The destiny of human existence is explained by the social compositions of: EQUALITY, ACCESS, COMMUNICATION, & FUNDAMENTAL DISCIPLINES. The critical arena's of justice apply these as traits, to the definition of every nation. The fundamental expression of that nation then asserts these traits, are the basis, of their "portion of this world".

In real terms, Justice creates the BOND that controls the nations and therefore the world. A failure in justice is, a crisis to that nation; a disrespect & a damage to order; & thereby a treason to the people. Judicial & police purpose ARE the framework of every honest & honorable society. They are the heart of the nation, and the place where courage is born in & of the people. Justice is THE DECISION, of the people/ it is their responsibility to examine and decide the fate of this place, and their "world". The essential truth of justice is, "it is driven & decided by the people". The essential reality of justice is, "power & rape, plot & conceive" a myriad of attacks to control those {the judiciary, the police, the politician, & even the military} who may then control you. The demise of justice and its officials, is your freedom sold/ while your discipline defines the experience of what freedom will come to mean for you. NO ruler of fear, comes without first the people accepting the terms spoken, "the fact that it is a lie is muted/ to the reality that we are distressed"/ this reality is simply more than "the others will pay"(the purpose of a war), it is also you will pay, therefore society is deceived, because it doesn't want its reality. More importantly at these times of distress. society wants control and to get it "they do make a pact with the devil", so to speak. Defined it means, to spend lies and violence, and call them "savior". Order explains the price of a new direction and states: an opportunity to change & repair what already exists, is almost always preferable to total change. For there are always "too many opinions, to much selfishness, too much want, & too many expectations & demands. These interfere with simple truth, to define respect, and achieve an honorable reality. The "devil" is therefore imprinted, as the insanity of a trap, "I cannot escape/ DO SOMETHING, even if its wrong". Devil means: comprised of a reaction in time, to the possibility of an action undesired/ the mind having failed, turns to violence. Therefore the constant in social structure is BE BRAVE, and expand the disciplines of justice by the methods of government "one meeting at a time". Power extends fear/ but justice multiplies courage/ therefore begin in the punishment of all who abuse power. Establish the purpose of the court & police, by sustaining a VERY firm grip on the authorities, of the people to REMOVE and PUNISH those who fail in this their work. And investigate the opportunities which allow power to consume your rights, your liberty, & your future/ then REMOVE these possibilities.

Critical to understanding economic depressions, are the reason they exist: people want to be rich/ but all those who want this cannot, because wealthy means: slaves exist. Defined more clearly: wealth or riches assert, "I no longer need to work, let the others do my bidding and provide everything, to me". Since only a few may be rich, in reality/ fantasy says: lets make the money different. If we just create a few more lies [such as more dollar bills] then we too can make the others work for us. "Reagan economics" used the university to expand this idea, from "a too many dollars/ to the idea, so long as no one tries to spend it: they can hold all the numbers they want. People horde/ therefore years have past: and the lies have multiplied. Why do people want money? Because their pride wants to show off! Why did all of society participate? Because they don't trust the future, therefore NOW means everything. Why? Because power has driven society to design its own destruction, by exterminating the world. Why? Because fear pushes you to insanity! There is no road back, your only opportunity to survive means fear must end. Your only possibility to end fear, is the truth: that we are equal, and we must share, and care about all humanity. If you refuse, your destiny is sealed.

The first & primary method of this end to power, is TO LIMIT control/ TO LIMIT possessions & income/ & to Limit influence. This is VERY SIMPLE, by conforming law to the disciplines set by the people. Order says: an economic backlash, shall exist for a very SHORT time/ because the "rich & powerful" WILL revolt. Order says: money is [WHATEVER the people say it is], therefore control by any group through money can disappear "overnight" (the value of a dollar for instance); what is money today can be worthless tomorrow. Order says: title & property are the resource of the nation, & WE the people are the owners of your right, to hold title or property/ therefore every such LEASE is a product of our combined social intent. Therefore ownership can change, as society {not government} by vote, of a realistic percentage (begin at 70% and go up) decides. Order says: self-sufficiency is the staple of every society, & the honor of every nation/ therefore it is the truth of what an education for the young should be: the intent toward self-sufficiency, not {oh please hire me for this job}. The current methods merely exist to support the rich & powerful, by constantly removing self, from the existence of work: be a tool, not a human. It is your WANT that drives you, to abandon your life: CHANGE THIS! Our liberty is the fundamental existence of our individual access to critical resource, & the right, & the knowledge to use that resource for the benefit of society, including ourselves. The critical understanding in this is EQUALITY. The critical partition that divides or defends equality is our relationship to business, and its effects upon our individual opportunity. Therefore monopolies are BAD/ even when they "look good". The same is true of government monopolies/ wherein we pay, for anything "they want". This is blatant slavery, instead ANY fee, or penalty, or issue of control shall be defined for its specific purpose and NO other: parking fines need to be used for more parking (this type is for the public to decide, by vote)/ road taxes are used only for roads, and so on. The current debate for government to pay for prescription drugs/ is fought under the assumption that "the government pays". It is not so, the workers pay for every government assumption, and it is not fair to tax them more, because you want to keep your money. America is in debt for many reasons/ but a primary one is public reluctance to accept "someone has to pay"/ the primary reality, the old want the young to pay: they are retired, and they aren't working anymore, that is their demand. Therefore when only "the government" has to pay, "they say to themselves" it doesn't matter. Even though you do know, the money must be paid by the worker. We are the government, and reality says what is to be shared, shall be shared FAIRLY. That means "a percentage to this/ a percentage to that: no exceptions, [ but military in war]", as voted upon/ and a reality accepted: such as people who no longer feed themselves, or clean themselves from their shit, shall be allowed to die/ after six months or so for rehabilitation [that they may heal and have a chance]. There are limits/ and YOU must define them, not me: but if you don't, what chance for stability do you have? The elderly will riot, as best they can/ but reality says, when nature calls: it is your duty to comply and not steal from the young! Retirement shall be changed: half of what you have, and all income, shall be given to your care/ the other half you may give away, or keep. But if you steal, by secretly hiding your money, or pretending to give it away, or by giving it to anyone so that you may not pay for your keep: then your life is rejected, and no matter what you need, it shall not be given to you. Be honorable! To achieve survival for those who need help/ there shall be homes where you may go, food and housekeeping provided. If you don't need to be here, then your fine and the government need not help you. Social security is completely broke/ there is nothing/ the government is completely broke, there is no money at all/ the reality is the old and elderly have designed this situation therefore be thankful for whatever you get. Did you not use politics to get your way/ did you not throw your resources into the garbage/ did you not want anything but pay the debt? You have sold this country for your ease, therefore you should reap your reward. Medicare is broke! You have selected many of the problems of this day, but, you have provided many of the things of this day: therefore understanding means life must be honest and your children must be fair. It is not so simple as right or wrong, the balance here is simply the opportunity to live is not to be bartered, it is yes or no. Organize & Hire your own doctors, organize your own drug consortiums, live: no more dying in bits and pieces. If you do not accept your responsibilities, then eternity will remember you unkindly. Life is for the living, time is for the young, and growing old means: the time for you to grow up has arrived. Age does not make you old/ nature makes you old that you may recognize you must surrender your position to the young. EVERY life is important, no one exists without life inside/ the reality of that miracle does set every living thing apart. Death is no small matter, the reality in every sense is severe. The consequence is eternal, and the life known as time, disappears. Therefore the question does exist: what must we give, what must we earn, & who must we be to inherit all the human interventions of medicine that can be offered? Honor therefore asks, may there be dignity, the escape from unnecessary pain, & the comfort & compassion of respect for the truth that death is the same, for all. Duty asks society itself, to be honest & true for the sake of each one, and decide by vote, the consequence of duty for each one. Equality must exist for we are life/ NOT judge. There are NO demands here except this one: YOU must be fair. Money shall not decide! Rather if you choose to provide services for FREE/ then it shall be understood, this one HAS truly contributed to society, and need not be counted. Understand simply; our relationship to each other as life, is defined by love, the more we love, the greater our desire to sustain another life/ therefore dignity means "someone cared". Truth declares: love or not, life is not ours to judge/ not ours at all, but is truly the property of its owner

GOD ALMIGHTY When it is necessary/ believe it is simply required for reasons we cannot understand: It is.

The answer in time and medicine, can only be found in duty, for there is no measurement or wisdom on earth, that can judge a miracle. Therefore duty asks: what do we, the injured or afflicted owe to society, as our contribution in honor to human existence? Honor says, we MUST share the responsibilities of life/ therefore at some point, where reality confronts existence, we all must die. Do your best not to be a burden, live within the honesty that you give as much as you take in simple things/ pray at all times, and believe. Age assembles the information of possibilities assigned by order, and defines the disciplines associated with achieving that order/ therefore by your participation with the needs of the young, you do earn your position in life, as honor allows. Pain and disability create wisdom through the comprehension's and literal translations of how much the body is worth/ therefore participation's within the lives of prisoners and others who do not appreciate nor understand the values of their own bodies, may introduce to society, to students, and to others the honor of being whole. This requires humility on all sides, this is worthy of you to do. Teach, help, and protect with your knowledge/ not simply hide in your selfishness, and cause eternity to discard you. Life is a two-way street, love is an acceptance of sharing and caring that defines your existence and your world, mercy is given to those who receive instruction and cherish it: if you are not participating properly for the benefit of society/ then you are disclaiming your right to this society, and its benefits. In a perfect world, all these things would be simple/ this is not a perfect world, primarily because we are not perfect people. Instead this is a human world where "somebody has to pay"/ the days of constant lies are almost over/ the money is already gone. Society demands money/ therefore while the possibility exists discussions must occur, or war will cleave existence into life or death, as weapons decide. Your assumption of money is clear, "reasonable by the expectation of society" but errant in the fact, that by federal reserve numbers america claims 92 trillion dollars {numbers used in 2001} that translates in credit to 92 x 7= 644 trillion dollars { you expect to buy a house with 14.5% down do you not/ this is a credit line times 7} of expectations OR MORE SIMPLY: you expect as of numbers generated in 1999 (there is a two year delay in federal reserve numbers) that you have access to 644 trillion divided by 280 million people= 2.3 million dollars apiece average out per person, babies and all/ not including debt! More simply, as many other societies before you: you have truck loads of expectations [more correctly numbers], and no one to do the work or provide the resources. You are broke! And depression comes or reality by the terms of social change shall rule. You cannot save what you like in greed & want, this is like choosing which disease shall kill you. You shall live by truth and respect reality so that it decides, or you will WAR, and you will initiate the final days of life on earth. This is not simple/ this is reality. Learn how to survive, in PEACE! As do all nations "you assume america is better than the rest/ it is the same". Every nation on earth lives here/ HOW could you be different? Where humanity insists on betraying truth and living in lies, war is eminent. It is possible no nation on earth is a bigger liar than you, not because the nation lives in a lie/ but because you WANT to believe, so many things! You accept ignorance, you applaud futility, you ignore truth and ask for selfishness, you are proud about "your ability to destroy the earth and all life in it", you are foolish and as described intent upon your own destruction/ because lust is everywhere. Your best religions hide behind closed doors and pray, "let no one come/ they might hurt me". You are pitiful not in nature, but by the things you accept as true. This is your media, your university, your religion, your government, and your want. You WILL change, or you WILL find your destiny in the abyss of tragedy, where there will be no escape. This is said, not from lies/ but from the reality of propagation as time reveals the pollution you have hid, the damage you have done, the power used, and the people abused. It is certain to be claimed "we abuse no one, much"! The truth says: your economy is about to surrender, and your world is not far behind. You may hide, cry, fear, or demand torture as well/ but the truth will decide. Reality IS RELENTLESS, and truth doesn't care what you think/ these function by the demands of universal law: and it does judge you unworthy, at this time. CHANGE {this is your only hope} or die, because you have chosen to do so. You can play games, if you wish/ you can believe anything you wish/ you can insist this is a lie/ or you can demand I am a liar: it really doesn't matter. What you cannot do, is change the truth by refusing to accept it/ therefore investigate, understand, and be honorable: because if you decide to sacrifice the future generations for your ease any more/ then be sure, cannibalism is who you are and what you deserve/ terror comes. This message is about peace, happiness, love, hope, and all life's treasures! But this warning is about pride, selfishness, and all human disrespect. UNDERSTAND CLEARLY "FIND YOUR RESPECT FOR LIFE AND CREATION, OR LOSE EVERYTHING".

