Throughout this message, the need for understanding HAS been the "most necessary" truth, for your survival as humanity. This critical reality HAS been met, and now the final partition between you, & your life or death as humanity may be recognized. It is your destiny to choose for humanity, the blessings or curse that is to come. Therefore understand this: the decision is found in the truth that is your life/ respect proves, your decision/ despair proves your lack of respect: work for the reality you choose, and do not be turned away.

It is a part of human history, "to build idols, and therefrom graven images", of ANYTHING considered to be powerful. These words ARE powerful, therefore as a messenger it may be, that some among you will wish to create an idol: therefrom you desire to be "priests, soldiers, worshipers, or whatever". IF you do this, then the WARNINGS From JESUS HIMSELF , shall come to bear down upon your heads in judgment against you: and what HE WARNED of "the son of man" shall come true [read Matthew 24]. If you use this body of mine, as your example of blasphemy to prove you are gods/ or if this body is used to degrade this message as "trash" [read Matthew 23],without your full commitment that it shall not be so/ then know the words are TRUE: do not even consider the earth or your life/ PRAY FOR YOUR SOUL QUICKLY! The reality of this message, brings an education which shall allow you to finish the interpretations of the book of Revelation/ do not fear, have faith.

In the days of the American civil war, the people originally thought to themselves, this is just a passing little skirmish/ but they were wrong. Reality proved the south thought of the slave as necessary to their economic survival/ particularly since the slave represented a financial investment they could not afford to lose. The north considered the reality to be all they had escaped from to be starting all over again. They fought and they had died to remove this blight of ownership, and the absolute control of a few over all land and rights. Therefore when engaged in was a real battle, with the Negro placed as the excuse. Today you are facing the same, the only difference is now greed is at the center of the battle to come, and you must choose between freedom and power. The battle has already been lost for the greedy/ the money you worship has been lost, therefore all that is truly left is control of the masses: because the greedy do now control the food, the work, and the government. Democracy is your weapon to defeat them and allow honor, duty, freedom, & life to control and build your new world. If you fail/ then greed will control you, and the weapons you have said to yourselves "this is our protection", shall turn upon you/ and poverty wipe you from the nations of the earth. You may disagree, but truth will decide.

I am just a plain man, clearly taught By JESUS HIMSELF / that HIS PRESENCE may again be revealed in our lives, "and HE may again SAVE US, from ourselves". Do not be alarmed that HIS physical presence is not as a body among us: HE DID THAT! There is NO need to repeat it: we are saved! It is the meaning of all that HE DID FOR US, that is now extremely important to our survival, and in giving these words to you: those meanings are provided as HE promised. I am merely a student, delivering as I have been taught to do.

IF you, fail to learn the difference and insist upon "idols & images"/ then YOU SHALL DIE, even if in other ways, you are beginning to learn. DO NOT do this!

I tell you for sure, CLEARLY, I am the same as you/ we are equals. My life is not more important than yours/ but if you use me to "spit in GOD's FACE" (so to speak/ because of the message I bring) Then know for sure, the difference is you. My only difference is "this job, assigned to me": and whatever work or struggle or need as may be assigned to me/ or to you in this our future. Whatever is given as my work or struggle or need/ NEED NOT, concern you! Just as whatever is given to you, is also your concern, and not my judgment to make. HELP EACH OTHER, is the basic truth of the second commandment: therefore DO IT. Don't just talk, do it.


I will tell of this purpose in me, it is




LOVE AND JOY FOLLOW, therefore understand that honor completes your life, just as PRAISE defines your soul.

This truth you must learn: that action & reaction are the destruction of life. To survive, you MUST learn to accept thought, allow truth to lead, & reality to decide: and give wisdom "Your heart". In this assembly of knowledge, you shall also learn the needs of society DO encompass the honesty of conversation, the reality that all those of any particular nation MUST be able to talk to each other with understanding. The STUPIDITY of multiple languages is a failure in every nation, for it divides and conquers equality, and makes for prejudice and the consequence of disrespect. You have 2 choices, either every nation should allow only one language or, one language for the world, should be practiced in every nation/ with the language of that nation : a 2 language world, one for the world, and one for yourselves. It is important/ how else shall you know what justice is, what need and duty are, what is true about our lives?

EVERYONE OF YOU ARE CAPABLE OF THIS/ NONE have been "left out". Therefore only you can decide. There are NO excuses.

This is not the end of the world, this is the beginning of

a new day/ either in this world or the next.



As this writing now ends, the consequence of the journey does come into view. I do NOT regret its cost although the solitude was necessary, the reality has been somewhat less than pleasant, but the joy of honest work in respect for my CREATOR, and my SAVIOR more than compensated.. My desire is to HONOR GOD


Therefore this work IS, and has been a blessing to me/ because I know, that it does. It is not my right or my work to proceed with the message beyond its trial, that would dishonor the message by placing my life, as important to the message itself/ and I will not. Therefore you the reader, must expand the work as GOD allows and provides within your soul.

