  with such extreme arrogance, and insanity", as to endanger our entire world/ nature/ lives/ environment/ etc;  as has been proven by the listing of threats. Cannot go unpunished, or be allowed to remain.  Therefore duty requires intervention.  Democracy means, I must pay the price for life/ indeed I have done the work you were hired to do. To your shame!  Because you chose death for this world.  Failure means an end to life/ the mutilation of all of nature means absolute biological chaos: ETC/ ETC/ ETC.  It is impossible, that greater fools could have existed throughout time; even hitler, "better than you".   You gamble with everything life requires, because the religion called university tells you:   "To bow down, and believe: INSANITY".  PROVE THE EVIDENCE IS WRONG.  Stop the insanity, before it is the end of life on earth.

While I cannot keep you from stealing my money, or other corrupt, and destructive practices/ I can make you, establish again as do the other legal cases brought by me:   that the law, this democracy, our assertion as a people, for justice and fair play; is truly contaminated at every level,   BY CRIMINALS.

  Organized to destroy our lives, our world, and our democracy:   how is that not treason!



Added in, to the long potential listing of failures IS:

1.  The refusal to abandon weapons of mass destruction and choose world law, through a deliberate:   WE WILL bring the leaders to trial, for their failure/ NOT attack the people.

2.   The refusal to participate in this world, and in this nation FOR the truth:   LIFE MUST COME FIRST, as a planet/ so that we do not die.

3.   The refusal/ the critical denial:   "The children have rights too/ and you cannot consume their resources, destroy their environment, discard or abuse the elements of nature we and they depend upon,  or pronounce your debts are theirs".  Quit abusing/ quit murdering/ stop sacrificing     your children.

4.   The foundation of every life in a democracy is:   WE DO have a right to be treated as equals.  That means: a right to work/ a right to share respectfully, in the resources/ a right to understand and use the law for justice and fair play/ a foundation to alter, and change our democracy as life and time demand: as WE THE PEOPLE SEE FIT.  The right to a vote, which determines the critical values of this society for ourselves/ NOT simply voting for someone to vote for me.  But a vote on the law, the reality, and the rights, freedoms, and liberty of my life:   AS A NATION!   Without the condemnation of rules intended to be, "the control of others"/ rather than for equity or equality, of an individual in this society."  The difference is JUSTICE, and fair play.  The difference is, we rule ourselves!   Rather than the purpose of rules, which is to create rulers who do control, punish, and enslave us all/ by those very rules; as case champaign county 2011 TR 022442 describes:    TO HELL, WITH JUSTICE OR FAIR PLAY!

5.   THE LAW is an army.  THE LAW is a value to democracy unlike any other weapon or desire:   because it makes those who demand to be our rulers/ subject to our decision, by jury, by society and its vote: EQUAL to the rest of us.  The constitution is law!  The demand to enforce this right/ the reality that governs WHO IS THE OWNER HERE:   then determines life in society. 

 The question is courage, the reality is life or death for us all:   because today, we are literally threatened so distinctly, and so literally without the possibility we can survive these things.  That the only choice there is:   by the evidence, which then proves we will, "live or die, as a planet".  This is our choice, to the shame of humanity.  A failure so extensive: there is  no longer a guarantee of nature or even this earth;    for every living thing on this planet is threatened.

6.   TRUTH IS, the substance of everything revealed as a need, or a distinct reality.  These  prove a foundation exists; establish what is real (not a guess or a theory): by the evidence.  Everything else is a religion, or a lie, used by humanity to gain superiority over others.  TRUTH MUST LEAD US ALL.   WHAT IS TRUE protects our lives, and gives us everything we do value as the living existence of this earth.

7.   Without RESPECT, there will be only war.  Therefore fundamental to the critical realities we all face in this time; are the foundations that rebuild life:   called RESPECT.  Respect includes the truth,    THAT       "GOD" IS OUR CREATOR!  Like it or not, that is true, and cannot be defeated by men or women.  Evolution is then merely another diseased religion, with absolutely no substance or truth.  Prove the evidence "CAN'T build this one piece at a time/ without even a mind" is wrong/ or destroy the religion called evolution from this government, even this world now.  They have proven only to be fools.  They have damaged and attempted to destroy; by deliberately intending, and clearly attempting to mutilate all of nature.  HOW IS THAT NOT "terrorism"?


As these are clear, distinct,  and true foundational elements of the constitution and our founding documents as a nation/ THEY ARE then, critical demands to be met, through the purposes of this trial.  You bring me.  You demand of me, that I must pay the contractual demand called a tax.  I therefore and thereby DEMAND OF YOU:    OBEY THE CONSTITUTION/ PROTECT AND DEFEND THIS NATION FROM TERRORISTS as described.  Provide me REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES as is guaranteed to each and every citizen.  Clean the sewer called a courtroom.  And resurrect this nation as a democracy by its purpose and heritage: the reality of our agreement as we the people/ by our foundation documents.   The truth established as OUR DEMOCRACY.  Not your failure, fantasy, insanity, or delusion.



I, James F. Osterbur:   do hereby declare, that a true and correct copy of this first filing has been mailed to the following parties at the addresses so listed:   by certified mail (to the court).   Placing the parcel,  in the US postal service/ as prepaid mail on the date of 5/ 3 / 12


US TAX COURT    400 second street NW, Washington DC 20217


the internal revenue service Brookhaven appeals

1040 Waverly ave.  Stop 906

Holtsville NY 11742             refer reply to:   AP:FE:LI-BR2: JXS