Reality suggests this part of the web sites created by me, for you/ is necessary even though everything provided for your decision has been done previously. Order however applies the compositions of our time to establish the consequences known as our future. Therefore this last part is just about being human rather than controversy or political discussion/ it was intended to allow honesty and hope to design the greatest sense of our potential as human beings. Love grows from this , and peace, harmony, and happiness are next. Reality is relentless and truth doesn't care what you think, believe, or cry. This is because truth is the evidence of order & discipline the reality of an energy defined. Each of these are consequences to a decision or a reaction that occurs first. The meaning of life in this our reality is quite simply: the meaning you apply to your own life, and life itself. As you think about reality and its meaning to you, remember not only the pain, or loss/ but also the opportunity and love. There are relationships, these extend life into creation/ but also apply time as the destruction of ideals. Life is a building process, created from participation in the decision to live and the strength to survive. Time allows the slow progression of these 3 things: creation (the building process), participation (the understanding of freedom, desire, and decision), and strength (the separation of identities, to conceive of possibilities beyond ourselves). Life presents the need for bravery (an acceptance of reality and the truth about death): without bravery, fear rules the world. Bravery demands an acceptance of pain, and even loss where duty and honor command it shall be so. Therefore life is a preparation/ for each of these things completes or confuses are lives.

Our ability to survive as a society has become intertwined with our relationship to the various people & types of politics or science and experimentation that do cause change, and the serious damage to our reality as an existence. Time has thereby changed, because humanity can now literally destroy the earth/ by intervening in life cycles/ the integrity of food chains/ the relationship we have with all life/ and even the biology or our own bodies. We cannot simply dismiss or excuse these things, there impacts are too dramatic and disastrous/ you cannot kill the people involved either: if just one per million is guilty/ then in a world of 7 billion people; there are 7000 people just as guilty. We must do and work together as a world, or there will simply be no world for us to live within: we are too many, for any other way. That being recognized the truth of democracy, is NOT "The american way"/ BUT rather by whatever method truly defines a personal vote, and honors a personal passion/ without invading the rights and freedoms of the whole, that includes all life, not just people. We therefore require the personal passions of people with a will to understand, and a hope to make a difference. You will not find this by joining a group/ you must find this within yourself, and then joining a group willing to work for life on earth. This is not political by its reference, there is no compromise between life and death/ either in reality you are alive or you are dead. Therefore the expressions of change are not found in violence: they are found in heart, and soul. The so-called "wealthy and powerful" control every society, their primary means is a media saturated with confusion; the expressions "people are bad/ give up and hide: such as 200 or so murders a day on TV, and the like"; and the constant irritations of "give me your money, your vote, your future and understand you are too stupid to challenge my expert". They do influence you, believe it or not/ the violence used to pacify the young in video games, music, and their media are nothing less than parental surrender: you don't care enough, so they do struggle with a life saturated in futility: this is the breeding ground for "the measurements that lead to violence." It is common, that the media presents, you accept, and that's all there is. You will change these things, because failure is forever.

The honest method of understanding the possibilities is being educated about the responsibilities, and learning about the potential consequences before voting on the issues themselves: this REQUIRES WORK/ but your economy is failing, and you WILL soon have time. It is wrong, to elect someone to vote for you/ are they you? Harmony asks for your personal input, not someone else's for you. The level of commitment is a critical explanation of why/ BUT this depends upon knowledge and understanding: you are able! Simply put you must make a decision/ you may NOT blame the other ones: you must choose peace or there will be war. This warning is not given as "an end of the world speech", instead the evidence says it is true: believe the evidence or not/ it is up to you: this is your vote. To decide to investigate the evidence of truth, by your most educated efforts: IN HONESTY/ or just plain hide, and wait for disaster to come. The fact that the end of your world is possible merely describes the truth/ should I hide it?

UNLIKE the games of protest, riot, rallies, or marches, the honesty of accepting order comes from the discipline you create, in yourself. The world is NOT "all of them against you"/ the world is "WE ARE ALIVE, but to remain so, we must WORK". The political areas should never be filled with greed, selfishness, lust or power/ as it is today/ but instead be experienced as an opportunity to conceive and create the society we desire most. Led by truth and determined by reality; PEACE is then the result. These are all personal expressions defined by what you personally do/ by your trust in truth as respect demands, and your hope in life called love.

In contrast, in this current political experience the wealthy decide, because they control the people [you might lose your job, your healthcare, your pension: WHAT THEN]. The media is equally controlled; just as you, they have been promised much: however the reality of all these promises is a lie/ you are bankrupted by greed: that reality is close at hand and you will accept it/ want to or not. It is then the promises and the sacrifices to be made by separation from "the herd"/ that do apply to the conquest of your fears. If you do not conquer your fears/ you cannot survive. I know most will hide, from the consequences of these words "I DON'T WANT TO KNOW THIS: PERIOD"! But I must tell you, it is my duty, my responsibility, and my work: there is no choice for me/ honor demands it. I know you will enter afraid and worried about everything/ you will rant and rave about all you fear: but if you don't have an opportunity to defend your lives/ death means, you have an excuse: but truth says there are no excuses, only realities excused or refused. America has been sold, for the promises and expectations of all who want MORE from life, than what they have. This is the result of a focus so small, that you cannot even see the miracle of creation all around. The excuse is, "evolution led us astray"/ more correctly you didn't care enough to investigate, pray, or learn. The media leads with issues as worthless as toilet paper/ although you use it, its value is very limited: but this is because the public believes everything is basically out of their control, we have no very little say. Therefore to examine and remove the trash and other debris of failure from government/ you MUST learn to accept the truth about government: you are "we the people", and that means your personal vote is final: for you too. The use of experts is merely a lust for power. Instead present all sides of every discussion, and ask for feedback..... then present the evidence used. The politician needs money today/ therefore the demand to sell honesty for office is very high/ the protestor rarely wants more than "look at me". The voter has "died a little" every time the lies stripped his or her values and presented the opposite, that they know at this moment it really doesn't matter much. The consequence of all these things is fear and frustration, a breeder of hatred both far and near. Change them.

The personal existence of your vote, in a true election is real. A true election discards "what we are given"/ defines the intensity of the need and demands answers/ identifies the honesty, honor, & discipline of those who ask for the work/ and decides the truth about what "we as a nation" are willing to do in response to these truths. 40+ years ago, the vietnam war killed innocense about the government/ the result was and is seen in current day politics and life. You may not do this again: learn the difference between being led, and being free/ and then examine and prove the path to independence is laid between truth and courage. Be careful, not stupid. Stupid represents the failure to learn. While ignorance saturates the mind with arrogance, so that nothing matters but me.

The personal existence of your vote is a separation from want/ want is irrelevant or a lie/ want is not a political issue, right, or demand for any nation. Want is the expression of selfishness, and it does not belong in any aspect of government or any society. Not ever. Government means to design the environment of our hopes by personally working to encourage & sustain the opportunity of my vote. The relationships that exist in person to person, are as a society/ therefore whatever you do, determines the society you shall live within: good or bad. The reality of respect for each other, governs every society and determines every attempt at justice. Respect defines strength, and it accomplishes freedom. These are person to person realities, "the court finds its strength from society, not society from the judge/ but society disciplining the judge and refining the court". Truth is a foundation based in knowledge, as reality leads to understanding, and then to wisdom (we have found truth). The discipline necessary to discard lies and listen "to the essence of every aspect in order is up to you". Society is one person among many, choosing the essential truth & direction of all by accepting the honor of this work or dispensing violence and apathy. You cannot be brave and afraid at the same time/ these are not absolutes, but describe your decision, rather than your body and mind. You cannot be less than a human being [the errors of wanting, failing respect, afraid for nothing, & discarding the dignity of your own rights] and surviving as society, it will fail. You cannot judge yourself or any other/ because to measure them means you have become a god in your own mind. You are not! Leave them alone/ unless the damage to society is greater than it can bear, and it can bear much: individuality is precious, even if it requires considerable "looking the other way". Freedom is the path to happiness/ if society is not happy, you won't be happy either/ even though lies survive for years sometimes, they will always end. Do you not believe this? Freedom is not always "pretty", this was proven to me as fact/ in years past. Freedom is not always fair/ this is a reality of choice, and the need to accept that diseases [in the hearts of men & women & children] are a part of our existence. Freedom is always true/ therefore it shares because life itself is greater than freedom. Freedom is a blessing only because it gives the right to create ourselves, it gives the right to accept creation within ourselves, it is the basis and foundation for life in eternity.

