Written to conceive of the sexual integration of fundamental truths, as they apply to the demands of your experience. There are 3 fundamental sexual truths: the body requires participation, by creating chemicals/ the mind understands everyone was born to be sexual/ & the critical participant, your soul asks of you: are you willing to share & care as love/ or will you take and control with power for lust? Each of these body, mind, & soul establishes a boundary that will be met/ before a sexual act or relationship can occur; besides violence such as rape [this is not sexual it is violence].

There is NO difference between male or female with regard to male to female expectation or desire for sex/ but these boundaries only. Therefore discussion of all that is sexual becomes a discussion about what is a boundary, and why does this exist? Established therein is the critical distinction that the physical act of sex is little more than a tool/ while the sexuality of true love is an invitation into soul, for those who earn it with respect.

A relationship based upon sexuality is defined not by desire but by the responsibility assigned which demonstrates the purpose and the intensity integrated into the experience: to satisfy lust or love. Lust drives the mind, to experiment, use or abuse in ways that discard the identity of the other. Love defines intimacy of expressions chosen for each other and developed within the honesty of shared moments. Need expands the reality to confront each individual [male to female/ female to male: there is NO reference to the diseased mind herein] with a decision based upon tears & trust/ hope & the discipline assigned by the value you place upon friendship/ and the creation of boundaries allowed through mercy. These are the moments cherished because someone did care, "about me". Need is NOT "a blanket condition" for the use or healing called sex. Rather needs are the primary participant expressing the fundamentals which become the creation of boundaries. Therefore to understand boundaries/ you must first understand need.

A sexual need is the acceptance of a disciplined response to the chemicals of the body/ and the loneliness of the mind. A sexual desire is the acceptance of an intent to mentally exert the force necessary to initiate order and achieve sexual activity {there are MANY levels of desire}. A need for sexual contact designed by your soul, begins when love refines friendship as the understanding of happiness, and the honesty of what loneliness and caring mean to each other. Compassion is NOT to be an excuse/ rather love is a respect that does not hinge upon society or rules. BE CAREFUL how you read this!

There are miracles in sexuality, designed by GOD , These moments provide the foundation for a home, in this life: you will never doubt, if you experience true love/ even though freedom means you may choose against this love. Sexuality discovers the depth of your hope, while uncovering the purpose of your love, in the person you hold. Miracle means: created with JOY. Therefore to know the honor of sexuality is literally to experience a portion of that joy.

Critical definitions of human sexuality include the demand to buy or sell sex, for any reason/ thereby stealing joy from each other [chemical cannot replace love]. In these things the demand is to use or abuse or distort sexuality to accomplish a goal/ transform possibilities in life, as definitions of hate/ play a game/ or just degrade someone else by "buying them". The demand applied as a need in lust erupts from failure, to the integration of violence as a means to prove "the value of my life is greater, than the value of your life". The demand to induce righteousness, is a simple disguise for "these destitute whore's, to trample upon someone else, and parade around wishing for power". The demand for freedom which in turn unleashes a cascade of punishing realities, is simply a truth designed to teach you respect, through the dignity you lost. You chose/ the result of your lust or behaviors to control, are your reward/ therefore the pain is your result.

The human question of life: how does life value sexuality and define freedom? Becomes integrated with the value assigned by hope, within the reality of love, to discover the truth that conceives of our identity. Sexuality presented in love, conducts an investigation in evidence "factual discoveries", that grants to each partner a "composite view" of the other. Based upon the intensity called love, rather than sexual performance, of critical foundations inherent in each one that describe sharing and caring/ equality and compassion, an understanding if found within the framework and structures that design a human identity; then honesty tells the rest. Do not wish for "something else/ or demand more/ or entrap because this is more than you hoped for"/ instead BE FAIR, and remember asking for a lifetime from another is very serious "business". Sexuality allows people to confront each other or avoid each other, dependent upon the love allowed to be shared. If your purpose is respect/ then your ways are of love. Sexuality brings a shared change in all who find live sincere and worth a relationship for life. Caring is the evidence of compassion/ if you have no compassion; then you just don't care.

The human question in love: what does sexuality demand from me, and why does freedom stand in the way? Discusses the consequence of human chemistry as an understanding in addiction. Sexuality produces powerful chemicals, and demands participation to get those chemicals. This is a mental response rather than a physical one/ the body is not nourished by sexuality, the mind and possibly the soul alone benefit from the interaction/ the body pays. The quest to be free, now comes to compete within the relationship of human development and says: I have not completed a transition from birth to the fulfillment of my life yet/ HOW, can I stray from this journey: what shall happen to my life if I do? Love answers "SHARE THE JOURNEY"! Life replies, if it is not the same/ how can it be shared? Here begins truth or conflict, as both examine the passion that forms their own vision of life and the need for love. The illusion is that life is intended to be "perfect". The reality of love is that it shall prepare you to expand beyond these measurements into a relationship with miracles: IF you allow truth to decide. Here freedom is the destiny assigned by life/ that encompasses trust as the single experience of family. Trust forms a new relationship where honor decides what discipline shall be. Sexuality is the creation of questions, that reinforce the consequence of your passion/ it participates in understanding your needs and then asks: "what about me/ is this love enough/ or do you choose differently": hate is a possibility only in failure, when your goals, your sacrifice, and your pride are pretending you "bought him or her/ but didn't get the prize: thereby cheated". It is you, that was lying/ because love is none of those, and sexuality without love is stealing. Love can be stolen/ because it is a gift, therefore it exists "from him or her/ or her to him, as love it is to each other a multiplication of happiness and joy".

Here again begins the measurement of man or woman and the outcome of every measurement is simply a relationship based upon "to use or to abuse". Therefore the question of love as a definition of life itself is never divided "into bits and pieces"/ but shall always be an honesty understood as yes or no. the question called freedom submits: where does your heart choose to be, for love alone does not command miracles. The answer you give defines the relationship you will have. The human heart expresses a journey, in this life for love and the sanctity of respect for all life. The heart is not physical that you may obtain it from another, the "heart" is a precious gift created in the wonder of your love as it rejoices in the soul of another.

Sexuality properly conceived by those age has prepared for the consequences is a question called hope/ while romance is an understanding of mutual needs. The heart exists as the direction that every decision is meant to take, while the mind interjects the measurements of society and time/ to take away the love you feel, and remind you: time limits everything. The question is then WHY, should this be? The answer reflects the distance you are from the truth/ and asks of you: why do you sacrifice; when will each journey become as one; and what does the freedom to pursue life and the density necessary to investigate eternity mean to you now? Sacrifice is a word used to measure, thereby the question is "what does your mind have to do with your heart and soul?"

Distance is an expression used to clarify the relationship that forms our environment; if I am in need, do you know/ or shall you recognize only the consequence as it separates our worlds? It is a sacrifice to believe in fantasies that do not exist/ they are deceptions used simply to sustain an existence whereby you need not "learn or grow up or be, anyone new". Where 2 people a man and a woman, understand the creation of discipline as the order of their lives, the blessing of a shared existence conceals the messages of society, the failures of humanity" and they achieve the "wisdom of one". Wisdom is a relationship born in truth, but given life, as the passage between reality and truth. When these become as one, wisdom is born. Man and woman represent a greater expanse of reality and truth to each other, than separated, therefore wiser together as one. Here where honesty opens doors and grants access to many pursuits and passages, fundamental freedom ascends from the base behaviors of human existence to a relationship with creation itself. Therein thought distinguishes itself from love, and the basis for freedom becomes a decision destined beyond the boundaries of time, as creation itself reveals participation and love becomes "the message of life". Sex between a man and a woman can become the concession of body, to let the mind be free. More distinctly acceptance through love is a passage that forms your understanding of what caring is meant to be. Love allows your heart to explore the honesty of your hope, and if you are true, love grants the freedom "to see your soul". The body merely forms an introduction to your own heart: BUT never forget, WE are all important: we are not tools/ not toys/ not a price to be paid! We are "TREASURES, FROM OUR FATHERS' HAND" Given life to achieve the destiny called "Children of GOD" !

There are many ways to honor caring, through the acceptance of GOD'S OWN MIRACLES. Sexuality between man & woman is only one of these/ and only when SHARED through the honesty called love, and the blessing defined as an open heart; freedom does not allow these chains/ therefore you must choose between blessings and love, or absolute freedom and no more.

The quest between man & woman to conquer each other and thereby gain control over sex is a true failure, common to both sexes. You CANNOT own each other! You cannot abuse or disrespect each other and survive your relationship. You cannot sacrifice, and have honor. Therefore be HONEST ALWAYS! The existence of sharing applies directly to your own freedom/ to your own soul. The honesty of caring demands each person must understand what true freedom means/ NOT for or as a sexual act/ not for simple chemicals/ not for pride or any selfishness/ but for need as it explains compassion and the right of freedoms. When compassion demands this is truly important, "there are times when sexual acceptance removes suicide/ when even the suggestion of possibilities can change events/ when sadness has overcome" that honesty says sex is important/ even though reality says, there will be a price to pay. The fundamental difference is truth, because compassion is a part of love, and love cannot decide such things. Truth says, if you must sacrifice your body or anything of your life/ then you must not! However if life has given you enough to share/ if someone has not taken so much of your life at this time, that to share anything at all means "a death to you, inside"/ if you are willing because you do care: then sexual conduct [without the introduction of babies or disease] is allowed as your contribution to their life. You don't get it back/ you are committed in time, to understand compassion is not abandonment {irregardless of any other sexual encounter: you DO have to be a friend}. Understand first, decide first/ then commit as you are able. In a loving honest relationship, you will NOT have secrets! You will accept the responsibility and duty to share your happiness/ share their sadness or need/ be fair with sexual responsibility/ and honor your lover and your friend with compassion irregardless of any other dispute. You WILL provide warmth, comfort, and hope, because to do less means you do not care; your pride is ruling your heart; or the failures each has committed demand now that change is important, freedom is necessary, and respect must begin again. DO NOT PLAY, life is more important than that: belong together or depart, that each one may be sustained by freedom rather than hate. In failure comes divorce for many; UNDERSTAND this then, that a treasure hunt, a demand for revenge, or sacrifices just to hurt the other all condemn you to judgment as well in eternity "read the LORD'S PRAYER". Be fair/ live close to each other for the sake of any young children/ be friendly, did you lie when you declared "love"?

These words are then written not in the suggestion of sexual relations/ but to ascend beyond sexual relations through the grace love assigns to those who give their own live to "The treasure called love/ recognized only through JESUS". DO NOT believe "someone else is sexually necessary to achieve this" love works, when you do/ either in spirit or in heart because all love comes from GOD , and if you are true, returns to GOD. If you are lovers, then look deeply into your partner that you may find "miracles", or if you prefer by happy only in the miracle you are; and enter within the places only GOD'S CHILDREN may go.

