In the final questions "of a day", honesty asks: what is prayer? The truth replies, prayer is your approach to the boundary between this life & this soul. Here in RESPECT for the reality, that we are neither "true life, nor completed soul", love asks: teach me, for I do not understand! Therefore prayer assembles honesty, where life is the classroom/ soul is the teacher, and hope becomes your participation in destinies beyond your comprehension or control.

Prayer BINDS these 3 participants into a spiritual existence that begins its journey towards "true life"/ SPIRIT means capable of communicating beyond the limits of humanity, To ask of GOD , will you please teach me?

The questions of life begin as energy, and ask: what is the difference between time & eternity? Energy replies that time exists as the controlled & stepped progression of consequences as they relate to fundamental forms of expression & experience in basic relationships of order/ mass enters within time as the environment completed by this order/ & discipline defines the relationship of all 3. Our relationship to energy explains life as the composition of a sustained experience, which can be directed as the expression of a limited freedom. Therefore life itself exists as "sustained energy", & freedom offers a consequence of order & discipline when conceived within limits. Soul provides these limits, {as to go beyond, means the dissipation of energy, "either slow or fast" then becomes the end of your identity. Time thereby provides an order of dissipation through the consequences of living mass, which disciplines the composition of your identity into relationships based upon the respect of limits, & the destinies of distinct freedoms. These prepare you for life beyond time, by introducing you to reality in small and deliberate volumes. Reality is relentless, because this never changes.

These foundations apply critical understanding to the single development, that is our responsibility: do you desire life? Life is not about chaos or destruction/ life is not about want or selfishness, or hate or the rest/ LIFE is the critical acceptance of fundamental "families", which unite to contain and express an environment conceived & sustained by thought, but experienced as the expression of love. LOVE enters within the destiny of freedom and asks: may I participate in your journey? LOVE thereby assembles the spiritual existence of a composition created in thought that completes the decision of life, in honor, as the message in truth of SHARED destinies: wheresoever you shall go, then so shall I/ for whatever cause concerns you, I too, shall be there/ and so on, as one. Energy is a place of purpose, therefore integrity demands its fulfillment. The understanding of this truth, means that reality is always contributing to the decisions of life.

These are not definitions of "parallel universes"/ these are "different dimensions" of our only universe. Your opportunity to understand these things herein, resides in prayer: NOT in "placing your order/ but worship and honorable relationships."


There are people who will ask of themselves, IS LIFE, really worth all the effort? LOVE asks, do miracles of life really exist? The answer is yes to both! The universe, as we know it, suggests, "either you are alive, or merely the existence of particles without a basis in freedom (a rock of some type): life is an opportunity, not merely an existence. The HONOR of your life is, the choices you are allowed to make. The truth of your life is, that freedom to choose means the responsibility of consequences. In time, there are accidents; associations built upon the truth: "I didn't know/ I didn't realize/ I didn't think". These are "friendly failures to you" even if the accident is or is to become devastating to one or many. The result of an accident is the learning explained in truth & consequences/ this knowledge offsets its method or behaviors accordingly. An honest accident requires forgiveness/ even if the price is high: if a life is damaged by you, you do owe.

The games of lawyers & thieves, which use the court for selfishness, rather than for society/ are a lesson in compositions & environment. Where the lesson of an accident instructs the opportunity for change in society/ the value to the others is an appreciation for their own lives and the opportunity for change, saves many failures. Where lawyers are merely "well-dressed criminals", the lesson is "predators are everywhere, there is no escape"/ justice is a crime dressed in the wardrobe of a whore. Whore means: those who sell their soul, for little things [money is a little thing].

Applied to the value of living, it is NOT life, that gives you concern/ but the dishonor & disrespect of that freedom called human life. The reality in freedom that consumes rather than treasures the experience of honor & respect. You are more interested in other people, and their words/ than you are in life itself. LOVE transforms honor, respect, & truth into destinies BEYOND value, to create in the experience of our lives, a JOY, unlike any other experience. JOY means: complete peace, "a union in soul". Here opportunity graduates, as the expression of all things GOOD. This is "a moment" where we truly encounter soul.

