In the elemental truth of these sites, the foundation held to be a very simple need to intervene in the destruction of all that creation on earth is/ the reality of this day is “done”.  Everything that can fundamentally be done, without attempting to force you/ manipulate/ control/ tempt/ flatter/ or do your work for you; as is not possible.  Has been done. Although that statement has been made before (to remove any doubt, that you cannot continue at these points without me), it remains true that “large jobs” can be stated as done, even though “the little things” were yet to be completed.  As is the case with these sites.  Even the little things are now finished: as the essence of our reality, the critical notice of all these threats has been issued and cemented into place, and the formal fight for redress has been issued and proven, as our right.  Even though the rebellion of government employees is complete/ the foundation of democracy is WE DECIDE, not you.   The decision to allow what is not the law, to tolerate rebellion in the courts, anarchy by government officials, and traitor to those who align themselves against democracy itself/ is yours! You have the power, we the people hold the keys: to our own future! Therefore, what happens next is entirely up to you/ within the constraints of our truth, and reality on this earth.  You can go to court, without the court.  You can demand change without the media, you can accuse the police of siding with our enemies, if they refuse to enforce constitutional law, as their leaders have done.  Time to die or change, as an earth is delayed: At least for a little longer. 

The day established by biblical prophecy, as to the point of no return or “last days” of earth/ without critical change in humanity.  Does establish in me, the question:   how best should I live these days?  It is not the same question to you:   as you MUST work hard to establish and create the warning given to each and every reader or person given the knowledge of how close we are to:  “fools exterminating us”/ that we MUST stop.  I did my part, you are warned, and provided a clear path, with the opportunity of change, if you accept it.  I established CLEAR warnings throughout your leadership structure; all categories.  Made the people who are given to suspicion and looking for terrorists recognize “I had something to say, and was passionate about it”: but,  they could not think/ they could not believe in anything but war, “an army, does not think for itself”.  I did elicit and try to talk to a wide variety of people throughout decades: none cared, or did not fail to run away and hide.  And yes, I know that it is hard to find anyone who can or will listen, but even when they understood: greed and want and pride, was far more important.  The rest of this work: for life or death on earth/  is up to you.  I no longer have a true part in any of that/ established clearly in the truth, “I am NOT your savior”.  Rather you must work to save yourselves/ as truly humanity itself,  is the problem: and that means you too.

Regardless of your decision/ my work is over.  My decision is to consider searching for the beauty and life that has been lost to me,  in my own time and living; to this work. How is that not fair?  Its not a complaint, I chose this work, and accepted the price.  Rather it is the assertion: my work is done/ the rest is entirely up to you, “I literally don’t have to care”; not my job anymore.  You however will choose:   Care or don’t care/ truth will judge & decide the reality of your ways; as sufficient or an end to life on earth.  Because of what you as humanity itself have done.  Your want is absolutely irrelevant: “its just like telling a tornado or volcano, to go away”.  Not going to happen, unless the cause itself is changed.  Humanity itself is the cause of “all” these threats.  Yellowstone is an exception (bore down and let the gas escape, or collect it), but there are few threats, in nature or otherwise, you didn’t cause.

 Within that framework however, I am removed from the process of your decision/ unless I wish to work, or bribe you to listen.  Since you are absolutely deaf, and functionally illiterate, particularly in “university levels”; to everything I have warned:  it must then be a bribe/ because who among you does not,  worship “money”.  I have committed to helping women help you, because they are different, and we MUST have different/ that is all.  I will do so, if asked honestly, and by those with sufficient passion to make a difference or at least try; to help life on earth survive.  I will not, “be coming to women”/ I have tried that, in the past. You must come to me, or I refuse, have been refused, etc.  No more of that, I am willing to help/ but only if you are willing to work for life.

