James F. Osterbur FEDERAL COURT

2191 cr 2500 e 201 S. Vine, URBANA, IL 61801

St. Joseph IL 61873

Vs CASE #____05-2038___


Carle Clinic Inc.

602 W. University, Urbana IL 61803-6002

Carle inc

611 W. Park, Urbana, IL 61803


the American medical assoc (AMA)


Chicago, IL60610


the State of Illinois

states attorney regional office

1776 E. Washington, Urbana, IL 61802


the United States of America

US attorney, regional office

201 S. Vine, Urbana, IL 61801

& by default [someone must represent university interests and decisions/ and these are here]

the University of Illinois

Urbana IL, 61801

office of the University counsel

258 Henry Administration bldg

506 S. Wright St.

Urbana, IL 61801

a case re-filed and now in 4 parts within this document combined.

CASE 05-2038

DATED 2/18/05

IN BRIEF : I am here to claim my right of redress of grievances according to the 1st amendment of the United States Constitution. QUOTE: "congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

The term assembly is this court case/ the grievances are therein listed. The reality is NO court is superior to the 1st amendment/ NO interpretation can be considered "more peaceable" than the courtroom/ and NO bastard official can claim these grievances are anything less than a true case intended as written, within the 1st amendment. And required by the court to be dealt with, as a duty and a respect for the people. I am here because the officials of the court and the government, have not been able to do their jobs. I am here, because I will not let the planet, the nation, or the people simply die without a fight. We have now entered the purposes of this "trial for life"/ simply to create the necessary circumstances to establish a critical discussion of reality/ NOT my reality/ NOT your reality/ but OUR reality. Therefore by design, the need for public involvement/ the reality of lawyers for the public/ and the fundamental truth are all necessary to let us survive are submitted in this court as demanded by the constitution.

Therefore I DO petition the court to establish this redress of grievances by proclaiming it a "class action suit, and presenting lawyers, and whatever money that is necessary for its purposes: which are defending life, the nation, and the world". Failure to do so, explains the simple truth: that when the economy fails/ you have no where to go/ when the terrorist or starvation or over-population or loss of resources [7 billion people use and abuse MANY things] or loss of water or contamination of water (evidence is enclosed) by earthquake or just plain "too much" or simply "the mass murder you are truly committing" on the young or unborn, because you are stealing their resources, only to throw it in the garbage. And so on. Look carefully at what you do, for remember these words if you abandon duty/ you will learn that genetic structure is not a toy, the fact that your body forms as it does is not an accident, and when that critical link that holds the order or controls the discipline suddenly disappears, you and the world around you are extinct. And this is only the beginning. Think carefully before you choose to die; because unless we as humanity change, we as a entire planet surely will soon.

I am now through talking/ I am now through working alone for the survival of life. Therefore TO ALL INVOLVED listen carefully: this is not a personal case, it merely represents a personal case/ every issue involved is national in scope. YOU are instructed at this time: I will only appear in "personal court" to establish the possibility of an appeal/ no argument will be given. Therefore unless the judge decides on accepting his or her duty to allow a redress of grievances, and present this redress to the public/ there will be NO reason to accrue lawyer billing against me. ASK THE JUDGE, beforehand/ he or she will know, and I give permission/ no harm to you will occur. If on the other hand this goes to public trial, people will present for the people, and they will argue against you, with my help. The purpose of "the possibility to appeal"/ will include ONLY the US attorney motion, and whatever the court decides. There is SUFFICIENT MERIT no matter what the judge says to appeal on the grounds of filings presented by me/ I need nothing else and will use nothing else. There will be NO appeal by me personally/ ONLY WITH THE PUBLIC and only as a redress of the people. IF on the other hand, I go to court "personally" and am confronted with the "billing you have in mind", this could change. Should I be thrown out of court/ I will pay the $400.00. If I am billed excessively more/ I will then choose to invite your "enemies" and see if they would like to join me in court against you.

This trial is in direct confrontation with the participants who have made all the threats to life possible. This trial is to establish a discussion, it is not to attack anyone. Where the court fails, the law attacks, not me. I am through with court apart from these terms/ although I will not stop simply educating as it is possible to do. The death of the planet is at stake, I can do no less/ it is a duty. Therefore understand me well, I do not "give up"/ but I do say at this point I must be joined or I have done my best, and you may die, if you do so choose.

For information purposes, I am sending a disk with the information that will be on the site at a later time. It is necessary for me, to find a web assistant for that job. For your information, I tell you now, that soon when the site is transformed/ there will be a detailed drawing of 2 engines to replace all piston style engines currently used. There is herein a description of a true energy recovery machine and a drawing and details will follow. There will be a new furnace and perhaps more/ all free for the purpose of this work/ to establish true discussion. It is not "foolish"/ it is the reality if the world dies, or sinks into armageddon/ then what good is money? You are sure to believe it cannot be/ I say to you only, take a look at the materials sent to you, and reconsider.

First part

a case examining the critical relationship between patient and medicine/ its legal complications/ and its demand for public utility status.

A case examining the critical consumption of individual rights when compared to a national business enterprise, strictly devoted to "medicine by their values"/ not ours. The legal implication is simply; when the majority provider of any business practice or service or product maintains a litigation service for the direct benefit of membership financial gain and fundamental control/ then all manner of price fixing and industry control results. When the majority providers of any business practice, or service, or product establish the fundamental parameters of pricing for all industry representatives/ then a requirement exists for consumer protection. When the majority providers of any business practice or service or product have so bound together that they now comprise "an army, of litigators" then the term, anti-trust laws apply. Quote (AMA web site "the litigation center is an unincorporated association between the AMA and the state medical societies, organized to coordinated litigation within the federation. Its purpose is to concentrate legal resources in filing

lawsuits or amicus curiae briefs in cases of general interest to physicians and to share information and resources in response to emerging legal issues. ....."


from me/ without religion/ a case defending life.

Discipline says: if you neither do your duty, nor honor your work/ then your life fills with the insanity of your failures, because your soul does not love you. Love is the existence of a friendship conceived by soul. This is a spiritual saying, not a threat/ but a reality designed by truth.


RE: a legal action establishing the question/ does the medical profession own the primary control of billing against the public citizen: or do we/I have a right to professional and accurate information that FUNDAMENTALLY informs and accurately reflects exactly who wants this money and why? In a timely fashion, where deception is not the clear intent/ in like accord with all other business {meaning fair and competent disclosure of what is expected/ prior to any agreement to pay}? It is OUR bill/ it is their request. Request means: in exchange for services and materials, I do expect this as fair compensation, as all billing exists within an inherently unreasonable, anti-competitive behavior. Whereas, Reality states/ every billing is not fair.

A legal action establishing the question/ does a medical association, have a right to control, disguise, or decide what is equitable, [even if it only describes what shall be billed together, or more] to the patients of medical establishments across the nation? Is this not a clear and conscious collusion, perpetrated against the patient: who benefits/ it is not the patient. The assertion of medicine, "we shall all do this together, under these terms" is an orchestrated covenant, to control and manipulate what shall be done, and as a consequence how it shall be priced/ thereby it can be considered a conspiracy engaging price control. If this is a monopoly and the intrinsic and illegal definition of price control, by its reality and orchestration/ then we the patients are franchised and sold by the medical industry: not as patients but are, "sold as slaves". The financial reality is clear, the medical establishment is in control, and we have no say. The question to be constructed, the reality to be questioned is simply: is a coding convention or standard, a tool in any form, for the direct control of pricing, or the direct control of what will be priced and how: irregardless of a cumulative purpose, or a direct agreement in price, is this an established control of that product: when viewed on a national level? The assertions of administrative ease notwithstanding, the reality is a distinct composition for direct comparison of any service, at any facility nationwide; the ability to then in a truly monopolized market/ to claim this is necessary, because they do it. This is not "customer shopping"/ this is monopoly, due to the consequences involved. Therefore a very strict interpretation of anti-trust laws are required. WHERE is the consumer protection information to buffet or give legal contract rights? IT IS NOT in the consumer's hand/ it is not available without court, legal expert, lawyers, and great expense/ in a place where our legitimate complaint will be dismissed as "below reasonable standards/ for the sole purpose of propagating a frivolous lawsuit for financial gain".

ARGUMENT begins as a development of 4 separate billings for a single 1 hour visit to the environments of Carle Inc. This unfortunate experience, that I suspect was the result of "mold laden walls" in the building I was working on. Resulted in my appearance at the carle facility on Mattis ave in champaign/ the closest medical facility I was aware of. They sent me by arrow ambulance a carle subsidiary to carle foundation hospital, where I was subsequently released within the hour. It is my suspicion and theory the oxygen given en route arrested the condition and I improved.

As expected, I received billing from the hospital/ which I paid. I received billing from arrow ambulance/ which I paid. I received billing from "the doctors" which I paid. Then a week or two later I received billing from another set of doctors; and decided THIS IS INAPPROPRIATE, because it steals from me my right to review in accordance with my need for the information/ prior to payment based upon the merits of the price. Not only am I billed 4 separate times for the same entry to their environment, I am billed by the clinic with their staff situated in their hospital [but it is called a separate entity, with separate rights and billing procedures]. After I have paid the doctors, the hospital, and the ambulance, where is my leverage for understanding the bill/ demanding review of the bill/ forming my honest opinion of the validity of the billing/ and expecting the legitimate request for this billing to be explained to me or altered because it does not reflect the truth about treatment? I have no leverage, as is obvious by my request for clarity and honesty from the clinic: they threaten "the bill collector". EVERY other commercial enterprise proves competent at making certain, its customers have informed consent/ before a billing is due. The medical establishment does everything it can to harass the customer [because medicine provides no room for dealing]/ therefore to un-complicate the larceny and theft: they choose to hide the price, and attack in stages. I DO have a legitimate RIGHT to full disclosure/ prior to any billing being paid. YOU have NO RIGHT to attack (demands for money is an attack, when the value of the service is hidden in stages)/ not by the negligence of separating carle inc, into parcels/ not by the inference of a business right to do so: YOU USE the very same advertizing throughout all "carle inc entities" . THE NAME CARLE is your primary focus on all such attempts. Even the phone book declares you to be the same/ and is intended too. Therefore your clear intent is to claim "all of us". Separation is just a ruse.

Some will argue, that's life/ deal with it. I say, if I enter within an environment held together by the same organization, with people that work within the same buildings and all other aspects of a united organization, that also functions and advertizes as one organization/one basic campaign. That is dependent upon a single entity description [called carle], irregardless of the petty and irrelevant excuses they attempt to make, to claim a separation. Then I am entitled to one single billing. I find this method of division a simple means to collect more money. It is understood "the making of money is not the issue/ RATHER the truth and honesty of how that power over a patient translates as money, IS.

CARLE INC. replies in their letter dec 15, 2004

Their financial supervisor Jodi Hollern

They have reviewed and understand the complaint, no questions to ask. And then state:

  1. quote "I do understand that medical billing can be extremely confusing"
  2. REVIEWED: carle inc states hereby that they know they intentionally create billing confusion. They KNOW the public does not understand their billing. They understand this is important [is it not]? Yet apparently they can do no better. I know of people who are still billed for a visit to carle, MANY MONTHS later. I know or used to know of many people, who are completely lost in the medical billing associated with carle inc. I know of people who were billed for a doctor "sticking his head in the door, yelling you all right, and leaving before the answer was even given. And it is NOT fair.
  3. ESTABLISHED: with the intent to confront: "their purpose and the style of their billing IS, to create confusion"; a simple divide and conquer strategy. By creating four separate billings or more correctly four "dummy corporations"/ they can attack the patient who falls prey under their system with 4 different requirements to take four separate entities to court; defend against four separate sets of attorneys; face four separate attempts by separate bill collectors; and so on. Thereby increasing any legitimate complaint by 4 distinct threats: do you not think they will come to each others aid, as "experts". QUOTE (AMA the litigation center is a coalition of the american medical association and the state medical societies. Its purpose is to represent the medical profession in the courts, in accordance with AMA policies...." Do you think these experts would fairly represent an "expert for the plaintiff"/ or would they choose the security blanket provided by "shut your mouth, and keep quiet or lie". QUOTE ( Page 6 Fullerton v. Florida medical assoc (leon cit., Fla. Cir. Ct) regarding the expert witness testimony of a doctor against 3 other doctors/ in response, the defendants sued the expert. AFTER ALL carle inc is their true business/ not the dummy corporations. Reality proves " shut up, is the murderer of innocence" and reality as greed can be violent.
  4. CONSEQUENCE: by their words, their understanding of the billing system is "it is too confusing for them to find another way". Therefore it must be this way, "because they are too uneducated to approach a more honest method/ or they like this method too much. THEN they must be helped. THIS LEGAL REQUEST IS THEREFORE TO ENFORCE A critical change in billing for the medical industry of which carle inc stand as "the child of record". A child because they are merely pouting/ a "hog" because it can be dangerous to kick a pig from the feeding trough/ they want it too much. Case medical association of Georgia v. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia, 536 S.E. 2d 184 (Ga. App. 2000) reference page 3 quote "this was the first court decision in the United States that forced managed care organizations to disclose to physicians, in advance and in the absence of specific contractual provisions, how much they will be paid for their services....."
  5. SUMMARY the consequence of this legal case is then to get the medical industry the help, they "so desperately want". After all/ if they state "we can't do better/ we KNOW it's a badly flawed system and can't fix this ourselves"/ BUT WE HAVE TO follow the AMA guidelines. Then it stands to reason under legal scrutiny: that should they resist fundamental change/ their true expectation has been fraud, and conspiracy by means of the confusion they create. Or the AMA has control and legal grasp of their systems and their corporation/ consequently US, the public. CASE Luks v. Empire Healthchoice (N.Y.S. Ct) quote ama/pub/ category/1063.html page 3 : this class action lawsuit contested an MCO's practice of reducing payments to surgeons who perform multiple CPT procedures through a single incision, rather than through multiple incisions......statutes that prohibit deceptive practices....."

  1. PENALTY; these definitions of fraud and conspiracy seek a similarity in nature to the definitions of racketeering/ because these are, the matters of life, death, mutilation, lifelong consequences: or the same to the ones you love. THEN, when reality is NO ALTERNATIVE, the ability to control the financial future of a person or family in its entirety [apart from some aspects of bankruptcy] has demonstrated an organized effort without options for the individual. It is an extortion/ unless fair and honored opportunity to challenge and decide without bodily harm exists on both sides. This cannot be so/ by the very nature of the reality. The penalty is then "public utility, and the social decisions that present and provide all money issues and concerns/ are to be decided publicly."

  1. THEIR QUOTE: depending upon services received, you may receive two separate bills" [from the same location/ the same "dummy corporation"].
  2. CONSIDERED: I received 4, the last from the clinic/ therefore the clinic is asked to answer and explain. Not only am I given 4 separate billings from the same primary corporation/ each bill suggests independent contractors, who have billed me through this corporation: none of which represent a fair opportunity for me to challenge in a courtroom of law [BECAUSE, I must hire experts in any medical matter/ making all but the most extreme cases of stupidity or neglect the only ones that appear]. Not only does the potential for legal action become 4 sets of attorneys, four separate cases/ it is clear each of these contractors can employ their own set of attorneys, and gain help from the AMA to counter attack and control the courtroom by outnumbering the judge and slaughtering the intent of law: which is to confront on equal terms/ in a place of no prejudice. I am not a lawyer/ therefore I cannot be on equal terms with a judge who is a lawyer. These potential new matters, are so corrupt of judicial propriety and due process/ that they must be dealt with now: for how could I, a non-lawyer deal with them in a court of law? Lawyers may use a foreign language (latin) if they wish/ and do so simply to confuse the litigant and keep them from understanding: is this non-prejudicial? It is not/ all latin is a clear murder of rights, because of the reality to confuse; and a certain intent to be prejudicial, manipulative, and controlling. The issues of latin in a courtroom are more clear than the many words of medical terminology, and its effects upon society. For the purposes of this trial, then the issues approaching why latin is used at all, how it can be abused, and what needs to be done in the public interest/ confront the same basic reality as medical terminology, and in simple terms shall be used as a foundation for discussion and review. Therefore it is a fair assumption, SIMPLE as possible is the best approach to reviewing these problems. Therefore when the public citizen has an equal footing in the court and in the law, and in the practice of law/ THEN the issues of "racketeering may disappear".
  3. REVIEWED: not only did I get 4 separate billings/ it is clear, they could have sent at least one more by the clinic [sub-divided by contractors], and who knows how many more by the other various "dummy corporations affiliated" under the same umbrella carle inc. This, by the measure of their superiority in a courtroom of law/ amounts to an embezzlement: because the ease of presenting excessive amounts and appropriating it to their own uses; is clear and present. What defense do I have/ even when it is clear, the price is too high? These are NOT business dealings/ these are life, death, or pain and sorrow issues, and they cannot be treated the same. THE AMA states ama/ pub/ category/2292.html page 1 quote : the physician work component accounts on average for 55% of the total relative value for each service. The initial physician work relative values were based on the results of a Harvard University study. The factors used to determine physician work include the time it takes to perform the service; the technical skill and physical effort; the required mental effort and judgment; and stress due to the potential risk to the patient. {POOR, POOR DOCTORS} to date, I have not found medical practice on the list of 10 most dangerous jobs in the United States? Have you, as to stress, come work at heights, around machinery, or in everyday situations that can easily take your life or mutate your body: and then we will talk.
  4. ESTABLISHED: the basis of a conspiracy exists/ because the level of intent to create confusion could not be aggravated further, so it would seem; to any greater extent. They have said so/ see quote 1. The intent of a financial confusion directed against the weak, or otherwise injured party/ is a strategic and unfair advantage/ and it does have purpose. Particularly when reality says the patient cannot fight for themselves, "the real fight is how to survive"/ therefore superiority in all financial matters occur, because, it is or seems incidental to the reality of medical catastrophe, or death. The foundation of this conspiracy is thereby simple: create confusion/ by billing en mass over an extended period of time, and jump on any suspicions of a billing failure with threats, and legal consequences. The patient whose life is clearly affected by financial consequences must then decide; IF they will risk anger and refusal, or worse/ by challenging a medical demand for money; or will surrender [don't complain/ they may let me die] , pay the billing, and hope to survive/ with or without: not only money, but lifelong debt.
  5. CONSEQUENCE: It is clear, either the billing must change or the entire medical industry must change/ or both must change. Because legally they exert a guarantee of "police powers, too great for the common citizen, their patient/ to confront". Police powers/ because like governments, they control the outcome/ whether for good or for bad. Like the government, personal control is minimal or non-existent/ or like a criminal organization, the price of refusal can be "too high". AND THEY THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY KNOWS IT! It doesn't matter what papers were signed/ what consultation was given/ or what drugs were used. Listen to your television, every drug summary or other "expert advise" is summarized with "Talk to your doctor/ in other words let him or her decide: you cannot adequately choose". The medical profession demands this is true: do I not have to get a prescription to buy a drug? THEY ARE "in control", and they do what they want/ we are not/ nor can we be.
  6. SUMMARY: the objective is not to undermine, or even to fight with the billing at this moment [a matter of $400.00]. Rather this case now comes to question the legitimacy of "private medical enterprise"/ and offers instead the demand for a corrected status of "public utility". Thereby a finding distinctly connected to a legitimate legislative objective/ bringing the judicial matters of a critical understanding in "racketeering/ anti-trust/ consumer protection/ price control/ and so on": " to concentrate legal resources in filing lawsuits or amicus curiae briefs of general interest to"physicians/ substitute people" and to share information and resources in response to emerging legal issues". According to the organization and purpose statement of the litigation center of the AMA ( this is a fair and acceptable reality of power. If not, then all aspects of public utility status belong only to the court! The issues of billing are fundamental/ the issues of power, are critical as well. As required for public comprehension; a clearer description of the process involved may be viewed in the matter of city water. Wherein the entire city has become dependent upon a business or businesses delivering that water/ and then malicious and unreasonable control appears against the individual. Even where it is a private enterprise, controls and the court is not far away, and the state is involved: help exists. In medicine/ its everyone for themselves! We cannot live without water for weeks/ just as you cannot under some circumstances live without medical treatment for weeks. We, as a society, control water because this is too powerful to rely upon human "kindness and fair play": sooner or later, someone has tainted the reality and must be dealt with. The manipulation of billing through countless and frustrating demand is only the beginning of their power over the patient. They will say, the patient is in charge! Irregardless of the cost applied to them, the VAST MAJORITY of people will say, "help me live. THIS IS a current reality of LIFE/ and the entire medical industry uses it: dentists and all, because the incentive and penalty are too high. Every aspect of medicine, is at fault, the dentist too, exist in the same realm with all medicine: simply pay up or loose your teeth, and in some cases your life/ just look at their billing as well "a filling now has 3 sides/ just so they can charge more". The very simply intent to "divide, surround, & conquer" in all these war games/ IS so fundamentally tainted, upon the entire peoples of this nation, that the entire system is fundamentally wrong. We cannot determine the cost we would deliver to someone else/ to survive: it doesn't work, reality fails. To even consider the reality is evidence of extortion and fraud. All the power is one-sided against the medically infirm/ UNTIL reality makes them a burden, and society makes someone pay; this too is wrong. Therefore as a nation/ WE MUST DECIDE, what is real, ethical to support, and honest. There can be no more "let the patient or doctor decide: and give the bill to the others"/ it is not fair. There can be no more, "keep the invalid on machines" irregardless of the outcome: let the others pay. Already these methods have bankrupted the nation itself/ completely, because greed and the demand called want; simply doesn't care about anyone else. American Medical Association v. United Healthcare (S.D.N.Y.) page 2 " the class action lawsuit questions whether United Healthcare properly calculates "ususal, customary, and reasonable" charges........" Even so, the truth about money is not in things or numbers either/ but lives; because the excess resources you steal results in the death of those who need them, now and in the future. While time is the human element, and the effort and sanity required to do your duty. Greed is a traitor, consuming the cradle and child/ while it subordinates one life for/ or to another. This is a treason.
  7. PENALTY: the demand is a new system, wherein the reality and true nature of medical intervention becomes harnessed with the very real facts/ that we the public must police medicine and ourselves. They, the medical industry are unable to control the greed, the monopoly, or the power. Divestiture or consolidation, for a business. Dispersal for an industry.
  8. SUGGESTED: And the reality for the public/ choose now, the truth about what shall be paid and when it shall be paid: [all are equal, you get the same means; a percentage of wealth, and or income/ is my suggestion to you/ is not your life worth the same as mine]. This will apply to drugs, to dentists, to everyone in any medical reality. Drug research is then dispersed as well; the people own the patents, the inventor is paid according to the impact/ but any company desiring to manufacture is allowed. The nation runs the research. SIMPLE ISSUES FOR VOTE. While it may be unseemly for suggestions to be given in court/ GRANTED IT IS NOT, the place. It is otherwise an unfair assertion granted, that no other way exists. That is not true.