Social integrity means, I give the discipline in my heart to the honesty of our order, that we may live in peace and justice. Social purpose defines the existence of life, " MAKES US EQUAL"! NO EXCEPTIONS! Social honesty understands that no matter how many tears present/ there are limits to what we can do, or the dangers or burdens that we should heap upon the rest.

These are each one, a personal decision, with personal and social consequences. YOU are responsible, whenever you have a choice/ to avoid important choices means you fail.

A question could be raised as to why I am not a political person: why, am I absent? The answer is WANT rules america, and where want survives, honor has no place. This too is personal, to you! Want has driven you to the door of your own extinction. For the "christian and jewish crowds" this warning exists in the same way, as the many warnings to the nation of Israel, in the bible. They simply did not believe, because they had what they wanted, at the time: they were proud. Selfishness always decides: "Let the others pay/ we will not". When the lie ended, the reality of selfishness comes true. That your destruction of others, shall be paid accordingly. Want is your decision/ rather than your life, it explains the depth of your willingness to lie: all lies are false/ therefore it cannot be about your life. Instead of life, want is a ruler over your existence/ and its purpose is to redefine your life, by the measurement of your power. The critical understanding of selfishness is described by the truth, you have attacked all life, but your own. That decision is then, to prey on the others/ not a part of society, but a predator. The meaning of your life is then/ my life means more to me, than anything else: or more clearly you have NO honor, NO DUTY, & NO respect for life. These two decisions to attack others, and portray yourself as superior to them apply violence to society, and begin the descent from being "alive"/ to survival means "kill or be killed". The worst of predators survive here. These again are PERSONAL choices: you decide!

The critical understanding of power is understood by your weapons of mass destruction/ the demand to be "FEARED". The critical understanding of your FEARS, are understood by the relationship you choose with these weapons of mass destruction/ "we will end the earth itself". Can you be any more afraid? These wounds in humanity are common to this world: everywhere you look, society wants these weapons "cowering under these weapons, don't attack me: I will kill us all". Your fears are beyond sanity/ you are insane! If you don't attack your fears, and find your courage, then you deserve your reality to come: do not blame me/ YOU CHOSE! Fix this or die from this, no other choice exists for you.

Reality says, to deliver and demand to be feared/ always results in HATRED! Therefore the consequence of fear is the upheaval known as terrorism. This decision is primarily a consequence of fear, and a reality of hatred that defines an enemy has been born inside/ by consuming their soul. Your personal demand to kill/ even if the whole world dies/ is nothing less, than the impetus that creates revenge against you. REPENT OR DIE. This is not a saying, this is a truth/ when proven, you don't exist anymore.

It is true of the human experience that you invite revenge and hatred to come inside of your existence/ or it cannot stay, or participate in you. Therefore the evidence of revenge reveals a relationship exists with all that is destructive to life. Thereby revenge as your own creation, defines what satan means to you! This is a PERSONAL decision! Your own destruction, for your own ability to destroy/ this is a surrender from life.

By its consequence revenge by the evidence called tools of mass destruction, form a collective decision by members of society, who use fear & hatred to control the population/ otherwise these things would not exist, the society itself MUST FEAR, or they would not choose to threaten their own lives, future, and eternity. Those in control, thereby assume power when in reality, they hold the keys to nothing more, than their own personal HELL. The existence of death verifies, death is personal/ the rest don't count. Not to satan anyway, the power of your decision, over your own life, has come true. Hell is then your personal destruction by the revenge of all who you betrayed. Betrayal means: without remorse, you have closed the door/ and found yourself alone. Terror means, revenge is your constant and only companion: this is the price of "the soul you sold". As lies define your new reality, truth destroys your world/ and you will hide amidst what is most hideous, simply hoping you will not be found. It is a useless endeavor/ hell will eat you alive.

The common expression "death ends everything" relies upon the body and mind being everything. That belief requires that chemicals alone, created the existence called life. To achieve the lie, evolution and its disciples were formed. The question to you personally: a decision giving life or "other consequences" eternally in death: can NOT be more personal or more real. A question to you is "what do you believe reveals the existence of time"? According to the University of Illinois, at Champaign IL: quote, every living biological cell is composed of about a trillion atoms. Therefore explain to me, how it is every microscopic cell contains, balances, and controls a trillion atoms: how is this done: BY ACCIDENT? Prove it! More simply, "If you are a battery, then how and why did you become an existence in freedom: are batteries free?" Do you not "see the pattern here"? Or are you so very lazy, that life has no meaning for you/ therefore no answer or question exists in your soul. This is a personal disaster for you/ thereby I DO pray, that you find love/ that you may find life again.

Allowed is this summary of the descriptions in how your lives must change/ because failure to do so, is extinction/ and because selfishness, want, or power exist only as the evidence: that you have indeed discarded your lives/ for "the treason of treasures without merit".

What is life, as reality defines it? The answer identifies miracles BEYOND our comprehension! Therefore LIFE IS A GIFT. What is the honor of life? The answer articulates the experience, as possibilities we cannot even measure or imagine. What is the honesty of life? The decision to accept reality and let truth decide.

Our foundation as a society or as a humanity, builds upon the single relationship we attain with resources. Resources control human life, survival, death, and contribute as violence when order demands it: energy WILL be respected. The building of any civilization [the opportunity for many to share] is therefore about the fundamental truths society transfers from respect or disrespect onto the natural consequence of order and the disciplines of energy or truth. Currently the "rape and pillage of all things natural: the crucifixion of all things genetic" HAS driven you "the humanity of earth" to the very pinnacle of your success. YOU HAVE abused, ruined, maimed, or just plain trashed your own futures by consuming reality and discarding truth as insignificant to your lies. Pinnacle means: the only direction of this ordered march in execution/ by destroying the very things and resources you need to survive is down. Success means here: you DID do this on purpose/ for your own pride and glory. Reality means, the consequence of your actions shall be known. Therefore the future is about your survival and what you decide to do with the resources that remain. The population growth you chose, and will choose. The honesty of how you will share/ or the reality of how you will fight. Combined with the honor of how you will care, and why you have chosen harmony/ rather than war. IF that is indeed your true choice.

These are your decisions, not mine/ therefore judgment for what you have already done, IS LITERALLY in your hearts and hands.

YOU are NOT required to believe any of this is true/ you don't even need to prove it false: But you will encounter the consequences according to your choice. If you choose to live, you are required to accept the truth: either way. You don't have a choice in this, because you have come to far to survive as you are/ therefore without change, you are extinct: you just don't know it yet. The difference in reality is truth, and truth doesn't care: it will do its job, no exceptions.

Respect for your situation has allowed a constant review of what is functional or necessary to your decision. Consequently boundaries change as merit decrees more must be added. To that end, I will help you as best I am allowed, if you follow truth/ but you must understand SIMPLY: I DO belong to


Life is above energy, therefore fear death not.

I pray for you

may your search be ended/ your answers found and your PRAISE form the basis and foundation of your heart and soul

JESUS IS OUR LORD, when this is so.

The question called life, is more clearly the introduction of thought as the basis of life. Energy (enegy) as the critical resolution of truth and love as the consummation called participation in joy. That eternity or even life itself can exist beyond a physical reference is found as the evidence of atomic reality: a mass and an energy reside in intensity and without question, for extreme periods of time.

Even so, it is order within the mass that controls and conceives of energy, capturing the electron and sustaining its journey to complete the identity of its mass. Life is not unlike this arrangement; except light is its energy and thought consists as its "mass". This too is enough.

If you let your mind go free, let the body be your lesson, allow yourself to be humiliated [that you may NOT interfere with truth], and give your respect the honor it is due. Duty says, a society of rules is hiding from the truth. Honesty says, the journey you must seek begins in the moment when you are free of the chains society designs to keep you as theirs. Be disciplined, be orderly, be kind, and be fair; justice is the evidence, That you do indeed belong to GOD !

This is then respect asking you to ascend from the politics of a herd/ to the government of man & woman, to become the generation that achieves independence from fear, and the reality of failure. May you learn that truth leads only those who follow in respect. May you recognize love is the treasure of your lives. And may honor and honesty bless your lives.


In the review of all these broad & definable terms, the decision to limit the discussion of joy and happiness/ marks the truth about your human situation, and the necessity of fundamental disciplines required by survival/ rather than harmony and the places in true hope of life.

The expression of harmony, is "I CARE". The experience of a decision is, "my faith, in this path I have chose is revealed. The honesty of love and passions in the heart reflect only the miracles of life/ therefore when you live in the miracle that you are, it is "being ALIVE" that comes true. YOU are the evidence of

GOD'S LOVE! The beat of your heart, the breath of your body, and the soul that lives inside, design ONLY "The reflection of GOD In you."

