In the disciplines of life, there are relationships that conceive of the order to come. There is evidence to consider, as fundamental to the realities of life. There is basic & complex human interests which constantly interact with all of life, to assume a constant example of want, pride, and selfishness shall be tolerated and beneficial to their own lives. The existence of this letter, this message to the world is then to displace the sources of lies, and refine the existence of a choice to the basic truths which we now face. The consequence of truth is, it is irrelevant what you want or think/ truth merely follows its own path, and leaves the reality as designed by its action and interaction and response. Therefore the human relationship to life on this planet is assigned by the truth that exists. Our truth allows for choice only a short time longer, we have MANY threats, and MANY realities that easily could become our extinction. This message then examines the reality, and defines the truth/ and its consequence to you. May you read carefully, and choose: For if you do not choose, the end is certain for life on earth


In the exploration of fundamental social truths, reality has sent me back to "the medical & dental trades" for one last look prior to the release of this material. The reality & the charges will be discussed at interview if chosen. This is NOT about the individuals involved, not the business either as all are basically the same/ but more simply as the reality these truths do represent for society itself. The fundamental unfairness of the charges, that exceed what can honestly be sustained by society. It is the reality of the day, that allows & even demands such charges exist: by the professional it is "charge the rate OR be called a fool"/ for the citizen MOST believe "go to the money, because you never know what you might get with the other". The reality of organization by these few allow their control of the rest/ the consequence of this "great sucking machine" which they have created is: WE must then organize ourselves as society, and control this greed. Some citizens also desire a relationship with previous realities, believing if I am going to die, then I want to die here "where my son died, and my happiness ended"; this is simply untrue. The american society embraces numerous LIES as the foundation of their existence/ it is the lies, that have caused you to dishonor each other and steal for every theft causes a dishonor in society by revealing the poverty of humanity; it is the fear, that causes such a poverty of spirit and hope/ for many cannot face death, therefore they choose to make themselves believe "nothing, can exist beyond this life: therefore no retribution can exist either": it is a lie. Money is an excuse to refuse, not an ownership or right: no human owns any body, but your own, not even an animal or plant {you did not create anything}/ no human holds any right, not for any reason above another: bum or president, you are life/ therefore the same.

It is necessary that you begin in a new understanding of life and work: such as a job is a job/ when an education is added, it becomes a job with respect among the others; BUT when thievery invades the profession, it becomes only a cesspool of greed and selfishness. Skill is not limited to a university education, it is apparent in every worker that performs the work correctly: you are NOT different. ALL medical fields employ the tactic of "Let the pain decide, how much we are worth"! Therefore they say to themselves, "its NOT their fault, you are the ones demanding the treatment/ I have a right to take what we can". They are an organization against the one in pain, a monopoly in nearly every case as to the possibilities of treatment. By controlling the competition, in many ways, the organizations which represent both medicine and dentistry and others, DO set the price & remove the option to confront. This causes the reality of choices forced upon common experience, of choosing the realities of extortion, hoping the damage is not life long, or allowing death to come, if life long results do not apply. It is not death that matters for society, it is the reality of living with severe consequences.

My own experience is not to discard my teeth or pay the price, roughly $1000.00 dollars per actual hour of work. This is not unusual, and I have been to many dentists, trying to find one suitable for me: it is a futile and expensive search/ because NO true method exists to search, but go to their door and pay: THIS needs to change, just as other medicine does. The current dentist is ok, but the disparity in honest work is not: time will tell what is to come.

It IS insurance that initially supported a better health experience for all/ BUT as in all good things, the "thieves sacrifice their eternity, the politician uses for power, "the blind, see an opportunity", and the people pay. Insurance HAS now turned against us/ causing greed, selfishness, and all that is diseased in society to multiply according to the ease of the theft. We face death & pain alone/ therefore insurance brought back to reality could be a friend: either way, it must no longer be an enemy. Reality says, anger will broil in the hearts of many in the medical & legal trades over this discussion. The extreme pride over very small accomplishments is like a cancer and must be cut out, or destroyed by other methods, for pride never surrenders/ it always demands revenge. Medicine and legal trades believe "they TRULY have a right, to charge anything they can"! Therefore understanding says: ALL of these NEED the lessons of the common man or woman. DO NOT "use your imagination against them/ there are NO EXCUSES, here or anywhere, that allow you to apply realities to them which are "life-threatening". INSTEAD consider this example and then discover the truth: you are "smart enough, aren't you"?