Some will say, "he hopes to take over the world/ expecting this to be a method of fear, to establish a manipulation over you: as they would do". I tell you the truth, and the truth doesn't lie. As for me, I have absolutely NO desire or passion in me, to encounter all your problems, all your complaints, nor all your pride for whatever the last days of my life are to be. This is your problem, this is your reality, I will help if you are honest and honorable, and truly accept the courage to change. That is all/ unless Otherwise directed by the SPIRIT within my soul. If this occurs, it is not about you or me/ It is by the request of GOD , where truth defines PEACE and nothing less. This is not my choice, and I have no interest in the outcome.

You are certain to say, "no power of a corporation" controls my life. Let us review: in the application of medical drugs, just an advertizement on television sends probably millions to their doctor demanding the drug advertized/ EVEN THOUGH these ads do not even say what the drug is for. [this is especially the elderly]. The advertizement's for middle-age frequent "oh, you must be in pain/ here take these pain relievers QUICK"/ and they are sold by the ton. The advertizement's come on for "children being children, and running around" GIVE THEM DRUGS/ and the schools report long lines every day for pills. The bill for medical payment for drugs, is beyond belief/ strictly because they want "to do something to protect their lives": even though most of the medicine probably does more harm than good. The teenagers want bigger bodies, so they take drugs, and so on. YOU ARE DRUG ADDICTS! Because you believe the advertizement and "look away" at the warnings. This is pathetic/ and it clearly shows the level of power that exists over the public, through deliberate corporate planning and execution/ through the influence of university. You don't even know what you should actually feel like. There are "$10,000 dollar tests, to decide if you should take $10 pills: take the stupid pill, and let that decide! There are $4000 genetic tests to determine if "maybe, kinda, possibly take an $800 test"/ take the test, and have money for 4 more tests left over. There is criminal extortion by medical industry [prices that are simply blackmail, and nothing else] all because you let the medical industry trick you into believing "there are no more doctors"/ THERE ARE NO MORE DOCTORS, because the medical industry wants it that way, and you let them. DEMAND the scourge of medical tyranny be banned, and get your doctors and nurses. NOT By their rules/ change this completely: outlaw & remove the "mafia medical" participants/ allow no more "medical associations or lobbyists, for at least 10 years or more! This is about selfishness and does include dentists and any other associations that exist only for selfishness. Remove the refuse, that blocks the doorways to learning & remove the universities themselves/from the process. INSTEAD it is to be a series of tests, with NO prerequisites: you take the test, you pass, you are a doctor to the degree that test identifies your talents/there are no degrees for anything only a true test decides. To establish the parameters of a test: you will require a random selection of doctors [professionals practicing in their fields] from all over/these shall INDEED take this test, and when 90% pass it, you have your test! That ten percent who do not/ shall prove themselves! The purpose of this change is to remove controls, that LITERALLY are roadblocks set before you to control business and allow "price masturbation: these pitiful examples of humanity, having learned your weakness, and now they exploit it, for their personal selfishness (this is the description of organized crime)." As to drugs/ change the patent process to: the government guarantees payment to the inventor to a specified limit, for consumer units bought and proven "verifiable good"! This then allows drugs to be made by any factory and competition to rule price! This would apply to ANY medical tool, as well as other and all inventions of society. Research and development of drugs and other materials: is assigned to professional groups, who have proven by credible work, either by being inventors of various processes or things, or proving the potential to do so by their work; and these shall be paid according to their accomplishments, ALL SHARE EQUALLY, in any given group. The control of every apprentice program is always the same: it is NOT about professionalism: if it was, the education itself would rule/ it is simply to control the competition: nothing more, & nothing less. The medical associations will riot and claim "incompetent medical mechanics, are all you can get this way/ you will die from this type of anarchy"! Prepare for it/ they are coming with this and other nonsense, to protect their claim to "protectionism, an old form of mafia tactics more simply described as/ pay me or I will burn you down, kill your family, and torture you"! Is this NOT, what they say: do it my way, or die? [do not doctors, dentists, lawyers, and more all claim "pay ANYTHING I ask or you will die, or suffer"/ the question is not why? Greed controls. The answer is the removal of all medical associations, and the open door policy to all medical programs and internship, the answer is governmental control of all charges and collection of money.] All doctors are medical mechanics/ they are "not sorcerers, or magicians"/ they do repair plumbing, wiring, replace parts, or repair parts or remove parts or seek to clean the parts or various problems/ and there is no real difference, between this and any other job. The only applied reality is the need for antibiotics to keep the patient alive after the mechanic work is done. No antibiotic, and the vast majority die. The only real difference presented by medicine is "the risk, belongs to the patient/ apart from transmittable disease, that could endanger the medical professional". Danger exists in other jobs as well! AN APPROPRIATE test can decide, who has usable knowledge, therefore it is wise for society to use this as their defense against control. The simple truth of medicine is, You are fearful of dying/ SO WHAT! YOU WILL DIE, get over it/ and have respect for the life you live, and the days you have: STOP "crawling under the covers", and saying "woe is me"/ LIVE YOUR LIFE, and let it end in dignity, not cowardice. The secondary truth of medicine is "the love of my life is dying/ please stop this"! The critical reality here, is the intensity of identity realized/ this challenges you, to direct your emotion away, and accept truth as the only purpose of life: therefore this truth exists for your growth, as life, and not as punishment. You must establish critical truth, to survive. The existence of a true medical condition, must be dealt with in reality, not emotion. As best we can, but not beyond the limits we all know to be fair to society as well as individual life.

I have now waited for the definitions of tooth decay to pronounce themselves correctly/ loss is in years, not decades: a toothache is debilitating and must be addressed. The reality is people for thousands of years have endured tooth loss/ therefore as humans we can. But reality says all tooth loss today is due to the truth about money: we can be excluded! The question addressed is then: do we owe each other the services that make a body work? How shall that be paid? And why should we care? The answer to all three is addressed by the simple truth that we do depend upon each other. When you abandon one/ then you abandon more. Abandonment is an anger, {because it takes a situation that can be avoided and allows one or more to be blamed} and the last thing in this world you need is more anger. Our relationship to each other is NOT a competition {a milder form of predator & prey}. Instead our relationship to each other is built upon the honesty of our relationship to survival or to soul. Where survival rules, soul dies; and with it the human experience of life/ you become an animal focused upon "winning or losing". Where SOUL lives in you, survival is merely a doorstep that stands between you and eternity/ soul is the door {JESUS as spoken of in the bible, identifies the path to soul, and defines the door itself}. Soul expands the existence of your life to examine miracles, and then accept faith. Soul expresses the honor of love in you, and gives humanity grace. The differences are extreme.

To compliment medical honesty, if you do it/ then understand this simply a dead body is a dead body, while respect is necessary for the living ones, "a long and intricate education, to justify last rites" is completely unnecessary. Not only is this responsible for massive costs/ defended by "I have an education, I am a mortician"/ it is simply untrue. Life is the energy of existence, while time is the proof of your presence here/ the miracle of humanity. Death is the end of all things human/ the establishment of a primary wall, from which only GOD Determines the rest. The body is simply our attachment to the memory of life, therefore it must be respected to benefit the living/ otherwise death is death, and needs no further acknowledgment but disposal. You are free to believe otherwise, but "if you love your body/ when death presents entry into energy (truth decides what happens to you/ because truth is eternal), as the abandonment of body/ or refusal to abandon body means, your soul has left without you/ then what is left has no purpose of life, it is simply lost and without family or home: the meaning of this is not "a haunting"/ rather nothing exists without energy or life, the lost simply dissipate into the measures of time. NOT in graves, but in memory. Your memory is their chains. Evil does not remain here/ because energy is the assumption of power, and they eagerly enter the flames, to find their hell.

The Walmart corp. is an example of primary monopoly {there are many more}/ having bought the politician, & owning the courts through a "gang of guarantors/ the lawyers employed"/ the stock peddlers, and people who want free gifts, have set upon consuming the foundations of American enterprise by the manipulation of primary costs. This must be changed/ NO ONE may control the market place, the packing plants, the factories, or any other business but their own/ and that shall be one place, one site, and only one opportunity at a time: you shall not control society, you will work for society/ as does the majority. To end the corruption of CEO stealing & others, simply make a law, they cannot sell or buy anything of this company a year before or after they shall leave/ nor shall they achieve any salary or compensation unless the company is on solid financial ground: they hold at this time a monopoly over the corporation/ but no more.The fact is a monopoly of any kind, ALWAYS leads to graft, corruption, & the long term abuse of society. The assumptions created in war, where one name of a business/ created the illusion of massive work, simply discounted the honesty of VERY many sub-contractors suppling that name. The assumptions of productivity dependent upon one "machine", are IF, in reality dependent upon that one machine: then if it fails/ you fail. The needs of a war, where rockets are used, or other long range devices/ demands many factories are needed, because a direct hit upon any factory not only eliminates that factory, but the workers as well: then what? In the promise of Walmart corp, it is "something for nothing" (we sell for less)! The reality of Walmart corp and others is, Better jobs are REPLACED with poor jobs, and when NO other opportunity exists/ the poor jobs will become the work of a slave. This statement is based upon the certainty of opportunity/ upon the proof of communism and other socialist programs: centralized authority means slavery/ then the people quit working. In many small businesses there is a need for all things/ whereas in one large corporation a few people with many machines make all the decisions. This sounds like efficiency, and it is: the problem with efficiency is you no longer have the resources/ therefore efficiency to expand the rape of resources is dead; or you are. The need for quality is absolute, that resources used may in fact supply their full potential. The reality of change will be exactly like the rural community in america/ there is no real difference, as proof of what one corporation means to America. The towns died, the people left being thrown off the farm/ the people who supported all those farmers went out of business/ the landowners no longer had a connection to the farm and thus are interested in only the money/ the competition makes enemies/ and the debt trying to keep up with all the demands, changes people. Add to that, where old farms contributed in many ways to the safety of life by diversity/ the new farms are only about the money, the issues of fairness, the issues of genetics are only about ease and money, the issues of life are secondary because money rules. The farmer looks only to protecting his investment, or he will be replaced. Therefore the old ways of protecting society, by protecting the rural community, no longer matter. The reality of farming is: if you will not be left out, you will do as you are told. If you would select to help the farmer, understand more clearly how to best protect his or her farm, then in the case of grain sales in particular/ the need is for an altered economic market: stop the current mess of gambling, and solidify a week by week price structure/ wherein this is the price for grain for this week: it shall not change, for this week! The purpose here is to allow the farmer opportunity to discuss and analysis the price and possibility at their pace/ not at the gamblers option/ this slowing of time sequences, allows a fair decision to be made: therefore a more secure agriculture.

That which is honest in society knows, that violence or revenge is abhorrent to peace/ therefore the methods of peace allow the following statements because humanity has a right to be free.