  With my whole life functionally changed, even to the point of “a little emotion showing up now/ NEVER before”:   I really don’t have a clue, where to go from here, personally.  There is no foundation or clear understanding, of “male or female”, from which to say, “this is fundamentally what, or who I need to be”:  anymore.  I have changed, or been changed.  So it’s a new journey for me, but without a clear destiny or distinct purpose: not my choice, a changed destiny.  Nonetheless, it is a beautiful earth, with true miracles of life established by nature, and a life freed from duty: “except to women, and they may never come; not up to me”!  The earth is not “all dead or mutilated” beyond recognition yet.  So, for the last days, at least for a time;  I do expect to be happy regardless of the journey itself/ I can’t change it, therefore no reason to be unhappy. Why you need to know, is beyond me/ but the spirit inside is real.  You may as well be happy too.  Work hard for life, do your best, WHY WOULD ANYONE do less, “its insane”? Appreciate your life and time. But understand this, that people will judge themselves, and collect their reward: did you not choose.  Can’t save those who will not accept truth, no matter who you are.  Save yourself first, JESUS already provided the evidence every human being needed, to understand love is real/ the possibility of eternity:  is more than a guess!  Believe it or not/ so then you don’t have to save anyone: biblically speaking, “they are saved”/ they have a chance to understand a better future, a better decision for themselves.  Its their own choice/ you can’t make them. The question is: if you choose to believe biblical prophecy is real/ then how much more is not?
 Be “relatively at peace”/ because if you are true to    GOD   honestly: then HE will be true to you as well.  If not/ then that is the choice you made, no church/ synagogue/ mosque/ etc can save you!  Choosing Life (meaning,“I will stay”), love, and eternity is your decision.  But remember this: that if you did not care enough to even try to “work for this entire creation of life”/ why would   GOD   work or care about you?  Its just a question.  Search your heart!

Many will say, “it is absolutely foolish” to believe in a biblical prophecy.  But it is clear to me, that the abominations of creating a fire like the sun, here on earth is nothing but death (can’t put it out)/ as is trying or recreating the single most destructive event in the history of the universe, OR more simply this is “gambling with this entire planet!  As is mutilating all of nature, every life:  as is intentional genetic crucifixion.  Truly is nothing but insane, or intentional hate.  The only question that existed was, “how have we survived these things so far”?  The answer comes in Daniel 12:   that GOD   has decreed/ this world shall not be surrendered;   until 1290 days have past, from these abominations, and their beginning... what could be a bigger abomination to creation/ than gambling with an entire world of life?   That day, comes in 2013.  Add in all the rest of your threats, and to plan for a future in this time is utterly “without the benefit of the evidence”/ it is useless and blind.  Time cannot survive, as men have established these threats to be.  We will die, without TRUE change/ that is the evidence of this day.  Simple and plain/ regardless what you believe or think; even without biblical prophecy: truth demands, without real change, there is no hope/ examine and investigate all these threats.  And there is no change established unto this date, not even the hint of real change so far, therefore hope fades fast.

 But that is your decision, it is not mine/ my decision was made decades ago, and I spent my life working “for this planet”.  Only to be ridiculed and maligned/ discarded and belittled.  But that too is irrelevant, because it did not matter to me/ mentioned, because it did matter to you, you just didn’t care.  As the facts of this day begin to prove: threats, including money, without the slightest hope of survival, as a planet;  without change.  And you continue to refuse/ continue to do nothing/ continue to run away and hide from reality and its truth/ continue to let liars, thieves, and cheats rule over you/ continue to believe the propaganda/ continue to worship the university religions (do they not say, “we know everything”).  When so clearly they are responsible for a major portion of the trouble and threat we endure in this day:    and so on.  Not “every one”/ but a statement verifying “these lead, the humanity of this earth/ with men”.  How is that not so?
But that is your choice.  That is an assassination of every life and every child/ because you didn’t care enough; chose not to.  And that establishes, the critical change is:   only you, can change yourselves.  Simple and plain.

Some would argue, “I must save every life I can/ as if I should claim to be savior”/ I AM NOT.  I have done the work for which I was trained and schooled: that is enough.  I cannot save you.  I am just a worker, trying to help life on earth, and you understand the truth of our reality, and the evidence of extinction coming quickly.  This is your choice, to deny or excuse/ and now it is clearly your work, or your failure/ not mine.  I am NOT a decision that you can make/ I am irrelevant to your decision to change yourselves, and remove these threats.  In other words, what remains to be done:   “Is all about you”/ not me.  That does not mean, I cannot help if I choose too.  But I don’t have too/ unless it is for women, which as identified already, is not really a choice for me.  That decision has already been made as well: what is true rules the reality. I cannot change it, avoid it, escape it, or deny it: I have gone past the point of no return.  “Spiritual Female rules”:   It is, “a strange experience/ my life is different”.  I don’t know the ending, or even what it is, that I should do next, I just keep changing. Life has changed to “completely beyond my control” in many ways; its not bad/ its just not the man I was. NOT “mixed up”/ rather changed, and unable to understand clearly what life should be.   Different,  Not a game/ something new.  But that is just for me, its not about you/ just me.  Not certain why you need to know about me, just seems necessary; “can’t stop it”.  Not a choice.