It is certain "the mental walls of humanity" will form, that the words may "not touch"/ because pride would be lost; it is certain that a religious few or more, shall accuse me of "being satan," here to mislead, therefore it shall be said"we shall kill him"; it is also certain those who believe they are powerful & rich, or proud & vain shall also attempt to destroy my life: therefore no one could be asked to join: simply, it would be unfair. The foolish believe in their numbers, even though reality demands you are bankrupt. All things due to bankruptcy, are open to change, by vote and by law WE THE PEOPLE then does come to mean whatever justice will allow: and it allows many great changes. The religious will say, "it is satan, that says you cannot have all the children you want"/ even though reality proves that over population is and shall end in your extinction. You cannot be, completely free and without responsibility anymore/ you are responsible for the decisions you have made, and the price of those decisions and all those lies is coming due shortly. It is woman who must make this decision to control childbirth, and give humanity the chance to survive/ it is not GOD , because HE Made you free/ therefore the consequence of freedom is the responsibility of your actions: like it or not. It is woman because "if even a thousand or more men were alive and only one woman/ there could still be only perhaps one child born every nine months. But if there were a thousand or more women, and only one man, there could still be very many children born. It is clear & certain this is not fair: that women should bear the brunt of this decision/ even though men simply cannot. Therefore serious consideration and honest respect should be given to the women for making the proper decision, and men should give to them accordingly as they might ask: in ways that benefit all society. (Perhaps government positions, etc: be honest and honorable). Men who have vasectomies do not enjoy intercourse anymore, therefore to insist means that both sexes shall suffer the consequences (the sperm produces and releases chemicals which make the release pleasurable: without sperm there is NO chemicals, only "hot sticky work"). Work to make the sperm LESS virulent is necessary. Abortion is NOT POPULATION CONTROL, it is a murder, beyond an approximate 40 days after conception. Prior to that, reality says is must be dealt with as a truth, with consequences only the mother truly controls.

In my life among you, the conversation or need for assurance seems almost endless/ but the content of that conversation is actually "silent"/ because "talking with your heart or soul, brings tears and demands change, and expands acceptance of all life/ therefore selfishness, pride, and revenge all must die. {Talking with your heart or soul also brings intimacy and the need for others, or the need for GOD} GOD WILL ANSWER YOU! Not in words, not in suggestion, not in struggles or failures or successes/ BUT in the simple truth of soul. (You will know). People use conversation, to control the others, rules were created, opportunities controlled, prejudice aroused, and jealousy born (these mimic the actions & reactions of herd animals/ who may not proceed beyond distinct limits) "because predators exist". You were never intended to be "herds, packs, or animals" YOU were created to exist within the definitions of honor, by the means of respect. The bible says: humanity was given the opportunity to live in peace and honor and absolute security. It says, the people chose gluttony, sexual misconduct, and laziness, and then became violent and abusive: then came Noah's flood. [there are many realities of the earth, that prove it occurred]. Unfortunately, many in humanity love the simplicity of action/ reaction, and the ease of selfishness to the honor of love. The reason is also simple, instead of "flitting through the flowers, as a butterfly devouring beauty"/ the human experience adds the measures of violence, the offerings of body, and the reality of environment to its needs. If you look, this requires a level of awareness that does not allow for "the simple mind, with nothing to do but: scratch its ass, and wonder what chemical endeavor would feel good for a moment". This level of complexity demands/ therefore it is a constant in humanity to "work backward, as a reaction" to disassemble and destroy, because they WANT, something they once experienced/ when it is found, all is abandoned except the want. THIS IS FAILURE, as destruction is not creation and you must begin, at the beginning to assemble respectfully and with courage: people do die "doing this very thing"/ therefore fears are born. They die, not because they had to, but because respect failed in them/ do not venture into complexity, until you are honestly respectful. Do not fail in simplicity because you were simply afraid. In the existence of human conditions, it is always possible that anything to do with sex will be abused, used, and sold. Therefore understand this: that sexuality is for your blessing, not for a toy/ but for the honesty of your soul reaching out into the opportunities of a shared experience, as love would define it. You do not own each other/ you do not own your children/ you DO have FREE WILL, therefore if you proceed in all manner to demand children, then why are you surprised to find children arrive: this is a choice you have made/ NOT a choice GOD has made for you. If you end pregnancy, DO IT QUICKLY, in the first 40 days, or not at all/ unless it is TRUE, that the medical reality demands a choice be made: the mother comes first. CHOOSE methods that do not make you pregnant, unless ALL involved DO CONSENT FIRST/ then be certain to provide as is necessary for the child: this is NOT a game/ not a pacifier for you/ not a toy for you to play with. BE FAIR to all, and RESPECT THE CHILD.

To be a child of GOD means you shall venture forth, and live. More simply, you must see the miracle that is you, and express a need to know more.