The people who contribute to the critical destruction of their own social structures by an assault upon the basis of a choice, or by removing the equality guaranteed among many/ to the reality of a few control, will soon awaken to: "The communist environment is",those who being in control of all the marketplace, then WILL tell you ; what you may buy, and who will buy today/ who shall be allowed to compete/ and who will be refused." This is because when a monopoly, either large or small establishes control over basic survival/ they always abuse it, communism did not work because people are corrupted by power. When a small group of people, irregardless of what they control/ establish power over you: then their intent will become to control, who can compete, "when any competitor can be driven out of business, or simply forced to quit/ how then will you refuse those with power: it is only by war, or poverty", as history proves without doubt. You should understand, that communism is fundamentally reasonable, until the reality of human greed and lust intervenes in the polite sense of what only honesty and truth can provide. Therefore until humans are "critically in control of justice, as a majority"/ no form of communism, socialism, or democracy can survive: they are all vulnerable to selfishness and pride. Every society lives by resources, the more resources available, the richer the society/ and the less control allowed. When society begins to lose its resources, the first thing that happens is "the rich/ like vultures waiting for the dead", swoop in to control all they can. As they gain power to do so, their numbers dramatically increase/ until the society they abuse, has been forced to get rid of them with war. EVERY society is determined by : HOW do we control the rich! Those societies who have few rich controlling their resources survive and prosper/ those societies who allow "the living greed" of desperate ignorance (the wealthy, by failure/ not by honest work) lose their nation, and discover sorrow: because lies build nothing! Do you want control of your employer/ the reality of vote guarantees majority rule. Do you refuse being part-time employees, then establish in law: NO expense deduction shall exist for any that are not full=time employees and so on. Do you want control over your medicine, then understand the method and do the work. Do you want control over your government, then remove the power, and establish justice . The judiciary is first: remove the ass-holes, that spew their own filth upon your dignity/ remove the volumes of laws and cases, simply: essentially replace all case history with "justice files" where every important moment in judicial history becomes a small paragraph in these files so that every person may have access to one single SMALL book organized to benefit all society/ not hide the thief in their legal garbage, as lawyers do to control their competition: which is you, and your ability to establish honest cause. Establish ONLY short contracts, using clear & certain sentences defining the outcome/ not the details: reality decides. Demand in all cases of legal review/ that society shall pay for any legal right that involves a business in society/ the people demanding legal rights between non business legalities shall pay their own. Remove the money from lawyers by establishing fees and penalties. Change their job, by allowing review of all legal cases, wherein if the lawyer "rights a wrong"/ he or she WILL have claim to money against the lawyer who filed this wrongful claim and pursued injustice and the corruption of society. Establish fair/ not power over you! Establish justice, not a written rule to be divided into subdocuments of endless words or innuendo: but the reality of intent as it means JUSTICE for all of society: no more "loopholes, or futile versions of control", justice means: an inherent right, an inherent obligation, a fundamental foundation of society, FOR PEACE! Criminal matters, will grant a claim against whosoever caused this corruption/ up to removal from office, jail, or the charge of treason, which is permanent removal from society. In matters of penitentiary: it is a criminal act to cause the punishment of anyone not duly proven in need [if you know this is a failure of justice/ then your actions are assault and battery and extortion with fraud, and you should pay: THIS is an examination of intent, abuse, or injustice without cause, and should be applied by repetitive actions unless flagrant: BE FAIR]. JUSTICE is not simply a law/ it is a right, and the expression called truth examined with mercy: RULES are merely the tools of a tyrant, beyond simple honest "fair play". Remove the lobbyist from congress, they are like "snakes in the grass"/ waiting to strike while the population is unaware. Remove the right to change law or make law to the citizens right alone. Remove the power of the president by employing the public demands for every major decision that must be made. Remove the consequence of war by asserting a new and better international military alliance operating under the terms clearly set by all nations. These things are all dependent upon an education, and proper understanding: NOT "media sound bites" but honest and real communication which allows critical decisions to be made/ critical realities to be understood/ and wisdom to encounter the masses, as one fundamental tool for their own social foundations. Once understood, the possibilities are superior to all that exists for the purpose of justice and society itself. This is work, but we are the people who benefit, or who lose because of these failures/ do you want to survive? Then work, or die.

The laws of the United States already forbid monopolies/ BUT the judicial reality is blind/ mute/ & without political support. The people "want it, for free", whether that is from the stock market, or the little kid on the corner/ therefore as these and others steal your fundamental right to decide for yourselves, "the people" who are trying very hard just to survive, simply look for rewards in the garbage pit of greed and the ambitions of selfishness. The people who are losing their trust in life, look for gambling in whatever form to "save them". The people who are in control, press hard to abuse this personal surrender/ and provide temptations in wide array of "change your luck/ win a billion dollars here". YOU are being very stupid, to believe dismembering your business environment, into single entities shall benefit you. Does nature do this? You are being very stupid to believe destroying the respect of work, and the reward of life/ for nothing left but worthless numbers: does not have consequences. It shall not go unpunished/ you are throwing away your liberty, because independence is not free. The people who do the work, are the life of the nation/ because they DO all the work. Do you ever see a "rich man or woman" doing physical definitions of survival? No, they expect others to provide for their lives. The wealthy add only, the necessary buffer, between competitors to limit aggressions, to themselves! If you remove the aggression and practice justice/ then you remove the wealthy, and they must work for themselves: WHY, should you let them kill themselves, with apathy/ eternity does NOT, accept power, pride, disrespect, or righteousness. Respect their need, and learn harmony! When you are ready, do NOT fight with the wealthy over their assets/ TAX THEM: say "everything over a certain amount is OURS"! In every situation, when the majority decide they shall control the government/then they will! IF you believe this is power/ then you will fail, because the wealthy do know how to control you! IF instead you understand this is freedom, and the right of equality through justice/ then you will succeed because power will be replaced with honor. Justice is not about laws, justice is the relationship created between all people. The judge sits as an ordinary person given the job of defining FAIR PLAY and overseeing the right of society per individual person. Fair play is the association between constitutional documents "those created because people were willing and did die for these very ideals." Justice is about society and no other, it is society that completes its task of living by assuring the individual has inherent rights.Therefore create a tax, where necessary: for anyone who owns more than a certain amount of assets beyond the average/ the tax shall be "for double the assets, a 100 percent increase in property tax/ for triple the assets, a 1000 percent increase in property tax, for every successive, increase or part thereof, a similar increase in tax! For the control of liquid assets, a tax generated as a selfishness obligation, establishes money spent upon luxury items, with no or almost no critical social value/ shall be taxed incrementally by the level of actual social impact. The cost plus, no more than enough, to cover all hungry children, unemployed adults, pollution control, and so on: allow no more than 1000000% tax on any expenditure. All competitors want to control/ therefore you must control them, there is no other option. Answer the question: WHEN has it ever been to your benefit, to have only one option, only one doctor, or dentist, or mechanic, or one rich person, or whatever? Rather the earth, by the nature that survives upon it, DEMANDS Diversity is better, whereas humanity who is constantly grasping at straws & fantasies/ constantly saying "now we know/ and then ten years later, discarding everything, because now we know we were wrong [repetitively, this has gone on as long as I have lived and history indicates for entire human history: do you never get tired of this? Do you not understand the lessons of 3 mile island & Chernobyl nuclear power plants: look again] Diversity is necessary to allow the maximum expression of freedom, because in diversity, the opportunity to encounter fundamental expression & experience is multiplied to achieve possibilities which would otherwise be left undiscovered. The FAILURE of humanity is "just one thing/ I want an EASY life". Whereas the future of all possibilities is an introduction into relationships beyond all things, where life is a destiny beyond expectation and identity is an expression defined and refined by the intensity which gives us freedom. The constant of humanity is "let us use their money to build us really big things/ that we may say: HOW GRAND we are"/ then comes the bill, and "let the people pay", irregardless of fault. In nuclear power, the threat of giant plants is enormous: IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE/ THEN YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO PLAY: THIS IS REALITY OR DEATH. The possibility of small alternate plants with different physical alternatives could be realistic/ but only if issues of public safety are FULLY SATISFIED! Your current plants are simply waiting for "one small mistake".

The common american refrain is: "bigger is better"! But instead of the propaganda, try looking and investigating the truth. In reality, the governmental reports demand, if you investigate: America is truly and completely BROKE. The pensions you admire & trust, have simply melted away/ [the governments own numbers prove these funds, are nothing/ social security does not truly exist, but governmental pensions are fully funded!] the benefits you expect will soon disappear/ & the security you desire most is nothing more than the chains which reduce your freedom to scouring the last remaining possibilities of a job, in direct competition with the whole world. WHY, because you wanted MORE/ because you chose selfishness instead of honesty/ and because honor is a "dirty word" to you, and respect is reserved for only those who control by greed. The reality of numbers is, there are so many, and so well hidden within computers and credit/ that the average person simply cannot comprehend what according to 2001 figures by the government were roughly $330,000.00 per person (man, woman, & child) averaged out. We too, like germany is said to have done in early 20th century "would be carrying it around in wheelbarrows, to buy bread". But inside computers, it is very tidy. The reality of this economy is simply, property values MUST increase each year, because without out that increase, there could be NO CREDIT/ the economy would crash. This is the last gasps of any economy, and it shall be of yours as well. Because only lies hold it together/ and that is fraud, it is lying, and it is stealing from the future. The stock market has gone up, because the investor seeing no money from 1% interest decides to take the risk. The investor will lose it all, because an economy dependent upon resource destruction, runs out of fuel: you should be thankful, because without economic failure, the earth will run out of what you need to survive: answer the question, what happens then?

You MUST understand money is not anything generated by government, it is NOT a number, it is not a power: MONEY is the work and resources of those who do it, and the resources which can be taken. WORK is the human existence of money. Resources are the social existence of wealth. A number or government issued guarantees, or business promises is NOTHING without the work, and the consequence of resource used. Therefore it is the worker alone, that determines what wealth shall be: the wealthy merely control "something"/ therefore if you will be free of "the wealthy", then you will control them: WITH HONOR or you will fail. The critical reality of money is work and resources, means: there is no true bankruptcy, as defined by numbers or social economies. Instead bankruptcy means: I REFUSE to work for these empty promises any more, the ripple effect spreads like a disease through society and 40% are suddenly unemployed. Therefore it is important for every society to understand: bankruptcy means the "rich man or woman or government official" HAS taken more than the worker will pay for: they have refused. Economic structure thereby depends upon the worker being paid properly/ to accomplish this as fact, it is the rich, the government official, and the "star" who pays: from here, YOU MUST be willing to share the work, the resources, and choose for your future not your fantasy. Beauty is inside, not measured by others, but found in the courage of your identity as it becomes your soul. If you refuse to support the future with respect for their resource needs/ then you will not be supported either, and the consequence will be very bad.

The current filth of "rich man politics"/ is generating MORE hatred in Iraq. These power-mad worms, are using money to display the arrogance of american government in its most basic format: "throw money at this, and hire only university experts, or the wealthy, to run everything". This is failing as it always does simply because these useless people, don't know reality/ don't know or want to know people/ don't care& then realize even if "they have NO answers/ there is money to be stolen", and it is easy to be a thief. The term easy is applied to all human failure, as this seems tolerable without any work assessed or done. Easy is your defined ignorance, becoming your leader: failure is inevitable until an action is taken in work to avoid complete collapse. AS PROMISED, freedom delivered is not an occupation but a reference to inherent rights and true justice through the equality of lives and opportunities! They are doing NONE of this/ but merely spending lives "all around" in search of stupidity: this is unnecessary/ you have proven the stupidity of yourselves/ "Congratulations: give em another college degree"! This line develops from the arrogance of those who believe the memorization of someone else's ways, methods, or ideas are equivalent to wisdom. It is not! Wisdom exists in the life, that honors equality, and remembers duty/ not a degree, but a life defined by relationships in truth. Leadership applies arrogance to society, life applies humility to the masses: if all you have is a college degree, if all you want is money: then get out of my life, if you have no value inside but selfishness/ all you want is ignorance/ and all you leave is violence: then you are worthless! DO BETTER!!!!!! Every society deserves to do its own work, the arrogance of stealing by "providing outside contractors" IS worthy only of the highest contempt: if "this is for Iraq, for instance"/ then you provide whatever instruction and machinery necessary and let the people of Iraq do the work, and provide suitable decisions as it reflects their life/ not yours: perhaps they should come to America, and take your jobs, control your economy, disrupt your business, and tell you what to do? You the leaders who devise this dysentery, need the education: or you are just plain thieves. Welcome to the college educated, not because they know nothing/ but because they know only "one little thing".