You don’t really need the end of the last trials I present; as regards a stop sign or taxation.  The work of presenting a legal remedy, through justice and fair play, by law: is apparent. Use the information and do your own work:   as best you can.  But those endings will be added, as it is established.

So then the question is:   “What, makes life beautiful” from here?  What is, “the essence of happiness”/ the reality of truth identified, without any relationship to hiding or running away from our reality?  That answer is, without doubt:   love itself.
Love is not, “a death sentence”/ therefore no concern shall be given to the ending of days; because that is only fear, and fear is nothing akin to love itself.  Therefore it cannot be conceived of, as important: any one of us can die today, or tomorrow, we simply do not know.  Consequently the truth is: live, honestly.  Honesty does not allow, for using fear to obtain sex/ doesn’t allow for, using fear to steal, or lie, or cheat.  Honesty demands: that the truth shall determine what is fair, the essence of every life conceives of what is justice, while the equity of being equal, in all aspects of what must or must not be done for each other; is determined individually, as ourselves.  Or more simply “no making excuses” for a simple date, or even a biblical prophecy, because that negates the truth, and without truth, no trust means no love can exist/ it will diminish, if not die.

Love is, the expression of a purpose that is simply chosen in happiness for ourselves, not you or me/ but us.  Love is, the disciplines necessary, to belong to each other/ and care through sharing the burdens of life with each other: so that both know, “I do this, for you, and for us”.  Love is, the meaning we give to moments shared, as the memories which keep us alive, in times of trouble and hardship.  Love is the anchor, that understands: nowhere else in this world, can I be as happy, as with you.  Love is, a destiny established beyond ourselves, so that “nothing so little” as time/ can interfere. Love is, “a vessel” within which we travel as soul, into each others heart.  The meaning of that is simply, “by understanding the boundaries of what we each do need”, and accepting the price of “ourselves together”/ the destiny of each becomes a participation in life shared.  

Love is, understanding time has its own needs, and we must participate or die.  Love is, the knowledge, without foundations that keep us alive/ there is no future.  Love is, accepting the burdens of “a job, that must be done”/ presents hope for us all.  Love is, remembering freedom; does not come with “prison bars”; we each, have only one life to live/ only one time, in the sun.  That search, and those decisions are not dependent upon anyone else:  rather we share our lives/ we do not, “own each other”.  Love is, a journey conceived by the truth we hold most dear, “the purity of our heart’s desire”.  Purity means, without compromise: a reality that does not exist on earth; yet we do aspire “to the best we can be, because love joins us to the fate we choose”. A Heart’s desire understands two distinct relationships that join as one: is, the essence of our individual truth united, by the levels of love, we believe within ourselves, “that we can attain”.  Love is not a gift, rather love is a journey within ourselves that must be shared: to be found.  Thereby a destiny in and of itself. Love is a moment, that ends only when you begin to measure each other.  Love is an expression that lives beyond body and mind, to conceive of soul.  Love is the cradle of time, released in us to become the truth expressed without boundaries beyond happiness to define.  Love exists as the meaning of life, because it is “the fountain of youth itself”/ regardless of your age, time has no meaning in real love, hope, and happiness: until it ends.  Love is a moment crashing down, where life meets its end here on earth/ but love itself understands: memories give us the structure of our lives, and we build, because we can.  Love is, the passage beyond ourselves: cherished because it has opened the door to a world shared through love, with another life that met us “halfway”.  Time is a discipline/ because love is a destiny we meet beyond our existence in this life.  Love is the only relationship beyond truth and trust, that is earned through the existence of thought as it reaches for the purity of what life can be; even eternally. 
The spiritual essence of love and life, “is our ability to encounter thought, as the passage that unites us, in a single destiny or desire.  Thought exists as, “the definitions of our soul”.  Soul exists as, the relationship we cherish with Creation itself.  Creation exists as:    GOD   and HIS gifts, to us.  Do you see the connection?   