Sadly but truly I will also say to you, if you are truly "too battered & beaten up, in your heart" from honest relationships that failed without cause, "the world got in the way"/ then ONLY if your heart yearns for someone physical to help you, because hope has ended/ then may you find healing as GOD Directs you to go: prayer will teach you. You will understand it is time only when honesty and truth have given you permission from the discipline of your honest relationship [if you still have one] and the courage necessary for this relationship to survive clearly shows. It is not to be seen as a blessing to do so/ instead "medical related" serves the purpose, but only where honesty and love are shared: anything else is just lust, and will serve to destroy whatever is left of any relationship you have. When you have loved someone honestly, compassion will rule/ even if life has separated you. You will accept wisdom in these matter, and NOT plot or plan or tempt or do more than ask plainly of what you need from any other person. Instead you will PRAY That GOD WILL be with you, and your honest relationship shall heal. If you truly seek your soul, honor will return. Understand this, that if you are asking another person to intervene in your life/ requiring their assistance, then they do have a right to ask of you; the things that will heal your life, such as behavior changes, sexual changes with your mate, humility, and so on/ they may not ask for anything that benefits them: if you do this, it is for the other person/ your reward is from GOD/ or if your behaviors are a curse, then repent quickly or enter within the curse. Remember this: love is neither proud or selfish/ love is the blessing that occurs when you desire to bond with miracles (this is not a sexual description). Sexuality at best is merely a key to unlock your own heart/ that you may explore your own soul, and if you are truly blessed, to expand into the soul of another. YOU MUST Belong to GOD, To experience this/ YOU must own your own heart to decide/ what is true for one sex, is true for the other.

The religious community is CERTAIN to "crucify anything to do with sexual concepts beyond their boundaries and rules". As to the christian religions, I do suggest you reread your bible and understand : JESUS slept in a tent with 7 women, while HIS disciples stood guard outside and became jealous. I will suggest to you, they served to heal HIS humanity/ because of all HE accomplished, that only took from HIM. Therefore I say to you, the rules you hold although useful to men and women/ the reality of one man married to one woman /and so on, is IMPORTANT because of all the things humanity is. Even so, reality and truth are defenders of freedom, while sexuality is simply understood as a gift love chooses to share, because GOD decided it shall be so. Honor, discipline, hope, life, respect, duty, and courage all come first, or you have nothing to share.

Reality states, humanity has been using sex for a very long time/ HOW should anything be different now? The answer is: YOU MUST quit using sex! The truth is, YOU MUST quit abusing sex! Instead honesty will allow your pride to fade, love will give you cause to be humble, and life itself shall share the joy, when you care/ rather than want. Nakedness is not a crime/ not a enemy or friend, it is simple nakedness and we are all naked, clothes or not. Be simple, not threatening. A naked body is considered a sign for sex/ it is not. Instead it is a sign, that we are human. Those who lust because of the body, do so because society teaches them to do so: stop it. This is "the selling of the body", whereas the allowances made for lust are societies intent to control. You cannot control life/ wherever you do, you change a blessing into power, and power intends to kill you.

As for me, my SOUL demands learning, to that end MANY realities were formed to separate my life from others/ things without truth, things of medical causes, words and misinterpretation and so on. My reality establishes in me, where there is pride, no wisdom exists/ therefore HUMILITY is not only mandatory, it is a war to be fought for and won. My own quest for truth examines all life, energy, & consequences as a beginning to the existence of order in life itself. My hope defines thought, and the discipline which examines it as possibilities and opportunities beyond life, demand order and truth. Therefore "my world" is not based upon a relationship with any person, or physical existence including my own/ rather it is the truth of "my CREATOR in me, that defines my world


We now begin simply in the truth of all humanity, male and female alike/ shared & honorable expressions become the basis of love, and love literally gives us life, because love IS the foundation life was built upon.

The human reality of want commonly destroys love by demanding failure and giving lies. Want is "like a disease", as it infiltrates slowly and then multiplies. Want is the demand upon reality to change order and disrupt discipline and "give this to me NOW" [it is the same theology as a prostitute/ they want the money, not the sex]. Love is the essence of caring, the intensity of sharing, the dignity of being equals and free, & the honesty of truth as it blesses our lives in reality: and it means, we are alone no more.

Even though you cannot understand it, I will tell you "JESUS IS The very best friend I have ever known". This saying comes from our relationship in soul, by spirit and truth. To examine and distinguish this saying further demands that you accept your own soul, that you may then encounter spirit as well. The purpose here is to tell each one/ if you cannot find a physical existence to call friend/ do NOT despair, for you are NOT ALONE/ unless you choose it to be.

Our human relationships with sexuality is intended to be similar ; it is in our similarity as humans that we understand acceptance/ because different sexes or not, being worthy of love is the same for all. We are worthy, whosoever chooses love and accepts the duty of honor; repent and begin again if this is not you. The reality of human behaviors are governed by mental measurement and social pride and pressures. Thereby honesty leaves and honor becomes displaced by the purposes of pride and the selfishness called want.

In consumerism want rules/ while truth, dignity, integrity, & love are measured as obstacles to success. Success means: I have controlled them/ and now they will serve me: either as money or other. Thereby success is a surrender of your soul/ because without equality and freedom for all, there is NO foundation in truth. Without this foundation, you will never be soul.

The question of death arises at any mention of soul/ the question called spirit resides at any crossing from life to death. Death is the destruction of lies/ it is not more or less, in reality: the body and mind merely trinkets to the consequence called life. In truth death conceives of a passage that reveals the consequence of energy and time: either you pass through/ or you are consumed by it/ or you enter hell. Hell, because you are not allowed to be destroyed.

Here the opportunity called soul decides which of these 3 shall be done for you or to you, as truth decides the place, soul decides the passage. The question of soul is not about truth, instead soul reveals the relationship you shared in life with the spirit who cared for you. Spirit means simply: FRIEND IN TRUTH! Therefore to encounter spirit, you must become true in your existence, & you soul to its creation. Creations means: LOVE SHARED! Love means: defined by honor, given as respect, sustained by honesty, designed by need, but most important of all "born in joy, shared for you"! To share means I have heard you hope, I have seen your need, I have felt your passion, "even if they were wrong". Love assembles freedom as the essence of every Identity, the quest of every soul / and therefrom, what is mine, that I know I do not sacrifice or have promised to another, I simply give to you. Freedom is then a sacred understanding of shared love, because you are worthy that it should be so. Life is literally about freedom/ therefore whatsoever is surrendered of freedom for the sake of another life, is sacred. Do not sacrifice/ this is not love, because it is not needed: JESUS SAVED EVERYONE, period ; no exceptions!

The essence of death is not "goodbye"! Memory demonstrates "the angel" that you became to us in our lives, by instilling us with things of honor and hope and dignity, even passion identifies you as a consequence of living that we cherish as our friend in the experience of life/ therefore angel is a proper term for all who changed your life or mine: it depicts a friend still with us/ because we have not forgotten, we have remembered love. Discipline says destiny cannot be changed in death/ because truth can no longer be redefined in you: thereby you are whatever you are. Death can be understood as a beginning/ when you accept that truth is itself eternal/ it cannot be destroyed. {but in the matter of sin, it can be covered up}.

Here the masses cannot conceive of truth as the basis of life itself, yet uncountable evidence dictates that truth is not only the basis of life, it is the essence of our existence and the reality of our soul. Truth completes order and demands discipline. Truth declares the door and opens every passage: but that which leads directly to GOD. (Only GOD controls these). Truth defines the future and truth is the only structure that builds through the creation called thought. we are separated from all other earthly lives, by only the single virtues called thought: animals know love, fear, all that you do, but to a different degree. Animals do NOT participate in "heaven"/ rather their lives end here: THEREFORE you are allowed to eat them/ but you are not worthy to disrespect them: stop this. If you read the bible, there are animals slaughtered in sacrifice. The reality of such an event, claims a food "party for people" came next: without refrigeration the meat would only spoil, therefore it would be given away/ it would feed the poor and hungry. Some say it is wrong to kill animals for food/ yet if we did not most of these animals we eat would simply never have been born. It is instead VERY WRONG to kill a life of any kind "for sport"/ this is destroying GOD'S WORK, And playing god/ you should be ashamed. Reality says every life deserves the respect of minimum time before humanity takes it away/ therefore all these animals should experience and live "normally" at least up to 25% of their normal life expectancy, in fair conditions, & WITHOUT your intrusions into THEIR sexuality. You do NOT own any animal or plant or fish or insect or bird or other/ they are a gift to you. Instead you should be thankful for the diversity they give to your lives, the splendor of your own reality over theirs/ and PRAISE OUR CREATOR AND theirs too, For HIS WORK!

Sexuality is a sacred act/ it is not for you to tamper with. Human sexuality is the basis of human deception, man & woman & even child all plotting, planning, tempting, expecting, and using and abusing sex/ simply for gain. Thereby it follows that your sexuality is NOT sacred/ but lacks respect. Sacred means: understood and held in reverence/ because miracles are worthy of such treatment. When you accept the miracles of life and body and mind/ then you will understand what sacred means. Reverence is not held to "quiet and stoic"/ but honest, wholesome, and honored as love/ a place to be happy and at peace.

This human experience teaches me, "I am among thieves, liars, sadness, endless whining, and many sexual frustrations: all because you compete for sex, and its so-called success or failure of a physical act". Sexual conduct is largely for show, for conquest, and for loneliness/ thereby making it without honor. Sexual need as well illustrates the basic experience of control and the power people attempt to maintain over the other. Sex is "the hope of love, the request for a commitment to my life, and my needs". Sex is the honesty of life cascading through the experience of body to heal the lies and soothe the soul. Sex is the meeting of friends (searching for life, happiness, and joy in each other) within moments only they can share. Sex is the intensity and passion of building a home inside yourselves, where love will share the expressions of your lives. Sex is the essence of a relationship between man & woman, because less that this becomes a mental measurement/ and that marks the end of any cherished moments, and the failure of all romance. Sex is not a toy/ not a tool/ not a game! Sex is your love, inviting "your soul-mate" to belong: this is the essence of family/ to be known in love and peace; to be invited as friend, and to share the honor and dignity of a common destiny.

