In real terms, the only upswing allowed in the american economy is, "the price of WAR". This is accounted as the several thousand new employees created by removing soldiers from their regular jobs. & the government/not just "the president", that has spent roughly 100 billion dollars in the last several months/ the 87 billion just spent to cause the increase in production of the month just ended, and the 80+ billion required to begin the rebuilding process. In total that is roughly 270 billion dollars spent in under 2 years for this war. While the current influx of jobs is only temporary the debt is not. 270 billion dollars divided by 270 million people (man, woman, & child) is $1000.00 per person spent as debt incurred. This increase as debt will have repercussions, particularly when added to the 300 billion or so added to the debt in every year for at least the last 20 years, and only slightly less for the preceding 20 years. The clinton administration found "no debt", by removing the social security cost of the american public: it was decided, although the government collects the money, "it is really a debt of the people to themselves and represented NO government debt at all: to bad they spent the money, and borrowed against it, TO THE LIMIT."

The truth is america long ago went bankrupt!

We live & work today with numbers, NOT with money. Money is the relationship of work & resource to the reality in truth of what is fair to the majority of citizens to receive. Money as reality thereby claims: what WE HAVE TAKEN, we will pay for with work & the opportunity that resources allow.

Numbers are the opposite, granting to any who will sign, the "right to opportunities they will NEVER pay for, because they HAVE TAKEN, more than they deserve. To justify this disgrace, each "sells their time, to the consequence of slavery/ then the children" to be slaves, or to pay the price of lies as hatred, violence, or revenge. Because when the promises die/ as they must, the people who believed will revolt.

The american public believes in numbers, "because they want to believe". The world lets them because they too, "WANT this same excess for themselves"/ therefore these other nations have adopted the same basic disgrace as america. The impetus for this is simply "MINE" ! Wherein what does belong to everyone may be stolen & used by selfishness to rule over the others. THIS IS A SHAME ON YOU! It is the law & scandal used by the greedy & devised by the lustful that does this/ the judge merely becomes a "fool, for the wealthy": the purpose of all this is to ask for power, from the few that believe they may control the rest. Neither money nor numbers allow this to occur. Rather it is starvation & distress that make people slaves, & then failure occurs in all relationships of value/ that then becomes the avenues of power over people.

In this day it can be understood, "there is NO end to the numbers: with over roughly $370,000.00 assigned to EVERY american man, woman, or child currently averaged out equally: the national claim for assets. The relationship of "running out of numbers" to define bankruptcy, simply does not exist: certain proof is the national american debt of roughly $600,000.00 per worker. If we bought with cash, you would need a truck to haul around the dollars, just for groceries.

In the current run of stock market dollars, the reality is simply: after getting less than 1% interest on their investment in the "bank", these people say, "lets RISK again". In simple terms, the numbers involved reflect NOTHING about the current state of business. LIARS are assumed as well, as we all know: it is constant in american business.

There are 3 distinctions, by social agreement, that keep this FRAUD working: they are the appreciation of property/ all property MUST RISE EVERY YEAR, or credit dies, because the game ends! No credit, and how many people instantly lose their job, their everything?

The second is a BLIND acceptance of the lie, that numbers represent money. A claim of roughly $600,000.00 debt per american worker (every taxpayer filing in the United States), proves blind acceptance

The third is: NO ONE wants world economic failure, therefore all parties play ignorant/ because they believe the truth is worse than the lie! How many jobs lost, how many riots in the street, how many failures in every aspect of life.

In the first instance, it is the immigrant that HAS kept the american economy going. These accept "the american way, & most agree to be enslaved for the things they want, for the rest of their lives: JUST LIKE, the american people. The time comes quickly when this final relationship to property appreciation will die to. Although the immigrant comes, the burden of the debt is simply too much.

This document itself, while many more exist; shall also make the acceptance of lies, much harder to accept. A necessary fact, because if you fail to prepare before chaos erupts, you shall fail much worse!

As resources decline, it will NOT matter, how much any nation despises the truth, reality will come. Without resources, there is no food/ no opportunity for food/ no work/ simply WAR, with weapons of mass destruction: the end of life.

These are the last days before complete economic collapse. If you do not prepare, then chaos will rule the earth, and your extinction literally is at hand.

If you DO choose to prepare, then "WE AS A WORLD", will face all these problems together; because we are too many for any other way. Like it or not, we are TIED TOGETHER in life or death: what you want is irrelevant.

Therefore understand this message, is NOT an intent to control, NOT a demand for respect, NOT ANYTHING more than an opportunity for you to survive!

Here the common existence of a human response to "build a mental wall, to hide behind, from whatever you choose NOT to hear" WILL be your descent into the hell or your own choosing.

Whereas an understanding & acceptance grants to YOU, EACH: the years of WORK and the consequence of YOUR DUTY TO EACH OTHER/ that demands you shall change or die! This choice is yours!

And you shall make it!

I, for my part, HAVE DONE the work assigned to me! THIS WORK, belongs to you, not to me!

IF you lie, or turn away at any time, your fate as a world is sealed! Fear will NOT help you: YOU, SIMPLY MUST LEARN, or accept the fate you have chosen. Or die from your choices, and your arrogance.

The question of value, occurs in money/ not the want of possessions, but the value of EVERY/ or any life form. Economic chaos & famine are coming, because population demand & resource depletion demands it shall be. Therefore truth says: STOP now, or become extinct. The critical questions are: HOW do we eat & drink, HOW do we provide shelter, HOW do we tame the human aggression, & WHY is LIFE, worth this price.

In terms of when, the day of substantial need is unimportant. Like life itself, a few more days are defined only, by what you do with them. If you respect your life, then you prepare/ if you don't then the days are wasted in gluttony, selfishness, & waste.