As to the functional reality of dealing with people who are too stubborn to listen or too much fear to love/ too much selfishness involved to even try.  The reality is:   we can only do, what we can do for ourselves/ as ourselves.  Everything else is up to someone else to be open enough to hear, see, or believe in an invitation to at least become friends.  The mind measures, because it can/ NOT because it must.  LOVE exists because we choose it to be so, “we, because love needs another life, to express and experience, beyond myself”.  So many are left alone, to struggle hard/ because you measure them, fear them, use them, or just don’t care.  You can do better, it’s a choice.  You can change this world, to encompass a foundation in friendship and democracy “WE THE PEOPLE rule this whole earth/ NO more rulers over us: rather we do rule ourselves by the law we create for ourselves”.  If you choose it, it will happen.  To be truly free, and thereby happy: YOU MUST, learn to rule yourselves/ by creating laws, that are justified, equal to all, and fair.
If you choose limited capitalism, as the means to as fair and justifiable as is possible, our human work.   This will  change the economies of this world, for life FIRST, at least for people.  FREED, For all humanity rather than controlled and manipulated by the, “rich: to be their slave.  That too will happen, and the VAST MAJORITY will be glad, if you choose it in time.  This is not a game.  But even in serious understanding:   there are no second chances.  Don’t forget that.

 Forget about me, I am NOT any part of any decision that you can make/ I am irrelevant: THEREFORE NOT an excuse.  And do understand:  that it doesn’t matter what kind of “stuff” is used, found, manipulated, lied, created, or destroyed or true about me.  YOU ARE THE ANSWER/ I am not.  Simple as that.  The evidence in truth is the cause/ simply do your own research and insist ANY INTENTIONAL LIAR, shall be punished severely.  “This is about life or death for a world”, EVERY FUTURE, AND EVERY LIFE/ NO playing, NO games, NO excuses, and NO manipulation of the facts: plain and simple as possible.     Not a game.  I am Not, your leader/ proof would be, “that I have breasts/ tits”; like a woman, and they can do to me things that are truly “NOTHING, experienced by men”.  Do you want to run away now?  Make me the excuse, not what you want to hear?  Go ahead, but remember this: I ain’t your savior/ and the reality of threat is so significant against this earth: that truly the entire planet sits at the edge of extinction. Some would say, “he is a fool”/ to mention such things as above: it drives people away, in droves.  They can’t accept what he says, so the world could be lost: why won’t he shut up about such things?  The answer is: you cannot be an army that does not think for itself, anymore.  That is the way of men, to go forth and kill those who disagree or refuse to surrender to you.  This is the way of women:   to understand, is not dependent upon who tells you something of importance/ rather it is based in the knowledge itself, and your acceptance of reality will determines wisdom itself.  Wisdom and not death, changes this world.  Wisdom is dedicated to what is true, NOT what you believe should be true.  To accomplish wisdom, you MUST look past “the messenger”, and understand the future is, whatever truth demands it must be.  That leaves you with threats, which we cannot survive, unless you change as humanity on earth.  BECAUSE humanity itself, did create these threats; “nearly all”.  If you die as a planet/ its because you chose to fail, refusing to respect, identify reality, or care enough, about life itself.  You became as you are, because men move societies as an army:  Fail to accept our way, “and you will regret it”.  Therefore the few/ decide for the rest, because fear/ power/ manipulation/ propagation/ and control;  keeps them from participating in the future, by decision.  That must stop, and life become, as individuals making decisions for yourselves and your children, and all life on earth: THERE SHALL BE CHANGE, or there will be no life.  More simply, if there is not fundamental “human change”/ rather than one army of people defeating another.  There will be no future, because individually as 7 billion people, we all matter/ we all participate in keeping this earth alive: or we do not.  Every person decides our future, and if that is not enough for life; then we disappear forever.  YOU MUST ORGANIZE YOURSELVES TOGETHER, but not as an army for force.  Rather you must organize yourselves as a relationship of life and living for the purpose of survival on earth.  That means simply:   what is true leads/ what is reality shall decide, under the control of women;  because massive war is not a true option, or we die. Not a hard concept, simply understand the threats/ and establish what is true.
There are “armies of all kinds” to be dealt with, during the process of change.  There are “unions, that will insist: everyone but us”.  The judiciary is probably the single most corrupt.  The people in power, the most proud.  But the wealthy are without doubt the leading conspiracy to deny you everything you need for life.  Life first is the end of “the rich man first/ money rules”.  They will, NOT want that, it is the end of “playing god”.  But you outnumber them by “million to one”/ therefore you literally CANNOT lose, unless you just let them rule.  It’s a choice.