LOVE is the blessing that separates us, "from this earthly body". Therefore love is the knowledge of eternity, the destiny called peace, & the existence completed by thought. love therefore begins in the creation of life, NOT as a human experience, but more clearly "defined by THE COLORS OF A LIGHT SO BRIGHT, that we see our CREATION, as ourselves". [this is a spiritual saying, not a human one]

When you are sad or rejected, or defined by others rather than yourself, remember this: the human experience is our journey within CREATION/ it is not littered with body or mind, inside your heart or soul with anything/ BUT what you believe belongs. Therefore understand the difference between humanity and you (heart & soul), is simply what you choose to love & expand for hope to identify your life. Listen then carefully to your heart & forgive whatever truth declares you are sorry for/ listen carefully to your soul, and know you are forgiven as well. Be then GRACIOUS to all, for love has entered; and NEW miracles born. This is then, "A life, Conceived by GOD "!


The creation of love is an understanding in hope. First you must truly explain by the witness of your own life, "I AM ready to be more than myself". Hope then says: if pride and selfishness are all that stands in the way/ I will remove them. From this beginning, the blessing of destiny opens "your eyes", to reveal the possibilities of life. Destiny expands your relationship with life, into our relationship with THE UNIVERSE, and every life in it. Therefore the possibilities of family now exist. Love discards ALL measurement. Thereby the creation of love within you, begins as the understanding of EQUALITY with you, & you with them. People DO judge. The mind measures, therefrom the assertion of love, IS an escape from common mental experience to identify and correct the errors in discipline that remove us from the miracles of life. Order relies upon your acceptance of miracles/ because truth demands thought must be present for love to exist.

Here in the consequence of miracles, the blessing of our lives reveal "the bridge between our worlds", and we meet. Honesty says: it is the miracle of life itself, recognizing in another life, the "same" miracle exists in you too/ that transforms our experience into a choice, to understand each other. It is in this decision, that thought must enter. Thought thereby means "to inhabit the miracle, that is you". This saying conceives of the difference between mind & miracle and asks the question: HOW can there be a difference? The answer in mind, replies "this is body". The answer in miracle defines the meaning of life. Here in simple truth, every person that experiences love; understands "a portion of what gives life its meaning". Isn't that grand?

YOU are as life, "what GOD made for you to be/ as humanity you are, what you or others, have chosen you to be." Therefore it is the decision inside, that gives you destiny: your decision.

The question is: WHAT is your decision? This is more properly understood as, WHAT will you inhabit as the treasury of your life, "the mind with its measurements/ OR THE MIRACLE with its heart, soul, love, respect, honor, honesty, courage, and so much MORE? The mind speaks only of body/ therefore this is your humanity. Miracles speak of LIFE, CREATION, GOD, AND JESUS! Miracle thereby represents the 4 directions of life, while thought intervenes, as the rhythms of your soul in-between. Our ability to conceive of choice, is found through the consequence of love, as it is refined by the JOYS of life/ therefore life represents the soul searching for purpose. Purpose is a freedom beyond our experience that transcends "the barriers of a parallel Universe" and finds hope. HOPE is then a direction in life, that gives JOY.

Our understanding gives RISE to our ability to create. Therein RESPECT teaches & energy translates destiny into the environment that lives within your soul. Creation is the essence of your Identity, designing the beauty and the reality that shall be your world. Identity is then the direction, CREATION defines and gives us as life.

JESUS IS THE LOVE, that inspires soul to ask, "please, be with me". Thereby JESUS IS FAMILY, It is a direction found only in TRUE LOVE.

GOD OUR CREATOR IS MORE, than we could ever be: there are NO QUESTIONS here/ it is TRUE. SOUL is then a direction in "possibilities we could NEVER have/ therefore a true gift, BEYOND life. SOUL Is our invitation to be



GOD !!!

A direction so far beyond our comprehension, there are NO words ever.

I am aware "the freedom" of these expressions will be hard for you to accept. The consequence of more complex relationships beyond the "imaginations of your mind". Therefore as you grow, these are opportunities for you to express/ and hopes for you without end.

There is NO battleground in true life, ONLY TRUST/ and the possibility of YOU!

What then is independence? It is the RIGHT and the inheritance, to accept within yourself, THE HONOR of choosing the direction, you do love. What then is love? It is a relationship formed in trust, that begins creation as a life born of miracles/ and then becomes "the light of this world"! Light is the evidence of a relationship with energy, that is "friend". JESUS as written within the bible and testified to by HIS LIFE, is evidence of this relationship/ miracles exist, because energy transforms reality. The love we know within ourselves merely reflects this truth.

The world as provided by nature is "littered with violence"/ every food chain, every competition, and every extreme. The value in this demonstrated, is the truth that food chains are used to create complex chemistry, from raw materials, especially the sun: FOR YOU. Therefore it is not crude, it is instead "the factory line, that gives you time". Competition always results whenever resources lack/ human competitions are primarily for pride and little more/ however, the secondary cause is a preparation for combat, a simple disguise. Resource loss is defined by "a lack of duty/ wherever there is or was a choice". Nature itself identifies truth and compensates for balance. If there were no volcano's for instance, the earth would spin "like a tire out of balance"/ and end in disintegration therefore necessary. Our relationship to pain is much the same; we learn because we are shown it is important to learn. These are compromises conceived within the demand to be free. Just as your ability to conceive children, irregardless of a right, a reason, or simply not at all/ you have demanded freedom, and this is a cost of that freedom; its reality to you is war/ as you fail to accept duty, and limit population growth to truth and reality. You demanded/ you received/ you must choose, and accept the consequence. Therefore the price of human freedom is the decision to "leave love behind/ in favor of want, and pride, and selfishness". True freedom learns that love is "the center of all freedom" and life is the discipline we share, to express and experience ourselves. Disease is a random predator, lurking where we cannot see/ attacking though we know not truly why. BUT our whole humanity has been held together by the truth: THAT THIS WORLD HAS LIMITS. Thereby the truth is, we are alive today, simply because people who came before us died/ to make our lives possible: think about it.

Some will insist: WHY NOT, more miracles from GOD, / let HIM intervene for us/ yet in the very next breath you say: LEAVE ME ALONE! You cannot have both/ respect will not allow it.

Do not judge this life, not yours or any other, rather respect the truth, that we exist because of ORDER, and the discipline that lets truth make it so. This order/ this miracle of life then surely has plans for us too/ BELIEVE IN LOVE!

Trials are coming (not simply legal ones/ survival trials), NOT because GOD is punishing you or anyone else/ rather this is the result of YOUR LIES, disrespect, & disgrace: you did this, NOT simply your leadership/ but your majority. Some will declare HOW DARE HE, accuse us of such things, are we not "the greatest nation, the most advanced civilization ever on earth", we are GREAT. It is true, humanity has more "things" than at any other time on earth. However if we review how you use these things, the reality becomes clear: are you safe/ is your world safe/ are you happy and at peace/ does your life represent the honesty of love/ or are you like your movies, video games, and government: violent/ waiting for war/ and without integrity, because money has gripped your very lives and made you worship it. If your pride will allow it/ then there are questions in you: HOW can we avoid all these problems? Is answered simply as either YOU work for life/ or you will surrender to world war extermination, and the slow death of mutilation and disease. This is your choice/ the only one you have! RESPECT FOR LIFE, is not a choice/ either accept truth, create respect, & understand reality Or you are going to die, and very soon. Respect will teach you harmony/ truth will lead you to peace/ & reality will demand that you must follow or fail. If you are unwilling to do these things to honor your life and the world of life/ then time will stop.

In summary, the people of Israel, in the bible thousands of years ago, were faced by this very test: to find respect for all life, to let go of "the money" and honor life. [the difference today is you are so many/ the earth and its resources are dying: so there is no time for recovery] . The Israelites decided instead "give us a king/ that we may NOT be responsible for ourselves"! Today you have no such choice, you are 7 billion people/ soon to be 8 billion people! If EVERYONE does not do their duty, allow dignity, and understand peace [at least the majority]; then you are simply doomed. YOU PERSONALLY are demanded by respect, to be fair & seek justice and equality for all. This does become an honor in you. You personally must not pretend anymore, "that you are vicious dogs/ don't come near"/ THIS is to your shame. You personally must understand the limits & disciplines necessary to life/ and then you must accept these truths. If you don't like the honesty of these statements/ then don't change, stay as you are: why should you worry or understand prophecies that warn you of death/ if you are unwilling to stay alive. After all, aren't you far "too smart" to be told anything? Humanity says it's a sign of weakness, "don't you know">

If there is happiness in our future here, it is because truth has led trust, and we followed as a world. Actually in truth, all the evidence says: if you don't attain happiness/ then war & death are the only other alternatives; and they will win.