Every civilization is the same/ throughout history, civilizations are replaced when an "experience of some sort" defines a new method of control, which then erupts and gains control. It is the American experience to have attained an honest level of social equality in the 50's & then came Vietnam/ the collateral damage of a nuclear threat from the Soviet Union/ who threatened because you were more dangerous than they, [in terms of power]. This caused the american people to abandon honesty and honor, because who knew how long before "these ass-holes {either american or soviet} would spew their dysentery, upon the world itself, and kill us all". The people became fearful/ then they became angry/ & then they refused and demanded control and became resentful, when they could not attain it/ and then abandoned their expectations in democracy: because simplicity did not work. The Vietnam experience proved, simple can not control the powerful. This allowed the despondency of credit, and then the mad and irresponsible insanity of power and selfishness today, applied itself as want; and then boredom, to sustain the hidden reality of WE ARE AFRAID: " these ARE going to kill us: our world is going to end": THEREFORE we have a right to do this/ TAKE NOW, because death is coming. And you could easily be correct, because all the tools for your failure exist. People build big, to prove to fear, "they are not afraid/ fear us instead". People build big to prove they are in control of their future and yours/ fear me. People therefore are described as {wanting to be god} so that "they may never be afraid again": there is no bigger lie! Reality proves "miracles are the evidence of love, for us". Therefore the university chose to assault miracles with the lie, "it is all an accident, merely We built ourselves/ everything built itself": this too is done to allow the choice to create the tools of destruction, that they may not face the truth/ but live in the lie. Humanity HAS CHOSEN its destiny, by allowing power and fear and lies to rule their existence. The future is not hard to distinguish, this message itself provides clear descriptions. You will accept the work, to change/ or you will die, in fears so grand you will only find terror in your own death: because thought defines your life, and it is not dependent upon your mind. This is your decision/ and unless you change it, it is your destiny.

The consequence of soldiers, is to be at the mercy of their commander: whether they are "good or bad" is of little consequence to the reality of life or death for the man or woman. The critical institution of military forms a development in reality to honor the distinctions of a society, or to control that society. Military means: by the might and power of man. The purpose being simply, to establish control: as in america, by the fundamental disciplines of social expectations. The clear relationship between expectation & the military has found its definitions in WW2 where everyone cooperated/ and its opposite in Vietnam, where the majority found their political and social expectations defeated, and the honor of a soldier was taken away. The critical truth had nothing to do with soldiers in either situation/ rather the reality of government officials created situations where being honest with reality, meant you would participate in WW2, and where discipline & order demanded the sacrifice of Vietnam: this would be felt for years, because life on all sides, simply felt there was no choice. The excuses & lies of Vietnam removed the veneer of "commander and chief", and made the reality a composition of men who could and would sacrifice others for little or nothing. Expectation divided the nation for Vietnam, just as it united the nation for WW2. What is then important as to lessons in society is: the people, NOT the president or another shall define the terms for which military shall or shall not be used.

In a moment of consequence, I attended a 4th of July celebration during the Vietnam war. The air force band played, but the entire stadium felt it necessary not to applaud: I was in every way an observer, more than a participant in those days/ studying this resolve & result caused the moment to pass without my applause either; however I looked, they were soldiers, & I let it go. There can be NO doubt the men and women who did go to Vietnam, deserve that applause, even now. NOT because this war was worthy of them, but because they were and are citizens of value. It is, as it has always been that wars descend from the arrogance & stupidity of leaders, NOT soldiers. Therefore the soldier is due his or her respect. And we must change (this is not the 1800's anymore) and tell these leaders what they will and will not do. The questions of hero's is applied freely in this day, but if hero means: not by circumstance or death, the reality of hero demands "because my heart, can accept nothing less". This is a matter of love/ this is a matter of family, this is an understanding the purpose of life is love.

The truth of credit worldwide is the hidden threat of violent death, at the hands of a VERY FEW/ who insist "they can play god/ these are [just toys] believe in me". NOW critical social collapse is upon you/ in only a short amount of time, all the things you have feared will be upon you: then you will say "find us a NEW LEADER"/ & we don't care who! That is if World War 3 does not evict you from the planet first. BUT, no leader shall help you/ because it is too late for that. YOU MUST choose individually, because if you the majority do not fully become involved and assist in every way, "the few" will carry you into destruction and you will have no choice. YOUR only asset is to create a world society which is TRUE, HONEST, FAIR, AND RESPECTFUL! In this alone there shall be support for you, because it is support for all. If humanity does not accept these terms, then disrespect and all the "tools of destruction" you have made will come down upon you, because the population is so large/ it is impossible to control: you MUST have cooperation! You MUST STOP your population increases/ your only choice is death! You must accept equality and sharing because you care: or those who you abandon will kill you all: there are many ways/ take a look at the destruction 19 people caused, from the world trade center to today. Do you think this is an anomaly/ I GUARANTEE YOU, it is not. Rather these people believed what they were doing was justified, because they were "brain washed". Simply this is the memorization of "someone else's, ways methods, and mental decisions". Apart from grade school, this is common in all the world/ the proper education is why, not "who says". Religions/ college/ and others use forced memory to create a ramp into the psychological decisions of others. The reality is then many more of these people are waiting. The common reality of humanity is: "I will live for the money", which means simply: "I want, I want, I want, I want, etc". The result of this decision is "other people are standing in my way, I HATE that/ I MUST have that job, or whatever: otherwise I shall not be happy/ I,I,I,I,I,I,I," the result of I is then: "my life, has been ruled by other people who have controlled my destiny/ I HAVE been wounded by the poison of their ways, and I want revenge."

In my own personal life, I once ran a car through a man's yard "on a dare"/ the man found out who did it and demanded my presence: the conversation of use was, "how long do you think, I worked for this yard? After considering the actual work for seeding and preparing a yard I replied a couple of days/ IN COMPLETE SHOCK, he blurted out I worked 25 years for this yard: which literally shocked me/ so much work, for such a little thing!" The lesson of the day, was to him the work represented his slavery, to the demands of living (if that was not true, his reaction would have been much less). The lesson to me was, "if that is what 25 years of life is worth/ then I don't want it". The lesson to you is: if you live for your wants/ then you shall be disappointed. The alternate reality is to live for your honor, to live in the reality of life and accept the destiny of truth. I will tell you LIFE, is worth far more than want/ but to achieve happiness, you must live in respect.

YOU are truly facing world economic collapse/ resource destruction at a rate which will cause death to you within 20 years/ the collapse of entire ecosystems, the oceans cannot survive your abuse/ and on & on, there is much more! YOU can "hide, fear, pretend, or comprehend and decide to live": the decision is yours!

If you do choose a new leader, you will die/ because unlike the past, NO leader can save you. YOU can accept help, and need direction for the decisions you must make/ but this is not as a leader, who will choose for you/ you must choose yourself, and accept the consequence. This is a first in human history, that so many people exist, that we cannot survive unless humanity itself does change in very significant ways. A leader means: we follow, not because we believe but because we want the right to say, "this is your fault/ I am innocent"/ and because you do not believe in yourself. YOU cannot blame another, This has never been true/ but it is a constant in human experience. Truth WILL lead you, and reality assign change/ or life will simply become extinct. To prove me wrong: you are extinct, because you gamble that truth does not exist in these words/ did you win?

The competition in every society is "to hold good things back for their children". As such prejudice formed & the controversy of "rich & poor" created boundaries to "keep the others out". Reality states: if it was my work, my sweat, & my tears/ then it is my right and no one else may claim "this property" from me: NO ONE! Truth states: that every human existence must do something, the reality of the work is your living (therefore all humanity is the same here/ no difference. The reality of sweat, or more commonly called stress, is your refusal to let truth decide, & reality conform your destiny to your environment, (therefore the damage to your life, by stress, is your own). BUT the existence of your tears, is the measurement of discipline & the heart which you choose to give because of the importance this opportunity represented to you. It cannot be said, "you earned the opportunity"/ rather it was offered to you, and you chose it. This "right of tears" is a claim/ but it is not a possession. Tears are "the heart, talking for you"/ they are a lifetime of commitment to the order of this relationship, spoken without words. Tears are, far more eloquent/ & where honor exists, they are more honest than any words. Therefore Your claim describes a destiny, and a development chosen & nurtured as the things "I personally have done: to secure the property, nation, or home/ even your life". As a member of society this describes "an actual investment of value" beyond work or sweat, that has built something of value for society. In human terms these are: methods of survival/ compositions of trust/ purposes which benefitted society/ a possibility of happiness that did not before exist/ or an influence that formed the experience of justice. Simple demand is IRRELEVANT/ we are equals! This claim or this right, then exists as the "level of respect, due to you".

Respect asserts: "by my hand/ my struggles/ my design/ & my influence, what constitutes a benefit to YOU, is nothing less than my life, my love for you, and my intent for order. Respect therefore demands your honest acceptance of my participation in this "inheritance" YOU are about to claim. Thereby I DO assert these disciplines, are my reward: "My children [I personally have none/ and know this is true: because I believe children must have an opportunity, of proven value/ not simply a chance] shall be granted (first right/ to fair share)/ my life is worthy of your thanks (it means, you DO UNDERSTAND, that different decisions could have been made.)/& FAMILY, those who participate as true builders of society (not selfish endeavors/ but harmony) & not the simple sluggard & enemies against "what is honorably a benefit to us all"/ shall be those who rule. It is necessary to believe, that you too must respect the destiny of a child shall not be your wish for them/ but your work for them, and the certainty of a life worth living/ not your gamble, but their respect being honored in you. The bible suggests that a child must be cleansed of sin/ more correctly this is accepted as: the amount of life/ the reality of selfishness, taken from the mother, for the sake of the child's life! It is not the child's fault, but the reality is fundamentally true, that pregnancy is an accomplishment beyond the child's reality, therefore he or she takes from the mother/ rather than gives: until the day of arrival, to share the distance and the destiny of family as life gives that opportunity and that desire. BE HONEST with your soul, join the destiny of your life, and live in the blessing of true peace.

Respect reminds you, that NO amount of change can accomplish your survival until the constant threats for your extinction have ALL, EVERY ONE, been destroyed as peacefully as possible. This is the fundamental sword, which drove you to this day/ and this MUST be dealt with effectively. NO EXCUSES! This is life or death/ and if it is war to remove them, then it is war: so long as the majority decide.