The question of food & drink are limited to resource reality/ the methods of attaining more are refined by education & developed according to the possibilities at hand. There are methods of cultivation, irrigation, & farming that achieve BETTER results than current practice/ among these are useful Urban processes for city dwellers. The best place to begin ARE the schools, where children then learn to be self-sufficient and adults participate. People do scoff at self-sufficiency, because they expect never to need to "do work for themselves"/ I suggest to you, that as you starve in the unemployment line: YOU WILL change your mind. What is important is the appreciation & respect for all living things, that give us life! Until an honorable understanding exists/ the failure called money will continue to extract life, only to replace it with the failure of humanity: this is the extraction of all things "so that the garbage pit of human discontent may OVERFLOW". How selfish you truly are, discarding with complete abandon what every future generation absolutely NEEDS! WANT depicts an animal, intent upon self-preservation & self-indulgence. The purpose of humanity is: to create an identity expressed through thought, as the existence of a life dedicated by experience to the wonder & grace & beauty of MIRACLES! Here, by the relationship called time, self HONORS life, as the only truth, that completes our experience & reality confines truth as the only expression of / or in our lives to complete soul. Therefore self no longer exists, but dies in time as failure/ while life asserts eternity completes our existence, "As children Of OUR LIVING GOD". LIFE IS, by definition then, a hope & a faith beyond the needs of man, woman, or child, where reality conceives of expressions so far beyond the existence of "an animal" that NO true correlation exists between their lives and ours/ much like the difference between plant & animal, is clearly seen. The existence of the "human animal" is NOT a measurement/ NOT a judgment/ BUT a reality of choice, granted by the FREEDOM of the gift, that is our soul: no one is forced to receive the blessing of SOUL/ but everyone is required to choose. The question of food & water is then refined to the existence of your soul. IF your soul lives, you shall "share & care" in HONEST terms: NOT in sacrifice! Do not come to me, in your time of need/ have I not told you to prepare, even everyone by one form or another: if you refuse, to do so/ Why then am I responsible for you? Wherever the soul is rejected by people/ the FIGHTING for greed & power, shall commence. If you will survive, then you must accept the responsibility required of you, and do the work as one people, and even one world. There shall be enough food & water/ if you do not fail.

The question of shelter is again one of education, only this time it is a battle against pride: where life survives by honest means, the reality is sufficient. It is only pride & arrogance/ jealousy & envy that intervene to allow sufficiency to become a thing hated/ & the honor of life becomes a thing of waste. Shelter is a definition attached to "the ground we walk upon"/ THEREFORE IT IS A RIGHT, to claim some small parcel/ rather than be beaten from place to place by SIMPLE FOOLS, whose greed & gluttony disguise the tragedy of their demise. A right, is NOT a judgment that allows you to take whatever you want/ a right allows you to expect & demand: the honor of our existence gives us: "a place among society, where life may be at peace." That place shall NOT be less than 500 sq ft per person: SOCIETY SHALL PROVIDE THIS PLOT, with community sewer, water, garbage pickup, & respectful lighting/ once vacated, it belongs to the next. Society SHALL provide "a survivable wage" for not more than one honest days work, per every five days/ if you want more work from them, the WAGE GOES UP "to a fair living wage, as you would expect". You will find these people something: whether by reducing your own hours & pay or whatever it takes. These people SHALL have first right to any condemned structure [for its materials], & you will deliver USEABLE materials to their personal site/ instead of the dump or any other venture. HELP THEM, do not hinder, BE FAIR as if this were you!

The human desire for violence & general aggression is linked directly to superiority/ the demand to be "MORE, than equal". It is "I WANT, to be somebody special"! YOU ARE ALIVE, the reality of this MIRACLE cannot be understated, or rejected: simply because you are alive/ YOU are equal! The designs of human aggression are ALL about saying: because I am alive, you must worship ME; YOU NEED ME! Therefore it is need that isolates & extrapolates the intent of aggression by some, upon the others. The demand is: I SHALL NOT need you/ and to prove the validity of my claim, I WILL PROVE, you need me! Violence is this assumption displaced with either the vanity of "you are worthless to me" OR the assertion: "I WILL find a USE for you, that worships me"! These excretions of a futile existence, are to be subjected to a prison containing "like-minded people," and they shall earn their survival by work, as society allows. To combat the disease of aggression, START EARLY, BE FAIR, BE HONEST, DISCUSS LIFE (don't command discipline/ it is to be earned).

The heart of a human life, IS an openness that grants to you, "the pleasure of HONOR, HONESTY, PEACE, & LOVE". Having accepted these, the disciplines & order that follow, give RESPECT the dignity in every life, of things both seen & unseen. These are the intimacy of courage, & hope, & the challenge of a true destiny where NO human may ever tread {because it is only created in your soul}.


Never surrender this miracle, understand instead that time will depart from us/ but the reality that is LIFE "Remembers our SOUL"!

Welcome to the beginning of eternity!

The reality of life is, TRUTH DOESN'T CARE! This simple statement does have consequences/ the relationships of our existence, to the decisions in time therefore mean that we are indeed alone. DISCIPLINE gives time its order, & order conceives of future, hope, courage, & destiny. LOVE is a relationship conceived without sexuality/ love is a definition created in the expression of life, BY THE VALUE of one life to & for another life. LOVE is an experience of HONOR, as it complete the "radiance of freedom", that is our lives in love. Sexuality between ADULT male to female/ female to male, adds the existence of a momentary friend that shares and thereby completes our existence in time, as the freedom explained through respect/ when it ascends from loneliness to the responsibilities of family. Family asks of each one: "DO you care"? Family means, shared by happiness, the fate of all resides in each one! This is a composition in truth that does care/ therefore where truth recognizes family the relationship of love remembers the value of a friend and HAPPINESS is born.

Happiness conceives of living as the blessing of life, therefore happiness binds us to each other, by removing the boundaries & walls of dissolution & disgrace/ to create life as the moments revealed where we become "the message within our soul." Happiness is then a destiny defined by MIRACLES, a journey beyond the measures of this reality where truth binds the relationship & treasury of your existence to the honesty & respect of disciplines that refine freedom to the true expressions of life, as the miracle we truly are.

In this world there are "countless people" completing for pride, for hatred, for revenge, or for sex and other forms of power. These "sell" their hopes, they sacrifice their love, & the destroy their own lives/ for the failures of their own heart. The most critical human expression is formed in these words: never surrender, always be the person life has given you to be, & always remember "it is NOT what any other life or experience can do to you that matters/ rather critical to your life, IS what YOU choose to do to yourself!"