  1. THEIR QUOTE: "However, the simple fact is that Carle Clinic Association and Carle Foundation Hospital are two completely separate organizations".
  2. REVIEWED: the facts are, [there is NO DIFFERENCE in the mind's and heart's of the people of this community when talking about Carle Inc]. This has been a carefully cultivated intentional and deliberate creation by Carle Inc. Otherwise, every segmented "dummy corporation" would have a completely different name. They choose/ they have chosen to all be carefully conscripted, under the Carle name for the purpose of advertizing and fundamental name recognition. Therefore NO legitimate intent exists to separate these business entities: the use of a primary name, prevalent in all advertizing, business recognition, and billing proves the intent to remain the same. If they are separate/ then they steal from one another, and from their advertizer's; by getting four advertisements for the price of one. They steal the name from each other/ a fact NO business allows. The people here do not go to "carle clinic or carle hospital or whatever/ they go to carle/ just as others prefer provena or christie. It is my expectation they share mutual healthcare plans, etc/ therefore an investigation would reveal just how interlocked they are. Case In re Managed Care litigation (S.D. Fla.) page 2 "...The principal allegations are that the defendants, through edits in their payment software, have breached their physician provider contracts, violated state prompt payment laws, and conspired to violate the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations act. Recently, Aetna and CIGNA insurance companies agreed to stop certain "bundling practices", disclose others publicly, and pay approximately....."
  3. ESTABLISHED: these businesses are not separate, even though some legal loophole device may provide the impetuous for stealing [stealing because separation produces only two advantages for them/ limit the legal liability, and collect more money]. They share a common name, benefit from and produce a common advertizing, and are separated only for the purposes of collecting money and defending against legal liabilities. That said, the intent herein is to confirm equality, or more correctly consolidate what is clearly a single business and demand: if I am billed or must face trial/ then I will face a single enemy, and not be surrounded by fake degrees of multiple claims. If my responsibility is singular, by the consequence and reality, this is one body. Then a single entity, which has worked a single hour in unison, shall bill me for a single circumstance.
  4. CONSEQUENCE: by the demand of this appearance in court/ and the failure of carle clinic to accept their responsibility as a participant directly linked to carle inc. For the reality that they can charge me for their staff being placed directly in the emergency room of the carle hospital/ and still call themselves separate. The charge is contempt, and the issue raised is consumer protection, as declared under legal terms. Here the honesty of knowing the truth about doctors and their work demands: a completely open data base of knowledge for the patient and so on; this compliments honest legal position, for both sides. Although the truth is medical emergency or simple logistics may impede any possibility of choosing "someone else". The reality is we the patient/ customer of these establishments deserve the information and are guaranteed respect by this government: there is no respect in letting one party cut open the body of another party "take out heart & lungs if they so desire" and refuse to allow any information about who does this, to the patient. This is segregation and seizure and insanity sanctioned by the US government and its courts. Amendment 4 of the constitution proclaims I have a right.
  5. SUMMARY: in response to my demands for reasonable and fair billing practice/ I am forced to court, or extorted for money, and the blackmail of my good name. The assertion of separation, the legal wrangling of corporate conjecture, and the descriptions of "national usage of the same techniques". All suggest that criminal demands can be found. But shall be mute, as this is not the intent of this case.
  6. PENALTY: The legal demands are BE FAIR. The penalty is: stop lying, WORK with me/us. And establish a data base for clear and certain public information.

  1. THEIR QUOTE: "this is not done with intent to mislead or confuse our patients" (this quote and the one above are presented in opposing order to the letter).
  2. REVIEWED: in response to this assertion, the evidence supports that the intent to confuse is in fact the only reason any of this exists. It may be said/ "they have to protect their facilities from lawsuits". It is rebuked by the simple words: it is the patients who are routinely attacked, fundamentally wounded, and subject to the cannibalism of greed. These are seeking UNFAIR duplicity, with the express intent to confuse/ to divide/ and to conquer. WHERE is the justice for every common citizen? Where is the right or covenant of due process and equal protection under law? It is hidden in the medical terminology and basic education where the courtroom does not function. Therefore an open courtroom, dedicated to these particular lawsuits must be created: and viewed in absolute clarity by the public: camera's everywhere/ that cannot be shut off or manipulated by anyone. WITH a conscious effort to produce language and use language that is friendly to the common citizen.
  3. CONSEQUENCE: is not the intent of this quote [#21] a fraud, simply defined instead by the symbolic attempt to ridicule and laugh at my request? If NO other methods of billing exist, then they have a right. However it is clear and certain, other methods are not only possible/ they are simple and plain. Look at the automotive industry/ the car moves from one location to another, one mechanic to another/ through parts and other inventories: and you will get the bill before the car drives away. No intent exists to control the freedom to choose / however, when the patient holds such an inferior legal position to medical inquisition of a patient and his or her finances/ then we must be informed as to costs incurred, actual expenses and labor costs, etc. Their method is least information possible/ it limits legal interrogation/ it limits any alternative pleading. This brings the question of why choose this method of billing? IF NO other methods of corporate structure are available to carle to be honestly secure in their methods of business and interaction with the community/ then they have a right. HOWEVER, if this is not true. Then honesty should reflect profit, because the patient has no real choice/ therefore carle should have no real choice either: an equal footing in the law and in the business of health needs. Carle Inc. is surely going to lead the fight to clean up and revise this mess: here and now/ because all "good corporate citizens" surely would? Is this too much to ask?
  4. SUMMARY: let the public in, let them define what they will be able to understand clearly and with certainty, let the billing be consolidated in its entirety, and let there be but one business/ because there is only one business/ only one patient involved. As to the need for protection from legal demands/ let the court be instilled with the FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY to clean itself from under the shit pile of dirty lawyers whose only intent is to gouge and destroy lives. 34 N.E. 2d 68, 70. It is not medical malpractice that is a problem/ it is the lawyers involved. The public awards ignorance and stupidity, only because they are MAD AT YOU, the medical industry. They are mad/ because you steal, and get away with it. And the court sits silent.
  5. PENALTY: BE HONEST AND FAIR, or face the administration of this business by others/ called the government. If the court cannot find what is honorable and fair/ then the judge surrenders his or her position: because that is the job. And if you cannot or will not do your job/ if you will not defend the public, and the intent of the constitution: then you are an illusionary promise to the people/ and a fraud and in hostile possession of a position you do not deserve, as a judge: this is a theft. 138 P. 2D 846, 851, 852; 350 S.W. 2d 729, 732 GET THE BILLING STRAIGHTENED UP. GET THE COURT PREPARED, for justice/ and fit to do so. Redefine medical malpractice, so that it is legitimate and fair to all. Remove and disbar the "bastard lawyer"!

  1. THEIR QUOTE: it is simply done in order to comply with CPT coding conventions and standards set forth by the American Medical Association.
  2. REVIEWED: here reality and truth are confronted with the honesty, that I am billed not simply by methods and means specific to this particular medical facility/ but by the fact that this hospital has joined a national group "the AMA" , to control and manipulate pricing across America or even beyond. This is monopoly : a condition described as "a market condition where all or nearly all of an article of trade or commerce within a community or district is brought within the control of one person or company, thereby excluding competition or free traffic in that article 18 N.W. 2ad 905, 908. The AMA clearly has possession of all billing practice/ and carle inc describes what appears to be, "virtually all medical facilities adhere to their guidelines". It is a reality that to control the billing is to control the business, the trade, the commerce: because price is the ruler of business. The AMA is an organization of "medical professionals"/ the facilities they manipulate are "the article of trade": and the materials or service these produce are "the articles of commerce".
  3. CONSEQUENCE: they have formed a monopoly for the purpose of price fixing/ and conformed their members to accept the assignment of their license, legally or not. These professionals, fully understanding the consequence of legal alignments/ can be considered to have hired lawyers for the direct intent of mitigating damages associated with this connection. Thereby joint tenancy occurs/ between all alliances for this purpose of control: all the players have taken a hostile possession to this aspect of medicine/ not just the AMA. They go together.
  4. SUMMARY: the assumptions of a medical society, that they do have a right to declare "whatever they choose, in medical billing"/ HAS given rise to the reality, of their addiction to greed. Addiction means the integration of a "door" between what you want, & the description of "a tool" to take what you want: rather than earn the right to experience what truth will provide. Addiction is thereby a lie/ based upon a failure to understand the consequence. That consequence is price control and the infiltration of extortion/ through the "passionate embrace, I DON'T care about anyone but me". This is fully understood, by all who embrace it. It is the associated consequences that produce: THIS poverty of experience, that HAS in turn IMPACTED society, and the individual, by creating economic lies [we can pay this] and the cycle now employed by government: you need/ you can't pay/ THEN OWE ME/ and finally "give everything you have, and get out of my sight"[simply nothing left]. A little over dramatic/ but it creates a clue. It is medicine that leads the way, in stripping away, all that american society can be This is the functioning reality of an American debt over 87 trillion dollars divided by 150 million taxpayers= $580,000.00 dollars apiece/ divided equally. Reference is Flow of funds table L.5. The government official in all branches HAS used this influence of greed, to blunder and buffoon their way to an ever increasing damage to society: clearly taught by the damages of the medical industry! Money, the demand to pay/ is now meaningless UNLESS you are not a "university graduate"/ someone has to pay. As this blade of indifference cuts through society : the damage, the murder, the mayhem, and the depression it causes/ WILL lead to a terrible and bloody civil war. Think not? Then step across to the other side/ and lose everything you ever worked for, and be ridiculed. For what? The answer is "because a whore, can blackmail you". There is no compensation justified for additional education, "nearly everyone I have ever met said quote: college was the best years of my life"! Why do we owe, for that? We are equal, and that means fair and justifiable compensation no matter who you are, or what you do! The entire medical industry has led the way to ruin [look at the debts]/ the dentist, the drug companies, everyone who expects"millions"more than the average worker. It is extortion, simple and plain/ and it starts with medicine. While I am certain to be accused of "ranting and raving" by bringing this matter up. The consequence is clear, and the reality is certain, by the damages that are evident. Therefore as it is a medical inquisition into practices and consequences of practices of an entire medical industry/ it is fair.
  5. PENALTY: for the rape and pillage of society/ the arrogance and greed, and blatant selfishness/ the pathetic mutilations of honor among citizens caused by university driven pride/ and the compulsive larceny of controlling the public for financial gain. The entity called the AMA should be severed from any possibility of control and or guidance to the industry itself. The medical industry itself severed from the business associated as private, and ruled under a "public utility status" with citizens determining all costs and pay-outs. Under the considerations of the Robinson-Patman act 15 U.S.C. 13, 13a and 18a, 19 or any other guidelines used in the direct defense associated with anti-trust laws.

  1. THEIR QUOTE: it is the only billing mechanism we have to most accurately report the services provided.
  2. REVIEWED: according to their words, "extremely confusing"/ the reality of "accuracy and reporting" IS CLEARLY overstated/ and fundamentally errant. The fundamental requirements of any duty required by law is [all billing is subject to law]: what is honesty/ thereby the descriptions of truth; what is honor/ thereby the foundation that grants the right; what is the description of order and the discipline that it describes/ and what is the evidence that proves the consequence is real? Law means truth has formed a foundation and respect; for that reality that has built the description of values upon which we depend. Words are merely the tools of "love or hate or need". Justice is the work and reality and truth of what you do/ or what they do. The medical industry will surely defend itself stating: as it is, this has produced the health care we know today/ why change it? Greed is a motivator/ but it is also an enemy plotting and planning from the beginning, how you can be enslaved. Greed did not build any healthcare: greed does not care/ therefore it has crippled and damaged or destroyed what could have been; rather than built what does exist, it has limited what could be. Legal Malpractice is greed thrown back at YOU.
  3. CONSEQUENCE: there is no honesty in this quote #31: not only do they conflict entirely with the above statements of the same person, they suggest no alternative exists. This is a statement of control by the AMA and its " CPT guidelines". The assertion of "we must" according to the AMA/ has no honor by its clear and certain devaluation of the citizen/ patient. The patient doesn't matter, the billing doesn't matter: only the AMA and its guidelines matter "we must". The consequence of a demand to establish and contain all billing to a separate entities guidelines/ even if that entities supposes to benefit the medical industry; merely establishes control, and thereby price fixing. The words are "we have to". The reality of separation into "dummy corporations"surely follows this lead.
  4. PENALTY: affix the meaning of the declaration of Independence to the reality of our time. Redefine the words " we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed;...." In more simple terms/ no right of greed or selfishness exists. We are equal with the medical or university degree, and need not be their financial slaves any more. That a vote among the people; used to examine and refine the state of the medical industry in this nation: as either private or public is fundamental to democracy/ is NECESSARY at this time/ and is a legal compensation required by democracy and given by the constitution and its documents: TO "WE THE PEOPLE". What you should recognize in these words and the rest of the constitution is THIS CASE and so many others are not "for government or politics" to decide. Instead where life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are distinctly involved: it is WE THE PEOPLE who do have an ultimate right to intervene wherever we choose. FOR WE ARE the government! And this is OUR NATION, it does not belong to the employees/ it is ours. The constitution does give "first opportunity" to the judge and the courtroom/ however it is an opportunity, NOT a right. WE THE PEOPLE, could not be more clear!

  1. THEIR QUOTE: at this time, I feel we have already provided with the detailed, "honest" billing you have requested. It is not possible for the clinic to provide you with bills from other organizations.
  2. REVIEWED: addiction is the preservation of an image/ so that honesty has no voice. Addiction is the formation of barricades around "the reality of me, so that the truth may not come in". Addiction represents the turmoil of a failure people see in themselves/ and the door by which they expect to prove this image is wrong. The intensity of disrespect for others, establishes only pain for all sides. The reality of addiction dissolves experience to demand you are alone. It is that consequence distinct among the others that allows the "disaster of selfishness" to rule and to spread and to control the destiny of other lives. Addiction is appropriate by the terms of reality that allow one set of people to extort great sums of money from another set of people. This selfishness is confirmed in any surgical or other medical reality that people must then choose between their bodies or minds; or paying anything the extortionist asks. The demand is trust us/ the support for this larceny is insurance: therefore buy it. The exploitation of money is clearly seen in all aspects of government/ the rule of the courts, the tragedy of "billion dollar elections"/ all of it is attributable to the plain and simple truth: those who have raped and pillaged the majority, now have duped and controlled the judiciary as well. How else would you describe the tragedy of words, the flagrant and excessive violation of fundamental court cases in so many circumstances? And all that is not even a possibility of justice in America today: those who stand guard, are traitors {or more correctly lost in the words and insanity of so much greed}.
  3. SUMMARIZED: This examination of basic process and the length we will need to go as WE THE PEOPLE to clarify and identify our possession of this government shall not be simple. This is not a rebellion/ this is the consequence of court, and the reality of life. We need to discuss by legal definition the existence of those who have controlled our lives and our nation/ for their own benefit. The issues of carle inc, not being involved in this are mute/ as they do represent the medical industry, and it is GREED that has fundamentally corrupted the nation, and brings the tragedy of economic depression. Who better to represent the greedy, than medicine. NOT SIMPLY carle inc/ but all of medicine. It is clear to me/ this will be used to demand expulsion of the trial from court. It is also clear to me, that a class action suit is NECESSARY. Therefore 100's of informational letters are used to buttress the demand for action and the insistence of: WE THE PEOPLE.
  4. SECONDARY review; the reality of insurance has allowed the mutilation of fair billing by presenting the intermediary who makes money too/ irregardless of the price. The reality of insurance for me, when priced a while back was roughly $3000.00 per year. 20 years they collect $60,000.00 whether I need medical assistance or not. There is a risk/ million dollar billings occur regularly. Although this case was not about amounts/ it is now added to billing/ that the reality of functional medical services, at an honest wage/ should be, a fair and merited aspect of this lawsuit. The issue of a public utility arises as well with the truth, of how much money is spent/ that does not go to health care. As a public issue/ it is not unlike any other public utility issue: and the need for actual public vote is demanded. Does this not affect us all?
  5. CONSEQUENCE: the question raised by "billing from other organizations"/ defends the assertion of honesty by interacting within the legal dispute of administration. Who administers: is it the subsidiary, or is it the corporate board? IF YOU GET PAID, then you are involved. If you have critical review and decision status/ then you do administer the result.
  6. PENALTY: if there is not clear leverage from the corporation/ there is not a relationship. If however control of all subsidiaries comes under any portion or control of the corporate board, THERE IS clear union and these words quote #35 are a lie. The demand is: Choose together/ or separate, with completely different names; formally severed, and publicly advertized as different with clear cut results. Or abandon the lies. ESTABLISH PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.

  1. THEIR QUOTE: therefore I respectfully ask that you send payment in full or contact us to set up an acceptable payment arrangement. Should you choose not to do so, your account will be placed with an outside collection agency within the next 15 days. Jodi Hollern supervisor, financial services Carle Clinic Assoc.
  2. REVIEWED: the displacement of and review of business procedure in this matter is not intended to attack or surrender to any excuse or legal detriment as may appear. The clear intent is to establish the reality of informed consent in the matter of accounting as it pertains to the medical industry, and the patient. The consequence of separated billing is to confuse and distort the reality/ the purpose of this legal response, is then to "straighten and clarify these realities". And has become; to allow opportunity for all the other problems associated with medicine, a correct and honorable forum for public discussion and legal consequence.
  3. CONSEQUENCE: the expectation for payment has not been dismissed/ I am not harassing the defendant/ nor am I "looking for fame or any other such thing"/ no amount of money will take this away, or any other compensation: I am here for JUSTICE. Justice means: I will know, what I am billed for. I will know in advance of payment, what I am billed for/ and I will be aware of the profits involved. I will know, that when I appear at the door of a business with the very same primary name/ the same advertizing/ and the same purposes: there will be one bill/ one time/ and any negotiation as may be needed, or resulting court battle as may be needed will be fair, legitimate, proper, understandable, and in my full view before a decision to pay is asked of me. And now the addition of a fair and legitimate response to questions of a public utility status must also appear. And the intent and legitimacy of a national organization must be questioned.
  4. SUMMARY: I did not bring you to court/ you refused to assist me in the matter of fair billing practice: irregardless of current contention, if the community knows you as one name only/ then you are one business. You threaten me with a bill collector if I do not comply with your demands. I produced NO DEMANDS until the 4th billing resulting from a single one hour visit to your facilities/ I now have made my demands/ and let the courtroom or the people decide.
  5. PENALTY: it is my concerted opinion, that these matters are more than personal. This level of examination, and the introduction of a national influence in the matter of the AMA/ do result in a federal trial. The assumption that I can represent the legal interests of all who can be affected by this trial, is simply not real: therefore the court is requested to grant status to this trial of a class action suit. The federal prosecutors are granted knowledge and invitation to join, and to investigate and decide the level of price fixing caused by the AMA. And the various other interests and legal compositions all suggest that "lawyers for the plaintiff" are necessary. Status is granted by me/ to include the "common public citizen"/ however, this is to remain "my case" and that reality is dignified not with pride, punishment, or reward for me/ but with justice for all. In the unlikely event, that I am either dead or unable to attend for the purposes of trial/ then "you have my statement/ it is undeniable and I will not change my mind/ therefore the trial proceeds as the public sees fit."