Justice is a definition of honor, and what is not honor, deserves NO respect at all. Let the liars, "search without success"/ but GIVE the honorable ones, quiet passage into the blessings which are of life. More simply, help all who participate in the building of harmony with the more simple, building of a physical existence. Remember this/ in the same way as "pennies make up trillions of dollars"/ if you allow even tiny & seemingly insignificant lies to aid in choosing destiny; the destruction these shall cause is like a bomb, that suddenly & without significant warning ruins all the efforts of humanity itself, & all that establishes justice among you. Evil means: "to be, the cancer of society/ the disembowelment of a creation that no longer exits as true life. YOU are then "the purpose of a lie/ or more simply, a raped & desolate example of revenge". Repent while you can. In the reality of society, many people "police, military, workers of all types" are sometimes asked to do things which do not support justice: their job is on the line, because someone has assumed leadership! Critical need respects the relationship we have in society as a reality : no one is perfect/ and some need correcting, some need replacing and some simply err occasionally. We all make mistakes, what is necessary here is the mistake does not proceed beyond "the shortest distance possible". Therefore a judge who makes justice a mockery, must be told by the police officer: this is not justice, and I will not do so/ if this comes to jobs: a jury composed of half police & half citizens will decide who shall be displaced. In the military, a job is a job/ because many operations of military are dependent upon each individual unit doing its job, there can be no individual rebellions: BUT if the vast majority of any unit says "this is insane"/ then they have a right to understand truthfully what it is they are doing, that someone commands is worth the expenditure of their lives. When trial comes, if this operation fails to be honorable/ THEN the commander who throws other lives away, shall find him or herself in prison: without pension or possession, and judged by a jury of officers and enlisted men or women: randomly selected, "two-thirds" majority rules. The critical question of workers is education/ each as necessary shall be informed of the basic dangers of the job in real terms. Each shall be advised: they need not do any assigned job/ but must air their concerns as necessary, and where lives are in danger, majority rules: call for a vote! You shall not be fired. In all cases, mistakes will be made/ stupidity shall occur/ ignorance and just plain "not paying attention" will happen. The definition of all these things is not about judgment/ but about the need to be in charge of your own life & your own destiny: that no one else shall cause you to fail, wherever possible. To accomplish this task, control must be limited to JUSTICE and the pursuit of honest freedoms/ all forms of power must die. Because peace demands this sacrifice.

The most traitorous actions against society, in peace, is done by lawyers, representing greed, bias, failure, and outright treason against society itself. The lawyer stands as the guard against social failure even as does the judge/ the rules of the court, give the lawyer his or her treachery by removing justice to let "the game be played by rules". Nothing is less useful to society than rules, even though some must remain, a rule is the words of humanity governing the relationships of life: therefore whatever corruption is in the words, society soon follows. Justice is the relationship of humanity that honors and respects all life, through the existence of FAIR PLAY, and the understanding of dimensions common to all humans; justice is our appreciation for life, as we accept the responsibility of living to achieve the hope of a true life for all. Justice does not accept worthless innuendo, under the disguise of "insane disgrace" whether this is demanded by a lawyer or judge or not. Insane disgrace is the measure of stupidity, that disrupts happiness by completing the traps and failures of common lazy pride, in the moments of true selfishness. Those who practice this disgrace, should find themselves stripped of all possessions and removed from society, either as prisoners or as people stripped of citizenship and removed from the society forever (to antarctica or wherever they are allowed); they are to be "homeless". The stock market people who willingly and knowingly destroy a lifetime of work/ for such a little thing as money, should find themselves treated the same.

The relationship we create in society with each other is divided into: despised, ridiculed, enslaved, worker, helper, arrogant, & "hog-shit". Further detail is unnecessary. Honesty says, that NONE of these common descriptions is acceptable apart from "worker and helper. Therefore ALL that exists in society to create these separated classes, except for worker & helper MUST END. This is a social decision, EASILY controlled by public vote as an entire nation/ NOT broken up into bits and pieces, but EVERYONE VOTES. To separate these categories it is necessary to understand the relationships that create them. The first understanding is money is nothing more than promises we make to each other and the resources that are required to make these promises come true. The second is NO ONE has a right to expect more than a limit set by society, NOT for any reason! The third is everyone is different, they work differently, there are risks to some jobs, etc: we are NOT simply an equal pay society. Therefore as you begin to research the classes, these are the most common scenarios: too much money MEANS simply, YOU have done all you could, to create poverty in the lives of as many as possible: SHAME ON YOU! TOO much pride means simply: YOU have done all you could to create distress & the social diseases of the mind, that are evident throughout society: SHAME ON YOU! Too little freedom means SIMPLY, YOU have fell into every trap set before you/ you have not learned/ and you do not care to learn/ you merely act & react to someone else's demands: GROW UP! YOU are not less than the others, hold on & do the best you can: if love & truth guide your soul, ETERNITY will remember you kindly! You are fighting on every side, intent upon BIG things, while you have failed to recognize "step by step/ decision by decision" the disciplines of life come first/ then order follows [STOP WHINING, & understand life is about who you are, NOT what you have. The words you choose "if your not somebody/ then your nobody" DO apply distinctly to you. YOU ARE SOMEBODY, because life is a miracle, that cannot be denied. THEREFORE when you deny this truth to yourself or anyone else, YOU become A LIAR/ and you design failure in your life, because ALL lies FAIL]. To all is said CHANGE!!!!!!

Society knows how to change all these things. You do NOT need detailed descriptions/ the power of a TRUE VOTE of the people has indeed arrived. NO ONE can deny you as a true majority/ therefore only the HONOR, RESPECT, & EQUALITY , through justice will determine the journey of humanity from this time forward. If you fail/ then its because the majority do want to. If you survive, then it is because truth has indeed become your leader & reality your guide.

The most critical reality necessary for the worker is: STOP! Quit spending your life chasing dreams/ don't spend your life pursuing things which will only require you to work more/ don't forget your mate, either by work or because they want more for themselves. Instead learn the lesson of ONE LIFE, then to live and work to change society will give you more than all the possessions on earth: HAPPINESS is BETTER.

The most necessary thing for the helper is: don't give the other's control over your life. Learn, do, share, & help, but be fair: to yourself as well. Pay attention to your future, understand the majority will NOT help you in your day of need: therefore choose and accept this price or do not help. Do not allow their failures to change you! Instead be clear, honest, honorable, and above all else be fair. Be wise as well, sometimes as is the case with this message/ it is necessary to choose a path that helps all of society , rather than individuals/ life will show you how to use your talents. Learn to say NO, where "they can do this for themselves". Learn to teach where the lesson reaps a reward. Learn to intervene means: now you will pay the price. For yourself, learn to be apart from people, because they WILL discard your relationship whenever they choose: {this is all the respect, honor, honesty, love, or learning I desire; depart from me, that I may not be reminded of my failures. (Simply, I have wants I shall not discard/ selfishness I refuse to give away/ & demands for pride & rewards, that I am willing to fight for)}.

Society exists because we not only need each other, we DO desire the companionship of each other. In this reality, "a doctor, is NOT off-limits, to a friend who, lives on the street; nor is any other member of society: a different class of people than you/ no matter what"! Money divides, not people/ therefore I tell you a stranger is nothing more than a friend you have not yet met. YOU cannot buy friends, you can only buy want, and it is never satisfying for long. Want exists as an expectation beyond need/ want is, simply a demand, therefore it is a payment forced from others/ want describes your failure to be happy with your life, because you are bored. YOU cannot play, with your whole life! YOU must learn, you must comprehend, you must accept responsibility for your decisions, and you must find honor or you cannot survive in eternity. Some will say, I don't want eternity, I am happy right here/ right now! IF that is your wish, then you may do so/ as long as the earth allows: the earth says, "roughly 20 years, and your presence here as humanity is over"/ the failure of other specific decisions may mean the earth itself is destroyed in 20 years as well. Only your decisions can decide.

The common failure that has divided and plagued society, into groups, is simply: YOU FAIL to accept each other/ therefore you do not get along properly. The RESULT of this is: you HAVE HIRED, other people (the rich), to control your excesses/ to settle disputes for you/ & to make the decisions of work and government so that you may claim to be free of responsibility. YOU HAVE HIRED, the politician; to learn for you/ to educate you/ & to accommodate your need to control these rich/ even though they then buy the politician, the judge, and police as necessary: where it is possible to do so. I will suggest to you, that if you are not honest with yourself, with each other/ there is no possibility you can forestall or cancel the threats to your lives.

If you research or listen to the research of Yellowstone national park, the volcanic nightmare of its eruption is eminent, and could easily be very soon. WE NEED to establish an understanding/ we need to create a reduction in pressures, by taping the heat and relieving the pressure/ we need fundamental truth to guide our reality. The most probable relationship here is literally tapping the heat for use in power generation and various other industrial needs. The demand from environmentalists of desecration to the park is insignificant to the reality of volcanic blowup/ find a way. In resolving this issue it is VERY IMPORTANT that you understand the consequences of basic actions: IF you drill directly above the trapped magma, you will create stress cracks in the dome itself/ the alterations of heat transfer to the places you have drilled to remove heat, WILL then establish a brittle, and more easily broken dome dependent upon various factors. Therefore if you do this wrong, you will increase the likelihood of an eruption, and multiply the destruction. YOU MUST drill to the side of the magma itself, so that heat is drawn off into less vulnerable areas. These drill holes are to be small/ capped with gas control devices, in case of a disruption in the ground that sends volcanic pressures upward. They are to be small in diameter, to carefully manage the aspects of failure. The cooling areas of turbine water can replicate the needs of the life in this area, if you simply do it correctly.

This is not an intent to scare/ this is an evident reality that must be investigated and resolved, because the effects of this eruption would change the world, and particularly america. YOUR university studies show, a distinct geologic rise in the crust of the earth/ that can ONLY be established by sufficient pressure rise/ such as is evident prior to all major eruptions. Millions would die/ if not billions, if this happens! Again this is another: we must NOT be wrong or too late, by a single day, because the reality means distinctly, that massive destruction & death is the result. USE YOUR MIND, not your arrogance/ not your selfishness/ not your fantasies: but your intelligence!

The reality of our population has made earthquakes more frequent/ the only true early warning device with current technology is to drill deep into the fault areas/ align a laser shining upward at the bottom of the pipe, set this laser with a mercury 1 point support in a three point stationary holder/ with the other 2 support points motor operated focusing members . And watch the beam of light. A sensor at the top of the pipe will watch for you. Pressures indicates the intent of an earthquake/ pressure increases establish heat, and heat will alter the focus of an otherwise stable beam of light. At a 1000 feet or more, nothing else will affect it, but tremors, and these can be isolated with dampening methods to the laser support and adjusted as necessary/ mirrors will disrupt the reading, but calculations can be made. The indicators of several laser angles in progressive line, establishes pressure in the ridge. The use of common thermometers could be used, but the angle results of laser deflection will be exceedingly more accurate. Building in high risk earthquake zones require force deflection mediums [at maximum shake, the direction of the building is lowered slightly, to change the momentum, and alter the resonance].

The fighting of fires, cannot continue as it is done/ too many lives and too many resources which cannot be replaced are at stake/ populations have grown to dense. These are community fires: therefore entire communities MUST fight for themselves/ military forces must be used/ people must be taught how to "make a difference/ when to leave/ and when to stay", high school is a perfect place to begin: television is a useful tool. Preparations include the placement of supplies in appropriate locations prior to any fire/ the more likely the fire, the greater the stores [helicopter drops/ the helicopter is needed for other duties, at fire time]. Fire needs turbulence to continue/ therefore compression explosions along the front line of a fire, from the air/ followed immediately by water drops/ followed by fire fighters should be helpful. The use of more powerful chemicals to defend the boundary lines between forest and community should be used/ the damage they cause is less or must be less, than the accumulated damage of the fire itself {OR don't use it}. SMOKE is the most probable tool, for containment of massive fire/ there are many methods of generating smoke, the storage of tree leaves ground up to a suitable size, is the most probable tool. The fundamental draw of fire will suck it into the correct places/ the purpose of a smoke line against the fire is to cut off the oxygen. To do so, considerable heavy smoke must be generated it would be best to establish the line in a forward position and light it at the appropriate time. These could be established months ahead of time/ thereby giving opportunity for further preparation under controlled conditions. It takes a 1000 yards, for shorter trees, or so to make a fire break, and this is too damaging to forests/ you are too many homes, to many people. Smaller lines can simply trap firefighters, instead of helping in the big fires/ they are useful for smaller versions, but the cost to nature itself may not be worth the price (it changes the structure of the eco-systems, giving advantages to some/ disadvantages to others). It is also possible cannons could be used to cut down the tall trees, engulfed by fire/ that the reality of embers be controlled from spreading as far, and the suction of the fire be reduced. You now have satellites, and they can provide early warning/ you have unfair numbers of prisoners, and they can be used to gather excess fuel from the forest floor/ specifically around communities. Appropriate insect control means " reproductive controls". Payment for these services/ BEGINS with state fire insurance controlled by the state and funded by the insurance companies [NOT individual companies, but all companies paying into the premium, that makes state insurance possible]. People without insurance, will receive structure replacement, due to unavoidable fire, but not beyond a specific minimum necessary for a modest livable house, with nothing in it.