In review, the relationship of an economy to a human society is defined by 4 major events/ sustain these and everything else will find its place: if you do not kill the earth, life, or yourselves first.

1) the issue of food, water, & utilities is as simple as sharing/ get control as a society and keep it: don't ever go back! Control does not mean power, control means care about the producers of these things, and support them honorably and honestly, BUT do not let them whine or control you.

2) the issue of health arises as a public utility, there should be so no such thing as a private enterprise in medicine [NO part of the industry, at any time]. All pay a little, those in need pay a percentage of their assets and or income. Drugs, as do all patents, become a property of the people/ NOT the inventor, and society decides: the inventor is paid according to the "good for society/ a percentage" but only up to a society chosen limit.

3) justice is defined everyday/ therefore everyday, you must watch & listen: this is something those otherwise unemployed should do: filing reports to those whose work doesn't allow involvement. There is NO PRIVACY ISSUE, in any court matter or public format/ NO CLOSED DOORS anywhere/ everything is about society and society demands the right to know and supervise: YOU are our employees, and we accept nothing less. The police shall NOT be controlled by the court/ they agree to allow law to decide, as justice provides. Where a difference between the court and the police exist, either the court or the police shall provide opportunity for the public to decide. The judge and lawyers SHALL obey the need for justice in society "NOT simply the written law/ but truth and justice": the difference is words are not lives, therefore they do not judge adequately. IF the judge or lawyers fail to support justice as society declares this to be/ then to jail they go: you will inform them clearly and with certainty. Prison is about enforcing either "YOU cannot be a part of society at this time/ or YOU must accept the realities of your life, and not punish society for your pride, want, or selfishness anymore."

4) work is "the strength" of every society, BUT without resources your work will die! Therefore education, honesty & duty, and the integrity to choose for life are all important to you. If you fail to understand/ then lies come and reason enters as the excuse to avoid truth and reality: to consume/ this is the end of your world, therefore the end of you/ you are 7 billion people, and YOU no longer have the same options as in a world that could support you: you must choose properly or you will die. A teacher is literally defined by the truth they are able to teach/ no more lies. Politics are intended to be "a dignity earned, for living for the benefit of others; the hope of finding a participation with honor for all; and the intensity of knowing these decisions do count.

The power of WE THE PEOPLE, shall be found in your acceptance or rejection of "the money". If you don't accept or allow their payment to the others/ then they have no money against you. If you control the water, food, and utilities/ then they too are vulnerable to you. Without doubt, there are plenty of weapons throughout the world, on every side. If you wish to survive, then you will care about the others. If you do not, then hate and revenge is going to rule this world. HEAR THIS CAREFULLY; as it is true of all power/ if you are lazy & stupid (refuse to learn or accept truth) these actions in democracy will turn your world to anarchy and failure. Therefore it is a friend or an enemy dependent upon you. The ONLY power available as WE THE PEOPLE, is to respect each other, the world, and the future. This is an understanding by investigation, and then vote/ this is your path to peace, only because you are in charge: what do you choose? You cannot continue in voting without knowledge/ the public must be informed properly: anyone who substantially gets in the way of truth, is thereby subject to penalty; including death. Do not accept this arrogance, it is anarchy. Let the military be silent as a force/ not as a people, in all democracy; they are about the order necessary to find peace, not the force to rule/ the discipline to sustain a nation. Let all people vote/ even down to the age of 15/ this is their world too, and by the time you implement the outcome of the vote, they will be old enough to go to war. This is about life or death/ therefore freedom has a right. We all survive by truth/ let there be no lies: to prison if the true intent is "the intent to sacrifice your lives, for their selfishness". As to employment, there is only 1 rule: teach all/ then share the responsibility. As to your debt currently/ reality demands your participation, but truth will allow forgiveness, if repentance is in your heart. As to the world view of America in this matter: do not forget, you were willing participants, even jealous: why not us.

Here the consequence & reality of power will threaten/ because neither pride, nor selfishness, nor power, lust, greed, or hate will surrender control of your lives without a fight. These all exist to make the others "slaves, to you/ or give you the reason and excuse to make them fear you, as you fear them". Therefore the question of weapons, criminals, & thugs all come down to: Who will help these make slaves of you/ will you support the corruption and degradation of your lives: if you will not choose truth, and let reality be friend not foe/ then you do indeed remove honor, and dignity.

The court is critical for peace, or violence is all you get. Wherever the people give up/ justice becomes a joke. Reality says: violence forms from the shadows of a corrupt or fearful judge/ and your failure as a society to support honesty and life. Therefore remove this arsenic of society, "a corrupt judge"/ and demand of your court truth and life. Do not surrender your courtroom: it never belonged to a judge/ it is yours. Neither are laws passed by the few, more than a representative of your rights and laws: RATHER you will find the words that reflect the honor of your society, and these will control life/ the others are an education, or a "useful tool, in the absence of your failure to provide for life in this society."

The politician is also critical for peace, instead of violence, where truth allows this to be so. These DO control whether your rights, your future, & your children's future shall be sold, ruined, a poverty, or a delight/ BE EDUCATED in all things (NOT with the vomit and ignorance of today's education/ but in the reality and truths that support life and happiness). Corruption is the "gall of a polluted mind"/ a polluted mind should not be teaching or a politician: in keeping with this truth, both politics and education should be swept clean of "the homosexual". Your freedom is not a right to distribute or enforce the insanity of simple frustrations, surrender, or your failure in courage to try again: these are not an honor to society and that is the purpose of an education.

Society itself forms the foundations for peace or violence, because these are the evidence of equality and hope/ or the disgrace of prejudice and the insane. The truth here demands respect: simply as a "minority or any such group" YOU are NOT welcome to invade with numbers or by any other means/ with the intent to change or rearrange another society: you came, because you and your nation failed to "find you a place". Speaking for all nations "our society" is the reality of our work, and our diligence to honor or not. Therefore come carefully and honestly, understand life is precious as is yours/ but work is also a right, and that right says: an inheritance is mine first. When you decide to become a citizen/ as every nation should allow in four years, WITH an appropriate grasp of the common language of the land/ then You inherit, but not before.

Every military either represents the people or power over the people/ it is not both. The difference is justice/ the reality is every soldier, not just officers or enlisted/ not just generals, but with the critical truth of basic rules that govern responses and the need to attack. Nation to nation, quarrels are for an HONEST "UNITED NATIONS" to decide/ this demands laws that govern, not people who decide. This demands the military required to "get the job done"/ all nations shall pay the cost. Alterations to the existing structures, "from all but useless/ to the single arbitrator between nations requires:

1) justice be set out by LAW, agreed upon by a 90% majority: all nations being equal/ THEN by honesty of secondary by-laws agreed upon by vote the law is set forth in more detailed form: the demand is by population the nation gets its percentage of the vote/ a 90 % majority rules.

So determined, this then becomes the law of nations.

2) Honor demands critical enforcement of every law accepted/ the defying nation is irrelevant, ALL WILL COMPLY. Or face military actions to correct the problems. There is no allowance for weapons, etc/ you will do it, because the earth demands it shall be so: If you fail to protect the earth/ the earth itself will fail, you die.

3) there will be shared assets, & resources, made available to this type of UNITED Nations/ failure to share properly will demand from the rest of the world: sanctions at every level, on every resource, every work, and every movement. There will not be a security counsel any more: NO EXCUSES! The LAWS ACCEPTED for the people of the world shall rule, No exceptions/ NO favoritism/ and No fears. Do it. Sharing equally does not mean the same.

In the consequence of mass media, humanity suffers from "a sea of mass hypnosis"/ every influence is draped in this: presenting a situation where you may criticize/displaying an opportunity where you may play "the expert or join the expert (thereby superior)"/ a discussion ensues to reinforce your superiority/ and an opportunity is provided to "pay the price of admission" into the delusion of absolute or fantasy control. Hypnosis uses these things to distort reality and define an image woven by your mind: as your own version of arrogance creates this to be. Hypnosis is then essentially the righteousness, of being judge/ and determining judgment. Hypnosis on a personal level is only a little different: it allows the image to attain "the hope this can be true". Both thereby exist because YOU have helped establish an image, rather than the truth. The american presidency is fashioned in just this way, it is not about reality but image, and the hope of being judge. It is stupid, and errant. The consequence of selling the image should be at the very least: the elected official cannot buy the party with taxpayer dollars/ with party dollars if you must. Instead if the taxpayer wants to reward the official at the end of term/ then they can deposit money for the purpose when they vote for the new replacement.