  1. MY QUOTE: it is my duty to review and examine as necessary for the sake of my society/ where it is needed/ when it confronts me directly. It is my concerted opinion that these matters deserve review by the public, and if they choose to discard/ then so be it. I am not their guardian, leader, politician, or whatever/ and do not want to be. Instead these are realities that make a distinct difference in my life as well as all lives/ therefore I do have an intrinsic right to display and promote an education that would produce a honorable solution. And contest any dishonorable solution, or current practice, within the reality of a courtroom. The idea, that it is an inconvenience to you is irrelevant/ the other excuses have been discussed in a previous federal trial/ as it turns out "a case of discovery". In the form of case #2:04- cv 2196 filed in federal court Urbana IL.
  2. The defense is certain to make "much" of this mention to another case I was involved in. In reply I say to you: isn't that what you do in court/ refer to past cases? I am not a lawyer/ perhaps you would like to help me? Irregardless of that, I do say to you health care is our concern as a people and a nation/ it is not your business. The only business associated with life or death or significant concerns for body and mind; is the demand for sovereignty over life, too young to decide; or too old , or too badly diseased, or too badly wounded or mutilated to truly survive. These things require a burden of proof, expressed as necessary within a contract/ with the nation to pay. Therefore when a critical decision must be made; because someone has to pay/ even though, no true benefit to society can be expected: then society must choose for itself. One of the concerns intended is a comatose patient, and so on: then it shall be by vote, determined for one and for all/ equally: no exceptions. The medical industry does have a right to reject or make decisions for itself that are fair and justifiable to all/ because in these cases, it is business: someone has to do the work, or the end must come. Ethics are nothing more than values without foundations, what exists within truth comes from reality: not your decisions, your truth, what YOU DO. Like it or not.
  3. All these matters are NOT POLITICAL, because they involve a fundamental guarantee by the constitution of the United States of America: amendment 4 "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated...... While the amendment goes on to be specific about criminal violations/ this trial is not criminal/ the fundamental guarantee is not defined, as to be only for the benefit of those accused as criminal. The guarantees of the constitution are for the people/ NOT simply for the accused criminal. Amendment 7 agrees, that matters involving values in excess of small amounts SHALL BE DIRECTED TO THE COURT, and that right preserved within the court. What has more value than life? You have no say/ to court we go.
  4. CLOSING: I have just received a letter dated 1/20/05 (date received 1/29/05) from "risk management alternatives inc" stating my account is placed in collection/ my name given to credit reporting agencies. Even though I have plainly said to them in writing, be patient: I WILL FILE IN COURT before the second week of February ends [TWICE]. The result of ridicule is often simply a disrespect, where disrespect exists/ it is necessary to teach. Therefore as you would charge me, for an afternoon worth of work/ the time necessary to prepare the lawsuit. I will now seek an additional penalty in like accord to your charges in surgery. The approximate cost of an average surgery for the doctor is applied at $10,000.00 It is fair/ you would charge me/ and this is "surgery": whether it is successful or not. Since you have presented judgment upon me with this ridicule, saying in effect, "he has nothing to say, no cause to hear, no right to contest, no possibility in court, and exhibits no cause for respect"/ I do submit, for arrogance, selfishness, and the failure to respect all life, the additional charge of $50,000.00. Let the court decide.

  1. To the court, this is the beginning/ no games allowed by either you or me/ or any other. The questions brought are critical to this society, and they are important to our future as a society. This trial asks, "can you accept duty, and be responsible to life. The failure of any side/ to declare and do what justice requires: is incendiary to the needs of this society. Equal protection under law, is a guarantee. The truth of indefeasible rights to examine and protect this society through the court/ as WE THE PEOPLE cannot be contested/ nor the unfortunate realities of the people or businesses involved cannot be less important. The questions are of life, the battle is financial, the court is mandatory. Here the failures of the judge, the courtrooms of america, the utter disrespect for law, due process, or liberty all describe the reaction of the judge shall be: a frivolous and irresponsible prejudice against "the status quo"/ a latin term for "he who has the gold/ rules". The autopsy of a concerted action against democracy, the United States of America, and freedom itself/ will be a flagrant disregard for life/ the summary judgment of greed/ and the mistrial of power and lust. I have pursued justice within the courts now for years, covering many avenues and looking for much/ but finding very little. The court system of America HAS stolen many thousands of dollars from me/ denied my day in court/ fundamentally lied just to protect the guilty/ and dismissed the innocent claims for freedom and justice with the arrogance of complete bigotry. So say I. After all these things, many known by the judge of the trial mentioned here/ fully knowing perjury is coming against me, I say to the judge, return to me, even "this little bit" of justice, to prove less than outright contempt against all I do stand for/ JUSTICE FOR ALL, FREEDOM AS INTENDED, EQUALITY WITHOUT PREJUDICE, AND LIFE WITHOUT INFRINGEMENT. The judge of that trial proves only hypocrisy, and the flame of terrorism. Therefore I say to the federal court in Urbana IL, and to any other official as may hear. This judge is not allowed in this case/ while there may be no better among them/ prejudice or mainly simple failure, shown in every case/ proves this one cannot hear this case. This is a FORMAL PROTEST. And if you refuse, the matter will be certain to arise in appeals. [I do have a right to proceed in advance with respect to an ongoing prejudice/ prove me wrong]. As to my particular request, in this matter/ it is fair.
  2. I warn you in advance; There will be another trial coming. You may find it early at And its links. That you may prepare, and decide who shall be responsible for it. It is this trial that fundamentally asks very simply: Can you accept truth, and live within the reality that exists, or shall you change it/ because the evidence demands to do less will be your death. Simply prove the evidence wrong. Section 50 is a warning, for your interest/ not a part of this trial.

  1. As to me/ I have no say, in your own decisions. The decision to involve the public in my own disputed billing questions, is simply a right granted by the 1st amendment and the 14th amendment. Only the evidence as prepared and proposed shall have a say. Only the truth will bring consequences/ it shall not be me. This is about your lives as well as mine in society, it is not about anything else to me/ but that which is written. I have no agenda/ except reasonable justice for myself, and as has been necessary, the allowance of "better for the public/ since these are truths affecting us all".
  2. I will not continue beyond these trials. Therefore make up your mind early/ understand the truth/ and then decide, if you will abandon or support justice and life in this society and the world: Or not? It is goodbye beyond these works; I have finished, and you, whoever you are; must continue for yourselves or say goodbye. By the honesty of the evidence, I have completed my duty. You have your chance!


letter from osterbur

2nd letter from osterbur

letter from Carle Clinic unfortunately neither the logo or the signature came through using the fine reader scanning program

second part

RE-FILED AS THE TRIAL FOR LIFE, set in the mail February 18, 2005


The assertion of a lack of subject matter to include the United States government is in error. The FACT IS the US government promises to protect WE THE PEOPLE/ this is an indisputable fact. The FACT IS the US government is intrinsically and definitively involved in EVERY issue of consumer protection, price fixing, monopoly, and others as is involved and presented in this case 05-2038 is also an indisputable fact. The US government HAS FAILED in these protections, therefore the only method of inducing them to court is clearly to offer this employee of the people an opportunity to recognize their error and petition the court to JOIN the plaintiff and pursue justice in society and for the people. Justice is not so simple as: "the clear corruption and fundamental treason" of the US attorneys response. He discards his duty to protect & serve, the only purpose of his job. He distorts honor to the extent of his own fears, that he now desires "to control the constitution instead of protect it: HOW shall controlling my first amendment right be considered otherwise? His action cannot be based in the reality of the case 05-2038, as he provides no merit, no law, no fundamental proof of any failure to abide by the fourteenth amendment: and since he doesn't understand or now the fourteenth amendment it reads quote: ....NO state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. The corruption of the US attorney is in fact so blatant and distilled from reality that he believes he is superior to the state of Illinois and its legislature. He is not a citizen, such as I that he may proclaim such a thing/ HE is an employee, and his job is to support the constitution; in the same way as the citizen whose job it is support the law and defend the people against ALL INJUSTICE sits behind a courtroom bench and proves "liar or friend".

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) is a primary case used in developing the structure of the court that defines America/ or is suppose to define America where the diarrhea can be swept away. Its primary support of the people is "let the end be legitimate. In other words, it is justice and NOT the arrogance of rules fully intended and invoked to control the people, and sell the constitution to the control of lawyers and other blatant thieves. The lawyer for the US government is charged with CONTEMPT/ as he plainly executes this motion to dismiss without regard to justice, the protection of this people, or my right to support and defend this nation: a necessity because of his and others like him, HAVE FAILED THEIR DUTY.

The motion to discard my right to re-enter a courtroom is not only a tyranny opposed not only by the constitution [irregardless of merit], it is a direct and prejudicial statement disgracing the value and purpose of the Declaration of Independence and assigns to this attorney treason. Quote: we hold these truth to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That TO SECURE THESE RIGHTS, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, ....." It is clear the US attorney is a disgrace.

Irregardless, the purpose of his motion to destroy my right to re-enter court is found in paragraph 51 of this case 05-2038 and identified by the web site As he and the court and the other participants were given clear warning. By the actions of the US attorney, it is now necessary to combine the proposed and legal definitions of the Into this case 05-2038 as the US attorney has identified it must be so/ past experience proves collusion exists within the courtroom and no further time shall pass: this trial now begins in full.

Jurisdiction is answered by the competency of the court to hear a case. This is FEDERAL COURT wherein the USA is demanded to reply: WHERE IS OUR PROTECTION? Where is our government [not your/ OURS] IN ALL these matters presented within this case, the prior case, and the case represented by the words "trial for life".

IN THE PRIOR CASE #2: 04-cv 2196

In the consequence of these "first trial" measurements, wherein the court is asked to proclaim their position with reference to a first amendment "redress of grievances"/ they state: the first amendment does not guarantee a federal court forum for citizens to air any grievance whatsoever. They state : "the claims in this complaint are wholly insubstantial and frivolous". They state: "Spares the court from having to entertain.... litigation not reasonably grounded in federal law".

My complaint and amended complaint herein enclosed could NOT be a description of greater need for the nation/ clearly and easily read. This complaint could NOT be more serious and easily identified with the federally defined evidence declared. The reality of 1st amendment redress of grievances FITS EXACTLY into the descriptions and declaration of this complaint. To refuse to litigate according to the demands of the constitution OR define exactly what constitutes a redress of grievances [A DISTINCT PART OF THE 1ST AMENDMENT] as requested in the amended complaint #29, and 30. The courts failure to comply, AND DESCRIBE EXACTLY what constitutes and identifies my right to a constitutional guarantee/Are the evidence of failure and subterfuge solicited by the court to evade and disgrace the constitution itself. Even the most minimal examination of the order, defines an attempt to use a useless barrage of words, to barricade and refuse the demand for 1st amendment rights/ the reality of cases, merely excuses the judge from making his or her own decision/ the truth of false claims that this is frivolous and insubstantial, fundamentally defines the court as LIAR and does irreparable harm to the foundations of this government, and it is clear and certain: they have done it a long time. The assertion of federal law, could not be more blind/ therefore it is clearly a treason, as the truth is; federal law begins and ends with the constitutional mandates: therefore the court is in contempt and accused of criminal behaviors: THEY STEAL my constitutional rights.

The complain states in its first line, the evidence is the governments own tables "flow of funds/ federal reserve/ table L5. The complaint declares a reality so critical to the nation, that it can cause the death of millions/ the end of the nation itself/ and because of weapons of mass destruction, it is a sign of life ending on earth. These are not unsubstantiated, UNLESS THE FEDERAL RESERVE IS A FRAUD. These are not frivolous, because it is TRUE, AND AFFECTS THE LIVES OF EVERY AMERICAN, and could affect the lives of every person on earth: amended complaint #33 & 34. This action is thoroughly based in federal law/ because all federal law stems only from the realities and descriptions granted by the constitution itself. Therefore the court is in contempt/ and unduly harasses this citizen, stealing his DUE PROCESS TO LAW.

The court is redirected to amended complaint #9,21,25,29, & 30 that to desert your station of duty in times of crisis or pending crisis is at best the sign of a coward/ at worst the reality of a traitor, and a whore [one who betrays the body, for simple and poor rewards]. Amended complaint #4 identifies $520,000.00 dollars is owed by every taxpayer. Therefore among us, there exists a group of people who fully expect to be paid accordingly: IS NOT THE DOLLAR IN YOUR POCKET OR BANK ACCOUNT WORTH SOMETHING? They, who hold all these numbers and call themselves "rich" do expect your work and resources, for whatever they desire. For perspective, if you divide the debt equally to one half the people/ they owe: and then give all the money owed to the other half of the people/ then out of every 2 workers, one would owe the other $ 1,040,000.00 . Because no longer would the 2nd half be required to help pay, they would demand payment. In actual fact, the probability is no more than 75 million people constitute the actual workforce/ as many tax filers are too young or too old, sick, in prison and so forth./ that then doubles your actual work load. This "money" is not only a lie, it is a tragedy allowed and created by very selfish people, where greed not only led the way/ it was worshiped as a god by you, the american citizen. Did you once say, "lets stop and pay this bill/ when it was possible: NO you said shut up/ don't do anything, because I want this money.

There is no such thing as money/ rather money is a measurement of transfer, and you cannot transfer what you do not have or cannot gain. The american dollar is worthless/ because you cannot find the time, the work, or the resources to even consider paying: you are bankrupt. Therefore the judge pretends "no federal authority exists, to hear this complaint, because all of american intends to hide.

The law of supply and demand uses reality to determine "this has been abused, and must be stopped: the price goes up". FREE credit, has disrupted supply and demand, to allow the americans to strip the earth, and destroy countless lives into the future [they need resources too/ NOT your garbage dump, or your failures]. Your ability to survive these lies to date, has been the result of "foreign labor/ the reality that numbers can be stored "like the lottery", because until they are used, they don't matter. Your baby boom of the fifties, have stored and worked hard/ your problem is you have destroyed resources, and they are no longer easy, these people now intend to retire and spend, and not work/ your elderly expect pampering as a baby/ and the world now knows you can't pay. This comes a very few days before your economy disintegrates of its own, because there comes an end to every lie. Your biggest lie, is "you don't have to care about anyone or anything but you". Your biggest failure is, "you are certain the earth is about to be consumed, and you can't stop it/ therefore give me everything NOW".

The court understands full well, exactly what this case means in the short term/ yet it argues "the complaint does not establish a sufficient basis to vest this court with subject matter jurisdiction over the USA." The court hides from the reality that no matter how badly you desire to avoid the truth/ it is coming to your nation and to this world and you cannot stop it: period. Therefore if you don't prepare and choose better, WAR is all you have left! Failure here is true bloodshed, and even extinction: 7 billion people WILL make the rivers flow with blood.

As to this reality, it is in fact both lie and truth that the court is not sufficient in itself to hear a case such as this against the officials of the land, even the people of this land. HOWEVER this court is thoroughly sufficient to determine a 1st amendment redress of grievances against the nation and send the matter to the US SUPREME COURT as it must go. The fact this court refused to do its job, is the evidence of tyranny, combined with the "skillful fraud" of corruption by rules/ the

method used by attorneys to steal and control the people, and make them slaves/ just as the medical industry, has taught so many others. rules allow the hypocrite to pretend: rules allow the conspiracies of lawyers and judges the grounds to blockade: rules allow the powerful, due to their selfishness, a cause of action based solely upon the laws they bought from the traitors they own. JUSTICE IS NONE OF THESE THINGS. Justice is the decision, that WE ARE EQUAL, and deserve the same dignity and respect, no matter what.

The court attacks justice, it knows not how to defend it/ because the severity of collusion with power, the selfishness and bigotry of failures, and the greed of humanity all want something to control. There is little respect here in america, even though the people will disagree/ they choose selfishness, and no respect lives in selfish frustrations because they lack control. One judge tried to "get out/ a response that may have been appropriate". The judge's order is constant with his ways, his reality identified within page 2 of his order: he fully understands/ which means he has identified the pending crisis and chooses to be absent where the citizens of america need him to be/ he abandons ship so to speak.

As to the personal letter/ mr. Baker avoids the first part of the letter clarifying this is a choice, [intended for a new and different judge] stating that I have been abused by the court before, at a cost of many thousands of dollars, and to avoid the necessity of bringing the court to trial itself, and dealing with a further mess, because quote "no intent to harm exists"/ I DO require some type of "good faith" commitment from the court, to prove justice is in their mind. The fact that baker has presided over a case of judicial corruption before/ even though it was the federal appeals court that trashed the constitution and produced FRAUD, is an injury to us both. No personal note would have been sent to him: we know each other, through court documents. Instead of integrity, baker uses the personal note in an attempt to degrade my purpose and intent to this litigation; and aspires to suggest "my only real idea is to get something from the court I cannot have: they have the power you know". Baker does not know me well! Or he would understand, and his colleagues who helped him write the order would understand/ NOW there must be a fine imposed upon the court to establish: that pride and arrogance is not acceptable/ the reality thereby expressed within the trial for life, does demand critical examination of the trials associated with me, and a penalty imposed upon the government for their lack of supervision upon the courts , to make it clear/ you the court shall not abuse the citizen, and desert your duty. This should come out of any and all pension funds created for the judicial branch/ let the public decide.

Promised a new judge I ASKED: are you fair, impartial, interested in justice, able to make a decision that represents HONESTY (for the sake of my words, and the reality of what they mean)/ HONOR (for the sake of my intent, and the duty shown) & DIGNITY (for the understanding of the price I will be required to pay, for defending america, from the greatest tragedy to ever befall it). The answer is NO, the court cannot find respect, dignity, honor, or honesty: they choose "this litigation is wholly insubstantial". They choose to hide the corporation and insist that economic failure is a fantasy. They choose to believe the mass insanity of "everyone can LIE, without discipline or order/ everyone is under their power and control. The lie, is not an assumption/ this is a reality of simply choosing to prepare for reality/ for which they would gladly jail me: even though it is their words, which in their documents and orders of the court prove the evidence of treason, and that traitors lie beneath the cover of their robes. You cannot bury the constitution in garbage, and claim to be a patriot, if you do/ then you are clearly a liar.

The court suggests it can find no basis in subject matter jurisdiction as to the USA or any of the named defendants irregardless of any of this. The court hides in its own dysentery. Carle foundation has found no excuse to be dismissed, NOR will any of the other litigants involved be allowed to opt out. You have seen the court response, and may now prepare accordingly. If you do not, then you deserve the armageddon you have created for yourselves. Think not/ then remember this: of a hundred or more critical parts in your vehicle, if any one of them fails/ then the vehicle and all its thousands of parts is useless until you fix the broken piece. Of the complex interrelations of the human body, a reality so simple as making a mistake while eating, KILLS several hundred people a year: and the whole body is worthless. Your industry is entirely dependent upon the mass consumption of resources, look around you: how long before you run out of resources? It is not long. Your economy is based upon FREE credit, soon you will have made more slaves than free/ and they are weary of "wiping your ass". Your attack upon basic natural process, upon fundamental water supplies, and all the rest means soon people will stop working and be in very serious trouble. You will then force them to work or starve/ they will in turn "hunt you down, and demand your life". FACE YOUR FEARS, and stop this progression in the order YOU HAVE CHOSEN, now. Or quickly all your fears will fall upon you. Think not, your economy is ending at a rapid pace/ this means anarchy comes quickly: why would anyone listen to the thief who stole everything from them? Why would anyone believe in a government without honor or honesty/ without respect or dignity/ without truth, because if there was truth in you, would you not accept your duty to begin without delay.

The court order says, this case is terminated: in reality the court is now on trial. Think not? Again I tell you clearly: WE THE PEOPLE is not a farce, not an excuse or a reason/ WE THE PEOPLE exists as the true meaning or purpose behind every law/ every honest law exists to protect, grant equality, or determine who is the guarantee: who is the inheritor: who is your employer: and who rules the country, whether you like it or not. This is the grant and demand of democracy, this is the power and truth of democracy. This is a litigant claiming: either prove you are a democracy/ or prove to the world YOU ARE A LIAR!