{a person, such as a doctor or dentist or lawyer, finding critical truth in the fact that they DON'T supply their own food, water, tools, building, utilities, or ANYTHING otherwise necessary for survival. That we actually account for their own survival: is a fact no less vulnerable to them/ than we are to their work. IF WE THE PUBLIC CITIZENS, choose to turn off your water, or refuse to give you our food/ WHAT then can you do, but steal? IF we take away your clothes & throw you into the cold, WHAT can you do, but beg? } These trades will say, "I WILL BUY, from someone, I will not die/ BUT pay whatever must be paid, [they WILL cry extortion & then plot for REVENGE] will they not! Without doubt or question they surely will. IS THIS NOT THE VERY SAME SITUATION as those people who come in need to you: truth says: this is EXACTLY how you treat the others, & this is exactly why the term extortion fits! You take the pain, and use it as the threat, you take the need and use it to identify "how much will you say this person is worth to you". [The reality of healthcare is simple: NO true bargaining position exists for the person in need, therefore NO possibility exists that "private enterprise" should control medicine.]

Wisdom teaches BOTH, of these are pitiful examples of nothing more than predator and prey/ NO respect means NO honor, & without honor there is nothing left but animal. Therefore the question of this purpose, IS to identify the respect NECESSARY for society to survive/ to establish the honor EACH LIFE deserves/ & to remove the selfishness & thievery that disrupts & attempts to destroy our lives. MOST would say: "money, or the collection of promises", does not destroy. Instead, truth says: that it is a lie, to promise many people they can all be "millionaires"/ BECAUSE someone must do the work, and the FUTURE does need the resources which are consumed and discarded, without even a compassionate thought. YOU are then "wolves"; as these tear & devour, lest another take away the prize. The history of humanity proves that people continue to move, TO ESCAPE, the human wolves/ only to find, a few came along! PRIDE is a true enemy, the question to you literally: can you defeat your own pride? TRUTH IS A TRUE FRIEND, can you then accept that TRUTH shall lead? The primary discipline of life above all others is: CAN you be truthful, respectful, & fair to yourself as the life you are inside/ NOT as selfishness but life? The secondary discipline is like it: CAN you be truthful, respectful, & fair to all the other lives/ and honorable in yourself, that you may learn to survive? The third is different: WILL you accept truth, reality, & wisdom as your guide, for freedom requires it? IF you fail in any of these, then you are destined to prison, or to destruction in the eternity to come/ for you MUST learn these: Life CANNOT support you without them!

I tell you the truth, the small questions of economies, famine in moderation, or even justice are no match for the reality of life. Life is the existence of possibilities beyond anything human, therefore it is the evidence as well, of truths beyond description. It is well spoken in the words: Do not fear man, or anything that he can do to you/ FEAR GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Again, the consequence of population growth is a billion more people will be born within 12 years, another billion within 10! There is no water, no food, no resources, and no place for all these people: YOU WILL DIE, AND ALL LIFE WITH YOU! If you fail to "stop the baby making machine/ stop the lies about old age, and its responsibility in death/ stop the insanity of destroying this world/ and learn to seek truth and allow reality to decide! Not because children or age is measured, but because every life has needs. Then if you don't accept these conclusions of your actions as is clear & certain, and EASILY understood by ALL, it is then simply said: You are either insane, or living in the fantasies that only selfishness and power can disguise. GROW UP! Or die. The extreme pride used by the "professional community" recognizes: WE have controlled nature, WE are in charge now! Look farther "down the road of time, and see what your control means to this future": I suggest you rethink your pride! Your constant want means: you have spread to all supportable corners, endangering all wildlife and consuming farming areas, which you will soon desperately need/ saying to yourselves "we will drive". I suggest you rethink your want and your selfishness and this pride, and recognize it has failed. There are at least 25 primary realities that your decisions have caused extensive failures to occur, this is your legacy of the day: and you have NO reason to be proud! You cannot hide, you cannot play, you cannot run, or your reality will kill you: you truly have only one decision left, you MUST learn to think/ you MUST allow truth to lead/ and you MUST allow reality to decide. Whether you like this reality or not, is irrelevant, truth doesn't care/ because your own decisions have brought you to the beginning of an extinction process, and only thought can save you, through honesty, honor, courage, hope, and life. These are the things taught by JESUS HIMSELF Learn, do not come to me!