There are "countless people" adrift in the measurement of all lives & things, possessions HAVE invaded their lives & ruled: "We will never again, be like them"! Therefore all manner of vile & corrupt practice & deceit come forth, to protect the intent of their existence to prove "they are superior"/ & to keep this power because their love has failed, "removed for the rejection of all people". This allows treachery, because now "these others" are mere refuse to be discarded or used. These now have no true family because they have sold their relationships to the measures of their own minds/ and granted judgment as their right to play god. A mind does not extend the experience of life. Instead the mind measures & exists to judge the experience of time as either "good or bad". Therefore based upon expectation, existence refines your experience to either: surrendered to the failures of power & pride/ or drowning in the pulsations of time, that cause everything human to be swallowed as if the stomach "could wipe away such tears"; others surrender to be sold into the slavery of sex, as if chemicals could stop the descent that defines the destruction of your life.

There are no simple experiences in life, each one builds upon the other to create the expression that expands our journey & our destiny from time into the compositions that become our truth, and the disciplines that become our life. Order says: it is NOT time that creates your influence upon soul. Rather it is your decision, in the freedoms of your own heart, that honor or display, "the definitions that are you: your identity". Miracle says: a creation conceived & held in RESPECT, shall find a home "appropriate for its kind"/ but a definition destroyed by the competition of "little things" shall find itself through truth/ and truth DOESN'T care.

A "wall" is the measurement of what confines your world from the miracle that is your life. A boundary in human terms, is the selfishness you refuse to surrender: to accept the happiness that completes your soul. Destiny is "a little like, star-gazing" although the reality is simple enough/ the truth EXCEEDS all expectation by proportions the mind cannot begin to measure. A goal is a WANT that directs the focus of life into "one simple little possession"/ while the Journey into eternity is abandoned "as insignificant and without merit: TRULY "a fool's paradise"!

What are "the voices inside your head"/ they are self-doubt, self- worth, & self-judgment. The compositions of which, aids selfishness as a guide to bind your hopelessness into the tools of your failure. Selfishness is therefore more complex than simple want or decisions/ it is a dimension of the mind, where life has literally "been sucked out" for the purposes of greed, lust, & power. This reality compensates the owner for "LOST life" by introducing a new companion: the measurement of ALL existence, more simply, it is playing "god". Here a fool's paradise becomes more simply, the destiny called HELL. Where destruction conforms to the measurements of yourself, & failure is the "success of your own desire": you HAVE entered the caldrons of a new existence where you shall "make your own new world, out of the fire." This is NOT simple judgment, but the consequences of your own desire: YOU CANNOT Have or control any portion of GOD'S UNIVERSE ! Therefore you must make your own.

The illusion of self, as a conception in power/ the bubble of pride, which demands "I am" special, & deserve to be king or queen/ & the common hatred of "who you are"/ are blended into the vacuum of dishonor, through the deceit of DISRESPECT. Everything & everyone may then be cursed by you, as the obstructions to your own life, that have caused you to fail, or keep you from being happy. Self is then the relationship achieved by the values in your life, described by the mirror of your own reflection. Everything & everyone has become measured by its/their "gifts or service or power over or under you". There is NO happiness here, hope is dead, & the treasury of life disappeared behind the ONLY view you are capable of seeing: simply yourself.

Here the compositions of homosexuality, the outright failure of violence & extortion express the worthlessness of your personal existence, & the measure of life is mutated to reveal "torture, terror, & fear: are the purposes you have become". Homosexuality is the limited expression of these 3 against individuals/ while violence is the defined expression of these 3 against society itself. Homosexuality defends itself through the tragedy of compromise: where one attacks, & the other is enslaved by choice. The reality of failure defends NO ONE!

Sexuality says, the male homosexual has NO excuse/ do to his ability to EASILY remove the chemicals that apparently taunt him. The female lesbian is unknown to me/ therefore the reality of chemical deformations not easily dealt with; may or may not be a limited allowance/ where men simply do not or cannot provide for her: only women know for sure. Sexuality is not a guarantee/ it is not a right/ nor is it an entitlement for men or women. Sexuality is an expression of love where the purpose is not chemical/ sex is an experience of lust and anger with the world, where all you get is chemicals. The difference is in your heart.

Our relationship of life (our own choices & experience) to life (the presence of MIRACLES, we could never have conceived of) brings each one, to the simple decision: what is to become, "the treasure of your soul"? Soul here means: your chosen relationship with the miracle of all life: even everything? Treasure thereby allows your decision as the pivotal role, that determines the existence of your own values, & thereby the ultimate direction of your own life. A value refines the experience of life as the opportunity for participation beyond simple self, and therefrom creates the relationship that leads you into eternity or the competition that drives you into darkness: a descent beyond "the light of miracles" into the definitions VOID of love. Love is the difference between honor & its participation in every life/ and hatred the excuses used to consume, & disgrace the values of every life. REPENTANCE means: no more measurements/ while FORGIVENESS follows with you are the miracle of life, So greatly anticipated


That JESUS Came,

to encourage us all John 3:16 in your bible, do read & understand, the reality at least in human terms "Of this GREAT SACRIFICE: made strictly for you"! You shall NEVER understand the GREAT TRUTH of this reality, but you can express the JOY of acceptance within yourself. YOU are alive, therefore GIVE PRAISE. You are the opportunity called true life, If only you do choose this to be so/ Therefore GIVE RESPECT!

HAVE you never considered the intensity of true love; there is none among you with even the smallest honor inside, that cannot express "what loss, particularly of your own child" means!



send to humanity, The single most treasured reality of

HIS LIFE !!!!!!!!!! Because of our need.


Therefore understand this: IF you fail to RESPECT THIS DECISION/ then with NO place to hide, and NO terror too extreme, REPENT of your insanity or face the consequences!

I LIVE, by the certainty of GOD'S LOVE. I chose HIS LOVE beyond all other "things of this life". Because TRUE LOVE is beyond all measure, the greatest treasure of any life.

I see the vast majority, "racing for every type of goal, for every pride or selfishness/ hiding behind every excuse not to trust, and ask: is your life NOT worth more than this? Foolish people say: "how can you believe, what proof exists, where then is heaven?"

