REF: CASE O1-LM-16 5th judicial district, state of Il


FROM: James F. Osterbur

regarding notice cp-27 dated June 4, 2001

tax period 12/31/00

reason for letter: underpayment of taxes 377,23/ penalty 3.77/ interest 4.16/= 385.16

I, James F. Osterbur am filing on this date the following REASONABLE CAUSE, and do expect to use your response in federal court for the purposes of that cause. A portion of the court case involving MY PROTECTED constitutional right under amendment 7, HAS been denied to me/ MY PROTECTED constitutional right under the first amendment redress of grievances has been denied to US ALL/ my PROTECTED constitutional right under the fourteenth amendment to equal protection & due process under the law HAS been replaced with judicial arrogance & plundered with judicial impudence, and I DO now seek the fundamental right of every citizen: to EXPECT, that the people hired, shall do their work according to oath & ethics of their respective office, & the failure to comply with even the very foundations of law, represent a fundamentally traitorous act.

The "federal government" therefore is required to act in MY BEHALF, against these judges/ against the insolence & pride of so MANY judges/ and fundamentally change the system in ways that HONOR the citizen; instead of supporting "the closed society" of judicial incompetency. Lawyers CANNOT do this/ it is a closed society & if you make one judge angry, nearly all will ban against you/ therefore a lawyer cannot intervene, he/ she must play the game! The judges have led themselves into corruption, therefore they CANNOT police themselves, "because a MAJORITY does rule".

The OBLIGATION of the political worker is: to move "the policies, the people, and the law" in ways that protect & defend/ the policy to begin; LEARN THE CONSTITUTION, BILL OF RIGHTS, & DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE MANDATES! Limit the term of a judge to 4 years, that "this closed society" may/ shall disintegrate (as the bill of rights decreed in section 4)! The law states Article 3 section 1 the constitution of the United States of America, that any judge shall NOT hold a position or office EXCEPT under the clear & certain defense of GOOD BEHAVIOR.

The OBLIGATION OF THE PRESS is: to fight for FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOM, PROTECT LIBERTY, & DEFINE FAILURE! Critical freedom is assaulted under the disguise of "rules of procedure". Critical liberty is assaulted under the disguise of YOU MUST PAY, the lawyer or we will SIMPLY SHIT ON YOU! Critical failure means: the foundation of law NO LONGER resides upon the constitution, bill of rights, or declaration of independence BUT has become "the whim & opinion of a judge". THIS IS A TRAITOROUS ACT!

The OBLIGATION of the military IS to protect the citizen (all the citizens) by remembering that tyranny & despotism are realities of UNREASONABLE power. That greed & lust confront the honor of all who lead everyday/ and that they TOO , need to be reminded: WE THE PEOPLE; means more than, "I the judge, I the general, I the president, and so on".

OUR ONLY DEFENSE shall never reside in a courtroom, a political office, or a generals war room! Our only true defense is the honor we choose to apply to the words & the honesty of their purpose, which bind us together. These are sufficiently stated as:


Of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, & secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain & establish this constitution for the USA ( and with it, the bill of rights as a guide to fundamental rights & the declaration of independence as a pursuit of equality & freedom; BECAUSE we live among humanity, and power, greed, lust, & corruption are always, "on the hidden agenda".

My/ your obligation as a citizen IS to believe, that what is true shall never change/ therefore the foundations of law & government as created by constitutional documents ARE SUFFICIENT. Reality says: "a janitors work is the difference between a place pleasant and friendly, & a place where no one cleans & therefore the molds, mildews, dirt, and simple filth does get out of control".

This is NOT a rebellion, THIS IS CLEANING/ The tax is my invitation to federal court to contest on the grounds: the court HAS NOT fulfilled its obligation to the people/ therefore the government DOES NOT deserve to be paid, UNTIL reasonable compliance with the law occurs.

James F. Osterbur


FROM James F. Osterbur

My response to the original notice cp 501 is referring to, WAS; REASONABLE CAUSE!

I am involved in a court derived lawsuit wherein SPECIFIC constitutional rights & promises have been BROKEN. The reality is a justification of the words: If you purposely & intentionally as the court of the United States, break & disregard constitutional decree/ in the primary form of Amendment 7/ then NO obligations exist for me to pay, the fee which supports these activities; until such time as an adequate hearing has occurred or the situation rectified.

Consequently you ARE again asked by this letter to adequately state your position in this matter, in a document suitable for federal court.

Sincerely James F. Osterbur



FROM James F. Osterbur

regarding notice # cp 503 Dated 10/08/01

This IS my 3rd and final letter to you (check your records) requesting & demanding your legal position in the matter of a lawsuit which initiated this dispute.

My Constitutional guarantee provided by the 7th amendment was STRIPPED from me, by the arrogance of a judge & a system to PROUD to admit an error, & too subversive to correct it. The consequence is a lawsuit designed to assert the FULL & CLEARLY DEFINED RIGHTS & OBLIGATIONS OF A CITIZEN! The certain & true requirements of a citizen who holds an official office (such as yourself), & the redress of grievances as applied to these citizens & these officials by the 1st amendment!

An unforseen delay has occurred due to the demands of national unity required by the WTC tragedy, but rest assured the lawsuit will be filed before christmas.

Your current position IS a refusal to support or deny my right to withhold payment, DUE TO my own constitutional rights were "Murdered" by your court.

Your refusal initiates the cause YOU "must therefore be just like the others", I will remind you: The law is NOT a friend or an enemy to either of us/ ANY situation where it can be described so, IS a tyranny, a slavery, or a travesty. I am here & coming in full & complete concert WITH THE LAW. Rules and the idiocy which supports a bastardization of honesty, integrity, & fundamental justice, WILL NOT be tolerated!

Choose your side and reply quickly

James F. Osterbur