As it regards these essential truths of JESUS, it is found your lack of understanding in HIS death , must be changed. Therefore you should understand these things: that TRUE miracles will provide all the attention necessary. That not only were the priests of the day afraid, but the changes were about all citizens and the lives they led. As to judgment by the people, the temple priests HAD plenty of time to raise a mob, and pay them before the next morning {long before the public citizen new anything of what was happening}. It is clear and certain they need not have looked far: for the money changers and livestock sellers thrown out that day by JESUS and HIS followers, were the merchants and bankers of their day/ and they lost money, they had "their stores" closed on the days where most of their yearly income would occur/ and they would have screamed at the temple authority through the night. People then & now act without compassion or truth/ believing money superior to life: and all these covet a stage. It is the PRIDE of the rich, the PRIDE of the money, that caused this drama and claimed this judgment for themselves. YOU are facing this same decision, about whether life or money is more important to you/ the only difference being, I am only a messenger, and no more. Therefore irrelevant.

The words depicting JESUS In the garden, in agony, are NOT about death. Instead the consequence of a TRUE BURDEN, that HE would bear the weight ON HIS SOUL Of all people for their sins: TRULY would have been a TERRIBLE TRAGEDY to endure. To bear this sin means HE WOULD be required to recognize this sin/ feel the intensity of it/ and : To achieve SALVATION for us all: HE would have to evict this sin from HIS LIFE, while nailed to that cross.

Sin is the evidence of an unworthy life: the reality and truth of a choice in every decision which does NOT Honor or respect

GOD OUR CREATOR !!!!!!!!!!

And all the life HE GAVE To our existence/ Therefore it shall be said: on HIS walk to HIS own execution, even from the moment HE was taken from the garden, till the last breath HE took: Everything detestable TO

GOD Took its place among humanity; to test LOVE and crucify HONOR!

The assumptions of humanity are simple ones: "Eat, drink, & be merry". THE HONESTY OF JESUS is truly complex; HIS invitation of love, even under the most horrendous conditions: WOULD change this world!


for HE Is worthy! And HE IS ALIVE, In the spirit of our souls.

Eternity holds many surprises, therefore do not ask, "where, when, or how/ instead ask why, and for who? The answer is, For love, and the blessing love brings to every life! Who is not, "the symbol of your body, as the life of you"/ rather "who", translates the decisions of your life, as he or she who could live in the same dimension as GOD HIMSELF ! PRAY, that this is you! This is a decision you make for yourself/ no one forces you! Therefore NO excuse exists.

THE MESSAGE HEREIN, IS CONCEIVED BY the honor created in truth, as it applies to a clear and distinct respect for life. Our relationship to ourselves, our world, & our future is expressed herein by the honesty of freedom to all; by the courage & dignity of facing the truth about the decisions humanity has inflicted upon itself; and by justice as it is seen in the reality of human commitment to inherent rights and fundamental freedoms.

A US federal lawsuit, soon to be filed is included for the demonstration of facts. Critical issues such as world population growth of roughly 2 million people each week is addressed, the failure of fertilizer production(food) and other resource depletions, ocean depletion, and much more is addressed. The complete bankruptcy of the United States of America and those consequences are established. The reality of war/ as people become convinced, we are too many for any other way, and what happens in a world filled with weapons of mass destruction.