You cannot defeat the wealthy by force of armies: as history proves, “it rarely gains anything”.  But you can defeat them through, the foundation of law, that controls all our lives:  including leaders, university, medicine, and money.  Which is JUSTICE/ FAIR PLAY/ EQUALITY/ AND EQUITY as a guaranteed right in freedom.  Every leader has an army, because they bribe them: “more because of these/ for us”.  Every revolt has a leader, because they were abandoned in their time of need.  But the law has no leader/ it is the law which controls our time.  And if it is insufficient, THEN MAKE IT BETTER, one step at a time.  You cannot be killed for demanding justice; because if it is clear “simply murder”: then it can happen to anyone, at any time.  And the leaders’ army falls away.  That leaves weapons to decide:   the question is then, who shall be killed?  The answer for peace is:   let the women be gathered together/ and let them decide what must be done for this society: without men allowed.  Because to kill the women, WILL BRING ABSOLUTE OUTRAGE among the men who need and want them back.  Therefore the war it causes will be extreme.  That leaves humanity itself with this choice:   either find a way to compromise IN LAW AND JUSTICE.  With the women so that life can go back to “male and female honestly”/ or all die.   To accomplish this: IT IS necessary for foreign troops to defend the women for a realistic time: without surrendering any. Preferably with an “army of women”/ between the men guarding and the women of a nation: “a buffer zone” so as to remove the excuses.   If you do, frustrated men WILL begin demanding change/ and they will accomplish it, one way or the other. 

The issues today of men urinating on dead bodies in a war zone is simply typical of the reality of war/ IF YOU DON’T reduce “the enemy” to near worthless/ bad: then you won’t kill them. Stop war, and it ends the excuse.  Regardless a dead body is simply a dead body; and it is worthless, except for “fish food”.  We must feed the ocean/ there is nothing else.
Since there is no respect for insulating, as the most efficient and distinct method of reducing global warming/ oxygen depletion/ etc:   because you don’t burn the fuel.  I remind you again: an actual ten percent reduction by insulation, is a “permanent reduction in all that goes with it”.  Your fools, refuse to promote it, because they have other “Money issues, as in what’s more money to me”.  Look for the bribes, and you will know why.  In that same vein, a tremendous amount of energy and therefrom all these problems is lost particularly in ventilation systems.  As in a restaurant, this can be largely eliminated by simply pulling “new air” in at the exhausting port.  All it takes is fresh air intake ports next to the exhaust. Already heated/ mixed with fresh air: it loses most of the contaminants, oils;  while bringing in the required fresh “pre-heated” air. Screening and filters, will bring in more/ but add to the costs.  Perfection is NOT necessary.  You want perfection, “move to another planet”.