We are miracles, therefore everything begins at the miracle itself, the questions that follow rely upon understanding, yet miracle means: an unknown reality defined by truth, which explains our world. As complexity enters your experience, the reality which follows examines miracle through the grace and blessing of respect: truth is "the narrow door" which leads to all complexity and life/ therefore truth must be followed as it exists, NOT as you wish it to be. Truth says, that miracle cannot be described by humanity, it does not exist in intellect or mind/ it shall never be in want. Therefore the question of love asks WHY, and gives the answer: simply, WE ARE LOVED. The soul is asked, please explain: but answers in only hidden identities. THOUGHT alone gives this beginning its home and refines experience into definitions that complete the composition of miracles as a "portal between the different dimensions of life itself". Miracle then asserts its existence is a "dark wall, or curtain" from which we find its expression not as humanity/ but in the composition of "bridgework" that allows the possibility that brings us a clue. Miracle thereby means, a relationship formed between dimensions so different, that one dimension cannot enter the other/ yet one influence, gives the other dimension its life. What is beyond this wall, cannot be simple or plain/ it is more than can be measured, it is more than can be shared: we must choose, one or the other. Miracle thereby explains our lives, as the journey formed by love, as love grants to us our lives. The existence of love enters complexity to transform our lives beyond the constant of physical existence, to encounter the experience of thought and the respect of living. Have you never understood: the beauty of your senses, the astonishing respect of what hearing, sight, movement, taste, smell, touch, order & discipline, comprehension and the values of all that lives means to your life? Have you never understood, that love means "an openness to your soul, an opportunity, like no other".

For a short time, I was deaf/ it is a different experience than expected, for while the lack of common sounds could not be denied/ it was the lack of internal sound, that most surprised me: I simply never recognized that "heartbeats, breathing, blood flow, and more were constants in my life of sound, that I had grown so use to, I didn't recognize they were a part of my hearing. The purpose of this story is then about life and how you too, must learn of all the things we do take for granted/ and then revisit your experience as life to recognize the honor given to you. The lesson of the life I have led, simply: what you do truly desire shall come to you/ IF you are patient, diligent, and willing to pay the price. Desire does NOT describe "a reward"/ rather desire is your "materials" for building the bridge of life. Life then explains, that purpose exceeds faith, as the builder of this your creation/ but faith exceeds life and purpose by designing "the path of your soul" over this bridge you create. Faith is NOT "blind or ignorant or foolish"! Faith is the discipline "that walks in the path of miracles". It is impossible to understand/ yet it is possible to believe: here the term "faith moves mountains"/ gives respect, its grace in your life: those things which stand as obstacles to your movement as the companion of miracles, simply are turned away: because faith is more important. We need not participate in the extremes of life/ although I have, because my own journey allows it/ rather we are miracles, EACH ONE, and only you can deny the opportunity!

It is noteworthy to add, many of those who do know me "at least a little", do fear the words I write/ because they know I write only when tears are present or coming, and life must or will change. Conversation is enough, only when life is simple/ the written word is better, because the mental wall cannot come/ unless it closes "the words". People hide because simply: NO, I do know that I am wrong/ but I WANT this to be! Therefore avoidance hopes, "this gamble will let something else or someone else change/ that we won't have to". This does not work/ this does not happen/ it is simply delaying the inevitable. This fact does "sadden me slightly", because all humanity is like they are. You gamble, because you want/ you hide because you hope another will pay, that you might not. BUT THIS MESSAGE is not like that/ you MUST NOT HIDE, you must not gamble, you must not say to the other [you do it]: or you will die. I DO wish you well/ BUT I DO also forewarn you, it is time to grow up and honor your life, with respect. The realities you have placed as obstacles to your survival by fear, selfishness, gluttony, lust, or whatever all threaten. If you fail, then these shall seal your fate/ and human existence end. If you continue to separate into groups, relying upon prejudice and bigotry to control "your turf"/ then you shall surely fail. If you allow honesty to honor your individuality fairly for all, then you shall surely do better.

The question of life ascends from the moment in truth: "when I AM ALIVE", becomes the witness of miracles exist in your life. Each answer creates the destiny of your experience. Many stop at sex, believing "this is the best life has to offer/ even though they are not satisfied". Sex is an honesty, that touch reinforces the honesty "I am alive". Sexuality offers intimacy, therefore an escape from the silence, that has descended upon this world. In intimacy, you do talk to each other/ until arrogance makes this too, "a game". Intimacy is the value each attributes to the other, it is formed in moments, and found in respect. The existence of life, cannot be a composition in mass/ life is the meaning of energy itself, NOT the measure of any kinetic or potential mass/ but the honesty that "locks our union" as an energy in this time. We are "a destiny in motion", but more importantly our creation means freedom. Freedom lives through the resource of thought. Therefore the composition of life is as energy, thought, and the presence of soul. We are allowed to enter soul and participate in this true life, instead of just time/ if we choose, and accept the price. Soul comes to mean, a miracle in you that ascends from the miracle of your existence, to the creation of your life as energy/ soul is the vehicle of change, the vessel of eternity, and the truth of LOVE received by us. Soul is not "a voice inside/ not a religious deity/ not a creation of yours" soul is the value assigned by you, through the intimate knowledge of the miracle that is you. Life comes to mean then, simply "we are sustained by the miracle that is life/ we do not control it/ we are blessed with it." If you have no respect for your life, then you have no life in eternity/ repent and accept reality, for you are a miracle/ and you live within that miracle until the day you die.