THE TRIAL 05-2038

SIMPLE & plain identifies a number of participants in robbing the nation/ through their greed, the nation falls prey to its coming catastrophe. They are NOT alone by any means, but exist in this case as fundamental litigants who shall represent the rest of corporate america. This case is again, NOT about the practice of medicine/ NOT about specific individuals involved in medicine: BUT ABOUT THE BILLING. And the truth that extortion is evident and without question. The ability to generate such massive intrusion into the American economy was enabled by the insurance industry, the truth about life and death issues, or realities of pain, suffering, and loss. And it describes a monopoly of the worst kind in life, a gang of thugs/ whose pursuit of money has been tied to an individual life: and the government of America "simply sells protection to the medical industry/ rather than protects the people.

1. This case represents trial between man and corporate giant/ page 3, the reality in medicine of an inherently unreasonable, anti-competitive behavior. Where is my government?

2. This case represents trial between man and the monopoly page 3, against the nation whereby one set of people, decide how control and manipulation shall be achieved. Where is my government?

3. This case represents trial between man and the court and its lawyers, displacing rights for the sole purpose of control of the man, page 4. Where is my government?

4. This case represents trial between man, and the courtroom disgrace of legal attempts to hide and distribute blame, while protecting no one but greed alone page 5. Where is my government?

5. This case represents trial between man and the intent to distort billing for the purposes of illicit gain. They use guile and subtlety to abuse and confuse intentionally misleading people for their own control and manipulation of their affairs/ and then take them to court. Page 6 Where is my government?

6. This case represents the need for a "public utility status" for the industry called medicine in all its aspects/ as they prove in every billing, that they are incapable of containing their greed? Where is my government?

7. This case represents trial by manipulation of the court, whereas any single individual is forced to confront many different lawyers in any aspect of a medical trial without help/ without even a courtroom that understands the language. As is evident in that truth, the courtroom also uses language for the express purpose of controlling the litigant for financial gain to its lawyers. Page 7 Where is my government? They are stealing from me.

8. This case represents a conspiracy to manipulate the court and the government because it has attained a level of power over the citizen capable of demanding slavery [the creation of a debt too great to pay]. Page 9 Where is my government?

9. This case asserts, that some types of business are too powerful over the lives of people to remain in private enterprise/ they shall be "public utilities" because the ease of extortion is simply too great, the damage to society too real. Page 10 Where is my government?

10. This case demands critical review of how debt is allowed to be generated. Page 11. Where is my government?

11. Because it is wrong to isolate a set of problems without an alternative and call them wrong, an alternative is provided: for discussion and review page 11

12 this case asserts, NO MORE LIES, if you advertize as one entity then you must be one entity. Page 12 Where is my government?

13. This case seeks a courtroom where medical realities may be addressed by the people themselves in an environment where justice is real. Therefore the question is asked: is the courtroom of america a FRAUD? Or is this fair/ justice says change is required. Page 14

14. This case seeks action by the court, to control the utter greed and bastard ways of lawyers seeking "their pot of gold" through medical liability lawsuits/ while people are trampled underneath and medicine is laid waste by their efforts. PAGE 15 WHERE is my Government?

15. This case asserts a hostile possession by the medical establishment, over the rights of the people page 16/ evidence summarized releases. Flow of funds table L.5 Where is my government?

16. This case asserts, where the billing is known, recognized as bad and inferior in all aspects to every other business in America, then the billing must change. Page 18 Where is my government?

17. Demanded herein is the acceptance of employees of their mandate to establish their work and their job in accordance with constitutional guidelines and not be traitors. Page 18 WHERE is my redress of grievances provided by the 1st amendment of the constitution?

18. This case allows, that all criminal consequences for the betrayal of the people by the medical industry may be considered as an addiction which subsequently controlled their ability to find honor/ that does not mean innocent, it means present true change and be free. Page 19

19. This case suggests a new and different means is necessary to control the consequence of this happening again/ WHICH MEANS, the people must be involved in their billing for services and cannot be simple "I don't care". Page 20

20. This case is about JUSTICE FOR ALL, it is not allowed to be so simple as set between the rules of current failures. There are many individual issues that are irrelevant at this time/ but are worthy of court. TO THE GOVERNMENT, DEFEND THE PEOPLE, WITH ME! IT IS YOUR JOB/ IT IS OUR DUTY.

third part


DEFINED BY THE US ATTORNEY, this case set within the document IS CALLED "NOW OR NEVER" by the US attorney. Therefore as it is required by this introduction in court of cowardice and failiure by the US attorney, The door opens wide and I am here.

A short list

1. A case for trial demanding the examination of weapons of mass destruction as "our saviors/ keeping the enemy at bay". Whereas the reality is; even accidental use represents extinction for the planet? WHERE IS MY PROTECTION? WHERE IS MY RIGHT TO SURVIVE? NEGOTIATE AND REMOVE ALL SUCH WEAPONS.

2 a case for trial demanding the critical examination of genetic mutilation and the consequences of that certain failure/ death to all life on earth! Can these who demand mutilation of genetic structure "fix it, when it collapses"/ the answer is they are too stupid to know they are too ignorant to do anything but cry and weep and say "I'm sorry/ I didn't mean too"! WHERE IS MY PROTECTION, WHEN LIFE IS DEAD/ who among you believes this garbage is enough.

3. a case demanding world review of university driven experimentation particularly in physics; where the current threats are fusion [literally lighting the world on fire] by many means. Fusion is atomic fire/ everything atomic is then fuel: HOW will you control it/ or put it out? ANSWER THE QUESTION! WHERE IS MY GOVERNMENT, it is supporting our extinction. WHERE is my 1st amendment redress of grievances/ MY RIGHT TO CONFRONT MY


4. A case demanding the removal of religion from government/ specifically the religion called evolution. Let the bastard's defend against me.

5. A CASE DEMANDING you shall NOT assassinate the future generations in mass murder, by removing everything they need to survive/ YOU HAVE NO RIGHT! A reality of change. WHERE IS MY GOVERNMENT?

6. A CASE DEMANDING change in the officials of government from "people who vote for me/ to I WILL VOTE FOR MYSELF, on the issues of importance, and these officials shall assure that it is done for me. WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT, and change is required to make this true.

7.a case respecting the truth that the american dollar is dead. YOU ARE BANKRUPT, but that does not have to mean a true depression and then war/ it only means expectations WILL CHANGE. Therefore it accepts the responsibility of discussion to meet and provide these changes BEFORE the days of mass murder make it impossible. WHERE IS MY GOVERNMENT?


The reality of our place in history is, you will NOT be able to hide much longer! When even a few of the consequences you have chosen for yourselves begins to attack you, the american nation/ time will give you only this one brief reprieve from the desperation you will know/ it is this trial. NOT because I say so/ because your reality demands it shall be true. You will decide you direction, I will not. You will decide your commitment to life, I will not. You will choose your fate, by the truth in your words and actions/ for if you begin for justice and life; BUT then turn away, hell shall be MUCH "hotter" because of it. Hell is the truth: defined by: now as you demand/ you shall truly be your own god, and death will not take this away. Why would you choose this? Fully knowing you cannot survive.

I am not here, with this message to bring you tears. Reality says, you have made your own tears/ instead, I am presenting the honesty of your situation, and the reality of your truth: AND THE HOPE that you will live.

The question that presents is simply: why do you not recognize the grave danger you are in? The answer is: because then you could not blame anyone else, and you would be required to admit: you do the things you do, because fear controls your life. It is time to confront these fears/ change what can be changed/ survive if it is possible/ and belong TO GOD if you are wise enough to choose it.

I am here in court for your benefit, NOT for mine. But this time I bring your life or your death with me, the whole nation/ even the world. I TRULY wish it were not so! But truth doesn't lie, and neither do I. You will accept your duty to life, examine your reality, define your truth properly, and choose your destiny


Your own choices will kill you/ because as poor as you are today, a billion more mouths to feed are coming within the next 20 years. You will run out of fertilizers, you are destroying the incubators of the ocean/ changing it forever. You are ruining the earth with callus disregard, and you have chosen weapons of mass destruction as your savior. IF YOU CANNOT UNDERSTAND THESE SIMPLE TRUTHS, then you are abandoned as simply "to afraid to live".

To the idiots who say America is "the great satan"/ I tell you truly, they are not: "the accusers are only jealous". However, america does fit the descriptions of Luke 16 in the bible, if you care to look and see. To the people who say "america the great"/ I tell you truly, you are not: "You merely had the greatest opportunities, due to resources" left by the Indian nation you slaughtered with genecide. To the people who are afraid/ I tell you truly, you stand in this moment not simply assigned to disaster, for you are not: YOU have every opportunity to choose "utopia [the decisions of humanity which aid life, rather than destroy it]", by the honesty of your actions, and the dedication of your work [or in the alternative] only then, a disaster described, driven, and determined by you.

I am not your enemy/ not your friend either: merely the messenger. I cannot save you/ I cannot lead you: you must decide these things individually, and GOD KNOWS How you do choose/ do not pretend, you will die. If you think I have nothing to say, then read the and show me my error. IF you cannot, then all you have to refute these words is your own desire "to be god, rather than life" And you will receive your wish: as a reality not as your fantasy. There will be no "momentary delusions of glory/ merely the everyday bludgeoning of life"/ the mutilation everywhere of death. PRAY THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN, for your whole existence is what GOD HAS GIVEN TO YOU/ your only participation is what you do with these gifts: what then happens to you, when they are gone? To the people who cannot believe in eternity, because your pride will not let you/ I say to you clearly, The intensities of life are not measurements of the mind/ but truths that will not be denied. Therefore the intensities of your own life, are the evidence of your struggle to compete with GOD or your desire to live with GOD. If you "fight with GOD" then why do you not believe in GOD? How foolish you are/ as it is true of this very day, your excuses will by you nothing/ your tears, not even a glance / your begging will merely be too late: you must choose truth, or you will accept the lie you chose.

A redress of grievances is NOT recognized by the court, they choose failure. Therefore YOU, THE CITIZENS OF AMERICA must decide, if you will face your truths, and live the life you have created in absolute poverty and shame, or by changing become true leaders of this world. IF you refuse these choices, then you will demand revenge and hide in fantasy and worthlessness. Either way your lives are about to change, because all your lies are ending. There are no other choices, for we are too many for any other way/ you cannot run to another place, they, the other nations cannot and will not save you! You are not leaving this planet, or bringing things from there to here.

The purpose of redress is: to have a peaceful, honest, honorable debate under parliamentary order/ that allows the discipline necessary to design and re-design the nation as reality states this must be/ chosen by the people who must live the decisions and do the work. These are NOT political arguments [arguments without VERY serious outcomes]. THIS is the relationship that decides if life shall become extinct on earth. It is not a game/ that is your choice, and this shall NOT be decided by less than the nation itself. Some will laugh and deride this warning as "another end of the world idiot". But truly I do not tell you it is so/ THE EVIDENCE demands this is true. Prove by the evidence, that it is not/ or accept your moment in history and decide.

The meaning of redress in its 1st amendment guarantee is: WE THE PEOPLE shall accept power over you the official we employ, and demand final say, in ANY action we desire. YOU shall not have power over us/ we share. The reality of redress is, the nation is severely threatened and we the people MUST understand, the politician, the police, not the military, or science, or business can or will save you: they created the problem, by not confronting the truth. Therefore redress is our moment in history, to decide what we can do/ if we fail, then we lose; even everything.

The court mocks the nation itself, declares the constitution as useless according to their own whim/ and decides the 1st amendment is MUTE and of no value to anyone. The court has never allowed a redress of grievances/ the court accepts no jurisdiction, because the court is then under the power of the citizen. The intent of the court is thereby criminal, and the words which are used to describe a "good cause" for disputing the rights of the 1st amendment are then a fraud. It is criminal because the court steals my right to due process of law under the 1st amendment/ it chooses to use intimidation, (a long list of useless words) to present a barrier to constitutional guarantee. It uses power and indirect evidence to dispute a right, and conspire against WE THE PEOPLE. Have these rights no value/ they are indeed very precious to all the people who understand them, therefore the court is a thief, and an unrepentant liar.

The first amendment is OUR POSSESSION. Therefore evidence knows, the degree of the crime comes from the "top" down/ thereby the US supreme court IS GUILTY FIRST AND FOREMOST.

Reality doesn't care about you "humanity"/ you exist not from reality, but from life itself. Truth cannot hear you cry, doesn't care what you think or want, and has no mercy to offer you. This is your truth. Truth is only about order, discipline, and energy. Therefore understand clearly, when you cross the line/ you are DONE, extinction will arrive, and you will have no choice/ because order says it must & energy demand it shall be so. Your critical evidence, and words necessary to confront your existence are identified at And its related links. It doesn't matter what you "think or feel"/ reality says: resources, hate, fear, revenge, and the truth about what 7 billion people in chaos can and will do SHALL DECIDE. Your choice, your only choice is to identify the truth, abandon the lie, and live with honor and honesty. EQUALITY FOR ALL is not just words/ this will be your life, or you will die.

My reality is simply to deliver this message, and live my own life/ I have NO DESIRE to be more for you, than what I currently must provide. This is not fun/ this is not desirable to me. This is necessary: where on earth do you think you or I can hide, from starvation, genetic mutilation, weapons of mass destruction, and all the rest? To those who think "they will prepare and hide", I guarantee, terror will find you/ PREPARE INSTEAD to help the others that all may survive.

Statements short and plain, to begin the battle and describe the jurisdiction

  1. Original jurisdiction is attacked by the court, as they declare, "they alone" have a right to determine any new situation as it arrives. They are wrong/ the constitution gives all final say, authority, and power to the people themselves, BY VOTE.
  2. What is demanded is specifically a series of broad topics generated for public view, which portray the needs to be dealt with. Then a court generated public announcement of grave concern. Then the people must submit their concerns and problem, and their answers to the court, which will then organize and present each one under the appropriate broad topic. No names, no organizations, no nothing but questions and answers period: if you cannot do this for the nation/ then we have no use for you: get out.
  3. When the question and answers are gathered/ then we go to court under full public view, wherein all across the nation discussion will occur, problems and possibilities will be worked out/ until a viable solution representing 4 distinct choices shall be presented for vote to all the people. That decision shall control the future: IF more than 70 % of the people are in agreement/ if not, the questions and answers will go back, and you will try again. Each of the next 12 broad topics provided herein, will give you your beginning. Each one is a different court appearance. Each one a different discussion, and you will not mix them. You may however pursue answers on multiple topics at once in different settings and with different votes.


  1. THE US OFFICIAL has led us to, or allowed the nation to fail economically/ describe the benefits of selfishness, greed, & power/ and then PROVE why these things should not be EXPUNGED from the nation for forever.
  2. The US society has led itself into bankruptcy without any opportunity for relief. THEREFORE decide who "gets what, and who loses what, and WHY".
  3. The US OFFICIAL AND MILITARY has led us, or allowed the nation to prepare to destroy the world, as well as massacre billions of people within 12 hours of use. EXPLAIN HOW LIFE ON EARTH deserves this situation to exist. EXPLAIN how one man, one nation, or any nation deserves to hold even one possibility of such a weapon, and demand how this shall truly change or die.
  4. The US OFFICIAL AND UNIVERSITY have led the nation and the world, to accept the lie, "that genetics are toys", and life itself cannot become extinct from what they do. PROVE evolution is the evidence of mutations growing into the life you see. PROVE COMPLETE GENETIC COLLAPSE AND THE END OF LIFE ON EARTH, are not true threats which you are creating. PROVE you are not fools, bastards, & whores for doing so/ I tell you truly, this is true terrorism: for it attacks everything living at once.
  5. THE US OFFICIAL AS THE COURT has led us into corruption, disrespect, lies , and failure. The evidence provided by my own courtroom appearances shall be used to define what is real, and what is hidden, and what is lie. From here, society itself shall decide how justice will be returned, and fair play provided to all. They will choose if judges are removed, and attorneys be given a hostile possession over their lives. You will tell them the rules.
  6. THE US NATION HAS polluted & damaged countless natural eco-systems all around the world/ "just to increase the size of their garbage dumps". HOW will you survive without resources? You cannot "buy more/ when no more exists" your dependency upon "science" is ignorant and foolish and wrong. You shall NOT consume the lives and futures of humanity as the young or yet unborn/ you shall live within honest needs and respect the lives and needs of human future. You cannot make the water pure again after you killed it/ you cannot bring back the ocean after it is dead to you/ you cannot fix genetic collapse or partial collapse: a thousand CRITICAL TRUTHS you cannot do, yet you abandon truth, to gamble with all of life, for nothing but to prove you are insane. FIX THIS OR DIE.
  7. The people of the USA are hiding from reality, because they fear the future. Your future has arrived, if you fail to surrender your fears/ they are going to kill you, and send you to hell. If you do not or will not share, if you will not care, refuse respect to all, or just choose your pride: then understand this. Truth declares that order will remove the lies/ when you have no economy, no work, no food and all the rest; a few will attempt to make slaves of the others (work or starve)/ then others will be forced to work without their consent (we have to have this, DO IT)/ then others will become criminals: then hatred will infiltrate nearly all, and revenge take form. You hold a billion weapons/ where hatred lives, explain how you will survive. Remove your fears, or face your reality.
  8. THE US OFFICIAL AND BUSINESS have led society to failure, by destroying private enterprise and allowing the monopoly of chains and giant entities which now control your lives. Traded for this was pensions, medical, and security. You have lost your pensions! You have lost your medicine, you have no money! You have no security at all, except for your gun, and if you use it/ the others WILL use theirs. This is not a game/ IT IS WAR! " bloodshed is not "a toy". HOW PITIFUL you are/ LOOK at the poverty of who you have become.
  9. THE UNIVERSITY HAS plotted and planned to achieve superiority over society/ they have conceived of ideas to control the wealth/ control the government/ and are directly responsible for much of the pollution and problems that threaten the entire world. DECIDE what their place in society shall be/ and determine their tools, their pay, and their possibilities: DEFINE THE RULES, for they have proven incapable of living free.
  10. AGRICULTURE has removed the masses, and replaced them with a few. To accomplish this they are the primary sources of chemical pollution, they are the primary sources of biological disease being changed by livestock confinement to a variety of deadly organisms. They are in trouble, because "money" has corrupted the environment that grows our food. Change this, or prepare for starvation, and accept the deadly epidemics will not stay away.
  11. SHIPPING, FISHING, AND OIL are all threats to society, because half the people on earth are feed from the ocean. We do know how many trillion pounds of fish are sold each year, how much is thrown away. Without immediate RESPECT FOR THE LIFE OF THE SEA, half the people on earth will go hungry: WHERE do you think they will go/ WHAT do you think they will do, when faced with starvation? FIX THIS PROBLEM OR DIE, in a true WORLD WAR.
  12. THE US GOVERNMENT HAS PROVEN unfit for the job that exists. They are inadequate and face too many needs, and too much pressure from selfish interests. You must choose to vote for the issues themselves, and then hire the government official to insure that what you chosen is being done. Keep it short, direct and to the point, specific to only one thing and no more/ and make each one a law that becomes harder to change as time goes by. If you do not, you will lose your life, because selfishness is always at the door/ and this can no longer be tolerated, because we are to many and the resources to few.
  13. Identify what is TRUTH, HAPPINESS, LOVE, HOPE, & LIFE/ surrender your insanity/ and be ALIVE. Thereby you must understand you want is nothing more, than your refusal to accept truth: it is a lie by the circumstances of your reality/ a chosen deception from your heart. You will abandon want, and accept life as "the treasure of your soul/ the miracle of your presence/ & the opportunity beyond any other" or you will fail/ and then enter Armageddon. Not because I say so/ because your reality and truth declares either GOD WILL have mercy on you, because you asked HIM to/ or you will choose to be your own god: which means hell has arrived.

  1. Failure is the end of life on earth. Do not come to me/ I cannot save you. I do strongly suggest you PRAY TO JESUS.
    1. PEOPLE will mock and ridicule this statement, but it is your only chance for mercy.
    2. I tell you the truth, JESUS IS MY LORD Not by the evidence of "words or things", but by the friendship that exists in my soul, and the honor called love, given to me in my heart.
    3. Choose your destiny, you cannot hide anymore.
    4. If you think "you shall prepare for the worst and hide"/ then remember this: the loss of food, water, ANY necessary resource and your dead/ where will you hide from weapons of mass destruction? Where will you hide from disease & genetic mutilations? Where will you hide from revenge and hatred beyond anything the world has known: A hundred million people in the US alone will soon learn, ALL their plans, hopes, dreams, and expectations are ending, [and then the rich]. NOT because of me/ but because your economy will end. That is the truth. Can I one poor person, topple the US economy "12 trillion dollars" or so a year? I can not, only truth does that/ and truth doesn't care what I say, think, or desire either/ it is order by the disciplines required to achieve consequence. Truth leads, and life follows: Or life fails and death has arrived.
    5. Read the and its links, and prove me wrong.
    6. Goodbye/ or until trial comes JAMES FRANK OSTERBUR


4. A case demanding the removal of religion from government/ specifically the religion called evolution. Let the bastard's defend against me.