As life regards the foundation of male behavior with regards to economies: the foundation of money and men is very simple, “just look back at the buffalo hunters, and what they did”.  Nothing has changed, put a penny up for grabs, and nature is thrown in the garbage.  Didn’t solve nothing, for more than a few minutes/ just added to the problems after reality and truth were assessed.  As to the political reality of male behavior it is as easy to see as the genocide of all American Indians: no chance to join in/ no respect/ no intent to share or care; just give me all you got, and then die.  Nothing has changed, war is their answer: the dead can’t complain, or take revenge.  The world is now 7 billion people; and the foundations that men have always depended upon as a majority in rule: CANNOT be sustained, nature cannot survive it, so we die.  Humanity CANNOT survive it, because we are so many people, revenge will never be extinguished by the death of billions (kill a billion people today/ & there are STILL 6 BILLION left standing: why then are you so insane and stupid) death won’t work, & we need ALL the nature that is left, just to hope we can survive ourselves.
Want, is now a “ridiculous thing”/ because it merely feeds insanity and death.  Reality and truth must decide, or there is no future:   you killed it, with insanity of the majority.  Just don’t care, and certainly won’t share:   “Give me everything I want/ to HELL with you”.  Sums these last decades,  well. Respect is required, not a game.  Decisions that matter MUST be accepted for life, no more playing games.  Changes mean:    “Forever, LIFE, for this planet, MUST COME FIRST”/ or there will be no more second chances.  If that is too much for you: then you are already dead/ the planet soon follows.  Too many threats to survive!  Simple as that/ not a game.

You will work for this planet, and its nature, its oceans, and its environment: because without them you are dead.  And they are all threatened with extinction; therefore you too.  In that vein it is necessary to halt the glacial meltdown (there are consequences more than you expect); smoothing the surface/ sealing the drain holes/ pumping the water that flows into the sea/ back onto the glacier: what is water flowing from the glacier/ immediately at the end of the glacier.  Is still  functionally all fresh water, even if it is pumped from the sea.  You are going to need that water later/ because you have been so diseased in your thinking regarding the water under your feet.  There are no words for this insanity/ apart from “satan”;   beyond belief, GREED without the slightest bit of sense, or reality, or truth.  As are so many things, in this world under the direction of university and men.  That ain’t a statement of “education is bad”/ RATHER it is a demand to see reality as beyond this moment, and work for life first.  NOT YOUR GREED. The reality of WHO LED US HERE, is fundamental to correcting what is wrong.  Therefore all “derogatory claims against the university or men; as leaders of life on earth”/ ARE DEPENDENT AND CREATED BY THE FACT:    That nature is about to cross the line into complete chaos/ the earth itself about to die in flames or annihilation/ every life lost to the consequence of choices made/ and NOT a single real effort on the part of any leader or group of leaders, or media:  to deal with the truth of these issues.   Its life or death for a world:  Dumbass, how pathetic you are/ it is truly insane; beyond all recognition of thought or value.   Which can only mean: YOU DON’T CARE.  Everything at risk, because of money/ want/ greed/ power/ pride/ or hate.  How is that not worthy of derision?

In my world, in my life, the ending to all that has been written is simply this: have you never conceived of or considered the reality of our lives, as our body and mind? The ability to think for yourself? How much is going on, that you don’t understand: just to breathe, or eat, or move so many muscles in correct or “perfect harmony”?  What is the meaning of love, if not to create an environment, within which we protect each other from the harsh reality of time, to share because we care.  Or enjoy the fact that we are truly and distinctly able to deal with the truth of our realities in time; because we have been given the tools (mind and body)  to do so.  Or create a moment to remember as is heart and soul, just because we can.  I have built, and more; therefore I know: there is no possibility that humanity can do anything but harm or destroy the body and minds we inhabit.  We are not toys to play with, we are living expressions of life, that are nothing less than miracles!  How can you not see that?  Open your heart.  Stop killing this world/ it is insane, and you will die: soon, if you continue to refuse truth and reality.  Not a tear/ not a prayer/ not a threat will save you: this world DOES near extinction as a planet.  NOT because of   GOD    .   He did not create all these threats, YOU DID.  It is your judgment upon yourselves that comes.  Either back away from destroying everything for the sake of your greed, power, and pride:   or disappear forever/ lost in time and extinct.  It’s YOUR choice, but not for much longer.  I HAVE done my work, today and tomorrow: I literally need to build a new relationship between what is old, and what is new; in me.  Not your concern/ but you are not truly my concern anymore either.  GROW UP, or you die.  Not a threat, it is the reality of what the evidence truly says.  Prove its wrong! Many will argue, “he is wrong”, or ignore these threats completely: its not what they want, they demand a price many are not willing to pay.  But it literally does NOT matter if I am wrong or right/ what matters is what the evidence itself proves to be true or not. What matters is: YOU literally cannot be wrong, and survive.  Simple as that.  Fail to hear a warning when it is necessary, and people die.  Fail to listen when its important, and every opportunity that can or will shape your life, or someone else’s;  simply disappears.  I am not here to lead you, my job is simply to tell you: without true change, this world cannot survive much longer; even days. Add the biblical warning to that from thousands of years ago, that can now be interpreted: and it becomes serious.