YOU WILL learn truth cannot be sold, to every image and fantasy you find: this is a destruction/ and the lies always seek to consume you. If you don't care/ then you won't live. The reality of JESUS and HIS CRUCIFIXION was the mass hypnosis of a few/ who created an image in their minds "of ruin", they would lose their power/ their place in society/ and their money: therefore HE "had to die". They did know exactly what they were doing, the mass hypnosis, was merely the exercise of an excuse. HIS murderers were merchants and bankers and priests/ not average people: HE WAS executed in the night, simply hung on the cross to finish. It is true, these people were about to lose their power. It is not true, they would be ruined/ instead simply equal. Do you fail to understand as well, that your money, power, position, or fame is not your life?

LIFE is a blessing of cold & wind & rain, of colors, gentle moments, creative touches, hopeful expressions, & brave decisions. Life is a freedom beyond human reality, because it touches eternity, & fills our soul with the "breath called love". Life is a destiny, conceived in trust where our journey discovers "the true existence Of GOD In us". Then quit hiding, from your life! Quit believing what "the other people say". Instead LEARN CREATION DOES Have an invitation for you/ it is waiting inside your soul! Let love open the door to your heart, and courage reveal YOUR honor: are you not a miracle? Can you make yourself, or any other life? Like natures food chain, the earth itself is merely a consequence of YOUR NEED for greater truths inside. That truth is:




I, have now finished the basic parameters of my work. There are no significant issues left to review or discuss for you. There are no "plots or plans"/ NO questions or intentions to lead/ you are given a VERY SIGNIFICANT knowledge base herein/ as I have been taught, for your understanding: I did not find on my own.

Whatever you do or don't do is entirely up to you/ but do remember "truth doesn't care, and reality describes only the order that exists, because discipline makes it so/ or lacks. In my opinion, "You are a world of whiners"/ constantly wanting instead of seeking an understanding with life. Even the religious radical, rarely seeks more than excitement. You worship body and mind/ and commonly discard the very means & relationships that keep you alive. My advise to you is learn. My hope for you is life. Discipline says to you: PRAY!

YOUR Critical learning demands you applaud those who "gather the most"/ irregardless of the damage they do. This will end or you will. Whether you believe this warning is also irrelevant/ truth decides, and truth says: the destruction YOU have elected to massacre the earth with/ will be your death. I need not prove it true, reality sits before your faces/ and your response is "DON'T show me this again". Change or die/ I cannot nor would not make you change, this is your decision. It is your death/ or will be your life to change. You must share or you will fight, it is a certainty.

Critical learning expects, your sexuality shall not be a game for you anymore/ this simple act alone dispenses a list of excuses, that commonly ends in wars, both personal and beyond. It is because YOU are willing to steal, kill, tempt, lust, greed, seek power, etc all just for simple chemical release (sex without life, just an excuse to escape your life, for a moment or two). Therefore the consequence of your need to escape examines your behavior, and says: you are not honorable enough, for marriage. You may not ask or control your lover. You must choose instead, to rebuild the dignity and responsibility of being a man or woman and let life decide until you do. When love has returned honestly, you will have no need for the rest. Dignity means: I have the resources inside to share my life, in the grace and friendship that has no measurements, and means no harm. Responsibility means: I have understood the intensity of my life, my feelings, my hopes, and my needs and I will care for you as I would respect my own life and my own future: in the honesty of love. You do not as a majority do these things/ instead you shop, you destroy without concern, you manipulate, and so on: why do you marry? YOU WANT To have a party/ to have sex/ to have a baby/ or because it is more convenient/ PRIDE then takes over, and you find all manner of measurements; These give you cause, and your lack of discipline removes whatever love that exists. NONE of these are worthy of the term "man or woman"/ because they are "gifts, not objects to be bought or sold".

Critical learning designs the future by following truth, and then letting reality decide. There are no paths to life/ that are not determined by truth: no reality of peace, happiness, love, or friendship not governed by truth. Reality adheres to truth, even when the lies are presented/ what is not obvious in nature to you/ is discipline: when you kill nature, it is dead. Lies are nothing more than your attempt to murder the truth: choose.

Critical learning will cause you to surrender power & selfishness: you choose to respect these "pieces of poverty", because you understand they will do you harm. Instead of this reaction/ you WILL RESPECT LIFE AS CREATION! Because anything less, will cause you to be damned. Damned means GOD no longer cares about you.

You shall understand, life is more than your fears, more than your wants, and more than your body & mind! You will learn this because respect demands it/ and without respect, there is no opportunity for you to live. LIFE IS, the expansion of your soul/ that you may create & build a destiny beyond your humanity. If you fail, then life, "your life, was sold to satan". Because satan means simply: "I chose, I failed, and now I am destroyed". This recognition of being destroyed is simply "the remnant of life" as it disappears into the wants that shall eat you alive. Hell is then the reality, while your own truth convicts you of your failures, shows you to your destruction, and reminds you of the decisions why, you are here.

HEAVEN is for life! Eternity is for those who created the intensity to survive and built a relationship that did survive. The difference is "the freedom"!

As for proof, it begins in the understanding: it is decision that gives you freedom/ it is love that allows you to desire life & hope for eternity/ it is trust that becomes the existence in your soul of thought/ and thought all by itself, convinces you of life. You have no life without recognition of life/ therefore thought exists as your life. In truth, the body lives to instruct the mind. The mind breathes "to experience the soul". The soul honors "your moments" or your moments disgrace the soul and it leaves your heart, to decide for you if you will choose life or death.

Here where decisions are born, the consequence of your truth, becomes your destiny.

It is understood that you do struggle, even drown a bit, & must fight to survive the earth, its people, & its reality. You would explain "money is my freedom, my everything"/ THIS is the way of "living human". You must understand that your ability to survive energy beyond this body and mind REQUIRES perseverance, determination, hope, and an understanding or appreciation for order & discipline/ this is "the way of life in energy/ rather than life in time." Money is your excuse for many things/ therefore it hides reality and allows you to lie, to truth/ thereby money is your tempter; because it allows you to descend from life, into the frustrations of want, pride, & selfishness and therein gives cause for all the problems of man/ woman/ and child. As such, sex becomes an excuse/ hatred a reason/ & revenge, violence, and all the rest merely the evidence of your failure.

It is also understood you expect of heaven, "to be a place where ANYTHING you desire will be provided in abundance without cost to you/ a life of EXTREME EXCESS or GREED/ LUST/ & POWER"! You could not be more wrong! Do you see anything on earth or in history that is the evidence for this? NO, because it is a lie. JESUS SAVED US, FOR FREE! So says the christian community. They too could not be more wrong/ JESUS PAID GREATLY FOR US, it was not for free! Even so/ where does it say "everyone shall come"? It does not/ rather there are disciplines and order and respect to be found, desired, and honorably loved FIRST. Some will say "the garden of eden" proves we need do nothing, all we desire is free: yet the garden of eden ended, because the one thing required/ was not done. I will tell you the truth, "once I prayed, let me share this burden for this one person/ it was done. The reality of "weight experienced" for a short time, until it could be discarded was very surprising: leading me to the conclusion JESUS SUFFERED MORE , than I or you could possibly imagine. This in real terms had to be, "more than a miracle"/ thereby it had to be "GOD WITH US". I say to you, HE DID "take away our sins"/ not by religious doctrine and other rules or lies, but by the honesty of HIS LOVE REVEALED. A sin is the demand for proof, where you are the evidence/ but refuse to accept it. A sin taken away is the honesty of acceptance, where JESUS is the evidence.

You are a miracle/ born to be invited into eternity, or mercy as in heaven if you desire, and "the Houses" Of GOD : for everyone, it is so. If you refuse to believe this simple truth, then you do deserve the reality, that you DO ask for. In death there is this warning for you: VERY MANY enter wanting sex/ this is the embodiment of lust, and lust cares nothing for you/ it merely expects and demands to USE YOU in any way it can. In destruction there are no barriers/ therefore YOU cannot say no. Do you understand this consequence? On earth, there are those who are attacked sexually/ this is NOT your fault if you are attacked, it is not to be your destiny, or your hell: begin again! Instead this is the evidence of true lust, given for everyone to see: want sex (lust) in eternity, prepare for continual rape/ man or woman! The evidence and truth of lust, that is rape completes a reality of need in humanity: you fail to recognize the eternal consequences, because life in destruction means no love whatsoever. There is an additional reality of some small consequence: a few are begging for an escape from suicide/ believing sex will save them: they will descend instead. Either way, if you are attacked, begin again. Pray and you will be helped.