The existence of love defines sexuality! You don't "make love"/ each one inherits love and then spends or cherishes, or shares that love according to their own decisions "it is as such, like money". Love spent is love gone, if no one returns it/ therefore love only GOD FIRST , that you may not be in poverty. Love spent in sexuality depends upon cowardice or lust, and the fundamental failures of people who choose want or pride over honor. Love spent is, your relationship with Creation and your CREATOR Lost: you shall not gain it back/ it is given away: simply not yours anymore. The destiny of your love and the reality of your life will now change. But do not despair, love multiples in honorable people, and returns greater than before where honesty, trust, and responsibility define life/ that choice is integral to each life. Love is a sacred relationship with GOD FIRST ! The loss of this relationship fundamentally & dramatically leaves anyone vulnerable to the destruction of values and hopes/ thereby demanding the lessons of pain and heartache. Truth therein teaches the lessons of survival and love, if you are listening and NOT plotting revenge or other destructions of your soul. Among the lessons: a thief knows no repentance until he or she destroys pride: pride is literally "like shit, in an outhouse"/ if you refuse to discard all your intentions and games for power, you are of very little value. A liar surrounds themselves with arrogance/ so that NO truth can be invited or known; change or die. Sadness states simply "save me from myself, & my life"/ while truth knows JESUS HAS already saved you, the respect necessary to accept this is what lacks in your life. People whine, cry, & display emotion for only one cause [apart from true pain and heartache], they desire to control you. The common human experience of sexual frustration is merely the evidence of a "life without GOD ". If you desire honest love, then there is only one GOD, fantasies will not help you.

The parallel path called "most marriages" understands these lessons only slightly different: a thief plots, plans, tempts, & controls and then claims innocense . A liar says to him or herself, "I want, therefore you pay". Where sadness comes, the blame can always be found within the other. When the whining starts it is always for power. The demand for sex chemistry left unmet, becomes "the cause, reason to measure you, the demand to disrespect you, and degrade you", that they may prove you are inadequate and must be replaced.

Love is the honor completed through a male to female relationship that knows NO selfishness. Love is the honesty learned through parent & child, lover and friend, life and death that teaches us the value of a living treasure called "my friend". This lesson prepares the journey into truth, unless you hide and refuse. Love is the discipline that gives order authority over the foundation called freedom. Without order, freedom becomes only chaos. Without freedom, happiness dies. Without happiness, there is only hate and sadness left.

Sexual attraction asks, is this one trying to attract me? Sexual games asks: does this one need me enough? Sexual passion insists "you are, the blessing that gives me life"/ sexual intensity merely a fore play to the decisions that will alter your futures [lust is not an intensity, it is a depravity: the difference is "the other person involved is irrelevant, except as a tool"]. Sex is a foundation of human behaviors, it is inherent that each one will be affected by the reality and truth of sexual behaviors upon their lives. Those who "fail to get some", are no different that the rest/ this too will impact their lives. The primary impacts of sexual behavior are; the initiating experience, the experience of intensity as it touches your life, the consequence of actual male to female intercourse, & the foundations that determine lifelong commitment or not. The initiating period is the human discovery of sexual possibilities and the consequence of "what to do with this"? Experimentation follows, and reality teaches: it is NOT a game/ this will control you, or you will control it. Control is the decision of you over your body/ while experimentation is your body in control over you: you will choose to be free or you will choose to be a slave to your body, "the middle ground is judgment". Judgment expects the adherence "TO RULES"/ while life expects you "to make up your mind". The body is essentially only action & reaction/ while your soul is thought and the foundation of love. These are opposites even though you exist as an identity conceived by both.

Intensity is the first and any or every succeeding interaction that makes your heart understand "I am alive today, and grateful for this experience, this union in acceptance". Chosen male to female, defined by hope, and laced with the compassion and dignity of 2 people in love intensity is the creator of hope. Love is the honesty of your expressions in happiness "shown, heard, and defined" that these may multiply into the experience called trust. Here where peace dwells, love comes calling/ to identify the truth in you.

Intercourse is asking the body to decide for you/ because you cannot commitment. Commitment REQUIRES a decision/ no distinct decision, means NO commitment can be made. Intercourse is then simply an EXCUSE to put off this decision to another day, or month, or year, or never. Commitment means: accepting the knowledge that this woman or this man IS going to dramatically affect and change my life. Therefore I must do my part, "and accept him or her into my life, my trust, and my time." Adjusting behaviors, desire, hope, and living to meet their future needs and happiness are all a part: if you are both, not ready/ then don't start. Remember this, marriage in this day is asking deliberately and without compromise for the rest of their lives: no exceptions granted. THIS is a very BIG commitment and patience is warranted and deserved. A lifetime is the distance your destiny shall travel/ therefore it is very important who shall travel with you, and for how long. The critical understanding conceives of an environment in freedom and equality where life grants identity the opportunity to build perseverance, integrity, humility, justice, responsibility, and a relationship with thought. To do this requires the respect necessary to at times "travel alone"/ the honesty to accept a different path that the others/ the dignity of living as if GOD Were watching you/ and your participation in abandoning what is untrue. If you fail to abandon what is untrue about you or your relationship/ then your relationship will fail, and you will be angry: because you didn't get what you wanted. Truth does not allow you to make demands of your mate/ rather love asks of you to share, care, trust, and above all RESPECT THE OTHER ONE. Those who choose to follow their lives in a relationship with GOD Will learn and choose love and the disciplines of a true life. Male and female are able to achieve a "greater density" of life together (as true lovers), therefore you may share your destiny together, if you wish. True life is the description conceived by caring. This builds a bridge between your souls/ true life is thereby the essence and reality of never being alone. To do so you must become as truth, as best you can. Truth provides the invitation to accept density as the understanding of critical destinations and accept the decision, the passion, the strength and courage, and the respect necessary to open these doors "to the realities inside". Once there, the WORK begins! Lovers completed by each other, share the view of each other, and work for each other in this process of "CLEANING and renewal".

The question posed by the term lovers, male to female/ female to male, si simply: what does sexuality or more correctly body interactions have to do with love, and then what does love explain about eternity?

The answers are: warmth & sensation are the consequences generated by the experience of human bodies. Warmth is the knowledge of a fundamental physical presence that demands you are not alone/ while sensation is the expression attributed to measurements of the mind. Our human experience is as love or hate, or somewhere in the middle. Lovers do not reside in this middle/ they have chosen, and intercourse for them is literally "without measurements from the mind"/ therefore together they reside in heart and soul. It is the density of your love that places you in eternity. Although it may be wrong to share anything of density/ reality says, humanity is so close to extinction it must be done.

Therefore density means "the refinement" of your truth within the parallel dimensions that participate with time. There are MANY questions here/ but I refuse! However we may begin in the understanding of energy itself. Very critical examination asks: explain the composition of BASIC extreme energy? The answer replies as a description of your designation called a black hole/ the gravitational area where NOTHING physical escapes except light at is axis. Critical truth applies density as extreme discipline defining an absolute order, where the light of this axis is the ONLY door to freedom. The relationship we share with this energy applies fundamentally to our human experience. Although many influences attack us, creating chaos & destruction at the "outer edge"/ our challenge is to become dense enough to establish only freedom as the light within ourselves. In fundamental dimension, energy is contained by environment, or it dissipates and disappears. Therefore in this existence as time, man represents the energy, & woman defines its environment: they are mutually necessary. In the consequence called life, one "step above" existence in our world, freedom demonstrates the escape from density and defines participation through love as an experience beyond simple self/ therefore an opportunity is born. The question of escaping from density is a purpose beyond order and discipline/ where love controls life. In this vein of wisdom, the human question arises: what is the value of eternity? Here people whine and cry and even commit suicide, because they are NOT fulfilled with their life. You FAIL to grasp and sustain the truth inside "I AM ALIVE"/ therefore you die inside, because you did not choose life. Therefore you failed to comprehend the miracle that you are! Miracles assign to us the possibilities eternity represents/ eternity is about your truth accepted within the destiny called thought. Thought translates your ever distinction as life/ thought allows knowledge of all kinds/ love is a blessing without end. If the evidence called miracles is not enough for you to conceive of life/ then you may enter the second death at your request, and dissipate and disappear eternally: it is your choice.

The reality of human sexuality is as a true expression of actual & honest acceptance, the mind quits measuring for a time (where lust is not involved) and life can be precious. As a real experience of fundamentally breaking down barriers erected to keep all people away/ it becomes a door, to the fragile world of a life inside. As a decision based upon trust the critical understanding called hope finds existence and love seeks value, that you may indeed be worthy of this grant of "faith". As the passion called faith ascends beyond simple relationships, the honor of love in an invitation from courage, To seek GOD !

The problem of human sexuality is, a complete lack of courage. As is true of so many things human, when reality demands an answer/ the vast majority hide. Sexuality defends life by asking: who are you? This question establishes several key definitions, they are: do you share, do you love, do you care, will you accept, do you respect, are you brave, and can you be responsible and discipline in duty? People hide because they know they do fail in these often. As lovers, openness & trust mend all these failures through respect, & this healing is dependent upon your repentance of failure, and the consequent reality that will change your life. Do NOT understand sexuality to be "anything" more than a physical act/ it is not. Do UNDERSTAND within your heart and soul are the keys to your destiny, but you yourself must find the doors and ope "the life within". Do understand physical sex [lust], want, selfishness, and pride all breed discontent, heartache, depression, & self-destruction. The physical dimensions of sex simply exchange chemical, excuses, lies, and failure used to cheat, use, abuse, and simply destroy the happiness life has given to your soul. This occurs because love is stolen or given away. No one enters physical sex without "paying admission". That price is innocense. "The treasury of hope, that knows no evil deeds". Physical sex is not evil/ instead the secrets, the intent, the passions, and the purpose of at least one will be; to gather and steal the values of your life/ thereby leaving you abandoned and alone. ALWAYS PUT GOD FIRST; This is to protect you/ not to control you.

In my youth, I was introduced to the reality and consequences of "all's fair in love and war". Little is more untrue. Nothing is fair in war/ the only thing fair in love is truth. Male & female fail badly at truth/ plotting & planning, tempting and selling, destroying hope and squashing peace; All for sex! Because you are bored and undisciplined, selfish and lonely because of it! To proud and determined to win/ rather than have a friend. These things present rape, and as a consequence produce fear/ and all reality deteriorates because of it: you should be ashamed.

When I was young, I learned "if I don't know someone is being attacked, I cannot help. If I am not there/ I cannot help. If I am too absorbed with my own problems/ then I have nothing to help with. As a result, all that can be done is to prepare someone to defend themselves/ before you can make this decision, you must understand the reality. This is a sad but true statement on society/ that we are reliant upon ourselves. Society must change, by understanding the consequence and intervening, it is time to use "fuming and marking" to deter and identify .