Truth replies: that destinies complete existence as the compensation for honest belief, destiny is therefore a spiritual communication with life itself, as reality defines miracle through the truth that is creation. HONOR respects creation, by the certainty of our individual complexity; we as a humanity know very little about anything that life is/ therefore honor asserts, there can be NO doubt. The critical expansion of life, beyond the barriers of time, should not "seem so grand or illusionary" to you; consider instead the structure & integrity of this your life. Be HONEST with a complexity only fools & idiots cannot recognize, and respect the intricate & true relationship of love, that DID dignify our existence with so much detail & value that our bodies & our lives may live in freedom. HEAVEN AWAITS is NOT a contradiction to these things!

It is simple & sure, that love not only completes our lives, it is the essence of SOUL. Thought provides, but love honors life with a truth far more valuable than things, force, or comprehension's/ LOVE CREATES "A fabric formed in the destinies of many, where life finds hope, heart, and ALL that is "GOOD".

The tragedy of humanity is laziness/ taking only what comes easy, or becomes wanted because of the others/ because life is assumed to be momentary.

True life expands your soul, that you may NEVER be lonely. True love expands your life, allowing hope & heart, & courage to fulfill the beauty & the blessing that is living. True thought creates density in the multitudes of dimensions that is to become "Our Universe". By the life within you, you are "A child of GOD". Therefore if the destiny you choose departs from "The HOLY ASCENSION" of life through love/ then know: the lazy are NOT invited!

It is laziness that demands revenge! Revenge is the excuse NOT to confront reality/ but wallow in the disgrace of self-pity and purposely let jealousy guide your actions to harm another: "therefore they too, shall cry." LOVE honors life, by respecting the tragedy called loss/ with memories of PRECIOUS GIFTS, shared within one another. This honesty & truth allows hope and brings the discipline & order necessary to do what we can honorably do, to help each other, and bring peace to this world: not by control, but by truth/ not by tears, but by honesty. Revenge takes loss and assails life with the action of hatred. Hatred brings bitterness, loneliness, & death to all memories of love. Revenge means: YOUR PRIDE, wants to murder you, so that your pain or perceived pain may control your actions without consequences. This is FAILURE.

Lazy means: lost in the tragedy of wanting what you cannot have, the existence of life HAS lost its meaning to you. Lazy asserts "not fair"/ but life replies, LOVE IS A GIFT/ life is a destiny in truth/ and neither are within your control. HONOR is a relationship that proclaims thank you, for the honesty of the moments we shared!

Humanity says: I WANT POWER, that I may never experience pain again! Reality replies: because of your pride, & the intensity of your selfishness, you do not recognize love, value, life, or freedom without the pain of your own distress. Therefore it is human failure that demands enlightenment & human greed that proves ONLY pain can remove your want/ for even a little while.

ETERNITY DEMANDS RESPECT, therefore these pains are necessary so that even a few may come with respect into the door of eternal blessings. This door is open to all, but passage is granted only where respect, truth, & love, honor life "The GIFT GOD GIVES TO YOU"!

The consequence of lazy, is the assertion of sexual ownership! Revenge for "sexual betrayal" asserts: the rules have been broken/ therefore my RIGHT, of insanity is clear"! Insanity is: the abrasion of moments where control no longer exists, therefore an action or a reaction or a hiding occurs to display personal consequences DUE to the failure of "my power over you". Insanity assembles therefore, as a response to being lazy: wherein power is chosen as the tool of companionship/ whereas truth declares only love, truth, honor, & respect shall or can build & strength any relationship. Sexuality is a lazy man/ woman's method of companionship/ whereas truth, assembles the honesty of life, respect honors the relationship called truth, & love binds us into family, where discipline means: I HAVE held your need as equal to mine, your heart as precious to my whole world, and the journey of life with you, as the purpose of my world. These bridges between our lives can only be built WITH HONOR. The consequence of honor is the work required to do what order & freedom command. To be happy, equality says: I WILL support the needs & meanings & desires of your experiences, of your expression & of your soul, BUT you MUST also support these truths in me. There are no rules/ love controls, & power must die.

It is a constant in life, that we exist within the consequences of our soul (the place inside where thought allows decision & desire forms Identity in destiny, as life journeys from experience to the expression of love, or dies by the ignorance of hate. The body is a tool, used through experience to define & refine the consequences of our choices, & therein allow action & reaction to display the purposes of order & the beauty of discipline. WE ARE NOT "Random chaos, formed from turbulent distress"/ we ARE creations formed from the gift of thought, where life is the essence of our existence within that thought, and body forms the experience called freedom in its most tangible form: an order of progression slowed through time, that we may "see & experience" the steps of its progression either as an ascent into creation itself/ a descent into destruction by the demands of law/ or a simple journey designed in experience, but expressed through moments of true life. True life exists BEYOND the experience called human/ where life cannot be questions, because we are ALIVE, as the truth knows its answer. More simply, we have then entered the creation called soul, and received our answers therein.

There are those who shall always contend: this body is your only life. Even though "they KNOW, without the assignment of thought, the body is worthless". There are those who shall always be jealous of anything you gain as life/ even though the door would open for them as well; if they were not so lazy, not so fearful, & not so proud. There are those who shall always demand a sexual ownership, a sexual right/ even though power is the destruction of love, & body is little more than a tool.

Sexuality is an escape, therefore the need to escape is a question confined to your own heart: WHY are you so desperate? The answer is divided in only 3 parts: a chemical demand is asserted/ I want to escape from me/ or I want to escape from you.

A chemical demand is the basis of reproduction, therefore it comes & goes within disciplined boundaries; it does represent a chemical need, that initiated feelings of loneliness/ therefore honest acceptance & support can heal an emotional distress or drama. There are limits, there are thieves, there are other people involved. To respond to chemical demand is to allow the honesty in your heart to decide. To demand chemical response, is to allow a need to grow into this demand/ therefore you must decide: if the consequence to all concerned justifies your request. If it does not/ then you are stealing.

An escape from your own life, means you are not defined by reality & truth/ you are fantasizing & dreaming about being someone else! These things are LIES/ designed within your failure over the power to control/ and you expectation in lust for a simple chemical experience. Lust does not initiate with the life consumed, rather lust demands images, rather than life, and hunts for prey rather than relationships. Lust is the beginning of EVERY predator, therefore fantasy is the beginning of every lust. The progression of fantasy to predator, is NOT, based within ANY view of any naked body {the more the image is viewed, the less it remains a fantasy}! Rather it is based upon a desire to be addicted to the chemicals of sex, & that removes the value of life. Lust is the consequence of believing "I WILL take what I need & want: you are nothing to me"!