Surrender the fears, but do not be stupid/ surrender the suspicion & superstition for this IS necessary to your beginnings in hope/ surrender your anger & your disrespect, because LOVE will not accept you , if you do not! DO NOT "look to the others"/ HONESTY does not compare. Instead assign to your life, that blessing that befits the MIRACLE you are, and know inside "that your heart, is on your side"/ therefore you are now 2, and not simply one. Know that your soul gives you life, therefore TRULY, your soul is on your side, and now you are 3! Be kind to yourself and join the truth of your existence/ NOT as a "leader, ruler, or slave" BUT as the identity designed by your CREATOR : a life of "hope, life, & soul". HOPE is a destiny proclaimed in desire. LIFE is an environment "that completes my world". SOUL is the relationship completed beyond the boundaries of existence as the journey expressed as thought.

Believe in life, NOT in "the others": WHICH do you believe is greater?


because HE IS, "The door" into new & different experiences as life.



Do you think, "you can breathe, with one piece at a time/ can a heart work without blood or oxygen or vessels or fundamental truths: IDIOTS, say "life was built one piece at a time"; PROVE IT!

Instead of the body: you do know, that your existence resides "as the freedom to think, to recognize, to comprehend, & to decide. Therefore the existence of "comprehension's beyond the body" commonly recognized as human thought, does explain life to you. Truth therefore asks: which relationship is more important/ "The body that expresses your decision, or the "thought" that grants you a decision & makes your body alive"?

Without thought, freedom does not exist/ therefore without thought, life does not exist! Truth & reality therefore agree: "thought comes first"! Here the possibilities become endless/ therefore the damage of human pride, selfishness, hate, & so on CANNOT be granted further understanding. What is for many "the foolishness of their ways" simply controls the reality of their arrogance, and the rest must wait.

For now, the blessing of Matthew 25 is enough. The talents are not money/ but LOVE extended from OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN To us. The work or gifts granted is NOT, "as love simply given to others/ BUT LOVE returned by us, to OUR FATHER ,because our souls grant this gift.

There will always be mistakes/ LOVE repairs, "the bridge, that is our life, connecting our own hopes, to our soul". We are joined, in this life to soul/ BUT we are not, BONDED as family, into eternity, UNLESS we do accept the RESPECT, required of us all!

Give your LIFE, the opportunity "To hope" as Mark 16 provides, and give your soul, a destiny completed in you/ that you may know it is true.

Why, should you be less?

For clarity, hope is not a "whimsical dream"/ hope is the existence of faith, the kind that accepts life, understands respect, and designs love in return.

For understanding, "in my life" the spirit that lives inside allows "a door" to be revealed from time to time. I am allowed to enter, {just as you will be} BUT ONLY when pride is cast away entirely. NO ONE enters the spiritual world with pride/ NO ONE! IF YOU DO, then your destiny is designed by the relationship your pride has created/ and that relationship is based in darkness, because you are hiding from the spirit, what you believe you can keep. Never, investigate what is not love or life! I once investigated psalm 23, because there are many area's of contention within its words. By its definitions, it cannot be encountered without fear/ therefore a small amount of fear was accepted, the admission price. The 23 psalm is about pride, and a relationship based in fear {fear is about the hidden realities of your life/ because life is about spirit}/ it leads only to the question of who owns the fear/ therefore darkness is the destiny: and you will be confronted by its owner. The old testament is about fear, and behaviors in law/ pay the price, and sins were forgiven. Those who paid did not fear. The new testament is about truth and the reality we cannot pay for the sins we create inside ourselves, therefore the price of forgiveness is change and the honesty of our repentance. Pride is a very serious enemy, it lurks beneath most of our behaviors: only true humiliation brings it out completely: and then either pride wins, or honesty changes you. That you or I may look closely at the pride inside, and then discard. My own life is assigned by the truth, "I have been a janitor" constantly cleaning what is in error inside. You will do the same, unless you have no interest in life.