When I was young, I learned, If I have failed and gave away the love I cherished, the values in my heart/ and hid from the hope and respect in my soul/ then I was alone, I could help no one because of the poverty in my soul: even so, when it is critical you must choose yourself. IF you give away the very last part of what makes you the person you are/ then you can never return to being that person/ you must be something else. At time life and health crisis would not allow me to help even though I surely would have/ but to lie and even suggest I could would have been a serious injury to another. Reality teaches clearly to intervene and help another means: they will make plans for your life, even if you cannot commit and have made this clear. There are so many problems because there are so MANY wants. There are so many needs, because there is so MUCH selfishness. There are so MANY failed relationships simply because pride is more important to you, than the life you demand must lose to you/ so that you can win: WHAT DID YOU WIN?

The measure of man or woman is strictly limited to your mind/ if you are listening to "this little voice inside" measuring life for you/ then you are deceived. Life cannot be measured by humanity/ we are miracles, EVERY ONE. Violence, cruelty, rape, & evil ALL come from this "little voice inside". IF YOU are listening/ then you are dangerously close to "satan"/ satan means: to plot, plan, & measure your superiority by the damage you can inflict upon the other: by controlling, by power, by manipulation, or any other. Repent of this or be DAMNED.

Love & life are, a relationship born in eternity and given to you. Love is a wisdom conceived, while life is an energy transformed: both are children of thought. the questions designed to initiate true comprehension are NOT allowed to you. However basic understanding applies existence to the passage between life and death by examining truth as it instructs life in the blessing of love. Life says: soul is the construction enabling knowledge to express an action in the rhythmic concentrations of critical truth. Love says; in the examination of identity, "the flaw" is a critical relationship limited to the expression of truth. Where love and life FIND a shared expression, energy allows the transformation of an intense desire to bind with force itself, and alter existence into compositions which share distinct communication as energy experiences movement. Movement means a relationship in time based upon the knowledge of past and present/ the questions refined to simplicity is can energy "recognize transformation"? The answer is energy translates the basic reality of every action, as a reaction/ energy translates every feeling, every touch, every movement you command. Thereby energy is the basis of communication, and it refines knowledge by the variation of its expression. Truth then says, if energy is the communicator of a relationship with life/ then it resides where thought completes the foundation of life to achieve knowledge. Just as energy achieve the examination of its impact, by fundamentally expressing weakness or strength.

In the consequence of intimacy love & life share the knowledge of warmth as energy, this expression of a relationship constitutes an experience, & this experience illuminates the demand that becomes a decision. To share or not to share/ to accept a relationship or seek to destroy it, fearing it may do the same to you. The critical failure of violence is the fear, that if you don't pre-empt the strike/ then they shall have the advantage. Fear is always a failure/ there is NO situation wherein fear helps you to survive: fear is then a primary enemy. The consequence of an enemy, is the competition to control. The consequence of control is power, a manipulation intended to instill "fear me"/ rather than I fear you/ producing the consequence in reality: neither can be trusted. Power thereby transforms society by establishing "the class". Classes of people exist from the mind, whereby measurements of every kind seek out the excuse to belittle, betray, & abuse those who power can be attained over: greed is a primary weapon of this power. The masses cooperate because fear compliments the threats of starvation, imprisonment, abandonment, and murder/ therefore the critical acceptance of most for a need called society [I cannot live without them], allows the struggles for equality and against inequality to be drawn out into simple complaints/ rather than demands.

The essential truth required by equality is RESPECT. The failure to achieve respect means literally, nothing else matters, you will fail. Here the concept and reality of marriage is a distinct proving ground for respect. The loss of respect IS the determining factor of every failed relationship: whether you remain together or not; you have failed. The decision of a relationship is to examine & then testify to the truth you have accepted. Equality is a testimony that you have found truth and committed your heart to an experience shared/ not controlled. Here the question called heart erupts from the basis of knowledge, "that you do have a choice". The consequence of this knowledge being simply: will the mind or your heart define your truth? There are NO measurements in equality/ these are games! Games merely form "winner or loser" the end/ Except for the consequent ridicule and pride.

As this writing is based in sexuality, it is of interest that the common romantic symbol of love (heart) is "discovered by raising the legs of a man to reveal the testicle sack, does take this form and shape." the question then becomes to what degree is sexuality responsible for the distinctions of love & heart? This answer examines need, want, the foundation of love [critical loneliness], & truth. Need is the physical existence of a true desire to be accepted. Sexual needs are then based in the understanding of order that does not exist for you. And its response to accept the necessary payments to achieve that order. This Order establishes a human framework, where time forms a decision & you become its slave. Want exists as a lie, that sex is the foundation of my decision in this matter/ whereas truth says: you seek to play a game and lust to be "the winner, no matter how much damage you do. Thereby want is perceived as lacking a decision/ and replacing a true need with games. Critical loneliness constitutes the fundamental knowledge of "what if nothing existed but me? This question then notices I am alone, even though I stand in the presence of so many. Here we begin an examination of sexuality shared honestly by man & woman/ that proves acceptance and caring, demonstrates the honor, that you are a presence in my life. Sexuality transforms the measurements of the mind into the possibilities of the heart. Truth will then examine the relationship shared for the honesty and courage called love, while heart will form the structure that defines the "door" whereby souls may meet. Sexuality is then one path of many, but is reserved only for true lovers and the respect they share for each other. To learn means, to accept the consequence of vulnerability and find life. It is the living that grants caring, it is the soul that establishes the grace of MERCY, and its contribution to life, the truth called love.

The consequence of being human is the reality called sex. Sex establishes body & mind/ controls basic behaviors of the simple mind/ comprises complexity by spiritual possibilities/ and forms our relationship between man & woman by establishing a simple format for the resolution of interpersonal problems. Sex functions in reality, by demonstrating in pregnancy: DO NOT gamble, lives are at stake! The consequence of pregnancy is simply: leave you childhood behind! It is not "love"/ it is pregnancy and the clear responsibility that will demand your freedom, your time, & your resources for the next 20 years or more. Children ARE precious, IF you are ready! Children ARE precious as life, even if you are not ready. Those who discard a child/ discard their own lives: adoption is not discarding a child, it is the understanding of reality and the acceptance of a shared responsibility. Treat this KINDLY, and do not sacrifice the child for your pride or pity or insanity.

In reality abortion means: YOU and the male involved have failed badly. Then in failure YOU choose to hide, and make another life PAY THE PRICE of your failure. Abortion for rape, for critically known and understood physical or mental mutations/ and with RARE exception beyond once, "HELP ME, for I am lost": Are to be granted. Abortion is NOT birth control/ abortion induced within 30 days of conception, IS a simple human recognition of frailty and need: right or wrong is irrelevant/ the facts are simply the facts : do not be so righteous!

Reality knows women lie/ men lie/ both plot, plan, & conceive of ways and methods to gain power over the other: sex and pregnancy are primary participants in this war on life. Find someone honest, honorable, & understanding who is willing to work / NOT just dream. Love says; if the heart does not bring them back to you/ then your life has not found a home. BE PATIENT. Most go out with one or two and believe they succeed or fail based on these experiences by getting married. YOU ARE WRONG! Meet many more people, put pride and selfishness behind you/ "put your best foot forward, and take chances in courage/ NOT stupidity", and be friendly, be yourself, and be FAIR. If you absolutely must/ sexual contact is a pacifier/ BUT dating sexually removes the friendship and causes a lack of trust, because it opens the door and places needs at your feet. Dating without touch also sacrifices the intimacy of shared expression. BE FAIR, do not intimidate, do not tempt, do not bribe, do not force, DO NOT use violence or abuse/ BUT DO share hope, life, and the passions of your destiny: listen up, this is your opportunity to find a friend.

True love will never measure you, it cannot/ therefore understand when the other clearly says: you are NOT worthy of me/ leave! It means love has nothing to do with this, it is arrogance, pride, and selfishness. Abuse is "the soul on fire"/ if you stay, then you will share in their hell: WHY DO THIS? Do not "save anyone/ all are already saved" which means, they know love exists. Do not accept emotion as a foundation for your relationship/ it is "like a crocodile" and it will bite you, or may kill you eternally. Be free, and choose / not simply react.

Sex is a blessing, it is not "dirty or evil"/ but a gift from GOD to you/ it is meant for your pleasure and happiness: be wise, therefore be honest. A male vasectomy IS the end of the chemicals/ therefore the end of sexual passion. Passion needs direction/ therefore women do obtain considerable control over the lives of young men: be careful not to manipulate, or you may become alone. If you are wise/ then you will prove the value of your relationship to each other/ by loving each other properly: be fair, be helpful, be kind, be respectful, give freedom, be compassionate, allow weakness and strength, protect each other, and so forth. If you are lazy and proud/ then the day comes when you will fight to sustain even a little happiness between you. BE BRAVE, be happy, accept new faces, and understand love need not, "turn hope or sex" into a list of wants and expectations/ instead love accepts respect as the foundation of courage and strength to bind you together as one.

A reality among you is simply "the circle of games" you play. Best described by your obsessions with eating. The common cycle is : I WANT better, therefore I will lose the weight and gain the prize. The top of the cycle is simply "I AM WINNING". The mid-point opposite is "I HAVE WON, where is my prize: I WANT IT RIGHT NOW! The down cycle is, woe is me/ no one wants me, no one cares, why did I bother? The final phase is: self-respect is for sale, either do what you can or surrender and eat. These things hurt all humanity/ not just you: all the games of humanity are very similar to this/ sexual games etcetera. If you stop believing in the game. If you stop believing there is a prize to be won. If you understand you are the prize, and your life depends upon the decisions you make/ therefore make decisions and have the discipline to share them with your humanity (your body and mind); don't just try, do the best you can. Trying is just a preparation for failure/ an excuse, or back door to escape the reality of what duty means to you. Stop being so hard on yourself as well/ understand instead duty means not only to others but to yourself. Therefore be fair, DON'T lie; it is not the world that looks at you that matters/ respect allows, if you honor your life, then you deserve respect, because freedom and life grant you this opportunity. Learn the meaning of honor/ then decide who you are to be: for yourself, not someone else. All prejudice is about competition/ not the individual, but a means to limit competition, and thereby control their ability to compete with you. Teenage prejudice occurs as the intent to control access and communication/ fundamentally removing the victim from their rightful place. Prejudice is the use of an identifiable excuse to assume superiority/ it works because those who use it DO NOT wish to share; and they refuse to care, even if it means another person's life will be dramatically affected.