The question of life, presented to you is divided into 3 categories: can you face truth, accept responsibility, & honor your life/ or will you run and hide?

The purpose of this work is then simply to ask in one final message, will you not reconsider the destiny you have created for yourselves, and live? This is then a message of consequences, as to fail in the investigation of critical truth, DOES mean you & this earth shall surely die. The respect necessary to understand this decision: BEGINS WITH YOU THE READER. This is not an "end of the world speech"/ this is an understanding of truth and the reality which brings specific consequences in return for deliberate actions.

The 3 stages of preparation are then represented by: judicial review, judicial integrity, judicial anarchy, lawyer piracy,& judicial value as the lawsuit declares/ the second is human competition, as defined in the second series of chapters herein, purposely initiating comments for public discussion/ and the last confronts the definitions necessary to apply respect for life, to the value of your discussions. This is not a government, judicial, or university discussion/ this is a life discussion based in the reality that we are all participants in this result. No attempt is made to solicit money or attention or power: YOU are the recipient of the message, I simply deliver the message: that is all. This is about a new path & a new life for the masses/ this is about failure through the disguise of arrogance and what the actions you have already taken in matters of pollution, weapons of mass destruction, resource depletion, genetic mutilation, and so much more mean to your future.

I have sent these words at this time, prior to case filing, as text information on a completed cd, to no less than 300 organizations or people, across the world. The web sites open, & invitations are sent as of this moment. To the judicial branch I send the words prior to filing , that they may prepare & discuss among themselves who and how they shall respond. To the police, complete information is sent to avoid confusion as to the extent of the message/ the reality of democratic right/ and fundamentally avoid any confusion should the judicial or political branch elect to have me arrested. I remind them that justice is not about words, justice is the decision applied to intent: that reveals the honor of human expression & the experience of human courage as it meets the realities of truth and time. To the media, the reality of life or death as described exceeds ALL considerations of money or power or position. Before you begin however, look closely for the truth, and be honest with yourself. The review of cases provides a look at the court in truth. The danville case establishes specific reality , a case where the judge sent no notice of judicial proceedings (the defense lawyer sent me an invitation to attend if I wanted to/ a sure and certain sign of collusion) the court sent me no notice of ruling, (not 3 weeks later/ a sure and certain sign of failure) and the judge proved so prejudicial "that the sewer from his bench flowed in the stench of bigotry, simply without anything judicial: I promised his job was at stake, I suggest to you now, it is. The other cases, and those to be added from others present a judicial review of/ in, reality/ the USA version of a mess, needing badly to be "cleaned up".The reading is long, because the excuses of humanity are so many/ therefore reality demands it must be so. The filing date SHALL COME with or without me. Either way, the information necessary to change this world is already sent, "the damage done, to the powerful, arrogant, & evil" whether I live or die.

The words here then realize the truth of democracy {power to the people} according to vote. They give to the common citizen the tools necessary to command honesty and honor shall rule. They insist the court shall be reviewed and changed. They enlighten and explain the many parts and pieces of the human experience so that knowledge may design your future, and understanding examine your hope, and wisdom refine your existence/ before your destiny, as you have chosen it to be, consumes you.

You are not to "believe"/ you are to investigate and search with your heart for the truth that defines your future. You are to review ANY information, as if liars abound. You are to ask, for how many more years shall this survive/ if we do continue. You are to expect confrontation and resentment, and hatred: for the powerful and rich are being tested/ you are about to take away their excess, and they will want to murder to avoid this. You are to understand this is necessary, because if you fail/ our lives fail.

I do not say this lightly, I have no personal anything to gain. Rather the truth says to me/ as I now say to you: that the earth cannot support the things we do/ our fundamental relationship to the numbers called our economy cannot be called truth/ & humanity shall destroy itself, when hardships come: because your pride cannot stand, and your humility is forgotten.

As this writing ends, you are to remember not the massive lists of lies and distress that has been selected by humanity, and must be worked against, to survive. Instead, the quest for happiness is found in the simple truth: if you belong to love, then the relationship you seek, begins in your soul.