A question presented is then: what is a life essentially without consumerism/ except for "poverty"? The answer is: PRIOR to the population explosion of today, the answer could easily be viewed as a "congregation of people" per each locale, that needed the others to survive and enjoy life. This became sufficient cause for respect among the majority/ & sufficient honor per individual worker (contributor) to create a relationship of value regarding life: so long as the survival was simple. As survival becomes a competition reality changes, & respect disappears in favor of critical consumption/ irregardless of the consequences, "because someone IS going to die". This is a resource reality, & it shall never disappear from the earth. Therefore the consequence of life or death, DUE TO the truth about resources, population counts, & personal decisions, all establish reality as "your choice". The accumulation of individual choices, produce social consequences. The constant in a social decision is: "Why should we suffer or die/ let them; and the war begins." thereby you can see, that want, selfishness, lust & greed are the foundations of war/ whereas pride, arrogance, & desperation are the forces pushing society to war. Your population explosion HAS altered the balance of fundamental existence, by disrupting all constant patterns enforced by nature as the methods of survival, for all. You DON'T care, if pollution destroys/ if the sea cannot support your behaviors/ if the heat you release, or the chemical you abuse alter the necessary functions on earth, or anything else: until it comes to your own survival/ then you fear and react. You don't share with each other, because life is a competition to you/ therefore a game, and in a game you can only be "winner or loser". Because you play, the rules are long, because you cheat each other the rules are an oppression. Thereby a method of enslavement.

Consumerism has been "like food is, to the very obese/ to you". As it is to them this is your chosen sport, and its purpose is "to PROVE, no one can stop me/ I am in control". Just as they hide from the truth only "peeking out occasionally" to understand and then reject the "gravity of this failure". The consumer hides from the truth of how much damage, YOU are directly responsible for: even though both are not without knowledge/ both are then identical: the only difference is the very obese hide on the inside, & the consumer hides on the outside: life views them as equals.

These are then actions & reactions, that develop into the compositions and attitudes of society/ prejudice & bigotry & corruption are all then merely simple methods for establishing who is to be "predator, or prey". Whereas critical intent to control, enslave, or hide forms the boundaries of a "pen, to keep the food animals contained". This is basic humanity, as described by simple logic. Logic means: this is EASY/ let us do this! Therefore ease & logic work together to form luxury. Luxury is the basis of every chosen judgment/ while survival is the foundation of every simple judgment: violence is the result of both. Luxury is little different that theft, as it takes from those who have very little, and demands more from those who have only "just enough". The question of life, versus the constant human cycle of gluttony and then depression: begins as this understanding. Life does NOT survive. Life chooses the foundations which support & honor life itself. The difference expressed is: survival reacts to the demand and consequences arise/ while life itself seeks the question, understands the truth, defines the reality, & then remembers "we are NOT simply alone, the consequences to all must be dealt with": therefore wisdom presides.

Happiness resides in freedom/ therefore honesty says, "the greater the freedom, as honor & respect & learning describe", the greater the joy of any civilization. Security resides in EQUALITY/ therefore justice assigns the consequence of war, according to the social reality between justice and the common individual. Survival itself, accepts the honor of a decision designed in truth/ therefore truth controls because, love cannot. Love is the ascension beyond all common experience that allows creation the opportunity to teach life. Therefore life is not about sacrifice, survival, or time/ but about experiences beyond common experience and transitions that change us from creatures dependent upon food; to living expressions in thought. The difference is from simplicity to complexity as measurements cease, and the expansion of journeys begin. A journey equals the energy of its beginning, therefore thought is an environment in energy/ but also an experience in destiny. This is the beginning of trial, an identity raised from obscurity to the consequence of its truth. The establishment of religion is a lesson in sacrifice, not a development in education/ but a beginning expression in possibilities. Religion is then, "the fetus of a child, ready to be born".

There are religious people who fondle the expressions in power, of realities beyond themselves. There are lovely people who do their best, or at least try. There are lonely people who fail at friendship because humanity is harsh, & many times UNKIND. The understanding of even some of these truths in this message, gives to you, THE DUTY To respond appropriately and help your world to survive/ the duty is yours, and you will decide.

I have described some of the costs to me, & now I do ask of you, "to pay something of your life as well/ to stop the insanity and survive. This will not wait/ therefore find a companion, PRAY, And when the SPIRIT ASKS YOU (You will know) , I do hope you will respond with life. The honor of your gift, the blessing of your soul. This is your opportunity, NOT your judgment: therefore BEGIN/ it is failure, that judges without mercy.

Read JOHN 3:16 of the BIBLE

And be at peace/ if

Your spirit allows.

HELP EACH OTHER. RESPECT EACH OTHER. SHARE & CARE WITH EACH OTHER, and survive. Hardship is coming, therefore prepare and remember this: if you will not share/ if you will not care, the weapons you worship and sacrifice to ARE GOING TO KILL YOU.

Sexuality is not going to save you, or even allow you to escape from thoughts of death, truths of hell, or failure in your own heart. Sex is not your toy/ food shall not be your god/ these "soft addictions" are merely the evidence of loneliness, and if you choose life, then loneliness shall end. If your choice is death by the lack of respect/ then nothing shall aid you, mercy shall end, and your life shall condemn you.