For the sake of honor, remember this: it is not your body, male or female/ that brings you marriage or happiness in trust and the blessing of a relationship. It is you, you are the person that someone must choose to live with/ choose to share a life with/ sharing the future with. Reality says, body represents only 2 compromises in this equation: first, are you a trophy, are you a prize to parade around and find jealousy/ therefore greed & lust? The second is does your particular body compete favorably with all or anything life may bring or desire may challenge us to do? The mind represents 4 distinct prizes: the goal of children, the preservation of ability, the sale of distinction, or the complexity that can be true or false to any society and its needs? These things are the evidence of what exists in the parallels of your mind, and they are commonly used to identify and measure you/ therefore "to judge". In the distance that is happiness and marriage between male and female, {the reality of marriage, not the game}, it is the discovery of your values, treasures, and the limits of your life that grant you unparalleled honesty: this is a person whom I know. It is knowledge that grants understanding/ it is love that seeps into wisdom and creates marriage. Marriage is then the pleasure of experience, within the reality of you; marriage is the expression of your freedom in the honesty of my soul: for love.

More simply, let not your body be ;your guide or theirs. Fat or skinny is not a deciding factor in any relationship/ but these are, the evidence of an unhealthy lifestyle, an unhealthy mental decision, and reality does not like any evidence of "any disease". It is certain this statement will draw war/ however, the reality is clear, no matter what the excuse; there is a problem. This is NOT a condemnation of "body size"/ it is irrelevant, [soul proves you are equal, and valued] instead this writing is about sex, and sex asks for certain things: before it becomes "forever". In the matter of choosing a lifetime, for another human being (your baby, should that be)/ IT IS very important to remember vibrant, healthy, happy, and "equipped" for social success, are important characteristics. BE HEALTHY, be honest with your body and fair with your mind. The common excuse for "fat" is greed/ you can't get what you want/ so you consume what you can get: be honest instead, with yourself; life is not about things. The second and most damaging reality with over-weight is simply the loneliness and frustration consigned to a situation or a body that you feel, you cannot overcome. YOU are "looking in the wrong place"! You must accept your duty to expand your experience in this world, by meeting as many people as possible [do it, and keep doing it], work at something you find acceptable, something interactive, something of benefit to someone else, or at least of interest to others, and keep working in all ways. The only actual weight loss program is as simple as, eat only when you are truly hungry & eat only until you are not hungry: do not eat until you are completely full. The common excuse for "starvation" is lust/ if you can't get who you want/ then you kill the body you are given, or make it undesirable to the rest, so that you may "not have to devalue yourself"/ this is a blind experience. If you are looking for a relationship/ then be free, within the honesty of polite exchange, courteous replies, serious understanding, and sexual honor, if there is a price such as meeting many, or losing weight, or any small and insignificant reality/ then do it. If smoking is a problem for you/ then remember this: if you are only trying it means you have intentionally "left the back door open". If you are quitting, then you will do the best you can, period/ if smoking then defeats you, at least you did your best. The simplest truth about smoking is, you use it to "demand some simple control over your day, and the people around you"/ therefore to let this go, means you must redirect your life, to understanding you are in control: you do have choices. Sexual honor is the basis of any relationship that shall sustain itself, as marriage/ it means: do not buy, do not sell, do not offer slavery or expect it, do not use it, do not abuse it, do not control it, & don't pretend. BE HONEST, BE ALIVE, BE FRIENDLY, and when love is honorable and time creates "the crossroads of your lives", then decide. For more simple deliberations, a relationship survives because both choose: to listen, to work, to be free {because happiness is based in freedom}, and to respect each other. If you sustain these 4, it is probable you can sustain a marriage or relationship. If you desire love/ then you must choose honor and honesty, and the duty required of you. If you desire sexual intimacy and honest pleasure/ then you will remember that GOD Gave you these to enjoy, as you wish between consenting adults [male to female] to enjoy together/ PRAISE HIM.


In the truth of human life, this day demands the critical truth of over-population must be addressed. That means in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS, that the majority of consequence falls to woman. There is no choice/ while a man, particularly with sperm donation could achieve 10,000 pregnant females in a single year. The reality is 10,000 men could not have a baby without a female, and even then if it were 10,000 males to one female, to odds are not even one baby. Women produce the babies/ they plot, they plan, & they desire children. Women are thereby responsible for babies and must bear the brunt of population control: like it or not. This is not about children or large families, both of which are lovely and wonderful when life provides enough. The world is however full, and there is already, NOT enough. Thereby if women do not accept the responsibility for their decisions/ then all die. Truth says, because they are "the decision makers" here/ it is also necessary to grant to them [when they prove it true, and according to time proven] something in return: they must ask for themselves/ I am not woman. Perhaps government positions, perhaps sexual, education, or business opportunities: negotiate! A vasectomy for men means only, "the chemicals are gone/ no physical need for sex remains: women lose too". Do remember your future is in their hands/ as to physical restraint by men against women for this purpose of population control: IF YOU TRY, hell will come for you. Power is a greater enemy than hatred, revenge a greater tragedy than death/ do not condemn yourselves. Negotiate, men do hold the key/ but women own the machinery; ownership does have distinct rights. Isn't that right ladies/ men don't own women? It is true, but women do not own men either. And the clear reality is: women do not own children either, not as "babies in the womb", not at all: you as are men, guardians of these important lives! As to women, the same holds true for you/ do not accept power, fight for life, peace, and happiness; not revenge.

In the reality of human life, the constant in every relationship is trust. Trust is not defined in humanity in the same way as soul. Trust in human terms is the ability to believe "we will be happy". To earn trust, you must then prove you will work, and play in the honesty required for truth, and the honor needed for respect. When you lose respect for each other/ the relationship is over. The issues of human love between two individuals is similar: love is the existence of trust in life and the belief "nothing this one does will hurt me". Love stolen, is the reality "this one intentionally hurt me/ and did not care": WHAT then is love? Truth says: love is the creation of family, the honesty of lives joined for the simple purpose of blessings. Blessings are the existence of shared honor, the expression of true care, & the hope of a respectful dignity that means "I am home". When someone steals the knowledge of all these things; because you gave (that is the purpose of love) or more correctly shared this love and these blessings: they "get to keep them". The reality is, then you "don't have a home of true security, a purpose in truth to honorably care [they left, and chose against you], or a place inside where friends meet anymore. You will cry. It does take time to heal these things! The path back to love is being able to give or receive love/ if you refuse, then you lose all relationships that otherwise belong in your life. Be free instead/ understanding simply: it is not "your job" to save anyone/ not your ability or sacrifice to "repair someone"/ it is your right and your responsibility to recognize and discipline all relationships, so that you give according to how you receive: give a "little more"/ not a lot more/ never all for nothing. Do not hope for them/ they must do it themselves. Do not "sell yourself" for anyone, not even your child/ because the only reality that exists here is your loss. They won't care/ because they do not recognize the lies/ therefore it will fail. Those who do not heal themselves, with honorable assistance/ are not prepared to receive love, friendship, or happiness: therefore you must wait until they are. Don't try to buy someone, either it will be too expensive for you/ or too much debt for them. To heal yourself means: I will now remove all the debris from my life/ and when the rubble that troubles me is cleaned up: THEN I will ask for help when I need it, and do what I can to accomplish rebuilding my life. This is not a small matter, it is simply putting honesty back into your life [there are NO voices inside your head, these are lies]/ and removing the lies. Do this and you will heal.

Romance cannot be bought, it does not come with flowers, money, clothes, a job or car or house or anything else. Neither can happiness, love, friendship, hope, honesty, honor, or duty: not dignity either. Romance is a definition surrounded by 3 distinct variables. The first is a door that leads from two people, into an understanding and focus on one person (the other of the opposite sex). Here the second door allows faith and trust and hope to enter within your worlds as happiness and the sounds of joy multiply inside your heart: here is someone for me. The last environment begins where measurements end, and respect is completed in each others heart/ here in the honesty of an honor to exist, becomes an invitation in the destiny of souls joined, romance defines your heart, and love becomes your home. You are family. Even so/ balance will then test your hearts, and your will to find if you belong to each other, or whether love is not enough for you. Many fail/ not because they are tempted to fail/ but because want interferes, and pride demands attention too. When these come, selfishness appears/ and if you fail: then souls may die. Be careful of what you wish for/ find honor first, duty second: love before all, and life will give you destiny. Do not be cautious beyond your own experience, rather love and give love every chance/ but simply understand the truth: that love does not keep you alive/ it makes life BETTER! It is truth that allows us all to survive, and be well. Be happy, it is a blessing found within the miracle "that I am alive". Be hopeful, it is the honest way to be alive. Be romantic and let love lead, but do not surrender truth: where lies exist, no trust can be found. Where trust exists; it is here that all truths join to welcome you home. Have respect/ it is the only door to happiness, and inside respect you will learn joy.

Of very little things, reality states that all fashion or the intent of fashion is simply to tempt the other. This is because "tools are desired to attract those who do not come on their own". Temptation alters reality by hiding some of the truth, with lies/ therefore the person subjected to your lies, cannot see for him or herself, with honesty the reality of you. You do love temptation. It is a game humanity plays all the time. You do love control, and the ridicule of others/ your intent is to rule the game, and change it "so they can't play". You hate nakedness, because it ruins the game/ and temptation does not work. Nakedness is not "anything important"/ it is simply our equality showing. Dimensions are irrelevant, reality says we are the same.

As to masturbation in men/ truth says, this is simply like a woman's period/ a necessary thing to keep the possibility of children, as safe from mutation as possible. I have waited without for years, but the investigation following disclosed this is a bad choice: the quality and condition of the sperm demanded change/ it is likely the deterioration evident from "too long", could easily result in prostate problems and other genetic problems for the man. A vasectomy is the end of chemicals associated with sex/ no feeling essentially/ therefore as in all animals, the end of sexual conduct: not desire, simply the act itself. The wife gets no sex either, unless she goes elsewhere. As to woman/ I am not.

As to gay men/ the reality is failure; therefore they should not be allowed to teach, or to be "high in a political structure (they will push for themselves)". Although this is the purpose of a political party/ the reality is society requires and demands the means and identity necessary to survive: homosexuality is a freedom/ not a method of reality that survives; it is personal, and we ARE NOT involved. Tell them when they demand " freedom /discrimination": THAT IT IS CLEAR, the homosexual male brought us all, A.I.D.S. And the consequence of that is do not push or we may get MAD. The consequence that is lesbian is woman/ I am not woman, therefore it is for women to decide for themselves/ but not as a gang decides; as need decides. As to gay marriage; the consequence is very small, it is NOT a matter for society to enforce on any religion/ they must choose. As to society itself, if they want to call themselves married; what does this concern you? My own desire would be to "throw them back in the closet, and forget they have failed"/ my instruction is clearly "freedom allows many things, irregardless of the outcome; and freedom is more important, than my or your own designs". The critical truth does not allow freedom to teach failure/ therefore they are free unto themselves/ BUT NOT unto anything they please into society: NO EXCUSES. We do not need you/ be happy with what you get. There will be court battles over such realities, if you choose them. Say to the court, and to the failure: we will not be plundered, or ravaged, not "burned out or otherwise destroyed"/ this is our assembly of humanity, the vast majority (you may bring this for a vote of all the people). Equality means freedom/ it does not mean destructive behavior, different languages, different governments, different principles, or different forms of rights: what is prudent and necessary for the happiness of the whole, is required from all. And you are neither prudent, necessary, or a happiness for the whole. Be a religion if you wish/ but do not assume mental failure or physical slavery to be something of a right. Slavery, because one dominates the other.