By the reality of war after war after war throughout history, the common actions and reactions of humanity, are at best only a temporary solution to your problems in society. YOU must use truth to decide, and reality to explain: respect alone can change this, through justice! BUT without population control, and limits upon greed, lust, selfishness and power, you will still fail. YOU/ WE ALL, face a DRAMATIC AND CERTAIN chain of events in this immediate future, that has changed your reality and caused history to be void: today population growth WILL cause world war 3. There is NO avoidance of this, except " HONEST CHANGE, & TRUE COMMITMENT. The reality of our consistent growth of, 2 million more people to feed, each and every week, WILL continue to stress an already "breaking environmental failure, of every eco-system on earth". There is NO possibility of human survival when even one of these fail! Therefore as is constant in human history, WAR WILL BE USED to cull the population or "people will be hired" to "select & remove" BILLIONS OF PEOPLE. YOU CANNOT SURVIVE EITHER!

CHANGE MEANS: learning, doing, choosing peace & harmony by the decisions you make, REMOVING the obstacles to survival, & being responsible for yourself. This journey requires: "The destruction of pride/ the control of selfishness/ the refusal of a lie/ & the HONESTY of a purpose without greed or lust (wants). There is NO point in thinking, this reality of change will not be met with all the want & selfishness of the past/ IT WILL. The question of survival is NOT perfection/ the question is "WHO controls the majority, and with what"? Who means, define your leader: if it is truth, then reality controls/ if it is not, then lies will erupt, and want will control.

America was defined by the control of a Constitution (the who), and its purpose was created for inalienable rights, justice, & equality. Therefore the United States of America "sits as an example to the rest/ because America is also the premier example of want/ pride/ selfishness/ greed/ lust/ & the demand for power".

IF America changes, the world will also change. BUT if america will not change, & establish truth as its leader, & reality as its choice/ THEN the world shall NOT change either. By my research, YOU as a world, Shall then destroy yourselves within 20 years. NOT because you want to/ but because you have no other choice.

The impetus for this prediction is held within the trial documents. The reality of this prediction assigns your defeat, as one critical loss of an important resource/ that clearly shows the world: ALL WILL DIE! There are very MANY possibilities for critical loss/ Failure means: "A LANDSLIDE" OF IMMENSE need, shall fall upon you, and your only option will be war. YOUR weapons, and your ways, WILL defeat you, and all hope Shall die with every breath you take. NO MERCY will come/ for this is the decision you shall make in these days: life or death, because we are too many, for any other way.

To accept the consequences of change: you MUST have honest respect for ALL LIFE! You MUST honor your life with TRUTH, HOPE, & HONESTY through respect. You MUST find in life a desire that honestly bonds your existence to the definitions of your ways. You MUST understand the compositions of an environment that you MUST now care for, rather than abuse. & you MUST allow discipline rather than want, to rule your lives.

IF this seems "too much"/ THEN YOU ARE FREE, to accept the alternative/ simply to hide. YOU WILL DIE, but it will be your choice to do so!

YOU will NOT return to your old ways/ even to try, assigns death as "terrors beyond comprehension". Because you will give your respect/ or prove you are god yourself!

YOU DO have only one choice left/ because YOUR DEMANDS have designed this to be so/ not from these words, but your actions: it is "LOVE or hate/ LIFE or death"!

If you hide, if you fear, if you lie & deceive yourselves/ then your choice is death! There are NO EXCUSES! IF you are UNFAITHFUL to the commitment for life/ then your choice is TERROR! And this WILL be worse, than if you just chose to die.

IF you choose LIFE and HONOR this commitment, THEN life will choose you, and eternity bless & keep you.

There is NO NEED, to interrupt the lives of any other nation, over the issues of weapons of mass destruction/ UNTIL America makes its choice. IF they fail/ you fail: in that event, death by these weapons WILL be quick and simple, for the vast majority!

IF you rid yourselves of these weapons, & then turn back to your old ways/ THEN genetic mutilation SHALL come: "To HAUNT YOU, like DEMONS FROM HELL". YOUR death SHALL then be SLOW, PITIFUL, & without mercy: it was your choice, and you made it! I warn you today: by their own admission "the genetic scientist: has only just begun to realize the genetic gnome {from the heights of their fantasies, this is everything} are now saying "this is roughly 2% of the genetic information we need" and even then you have only filled a dictionary with undefined words/ because no one can "read through these definitions in a lifetime"/ how else shall you understand? Yet these "scientists are making decisions about what you can eat/ about your food/ about your lives/ and about your earth: the smartest of which could not defend an honest wisdom established by current knowledge of LESS THAN a 1% understanding of the knowledge necessary! NOT TO WORRY THOUGH, according to evolution, a "single celled creature without a brain or thought of any kind, without even the process of gambling & risk, made you, [they are really smart, aren't they?] Because after all "WHO can defend what happened billions, millions, thousands, or even yesterday"? Here's an interesting question: have you ever "swallowed something (including your own spit) to find it in your windpipe (your lungs) rather than your stomach? Without the timing and the knowledge and the functional parts how does anything survive: does the experience teach you nothing about fundamental foundations and critical timing? It should, therefore let the information in! In a different analysis, a one percent knowledge base represents the common expression: a one year old child, holds approximately 25% of the knowledge necessary to survive/ therefore it is necessary to enter the womb, and recognize this is a decision roughly equivalent to a 4 month old fetus deciding what is in your best interest! At a whim, you kill these individuals! The absurdity of genetic decisions which can easily cause your complete extinction/ is literally beyond belief, that you as a humanity could be so ARROGANT! You console yourselves with, "but I have pain, I am dying, I want pride, & I am NOT dependent upon a GOD I have never personally seen/ that I might challenge HIM and see: that I am less"! Instead humanity says: we can make up anything we want to/ the use of dating measures whatever we want it to, and lies cover all the rest/ WHO can deny us, our opinion? ONLY DEATH. Therefore if only we can learn to control death, then we are gods/ if only we can make others into insects or snakes/ then we have proven our power: who can stand, we will rule the earth and all life. Of course, the masses may have none of this!

Death is the element in time, that allows action & reaction to exist. If it were not for death, you could not exist/ because the world would have been consumed long ago. Time is the distance, between a critical action and a critical reaction/ as such it should not surprise you that genetics have given you "time to play". BUT, as truth will teach you in this decision/ critical reaction ALWAYS comes, when a critical action has occurred. These are your decisions/ but GOD CONTROLS ALL LIFE! By definition, your actions will NOT consume you/ UNTIL HE Allows it! Control does not mean/ "used or abused": Control means: HE DECIDES WHEN!

IF you choose LIFE, there WILL be considerable WORK to be done/ prior to true happiness: EXPECT THIS! YOU WILL learn self-rule, because freedom is important. YOU WILL accept your responsibility to life, to its future, and then to yours. THEN when you have finished this work, when you honorably PRAY: LIBERTY shall unfold "A new city" Where unimaginable riches for life, exist for all. A happiness beyond all expectation.


IF you choose life/ then Revelation 6 has ended, without meaning/ the earth is saved.

LOVE, the beginning of a new world, IS a destiny, HOPED FOR! A relationship conceived "as the anchor for your soul/ attached between compositions in trust". Trust achieves what nothing else can do/ it bonds the intimate definitions of our SOULS, to each other. Here, the experience MULTIPLIES both of our lives/ where love exists in both. Where trust bonds with LIARS, that experience DIVIDES and subtracts from your life, whatever you have invested. The anchor of LOVE, IS an acceptance of VALUE, irregardless of "creature features". Either YOU DO love with your soul, or you do not. There is NO "middle-ground". People do accept others in partnerships with their lives, from the heart. The difference: is the journey! LOVE expands from the relationship called time, into the passages of eternity called joy. Acceptance measures the gifts & benefits of your life to mine, as the happiness of peace and security. LOVE allows, the freedoms of life, to explore the expressions of thought. Acceptance CANNOT fathom the intensity of freedom/ therefore it cries out: "save me". LOVE is, a courage born within the intimacies of SOUL, that express our lives "soul & me" together! Therefore "joined" means BLESSED BY GOD !!!

It will be necessary to understand the BASIC purposes of sex! The critical consumption of "the heart", by sex/ and the fundamental experience called "captured", are all needed to examine change; as needed.

The purpose here is to assemble a framework that allows change by the recognition of patterns. Therefore the behaviors described are about acceptance between male & female, and not TRUE love the expression of complete intimacy. The BASIC purpose of sex is as an ESCAPE! Sexuality has no other "mental or intellectual" grasp on the human condition/ other than the expressed intent to produce children. Therefore every sexual encounter [for child production it is not sex, but a work demanded] is then about some type or need of escape. There are only 3 types of escape: "I want, I want, I want/ I need/ & I hope." The vast majority of sexual encounters is "I WANT to FORGET my life, and enjoy this body: who cares but me". This encounter establishes LUST, not because sex is involved/ but because the other person simply becomes used, "a tool" suited to the work, & then cast off. This is VERY destructive, because it pits man against woman/ woman against man [BOTH do this behavior equally], and then gender against gender. YOUR FAILURE is not sex/ it is the lack of respect, & complete disregard for intimacy. When both simply lust, gender wars result/ this is the battle for sexual power/ the manipulation of sexual conduct for sexual conquest, & the intent to use and then discard.

The second demand of want is: "I WANT the reward, I paid for"! In this demand LUST is described as the expectation of ownership. The work is then quickly deteriorated into "master/ slave" arrangements & the battle rages/ or the surrender assaults life. The demand is attached to: "this IS my only reward for my life/ therefore I MUST have it, to survive". This is an emotional trap without ANY truth. LUST USES it, to prepare your excuse to steal, betray, and assault, "its not my fault/ I must"! Therefore LIAR is your name, & failure the truth of your life. The demand for "others, is found here also"/ not for variety, because the reward of sex is always the same for you: rather it is the game of control, and the need to say "I am free/ when in fact, you are facing failure and want only to forget." As is true of any drug, the reality does not change when you indulge in escape. Instead failure accelerates, and you lose.

The third want of sex is: YOU are my slave, you are going to do everything I ask! LUST has decided, the other human being is nothing more, "than a beast of burden, a sexual tool, & my personal possession {to do with as I please}. LUST thereby declares ownership & demands critical authority/ even unto murder: I CAN DO ANYTHING, that I want/ I own you! Therefore EVIL has surfaced, and truth declares: to lie & steal a life/ to lie and kill a life DEMANDS Retribution! REPENT WITH YOUR WHOLE LIFE, Or To HELL you shall truly go!

These are the primary levels of disrespect between the sexes. Marriage merely grants a greater level of expectation, thereby a more determined ownership of "the product or its revenue". The assumption of marriage is OWNERSHIP/ the reality of life is freedom. Therefore marriage, by common expectation merely, asserts the "rights of ownership". Whereas TRUE "marriage, WHAT GOD HAS JOINED TOGETHER" , Needs nothing else! The marriage demand is responsible for NUMEROUS social tragedies and many small triumphant's. People ARE injured & killed, simply because the marriage leash wasn't strong enough". The intent is "to PROVE, I really was the master here", and I will not accept traitors to my cause.