I DO WISH YOU LIFE, I DO WISH YOU HONESTY AND HONOR, I do pray for your world and your humanity: but this is only a request, a prayer that recognizes reality. Again, I am not your leader, not your anything/ I am a messenger, and this message is now delivered: therefore my work as of this date is done. I will appear for court, and as required for this work/ BUT YOU are the workers, this is about your life, it is not about mine. There are NO SACRIFICES that can be made:


Therefore understand clearly, it is your decision to live in harmony and with honor and respect that decides your fate. There are no armies, no rebellions, no "religious demands" to be made: this is a decision requiring the majority to establish a new reality or die. This is about life or death, NOT WAR! You cannot control respect, either the majority choose it or you simply die: the balance of judgment shall tip one way or the other: and there shall be NO GOING BACK!

Be aware this is your decision is all ways, I cannot/ you cannot/ they cannot make you decide: this is personal to every human at every age, alive. Truth will decide your fate/ but it is YOUR TRUTH, therefore no excuse exists. Life is a decision, therefore the consequence of your existence is formed by the decision you make. The foundation of every decision is either in love expressed in the appreciation of your soul, through sharing, caring, & equality/ OR it is hatred formed in the ease of selfishness, where none are equal, & worthy means only, "what will you do for me/ what can I take from you".

The question that supports your eternity is simply: are you god, creating power through the control of other lives?

OR, are you LIFE, being blessed by GOD , with an opportunity beyond imagination? TRUTH knows your answer.

For now, our existence is defined by the critical truths that formed this world, ourselves, & those realities which have sustained the earth from its, & our beginnings. Fear & the advent of weapons so powerful, they literally can cause extinction, have brought you the honesty: YOU, the human experience of life, HAVE created for yourselves an abyss of fundamental failures from which there is no escape. IF you cross the threshold/ there will be NO MERCY: humanity and the earth shall end. Therefore the question of life, the question of humanity, the balance between time & eternity which is the earth, all rest upon the decisions EACH PERSON shall make in this day. To step away from extinction, & find RESPECT. Or, to blindly continue your certain march into eternal destruction.

If you run, hide, fear, refuse truth, accept lies, or just plain cement yourselves into your current pride and arrogance/ THEN you are certain to die/ buried in the hell of your own creations.

ONLY HUMILITY, HONESTY, HONOR, RESPECT, LOVE, & TRUST, in that order, can give you the possibility of living: The opportunity of HOPE. The treasury of beautiful experience, & the expressions of value without end; and so much more. JUSTICE begins this journey, and life will choose one direction or the other.

No one can make you choose/ but the failure to choose a different path, means the road you are on can only end as extinction, & hell for whosoever continues: this is one earth/ and there is no escape from the others, any more. You have by reading, hearing, or by thought, now understood enough through this message either to convict you of your pride or grant to you the humility required to change and to survive: there is no "half-way" reality you may choose/ this is literally life or death, one direction or the other and when the balance tips your decision is through. Therefore you personally, have NO excuse/ this is your life, their & your future, & everything the earth means to you: DO SOMETHING USEFUL NOW! Or live & die within the truth, "YOU, just didn't care enough".

Some will "point at me" & say many foul and disrespectful things/ they do this to drag you away from your decision, to make you forget your life hangs in the balance, not mine. It is again your own choice, to be dragged into a competition of whether I could represent evil or good: instead of searching for reality and truth in your own lives/ this would be hiding in fear, an intent to judge me, rather than find respect and change. I strongly suggest you worry for yourself, and forget my existence/ I am the messenger, and no more. My destiny is chosen/ look to the message, not to me.

The message is:

PRIDE is about to murder you.

ARROGANCE is about to murder life itself.

SELFISHNESS is the tempter, you call satan.

POWER is your chosen weapon of extinction.

GREED is your chosen denial of equality/ the demand for WAR.

LUST is your personal decision in "the worthlessness of life".

FEAR aligns all these FAILURES, to the one clear objective: a focus called INSANE.

HOW could you not be insane, and choose all these things?

Life stands, & says to you: BE HUMBLED, AND STOP this insanity. Then turn back from your purpose of extinction, and find your soul. Even if you have sold your soul, to the disgrace of all these things/ there is still a place above hell, where happiness is known. DO NOT judge anyone, including yourself, find love and honor, and love will follow.

LOVE never hurts you, it is human failure that does that. Love NEVER leaves you; death is only a partition, because life completes its journey, through the soul WE SHARE. Expand your reality, and face truth in eternity/ through the honesty & trust of MIRACLES.

WE ARE NOT "left & discarded" By our CREATOR!

JESUS Proved this is TRUE!

History in contrast, proves humanity has always solved its problems with "a stick, blade, gun, or by leaving "/ therefore reality says to each one: your leadership cannot save you: there is no place left to run, we are increasing in population at 2 million people per week/ therefore each week 2 million people must be murdered to sustain this population: weapons will not work! Therefore you MUST learn the ways of peace/ THESE BEGIN AND END WITH JUSTICE!