I do ask you to read. I do ask you to be honest. I do understand the distress it may cause you, because this is not "a small or insignificant matter". I do establish this message to you/ as my portion of this work: because we all shall work together, or we shall die together, and the only opportunity to change this is in your decision today. "The sky is not falling"/ instead the actions and abuses which have long been demonstrated upon this earth, are now beginning to weight the balance of our lives against the honesty of human existence, and if we don't change we will tip that balance against ourselves and extinction is only then a few years away. You cannot wish this away/ if you will not work, tomorrow ends. Do you not understand how many resources 6.3 billion people consume/ in 20 years we shall very likely be 8 billion people: do consider this reality, and then decide if your life is worth finding the truth, and living the reality. The only opportunity to be less is world war/ can you survive, their weapons, chemicals, disease, & genetic mutation: I do not believe you can, prove it. I will remind you, in the case of money: bankruptcy means, either the worker or the lender or both have failed to keep their promises/ therefore the numbers no longer matter. Failed credit is the discovery: we have promised too much. Look for the truth, and be honest with the answer, or you will fail. Failure means bloodshed, by many hands/ unless you prepare. Bloodshed means: the people who have spent their lives literally, their souls for some, and their families will seek revenge for all these lies/ as is constant in human history, the lies replace money with numbers/ and the numbers replace hope with hatred. Start now in honesty, or you WILL face a consequence approaching extreme.

The answers to many of life's most important questions are provided herein/ part 3 is especially focused on these answers: what is death, what is life, what is hope, love, happiness, faith, trust, and very many more. The answers to questions regarding behaviors, desires, fears, hatreds and many more are applied to the existence of life in these words. Some religious questions are answered. Some simple understandings are provided to encourage you, to examine the ordinary boundaries of life, for the extraordinary versions of eternity as thought provides. The purpose of our lives here is visited. The opportunity of life is applied to reality. You are visited, as the humanity inside us all. The consequence of length, is the reality people quit reading/ therefore the need to sustain concentrations requires critical information to be dispersed. To establish a simple relationship with the common intent of this information the following is added. {the question called soul represents an energy clearly defined by the composition of boundaries created in thought. This explains "the whirlwind" expression of distance in the experience of energy, as fundamentally shaped by the bond which forms thought to you. Thought demonstrates life, by exhibiting direction & critical control, in the definition of a human. Thought becomes life in the destiny of a human, through the reflection of an environment, where "transparency" equals conception. Transparency is "left to your imagination"/ it is not, vision.}. This is then a composition in many things, a version of understanding applied to all levels of mental activity.

These are some of the definitions used to present the message, in the honesty that I am not the sender/ instead I am the messenger: providing what has been taught to me, by the methods and existence that we as humanity understand. Your apathy is searched, and your reason explained: therefore your excuse is mute. Your opportunity to dispute with me/ more correctly your opportunity to dispute these words is provided in the courtroom. It shall not be done elsewhere: there is no need for endless chatter/ one time is enough. Consequently I will provide one interview to each of the men who gave me one/ if reality warrants it. I will provide one opportunity to view the various inventions provided, to explain them 2 weeks after the case is filed, if you prove this is necessary. Otherwise, you are reminded "my face, form, and even possession belong to me [this writing, this case, is not my possession: it is yours, I DO give these to you]/ they are not yours" and you may not sell them or use them without my permission and I refuse. Have respect, I have now spent years in this effort for your benefit/ it is my "Gift to the GOD who gave me life". May you find it, TO HIS HONOR, And not mine.

I DO pray for you all JAMES FRANK OSTERBUR

bush, does not recommend going to the moon or mars/ this is a cover, a trap, & a deception, to hide the fact that he and his cabinet intend to launch nuclear weapons into space/ for later usage. This is no different than the original "trip to the moon"/ was merely a cover to covet long-range nuclear missile weapons, and threaten the world. The difference is NO enemy threatens! The alternate to this is just as likely: these people merely look for a very big hole to pour money into, as an excuse to keep the lies of this economy going just a little longer: it is futile.