ANY expectation of ownership is A FAILURE! NO EXCEPTIONS. ANY demand for ownership is wrong, & precipitates tragedy. ANY method which gives "property rights" of one person over another persons body or life, is an enslavement. The assumption of equal property rights over the body of each other/ does NOT negate "a failure has occurred"/ it merely asserts: we are trying to achieve happiness together. The critical reality here is "trying"/ trying means: "I'm here, I want rather than I am, & the back door is open, just in case". When you BOTH do your best, the honesty of your relationship speaks for itself. NO proof is required, it is the evidence itself. HAPPINESS is your expression of the honor that shares your soul! Society uses marriage as a tool, a useful means of contractual control by which punishment can be measured & demands made. Physical securities are important/ NO ONE should be allowed to "rape, ransack, & ruin"/ therefore Marriage should become more of an insurance policy: pay a percentage to the monthly premium company/ and if something goes wrong you collect. ANY threat of possession is a criminal act/ instead marriage should become a participation of equals: divorce allows; work is NOT, "how much they have"/ but YOUR contribution, therefore your salary for your contribution, is your only right. HAPPINESS & so forth are distinct contributions of VALUE. Separated incomes, lets you decide/ separated incomes offer clear substantive evaluations of where your relationship is, by your gifts to each other when in need.

[Children are NOT possessions/ they are lives just like yours. LOVE allows the honor and respect of participating in their lives, just as honesty creates honor in your life, honesty creates the opportunity for sharing and caring in theirs. Love is NOT in control of any life/ rather RESPECT for the realities, the needs, the hopes, and the opportunities for that life allows true responsibility to be yours. If you want to be friends, when they leave the house/ then listen to them clearly now, choose to spend time with them clearly for their benefit & our benefit now, and help them to understand and prepare for their world: NOT with money, but with your time and effort on their behalf. ]

Sexual needs represent an escape required for mental, physical, or spiritual survival. Need very often exists as the single reality: "no one, loves me, enough"! There exists in need, three separate levels of honesty: emotional upheaval, wherein the desperation to change YOU, into their security seems overwhelming to them/ Physical desire, the escape from "my burdens", if only for a little while/ & mental depressions, the constant attack & progression of SELF- DISRESPECT.

Emotions are the mixture of truth & lie designed by want, but controlled by a need to "feel secure". If you respond sexually to emotion/ then it is the beginning of games, and you both shall be hurt, by the cost of "selling yourselves, based upon a lie". The failure to respond sexually, where expectations do exist, WILL spawn the multiple mixtures of hate & sadness/ revenge or tears/ hope or heartache, and the result will be determined : by the measure of your worth/ in their eyes.

Physical needs can be met with sexual relations/ WITHOUT actual possibilities of a child resulting. This allows FRIENDSHIP to counsel and sympathize with stress, and the opportunities of life to life, to heal the burdens of intense threat or competition. Sexual encounters ALL HAVE RISKS: disease, the failure of any man or woman to be friend, the demand for a lifetime, or the intent for control. Therefore accept this demand ONLY, Where true friendship exists: or you will be sorry. As a friend, ask for something useful in return, "such as you shall quit smoking forever/ you will accept the responsibility to lose weight for your benefit not mine/ or whatever is honest and important to their lives: if they do not agree/ then do not consol sexually. This is love by the interpretation of "I care if you survive"/ this is respect, by the definitions "I know you are doing your best, and need this help: therefore I will be happy to help."

Mental depressions are NOT associated with honorable sexual relations! Most depressions stem from FAILURE to accept the responsibility of your soul/ to protect your life & theirs from dishonor/ therefore sexual expression outside "honest & honorable" : ADULT, consenting, male to female=female to male physical contact, becomes disrespect for your life and your soul. SOUL, through mental depression IS "telling you" to stop, to repent, & to begin again through the hope of "lesser things" than love, for now. Sexual developments during this human experience WILL either help, where love heals. OR WILL conflict, confuse, & contest with disrespect to provide "such a wide view of proper and necessary: that a road, leading to I AM RIGHT/ I belong here doing this becomes vindication for dishonor". Therefore soul becomes ridiculed, and life divides as love or HATE. To these then love assumes, "the amusement of parts/ I will take what I want/ who has a right to judge me". While hate returns; these others HAVE conspired against me/ they made my life on earth a "hell on earth"/ WHY then, should I not take REVENGE! The "voice of temptation, that walks behind" has been born.

Our relationship to sexual hopes, is an escape from the realities & truths we do not comprehend. These become opportunities in "trust, love, faith, & belief". Here in this blessing of hope, those who trust share their honesty with a purpose of love. Those who love explain their generosity, with a belief "in your value". Those who trust this belief, have faith to confront the challenges of living, with caring & sharing. & those who believe that love is a "family affair" DO understand that life is more important than selfishness, or rules. Sexual response is a "journey as life, between lovers". Our escape here is from death, as life preforms "in miracles & gifts"! Honor says: the spiritual existence of our lives, is found in "miracles & gifts"; here, where true love guides, love presents this existence of life in us/ and evidence needs no further explanation. LOVE is "The SPIRIT OF GOD " revealed through us. Therefore love is NOT a sexual participation, but a spiritual encounter. In marriage of some years, there are many who want to "play the game of sex"/ therefore they secretly remove themselves from the marriage, that they may "cheat the other, [either with another or by exclusion from my life or body] sexually". Marriage is a sexual commitment. If you must "find or pay for another"/ if you must reduce your relationship to hiding "in the closet"/ then it is your own heart that is dying. Heart means: The desire, to belong! The consequence becomes an end to marriage, because you do not belong. Therefore understand this simply, sexuality is a tool, it is not an ownership, it is NOT "for your enjoyment/ but for OUR happiness". Sexuality is not about doing only what you like, but it is an enjoyment of each other/ therefore it is your job to guide the other into their pleasure [NEVER as selfishness/ IT AIN'T JUST YOU, "having sex for yourself/ this is lust, and translates into disgust, I am used"]. IF you do not like this job, then you do not like your marriage. BE CAREFUL with each other/ we are NOT "tools"/ sex is the tool: people are the existence of a body that explains our existence as life, in the compositions of complex interactions generating relationships in thought. The definition of a "tool" here, means: a disciplined relationship of value, that can be guided in ways we chose. We exist in thought, while the body feeds our destiny, with journeys into love, hope, truth, &life. DO NOT spoil the experience with sex or any other excuse for selfishness/ enhance your life with a sexuality designed from GOD ! Thought does not surrender to hate, but love understands the damage of disrespect and demands: honesty or removal. A sexual expression is, the possibility for man and woman to encounter spiritual beginnings within themselves/ not with GOD, but with themselves as life forces transformed by bonds which complete the bridge that unites us together forever. This is not a small or insignificant matter. Eternity honors both or one, as you desire.

We are humanity, therefore the "price of admission/ the heart of a human being" is determined by the purpose YOU apply! In the relationship of love & spirit as given by GOD to you, the opportunity arises ONLY, "By permission from SPIRIT'! You cannot simply open doors/ you must have permission. In the development of a union between man & woman, sexuality offers the evidence of your heart, and the testimony of your love/ this is a "creation you share, an opportunity to ask/ by the permission of truth". This is NOT the only means of asking permission/ PRAYER IS BETTER!

All other sexual activity consumes. This consumption means; your heart, the blessing that is your choice for freedom, for life, for sharing, or for caring WILL demand payment from your freedom, to act on your behalf. Freedom is your relationship to happiness/ while true love, is your relationship to JOY. Once paid, this freedom and its ability to interact with your life HAS been spent/ you CANNOT have this back. Therefore every relationship "less than spiritual" does have a price! If you choose personal freedom/ then companionship will be lacking. If you choose life/ then your relationship to all other life in humanity is waiting. IF you choose to share/ then you WILL have less for yourself/ perhaps for many years. If you choose to CARE/ then life will decide "who you are/ not you", beyond this acceptance. Therefore understand with honesty the discipline of truth. For freedom, it is the order applied to very simple things. For life, it is the order that gives behavior meaning and conflict a passion. For sharing, order becomes the expression of my own soul. & For CARING, Order ascends beyond my life, as the purpose of miracles in me/ I choose life itself (not simply my life), therefore I must participate as necessary.

In contrast to these truths, the reality of simple sex captures "the message of life" and destroys your participation in it. The message of life is: YOU are a miracle, respect & achieve LIFE EVERLASTING! Simple sex destroys respect, because it is not about honor/ and makes "miracles, into simple tools"! Simple sex descends from HOPE, LOVE, LIFE, & TRUST/ into the simple action of sex and the consequence of a simple life: it is the illusion, of a freedom that cannot survive. Sexuality is nether good or bad! Nakedness is NOT a sin/ rather, your failures have removed it from your freedoms. Marriage is NOT a "license for sex"/ rather it MUST be an understanding of sexual need, and a participation in that need: IF you cannot/ will NOT/ then it is fair to ask your wife or your husband to find you another, for this VERY simple purpose. EACH one, has only one life to live here/ therefore WHY should this not be so? It is UNFAIR, to control the other. DO NOT expect perfection/ you are not perfect/ they are not perfect/ NO ONE is perfect: remember this, it is not hard! It is an honor to be needed by another, even sexually means, that your life is important to their survival/ in marriage it is your right to participate, do not throw this away. Sex is A gift from Your CREATOR, do not belittle it/ but neither is this a reward or a want. Sex, as love, hope, or need even in friendship, creates 4 different things for you/ an escape, a warmth to feel alive, a hope for tomorrow to be a blessing, and an opportunity to share thank you, to GOD Or to each other! Therefore understand the importance, understand the blessing, and understand the need.

A need is not a want! The difference is, "your heart/ the price of sharing". IF you are asked to share sexuality, THEN BE HONEST WITH EVERYONE, including yourself! IF you cannot, will not, or refuse to commit to "the life required" for a specific reality/ or if acceptance will create harm in another, because you did not care enough about them/ when the reality did not call for very serious considerations: THEN DO NOT make a liar, or thief of yourself! IF, these conditions are met, then a need means: THIS LIFE, and those surrounding his or her will benefit, without doubt. If you DO care, then you may commit! As a human reality, EVEN if the need is "older family: someone who has done their personal best, for many years, to achieve a happiness/ but their "mates" were not worthy, something went wrong, or they died: then these also may be aided sexually: it is NOT HONORABLE, to abandon family in need! There will be those who demand this is "beyond justification". I will remind the religious, that abraham married his sister/ and there are many more realities of sex and behavior in the old testament particularly, but they are irrelevant. This is not an issue about sex/ this is about life, and the honesty of what it means to share honorably. IF you cannot/ then do not: there is no shame in not sharing/ what you honestly do not have to spare. IF you commit and then "play games for yourself"/ YOU are a thief, and a liar. YOU will remember children are NOT "a toy"/ they are NOT your possession, and if you mistreat them sexually [as the bible warns: it would be better for you if you had never been born]. YOU will remember however that a child is the honor of a parent/ & a parent the honor of a child/ they ARE EXEMPT, from this statement of family/ they MUST look elsewhere. In all cases, children CANNOT occur out of this arrangement [it is the woman's responsibility]. IF it is not family, and EVERYONE agrees, it may be possible for sperm donation/ not baby donation or egg donation either. YOU are warned: if your heart steals/ then your soul will CONVICT you! Therefore be cautious and do not lust, do not lie to yourself, do not be "more than you are" and do not misunderstand that lives are important. FIND them someone if possible to share their lives completely, that is honest & true/ if not, then sexuality is in itself, only a small thing: with big healing virtues/ IF you do not corrupt it.

A marriage is a partnership for life/ sex belongs in it. If sex fails, the consequence is: I don't trust you anymore, you have hurt my love for you, or we have failed. Respect says: begin again, understanding what must change, IS NOT you or me/ but US! Find something to say to each other in word or deed that conveys: I will put you again first (behind GOD) in my life. This is NOT "a gift from the world" this is a true change in your heart! As husband or wife: IT IS A SIN, not to respond to this change in true HOPE! Remember NOT to continue doing the "same things/ not sexually/ not in life" and GIVE to each other the blessing of freedom because without happiness there will be no joy.