Those who like war, do so because they expect to become important. Those who like to make terror, do so because they want you to be their slave/ and hear you say "fear them". Those who like money, simply expect to demand superiority. Those who "think primarily of sex" simply WANT To escape reality, defy work, and prove they are "winners": they got what they believe you want. The politician wants your praise. The religious want your money, so they can lead you, and make you follow them: some honestly work. Those who desire love, understand freedom and the discipline that gives life peace.

I do pray for you/ more simply GOD Knows my soul.

I will give you some advise: excitement is nothing more than not knowing if you will live or die. It is a game for idiots! If you understand the truth and accept the discipline that precedes order/ then what occurs is expected and simple. If life is understood, then nothing of death exists: death is merely a moment captured in time, within which your life changes from "body to soul". Look again at your body, the eyes, the ears, even the seal of your gums to your teeth, and a reality of at least 6 billion individual instructions: all to give you a life here worth harmony. This CANNOT be an accidental occurrence! To think so, means you are insane, mentally retarded, and without truth. Adaption is merely the evidence of "perfect design" and no more. It is clear that some will refuse to accept any learning/ because they believe bravery starts where learning ends; they are "standing up, for themselves". In reality, they have been "run over" by the others/ because lies cannot stand reality. Bravery is merely the acceptance of pain and punishment/ because you do believe it is necessary for the purposes of your heart, and the commitment of your duty. Learning is your relationship to discipline, and it does design your destiny. NEVER forget mercy/ clearly and for sure, it shall become the most important reality of your life. An education expanded by soul, through spirit, is an opportunity to experience the various levels of a dimension through the various & consequent reactions that play or interrupt the order of your mind: granted only to those who do NOT hate, do not allow pride, and do not accept selfishness: It teaches by the intensity of reality, through the consequences of life, and by the terms of energy. Simply if you desire life, then "be naked with yourself"/ Meaning: do not lie to yourself, or cover up the truth, or change truth: instead clean your heart and mind and accept yourself and all life as equals to you/ be fair to yourself in life as well: why should you not receive the same? Do not expect sacrifice will buy you anything/ it buys only retribution for not accepting love, as the only truth you need. Remember tomorrow, because today will end, and the rest of your life begins again.




Money is just an excuse to hide in the simple associations, without honor. If you have money and honor/ then you use that money to educate and relieve the common stress and distress of life on earth. Being poor merely asks of you: to participate as best you can/ to learn and accept discipline/ and find happiness in life, rather than things: all are worthy realities.

It is clear to me, that I do have a need to educate you, as humanity as much as possible/ without doing any harm. While this sounds "arrogant"/ it is merely the consequence of a world birth rate of 2 million more mouths to feed each and every week. It is a consequence, that although you are not starving in the vast majority of the world today/ one of the main fertilizers for production agriculture is almost gone/ over-fishing and pollution is robbing you of seafood/ global warming is going to have a severe impact on food production as seafood and in land production of foods/ and your universities are doing their best to destroy everything in one big catastrophe. If you do not become educated today/ you and all life on earth will simply not be here "tomorrow". As such some things are added.

Time is a proclamation in sequenced energy. Thereby creation is a display in order, defined as a beginning and an end. Our energy as life has expanded to control "this our universe, called earth". NOW comes the truth, that if you do control, then fate is dependent upon your decision as humanity/ while if you do not control; chaos is not only imminent, it is your participation that requires it. Humanity lives by reacting, this results as the depression of continually being pushed which then is expressed in reckless abandon of life, and asserts a defined but finite reasoning in fear; these establish a selfish want, over love or life in all who have no strength. This is your description in time, and your future is written by it: as armageddon comes quickly.

HOWEVER life is still respected By GOD And YOU can change your destiny. LOVE, TRUTH, AND ALL THINGS HOPED FOR, PRAYED FOR and DESIRED for life can still be yours. You as a humanity and the earth and its life, can still survive/ but you must change.

It is certain people will demand a sign among other things, that proves "their expectations shall not be met instead of tragedy/ that these are the consequences of their ways, decisions, and actions/ that their lives are going to change: EVEN if they/ you choose to hide from the truth and lie about reality. That proof will be an economic depression, starting from America, & going literally across the world. While you fear this (and rightly so), it is a blessing to you/ because the path of consumption you have taken will quickly exterminate you. And you will not quit until you are required to stop. This is a reality! Therefore economic disaster is your chance to change, and to rearrange society and your decisions about your world/ before they declare you dead.

If you fail to take this message seriously and design & decide for a NEW AND BETTER world, at this time/ then your world, the world you now control, shall show you, "To your truth". There will be NO MERCY/ because pride knows only war, when nothing exists but hate.

I am NOT your leader/ I am ONLY a messenger/ do what you can, this is your opportunity for life, it is NOT mine. Again I do say to you, by the quality, intensity, reality, truth, and the foundations of evidence used, "That I am convinced these statements are true". Therefore it is by the evidence of education, a message between life and death: A place visited ONLY through an invitation from GOD HIMSELF That this message is also true: you are in jeopardy of becoming extinct/ learn or die, change or be lost forever.

Your "universities" will laugh & applaud, at a statement such as this one: all fool's do/ it is their way. But I do remind you, as the humanity of earth/ the evidence of your over-population/ the resource loss/ weapons of mass destruction/ and the coming storm of genetic mutilations {how pathetic you are, to squirm inside the delusions of playing god, and demand "you deserve to be here"} will prove the words correct. Prove instead, that your universities are not only blind and exceedingly arrogant/ but that they are not your executioner as well!

You are granted this message as your opportunity to survive/ not because of me, not to punish you or get you to obey (freedom does not allow this)/ rather because you are LOVED, and plainly this is for your benefit/ not you subservience. The consequences of all your actions are multiplying everyday/ and soon you will have done so much damage/ that the cascade of failures in all critical area's of life shall condemn you to death. This is JUDGMENT! And there is no return. Judgment means literally the END of mercy.

I am a plain man, simple in many ways/ I do wish you well, and I will hope for your lives, and a time where only love, joy, & truth will encompass us all. The games are over, even if you don't believe it. The time to live or die has come/ therefore you must choose, to have life.

I do not intend to give interviews/ although I will make an exception for the 3 people who granted me an interview: one tv, one radio, one print (even though, it was edited out) if they ask/ anything else is a matter for court. Court in the matter of trials necessary for you to survive, is up to you ! If you do not choose this, then my job is done. My face/ my form/ whatever is mine, belongs to me and you may not sell it, use it or abuse it without my written permission. Some will call me aloof or unsocial and worse/ because I am a bit solitary. This is necessary/ because these words DO challenge the greedy, the so-called powerful, the violent, and more: how can anyone be invited to participate in this? The words written for you, all that is for your social benefit is however given to you/ it is yours it is not mine: these belong to all humanity.

LOVE is an answer/ but only truth can survive.

As time passes in waiting, reality again returns with the consequence of your actions and decisions as humanity. You are "in crisis" and don't even know it. Therefore only a definition strong enough to cause you to awaken to the danger before you is apparently enough to help you survive. I have talked to society through these words, as person to person with more words, all that is left is parent to child. Therefore the question is: how can a child who lives to want, to destroy because they choose not to follow truth, and who hides from all things necessary to grow up/ be told your days of childhood are over: NOW, you must grow-up, learn to survive as life, and accept the responsibility demanded from life itself? That answer is always truth, therefore perhaps the essence of life itself describes the discipline that you must enter within. The danger is less, for you to know such things/ that it is for you to continue, or enter into life and future without heart & hand creating in time through love. [I found this discussion to be wrong/ the introduction is left only to clarify, love does have concern for you, and your life: there is no power intended here].

Instead the words will be more simple. Of critical errors is the disrespect you each show for your own lives: you allow a few to lead, a few to command & demand, and a few to convince you the majority/ that you are not as smart as they are. You are deceived by your own fears of failure, your own experience of self doubt, & your own expressions which have turned out wrong. Now I say to you, look instead at where you are: you are NOT "saved" by them/ you are simply waiting for tragedy, playing a game you cannot win (they will change the rules/ nature doesn't play)/ or proud beyond stupidity, that you can control the others. BE FREE TO RESPECT YOURSELF, find your vote as an educated participant: as WE THE PEOPLE. You are the vast majority, and you shall control/ it is your employee who must be trained to obey. JUSTICE shall lead you, truth shall declare what is right and fair, and reality shall decide. Anything less and all of society shall fail. If you are not equal with each other/ then you will war.