There is no place to run/ there is no place to hide/ no tears/ no prayers to save you:  there are no amount of guns that will protect you/ there is no army in this world that can stop the reality of what we face.  THERE IS ONLY THE DECISION, AS HUMANITY ITSELF:   TO CHANGE,  AS LIFE MUST COME FIRST FOR THIS PLANET DEMANDS.   OR, Fail, and you die, the whole planet dies/ because of the choices that you did make.
THAT IS, the evidence talking to you/ not me.  Prove it is  wrong, OR CHANGE.  Because the consequences are horrendous, if you fail!  Not a game/ your want is completely irrelevant.  Only truth matters.

To understand, changes the reality of what we can do, or cannot.  Therefrom nearly all wealth arises/ all support for life exists:   because unlike “20/20 hindsight”; critical understanding is a relationship with the evidence at hand.  Nobody gets to “know”/ apart from the evidence, what the future holds.  But if you do understand the evidence, then a wise or person with courage does try to make the best decision they can.  Because that determines their future, far more often than not.  To accept what truth actually says, rather than want what truth does not allow:   is the difference between disaster, failure, and heartache/ or a life in peace, happiness, friendship, and love;  with harmony, as best we can.  Life is a choice, “you can commit suicide”/ but time is a decision to participate, as best you can.  Do the best you can, why would anyone do less?
One last time: “I” am not a decision that you can make.  Therefore it doesn’t matter what you believe or think of me, that is pointless, and irrelevant.  YOUR DECISION is to investigate and examine the foundations of our survival on this planet that are under attack.  TO FIND AND ACCEPT THE TRUTH! And then determine amongst yourselves, IF CHANGE in yourselves, is worth the price of keeping this planet alive.  This is not a question of money or economies/ it’s a question of life or death.  As to numbers, and the reality of economies on this earth: THE FACT IS, that you have been working without being paid for decades now.  Because the money is worthless, inflated past the point of no return.  Which means your bankrupt/ BUT THE REALITY REMAINS: the last few years, of work, had nothing to do with the money.  You simply believed the work was worthwhile to you, and thereby did it.  You accepted the lies, that this could go on, and depended upon the numbers that do not exist anywhere in reality, “except as a fantasy”.  You deluded yourselves into believing that greed is an answer, and have worshiped selfishness, power, and pride: instead of life, hope, happiness, friendship or love.  To your shame.  Or more simply, unless you accept life is about life/ RATHER than money, you will fail completely and enter HELL (there is no hope, only hate), and ARMAGEDDON, “nature in chaos”.

One last time; it is not an education that is under attack by me here, with regards to “university or diplomas”/ it has nothing to do with people themselves.  UNLESS coupled with;   as is consistent with this day: “incessant greed” is apparent/ absolute arrogance and complete insanity gamble with the entire planet and every life on it/ the blockade of knowledge, communication, respect, and rights as has formed against the people; because those who want power, refuse to surrender it, even at the cost of an entire world dying/ all the failed leadership/ all the foolish decisions/ the storytelling and fantasies, just so you don’t have to say, “we don’t know”/ the delusion of “they know what they are doing”: when they gamble with every life?  “THESE LEADERS” ARE INSANE, AND DOING NOTHING LESS, THAN DESTROYING LIFE ON EARTH.   And you assert people should trust, worship, and praise you, because you are SO DAMN PROUD; these fools think they are gods.
Pride is an enemy, and a strong adversary that will not be defeated until you not only accept but prove as is necessary to you/ that I WILL be equal, “with even the least of these who choose love”.  Hate is the opposite and it never belongs as equal.  Nonetheless, to be equal and accepting of the least, requires: that people can and will say of you, whatever they can and do say of them.  Thereby surrendering, “I was superior”.  It is not so, because we are all, “a gift of life, body, family, place, abilities, mind, and the possibilities of happiness”; that had either very little, or nothing to do with the identity called ourselves.  Since everything of true value is a gift, everyone who chooses or can choose love is equal.  Accepted as a fact, only then does the journey into your personal truth begin.  Until you have achieved a personal identity as truth/ the spiritual world is hidden.  Because truth is the identity, or environment,  called “the spiritual world”. 