No leadership means simply the fundamental control is by the majority, not the minority (leaders) who decide "that a tantrum" must lead to war. Want cannot lead you/ not of any kind, because your resources will not allow it: ONLY TRUTH can lead, and REALITY decide. Only the value of life, inside and accepted by your identity as soul, seeking a true reality consistent with honor can cause you to survive/ nothing less will do. When a true threat as recognized by the whole world exists/ then as a world you must react. You WILL solve your population problems honestly. You will solve your resource problems by those who have more, shall be doing with less. You will solve your boredom problems with honesty & equality for all. OR YOU WILL DIE. The discipline necessary, is defined by your relationship with life: do you desire life, or do you only want? To want means, nothing but competition wins your approval/ therefore the game is your life. To desire life means: I have found in my heart, the passion for an existence in reality. I have found in my soul, the intensity in thought of an eternity beyond survival, that reveals truth in the expression of love, hope in the abundance of miracles, and honor in the gift recognized as creation. I will treasure and reveal, that love.

If you do not desire life/ but want, then truth shall allow the murder in your own hearts to "win". Your life, your game, & your ending, are then a justified reality to your design: hell comes quickly. It is called murder, because your decision is to take the strength & courage of another, for nothing more than your pride.

YOU, were born to be free.

YOU, were given life, to realize the BLESSING.

YOU, were LOVED, and given love in your hearts, so that you would find your own soul.

YOU, were offered eternity, forgiveness, & hope to recognize your destiny!

But you have sold these for worthless things!

TODAY your relationship with GOD Is being judged!

This is your LAST chance for RESPECT.

This is your LAST opportunity for LOVE.

This is your ONLY opportunity for MERCY.

Because failure, means hell is coming.




The last words of this message are these/ This is about a lawsuit & trial, or more clearly your opportunity to discuss, initiate, & determine your future through PEACEFUL means. The actual trial is for your benefit. The actual trial is UNNECESSARY, to this message or your decisions/ instead it is merely a formal beginning to the decisions humanity SHALL make. The outcome of the trial can help you, irregardless of its verdict, by producing clear & concrete relationships, by proven fact, of how & why the court, the government, or business & society have been swindling you or helping you: you decide.

As to the judge involved, NO contempt will be allowed. If your ways are not for justice, then detail by detail, law by law/ the words of your superior, SHALL BE charged against you: there are NO legal authorities in the United States of America, beyond the constitution, the bill of rights, and the declaration of independence: PERIOD. We the people, MEANS by our decree/ and these words are that decree. The constitution allows for interpretation, NOT change of basic parameters or foundation principles/ this is a traitorous act. This lawsuit is entirely based and built upon the foundation principles and basic parameters of these documents , therefore YOU HAVE NO CASE AGAINST IT. The construction of legal duty and fundamental right as democracy allows are the basis of legal procedure, and the right of rule/ they are not controlled by simple rules, they are the authority over rules and do control the court. The authority over all aspects of government, or social design within the boundaries of the United States of America are controlled by the constitution, the bill or rights, or the declaration of independence: PROVE THIS IS NOT SO!

Therefore understand me clearly, IF WE THE PEOPLE is not clear to you, or if you don't see the tears which soak these documents, & the blood which stains their words/ then I WILL "Be pushing you, very hard".

If on the other hand, society is uninterested, or merely wants to be entertained/ by my own discernment, this could be a very limited discussion. NOT because I have changed, but because neither the message or the lawsuit are for me/ and if humanity is too arrogant to participate to this minimal extent/ then they are abandoned.

I DO charge EACH ONE: "No matter who you are", With the reality of this choice: if truth does not lead you, & reality define an understanding in you/ then the LIES you love, WILL become your future: as the consequences they have created for you.

BELIEVE AS YOU WISH, it is your life or death.

It is noted and understood, this human reality is largely a fight for freedom a demand between people to let me be/ this controls the primary purpose of most human motives. It is noted, the relationships detailed by human enterprise do contain large amounts of work & personal sacrifice, for the sake of an "honored human lifestyle". It is noted, the needs of humanity are not simply chosen/ they are intrinsic and integral to the identity of a human being.

In contrast, TRUTH and nothing less controls every destiny, & every fate/ there is NO choice, truth does rule EVERYTHING. Truth says: freedom is not free, but the existence of opportunities based & chosen within the foundations of truth & the honesty of reality/ freedom is therefore the consequence of understanding, knowledge, & wisdom. LIFE SAYS, honor achieves the discipline necessary to respect the order and learn with courage the transparencies of fundamental survival. Truth is NOT a choice, it is a reality that you choose to recognize and form a relationship with/ OR it is a JUDGE and the day always comes, when truth demands the lie be consumed. MERCY is the only pass.

The questions and answers of human life are defined by time, not the disciplines of truth, therefore your perception of possibilities is ALLOWED to be dull, that your lessons of life may not be severe. You have passed the point of no return, by the possibilities of time. You MUST now encounter the realities of truth, as life decrees them to be/ or your end in time is near.

Truth declares this to be so/ your arguments therefore may not be directed to me. Because truth is the existence of an environment, its energy, & its participants. Your participation can change/ but it does vote death to you, in this day. Your environment is dying, robbed of its most sacred ally (the time to heal), you are killing the earth/ therefore it does vote death as well. This energy you have chosen by your own decisions to collect and command: waits only for the single second needed, to destroy life & the earth forever.