The question of sexual values in this society and this world, is limited to the games people play and the perceived invitation to lust. In some parts of the world, the mere view of any part of a woman's body is an assumed invitation to sex/ therefore un-hidden is sufficient cause for rape or any other violence. THESE ARE EVIL/ no excuses, a cause to send you to HELL. In this society and many others, the use of "skin" to identify a cause for sex/ if allowed, is the open invitation to use temptation to "get what you want"/ it is a game. Games do not help society/ they hurt society, because people are misled, hurt, and left out; then they get angry, and others are slowly led into prostitution and various other forms of sexual misconduct as a result of these games: women are responsible/ not men. It is not the clothes or lack of them that matters, rather it is the fundamental test to men, "If you can see inside". Women not only choose to participate/ you do make the rules. Men do not understand women, because women intend to trap, confuse, and test. This leads to compositions of lies, and the failure to adequately communicate. Women do it because they know they cannot compete physically/ therefore to gain control, they use subtlety. If you want the world to stop selling your body/ then use pictures "without faces"/ of naked bodies and place them everywhere all the time. The actual effect will be to remove nakedness from the list of "have or think of sex because of this clue". You will have to be more direct then. For people whom society has abandoned / the reality is if you will get past the problems of the past: then you must be direct and interested longer than you think. Women do not like direct/ because it eliminates control/ instead you do "have to earn the right". Men are not "dogs, not the cause of all woman's ills or problems" you are an equal participant in all places not bound in evil. Women are not the only "givers of sex"/ you are equal, and you receive as well as give; therefore you obtain no "right of debts". You are not entitled to "possessions you did not earn/ just being there is not enough, you must contribute and thereby earn what you get". Nakedness is not "evil, bad, sinful, or whatever/ it is just nakedness: it is the mind that promotes the excuse, for sex, remove the excuse by making it undeniably common/ and you remove the sex from its description. Men should understand/ "just because the chemicals bother you, is NO EXCUSE"! Instead this is your decision to apply discipline to your life, and find order. To both sides, sex is not a bad thing/ but it can bring children. Easily half the children born today are about "I am so lonely I need you/ or I can control him or her, if only I have a child". These are mentally sick realities of retardation. You cannot have a child because you need them: YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for becoming an adult with "things to share, and honesties which care"BEFORE you ask a child to join you. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR HONOR IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP, before you ask anyone to join you, or pay for your wants and pride. Children are a wonderful gift/ but again you must "earn the right"/ before you surrender your freedom.

Abortion is not birth control: THERE MUST BE LIMITS! Abortion is not a "woman's right"/ it is murder, and you know it. Abortion is however a reality of choice in limited reference to a right/ because the reality is severe (a child has many needs, and will alter and decide this future/ just as this future will decide the child's ). Therefore the first 30 days, IS a woman's right/ the next 10 days is for society to decide/ BUT UNLESS TRUE MEDICAL "tragedy" is involved, the remaining time belongs entirely to the child. Get over your righteousness, understand that reality is about reality/ it is not about "what you think". Instead your identity defines you/ not the rest of the world. Be content with who you are/ or change yourself. This is not a contest to see who wins! GOD HIMSELF knows how to intervene, HE does not need you. Neither is your own eternity determined by "their actions"/ neither is the child aborted or the possibility of the child aborted your concern. Instead there are many children abandoned across the world, in foster care without hope, and in true need with no one to help: BEGIN HERE. These are your decisions/ and you choose them not. What is true simply, is reality cannot support "this one too". The degree of failure involved, the reality of death involved, the consequence of life involved are all facts, derived from human abandonment of discipline and order: are you so disciplined? Do not be righteous/ be true. Therefore honesty knows: no matter what you say/ you do not take care of the needs of children that stand before you now: therefore you deserve no say in the care or reality of those who add to that number. When you have proven all children are safe, happy, loved, respected, and warm in the embrace of acceptance and honored as family: THEN you have earned the right to intervene. As this is about body and mind/ you are to understand that over-population, and your design to "rule over nature", have all led you to the truth that as a society you must now decide when it is time to die: EQUALLY FOR ALL [meet these conditions, and life is over]. This is not a game, you will soon face starvation {2 million additional human mouths are added each week, a sea that is dying, fertilizers that are running out, people who are consuming land} and MANY more obstacles/ you must decide for yourselves: because if you do not, then those who are healthy will die instead, because you did not act. Who will you protect, when life is failing?

Because of the need to understand how vulnerable we are, the issues of genetic crop engineering come into view. They have made advances in production due to the stripping of diversity from plants, and the abortion called animal advancements. The question apart from any complete genetic breakdown {a certain probability} is the reality: if diversity is removed/ then does that not mean the entire crop, the entire plant is in jeopardy and could be destroyed by one specific disease, or other organism? It does indeed! Their answer is simply we "will re-engineer"/ believing simply that DNA structure are little more than recipes and they are "cooks". But what if DNA has a distinct balance (and it does: THIS is a critical understanding/ and if you fail to stop the crucifixion of life/ then it will lead the murderers to their desire: to prove, they are god. Unlike their expectations however, the only reality they will get is satan: which means simply god of destruction/ or more correctly ignorance, stupidity, arrogance, and pride combined into violence it is the end of your life), which forms a barrier between this organism and breakdown/ because instead of infecting the rest and killing all: it is designed to fail completely? {Critical truth is necessary to understanding/ your need is not to know life, your need is to survive.} In this scenario all but a very few seeds will remain of non-altered plants/ and they WILL face a completely new enemy and likely will not survive. What if a complex combination becomes food for a new breed of bacteria, that turns the food poisonous/ or compliments a specific disease or bug or fungus or mold or other? These are VERY REAL POSSIBILITIES. Your potential to die from starvation grows in very real terms EVERY DAY. Because all the basic foundations that contribute to your own survival are under constant attack, every single day. Ignorance is not a blessing/ reality does not care, because it cannot/ and truth simply follows what is true, and makes no allowance for mercy. Change this or die.

This discussion ends with the very real consequence of living in life. It is true, that reality proves life cannot be found "sitting in front of the television, or listening to this or that". Life MUST BE MET within the truth that you are a participant; you are a miracle; and you deserve to be and are equal! The issues of loneliness are kindled, whenever life feels abandoned. Sanctioned by the rest, for things beyond my control. Therefore the true purpose of any society is to remedy this fact, and produce an environment where people do know they are welcome/ they may successfully compete/ and they are truly miracles. These things come from the people of the society themselves/ they are not "voted in, or any other exercise of government"/ this is a failure of the people or a reality of life. The common expectation in america is democracy will fix this/ or money. The reality is more complex; america has enjoyed wealth, because resources and space allow it. Voting in real terms is about abandoning "the herd"/ and becoming a man or woman: unless you vote without knowledge or cause. Today in america, there is little knowledge, and cause doesn't matter, because the money will rule. People will argue, complaining the media informs us well/ when in reality, of any important issue you get no news without distinct and plentiful propaganda. This is a reality of life in america, that it is not the thousands of reporters that "disturb the news". These report to a handful of editors/ who are controlled by a few owners/ who are obligated to advertizing and access to get the news, and pay the help: therefore like it or not, money controls the news of any true value to society/ and it is by their values, not by justice or hope or any social decision. If you would change this/ then you MUST accelerate "a thousand sites" on individual important topics: a reporters paradise so to speak. Then you MUST allow a vote among the entire newsroom: every person, in every job or position/ and that vote shall determine the editing, in other words remove the blockade. The owner has no vote/ it is to be the price of ownership: no control, other than salary issues and with limits there. It is necessary to recognize people "like it this way"/ because the reality of humanity is: I don't want to decide! Believing then I don't have to accept the punishment either/ I can be free. They could not be more wrong/ the fact you don't decide, means you have betrayed those who do, and made them "your scape goat" so to speak. Identify yourself in truth, and then you will know how to decide/ BE HONEST, NOT "So damned proud, that you cannot see the forest for the trees"!

Descriptions useful and necessary for friendship in honesty are these: be kind, be useful, be caring, accept the reality of sharing, be helpful, be patient, be honorable, be respectful, and do your duty. Additions to this list are, do not "do all the talking, or feel you must/ quiet time is ok". Do participate by sharing something when it is appropriate for you. Do not run away, walk if it is necessary. Treat all people equally, you are not their judge. Accept people without judging body or mind, not race, not color, simply as people; do not expect that meeting someone is an invitation to intimacy/ you don't have to marry anyone. Be free about meeting people in social settings, you might like them or their friends. Be happy, not overcome with life [abandon your wants and pride]. Here is a truth: the life you live, is the life you get/ the person that you are! All the frivolous hopes and dreams to "be someone or something else"/ are useless. Either change your life, or accept it and do the best you can: do what YOU CAN DO, and you will be fine. The critical truth of most work is very simple: you may do whatever you wish, and learn as you go/ BUT You , MUST know what you must not do, before you start, or it can fail badly: do not "pray for this/ LEARN THIS". I for one have considered; life would be more fun, if it was simple, a pleasant personal family, just what most want/ BUT that is not my reality, because duty requires a different plan for me. As to your place in society as well/ sometimes life just needs you as well, to do something else: lives are at stake, even eternities. It is not up to you or me, to decide who is worthy! You will find little or none of these things in american media today/ instead it is about lust, violence, pride, petty excuses, foolish want, the gun will fix this, greed, power, devaluing life and ridicule. People watch, don't they! Why? Because it is easier than participating in a true society. Why do they choose to belittle life? Because the majority believe they have been belittled by "people smarter than them/ doing things they don't understand: and then come the experts to remove their knowledge of life/ and demand follow me". Take a good look, at who and where you are! These "smart people" have led you into a trap/ and now you will die unless you do the work to fix their mess. It does NOT matter if this is fair or not, it does NOT matter if you don't want to do the work, it does not matter if you are NOT fully prepared/ either you WE THE PEOPLE Take charge of life, and eliminate the destruction/ the slavery to want, and all the pride and power, or you will die. GROW UP, and if not for your own life/ then save life for your children and their future. This is YOUR DUTY!