Addiction or more correctly the desire for addiction is the foundation of lust; and all the other derivatives of a life without honor. Addiction is , the hopeless expression of a life without meaning. The desire for addiction is "a message from your own heart, which says: I AM bored/ I AM superior, TO THESE who defame me & ridicule my life/ I AM defined without the respect I deserve/ & I AM NOT going to participate in this THEIR WORLD anymore: "I will escape".

The third, escape from your companion or your benefactor, or their needs, means your heart cannot pay this price anymore. Where sex is used either in abstinence or as sexual promiscuity or as experimentation/ even in the extremes of homosexuality in either form: this constitutes a decision to change behaviors enough, to separate as people who have FAILED EACH OTHER. The constant in this escape is power, while control exists as the tool to reinforce failure, and life simply demands an end to love [because PRIDE refuses to listen]. These consequences of power are NOT as simple as "he/ she did this"! EVERY acceptance of a life together results from supporting each other in the realities which do occur, and which you do demand. If you do not support, did not support either the power (for your own purposes) or the surrender to power (for your own pride) then a life together does NOT occur. There are NO EXCUSES. This is an action & its reaction, and by the demands of universal LAW, every action & reaction shall have its consequence.

The decision of every relationship, no matter how small is defined by respect. TRUE respect assembles the PATH to love, by discovering the purpose of TRUE desire. Desire then achieves what nothing else can do: it creates the opportunity called love. Desire means: I HAVE recognized "life searches for me" and I do choose to listen, and to act for this purpose, and I choose to search for this life myself"! Desire thereby ascends from the dignity found in the GIFT OF MY LIFE, And becomes cherished in the foundation called SOUL.

Soul means: that LIFE EXISTS, "from the spark" that is its beginning! This union of beginning & life, thereby illustrates our connection with a "communication" designed by creation, and presents a journey & destination in time, whereby life recedes into its past, to return within the "fire (energy)" which brought us to this life. Therefore this SOUL is "Our beginning, Our lives here on earth, & Our end as time!

The passage into eternity begins HERE!

The inheritance of life, is "the energy called SOUL". The honesty of sensual recognition, the value of the heart & mind, the honor of freedom, & the treasury that is called love, all speak of eternity in possibilities beyond our recognition. STOP, at least once in your lifetime & recognize the beauty, the dimension, & the integrity of what this world does mean. It is for you the difference between human and the rocks. Feel the rain, snow, wind, & every touch. Understand the consequence of life is the destiny of your own true desire. Remember your body, your life, & your possibilities in freedom ARE a gift from your CREATOR .

If you are surrounded, "by the poverty of humanity"/ then STOP, & learn the rule: I am NOT your leader, not your savior, not the person you may blame or the person you may depend upon/ rather I AM a plain & simple man-woman- or child. If you need help, I will help/ BUT need is NOT a want, & life is a RESPECT for all. This then is a boundary. Honor is the environment which sustains it. & love is the duty to share & care about all the others as respect requires.

A rule IS a "prison of sorts". But life is a dignity & a value beyond all walls; a place inside where CREATION completes its work, no matter what any other circumstance might be. You are the "reflection" of the life you choose. If you desire change, then learn the simple freedom, "that I shall not live by the competition of others, not their goals or expectations, not their praise or rejection or condemnation/ I SHALL choose, "A destiny in my soul"!

Today, this question asks of you: can you accept the truth, that resource & over population demands the world population of humanity must change, according to reality, and allow truth itself to direct your actions & govern your ways, or the consequence of Armageddon will soon come. [YOU have prepared to poison great quantities of water/ YOU have prepared to destroy the ocean life & change the atmosphere to create new and different climate/ YOU have used the fertilizers you need wasting what you need for food/ YOU have damaged the environment and all its life forms by spreading endlessly / YOU have created genetic mutation/ YOU have used antibiotics with complete disrespect/ YOU have chosen weapons of mass destruction/ YOU desire war, and not peace, because pride, want, & selfishness demand no other way. The list seems endless.

Can YOU grow up And let respect & the honor of life decide the path of society & the meaning of life itself/ NOT WANT! IF you fail/ then you will die. Resource depletion, pollution crisis, genetic hell, and all the plans & preparations made by humanity for extinction DO declare this is so.

To create a discourse initiating the concept & discussion of LESS/ it is necessary to understand / want is the separation chosen by you from life; therefore life is less than you want. The distance you intentionally create from all other life is defined by the honesty of your want. The reality of honesty is something of a misnomer, a want typically uses & induces the lie: "nothing matters but ME"! In truth honesty refers only to the development of passion as it grips your heart, to disturb & destroy the intensity of your own life. Life must accept the poverty of "nothing worth living for" or want shall not consume you. The critical respect for honesty thereby defends the reality of life, not by the terms of survival/ but by the relationship defined between life and its alternative "a rock": The stark contrast in truth/ DEMANDS RESPECT: For life!

YOU ARE A MIRACLE! The fact that our numbers have swelled to populations sufficient to destroy us, is not "the evidence of less worth", for ANY life. Rather this is our decision as humanity, and if truth does not lead/ then consequence is all that's left.

The question of acceptance BY THE GRACE OF GOD , that we might find in the lives of each other, a happiness sufficient to cause humanity to accept becoming a family united: as WE MUST, because our lives & our world require that level of commitment to each other: demands RESPECT! Nothing less will do. Respect issues the message, if you will not "BE NAKED: in your thoughts" with each other and yourselves, then you shall never complete this journey for life. Understanding is REQUIRED, kindness is MANDATORY, polite discussion is NECESSARY! Work provides an honest appreciation for those who will work with you, in the forms of physical relief from subsistence poverty especially. A critical education is one that does not play or belittle the student, but gives to each one according to reality and need: the american method is to control and manipulate, for the purposes of money.