Humility is for "The spirit" to ask/ it is not for you to design. Humility is about you/ not the others. The reality is as simple as: dignity means by the constant desire in your soul. Dignity has nothing to do with behaviors on earth, humility is instead a question that divides you, from the others, for the purpose of loneliness: to accept the relationship that truly matters, love must allow order to assign reality. Love is then a relationship designed by need, where life must be disciplined; before love can begin its journey into your heart, and within spirit, into your soul. Love is the expression of true freedom, born in the experience of happiness as if nothing is held back: therefore joy arrives. Pride is your enemy, because life is completed by truth/ and pride only wants; it does not share, it does not create, it does not care, & it cannot define harmony.

Humanity will accomplish the task of justice for all, IF you choose life. Humanity will learn the disciplines of working together for the benefit of all, & deal with the honesty that is our relationship to this world. Humanity will honor & respect life itself, through the miracles we do understand it to be. Humanity will become an orderly world, wherein equality means, shared happiness. And humanity will vote to sustain, protect, & select the laws for themselves, which govern your lives.

This is the price of freedom, the cost of survival, & the hope called humanity. If you refuse any of these, then understand; that terrorism is only "the match"/ because frustration, starvation, want, power, lust, greed & selfishness, WILL EXPLODE into a violence beyond anything the world has ever known. It is the reality of competition that creates violence, and with every single day: "population increases confront us all/ the garbage dump swallows your very ability to survive/ people challenge your ability to be fair/ & the world itself, dies just a little bit more."

You ARE NOT "leaving earth" for another planet! You are NOT going to control 6 billion people! You are NOT going to commit genocide upon the others/ it WILL be committed upon you. You are not going to enforce who shall have children/ who shall receive food/ who shall work and who shall not. YOU WILL share the experience, & the work of life, or you are going to fail.

Not, because I say so! Because reality will force you, and truth shall make you obey. Here discipline will be conceived as the enemy/ and WORLD WAR 3 shall make you extinct: by bringing you HELL on earth.

These rules are your guideline for BASIC reference. That each may know his or her duty & rights. And that each one may bring to life the opportunity to survive, or the desecration called destruction, which will cause your death. People will fight against rules, "an everyone but ME". Because fighting is about want/ & not about justice: war is about the last demand for justice, when otherwise you die anyway. Therefore truth defines your existence as an appropriate education in honesty, through understanding.

Honesty says, your medical realities must be dealt with. The natural order of life applies. Wherever the respect for youth shall allow the honest possibility for a full & happy life, the child comes first: set the rules. Prenatal care comes second: honesty determines the level of intervention: decide what is fair, to all! The young adult comes third. The parent fourth. The worker fifth/ BUT every right, to a complete or useful body shall be held as his or her due! The elderly are sixth. The old are last. Therefore money/ time/ & other resources are all subjected to this hierarchy: because physical life (nature) says this is justified.

The old shall be entitled to whatever pain relief they want. The old shall be entitled to encounter the "cold or heat, and let nature take its course". Society shall by hearing or judicial consent/ apply nature, to the reality of the old when it is clear and necessary for society. Death comes to all/ then whatever eternity shall be for you begins. A few seconds more, IS irrelevant. BE KIND to yourself, NOT sacrificial or suicidal: be fair.

In the matters of dating, access is "everything", to the opportunity to join another in love/ if you are hidden away, HOW shall you be found? Explore ways to meet each other. Sexuality is your contribution to the experience of someone else's life. Therefore whatever you contribute shall: "Comfort, or distress, or design their experience with life and others". BE CAREFUL, what you do. Sex as an escape, is intended to control the environment of your participation in each others' life. You will learn "next to nothing", about the other by substituting sex for honest acceptance of each other. BE PATIENT, and learn honestly "if this match is joined for you, by love."

As to voting: every person is entitled! Therefore ANY VOTE, which causes resource destruction or other blight or distress upon the young, by invading their future to come: SHALL be granted to "these people" as a vote in favor of their future. You shall count their votes, in your decision. You shall NOT say "they benefit now, FROM YOUR SELF-INDULGENCE. You shall give them a true vote, not "put your mark here/ until the age of 18". This represents your honesty & honor, for their time on earth, and eternity is watching. BELIEVE IT!