5. A CASE DEMANDING you shall NOT assassinate the future generations in mass murder, by removing everything they need to survive/ YOU HAVE NO RIGHT! A reality of change. WHERE IS MY GOVERNMENT?

6. A CASE DEMANDING change in the officials of government from "people who vote for me/ to I WILL VOTE FOR MYSELF, on the issues of importance, and these officials shall assure that it is done for me. WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT, and change is required to make this true.

7.a case respecting the truth that the american dollar is dead. YOU ARE BANKRUPT, but that does not have to mean a true depression and then war/ it only means expectations WILL CHANGE. Therefore it accepts the responsibility of discussion to meet and provide these changes BEFORE the days of mass murder make it impossible. WHERE IS MY GOVERNMENT?


The reality of our place in history is, you will NOT be able to hide much longer! When even a few of the consequences you have chosen for yourselves begins to attack you, the american nation/ time will give you only this one brief reprieve from the desperation you will know/ it is this trial. NOT because I say so/ because your reality demands it shall be true. You will decide you direction, I will not. You will decide your commitment to life, I will not. You will choose your fate, by the truth in your words and actions/ for if you begin for justice and life; BUT then turn away, hell shall be MUCH "hotter" because of it. Hell is the truth: defined by: now as you demand/ you shall truly be your own god, and death will not take this away. Why would you choose this? Fully knowing you cannot survive.

I am not here, with this message to bring you tears. Reality says, you have made your own tears/ instead, I am presenting the honesty of your situation, and the reality of your truth: AND THE HOPE that you will live.

The question that presents is simply: why do you not recognize the grave danger you are in? The answer is: because then you could not blame anyone else, and you would be required to admit: you do the things you do, because fear controls your life. It is time to confront these fears/ change what can be changed/ survive if it is possible/ and belong TO GOD if you are wise enough to choose it.

I am here in court for your benefit, NOT for mine. But this time I bring your life or your death with me, the whole nation/ even the world. I TRULY wish it were not so! But truth doesn't lie, and neither do I. You will accept your duty to life, examine your reality, define your truth properly, and choose your destiny


Your own choices will kill you/ because as poor as you are today, a billion more mouths to feed are coming within the next 20 years. You will run out of fertilizers, you are destroying the incubators of the ocean/ changing it forever. You are ruining the earth with callus disregard, and you have chosen weapons of mass destruction as your savior. IF YOU CANNOT UNDERSTAND THESE SIMPLE TRUTHS, then you are abandoned as simply "to afraid to live".

To the idiots who say America is "the great satan"/ I tell you truly, they are not: "the accusers are only jealous". However, america does fit the descriptions of Luke 16 in the bible, if you care to look and see. To the people who say "america the great"/ I tell you truly, you are not: "You merely had the greatest opportunities, due to resources" left by the Indian nation you slaughtered with genecide. To the people who are afraid/ I tell you truly, you stand in this moment not simply assigned to disaster, for you are not: YOU have every opportunity to choose "utopia [the decisions of humanity which aid life, rather than destroy it]", by the honesty of your actions, and the dedication of your work [or in the alternative] only then, a disaster described, driven, and determined by you.

I am not your enemy/ not your friend either: merely the messenger. I cannot save you/ I cannot lead you: you must decide these things individually, and GOD KNOWS How you do choose/ do not pretend, you will die. If you think I have nothing to say, then read the and show me my error. IF you cannot, then all you have to refute these words is your own desire "to be god, rather than life" And you will receive your wish: as a reality not as your fantasy. There will be no "momentary delusions of glory/ merely the everyday bludgeoning of life"/ the mutilation everywhere of death. PRAY THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN, for your whole existence is what GOD HAS GIVEN TO YOU/ your only participation is what you do with these gifts: what then happens to you, when they are gone? To the people who cannot believe in eternity, because your pride will not let you/ I say to you clearly, The intensities of life are not measurements of the mind/ but truths that will not be denied. Therefore the intensities of your own life, are the evidence of your struggle to compete with GOD or your desire to live with GOD. If you "fight with GOD" then why do you not believe in GOD? How foolish you are/ as it is true of this very day, your excuses will by you nothing/ your tears, not even a glance / your begging will merely be too late: you must choose truth, or you will accept the lie you chose.

A redress of grievances is NOT recognized by the court, they choose failure. Therefore YOU, THE CITIZENS OF AMERICA must decide, if you will face your truths, and live the life you have created in absolute poverty and shame, or by changing become true leaders of this world. IF you refuse these choices, then you will demand revenge and hide in fantasy and worthlessness. Either way your lives are about to change, because all your lies are ending. There are no other choices, for we are too many for any other way/ you cannot run to another place, they, the other nations cannot and will not save you! You are not leaving this planet, or bringing things from there to here.

The purpose of redress is: to have a peaceful, honest, honorable debate under parliamentary order/ that allows the discipline necessary to design and re-design the nation as reality states this must be/ chosen by the people who must live the decisions and do the work. These are NOT political arguments [arguments without VERY serious outcomes]. THIS is the relationship that decides if life shall become extinct on earth. It is not a game/ that is your choice, and this shall NOT be decided by less than the nation itself. Some will laugh and deride this warning as "another end of the world idiot". But truly I do not tell you it is so/ THE EVIDENCE demands this is true. Prove by the evidence, that it is not/ or accept your moment in history and decide.

The meaning of redress in its 1st amendment guarantee is: WE THE PEOPLE shall accept power over you the official we employ, and demand final say, in ANY action we desire. YOU shall not have power over us/ we share. The reality of redress is, the nation is severely threatened and we the people MUST understand, the politician, the police, not the military, or science, or business can or will save you: they created the problem, by not confronting the truth. Therefore redress is our moment in history, to decide what we can do/ if we fail, then we lose; even everything.

The court mocks the nation itself, declares the constitution as useless according to their own whim/ and decides the 1st amendment is MUTE and of no value to anyone. The court has never allowed a redress of grievances/ the court accepts no jurisdiction, because the court is then under the power of the citizen. The intent of the court is thereby criminal, and the words which are used to describe a "good cause" for disputing the rights of the 1st amendment are then a fraud. It is criminal because the court steals my right to due process of law under the 1st amendment/ it chooses to use intimidation, (a long list of useless words) to present a barrier to constitutional guarantee. It uses power and indirect evidence to dispute a right, and conspire against WE THE PEOPLE. Have these rights no value/ they are indeed very precious to all the people who understand them, therefore the court is a thief, and an unrepentant liar.

The first amendment is OUR POSSESSION. Therefore evidence knows, the degree of the crime comes from the "top" down/ thereby the US supreme court IS GUILTY FIRST AND FOREMOST.

Reality doesn't care about you "humanity"/ you exist not from reality, but from life itself. Truth cannot hear you cry, doesn't care what you think or want, and has no mercy to offer you. This is your truth. Truth is only about order, discipline, and energy. Therefore understand clearly, when you cross the line/ you are DONE, extinction will arrive, and you will have no choice/ because order says it must & energy demand it shall be so. Your critical evidence, and words necessary to confront your existence are identified at And its related links. It doesn't matter what you "think or feel"/ reality says: resources, hate, fear, revenge, and the truth about what 7 billion people in chaos can and will do SHALL DECIDE. Your choice, your only choice is to identify the truth, abandon the lie, and live with honor and honesty. EQUALITY FOR ALL is not just words/ this will be your life, or you will die.

My reality is simply to deliver this message, and live my own life/ I have NO DESIRE to be more for you, than what I currently must provide. This is not fun/ this is not desirable to me. This is necessary: where on earth do you think you or I can hide, from starvation, genetic mutilation, weapons of mass destruction, and all the rest? To those who think "they will prepare and hide", I guarantee, terror will find you/ PREPARE INSTEAD to help the others that all may survive.

Statements short and plain, to begin the battle and describe the jurisdiction

  1. Original jurisdiction is attacked by the court, as they declare, "they alone" have a right to determine any new situation as it arrives. They are wrong/ the constitution gives all final say, authority, and power to the people themselves, BY VOTE.
  2. What is demanded is specifically a series of broad topics generated for public view, which portray the needs to be dealt with. Then a court generated public announcement of grave concern. Then the people must submit their concerns and problem, and their answers to the court, which will then organize and present each one under the appropriate broad topic. No names, no organizations, no nothing but questions and answers period: if you cannot do this for the nation/ then we have no use for you: get out.
  3. When the question and answers are gathered/ then we go to court under full public view, wherein all across the nation discussion will occur, problems and possibilities will be worked out/ until a viable solution representing 4 distinct choices shall be presented for vote to all the people. That decision shall control the future: IF more than 70 % of the people are in agreement/ if not, the questions and answers will go back, and you will try again. Each of the next 12 broad topics provided herein, will give you your beginning. Each one is a different court appearance. Each one a different discussion, and you will not mix them. You may however pursue answers on multiple topics at once in different settings and with different votes.


  1. THE US OFFICIAL has led us to, or allowed the nation to fail economically/ describe the benefits of selfishness, greed, & power/ and then PROVE why these things should not be EXPUNGED from the nation for forever.
  2. The US society has led itself into bankruptcy without any opportunity for relief. THEREFORE decide who "gets what, and who loses what, and WHY".
  3. The US OFFICIAL AND MILITARY has led us, or allowed the nation to prepare to destroy the world, as well as massacre billions of people within 12 hours of use. EXPLAIN HOW LIFE ON EARTH deserves this situation to exist. EXPLAIN how one man, one nation, or any nation deserves to hold even one possibility of such a weapon, and demand how this shall truly change or die.
  4. The US OFFICIAL AND UNIVERSITY have led the nation and the world, to accept the lie, "that genetics are toys", and life itself cannot become extinct from what they do. PROVE evolution is the evidence of mutations growing into the life you see. PROVE COMPLETE GENETIC COLLAPSE AND THE END OF LIFE ON EARTH, are not true threats which you are creating. PROVE you are not fools, bastards, & whores for doing so/ I tell you truly, this is true terrorism: for it attacks everything living at once.
  5. THE US OFFICIAL AS THE COURT has led us into corruption, disrespect, lies , and failure. The evidence provided by my own courtroom appearances shall be used to define what is real, and what is hidden, and what is lie. From here, society itself shall decide how justice will be returned, and fair play provided to all. They will choose if judges are removed, and attorneys be given a hostile possession over their lives. You will tell them the rules.
  6. THE US NATION HAS polluted & damaged countless natural eco-systems all around the world/ "just to increase the size of their garbage dumps". HOW will you survive without resources? You cannot "buy more/ when no more exists" your dependency upon "science" is ignorant and foolish and wrong. You shall NOT consume the lives and futures of humanity as the young or yet unborn/ you shall live within honest needs and respect the lives and needs of human future. You cannot make the water pure again after you killed it/ you cannot bring back the ocean after it is dead to you/ you cannot fix genetic collapse or partial collapse: a thousand CRITICAL TRUTHS you cannot do, yet you abandon truth, to gamble with all of life, for nothing but to prove you are insane. FIX THIS OR DIE.
  7. The people of the USA are hiding from reality, because they fear the future. Your future has arrived, if you fail to surrender your fears/ they are going to kill you, and send you to hell. If you do not or will not share, if you will not care, refuse respect to all, or just choose your pride: then understand this. Truth declares that order will remove the lies/ when you have no economy, no work, no food and all the rest; a few will attempt to make slaves of the others (work or starve)/ then others will be forced to work without their consent (we have to have this, DO IT)/ then others will become criminals: then hatred will infiltrate nearly all, and revenge take form. You hold a billion weapons/ where hatred lives, explain how you will survive. Remove your fears, or face your reality.
  8. THE US OFFICIAL AND BUSINESS have led society to failure, by destroying private enterprise and allowing the monopoly of chains and giant entities which now control your lives. Traded for this was pensions, medical, and security. You have lost your pensions! You have lost your medicine, you have no money! You have no security at all, except for your gun, and if you use it/ the others WILL use theirs. This is not a game/ IT IS WAR! " bloodshed is not "a toy". HOW PITIFUL you are/ LOOK at the poverty of who you have become.
  9. THE UNIVERSITY HAS plotted and planned to achieve superiority over society/ they have conceived of ideas to control the wealth/ control the government/ and are directly responsible for much of the pollution and problems that threaten the entire world. DECIDE what their place in society shall be/ and determine their tools, their pay, and their possibilities: DEFINE THE RULES, for they have proven incapable of living free.
  10. AGRICULTURE has removed the masses, and replaced them with a few. To accomplish this they are the primary sources of chemical pollution, they are the primary sources of biological disease being changed by livestock confinement to a variety of deadly organisms. They are in trouble, because "money" has corrupted the environment that grows our food. Change this, or prepare for starvation, and accept the deadly epidemics will not stay away.
  11. SHIPPING, FISHING, AND OIL are all threats to society, because half the people on earth are feed from the ocean. We do know how many trillion pounds of fish are sold each year, how much is thrown away. Without immediate RESPECT FOR THE LIFE OF THE SEA, half the people on earth will go hungry: WHERE do you think they will go/ WHAT do you think they will do, when faced with starvation? FIX THIS PROBLEM OR DIE, in a true WORLD WAR.
  12. THE US GOVERNMENT HAS PROVEN unfit for the job that exists. They are inadequate and face too many needs, and too much pressure from selfish interests. You must choose to vote for the issues themselves, and then hire the government official to insure that what you chosen is being done. Keep it short, direct and to the point, specific to only one thing and no more/ and make each one a law that becomes harder to change as time goes by. If you do not, you will lose your life, because selfishness is always at the door/ and this can no longer be tolerated, because we are to many and the resources to few.
  13. Identify what is TRUTH, HAPPINESS, LOVE, HOPE, & LIFE/ surrender your insanity/ and be ALIVE. Thereby you must understand you want is nothing more, than your refusal to accept truth: it is a lie by the circumstances of your reality/ a chosen deception from your heart. You will abandon want, and accept life as "the treasure of your soul/ the miracle of your presence/ & the opportunity beyond any other" or you will fail/ and then enter Armageddon. Not because I say so/ because your reality and truth declares either GOD WILL have mercy on you, because you asked HIM to/ or you will choose to be your own god: which means hell has arrived.

  1. Failure is the end of life on earth. Do not come to me/ I cannot save you. I do strongly suggest you PRAY TO JESUS.
    1. PEOPLE will mock and ridicule this statement, but it is your only chance for mercy.
    2. I tell you the truth, JESUS IS MY LORD Not by the evidence of "words or things", but by the friendship that exists in my soul, and the honor called love, given to me in my heart.
    3. Choose your destiny, you cannot hide anymore.
    4. If you think "you shall prepare for the worst and hide"/ then remember this: the loss of food, water, ANY necessary resource and your dead/ where will you hide from weapons of mass destruction? Where will you hide from disease & genetic mutilations? Where will you hide from revenge and hatred beyond anything the world has known: A hundred million people in the US alone will soon learn, ALL their plans, hopes, dreams, and expectations are ending, [and then the rich]. NOT because of me/ but because your economy will end. That is the truth. Can I one poor person, topple the US economy "12 trillion dollars" or so a year? I can not, only truth does that/ and truth doesn't care what I say, think, or desire either/ it is order by the disciplines required to achieve consequence. Truth leads, and life follows: Or life fails and death has arrived.
    5. Read the and its links, and prove me wrong.
    6. Goodbye/ or until trial comes JAMES FRANK OSTERBUR


4. A case demanding the removal of religion from government/ specifically the religion called evolution. Let the bastard's defend against me.

5. A CASE DEMANDING you shall NOT assassinate the future generations in mass murder, by removing everything they need to survive/ YOU HAVE NO RIGHT! A reality of change. WHERE IS MY GOVERNMENT?

6. A CASE DEMANDING change in the officials of government from "people who vote for me/ to I WILL VOTE FOR MYSELF, on the issues of importance, and these officials shall assure that it is done for me. WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT, and change is required to make this true.

7.a case respecting the truth that the american dollar is dead. YOU ARE BANKRUPT, but that does not have to mean a true depression and then war/ it only means expectations WILL CHANGE. Therefore it accepts the responsibility of discussion to meet and provide these changes BEFORE the days of mass murder make it impossible. WHERE IS MY GOVERNMENT?


The reality of our place in history is, you will NOT be able to hide much longer! When even a few of the consequences you have chosen for yourselves begins to attack you, the american nation/ time will give you only this one brief reprieve from the desperation you will know/ it is this trial. NOT because I say so/ because your reality demands it shall be true. You will decide you direction, I will not. You will decide your commitment to life, I will not. You will choose your fate, by the truth in your words and actions/ for if you begin for justice and life; BUT then turn away, hell shall be MUCH "hotter" because of it. Hell is the truth: defined by: now as you demand/ you shall truly be your own god, and death will not take this away. Why would you choose this? Fully knowing you cannot survive.

I am not here, with this message to bring you tears. Reality says, you have made your own tears/ instead, I am presenting the honesty of your situation, and the reality of your truth: AND THE HOPE that you will live.

The question that presents is simply: why do you not recognize the grave danger you are in? The answer is: because then you could not blame anyone else, and you would be required to admit: you do the things you do, because fear controls your life. It is time to confront these fears/ change what can be changed/ survive if it is possible/ and belong TO GOD if you are wise enough to choose it.

I am here in court for your benefit, NOT for mine. But this time I bring your life or your death with me, the whole nation/ even the world. I TRULY wish it were not so! But truth doesn't lie, and neither do I. You will accept your duty to life, examine your reality, define your truth properly, and choose your destiny


Your own choices will kill you/ because as poor as you are today, a billion more mouths to feed are coming within the next 20 years. You will run out of fertilizers, you are destroying the incubators of the ocean/ changing it forever. You are ruining the earth with callus disregard, and you have chosen weapons of mass destruction as your savior. IF YOU CANNOT UNDERSTAND THESE SIMPLE TRUTHS, then you are abandoned as simply "to afraid to live".

To the idiots who say America is "the great satan"/ I tell you truly, they are not: "the accusers are only jealous". However, america does fit the descriptions of Luke 16 in the bible, if you care to look and see. To the people who say "america the great"/ I tell you truly, you are not: "You merely had the greatest opportunities, due to resources" left by the Indian nation you slaughtered with genecide. To the people who are afraid/ I tell you truly, you stand in this moment not simply assigned to disaster, for you are not: YOU have every opportunity to choose "utopia [the decisions of humanity which aid life, rather than destroy it]", by the honesty of your actions, and the dedication of your work [or in the alternative] only then, a disaster described, driven, and determined by you.

I am not your enemy/ not your friend either: merely the messenger. I cannot save you/ I cannot lead you: you must decide these things individually, and GOD KNOWS How you do choose/ do not pretend, you will die. If you think I have nothing to say, then read the and show me my error. IF you cannot, then all you have to refute these words is your own desire "to be god, rather than life" And you will receive your wish: as a reality not as your fantasy. There will be no "momentary delusions of glory/ merely the everyday bludgeoning of life"/ the mutilation everywhere of death. PRAY THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN, for your whole existence is what GOD HAS GIVEN TO YOU/ your only participation is what you do with these gifts: what then happens to you, when they are gone? To the people who cannot believe in eternity, because your pride will not let you/ I say to you clearly, The intensities of life are not measurements of the mind/ but truths that will not be denied. Therefore the intensities of your own life, are the evidence of your struggle to compete with GOD or your desire to live with GOD. If you "fight with GOD" then why do you not believe in GOD? How foolish you are/ as it is true of this very day, your excuses will by you nothing/ your tears, not even a glance / your begging will merely be too late: you must choose truth, or you will accept the lie you chose.

A redress of grievances is NOT recognized by the court, they choose failure. Therefore YOU, THE CITIZENS OF AMERICA must decide, if you will face your truths, and live the life you have created in absolute poverty and shame, or by changing become true leaders of this world. IF you refuse these choices, then you will demand revenge and hide in fantasy and worthlessness. Either way your lives are about to change, because all your lies are ending. There are no other choices, for we are too many for any other way/ you cannot run to another place, they, the other nations cannot and will not save you! You are not leaving this planet, or bringing things from there to here.

The purpose of redress is: to have a peaceful, honest, honorable debate under parliamentary order/ that allows the discipline necessary to design and re-design the nation as reality states this must be/ chosen by the people who must live the decisions and do the work. These are NOT political arguments [arguments without VERY serious outcomes]. THIS is the relationship that decides if life shall become extinct on earth. It is not a game/ that is your choice, and this shall NOT be decided by less than the nation itself. Some will laugh and deride this warning as "another end of the world idiot". But truly I do not tell you it is so/ THE EVIDENCE demands this is true. Prove by the evidence, that it is not/ or accept your moment in history and decide.

The meaning of redress in its 1st amendment guarantee is: WE THE PEOPLE shall accept power over you the official we employ, and demand final say, in ANY action we desire. YOU shall not have power over us/ we share. The reality of redress is, the nation is severely threatened and we the people MUST understand, the politician, the police, not the military, or science, or business can or will save you: they created the problem, by not confronting the truth. Therefore redress is our moment in history, to decide what we can do/ if we fail, then we lose; even everything.