PRAY, that these votes may change/

Because they do predict your doom.

IT IS a foundation of life, that truth will govern. Our relationship as energy to the experience & expression of life confirms that energy is "not a toy". Without time energy shall exist as an alternate state/ wherein your "misbehavior" causes consequence: therefore YOU MUST LEARN! The human mind deals exclusively with measurements, therefore look closely within the miracles of life & earth, and understand just how pitiful all your excuses have truly been. BE HONEST & BE FAIR, or be dead. Thought demonstrates love as the environment of its gentleness, the hope of its pleasure, & the honor & honesty of its purpose. Thought articulates the basic foundations of courage, strength, life, dignity, integrity, duty, & responsibility through discipline and order/ and instructs through time, the basic realities of truth & consequence. SOUL, your relationship with OUR


gives you respect, and with respect comes the opportunities for sharing & caring. Love asks of you: WHAT do you desire? And you answer according to your heart: the place inside where truth asks why, and you answer "because of this".

The journey of life, is the distance your mind demands to control your destiny. Your fate is determined by your acceptance of truth as leader & friend. Your trust participates inside, to create the disciplines of your freedom, & your love decides your place in the harmony of eternal peace, called FAMILY.

Do not be simple, & let your mind measure you a fool. BE WISE, & understand the life inside of you, is a GRAND REALITY that cannot be measured, cannot be an illusion, but is IN FACT: YOUR INVITATION TO ETERNITY, in love, freedom, & joy. You are invited, (even everyone) BUT you must accept/ there is NO alternative. MERCY extends not from the facts of life, but from your intent.

If there is an expression suited to open this message to your heart/ perhaps it is this: JESUS DIED FOR YOU/ Do not focus on the murder weapon: search for communion with HIS HEART. If you are honest & true You will find it!

I am just a plain man, do not come here: PRAY. [ Prayer is not "an order blank"/ it is a request for the presence of GOD In your life, AND the lesson, the change, & the values that come with GOD'S PRESENCE !

Do not be afraid, BE RESPECTFUL.

As to my own life, the desire to learn has exceeded all other things/ the desire to be clean on the inside, allows reality to establish whatever shall open the doors to reveal the truth inside. Truth defends all things, not by human definitions/ but by the relationship created when honesty meets desire, and life meets the foundations of your own truths. Humility is worth the price, because nothing less will reveal your own inner secrets/ this nation and the world shall be humbled: it is the lesson of life for you, or if what is revealed is nothing more than a desire for power through pride, it will be the beginning of your death.

If there is an experience suited to close this message/ perhaps it is this. It is noted, the most common cause of rebellion from truth within people is: the demand to participate in life, only to find the others refuse you. The common assumption is "I am not valued/ I am abandoned/ I am LONELY". This simple experience forms almost all the expressions of contempt, & disruption common to society: toward itself and to its CREATOR. This is, a human decision! Prepared & created by humanity to display power & defend selfishness/ even though the young must be taught: they do watch & listen to your every action.

The question of loneliness is examined by the following truth. Beyond time, energy does not wait for you "to decide". You MUST know, therefore it is your desire that forms your decision. If you have not cemented in your chosen desire, to the honesty that forms your soul/ then either you shall be cast adrift, or imprisoned through mercy, in a situation beneath the honor of your prepared freedom. This is an alive or dead reality, because adrift will demand destruction. Therefore loneliness is a TOOL to prepare you for eternity: that you may find your true desire, and become a honored freedom.

It is noted, that faith is required: to ascend beyond simple time & mental measurement. Faith is the acceptance of destinies designed by thought, but experienced by life within the family of love, created by dimensions, values, & truths beyond our own comprehension. Faith is the abandonment of humanity as a creation in life or death/ and the acceptance of an opportunity much like "growing within a womb, where death is in fact, the BIRTH of a TRUE LIFE."

We are miracles for a cause, that purpose is JOY as the expressions and expansions of life, create "Our family in us". That we too, may journey into eternity.



BELIEVE IN GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is your decision/ no one can help you: you must decide!

But if you choose life, you shall understand & follow the words of JESUS.

If you believe yourself to be "a priest", then you will choose the words of John 21: 15-17. And make them your own.

The reality of this life is governed by your body: HOW DARE, you say it is an accident that your body and life exist/ when nothing on earth can compare!


Honor understands happiness to be: the freedom to express and experience all that a miracle can be, the identity, the truth, the hope, the discipline, and much more. The question of love is more than happiness/ for it is the relationship of 2 or more living in the courage of trust, the openness of faith, the blessing of order, & the opportunities of soul. The question of soul allows participation through the transformations that change us from being alone in this world, to the acceptance of a union with the family that is life in us all. Here we begin in thought beyond all common boundaries, to exchange time for creation, as it invites "the possibilities of ( I/ US)" into dimensions beyond simple experience, as complexity allows.