Of critical errors is the pride and selfishness which you used to defraud & destroy the faith and trust in America, that did exist as a expectation of justice, a place of peace and safety. How do you explain your debts/ your pollution/ your excess as anything less than a war against these things: your intent was and is "to take, and return nothing". This is the description of thieves. The question of motive, is NOT criminal/ instead truth allows it is an exercise in "I want to control too". Thereby "university" provides the key to most, but because only a very few can actually be "rich"/ the game exists, that many can demand much. The world plays too/ believing it is better to work within the lie, than not to work at all. But the game is "take mine from the others/ take mine from the future/ take mine from the rest of the world: but do not ask me to pay". This is a university decision/ because it is true, the working men & women would never have dreamed to create this debt/ they know, they would be killed instead: it is the university which led the way.

Of critical errors are the sexual games you play: sex is NOT a toy. It is the "working men & women" who conceived this game, and play as a means of controlling one another. By their definitions "it is something to do"/ even though MANY hearts are broken, and lives changed forever. Sexuality "bares the heart", rather than the body/ therefore between man and woman a bond must appear, or life changes/ because people hide. Deviant sexuality is used simply as a means of slavery: SHAME ON YOU! The sexuality of youth is either "discovery out of control, or a very specific design to experience adulthood now". Be happy with your youth/ it leaves soon enough. The honesty of work requires that disciplines be learned. The demand for freedom asserts, "sex is the only option I have, for freedom", IS nothing more than an excuse for selfishness and the pride of conquest [I planned, I maneuvered, I attacked, and "I planted my flag"/ WINNER]. Men and women are the same where sex is involved as a game/ the purpose is very similar. Thereby simple sex is not about "people"/ it is rather a tragedy driven by greed and tempted by chemicals, used to injure large portions of the people. Where love and respect exist, sexual interactions are a benefit to all adults/ love allows happiness to respond from being accepted as life and hope. People choose to make other bodies their property/ the purpose is pride. This is the tragedy, that pride is an enemy/ therefore you become an invader. Honest sexuality is an understanding in need, that honors the gift of life, with the blessing and evidence and benefits of being friends. The only other purpose of sexuality is "the sharing of souls". Sex can be used/ but only when truth says, "this loneliness has made the heart grow weak/ this one needs a life to say I do care: DO NOT sacrifice." Understand, that to care, "is not a one night stand, sex will not cure/ rather it is the evidence: help comes with patient acceptance, taught by kindness not sex". Be kind, be fair, but be wise as best you can/ stop the games and learn the difference. If you will choose love, then know the path between man and woman is created in trust, if you are not worthy of trust, then why do you seek another/ it is hell to you. Accept love, it is the blessing of honor, "wrapped in the dignity of respect, and found in the treasure of your soul." love is then an existence called eternal, an expression built within the structures of your own truth.

Of critical errors is the intensity of your dislike for learning/ without thought there is no freedom/ without discipline there is no hope. Therefore these two combine where truth desires balance, to create the order called life. Your balance allows life to establish your existence, & thereby support your survival. Without balance, you die in the world called energy/ because action and reaction does have consequences. The critical error of believing your body is your life/ rather than comprehending your life is defined and designed by your thought, and its contribution to the balance of your energy, is your failure. You have assumed with your mind, that reality is born with your flesh. In truth order creates the environment that demands energy to build. That order, and its subsequent control by nature [genetic instructions], of you/ is the evidence called your life. Its creation exists in thought/ its bond with energy is the honesty formed where balance controls the existence of time. Many will suggest time cannot be controlled/ HOWEVER time is the evidence of destruction, due to action/ reaction/ or the consequence of energy controlled. When these achieve balance, control and direction stop/ therefore time itself awaits your decision. The definition of life then begins within the consequence of "light"/ the relationship we have with creation that achieves question, advances freedom, & inherits the right to choose.

Of critical failures, the want to be superior/ to be greater than the rest; is the establishment of power. Power is the fundamental dysentery of a crippled mind. Pride follows through the vomit of displaced aggression. Want creates the destruction & disrespect of all things, all life. And selfishness defends all forms of violence as necessary to the survival and demands of life/ because "they are out to get me/ they cannot be trusted with anything". Here you have arrived at evil. The term evil means disguised by the body of man or woman/ but defined by "the inner voice" of hatred. Hatred explains, I will survive and thrive, even if it is by murder. Therefore the plots, plans, fears, fantasies, & paranoia all begin in the destruction of your identity: to complete the illusion of a living human creation. Instead, that which is truly evil has simply died inside, killing the humanity and leaving a predator in disguise. Evil is then your acceptance of "a dead soul: YOU killed / YOU decided/ and now only hell is left".

Of critical realities, what is prejudice and war results from the truth of over-crowding, & the consequent demand: someone has to die. Prejudice is the preparation of "reasoning", used in the mass illusion & hypnosis of those in the majority to design an excuse for why they intend to kill the others. it is a mental disease established by fear and competition/ where the truth of no resources becomes the battle-cry: they are different! Even so, the reality of no resources is "either them or us/ our children or theirs"; and truth accepts few other compromises. The world will soon face prejudice from all sides/ because the lack of resources will end your economies, and all the rest that you have done, will enforce your failures. Even though depression comes from lies in the economy, the end of economies are like the beginning of a desert/ there is no turning back: unless you truly hurry and pay the price. Hatred will come, [if you don't] and your decision will be made to fight for life or accept the encroaching death: death being the evil inside of you/ or more correctly, the reaction that destroys, rather than the decisions that sustain life. If you will not face population control, and the rest/ then you are simply "the living dead". In all these things the honesty of "how did we get here" is fundamental to the preparations to remove the lies and become "ourselves as life". The critical reality is image, the critical truth is want, & the critical failure is a lie/ that you can be what you are not. All this starts with want, want is the consequence of jealousy, the reaction of "I WANT" Whatever they have, only a little more/ so they will admire and look at me, and ask me. These things are about pride, and the open desire for an image greater than what you believe you are/ this is an image. Want says: if I find a goal, a way, or a method to make these things happen/ then I shall have their admiration, and they will accept me, in the way I want to be accepted: I PROVED I am worthy. Reality defines this as failure, because whatever you want is dependent upon "others wanting it to". If the others don't want it or reject it/ then no matter how much you have paid to get whatever it is: it has become a "piece of trash/ worthless and for the garbage". Your image is gone/ and the next worthless image must be found/ or you become depressed. These things are lies, because they are not valued unless the competition says they are. How can this be you/ it is their values in you, and your lie about what you honestly desire from life. The honest desire is clear: you want to "be somebody" to the others/ it doesn't matter how. The honest reality is you are a miracle/ therefore you truly are SOMEBODY period! The critical test is then why do these others not like you/ or why do you desire to be superior? The answer to both is found in your disease: you are infected with the intent to play god and make people be what you want them to be/ or make you what they would want you to be. Neither works/ it is a life that you possess, and nothing else can possess you; unless you fail to accept the integrity, and honesty of being a miracle yourself. Be who you are/ and quit "looking out the window of your mind" to see what someone else has, so you can measure yourself. No one can measure a life! If you try, its because you want power/ if you desire power it is because you have failed to find life.


Of critical truths, the foundation of every lie is want/ the reality of every thief is arrogance/ the expression of abuse & violence is simply selfishness, that cannot be satisfied/ and the experience of every terrorist, all types, is "I want power, to prove I am a god to them".

Of critical shame is the pollution of all things from the water you require, the food you need, the society you share, the noise, the environment, just everything you do. I find in you no respect/ or very little. From the little things to the big things all this must change/ in an over-crowded world everything counts.

Shame is a battleground defended by your desire for life/ but attacked by the intensity of your pride, as proof of who you choose to be: either as truth or as lie. What is evil is a true disgrace to you/ a disrespect to society, and a destruction to your life. If you cannot defeat your pride/ then you will die: it is that simple. All these and many more can be said to you, because you are children. You particularly your universities, are literally in such denial as to the damage you have done/ the true needs you have created/ even the miracle of your body & world, that you cannot be called "grown-up": you play games, and when reality comes you cry & whine, "how can GOD do this to us". Even though the majority could NOT be farther away, and still be alive as human. Look again at your own body, your skin which fits you/ your bones, to keep you from crawling like a snake/ your joints, your blood, your heart & lungs: EXACTLY WHAT, can you do without? Evolution says, "a piece at a time/ we have chosen ourselves". These false priests, and they are priests, because every religion says, "it knows"/ and no religion can prove: unless you believe.