The court mocks the nation itself, declares the constitution as useless according to their own whim/ and decides the 1st amendment is MUTE and of no value to anyone. The court has never allowed a redress of grievances/ the court accepts no jurisdiction, because the court is then under the power of the citizen. The intent of the court is thereby criminal, and the words which are used to describe a "good cause" for disputing the rights of the 1st amendment are then a fraud. It is criminal because the court steals my right to due process of law under the 1st amendment/ it chooses to use intimidation, (a long list of useless words) to present a barrier to constitutional guarantee. It uses power and indirect evidence to dispute a right, and conspire against WE THE PEOPLE. Have these rights no value/ they are indeed very precious to all the people who understand them, therefore the court is a thief, and an unrepentant liar.

The first amendment is OUR POSSESSION. Therefore evidence knows, the degree of the crime comes from the "top" down/ thereby the US supreme court IS GUILTY FIRST AND FOREMOST.

Reality doesn't care about you "humanity"/ you exist not from reality, but from life itself. Truth cannot hear you cry, doesn't care what you think or want, and has no mercy to offer you. This is your truth. Truth is only about order, discipline, and energy. Therefore understand clearly, when you cross the line/ you are DONE, extinction will arrive, and you will have no choice/ because order says it must & energy demand it shall be so. Your critical evidence, and words necessary to confront your existence are identified at And its related links. It doesn't matter what you "think or feel"/ reality says: resources, hate, fear, revenge, and the truth about what 7 billion people in chaos can and will do SHALL DECIDE. Your choice, your only choice is to identify the truth, abandon the lie, and live with honor and honesty. EQUALITY FOR ALL is not just words/ this will be your life, or you will die.

My reality is simply to deliver this message, and live my own life/ I have NO DESIRE to be more for you, than what I currently must provide. This is not fun/ this is not desirable to me. This is necessary: where on earth do you think you or I can hide, from starvation, genetic mutilation, weapons of mass destruction, and all the rest? To those who think "they will prepare and hide", I guarantee, terror will find you/ PREPARE INSTEAD to help the others that all may survive.

Statements short and plain, to begin the battle and describe the jurisdiction

  1. Original jurisdiction is attacked by the court, as they declare, "they alone" have a right to determine any new situation as it arrives. They are wrong/ the constitution gives all final say, authority, and power to the people themselves, BY VOTE.
  2. What is demanded is specifically a series of broad topics generated for public view, which portray the needs to be dealt with. Then a court generated public announcement of grave concern. Then the people must submit their concerns and problem, and their answers to the court, which will then organize and present each one under the appropriate broad topic. No names, no organizations, no nothing but questions and answers period: if you cannot do this for the nation/ then we have no use for you: get out.
  3. When the question and answers are gathered/ then we go to court under full public view, wherein all across the nation discussion will occur, problems and possibilities will be worked out/ until a viable solution representing 4 distinct choices shall be presented for vote to all the people. That decision shall control the future: IF more than 70 % of the people are in agreement/ if not, the questions and answers will go back, and you will try again. Each of the next 12 broad topics provided herein, will give you your beginning. Each one is a different court appearance. Each one a different discussion, and you will not mix them. You may however pursue answers on multiple topics at once in different settings and with different votes.


  1. THE US OFFICIAL has led us to, or allowed the nation to fail economically/ describe the benefits of selfishness, greed, & power/ and then PROVE why these things should not be EXPUNGED from the nation for forever.
  2. The US society has led itself into bankruptcy without any opportunity for relief. THEREFORE decide who "gets what, and who loses what, and WHY".
  3. The US OFFICIAL AND MILITARY has led us, or allowed the nation to prepare to destroy the world, as well as massacre billions of people within 12 hours of use. EXPLAIN HOW LIFE ON EARTH deserves this situation to exist. EXPLAIN how one man, one nation, or any nation deserves to hold even one possibility of such a weapon, and demand how this shall truly change or die.
  4. The US OFFICIAL AND UNIVERSITY have led the nation and the world, to accept the lie, "that genetics are toys", and life itself cannot become extinct from what they do. PROVE evolution is the evidence of mutations growing into the life you see. PROVE COMPLETE GENETIC COLLAPSE AND THE END OF LIFE ON EARTH, are not true threats which you are creating. PROVE you are not fools, bastards, & whores for doing so/ I tell you truly, this is true terrorism: for it attacks everything living at once.
  5. THE US OFFICIAL AS THE COURT has led us into corruption, disrespect, lies , and failure. The evidence provided by my own courtroom appearances shall be used to define what is real, and what is hidden, and what is lie. From here, society itself shall decide how justice will be returned, and fair play provided to all. They will choose if judges are removed, and attorneys be given a hostile possession over their lives. You will tell them the rules.
  6. THE US NATION HAS polluted & damaged countless natural eco-systems all around the world/ "just to increase the size of their garbage dumps". HOW will you survive without resources? You cannot "buy more/ when no more exists" your dependency upon "science" is ignorant and foolish and wrong. You shall NOT consume the lives and futures of humanity as the young or yet unborn/ you shall live within honest needs and respect the lives and needs of human future. You cannot make the water pure again after you killed it/ you cannot bring back the ocean after it is dead to you/ you cannot fix genetic collapse or partial collapse: a thousand CRITICAL TRUTHS you cannot do, yet you abandon truth, to gamble with all of life, for nothing but to prove you are insane. FIX THIS OR DIE.
  7. The people of the USA are hiding from reality, because they fear the future. Your future has arrived, if you fail to surrender your fears/ they are going to kill you, and send you to hell. If you do not or will not share, if you will not care, refuse respect to all, or just choose your pride: then understand this. Truth declares that order will remove the lies/ when you have no economy, no work, no food and all the rest; a few will attempt to make slaves of the others (work or starve)/ then others will be forced to work without their consent (we have to have this, DO IT)/ then others will become criminals: then hatred will infiltrate nearly all, and revenge take form. You hold a billion weapons/ where hatred lives, explain how you will survive. Remove your fears, or face your reality.
  8. THE US OFFICIAL AND BUSINESS have led society to failure, by destroying private enterprise and allowing the monopoly of chains and giant entities which now control your lives. Traded for this was pensions, medical, and security. You have lost your pensions! You have lost your medicine, you have no money! You have no security at all, except for your gun, and if you use it/ the others WILL use theirs. This is not a game/ IT IS WAR! " bloodshed is not "a toy". HOW PITIFUL you are/ LOOK at the poverty of who you have become.
  9. THE UNIVERSITY HAS plotted and planned to achieve superiority over society/ they have conceived of ideas to control the wealth/ control the government/ and are directly responsible for much of the pollution and problems that threaten the entire world. DECIDE what their place in society shall be/ and determine their tools, their pay, and their possibilities: DEFINE THE RULES, for they have proven incapable of living free.
  10. AGRICULTURE has removed the masses, and replaced them with a few. To accomplish this they are the primary sources of chemical pollution, they are the primary sources of biological disease being changed by livestock confinement to a variety of deadly organisms. They are in trouble, because "money" has corrupted the environment that grows our food. Change this, or prepare for starvation, and accept the deadly epidemics will not stay away.
  11. SHIPPING, FISHING, AND OIL are all threats to society, because half the people on earth are feed from the ocean. We do know how many trillion pounds of fish are sold each year, how much is thrown away. Without immediate RESPECT FOR THE LIFE OF THE SEA, half the people on earth will go hungry: WHERE do you think they will go/ WHAT do you think they will do, when faced with starvation? FIX THIS PROBLEM OR DIE, in a true WORLD WAR.
  12. THE US GOVERNMENT HAS PROVEN unfit for the job that exists. They are inadequate and face too many needs, and too much pressure from selfish interests. You must choose to vote for the issues themselves, and then hire the government official to insure that what you chosen is being done. Keep it short, direct and to the point, specific to only one thing and no more/ and make each one a law that becomes harder to change as time goes by. If you do not, you will lose your life, because selfishness is always at the door/ and this can no longer be tolerated, because we are to many and the resources to few.
  13. Identify what is TRUTH, HAPPINESS, LOVE, HOPE, & LIFE/ surrender your insanity/ and be ALIVE. Thereby you must understand you want is nothing more, than your refusal to accept truth: it is a lie by the circumstances of your reality/ a chosen deception from your heart. You will abandon want, and accept life as "the treasure of your soul/ the miracle of your presence/ & the opportunity beyond any other" or you will fail/ and then enter Armageddon. Not because I say so/ because your reality and truth declares either GOD WILL have mercy on you, because you asked HIM to/ or you will choose to be your own god: which means hell has arrived.

  1. Failure is the end of life on earth. Do not come to me/ I cannot save you. I do strongly suggest you PRAY TO JESUS.
    1. PEOPLE will mock and ridicule this statement, but it is your only chance for mercy.
    2. I tell you the truth, JESUS IS MY LORD Not by the evidence of "words or things", but by the friendship that exists in my soul, and the honor called love, given to me in my heart.
    3. Choose your destiny, you cannot hide anymore.
    4. If you think "you shall prepare for the worst and hide"/ then remember this: the loss of food, water, ANY necessary resource and your dead/ where will you hide from weapons of mass destruction? Where will you hide from disease & genetic mutilations? Where will you hide from revenge and hatred beyond anything the world has known: A hundred million people in the US alone will soon learn, ALL their plans, hopes, dreams, and expectations are ending, [and then the rich]. NOT because of me/ but because your economy will end. That is the truth. Can I one poor person, topple the US economy "12 trillion dollars" or so a year? I can not, only truth does that/ and truth doesn't care what I say, think, or desire either/ it is order by the disciplines required to achieve consequence. Truth leads, and life follows: Or life fails and death has arrived.
    5. Read the and its links, and prove me wrong.
    6. Goodbye/ or until trial comes JAMES FRANK OSTERBUR

fourth part

James F. Osterbur

2191 cr 2500 e

St. Joseph, IL 61873


the United States of America

the State of Illinois

& by default (someone must represent the university, and you are here)

the University of Illinois at Urbana, IL

office of the university counsel

258 Henry Administration Bldg

506 S. Wright St

Urbana IL 61801

Board of Trustees Office

352 Henry Administration Bldg

506 S. Wright St

Urbana IL, 61801

case #05-2038

filed February 11, 2005 and increased to include and become this trial for life, by actions of the US attorney. Motion to dismiss & motion for order barring plaintiff from filing further pleadings without court approval dated February 11, 2005


Trial for life

1. As applied by the critical nature of the legal cause, the purpose and the method of trial is limited to public access, NOT the tyranny of judicial despotism/ therefore contrary to the documented realities of exclusive practice as applied by the courtroom: this trial shall be committed to the nature, the cause, and the view of a jury trial. as asserted herein, a redress of grievances identified within the 1st amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The comprehension of this case is defined as:

2. OUR national interest in staying alive, in keeping the nation secure from chaos, and recognizing the reality of extinction as presented by the few upon the many/ establishes this case as one of "critical intervention between the murders and us"!

3. The charge layered within is simply: lies are an improper foundation, for any nation/ arrogance does not translate as security/ democracy MEANS "we, count"/ and freedom does not mean, "the American official is in charge of our lives, or may gamble with our deaths/ they may not gamble with our environment/ and must not gamble with our future : BUT MUST ESTABLISH CLEAR & CERTAIN compliance with the American constitution, as written".

4. NO government official has any other power or right than this one: TO DO THE JOB, as described/ NO interpretation applies, the description is clear, the language is certain! Therefore it is illegal and treasonous to gamble and subject the nation to treacherous and insane assumptions of calculated risk wherein the result is the END of THE NATION, THE PEOPLE, OR THE WORLD!

5. YOU the official have NO right beyond the constitution/ you have NO legal position beyond the constitution/ you have NO political powers beyond the constitution/ and you are subjected to the inquisition of critical review, as the constitution allows.

6. This is not a personal lawsuit, [beyond the realities presented] this is not a trial for any arbitration, as a means of solution/ this is a constitutional demand, wherein jurisdiction is applied by the 1st amendment and others, and the court may only do its duty.

7. Constitutional authority is the jurisdiction under which the official or other employee shall have NO CHOICE but to comply. The common constitutional DISGRACE of committing embezzlement of inalienable rights, against the citizen/ by commandeering constitutional guarantees in favor of congressional actions as laws which supercede the foundations upon which they were built, is blatant tyranny.

8. WE THE PEOPLE, exist as the lives lost/ the arms & legs & hopes shattered/ & the relationships which no longer exist. It is NOT political action, which completes or conforms a nation to its decree/ it is military action! NO ONE Gave you anything/ certainly NOT lives or possessions or bodies or their future/ to have YOU conspire and conceive against them. This breech against our authority is TREASONOUS, and clearly accounts in conclusion, in fact: of official disobedience at a minimum.

9. EVERY OFFICIAL is to understand, the basis of the constitution is: a guarantee of inalienable rights/ these are JUSTICE, EQUALITY, FREEDOM, AND OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL. There ARE NO interpretations of the constitutional authority that do not support these realities and truths. ANY ASSERTION of law, or authority beyond this foundation exists literally "as an assassin, whose perversion intents to destroy what others died to give".

10. Constitutional authority applies to any and all cases which demand the attention of the entire nation/ because the nation itself is held under threat, is identified as fundamental to the security of the nation, and which is beyond question ; that the issues presented DO affect us all!

11. There can be NO conveyance of authority to any court or any judge in such matters/ RATHER, the constitution states: neither treason or cowardice shall be allowed: NOT BY ANYONE. The abuse of process, is a treason against the constitution/ and as such may be held to criminal process: your attempt to place me or this action in disrespect, therefore is required to show cause, in word and deed/ your failure to adequately provide this information, should you elect to abort your duty: produces a decree to "execute the constitution itself"/ therefore BEWARE, and hold on tight, to any evidence of collusion as WE THE PEOPLE, may well arise and hold you, personally & legally responsible.

12. It will not be me, I have no use for it: but read the trial and book carefully before you decide "you are immune"/ for I tell you true, nothing could be less true. As all criminals must, you will go to court if the people demand it/ and they will be your judge/ you will not be theirs! IF you think "they have no power/ then look out your window, and count 280 million strong". There are NO excuses for failure to provide judicial procedure to this constitutionally legal exercise: YOU ARE constitutionally bound!

13. On a constitutional level, the assumption of legal parameters NOT suited to a jury trial, such as lengthy & irrelevant issues of punctuation & rules by the court, will not be tolerated. The use of "the simpson trial/ a well documented case of international fame" will provide the necessary legal parameters (if required) of the American court: as it was an international exhibit of American "justice", by the rule of spoiled children/ and serves the public only in the reality of a judiciary "to be mocked & laughed at"/ to initiate change.

14. Even so: this is the maximum you will demand of me, by the levels of "legal parameters, necessary to be met". The DEMAND, is public participation and that comes without the barriers of language uncommon to the people, as is commonly used by the court/ nor do rules whose purpose is simply exclusion, rather than justice apply.

15. As with the rule of newly discovered evidence: the failure to properly define, according to the needs of a jury {the American people} means a betrayal has occurred/ and the lawyer is informed: ethics are the difference between those who are paupers, and those who know what justice means/ if you show no ethics, then you shall have no presence here.

16. The purpose of trial is to educate and instruct, according to the means and fairness doctrine of common disciplines: the illicit use of any policing power, to cause a failure in public comprehension of these matters/ be it for or by rules/ for or by idiotic abrasions of justice for the purpose of power and contempt by authority/ or other, is strictly forbidden. You, as a judicial or other government official will be asked to support these positions, you will be expected to choose JUSTICE, and prosecute failure. You will insure the integration of all aspects of society to incorporate this as their decision, or incur the consequence of malicious malfeasance, whereby the charge of treason shall be applied. Let the people decide.

17. The legal expression of this trial is for the dispersal of evidence, as it confines the integrated reality of decisions made and being made for the present & future, and the consequences of such actions which could be judged TRAGIC. Such decisions controlled by a very few people with such possibility of results as extinction/ mutilation, or genetic instability/ instantaneous destruction or death by the multitude of weapons designed and paid for to kill billions of people/ or the numerous other translations of debt incurred for and against the American people, by the relationship of ignorance, and blind stupidity, to the clear and present danger of guarantees without the slightest security of safety or value. Shall be the primary venue of this trial.

18. The critical truth of applied reality states: the question presented herein is about the life and death of the nation and its people, and the world. The critical presentation of evidence is then NOT about "the end of the world"/ rather this is about fundamental foundations and the expressions of humanity, which can destroy through ignorance/ and which do contain predictable results. These results must now entertain the critical truth of what shall you do/ when this does, if this does, or if it does not happen as predicted, but ends in the tragedy suspected? NO hiding/ NO pretending/ & NO fantasies!

19. The presentation of first evidence is limited to the critical truth of a world population increasing at approximately 2 million people per week. This reality of demand, shall and is attacking resources; it is beyond the rate of survival, therefore it will create war/ a war with weapons of mass destruction, which we as a world cannot survive. America holds MORE of these weapons than any other nation/ but released, America will die without question, either directly or indirectly. Question and find the truth: one missile, known to distribute 10 warheads at one time/ released in cascading fashion over New York City (or any other) is sufficient to level the entire island/ those underground who survive will drown when the ocean comes! PROVE this is not insane. REMOVE THESE WEAPONS, from the world!

20. The purpose of a courtroom is distinctly: to establish the truth and dispose of [by punishment] the lies, and the liars/ therefore the courtroom is created by the people to fundamentally protect their world: this is your job, as a judge or police or lawyer, or other! The rights of a litigant are not translated by a judge or opposing lawyer/ but by the foundations which grant & do control the expressions of the court: THEREFORE this trial is controlled (as are all legal expressions of trial) by the United States Constitution/ and the appropriate area's of the state of Illinois Constitution; and they shall rule: NOT the opinion of a judge/ but the purpose of the people, as declared, fought for, died for, and sacrificed for.

21. The job of a judge is defined as the "crusader for absolute justice, the defender of honor, & the custodian who keeps the purpose clean/ and understands freedom exists through the patronage of the court, for equality and fair play". You will be held to this standard, or you will defend another; and hold your job and your legal rights as gained by your employment for us, up the scrutiny of justifiable actions, or criminal behavior/ and then "let the people decide."

22. The foundation demand of this first argument: humanity is destined to kill itself/ therefore we must access this matter, gain understanding, and change this outcome!

23. THIS Represents an issue so comprehensible and with such extreme danger, that the interests of the people cannot be denied. The same is true for all demands of this trial document, as it alleges the foundation and security of the nation HAS been relegated to idiots, gamblers, and thieves, but more important than that: the resources upon which life depends are in GRAVE DANGER [how will you live without food or water or hope].

24. Secondary but intertwined are economic realities, and so much more/ these are the ancillary judgments which describe realities interwoven with this life, which shall and do also critically endanger the nation and the people. Ignorance is the blanket reaction described as prejudice, while stupidity is the clear assertion, that "lies shall not fail"/ Liberty, DEMANDS the courtroom to establish TRUTH and end lies, for not only our liberty but our lives and our futures are at stake: PROVE ME WRONG/ show the world.

25. The courtroom MUST be used and held to absolute credibility/ because a life or death decision is not a political debate, it is rather the fundamental domain of truth, and the people who will live or die in that truth, and must live within its results. The demand is the BEST that we can do, to understand the truth and establish respect to that truth. The critical resolution of this matter is world cooperation/ therefore the court shall declare: THIS IS NOT OUR JURISDICTION; the government official shall declare "this is an incendiary attempt to scarce and manipulate"; the opposing lawyer shall declare "this is null & void, because the remedy cannot be enacted by the court, as it has no legal force or validity in such matters".

These arguments are prosecuted as mute: under original jurisdiction is found, the power to hear & determine a critical question presented by the affected parties, as the authority of record. The term original applies the comprehension of new & different : such as this trial of life. To the question of WHO is the authority of record/ wherein the lives of every citizen shall be interested, & affected by the outcome? There are "NO supreme people/ NO supreme people who sit as a judge or government official/ NO ONE: that can make a true life or death decision for 280 million people in this nation; or the 6.3 billion people of the world! THEREFORE WE THE PEOPLE, are the authority of record, & WE WILL use the court, to establish our will, and investigate this our need. YOU, the courtroom official/ government official, ARE our employee! Let the people decide.