Let there be NO fear, as to human intellect/ these are NOT places, relationships, or things to be measured. Do NOT believe you must do "something" to gain this as a reward/ it is NOT so. Instead, understand simply: it is your acceptance of miracles, that grants to you an invitation to join in these beginnings. It is your acceptance of faith, that the miracles themselves & the witness of JESUS proves a love exists today for you. It is your honesty of trust, that enables fear to be discarded, and doors to be opened before you. Humility IS an absolute, for NONE of us are worthy to approach the beginnings of life! Honor is a NEED, for if you fail, eternity shall NOT be kind. RESPECT is your own decision to pray and believe/ therefore it is a door for you, which can only be opened: if you are worthy.

I make mistakes/ you do, & will error as well. The question is then: WHY, and are you or I sorry (therefore repentant)? Or is knowledge "too small" a gift for you? Complexity means (in its human sense) "the building of a new creation has begun". Your humanity is "the resource" and your opportunity is your time. DO NOT "Play and tear", woe to the young/ they died without sufficient time/ YOU are the only person you shall judge/ the others all go to MERCY, or to DESTRUCTION! BE CONCERNED for yourself! Learn the value of life! You will not find it in boredom/ gluttony/ sex/ greed/ lust/ power/ control/ violence/ selfishness/ pride/ or want: instead truth knows that happiness & honor represent the consequence of family/ WE ARE ALL FAMILY. IF you end your competition, if you stop creating enemies by your actions & decisions: then you will learn love & the treasures of life!

Do not "look to me", my job here has been to learn about all the things human/ that we do wrong, that we must endure, & that we search for. This is NOT a job "Where joy visits"/ instead the honor of a relationship with SOUL, & a participation that communes with JESUS Does bring to me, all the happiness & need. I do pray for YOU.

You are to understand communion does not mean "a presence" by human expectations, NOT a "voice" by human understanding/ but a knowledge present in the words of JESUS OWN TESTIMONY as written in the Bible, an dan honesty in HIS WAYS As defined by the stories of HIS LIFE .

MY own life is FAR different, having encountered the realities of sin, & constantly cleaning, just to stay alive. Therefore the testimony I give, is about a relationship that did not cast me adrift/ or "throw me in the trash"/ but just kept "digging me out of the hole, time and again", thereby allowing me to continue by learning and repenting. My education IS through reality. Therefore my life is about TRUTH, because lies always fail! These things should in no way be construed to degrade, belittle, or glorify any person or situation that has been a part of my life/ each one represents a lesson prepared for me BY GOD That I might learn the knowledge and understanding needed for this message. They are HIS TOOLS For me. All who have loved are loved: all who were less, simply did their job. I DO suggest they pray/ we together prepared this message.

It is true, the book of Revelation 21 and 22 come in the baptism of life/ or as judgment to demand your death. Baptism means: that which is unknown to me, shall now begin its journey within me. The questions you have will be answered, if you choose life/ the reality of human pride, will answer you if you choose death. There is no place to run and hide, this is your decision, and each one will make it: because you must.

From the intent to establish complexity in you, comes these words: an environment IS SHAPED by the definitions of existence which cause it. Therefore "our universe" extends from descriptions in mass, energy as heat or cold, & compositions created in thought (life), through the measurement of time caused by the expression of that energy.

THOUGHT begins as the expansion of existence RESHAPES critical definition, to allow INFLUENCE to develop dimensions by the assignment of possibilities in energy. The relationship of energy to its specific environment. Critical knowledge in energy is VERY UNWISE, to discuss/ you MUST CHANGE FIRST.

In our relationships with time, truth teaches discipline; reality teaches order; pain teaches value, while trauma teaches that neither life nor death are to be measured; respect offers understanding; courage offers faith, faith offers hope; LOVE reflects the honesty of ourselves, expands the limits of our world, and gives honor its meaning; HONOR is the foundation of miracles in YOU.

A blessing means: an opportunity in love! LOVE is in simple truths, {at least a little like the dandelion flower (chosen for its ease of understanding), it grows easily, yet humanity considers it a weed because it is not bound within human wants. If you watch carefully, you will observe the flower stem follows the sun, by drying and shrinking on the side where the sun shines: this pushes the head toward the sunlight. Human love is like that also, finding the possibilities of light entrancing, yet remaining firming planted where you are. The seeds of love, travel in the wind, therefore no one knows what shall truly occur to some of them, yet most stay close. Water is the power of life (this life), because water is the single common denominator among all but the very least of species. This power does not support the head, but it does cause a "view from every side"}. Thereby it is recognized, that while humanity "loves the idea of love" they rarely follow/ but remain firmly planted in themselves. The love that is given, many times cannot be found again/ apart from close family, because WANT & reality change the view of love & life, if you are not anchored in. Power influences every life, because it touches us all.

The conquest of our simplicity; demands love shall be our teacher, there is NO other option/ LOVE is well described in 1 Corinthians 13 of the Bible (read it) and then understand: it is THIS TEACHER, that you need!

The last book of Revelation 22: is the blessing of love written for you to consider. The possibilities TRULY are endless.

The purpose of the words is instead, "the very beginning fragments" of alternate compositions in the understanding of humanity. IF you cannot find the life in you, by the end of all these words/ then truly, you DO deserve what is about to happen to you. Not because you cannot be what you are Miracles in life! But because you just don't want to be/ this would be, simply your display of contempt. The reality belongs with the truth.






OR don't change at all/ it will only increase your distress.