Media influences shall change, from the refuse of the insane, to respect for the basis & foundations of life, which are sharing & caring: if you then get only 3 hours or so of television per 12 hours/ IF YOUR VIDEO GAME is destroyed/ if your own insanity is not massaged: then be grateful, for the opportunity to find your life back, has arrived. The insistence of a mind game to entertain you in fantasies, has left you sorely disturbed and in jeopardy of losing eternity in yourself. Do you not "lock every door/ consider murderers at every corner/ fear everything, and hide in the tears of [one in a million] is too much for me to bear" and so on. You must not hide/ you will die! You must live and expand the expression of your peace to the world beyond, that they too may heal.

This is not a test/ this message is literally about your life or your death and there is no second choice/ no middle ground: by your decisions, by your actions, you have prepared to make yourselves extinct. YOU MUST choose wisdom and truth, and let reality decide, we are too many for any other way!

The fundamental truths you cannot avoid are 3: fear will destroy you; hiding will seal your fate, as it is; & a lack of respect will end your world & cause humanity to be extinct within no more than 30 years. An eternal consequence!

To initiate discussion on these issues the fundamental issues of fear begin today as terrorism, a flagrant exercise in disrespect. The cult of terrorism is held together by the superiority of some over the others. Therefore equality must come true. The threat of terrorism is held back simply, by the removal of ignorance in all levels/ not propaganda, but honesty in the respect for all life. The incarceration of a human threat will be accomplished by: one world, equals life or death for us all. One world means the whole world will hate a terrorist, and all shall help you.

Your hiding, constantly described by your "need" for LIES, will end the possibility of honor. If honor fails, respect has no chance. Therefore to lie, to accept a lie, to allow lies to continue, all mean you have chosen to die: this is a "responsible for hell decision"/ and a destruction you cannot possibly imagine the extent of. In the SIMPLEST terms possible: You must learn to accept, "the NAKED TRUTH" about yourself, and then deal properly with that reality: NO MORE LIES!

Humanity has called itself great, for many generations/ by introducing the lies and propaganda of changing physical barriers. Humanity has then made excuses for all manner of disrespect for life/ for this earth/ & for each other. You are "the blind", and about to fall into the pit called hell. Because of your fears, your hiding, & your decisions you have produced every necessary ingredient to make this come true. In the SIMPLEST terms possible, IF you will not "BE NAKED WITH YOURSELVES" as one world, to discuss and investigate everything important to your own survival/ then you do not deserve this last & final opportunity to BE ALIVE.


STOP, the extreme measures for hiding from the truth/ take off all the pride, all the selfishness, all the want & disrespect, and then ask yourself: Are you NOT worth more than all these foolish things?

The critical relationships you must change are 3: NO more fantasy, either for you or for your children: do not be stupid about this. NO more fantasy about your government, stardom, or religion: If you are a "star" then you are a failure/ because we need each other to survive, therefore we MUST be equals. NO more fantasy about GOD, OR JESUS OR CREATION/



One sexual reality you WILL change/ you are NOT possessions of one another. To be lovers, means the respect you share, commits your lives to one another: this is not a possession, this is love. Freedom is an essential reality of happiness, to live in harmony demands freedom/ that we may each care for the truth, that is the life of another person of the opposite sex. This creates the path into each others soul: where 2 become as 1.

The question of life IS NOT a relationship formed in answers or questions. Life is a possibility established in thought, which transcends all boundaries! Thought is an opportunity formed in the destiny of a soul. Eternity then exists not as the expectation or reflections of time, but rather in the honesty of dimensions "sown together" transforming thought into the building blocks of desire. In life, soul means the intensity of our hope, created from the dignity of our thought, which then becomes an expression of our truth, a truth from GOD, and the dimension we create together. Truth never ends. Building grants a new journey to all participants. Family is the GRACE & freedom of an experience defined in respect, where honor explains position, & happiness defies all intrusion. Family is where truths always trusts, "This is home". Courage is the identity described in truth. Love is a revelation in light, which shares the beauty of our own soul with family. Caring completes our composition in life as a true participant in all reality. And life comes to mean: HONORED BY



For bringing to each of us, all these things.

Some will say, "liar & fool" of me.

Some will say, "the stars" don't like him.

Some will accuse, "revolutionary, he tries to overthrow this government."

Some will say, "devil, see what he does to marriage; does he not say sexuality is free".

Some will say, "satan, do you not hear his speak as if for GOD himself; blasphemer".

Some will say, "he must be dead, how else could these things be known".

I answer each the same: this message is a gift, from all that has been taught to me. My LIFE belongs To GOD , "I leave nothing out". As to journeys & destinies in time, I DO Belong to


Any assumption of responsibility for you, or for these words delivered to you/ is in error. I am a messenger: YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for how you hear, & what you do. You ARE NOT "my children", or any other possibility of authority either over or under you/ I AM Strictly "A messenger".


REMEMBERING: You DO choose for your life/ for all life/ & for the existence of humanity itself. DO NOT HIDE!


In respect for the human experience, it is the constant source of behavior called "pleasure seeking" that asserts: life must be "for fun". Fun is the opportunity to express & explain yourself in the freedom of simple consequences. The critical ingredient is thereby an understanding of boundaries with assigned reactions, that do not extend beyond our expectations. This is an assumption in energy, and does demonstrate knowledge, or the lack thereof, to compliment the experience within terms of understanding as compared to others: superiority is born here. By this method children & adults gravitate to certain people who are then attributed with the term leader. There are many types of leader.

The critical pleasure in fun is freedom. The fundamental usage of fun is to select leaders. The critical failure of fun is the existence of intentional dispute, with boundaries explained by the purpose of human life, as disciplined investments in order.