26. The assertion of fear/ cannot compare to the reality of being wrong: therefore it has no say! The question of legal force or validity is mute in the presence of an Iraq war, where the lives of men are "for sale". In this war, the argument of remedy has been put to rest/ as this nation declares in can intervene in the world/ therefore legal force has been applied, and the validity of this legal argument enforced. The courtroom stands as a guarantee to the people, to intervene as necessary for their protection/ the government as a whole stands as a guarantee to intervene as necessary for the "blessings of liberty, and the duty of union"/ the military is OUR FORCE, it is not the force of men or women who stand as representatives: rather the souls of these individuals subjected to the needs of a nation, preserve the nation/ they are NOT puppets, they are NOT pawns, they are soldiers of RIGHT who define existence with honor: FRIENDS. Therefore you shall understand by the sacrifice of lives: WE THE PEOPLE is not your toy.

27. Destiny explains the path of society simply: equal access, equal opportunity, sustainable structure, critical education, political responsibility, & fundamental appreciation. These disciplined freedoms provide clear & certain & honorable support to all life/ because they implement truth as leader, reality as judge, & life as FRIEND. The simple idiocy of a desire to control is your most blatant enemy/ therefore it is control that must be surrendered, to survive. This is NOT the absence of government/ but the true promise of DEMOCRACY, that ALL the people shall choose "one person/ one vote on the issues themselves/ NOT someone to vote for me, I do it myself. [those things which shall truly change life for us all/ and any other such matter as we will decide] : but within the laws demanding freedom, equality, & true respect for all."

This as relevancy to the court is then applied, in this redress of grievances: as a fundamental partition to declare true democracy has come. Our decisions as the participation of action & reaction/ as truth and the consequences of life: shall then provide our destiny. It is the job of the court, to establish true democracy!

28. The court is being asked to intervene in the planning of mass murder [the murder of a nation and a world]. The court is told to tell the government official being awakened to the cause of critical resource loss and the right of democratic action, that the people expect to hear "you, the official", have only limited choices: that you will act responsibly and with the necessary duty.

29. Relevancy MEANS: a logical relationship/ therefore the facts of what this magnitude of population increase means to the people of America are detailed as: all ecological systems will die due to human impact & greed/ starvation & thirst will occur/ war then begins. The conclusion is therefore: PROVE THIS IS UNTRUE? Because if you can't / disintegration & death for the world [america too] begins: due to the realities involved, twenty years is all that could be left/ this allows the population rise to develop to 8 billion people (and this is only the beginning): a place in history, which cannot be survived.

30. This is the first part of your test, and it does comply with 239 S.E. 2d 811, 820. The foundation of this argument is then as a legal affinity of "Riparian rights": as is DUE to the American people. Whereas no legal necessity has ever been seen as a possibility before, "the water has receded, and this legal land is now open for ownership by, WE THE PEOPLE." The proof of permanent change is allowed by the penalty clause/ described as the graphic nature of failure {it will be tragedy & chaos} to secure the nation, and the world.

31. We as a people, as a world shall change or die. The excuses & innuendo used to hide from these facts/ the subrogation of rights of redress over the nation, to develop as the police power over our government, as the people/ & the plurality of that police power of the people over their own lives & the officials of this government.

32. The remedy sought is therefore CRITICAL EXAMINATION OF every possibility that threatens to destroy, by any method or means whatsoever/ now or in the future: and, the protection of this presence, & that future for the generations to come.

33. The research necessary for any & all matters either declared within or to be added will be conveyed by those who are distinctly familiar with the realities & truth required for understanding [this is NOT a "college degree or expert", but a witness who knows what truth is and what reality means]/ BUT no aspect of evidence will be assessed as absolute & every fact or portrayal of evidence from either side will be scrutinized in detail. The presentation in court shall be limited to understandable doctrine/ suited for public consumption, and agreed upon by both sides prior to release/ whereas the court shall use a web site or other, to provide ALL testimony and ALL evidence in its original state: to whosoever desires it. The public may intervene and ask for clarity of any matter/ they are the jury.

34. The TENTH AMENDMENT of the U.S. Constitution, applies power to the people & limits the scope of all power by federal & state officials to the constitution. That U.S. Constitution, the law & rule of law, & the legal rights of the nation are delivered in the ordained expression at its beginning . Interpretation is at its core: that no judge, no official, & no inferior command or rule or law can defeat these demands of the people who bought this nation with their lives. Therefore the document stands as written and declared, in plain language of the people/ until such time as the people amend it themselves. No political tenure, no judge or courtroom, or official can apply the NINTH AMENDMENT in any other way than to accept the demands of the people, and of this trial and fight for the survival of this nation, and this world. PROVE, this is not so?

35. Justice, and this constitution, demands an inquest, and legal duty asserts: this is a matter for courtroom communication, that all sides & interests be held to truth. And that all evidence be received within the clear & certain penalties of a property alteration or perjury imprisonment or regulation as may be necessary, when properly applied to any liar found. Let the penalty be known/ let the intent be FAIR/ & let LIFE, but not liars, participate as BEST IT CAN.

36. DUE to the "insolvency" and corruption of the court, as described by the case abstract within: WARNING is issued, that negligence and simple corruption is an act of aggression against the people. When duty calls, treason or rape is a conclusion expressed by the fundamental relationship of human to human/ wherein the intent of power serves only the aggressor, and the selfishness of such intent deserves retribution. Therefore the question in fact will be "to prosecute, to garnish, or to simply relieve of that duty" those unfit for honor. The people of the nation shall decide. YOU are not immune, the constitution gives none of this, it says simply: article 3, section 1 quote "the judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior,"/ therefore the lie is removed, and the question introduced: WHO does support justice, equity, and fair play? Failure means removal, if not more. This is NOT a war/ this is a right, and a duty!

37. The Iraq war CERTIFIES american involvement in world affairs, as a nation. American prosecution even to death of Iraq leaders, certifies the demands of the arguments given herein. The established excuse: "For their benefit, with American lives & dollars" demands NO LESS for the American people.

38. Therefore contumacy proceedings will exist for any judge or legal officer, or political officer who violates this "order of the people (let the people choose)". The inherent right of any decision that shall seek to dissuade or order the structured reality of a life or death decision: BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE.

39. The government reports used in evidence; prove the validity of this trial/ PROVE the margin for error for genetic research, weapons of mass destruction, and all the rest; befits the life & death gamble to this nation! That is the demand for beginning this trial and its consequences. PROVE with certainty your failure is not our deaths. In this final analysis, both the court & the government official are reminded: "you are not god"! Therefore no excuse, no statement or power, & no hierarchy of authority can or does exist to remove this decision from the people: ONLY the distinction of treason can be applied, to any who intentionally attempt to prove: they "are the supreme power, over the life or death of the people or nation".

40. This distinction of treason shall be applied to the decision of: WE THE PEOPLE, and thereby WE THE PEOPLE SHALL determine the indictment. We the people will reserve judgment for your crimes. WE THE PEOPLE SHALL demand jurisdiction! BECAUSE WE THE PEOPLE ARE AMERICA!

41. YOU will however bear in mind, this is about the extinction of life on earth. Therefore the world itself watches, and will condemn or praise accordingly. YOU, America are the nation of record: you hold the weapons of mass destruction, more than the others, you started this/ you started the genetic tragedy to be survived/ you are the nation whose consumption of resources is startling/ you say you are the leader of the world: NOW is the time to prove your reality, NOW is the decision that becomes your truth.

42. The examination of basic life interests and fundamental social values, as well as the expansive evaluation of basic courtroom realities is the final chapter, and well suited to this forum. It shall not be denied/ however, if you cannot establish survival/ there is no further reason to continue. Let the trial decide.




Fourth part


response to: order of the court 2/ 28/05

received by mail, march 2/ 05

order: "Frivolous"

As expected judge Baker's reply to all charges is "frivolous"/ it seems a constant irregardless of the subject matter.

Judge Baker further explains, how "he MUST be taught the law and the constitution/ but if he does not agree, then it does not matter what the merits of any case might be: he will remove reality and institute ignorance.

As predicted, a previous case is used to suggest "the crux, of the complaint is Osterbur's unhappiness about Carle's billing practices". By demanding the motion to dismiss, from the US attorney is moot: Baker asserts nothing filed after 2/11/05 shall be considered/ even though I must accept the challenge of the US Attorney and respond. Legally and within my rights. A reality apparently without merit again/ alas he forgot to use the word frivolous with that one, an oversight.

Subject matter jurisdiction by definition is "the competency of the court to hear & determine a particular category of cases" these are governed by 28 USC 1330 (Laws of the United States) and other aspects of law and court as described by Baker. It was irrelevant to subscribe to these laws or rules/ because history teaches no matter what the words used/ Baker would render a judgment of frivolous.

Subject matter within the realm of a common citizen is the establishment of a situation wherein common experience demands intervention between those who attack us, those who simply abuse us, or those who use us beyond all measure of justice or right. This trial shows: WE THE PEOPLE, must create the means to decide what is fair, what is justice, & what is a human right, because the court refuses to do its job. This in fact. exceeds the limits of our agreements with each other as a nation to become "a wrong", therefore the court has become mute; betrayed by its own words. It is this subject matter and NOT the corruption of lawyers or the demand of words as law that governs us/ BUT IN FACT the reality of life, that asserts, a courtroom wherein justice may be sought and an honorable existence for all, found: brings these matters and those in the past to court.

This trial is a FIRST AMENDMENT REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES/ therefore its role in the courtroom is to demonstrate and prove "tyranny and corruption" exist to rob us of our rights and our foundation of government, guaranteed under the constitution of America. Proven simply and without favoritism to any but the truth. This was done, in filings presented to the court/ but held in contempt by the court, due to its influence on the power that has corrupted the court. Trial is about fixing the corruption of those employees who have failed, and given us great grief without doubt; and in the very near future. This trial is about becoming a true democracy wherein the power of the people to determine there own future shall demonstrate and clearly demand WE THE PEOPLE!

The next step is to isolate the foundation of authority, that decides the fate of this our nation, as "we the people" and then ask them to decide: Is this who we really are, as the court describes, or as the constitution declares? The strength of 280 million people shall decide/ irregardless of "the court, the president, anyone representing our nation/ but ourselves." This trial is about your future, and what it shall be.

The reality of trial as presented 2/11/05 has little to do with Bakers claim of "unhappiness"/ BUT EVERYTHING to do with, the country being bankrupt. Because truth says: we can discuss this as a nation NOW, peacefully and with honesty, OR People WILL begin to react with bloodshed, violence, and the death of a nation is at stake. "Frivolous", by the courts estimation. YOU ARE bankrupt, but that does not mean instant depression, there are methods of resolution available to give you relief and then happiness. Evidence was provided, produced by the federal reserve, and does support this claim of bankruptcy/ therefore Baker LIES and conspires to cover up the truth by another ridiculous assertion of power. Finally Baker asserts he a federal judge, in a federal courtroom, cannot distinguish the words of the 1st amendment (provided in full), that state "redress of grievances": too complicated, I guess. He states that billing & debt and the loss of an entire life's work, are "frivolous matters as well"/ to trivial for the court to intervene in: his job must be to "suck his thumb" I guess. He claims that due process is a game for lawyers only/ because he has NO comprehension of what " duty, respect, or honor does mean: not a clue.

The assumptions of the court are: that trial is over.

THE REALITY, stated to the court is:

Trial begins now, in the consequence of distortion and treason/ treason because life is more important than rules, and power is a futile and stupid endeavor that only harms those who use it. The intent of democracy is not to give power over people to anyone, particularly the employee of court, our purpose in peace. To sell due process and fundamental 1st amendment rights "to protect foolishness and lies", cannot be less than a treason.

Trial by definition is "A judicial examination of issues between parties, whether they are issues of law, or of fact......". The facts are now in place/ and trial soon begins/ a very public trial in the medium of public participation.

As a Democracy, WE THE PEOPLE, Are judge and jury, over every issue brought before the employees of our government: our government is "the words of the Constitution, the bill of rights, and the declaration of independence". No one died for a representative of government/ soldiers die and people sacrifice for the humanity and rights of freedom, not some bastard rule of the court or any other disgrace that intervenes.

As a democracy, this courtroom is discarded/ as is its concept of justice as defecated upon by you. INSTEAD as a citizen, the demonstration of a legal need now begins. And the support of people will be sought. As a reality, this judge SHALL be granted leniency, due to the consequence of this trial/ it is far-reaching and deliberate. YOU the citizen, shall understand neither courtroom, nor judge, nor I can be your savior. The presentation of evidence shall prove this is correct. This nation does now stand at the pinnacle of your ability to submerge the lies/ therefore truth shall now begin to intervene in your lives, and down is the only direction you may go. This trial is distinctly and purposely placed to keep you from "dying in a fall, FROM YOUR DECISIONS". This trial is therefore the opportunity to carefully describe & work for, your own survival and that of the nation and the world. I do not say this to make you afraid/ no joy exists in the words/ no revenge, it is merely a fact. The list of threats to your survival as life on earth is very long/ and easily extreme enough to kill you all a thousand times over. You will do your duty and examine the evidence and let truth decide, and reality determine the avenue/ or you will soon die. Read the documents and decide. This is the ONLY opportunity you get Because there is not time for another.

REMEMBER THIS: we are the people of the nation/ majority does rule, and millions cannot be denied. IF you wish to bring these things to trial in any form or any venue/ NO ONE will be able to stand against you. You may rearrange these documents/ make your own/ reinstate this trial/ use my name to appeal this verdict/ or just use the topics to generate public knowledge and perceptions: it is your choice, the judge merely took the easy way from you/ he cannot remove your right. Choose.

UNLIKE me, "I bring you this message as my job/ my duty: This trial for you, whether you believe it or not, IS the difference between your life here on earth or death. LET THE PEOPLE CHOOSE FOR THEMSELVES.

I do not ask you to believe these words/ I tell you to investigate your reality and defend yourselves from the order you have placed in this life/ that will attack and exterminate you. FOR THE LAST TIME, I will remind you all that

1 a population growth of 2 million more mouths to feed each week/ translates into a world population from 7 billion people to 8 billion people in less than 20 years.

2. The ocean, the ozone, the global warming, the alterations in ocean currents, the destruction of "ocean incubators for life", the pollution of water, the 22 trillion pounds of sea food sold each year (cannot be sustained/ certainly cannot be increased), the rainforest and all other destruction that literally provides the air you breathe, ETC.

3. The genetic destruction, you are literally crucifying life by mutilating it into the extermination of you/ How many times did anything humans do turn into tragedy, "I'm sorry" is useless. The difference is genetic structure is nature, food, life, body, and everything to this life called earth. THE ARROGANCE IS SIMPLY UNBELIEVABLE TO ME.

4. What you don't understand about weapons of mass destruction is simply, used once, and your dead. WHY would you as humanity allow anyone any nation this power over you: The only reason is Simply YOU ARE INSANE.

5. Where will the resources for 8 billion people come from? Is the earth endless? Where is your "Big brains"? If you have no resources/ then you have no work, and you starve besides. IDIOTS!

6. Fusion is not a joke, it is not a fantasy/ you will have people and the possibility to create fusion within 3 short years; maybe less. Fusion is nuclear fire, that is not a guess: it means, literally everything atomic is fuel/ or more simply everything on earth or about the earth is FUEL...... you cannot put it out or control it. The earth will be on fire.

7. YOU are ready to kill each other now, how much more so/ when starvation becomes a constant reminder every day, terrorists have assaulted your peace, economies have failed (every taxpayer owes a minimum $520,000.00 dollars 2 years ago/ you cannot pay it, it shall not continue). And all the resources disappear: WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE HAPPENS THEN?

If this is insufficient, as it was to the court/ for you to understand life is in grave danger in this very day/ and NOW IS THE TIME to stand up and fight to survive, by encountering truth and working for peaceful change. Then you will die/ clearly you do not have more than 30 years at the extreme. And the earth will die with you.

MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND, but believe there is only this one chance/ because we are too many for any other way/ and it is too late, for any other method or hope. THIS IS YOUR CHOICE.

Fifth part


CASE # 05-2038                                                                    DATED 3/25/05

1.      IT IS NOW 7 DAYS past the time this personal letter was sent to Carle Foundation hospital and Carle Clinic incorporated; one entity pretending, one using the public. The letter found herein explains greed will not be allowed/ return a letter that says this is not your intent, or nothing that occurs hereafter will be my fault/ it is yours. They have not replied/ therefore they choose greed.


3.      THE BOARD

4.      YOUR LAWYERS INFORM ME, that you are dissatisfied with the ruling and wish to bring these matters back to court in full force/ as there are many true issues to contest.

5.      IT IS NOW TIME TO ASSERT WHERE YOU STAND, as the defendants in this matter/ and if this is your wish, and your conviction and your intent to bring these matters back.

6.      I WARN YOU NOW, I will not be so polite this time.

7.      Either restrain and rebuke your lawyers, or it will not be a legal fight, this time it will be a legal WAR.


9.      CHOOSE.

10.  Date of receipt of the letter from your lawyers is march 15, 2005.

11.  If this is not your doing, then I do expect a reprisal against your lawyers, at least 3 times the amount they choose to charge me in your name. A return letter to me, is in your interest/ if this is not your fault.



13.  Legal war is literally, either you are a friend or an enemy, and if you choose enemy then I will not be concerned as to what happens to you. Some will accuse me of creating this problem and they are only defending themselves; BUT they are wrong. All matters involved in this trial 05-2038 are significant in terms of society/ and literally have been expanded by the US attorney to include life and death issues of a nation and a world. These are not personal issues/ NONE of them. Therefore they do not carry personal debts. Carle was free, unharmed and without concern because they knew as well as I, the court is a failure to society, and collusion with greed and power would dismiss this case. Therefore I came only for evidence, to be used in a national debate/ without personal business or distinct persons involved. To this moment of greed Carle remained a non-participant/ stating only in this trial, a desire to fight, but offering nothing but fear. NOW hiding behind the disgrace of the court, they feel safe/ and using the judge as their personal pimp, they do come whoring for money. This is their contribution to society and the preservation of life on earth: the power of greed, and the failure and bigotry of lusting for power.

14.  Since there are enough enemies in this world/ I do offer at any time, the work is for society and for life, and cannot be interpreted otherwise/ the war is over. As to the others involved, Carle demands your participation as well.

15.  It has come about that those accused of being greedy, arrogant, & blindly selfish HAVE indeed responded by proving this to be true, beyond any doubt. Through the actions of their lawyers and with Carle's consent, Carle has now contributed their actions to the reality of trial. They have chosen to participate and demanded to be known. In the course of trial 05-2038 Carle's entire response is limited to a waiver of service (they will appear, and so they have). This up to the demand for money, is the entire summary "of their work".

16.  As expected the judge FAILS/ proving beyond doubt, as provided in the documents filed, to participate in a courtroom in America, it is fundamentally necessary to immediately present argument, because a pro se litigant is little more than sewer gas to the judge. Employed as a representative of the people, whose job it is to protect society by protecting the individuals in society/ the reality is bought and paid for, the judge adheres to the money/ and worships the power of blatant greed proving, there is NO MATTER in existence that will remove the prejudice of money from the court. Therefore all issues of money must be reserved to the people to decide, and all realities of court involving money MUST be viewed in its entirety by the public through public broadcast and the like. The only method past the courtroom to the public is the removal of a judge.

17.  To establish the fundamental boundaries of trial, all defendants are told plainly; let the judge decide before you do any work, that their may be no cause for legal compensation/ when the court fails. They comply because they "have NO defense"/ if they had a defense, they would have used it; all they prove is greed. This trial is national in scope, it is fundamentally WE THE PEOPLE in Composition & circumstance. It has merit because it is critical to the survival of the nation, and that statement is supported with evidence of critical economic collapse and the assertions of civil war, due to the larceny against those who became targets of that greed. This trial IS HONORED BY THE 1ST AMENDMENT of the Constitution, as a redress of grievances: the last resort, when all other methods of survival have failed: and you have truly failed as a nation and a people/ because you fear the end of the world; therefore you have created the participants to kill you, yourselves: how stupid you are. This court being federal in jurisdiction CANNOT REFUSE THE FIRST AMENDMENT, without treason to the people; this is not only your job, because the degree of danger is evident throughout this trial 05-2038 the judge deserts his post and position to hide in lies and innuendo, fully knowing he commits fraud: saying he doesn't understand this is more than a trial about $400.00 dollars. Even a 5 grader would know it is more than about $400.00 therefore he lies. There are no excuses allowed to the court/ the judge knows, the 1st amendment testifies and demands of the court its allegiance and the court fails. Due process is demanded by me, stating not only is this a national problem and national consequence in all aspects of the original filing, it affects my life, and has affected my life and I do deserve the relationship with society that preserves my own dignity. The court says, the matters outlined as constitutional guarantees to the people are merely "frivolous" and deserve nothing. To establish my demand for personal constitutional guarantees, the reality of NATIONAL BANKRUPTCY and the consequences therein is used, in conjunction with a federal reserve document [the United States government accounting/ which cannot be refuted by this judge] as supplemental justification, that time is running out, and we as a nation must act/ therefore the courtroom according to the first amendment must be established. The judge does not dispute the evidence, NO defendant has questioned it/ therefore it stands as correct and without argument, accepted as true/ at this time. Instead the judge excuses himself from the required response, as provided within federal rules of civil procedure 60 for the plaintiff who asks: Is the motion of the US attorney a "mistake/ is it new evidence/ is it a misrepresentation of a participant/ is this motion a fraud/ does this motion have no authority/ or is there ANY reason, that a response is not appropriate by the plaintiff: what is the excuse from the judge as to why should his response [to mute the us attorney] come only after the plaintiff reveals his. The answer is not a mistake/ the answer is fraud: as an employee sworn to uphold the constitution and the law/ the judge subverts control of the law, and asserts control by hostile possession of the law. And for what purpose? The answer is he stands against the law, and submits the false pretense of a matter involving $400.00, instead of national rights. He is a traitor, working for the enemy/ not for the law. His job is simply to bring justice to society and to the people individually; his reality takes the private property of constitutional guarantees and redistributes them to these greedy entities, because without law, society fails. Therefore the judges order is rebuked for BIAS AND DEFICIENCY AND FRAUD, and it is asserted that these are criminal acts against the nation and against me.