Be honorable, be happy, enjoy the gift of GOD To you/ but respect the possibilities which repair or damage or create joy, in other SOULS. This is your honor to understand, " that miracles give us responsibilities, that allow respect to be taught from pain", it is to our honor, that we may assist in this life, by caring enough to share what only love can provide. Choose simply, choose properly, and DO understand mistakes and all manner of compromise ARE going to occur. This is not a composition declaring "sex is to be freed of responsibility"/ rather this is a realization that human relationships are sometimes broken, even inside yourself. The repair of a broken heart, simply requires a "seed (NOT sperm "dimwit"/ but the warmth of someone who does care, if this one lives or dies) of honest love through the proof of caring" to begin again. JESUS IS, the proper love to seek/ but if you cannot, then life can help. DO NOT be stupid, & useless! Be honest and understand, that love is not sexual/ it is "a framework that begins in hope, assigns trust to bind together the honor of the parts, and allows honesty and truth to direct the building of its temple in you". When stupidity, arrogance, pride, selfishness, want, greed, lust, power, death, or just plain "I don't care about you, enough"/ HAS damaged love itself, as it exists in you/ then sometimes it is necessary for someone else's love to help YOU, rebuild and start again: because need demands it. THIS IS NOT a commitment of forever/ this is to help YOU start again, if it is honorably important. The pillars of life, are not survival by physical means. The pillars of your support as life, are simply: LOVE, because it creates order through joy/ LIFE itself because it is the freedom to decide/ ENERGY because it is the discipline of creation/ TRUST, because it assembles in anticipation, therefore it grants hope and all conception of future/ & THOUGHT because nothing less is life. IF you fail to protect these, then you die; if someone does not support your will you rebuild. This is SALVATION: IF JESUS "Rebuilds you", then YOU accept with honesty, the gift of HIS LOVE. As participants in this life through HIS LOVE/ then if you support someone else, you become the physical presence of that love. IF YOU STEAL OR LIE/ then IT IS Against JESUS HIMSELF that you have done this. IF YOU are responsible for "the death of these", because you stole/ then to HELL YOU GO. PRAY, for the mercy of "prison" instead. Do NOT consider sexual expression, as the only means to change or need or life or hope or trust/ RATHER it is a last resort, where it is clear "nothing else is working".

This type of change is necessary to reduce the damage of your expectations, your wants/ therefore its purpose is to divide and conquer selfishness and want. As humanity, you have made sexuality the "scape goat, for all your problems". You have made it "a failure, a curse, a game, a goal or reward, & surrendered it to FOR SALE HERE (Look around you). WHORING by both sexes/ has set the stage , for critical devaluation of life, sex, & bodies; this in turn always becomes a rapid descent into debauchery & witchcraft (to sell your body for your wants, by promising lust). Whore means: to believe sexuality is a "tool, to be used for manipulation". Debauchery means: NOTHING of value exists for me anymore, therefore "discipline is for fool's". Carnal knowledge thereby grants descent from "man or woman/ to become as animals, by the intent of their actions"/ these then assert of themselves that they are "The leader of the pack". This is a game of fools & idiots! IF you lie to yourself, THEN your reality will become, "A burden into eternity/ without end". DO NOT DO THIS [CHANGE] REPENT IF YOU CAN.

In these realities, the rights or wrongs of sexual content & behavior are NOT for your mind to decide. The religious, the rules, the morality, & common up-bringing will not allow honest evaluation of such issues as these/ therefore it cannot help you with truth. YOU MUST let your soul decide. Truth can only be understood, by a mind that can hear with honesty and trust. If your decision is made without knowledge, or by someone else's rules/ then your soul did not participate. If your mind closed because of rules, then you abandoned your soul/ "for the security of your flock". YOU are no longer protected by the flock/ because it has grown so large, that it must be abandoned: to allow the individuality of choice, to decide AS PEOPLE/ or you will become as "lambs to the slaughter". Here the Christian religions will denounce and demand this must be "a blasphemy"/ because JESUS DECLARED "That we should be like lambs". AND I DO believe in every word HE SAID, you are to read Matthew 16: 21-28 and decide if this is "the courage of a lion/ or the slaughter of a lamb". I say to you, while we are told NO BLOODSHED, to convince the others/ this is a life of courage, that only looks to the public as if a lamb had been here. Some will say "he knows the bible too well, he can twist the words/ he must be satan"/ INSTEAD, I tell you plainly: that I am directed to every passage used in this message/ I have found none on my own. THEREFORE be very careful who YOU accuse/ because HELL HATH NO FURY, MORE than to those who fail this test.

The journey into soul, is the reality away from ALL "pride/ lies/ want/ selfishness/ & power"! REMOVE THESE, and SOUL shall find you!

Life is NOT about freedom; rather that exists for HAPPINESS/ instead LIFE is about THE THREE EXPRESSIONS OF THOUGHT:




PRAISE GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!

The primary compositions of social reform are simple ones: Use only a respectful amount of resources, as is justifiable to all; share the work both good and bad; ESTABLISH HONORABLE JUSTICE, AND KEEP IT; self-rule demands your participation, therefore create honest opportunity for REAL votes, on the issues themselves; REMOVE power, by limiting selfishness; control want, by learning to CARE about each other; & define CORRECTLY each social job and its purpose and its limits. THEN join the world and become as one: this REQUIRES A "Common secondary language, to be learned by all: deaf & and blind included". {signed and braille, suitable / a relationship of words drawn randomly to each country, for their selection/ so many words divided by the population of the country, ALL have at least one selection of importance: try to keep them short }

IF you do not do each of these/ then like germany & japan of world war 2: "over-population will force you to believe, Someone has to die". Take a look at Israel & Palestine today/ they do NOT fight over religion, politics, or whatever/ they fight STRICTLY for control of resources: because without them your whole society dies. YOU WILL STOP, Population growth IMMEDIATELY! IF you fail here today/ your extinction is guaranteed tomorrow. Death MUST also be respected, as the opportunity beyond this life. Therefore when NATURE truly is calling/ stand away. DECIDE exactly what this means to you/ and bring it to vote/ then enforce it. Abortion is NOT birth control/ a vasectomy is NOT the answer; for male or female. YOU will decide when the time to stand away comes/ NOT me.

Even the simply terms of survival are merely sneered at, I suggested to fire and political leaders at one time, to provide a cellulose fiber insulation machine for the cities, [a rather cheap investment] wherein anyone who brought paper products in would receive in turn insulation for their houses. They failed to comprehend the addition of fire retardant [also a cheap investment], and thought of themselves far to superior to consider "paper in the attic"/ failing to understand, that is exactly what is bought in the local lumber yards! The "nature" of humanity is then NOT, according to reality, but according to pride! PRIDE is the assertion, I AM sufficient alone/ I am superior to you/ I am complete in myself! Whereas the reality is: you have failed to describe truth, respect, honor, or any discipline or purpose applied by honesty: the outcome of your ways, is therefore certain to fail.

Famine is coming/ so prepare!

The opportunity to achieve political discussion in a political forum, is NOT "A candidate talks"/ this is useless, or deceiving. Reality says: collect the topics or questions from the public or the crowd or from petition signed by the public/ organize it into 10 statements or questions for tonight, & analyze what is or is not an honest response. The candidates are removed then, and all discussion revolves around what is true, & what reality will allow us to do. A political officials' job is to implement your decision, & protect it/ it is NOT "to choose for you".

The reality of leadership is, when you make a mistake, someone else pays. When you choose a direction, and it is misplaced or simply wrong, all society pays. It is clear and certain some situations demand, a critical choice be made for others/ but that can only occur when the others cannot be consulted and allowed to choose for themselves. Therefore investigation and vote are very critical to an honest society. There is no one, who can decide for millions or more/ what only humanity itself can decide: you MUST learn to do this for yourselves/ there is no other way.

Finally you MUST accept individuality and surrender your "gangs", because without true freedom, revenge will cause turmoil, & sufficient turmoil will strip away the peace & harmony you MUST now have to survive. The PRICE of your future, your lives, is then the reality of your truth, your friendship, your honesty, and your honor. If you fail/ then it is because these things were NOT important to the human majority, and you chose the destiny of death. What you WANT, IS irrelevant! Because reality is in charge now! What reality says to you is: BE CAREFUL, because one step too far, & the avalanche of destruction cannot be turned away.

Since there is certain to be contention as to the words of Matthew 16: 28/ these are defined by our human relationship with thought. Thought exists as the basis of your life/ thought exists within the reality of your identity. Therefore WE DO in literal terms exist as the thought or participation in thought that gives us (each one) a dimension & density that is soul. Death means simply, the destruction of bonds. In simple human death, the bond is broken between body & life. In complex realities beyond time, death is a broken bond between life & thought. Here the meaning of this verse becomes true, these have remained in waiting; that they too may inherit at the same time as those who are first! Complex death is the end of "the human experience"/ therefore the end of all memory, all conception of time. These then await our experience in JOY, as this shall become the relationship we are to inherit in thought. Thought thereby begins, "A NEW LIFE".

Some will argue & demand proof/ to these the words of Philippians 1: 27-30 have no meaning. Instead of them, I say to you who do believe, read 1 Corinthians 4 and learn "what faithful means"! Just as life or death is the decision of these days/ faithful or faithless is the decision that shall enter your heart, and you shall decide. The complexity of eternal matters would be endless argument/ as no proof exists in time except miracles, life, every good thing, and the messages from GOD Given to HIS Messengers. IF you believe, then you believe/ if not, then no. Instead of these pursuits, which do not comfort you/ rely on reality & search for the physical truths in time, that you might not die, & humanity become extinct. These you will find/ these you will understand. If you will worry & wonder about "life eternal" then read the NEW testament, and be at peace.

America is the "babylon" of revelations, I suggest you prepare/ BUT remember this prophecy is LITERALLY dependent upon your personal actions and decisions. America WILL lose its "place of wealth", but that does not mean complete failure, as is prophesied= YOU will decide yourselves. America is also the place where people of the whole world have come, "to seek more for themselves"! YOU are to be congratulated/ you have succeeded. For now in these very days/ "Whatever the world is to endure, begins as the decisions and actions of your own lives". YOU SHALL CHOOSE!

As for me," I am a slave" to JESUS: which more literally means, my own education and survival HAS required "tens of thousands of hours of instruction/ and many sins forgiven." Therefore justice says, there can be no honor in asking to be paid, in ANY form. Rather the work of my life, is literally up to JESUS HIMSELF. NOT as a "puppet, or other slave might be considered/ BUT as a friend, simply saying thank you, for VERY MUCH WORK, that HE did on my behalf." Those who know only a mental state, cannot and will not understand such language/ therefore they WILL ridicule, and suggest "a mental depravity or other". I have provided this work/ this trial/ book, or document as my witness that I am correct. Whatever you choose to consider me as is irrelevant to me, / because this is your work to come/ this is your life or death to decide, it is not mine. And EVERY SINGLE ONE, does have the DUTY, to provide the opportunity for this choice to another one or more/ that they also may choose properly; I bring only a message, not a man. There are no insignificant issues provided herein/ except for me, and I provide that only because humanity will insist on some information/ therefore these things are written to resolve and end that matter.

It is unnecessary for you to believe that/ I believe for "both of us". I DO NOT say to you "come to me"/ neither are you invited, as this is my life, and I tell you true: I have NO desire to lead, rule, control, or any other power. Rather, in the simple terms of an "education", I do have a great deal yet to learn. Eternity is a destiny formed, by the critical expression of your own desire/ it is MY desire to




this is my purpose for life, and this is my design for living: by my definitions/ not yours.