Like it or not, the most powerful people on earth have become, "The women". They control birth, & that means they control your future and theirs/ IF you try to control this from them: you ARE GUARANTEED HELL.

The least powerful of all, are now those who call themselves leaders/ for all they have, are the tools of your extinction. The dead have NO power, & these tools will kill them too/ therefore it is only insanity that believes it is power. WE THE PEOPLE, do not hold the keys to our future. Instead truth controls, & reality will decide. Therefore the decision you make cannot guarantee our future/ it is your work, that matters. YOU HAVE DONE, substantial damage to this earth from your lack of respect: I DO STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU PRAY!

I warn you again, this is no game.

This is the reality of life & eternity, or death and hell/ decided upon the honesty & honor of your own truths. DON'T come to me, I cannot save you: BUT DO remember YOU literally are saved, by the terms of life By JESUS ! ACCEPT, & no matter what happens on earth, YOU shall enter into life.

In contrast to your expectations/ you are largely very poor parents. You talk, rather than listen. You intend to buy, rather than teach. Your pride drives you to abandon your child for wants. Even your love must fight with all your distractions. It is NOT a lack of intent/ this is only a lack of reality, a fantasy designed by fear: that you may not measure up/ or in your mind did not measure up/ or are scared your child might not be good enough. STOP MEASURING, and be honest, accept reality & choose wisely. LISTEN & teach the disciplines called order/ that your child may accept reality also, and learn to choose wisely, and with courage: by the truths of what living means. WE ARE ALIVE, define what that truly means: begin with rocks/ and learn the truth, that an identity is a composition created in miracles. Miracle means; NOTHING on earth could have caused this/ therefore our relationship with life is a gift from GOD .

"The mentally challenged" say, this statement/ this answer is too simple for their "intellect." Therefore throughout history men & women have made up stories, to suit themselves better. Some became religions, some are merely excuses to command "follow me", some are simply disguises for a thief. ALL substitute truth and evidence and fact: for the vomit of their fantasy, and the ignorance of their pride. Pride is an ignorance, because it is a thief whom you have invited in/ that thief is there to steal your heart, if you sleep. You KNOW pride is about "the game"/ yet you choose to be the loser, because you know pride must win or it shall become violent.

The question erupts: is there a difference between pride & the identity called me? The answer is yes: pride is the ignorance & resolution to be STUPID/ while identity defines your understanding, & wisdom causes you to stand. The honesty required to "rise above", simple survival, is HONOR. The honor created in the true search for wisdom, is RESPECT.

FIND YOUR SOUL, it is beyond the simple respect, where reality combines truth within the family of love, & a relationship is born, with your CREATOR.

You are more that the simple mind given to you at birth. You are more than the experience of power & pride, the "displays of a predator". You are more than the expressions of fear, failure, or hopelessness, "the signs of a prey". YOU ARE a possibility born within your own creation, as an identity. You are given a journey past the boundaries of time, where life is literally "a truth in energy, through thought".

As it is in this world, what you personally do with your opportunities, decides your fate. The evidence of time & miracles apply thought, as the single indicator of freedom, while love expresses the only true joy. Therefore it is this family of thought, love, & joy, that represents eternity. YOU are invited to be these things, and share the experience. The evidence called eternity is then described by the boundaries in your own heart. For thought, has NO true boundaries. Love has NO true ending. & JOY means: "I will never leave".

Time exists but life expands & becomes the experience of freedom, just as destiny becomes the evidence of time. Life therefore MUST enter the meanings of freedom, & become the evidence of a life everlasting. THOUGHT contributes everything to life! Therefore the question to you is: HOW does thought exist if truth knows, thought preceded life, as we know it? Life is NOT an accident.

YOU have NO true respect! Therefore you Must learn, or this TRUTH would have you destroyed, for your lack of respect.


If you have understanding, then you will recognize and respect That JESUS Described his life by HIS BLOOD, which meant HE GAVE us an incite into eternity that could be known NO other way. HIS BODY, or more clearly the life HE LIVED here on earth was meant to allow us, to see what our own contributions could be. This message, is an extension of HIS TEACHINGS given for you: everything of value, that I have learned comes from HIM.