Want, is a lesser enemy, but still powerful enough to establish lies.  Those lies include the concept of homosexuality/ hiding behind another, so that they will protect you, “as if you were a woman” instead.  It is fear, NOT a “mental variance”.
The element here, of a participation within the spiritual world of female, by me: is a very different element of reality.  Having found NO ANSWER in male experience or expression other than war/ which can solve nothing for long.  Turning to female, was the only solution left.  It is impossible to understand those who are so different than you/ without “living somewhat, in their shoes”.  That is impossible to do without spiritual help or critical control, from that “gender truth”.  That is impossible to feel, without the essence of “their own reality”.  And as it turns out, that is also impossible to escape; without critical knowledge/ that is impossible to collect, without being “true to the experience”: from the inside of that environment.  It is truly “a strange experience”/ I don’t know how it ends, or even why.  Or more simply, “life has changed so much” unlike the essence of man which is to control his own environment by disciplines and respect for reality and its truth.  The life of female is entirely different, and until you understand what is true and real established by spiritual truth in that existence: there is no escape.  “Complicated”/ but worth the price, because I had given up on life on earth:   until “this spiritual woman” arrived.  Time was granted/ life now has its opportunity to change.  The price was worth its cost, to me.

As for you:   It’s a choice today, but soon the point of no return comes; and after that, nothing about living will “be happy” anymore.  No going back/ no second chances.  If you look for “the rapture, a religious creation”/ then you have abandoned this creation: a very selfish decision, is not all life important! WORK FOR LIFE NOW/ DO THE BEST YOU CAN FOR    GOD’S CREATION !       If you are so concerned with your own religion, you cannot possibly accept anything regarding the evidence that exists.  Therefore you will fail the change that is necessary, to remove the threats demanding extinction comes.  That means you worshiped your religion more than respected    GOD, AND HIS WORK.    You are then,  a fool: is that not so?  If you don’t care/ then truly you will receive the reward you wanted more than life, or a future. 
Is all of this,  not enough of a warning for you?  Surely it is so.  The children NEED YOU.  It’s a choice, I have done what I could do.  Anything I choose beyond this point, is not “a duty” to me.  I am done/ my job is finished.  At least, as the male I used to be.  The price was change, the reality “different”.  I will accept what is necessary for me.  Life is too important to “refuse reality”. Love is too important, to fail courage.  Respect understands “the difference” between life and fear.

As to the description of a “messenger”/ the reality is more simply understood:   when so very few accept your own truth, or listen to your own thoughts or descriptions of life and reality as to be “one in a million or more”.  THEN all that is left is, “to give them the message of your own life”/ because our reality as an environment , and our truth as humanity will be determined by the masses of humanity that believe in a different way.  As to a message “from GOD”.   I tell you of threats so distinctly serious, that many can cause our complete extermination from this earth, and take all of creation with it.  Regardless how you consider or conceive of    “OUR CREATOR”/   it is fair to say,  if you believe or have faith as do I, “that GOD” knows we are here, knows we are alive, and intervenes through our lives, when it is necessary.  THEN NOTHING COULD BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN INTERVENTION TODAY.   Consequently anyone, who participates in this demand for change on earth:   DOES in fact carry the same message “from GOD”.  THAT WITHOUT CHANGE, we are going to die/ and take life on earth with us.   How is that wrong?
Don’t forget “fear, is a powerful force in human life as well”.  Because panic destroys the foundation of our existence as truth or life/ it removes thought.  Thought, the elemental essence of an expression in truth identified as yourself, is absolutely essential to growth as an individual life.  Without it, we end up as “master and slave”.  Without it, we end up as war, and death, and extinction.  Truth is not a product of “intelligence; I am like a god”/ RATHER:  truth is a distinction, created by reality, understood by the values of living, and appreciated through the disciplines assigned called JUSTICE & RESPECT.  Each of these, are living examples of a decision to participate in love.