The words of love are these: I have found in my soul, the existence of a melody we shall share/ if only you will let me. I have learned in the truth of my existence, the meaning and value of another life as it delivers me from the tomb of simple existence to the world of honor, and all blessings called life. Life is not a measurement of body or mind/ it is a relationship bound in the simple truth, "what if you were not here". Love blesses the soul, our composition in discipline and order/ with the freedom to reveal things beyond ourselves, that expand the intensity of life, beyond life itself/ as eternity shall testify. Love does not alter truth, love invites the responsibility of life/ into the consequence of soul, and we are forever changed. Love means life, because love is the acceptance of faith and trust.

The words of acceptance are these: I have found in my heart, the honor of being alive/ I have existed, and known of greater things than me. I love without question, because it is loves' way, rather than mine. I accept the miracle in me/ that I may share the joy in me, as miracles must.

The words of trust are these: NEVER in the experience of my existence, have I found more, than in being with you. Never in the honesty of my soul, has there ever been a blessing greater than you. I have hoped for lesser things, and received more/ but I have also hoped for greater things, and you showed me life instead. Praise is an expression reserved for honored respect, the opportunity to say : not only do I thank you, I trust you as well. It is my heart that belongs to love/ my soul that exists in truth/ but it is my life that grows and savors every day in you. I PRAY Please, let me be family.

In ending this writing, a little is added for the young. "High school" is a game of who can be leader, and where do you fit in. Therefore in a true society, your education would eliminate this game, and provide you with the honor of being alive. The education is: what is honor, what is duty, what is hope and its purpose, what is true love, what is RESPECT and why MUST it exist, and what is justice. The reality of sex is not an education/ it need not be taught. Instead it is a wonderful gift between people who are ready to share the problems, fears, doubt, and failures of someone else. If you don't care enough about someone else to do this/ then you are not ready for sex. Sex is what goes beyond "a little kissing, hugging, and touching with clothes on. Reality knows temptation will cause many to surrender/ and here the school in particular must be a participant. You will help them, as needs and truth requires. People will ask, WHY if sex is a wonderful gift, is it necessary to share all these problems that exist in another? What if, they act and say they are just fine/ not me? The answer is, being young is a time for innocense, a place inside that does not understand, what you do personally, IS GOING to affect someone else's life: perhaps permanently! Are you ready for that? Sex simply means, a chemical body desires a chemical meaning for life. Past the age of 40years or so/ where life has not been overly kind in matters of sex, I personally believe you are free. BUT until that time arrives, all sex is a decision to intervene in someone else's life, and there are always consequences: some good, some bad. Sex for the "over 40 age group" is understood to be simple, YOU HAVE lived long enough to know who you hurt, and whether the decision you make and the life you live is honest enough to accept the challenge this brings to you, and anyone who may be affected. Therefore it is your own decision/ not someone else's to make. BE FAIR, always choose your partner in life FIRST! But if they refuse, and life is passing you by/ then understand this choice and its consequences. Understand, talk FIRST to your partner in life; if jealousy sets in/ then find them "someone else"/ and move on: do NOT stay. This like all of parenting is NOT UP TO THE CHILD/ nor should they be involved, in any way. This is your life/ and you have a right to live it as you desire, IF you are willing to pay the price. I am aware, "the blood will boil" in a few, those who believe in religious doctrines or other "bill of sale" rights. But I am also aware reality in this day does not agree, with ownership/ no honor exists. I do not agree, that you can enforce compliance with your own doctrines on someone else's life. ALL MALE TO FEMALE COUPLES, that are in true love, will never have an issue with this/ because it shall not exist: unless health issues or the like close the door. Only those who live together in silence and frustration shall be involved: pray you are not one. Accept no one is allowed to dominate the other/ and learn freedom has a price.

Sex is the intimacy to believe in passion. Passion is a door into experiences that change our lives, and the lives of others/ it gives direction and grants hope. Therefore if you are not yet ready for this in life, or you are below the age of 21 years or so/ then you should belong only to the happiness of dating and beginning romance. I am fully aware, that many will not wait/ some believe they don't need to wait, and some relationships will break apart if you do wait. My answer to that is simply: if you have not had your turn so to speak, to fight for and find the life you desire/ if you cannot believe a time apart for any reason, becomes a lost love/ if you are unaware, that life is more complex than it appears. Then you will find sorry instead.

Remember this: there are 4 distinct realities associated with sexual behavior in the young. Simple chemicals, a demand for behaviors in sex rather than anything to do with love/ either side. Erectile dysfunction/ sexual dysfunction comes here, later in life (male or female), for the simple reality, "it has cost me too much/ I don't want this". Simple emotions, a demand for behaviors in sex designed to rule over you/ either side, but intent upon dominion instead of friendship. Complex need, wherein the beginning of love desires and searches for opportunity to find discipline, engage in freedom, and remove order from life/ to search for life, in sex. And truth: here in the wisdom of romance, life adds sexual relationships to engage honesty and refine companionship, so that differences and problems may seem meek in exchange for true desire. Truth requires a sexual intimacy, a sexual courage and hope, sexual innocense, that cannot be found outside of virginity, until this moment in time/ therefore it is "the marriage solution", as two people seek to define themselves as one. It is the sex, that moves and removes the problems that get in the way of love, when reality says, "this is our blessing"! I give you all, this advice; you will never hold a man or woman as lover with sex/ sex always becomes "known". Therefore it does not exist forever as a tool to conceal or control. The question of "being known" is simply this: what is "magic" in life, begins as the spontaneity of hope, the reality of joy in my presence, the honesty of love as it proves friendship, and the destiny of faith: the beginning of treasures beyond ourselves. If you are known/ then none of these exist. Do you see, how sex interferes? Physical Sex (rather than love joined in the honesty of sex, between lovers) is instead a tragic beginning to the end of your relationship: it is used, rather than loved/ it is abused and turned into lust as chemical passions are exchanged for conversation/ don't need to know you, just came for sex. If you desire a long-term relationship about more than sex, you must pay the price, and become desirable on your own: we are all desirable on some level to someone. The constant here in humanity is: "what if I am not enough/ what if I lose"? Instead I ask you, what if your life is lost to you, in a maze of lies/ in the hopelessness of failure and the agony of disrespect, all because you would not allow truth to lead you into life? Follow only truth, respect only reality, learn the distance of time is best lived in the honor of a duty you owe to yourself: the honesty of life, as you are/ or as you desire to change, and be. Anything less is a traitorous act unto yourself. Remember this, the problems and heartaches of many years are all set, in the hazards of your youth. If you will "be free" without disciplines/ then you will pay without honor. Do your best in life, this is the only life in time you get/ if you trade that for sex, all you receive is "bedroom walls"/ not romance, not love, not happiness: just sex, and it will end/ and you will cry.

To the younger set, I will only tell you BE BRAVE! There are no heros built upon fantasy/ no "sorcerers or wizards or any such thing". There are no primal tutors or educated tutors of any "magical anything/ not in religions, not in magic, not in science either". Instead, the only truths worth knowing are those worked for/ the only truths that can make you free, are those you exist for, and the discipline and duty they bring. Truth says: NO evil anything can ever achieve power over you/ because all evil can do is destroy, and your life cannot be destroyed unless you allow it to be. Life is eternal/ therefore do not be afraid of death. Death is the most extreme reality we face/ but it is not the worst. Hell means, those who have failed must now enter within their own lies, and the violence they have caused. Eternity means; NOW we begin. Respect your elders, they have provided your life, and take care of you. Respect your life even if you are alone/ because GOD IS WITH YOU Ask and it shall be given: means simply, ask and then believe GOD IS TRUE. Seek, recognizes that you must accept the honor of this relationship before it can begin. And knock, means literally, if your desire is true your soul shall come and grant you peace. While it is true and certain, your desire is for someone here and now/ the truth says, because humanity has so little respect/ this cannot be done: because the reality might kill us all. Do not listen to fears, do not listen to ridicule/ BELONG TO GOD !

There are secrets to men, but only a few. Courage allows tenderness, and honor creates the boundary necessary for love. The creation of limits within ourselves, is that boundary/ necessary because choices must be made to become a man. Man means; a creation in life, rather than time/ a discipline in order, rather than a freedom without liberty. Man thereby establishes the distinction of truth within our reality of chosen responsibility. Sex is not a holder of men/ it is a fantasy of boys/ if you as woman want a man, you must not use sex. Sex is a demand, not a freedom/ therefore it does become an enslavement of sorts. Men do have a need to be free, to choose and be chosen/ not owned or rewarded. Men do desire woman, not in the simple ways women believe/ but in the honesty that results in acceptance without a cost: friends, truly. Men know women by the things they do/ because like men, women hide their truths; but in different ways. Therefore if you want to join as life, both must come out of hiding and be real. Trust is not a gift/ it is earned. Therefore understand this clearly: you cannot earn trust by being wrong, or supporting someone who is wrong/ you must change, that you may choose correctly, and find your reward. Those who blindly follow/ end in a pit of stupidity, from which it can be very expensive to escape. Trust is not free, truth says it requires your decisions, to place discipline and order as primary truths first, and then follow their example. It is a "casualty of war"/ that women try to entrap men, buy men, or use men. A casualty because only pain and sorrow will be earned/ a war, because no one deserves to be used. It is a "casualty of war"/ that boys believe sex is a game, and the winner is he who has sex. It is a casualty because life is not a game, and women are not toys, trophies, or puzzles to be sorted out. It is a war, because life and hope and needs are NOT "little things". Sex requires a payment from men/ in body chemicals, therefore as time escapes the need to prove "I am still young/ versus the reality that exists in terms of cost" drives some "boys" to believe they must "conquer women/ by proving sex the game still exists for me, I am winner". Some use sex, to prove to themselves, I am still desirable, and not too old. Just as women use temptations to prove they can still lure men into their trap; it is done to test securities. In its simplicity a man is intended to be the essence of discipline "in himself"/ while woman represents and is expected to be the honor of order, that both "he and she" may fit exactly within the definitions of their truth. Men & women are not the same. Men require love, and exist in the hopes of sex and happiness/ while women exist in love, and require the hopes of happiness to achieve the blessing that is sex.

Men need freedoms to be happy/ not simple freedoms, but complex relationships defined by honor in realities that respect their contributions, and their life. Are women not the same?