It is unnecessary to examine fun in detail/ it is a natural expression in search of a fundamental need: to educate yourself in the consequences of life & failure, that the majority may understand the human compromise of society, and the consequence of its law. Fun is the mental ingredient called "spontaneous & irreverent". Fun uses this mental escape from the boundaries of rules, to convince each participant that "freedom is my right/ therefore you & your rules mean nothing to me". Mental escape thereby references freedom, & defines the action of rules as without reaction to me. Here begins a long list of fundamental directions as placed within the mind, by a desire defined in ignorance, as "building aggression", & deriving competition. Aggression is: a method used to initiate the demand to lead. Competition explains fun, as the method used to demand to lead. Building the foundation of an identity USED; rather than an identity allowed by desire to sustain the quality of life's own reflection. Fun then becomes a desire in need of the focus of others, to sustain itself. This consequence leads to loneliness, uses competition as its "eye glasses" , and fundamentally changes life, by altering identity through the traits of personality & character. Personality is the measured response to leadership. Character is the measured response to following. And quality stands for an appreciation achieved, for the order that provides life. The quest for fun is fundamentally, the integration of freedom & its companion happiness within our lives by the education & reality called truth. Thereby honesty asks: is truth fun? The answer replies truth, supplies every security/ fundamentally chooses the direction and describes in the detail of our hearts, the critical reality assembled as life. Life is many things: fun, happiness, freedom, love, & work are just a few. You would know this if, you were not caught in the trap to survive. Survival is not simply work/ instead survival is an understanding in happiness, and the freedom to support that happiness. It is your want that forces you, into surrender and slavery.

If you live in the pleasure of peace, the world shall be ordered as happiness for you. Love is a declaration in freedom, a place where boundaries are designed for us, not against us. People do "fall into descriptions of love". Real love requires a respect for each other, built over time, that changes life from a quest for fun/ into the honesty of a quest for the happiness of each other, as we begin to share the existence of souls. Life is the pleasure of our existence. Life is an expansion in composition, from the beginnings of expression to an experience in creation. We do build ourselves, from the truth explained in our desire, & the reality reflected within the honesty of our hope. Strength comes from honor/ but courage comes from trust. The essence of life, is the relationship formed through time; where either life is an experience to be accepted & appreciated as the reality we exist within. Or, as the death which stalks us every day, in every way. This is a reality feared, therefore a hiding shall occur. Our lives assemble pleasure from these 2 distinctions in different ways. Those who accept life, rather than death/ live for the honesty creation expresses in & around each one. The existence of a blessing resides in every miracle you see, & sharing or caring is NOT a sacrifice, but a participation in the miracles of life, as our gift in return.

Those who hide from life, & fear death at every turn, DO take pleasure in the distress & anger of others/ they are going to die, WHY should anyone else be happy? Hatred appears as the resolution of anger to stalk happiness, & destroy appreciation or acceptance/ because life is to them a series of desperate sacrifices all in vain: for they will die anyway. Therefore excess, vanity, & the display of power form the "skeleton" that exists as their lives.

The critical influence is as simple as: life or death! Therefore choose life, and be blessed, live in peace & happiness, and learn from your relationship with life, that miracles are not dependent upon you. The constant source of friction in society is "I want to be somebody: more than the rest". Or more clearly, "worship me". This is a demand placed upon someone else, therefore it is an attempt to enslave. Be fair, which means BE EQUAL. The second constant source of friction in society is: I AM WORRIED, about everything. WHY should you worry? It only desecrates the life you do have. As an example; I once thought, perhaps I too should worry about something? So I began, and within an hour, the list was "hundreds of realities" long, all interrelated into basic concerns. It was foolish to continue, as there clearly was absolutely NO possibility of actual control: worry simply removed happiness. Therefore the question exists: do people really intend to remove their happiness with worry, and why? The answer is yes they do intend to alter their existence with worry/ because they are bored with their lives, and want something to consider as an excuse to believe "something or someone is paying attention to me"! This then substitutes reality for "a gamble and a risk"/ the fundamentals of "look at me".

The lesson is, do what you can do/ accept through understanding whatever you must/ live in the honesty of the miracle of life, given to you; think as a child, that OUR FATHER Who Does Love us, & gave these miracles to us, HAS prepared even more for us. If you do want people to participate with you/ then remember access is everything: open your door, and your heart, and pay with wisdom by the methods of caring to those who will share with you: even though they are few. Life grants to us, the opportunity called trust. Death applies the reality of no control to the existence of your mind and forms fear. Therefore the struggle of our human experience is, WILL YOU choose trust or fear? Here we begin as a journey upon "the cross, or crossroads" if you will: the illustration is as a journey we must take/ to the left is power, fear, and all the experience and expression they will generate/ to the right is religion, sacrifice, & a thousand dreams for pleasure/ straight ahead, is a different level of understanding based upon reality. This new level in trust is a development in thought, and declares the soul is alive. The question presented to humanity is then measured by power, pleasure (of one type or another), or pain as time allows to the right or left. But it is an education explained in the detail of living evidence, for the purpose of expanding the experience of our soul, to give us the honor of messages refined in reality that we may build a life for ourselves in eternity, that is found in soul.

Here the formation of fundamental chaos or critical foundations begin to appear. In the chaos of fear, the critical relationship is "the predator/ and how to keep it at bay". Therefore satan & other violent relationships are conceived. The purpose of fear is to provide the excuse for behaviors without honor, for a disrespect without cause, & for violence "because you must protect yourself/ from people you suspect are out to get you".

Critical to life, is love, the expression seen in a true gift of sharing & caring just because you are valued by me. Love is a platform, used to build the existence of life as a creation treasured/ an opportunity justified by trust, to encourage the experience of spirit. SPIRIT is, by its terms, a meeting in destiny of possibilities too extreme to be defined. Love thereby becomes the gateway to all that exists beyond time.

The human dimension is designed by the barriers presented: to some the reality of boundaries is stark & harsh. To others, the truth called barrier surrounds this existence with no way out: TAKE what you can. To the majority, living is a gamble; buy insurance if you can, work because the best you can do is create your own personal little world, "to lock the others out, & control who comes in". To the religious all barriers are "mountains to be climbed"/ there presenting themselves to GOD "Their righteousness seals their punishment/ because ONLY GOD decides who is worthy and who is not. NOT even a hint, of this righteousness is allowed! To those who are faithful to the honesty of their creation: there are NO barriers; these are simple expansions of trust, where detail is unnecessary because life is the evidence of soul. Critical relationships are formed, critical reality established through the passages into thought, and a new journey begins beyond time: even while you exist here.

The messages of man & woman are simply: take, eat, be happy, & die.