YOU the humanity of earth are very lost and because you are in disgrace from all the arrogance: you do face a life or death crisis/ made by you. YOU are crucifying nature. YOU are mutilating genetics, the order and discipline of your body/ the reality of your integration with nature: you are too pathetic for words! YOU have made & committed to the heinous weapons of your worst nightmares "and call them your saviors". YOU are a sad expression of freedom without discipline, a life without respect, and lies without remorse. If you will not change, then to your own hell you shall surely go.

I do say to you, each one: it is time to grow up! That means simply, with honesty, it is understood that being human is an experience with time and the ending of time. Therefore you do strive to express & experience all that life here can offer. The result of this purpose is a temptation to make the others pay/ to decide before I die, I must! This is a child's mind, believing only what can be seen or touched/ reducing life to the simplicity of "me". To achieve the intensity of man or woman/ it is necessary to understand the pathways that extend beyond physical descriptions/ beyond mental conditions or measurements/ and communicate with SPIRIT. Spirit is a composition born within the embodiment of truth/ while truth is "the power" that represents eternity. To believe means, you have ascended beyond action or reaction to achieve a participation as truth/ while truth leads & you follow, reality allows life to establish a critical structure that bonds with energy itself. Truth & energy explain the relationship we share with life, both male & female, as the essence of knowledge expanded to complete the existence of fundamental separate entities (an identity formed) that must now be bridged together through the intricate care of love. Love shares the soul/ true love is the honor of life as it cleans and shapes the environment of hope and the essence of family. Family is our entry beyond the gate/ the barrier/ because of trust/ as it shares the honesty of experience and forms the basis of life. We explains growth as the discipline of family and we adheres to the consequence of responsibility.

You are not simply physical & mental/ because you are not alive until the reflection of your soul, establishes GOD to you. Life is then the understanding of participation in the UNIVERSE, and your honor to achieve that possibility. The work is complex and simple. Complex because it demands your complete attention at times/ simple because the primary reality is a desire to learn and a respect for all life, and the integrity to ask honestly for what you do need/ want is NOT invited. Pride is NEVER allowed. Humility is an opening door.

Our CREATOR is not simply gone/ rather life means, defined by order through the existence of thought. thought thereby contributes all that is freedom, love, hope, honor, duty, or any other part of living beyond this simple existence. To be grown up is a challenge to you, to honor life itself, that part in you called freedom. That reality in you called choice, and accept thought/ as the environment that is your home, and will be your home in eternity. Your ability to understand this statement is irrelevant/ do you understand your body or mind? Thought is the creation of eternity in you. Here, you are now to understand survival as life in this universe is dependent upon truth, thought, mercy, and the consequence called trust. If you do not accept each of these/ then eternity shall be no more "than heaven" at best. Critical to the destiny called trust, is the wisdom of truth. Truth survives because it does not contend with games. Humanity designs and plays every game, as the consequence of its reaction. You are to understand now, there are no winners or losers in truth/ it is life, death, or loss: nothing personal, just truth. Trust is the opposite extreme, there are still NO winners or losers in trust/ it is however intensely personal, and only love matters. Thought exists between an identity and the relationship freedom requires from intensity/ this density compensates order within creation as the experience designed by hope. You can gain nothing by playing games with life. If you choose to react rather than understand and think/ then you have become the prisoner of energy, and it shall do to you whatever truth allows. Mercy is the only barrier to truth/ nothing else exists. Humanity then stands at the crossroads of truth/ you will change directions as a majority, or the actions you have taken will take you prisoner and truth will become the executioner of earth.

I deliver this message, that you may have a true opportunity to change/ that individually you may each one have an opportunity to change/ that life on earth may have the opportunity to survive. Anyone, who would suggest anything less is merely demanding "follow them", or don't change anything, "I have mine". Truth and reality agree, life on earth is about to change dramatically and forever. The only question is: if you, yours, humanity itself, nature, and all life on earth will live or die?

I am NOT your leader/ I am just a messenger, and this is my job: to deliver this message From



Do not be so surprised, look in the bible; are there not many messengers? I do say this is true, not by some voice or command or any delusion, but by the evidence of its reality and the investigation of truth. I have not been so taught, without cause/ therefore the only cause that exists is this very one. You may disagree, it is your right. For my part, the evidence is real and the honesty is sufficient/ to say this is so.


Critical humanity says: "Fear monger/ deluded manic/ egotistical religious nut/ and plain stupid bastard. Do you not? Critical humanity says: GOD Does not care, does not exist, is just a crutch for losers. Do you not?

For all the badgering that is sure to come, I remind you of these simple truths: Truth doesn't care whether you believe, or cry, or die/ therefore do not believe, if you wish. I remind you clearly, it is not my words but the evidence against you/ that I do report to you, in clear and unmistakable terms. If you despise truth/ as some do; then clearly what truth is about to do to you, is also irrelevant until it arrives.

The questions presented by "anything deduced as religious" irregardless of its origins, are common and certain to be ridiculed. Why should they not, because religion is simply "lets make this ours". Believe it or not, I am not a religious man. Instead my clear testimony here is as if it were a courtroom and given as is necessary in any trial, that those who are to decide may have full documented information/ before they make their decision. If however you do decide simply because of me: as I am not on trial, but the evidence of life or death is/ then you have cast yourselves adrift, and will be without anchor. I am only a messenger/ therefore nothing you can say or do to me, has any influence upon the outcome of the message.

As to "religious nut"/ my past will envelope the term and give it substance. The road to life is complicated, and only JESUS has been guide to me. As to egotistical: I say this kind of thing to you/ because it is true; and this is a trial. Again I am not on trial/ therefore only the truth as applied to the evidence matters. The questions that occur, are not your concern/ however if you must, then I say to you: that humility is an absolute requirement to proceed into truth and life. Nothing else matters if you are not humble enough to know your own identity is not worthy to be "in this light". An education is no small matter, and I give it my all.

Reality says, people will want a simple statement to make them feel better. Therefore ignorance is best/ prejudice and ridicule the time tested methods. As to "bastard", I just don't care what you think of me/ so I will tell you only, "the information we are given in the bible warns, of every word you speak".

Some will argue, GOD Does not exist/ or has left us adrift and without "supervision". BUT THESE will be the first to say: "Let me do it my way, GOD has no say". This reality proves it is in fact your decisions, your ways, and your arrogance that leaves this world with less supervision than it needs. You want it to be so/ until your decisions fail/ then you cry, but do not change.

Some will argue GOD doesn't care about us, or things like the tsunami in Asia would not occur. People were killed without warning, they weren't doing anything wrong! In reality GOD DOES care about us, or we would not and can not survive: believe it or not. The question of death is not a question regarding eternity: eternity exists whether you die early, quickly, slowly, in righteousness, or pain, or hate, or violence: it simply does not matter. Therefore the issues of planet upheaval and so on, are not questions about eternity/ and we are here to choose our eternity. instead these are questions about time, and the pain of being left, or having lost "so much". To that comes the question, why were you not taken as well? The answer can only be: it is not your time, as you have not yet chosen your fate/ or been dealt with because truth simply did not come where you stood/ in the same way as to the others. These are physical realities that are governed by actions and reactions without the consequence of decision/ they are defined by the elements of risk, and the "roll of the dice" did not claim you.

You do not want GOD In your life/ as so many generations before you. Therefore you are subject to the world HE GAVE to you. Which means simply, where predator and prey must apply the boundaries/ that life may continue on earth: You shall also be subject to these realities. It is the truth of this experience, that humanity has gained control over much. NOW instead of predator and prey (including war and disease) the reality has come, that YOU MUST NOW CHOOSE for yourselves. Critical decisions have eliminated the balance required by nature to survive/ and YOU must now make the decisions that shall keep nature alive/ or you will die with nature itself. As you do/ it is certain war, with all your weapons of mass destruction come with it. Or the truth says; it may well be, that genetic mutation, or a whole host of other truths/ which humanity has given birth to, shall come to exterminate you instead.

Don't like these truths? Too bad, you as humanity have always wanted to be in control of life on earth. NOW YOU ARE. And if you fail to be serious about living, you are truly very certain to die. The evidence cannot be denied? Come against me, or the others and try! Are you afraid?