The words end in this matter with the simple terms; be happy with your life/ do not tempt, you are better than that. You are what you are/ take a look, don't lie, don't hide/ accept the truth: IF you don't like that truth/ then change it. It is a violence to be encouraged to believe this is love/ when it is not: therefore in eternity there is a price. Marriage is no longer a vow to GOD Humanity has disgraced that rite. Therefore it is only a legal contract that determines who gets to fight, and for what. IF you are married, seeking a divorce, and intent on "destroying the other/ or making them pay", then know for sure/ you have taken whatever is left of the vows you made, and now claim "to hell he or she goes". This judgment is your failure, and clearly understand: REVENGE and HATRED are the doorway to HELL, a gate you stand before pounding to get in. To proud to calm down and be respectful; to the honesty in life that knows this is the only life in time we get. Then be aware, that mercy accepts no one with pride! Save your own life, abandon pride/ WHY be damned? In 1 Corinthians 6 of the bible/ "paul states: sex is how you become one with each other", a VERY SHORT-SIGHTED view of sexuality. It is not true. Rather it is the honesty of souls united that makes this come true. Simple sex is nothing more than a tool, with very distinct edges that will cut you deeply if you fail to understand discipline and the nature of life. Sex can heal, therefore it is not simple. Sex can be used as an excuse "to take your life away"/ therefore it is not a social decision: this is an excuse used by society itself, to gain control and abuse. Sex is not a moral decision/ it is a life decision, and the consequences are truly personal. Paul condemns the prostitute as well, claiming a superiority he does not deserve: he was a mass murderer. Instead the bible states in JESUS words, John 4 that we do not worship in the things we are familiar with/ but in spirit and truth. This is simply, the removal from society of any judgment that you may make. IT IS GOD WHO DECIDES, and HE does love us all. You will remember as well, when talking to this woman/ read her description/ JESUS did not condemn her, HE offered her eternity: YOU be the same.

The consequence of physical sexuality is defined by your age, if you are healthy and respectful to the opposite sex and your own, and the relationships you share. Since the other aspects have been discussed, simple sexuality is using sex to "stop the world, for a little while"and make life simple and pleasant for me. It is not more complicated than this/ unless it is deviant. Deviant means; you want control, or you want to be controlled/ therefore it is a variant of jealousy. Jealousy is your expectation, that someone else IS the cause of all your problems/ therefore if you were to "murder or cause fear in this individual" all your own problems would disappear. It is NOT true. As to jealousy, you are the problem/ you are the guilty one/ you are the excuse for bad behavior, therefore the truth is YOU must change. As to sexuality and this physical life, the only answer sex will bring to you, is an escape from yourself/ for a very short time. This is important on occasion, to let the problems disappear and review life a little more clearly/ if that problem exists in you. Sexuality and marriage is not an agreement to own: IT IS NOT! Therefore sexuality is not a guarantee, either in marriage or in monogamy. If your marriage is good for both of you/ it will almost certainly be monogamist. If it is not then reality demands, this marriage is not an enslavement. A marriage is an agreement to provide sexual relief for each other/ if you do not or will not, then it is you that has broken the agreement, and you have no say. We all have one life to live/ EVERYONE is given the opportunity to seek, ask, and knock so to speak/ in an effort to find the one person that truly makes them happy. If you do, then sexual relations are not a problem for either of you. Men are not tools/ women are not trophies. Instead we live together for the very serious respect of living and surviving life. If you honorably seek "your soul-mate" till the time past 30 years of age/ then you are more aware of the consequences of your actions, and reactions, and understand with basic awareness who is going to be hurt. Sex is a simple thing, yet humanity has used it as a religion since the beginning "I will make this my own". Religions are useful, but they are not life. Life says: "I am equal/ not owned". Therefore understand this carefully. Because life dies, it is important that freedom and happiness be primary experiences. For that to happen, people are required to accept the truth, that they own no one, but themselves. Sex therefore is up to the person involved/ unless disease or children result, and it is up to both to ensure as best as realistically possible that neither issue occurs. Love each other, is not a sexual saying/ making love is not a sexual saying: finding truth in each other to share, by expanding the destiny of both in joy and happiness, is. Sex is simple/ humanity can understand simply/ pride, want, selfishness, and power are the only things standing in your way. Lust is simply the demand to use another as your tool/ the consequences of that are the ravages assigned by consumption of what is important about you. The truth you are a miracle, OF GREAT VALUE, and the result of sexual lust/ that you have traded your soul, for nothing; because the person you have abused, may die [the harsh realities of lies, the surrender of love]. That makes you a murderer, and that opens the door to grave responsibilities.

SALVATION IS NOT FREE, JESUS WAS crucified/ do you think you owe nothing? Love is not a master, it is a friend/ revenge is a master, thereby an enemy: who do you desire to be.

There are people who feel trapped by life, they moan & complain & discourage themselves from romance, freedom, & life. All because "the refuse to want something or someone else." Remember this: if you are constantly rejecting others for the way they look, or act or other/ then why are you so dejected when they do the same to you? Is this not your fault as much as theirs/ look in the mirror, and know simply; it is not your face or theirs that makes the difference in life, it is your heart. The face and form simply allows greater selection for sex.

The blessing of this life is the consequence called love. Even if there is no one else in your current experience, you can love yourself. You can love GOD ! You can love your neighbor, even if they don't love you. Order says; happiness is a creation found in 3 parts: love "the miracles inside become alive, to you"/ freedom, "the honor bestowed through the identity you have chosen to become/ & life itself, revealing existence through all that we do know, understand, and respect. These are the disciplines of soul! These examine the day in blessing, learn in the night of honor, & believe in your life where judgment never enters, & hearts concede, that man & woman belong together.

Children are beautiful, everyone! But romance is not for children, the consequences are too harsh. Man needs woman because sharing lives for a noble cause, gives him strength. Woman needs man, because caring deserves an "open heart", and here woman finds her strength for life. We are by nature, profoundly aware of each other, but we are by ignorance, stealth, disrespect, and just plain want, critically guarded against love, hope, and even life. The joy can be crushed/ the people can be made afraid, and then "love" simply cost too much. Even if you find joy in yourselves, the world so to speak will hate you, and work against you/ because you found the happiness they did not, and they are jealous. Are you a part of this world, of gossip and destructive behaviors/ THEN CHANGE, and honor your life instead of destroying it.

Romance speaks of eternity, because truth can join two people, that they may become as one. Do you understand or comprehend the passion found in them, to ask for such a thing? Passion, like romance is the existence of a "desperate desire, for your life, to make me whole! Therefore if loneliness has taught you discipline, life has prepared to teach you of happiness: if you do not measure, or surrender. Everyone has value/ but that does not mean "the same" or for sex or for marriage/ but who cannot be your friend? Love says, live everyday as if your last would be tomorrow. This in dignity responds with courage, acts with honor, and extends the majesty that is life, to your expressions as life. Love says, when "miracles collide, they express the stars of heaven/ because GOD put them there, that we might dream of eternity". Love says, eternity designs our future, not our past/ therefore in the day destined to separate our souls, dignity replies: with passions beyond moments, & time without end, our souls shall meet again.

People demand for themselves, "I shall not cry/ I shall not grieve/ I shall not allow love to conquer me". Honesty replies, a decision without love is a decision without truth, a life itself is all about love/ and everything else is about death. This is not in the evidence of simple humanity, but as the relationship of miracles all around define and reflect an honesty that cannot be anything but love. Therefore remember this; if GOD loves us, then surely we can love a little? Only remember one simple rule, and NEVER let it go: LOVE GOD FIRST, and HE Will remember you as well.

Some advice for lovers; men don't talk, because information is often used as a "club or tool" for the humiliation or control of them later. Women want you to talk, for the purpose of intimacy/ but if something goes wrong, that information will be the first weapon in their arsenal of abuse.

Women test on a regular basis, its called "choose me first, over any other interest in you life, period". Therein the degree of their own security and control is measured, by your commitment to their every whim. If you try to hard, as a male, many women will abuse you and then call you weak, because you didn't refuse. If you try "to little", then they will cry, & moan, and create emotional pitfalls to convince themselves to hate you, and that they must search for another. Good luck.

Women REQUIRE the same respect as men! Without respect you have nothing but lust or games.

Respect between lovers means; that I will be for you honestly, as you are for me/ I will love for you truly as heart & mind & body creates my soul to be/ I will work, because we must/ I will own my own destiny so that we may always have something to share together/ and I will express life together by creating the courage in me to accept and enjoy our lives together.

Respect as family means; respect assigns us, to the duty of our world/ to the distinctions we have made/ and the decisions we have cast together, for our purposes. Caring means I shall not abandon or abuse or use you, I shall NEVER seek revenge against you, I SHALL always be your friend, your confidant (in ways that shall NOT injure or hurt), & your happiness is my concern for we have chosen each other and it is unfair of me that you should need another. Family is the creation of HARMONY, through the decisions, discipline, & order we choose to accept. Family is the honor we present to all others, that therein respect for each other is our dignity, and our testimony of life. Family is the love that defines and welcomes us home.

Neither of these are for youth/ because freedom always aspires "to experience the world"/ before it welcomes and desires to experience true life. Life is then not a definition called time/ but more clearly an honor explained by duty that transforms the blessings, hopes, and dignity of being alive into the single true expression of soul: a place for love. Courage does not begin or end with force or with either sex, courage forms around the anchor of your heart and extends to all you truly love. Love thereby is the experience that cradles our identity in the knowledge of pure acceptance: without measurement or cost, simply you are treasured & welcome here. Love returns this truth, with the honesty of doing your part, in all ways.

The addition of parenting to any ones life is a question of : how do I become a guardian in respect/ now there is more than just me to decide for. The answer is simply; respect their needs/ respect their freedom/ respect their reality and provide the discipline required: NOT punishment, discipline. Respect your truth as well, that you are NOT an owner, you are a friend/ therefore if you will establish a true relationship, that shall honor and last a lifetime, YOU MUST listen with your heart, and respond with justice, not judgment. Do not fall into the trap, "I am the parent, and you must do what I say"/ this progresses, to take away your relationship and demand separation. Instead as a parent, you are required to assign boundaries, explain why this is important, require honesty and honor, and expect love in the simple ways of sharing and caring and life.

Respect between friends means; honesty adheres our relationship together/ therefore I WILL NOT lie. Courage defends & accepts the journey of individuals, as a time shared for our benefit and our lives, because we do care for each other. A relationship is a decision to care, an opportunity to expand discipline in new & possibly wonderful ways. Respect does NOT allow measurements/ rather respect allows duty & honor to decide. Truth says a happiness conceived describes one blessing freely given, & then forms all others by the work of mutual or honored passions. If then you have no passion, it will be hard for you "to find a friend". Passions CAN be anything worth doing/ but love seeks people who respond with love. If you are a "friend by desire" then you will help all who do need you honestly: if they welcome you with respect/ if not leave them alone. Friendship does sometimes require a necessary bluntness, but only at a time where it is instruction and not vindictive or hurtful. Many mistakes are made by everyone/ do your best to remember that. Forgive, but learn and respect the truth of who has honor and who does not. Be brave, be life, and be happy; why should you not!