The messages of GOD to humanity are: understand the experience/ express the truth in your desire/ form the foundation of your identity in thought/ & define your respect in reality, that the question you present in eternity: may not be a judgment against you! This life is your opportunity to encounter life BEYOND your existence: there will NOT be another, make your decision. Miracles prove existence/ miracles prove possibilities beyond anything we could consider or imagine.

There are many people who scoff & ridicule at any mention of things "they do not understand"/ their purpose is to exclaim "I am superior to you". These use anything they can find or think of to prove superiority/ the latest and most dramatic of these terrorist actions are genetic manipulation. They say in effect, "I did my worst, and didn't see a problem"/ their relationship is like a monkey in charge of a huge nuclear power plant: the monkey is in charge of the control room, it is not the physical reality, but what the monkey will do. The first signs of genetic tragedy are : species swapping diseases [there is NO possibility, that destroying entire species will stop any of this], this has already begun. {all those "repetitions of DNA", are not trash/ they exist to insure the boundary of species and their diseases: and these do not even know that tiny bit of information/ yet they can play with their new toy, as if nothing serious could happen}. Instead of separated genetic barriers, deliberate mutation will create a variety of disease which begins to cross the line between species. This will create failure in genetic disorder, times 10. The next step will be, fundamental breakdown in genetic structure, and then mutilation beyond all measure of hope or belief: do you not understand "your arms and legs aren't just imaginings, they are attached and controlled by genetic makeup/ do you not understand your head literally doesn't grow from your ass, because genetic makeup demands it shall not be so/ do you not even consider, the reality of your ignorance? I DO, STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU PRAY!

These things are human pride & the arrogant of the ignorant, leading the blind/ THE REALITY TO COME, Is entirely your fault! HELL is coming on earth: PRAY, That you and life here may receive MERCY: CHOOSE To stop this insanity quickly/ you do know how.

CONTEMPT says: get your thumb out of your ass, and quit sucking on your shit/ Stop this or die A horrid and pitiful extinction!

The purpose of this contempt is to describe the insanity of your extreme disrespect for reality, truth, and life! The excretion of arrogance rather than respect proves only how pitiful your leaders are/ the wholesale murder of the very existence of your lives can only be called hell desired: WHY is this so? You tell me. This is not personal to anyone/ this is the decisions of society/ and society must choose to stop it: YOU CANNOT make them stop/ you CANNOT convince them to stop/ they, we, MUST make this decision for ourselves: no one is exempt, you will decide, & then reap and act accordingly. DO NOT come looking for sympathy here, don't bother to "cry and beg for mercy: UNLESS YOU STOP AS A WORLD". This is your decision/ sufficient evidence has existed, is presented/ & your actions shall determine you consequence! This is fundamental justice, and life, your future, your children, your world, & your eternity ARE on trial this very day because of this and many other failures which threaten your lives. Extreme contempt, FROM YOU, brings humanity to this moment. The fundamentals of critical betrayal by pride/ critical failure by selfishness/ critical DISRESPECT by irrelevant want/ & critical foolishness by following blindly, whoever will wipe your ass, & give you "the illusion of candy"/ for nothing: is your reality.

I do tell you the truth: IF YOU DO NOT find your humility/ if you continue to discard HONOR as if it were merely trash/ if you FAIL to find respect: THEN humanity itself will complete the judgment you have made against yourselves. The balance shall tip against you, and NOTHING in this universe shall make it turn back to save you. Eternity shall "swallow the very last drip of blood in your failed existence to be "gods". This is not your fate/ this is your decision!

Therefore you shall by your own freedom of choice, cast yourselves adrift, from all the miracles surrounding you to become the gods you say you are: OR YOU WILL DRAMATICALLY CHANGE, and find respect and all that life means. Your choice will PROVE, the reality you have chosen. It is constant in this society, that LIES are everywhere/ therefore get your coffin ready: OR CHOOSE BETTER!

I CANNOT "Save you"/ but you are literally "SAVED already", if you choose to accept JESUS As written of in the Bible.

Discard the scoffers, and hold tight, that OUR eternal family may welcome you. FIGHT for this life, and for mercy for all, because humanity is in NO WAY lost for forever, as of today. BUT, do not believe "in years or decades"/ no one knows, when forever suddenly shall turn, or life proceed beyond these crossroads into new levels of hope, love, & beauty: BUT you may be ABSOLUTELY certain, that one way or the other is coming to your life. The choice is yours.

I remind you again, that I am "the messenger", therefore I do not know the day/ I cannot lead you, will not be your excuse/ & I cannot intervene for you either. This decision demands majority rule, And you may TRUST that


I do pray for us all: so should you!

There are people who will believe, in this message/ people who "are too busy, for anything but themselves"/ people who find murder in their hearts, because they will blame me for quashing their dreams of power: even though it has nothing to do with me: IT IS YOUR LIES, not mine/ people who will hide in fear/ & the majority, those who "just want to be left alone, life is hard enough". All of these are definitions in pride. Reality says: before you believe, you must investigate; before you discard you must listen with your heart; before you act, you must understand; before you react, you must learn the truth; & before you walk within the prophecy of Matthew 25, for your own sake, you must listen for truth, and find respect.

The truth about time is simple order: we arrive, we live, we die. Our relationship is then from the beginning to the end/ this has not changed since time began. The human experience therefore reveals what is written in the new testament, is a life so similar to our own/ that what was written for them, applies equally to you. Read Luke 17 and understand, it is your humility that allows you to change. This prophecy is a warning for this day, that says to you, do not surrender but work hard because life demands it of you. Do not think of yourselves as unclean, simply pray & believe. When you find your soul, treasure it carefully and do not attempt to "save" anyone/ this is their choice. As to "proof of power"/ if you do have faith the size of a mustard seed/ then you will understand: some things are only for GOD To do!

Read 1 Corinthians 13 and know that this is your job. You are not warriors [you cannot convert someone by force]. You are witnesses to the evidence of life, & the existence of truth. Therefore be as love allows, as hope builds, & as faith provides. If we as a world, choose it to be so/ then & only then as it must be done shall anything of war or destruction be done. Make no mistake: all weapons of mass destruction must be removed, genetic terrorism abolished in its entirety, & respect for life realized: as one world, no exception/ for we are too many for any other way. You DO stand at the edge of the prophecy Revelation 6: it is only your decision, that can turn this away