18.  With malice and disrespect, the judge attacks in his order, opening with lies about a "26 page complaint of single spaced text"/ he offers there is no short and plain statement of the claims asserted; even though the first page of this filing is a short and plain brief depicting federal involvement is required by the court. The judge suggests "similar to another filed by osterbur in 9/7/04 case 04-2196" and decrees "whenever it appears by suggestion of the parties or otherwise that the court lacks jurisdiction of the subject matter, the court shall dismiss the action". The review of 04-2196 comes later. The matter of 05-2038 as held in its brief is distinctly a matter for the federal court system/ it is without doubt that the subject matter is understood by the judge. It is upheld under the courts own supervisory role and orders to every judge: "to help the pro se litigant, and provide as much leniency as possible" [or something to that effect]. And it demands that no one shall dispute the subject matter of this trial, by presenting argument immediately and without doubt. The judge discards all argument/ declares no brief exists/ fundamentally discounts every social and national and personal complaint and suggests "that he cannot proceed because ancillary jurisdiction is not a proper one". He states, "the court must have original jurisdiction over at least one of the plaintiffs claims before it can exercise supplemental jurisdiction over other claims forming part of the same case or controversy. 28 USC 1367". Therefore he lies and stipulates that the 1st amendment doesn't actually exist/ he cannot accept it terms therefore he will blatantly and with contempt abandon a redress of grievances by the first amendment as his right to declare "the amendment is a frivolous excuse, that bears no cause, and no right to be heard in a courtroom of law. The law, irregardless of what it says/ is what he interprets it to say. This is theft, of the most basic form of democracy: the right to be equal under law. This judge makes himself superior to the 1st amendment, therefore superior to the law/ and a consequent thief. Let him, or the court for him, submit the truth and confront my right to proceed under the 1st amendment/ or let the court remove all barriers to this action. If not the court is in contempt/ and each member who refuses or could have acted DOES deserve to be jailed, for that contempt.

19.  This judge argues "as with his last complaint osterbur does not bring his claim pursuant 28 USC 1331 as (claims originating under the constitution...). The judge lies fully aware and knowing that a pro se litigant is not under the very same restrictions as a "member of the bar"/ therefore he corrupts the action, prepared to submit that because the title 28 USC 1331 does not appear in the brief or the arguments of the original filing/ NO opportunity for the court to "see the law" exists. The clear intent is theft, the judge steals my right and the rights of all citizens to a fair hearing for justice/ and rules for fraud: the intent to appear as judicial, when in fact the corruption is so blatant even a "citizen of the United States of America" can see it. This judge claims this case 05-2038 is not a matter in controversy exceeding $75,000.00 (the current expectation provided by amendment 7 of the constitution, that GUARANTEES me my day in court, by jury trial). This is without support, and guarantees this judge is prejudiced against not only me/ but as these documents stand for: the preservation of the nation, and the honor of society: this is treachery, and amounts to treason: as I am sold for financial slaughter, to greedy men and women/ and the nation to grief and desperation, because these matters are important to us all. HOW could this be considered otherwise, particularly considering the two separate trials judge baker ruled upon, in the past; ridicule cannot be trusted.

20.  The judge issues conclusory statements to prescribe tyranny [does he own my mind/ these are not my words or my work] and rearrange my filings to suit his ends. This is deceit and the declarations of perjury [does he not stand in a courtroom and proclaim lies]? He does indeed. The judge abandons his duty, and says "its an Illinois problem" get out of court. He lies, fully knowing this is not about "little things" and discards the reality of the american medical society as a defendant/ and is heavily installed within the arguments given. He denies the consequence of price fixing, throws out consumer protection, pukes upon the charge of monopoly, and all the rest; arguing this is "too little" for him as a judge of the federal court to be involved in. He is therefore "playing arsonist" and in his diminished capacity relies upon a specific intent separate the filing into its most easily evicted sentences/ he pretends all the rest is irrelevant, therefore he has constructed through the insanity of deserting his position, that he has a right. There is NO IMMUNITY for a judge in these matters, a criminal act is a criminal act, and this member of society is not more than any other member of "the policing action"/ his immunity is the same as any other policing officer, not more. The intent of the law is to protect society/ NOT a bastard judge: PROVE ME WRONG. Neither is any of this ignorance of his position or the law/ does he not quote obscure and irrelevant details in law to support his own positions. I guarantee you, that the demand for justice is not defended by words, but by truth and actions to defend that truth. All this court has produced are words of conflict, producing nothing of merit, nothing of value, whose intent is strictly and with defiance to the law, the larceny of stealing a constitutional right. He should be disbarred/ or thrown from the bench/ for he is not "the owner of the court/ he is the employee, and has no rights to intervene in justice, and be in contempt of society. Who has a greater right, the one who asks for justice or the one who is sworn to uphold justice? Who has a greater obligation to the law, the one who needs justice, or the one who sells justice for "the pennies of rules and innuendo without merit/ the one who lies to appease his laziness and sloth".

21.  Baker asserts in effect, limited jurisdiction as his reason & right to dismiss. Baker asserts, OUR federal courtroom wherein he resides as an employee , lacks jurisdiction of the subject matter even though he is fully aware of constitutional guarantees/ he states "frivolous". Therefore let the record reveal what he calls frivolous:

22.  the first amendment guarantees, "a redress of grievances" THIS IS NOT a joke or a misprint or a failure to understand/ this is a reality that exists for use by the individuals of society/ a primary foundation of this democracy, as important as the rest of that very same amendment. Let the record show, at no time does this judge claim any portion or part of the filings are incorrect or inappropriate to the cause of justice; as is usual, "being only an American Citizen/ I have no rights in this courtroom of this government: PAY THE MONEY, and let the extortion begin by surrendering my right, my constitutional guarantees to a lawyer to speak for me: I REFUSE, for I am adequate to defend myself. Even so, I plainly request of this judge to provide "lawyers for the public aspects of this trial/ and do state, I am not a lawyer and cannot defend the others". As with all other aspects of merit to this case 05-2038 the judge allows prejudice to overrule justice. The original filings alone are sufficient to demand jurisdiction is fully defined and correct within this courtroom. The subject matter or anti-trust issues, the deficit and its issues of greed and the corruption of power, or now under color of law the judge who deprives me of civil rights by using prejudice to control my appearance in a courtroom of law, and breach of warranty [that by the constitution I may have my day in court] is simply denied by conjecture and not accepted in the social context with which it is written. Prove this trial is simply about me. Baker provides NO DIRECT ASSERTION OF AUTHORITY against any portion or part of the pleadings themselves/ preferring to attack the litigant, because I am an easy target, and the pleadings are not. Instead of "innocent until proven guilty" which means: until you have proven the pleadings are wrong by content and not innuendo and frivolous rules/ THEY STAND COMPLETE and without contest in this courtroom of law, the law cannot touch them until it proves they are wrong. Again you are not as a judge or officer of the court/ capable of judging me, only the law can do that/ and only those laws that obey the constitution are allowed power over the citizen in this democracy. The rest are a compromise/ and my citizenship is not to be compromised: you have no right.

23.  In the original filings section starting with paragraph 1 seeks to establish medical malpractice by their methods of billing/ which then result in the concepts of fraud & conspiracy. The result is an extortion in reality due to the consequences of a medical emergency, and the subsequent billing without critical and real opportunity to contest. The reality of greed and tyranny is transferred to "these private enterprises" due to the massive power established, for the benefit of the medical enterprises which has then become a tremendous financial burden to all who then enter their doors/ because under current law; clearly we have no rights, and no opportunity to contest, even when the evidence is clear and certain: they hold all the power. That means in the reality of this society, any medical trauma becomes nothing less than an unreasonable search and seizure of the financial and personal securities of that individual in medical trauma/ and the result of this blatant enslavement by financial means/ amendment 4 is examined within its intent: "That the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated and no warrants shall issue....". The question for constitutional construction is then, does this not apply to unwarranted power over an individual/ and should there not be a platform in equality for both sides to adequately resolve any financial issue as may present itself. This is of national concern.

24.  In the original filings section starting with paragraph 7 the charge is "the court is a place of ill-repute, a place of deception, bias, and criminal acts against the people/ which fills only the pockets of lawyers and the greed of medicine. It continues with the charge of collusion in these things and is a disgrace, for its role over the people , and the reality of very little justice/ due to language and innuendo that the people afflicted with trial cannot understand: unlike the courts saying "ignorance of the law is not excuse/ ignorance of the charge against you is not tolerated either: check your miranda rights & rulings and see. The court and its officers are charged with making sure the defendant or plaintiff understands in this matter, it is not up to the lawyer/ it is incumbent upon the court: are we less than criminals/ does not the loss of a lifetime worth of work, the end of financial stability, or retirement or any other present true consequences? Greed is a disease that has spread throughout all of medicine/ a reality that has cost very many people their lives, their teeth, their family, their property, and has made them slaves [because they could not afford to go/ these thieves would steal everything]. So life or limb is held in the extortion of sign your financial future away, or go ahead and die. Some will argue, too poor, you won't pay. But reality says "you got anything/ going to get anything/ can you steal anything; sell your body whatever" they will come to take it away, and demand more. The essence of this complaint is not "free medicine"/ rather it is a relationship within the 5th amendment that holds "no person shall be.....twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; ....nor be deprived of life liberty, or property without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation." There are know incidents wherein the medical industry preys upon people without insurance. As is in clear evidence in this trial 05-2038 the right to trial is a joke, an outrage, and more simply a "cease and desist order" from all sides involved in the commission of a crime: to hold the citizen expecting justice/ to the anvil wherein a lawyer may without cause "smash his or her head in while stripping them of all property, dignity, or whatever the judge is coerced to allow. Where is your honor/ you as a court produce only shame on America, for your lack of justice, you are a disgrace. Due process is NOT held in rules of the court/ due process is an adequate & honorable hearing, for the distinct purpose of JUSTICE and no alteration of facts/ such as these for the robbery of my right to justice and a fair hearing is allowed by any constitutional mandate or law: the court is a FRAUD, and the reality is a treason.

25.  The section starting with 15 describes the "bundling practices" of Carle and its subsidiaries, and asserts consumer protection is necessary and specifically asks of the court to examine the reality of surgery in particular, and all medicine as a reality as the literal invasion of that person. Therefore at a minimum we DESERVE the information necessary to expect a probable cause or outcome, through knowledge/ rather than excuses. The ridicule of the medical industry as it is allowed to "search and seize" our bodies/ and yet we have NO access to even basic information of these people is a DISGRACE. Again the 4th amendment guarantees a right to be "secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures...." the invasion of your own personal body cannot be of greater concern than anything else the 4th amendment applies to. It is an UNREASONABLE search and seizure, that we are restrained from information, and held in contempt by the court as it refuses the basic necessities of dignity and right. The 4th amendment declares "the right to be secure shall not be violated....and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized". While the court will argue, this is an interpretation/ I tell you true, that as these things apply particularly to medical traumas, the intent of protection of the people is inherent in all matters of the constitution and we are just as valuable as those charged with criminal intent.

26.  Section 21 demands court reform, to establish a courtroom for the people/ NOT A COURTROOM for the judge, the lawyer, the police, or the money that corrupts the process. A place wherein a citizen shall find JUSTICE, and not the arrogant bleeding of pride, and the pitiful portrayal of power and greed; is it not power that demands control, instead of justice/ is it not greed that is more concerned with "keeping the status quo" instead of preparing and preserving society and the nation/ is it not pride that thinks only of revenge in the form of an attack for money: IT IS without doubt. You should all be ashamed.

27.  Section 26; assembles the monopoly game, wherein price fixing is always in evidence/ there is no other reason for the monopoly game/ therefore it is inherent and obvious. Bankruptcy for the nation, the result of decades of greed in collusion with the politics and court, have destroyed the life's work of at least 50 million people: are you proud? Amendment 7 demands all cases beyond a specific minimum limit, SHALL BE HEARD IN COURT, BY JURY TRIAL/ the constitution gives NO EXCEPTION. Therefore you have no right to take away this trial/ the constitution itself; "Your boss and mine as a citizen" have made that perfectly clear/ and your portrayal in defiance of this mandate of your position as judge clearly charges you with FELONY ASSAULT. This is a criminal act, and there is no ignorance of the law. This is primary to your oath, and you have no excuse/ no exceptions.

28.  Section 31 WE THE PEOPLE IS our only alternative to bankruptcy and the civil war it will produce. This is the reason the 1st amendment provides "redress of grievances" for the people/ and the constitution further verifies this demand by the words of amendment 9 and 10. Simply, it is not the constitution itself that verifies the right to trial, but the cause/ and this cause is the life or death of the nation itself. It is not enough that you may say, prove "the nation will die"/ for that is done beyond conceivable evidence only when the nation is in fact dead. Therefore prove the evidence and pleadings are not adequate to achieve a level of concern worthy of investigation/ and then questions will be answered. Until you prove otherwise, the sanctity of this demand within the 1st amendment rights of a citizen of WE THE PEOPLE shall stand.

29.  Section 35 exists as the charge of larceny, corruption, and the failure of the medical industry to adequately police itself/ that charges the USA with the demand for public utility status for the entire medical industry in all its aspects. WE THE PEOPLE Allows in no uncertain terms, control by the people, NOT simply a vote for someone to vote for me/ BUT MY PERSONAL VOTE ON THE ISSUES THEMSELVES, as we desire it to be.

30.  Section 41 is the assertion of a public discussion and an honorable contract wherein equality and truth rules all. Therefore national problems and national reason exist for a class action suit

31.  Section 46 is simply duty demands of every citizen the consequence of life/ therefore these things are not political, instead they are life, death, and the relationship we all share with each other. Politics are merely the excuses & compromise of a society to lazy to defend itself.

32.  Section 50 completes the fundamental disrespect that contempt and fraud by the courtrooms of america have traded for and received due to the disrespect , and disgrace of pitiful failures throwing justice, equality, and a guaranteed right, simply to the dogs and rats that have come to infiltrate and live in the courtroom of america. DO NOT CONCEIVE of any ideas of "Rabble rousing"/ we as a nation are in very serious trouble, that will very soon seek to destroy the nation and even the world [such is the truth, that greed and power have left us with]. If you fail to work within the system/ then failure and the death of this nation is a certainty: there is no choice, accept it.

33.  Section 51 of the original filing is a warning of a third trial

34.  Section 52 repeats Redress of grievances is a 1st amendment guaranteed right/ and there is sufficient subject matter and jurisdiction is absolutely clear throughout all aspect of these filings. Your perjury is mute. The right of due process means literally: whether I am a lawyer or not/ I DO DESERVE MY DAY IN COURT, and the mandate to the court by the nation is as it has always been, this judge and every judge SHALL do what you can as our employee, to make this happen, and bring justice to the nation. NOT PLAY in the pit of snakes, where arrogance believes "a friend to me"/ they are not.

35.  The use of courtroom rules and innuendo without merit has long and in many forms been used to destroy due process and constitutional right, as a tool for default and corruption of a judge. I tell you true, in a democracy of WE THE PEOPLE We have an equal standing/ you are not greater than me, nor am I to you: instead guaranteed rights and fundamental justice determine the truth. And the truth is, you preach nothing but hate.

36.  As to the ignorance and contempt of the court, by the US attorney. This attorney re-files their motion, after the court has rendered them and it moot. This is contempt, and it means the US attorney has returned the trial to its full force, or has disgraced the court, with its contempt. The charge is beyond duplicitous, it is a seizure of due process and the defiling of a public trust. These attorney's being paid to support the protection of society, and the hope of a "better world"/ having recognized the critical nature of the pleadings/ have deserted their duties and ran "screaming into their hole". Blindly pleading "don't let him get me". This appearance by the US ATTORNEY demands a reply, that is the nature of a courtroom discussion, I have no choice. Therefore again I say to you the entire filing returns to the court/ the order of the court is mute, because the US attorney demands participation, and now you must acknowledge the entire filing for it appears as one. Prove the US ATTORNEY has no power in the court/ or accept their demand.

37.  As to the arrogance, selfishness, greed, and revenge filed by Carle on march 14, 05. These lawyers do not even suggest they have worked, instead they use the judge/ and believe they are protected by its order/ therefore now they can attack. This is after the fact/ as they did not participate prior to this moment. NOW having chosen to participate and demanding an audience/ they have purposely chosen to enter trial and examine their responsibilities; this is their choice, not mine. For if I have responsibilities/ then so do they; is that not the purpose of the court to produce equity before all members and all participants. What is justice if all sides are not equal before the court? It is a fraud.

38.  Their lawyer states to the court #1 "Confusing, assuming it is directed to this courts order feb 28" My response entitled and emboldened Osterbur reply, to the court, response to order of the court 2/28/05 fundamentally charges contempt, frivolous and totally without merit: as the lawyer for the defense is not allowed to think for me or direct my words according to his desire. Therefore my response so entitled allows for no doubt, and the lawyer ridicules. Is this a function of the courthouse rules to allow ridicule of the plaintiff? Perhaps so, for lawyers commonly use statements and innuendo in a courtroom which in any other setting would be defamatory or liable.

39.  Federal rule 60 is not sustained, because contrary to the fundamental exercise of authority, the first rule that applies in this trial is the request for legal aid to be provided by the court, due to the national interests involved. Rule 60 is thereby moot to the lawyers charge, because the judge and his order are in violation of the first rule of any courtroom: the law decides/ not the judge, not the rules/ but the law. The law that governs all these decisions is based upon the constitution of America, and it has NOT been disproved/ therefore the filing stands as presented. The judge lies and disgraces the court/ the lawyers for Carle only presume I am defeated. As to the constant, Courtroom ridicule of "without support", I tell you true, JUSTICE does not demand rules/ JUSTICE DEMANDS EQUALITY, EQUITY, AND UNDERSTANDING THROUGH TRUTH AND EVIDENCE.

40.  The fundamental purposes of this trial are clear/ neither the court or the lawyers on any side, are illiterate, and none seeks to contest with the foundations presented, all hide.

41.  #2 of the lawyers response states conclusory or imaginary statements of alleged misconduct which might....without support or merit and simply stated for inflammatory purposes and can thus be disregarded. In response, returning to the order in review of judge baker, he a federal court judge can find NO jurisdiction over any single charge filed, not one: HE LIES. Leaving me with two choices, either continue knowing without doubt; even if the filing were "perfect under the rules of the court/ it is without doubt, the end is pre-determined, a matter of prejudice and evidence. Or as chosen to expand the case into an expression that the common citizen can recognize as a failure of the court. I chose the latter, and this is the courts decision not mine. It is the courts failure, not mine. To quantify that statement the dictionary meaning of subject matter is quote: the thing in dispute, the nature of the cause of action; the real issue of fact or law presented for trial as between those parties, & the object of a contract. The judge and you understand the subject matter perfectly, even if it is beyond the norm.

42.  The judge claims he has no cause for original jurisdiction over any matter represented in the filing or in the reply: original jurisdiction is the jurisdiction of the court to hear a matter in the first instance. As applied under article 3 section 2 cl 1 "the judicial power shall extend to all cases in law and equity arising under this constitution.... " the 7 examples provided in the osterbur reply GRANT THE 1ST AMENDMENT REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES unless the court can prove otherwise. The court is mute/ therefore the 1st amendment stands! Did I not provide this is a redress of grievances according to the 1st amendment? I DID indeed.

43.  The judge argues, that in "26 pages" of the original filing, there is NO controversy that exceeds $75,000.00 in dispute. The judge lies, and in so doing defiles the court of the United States of America.

44.  Baker asserts a conclusory, improper, and inflammatory statement; "Can he read my mind". He provides no support for his statements and no merit can be found to support his statement/ it is rebuked.

45.  Baker asserts a filing dedicated to national interests is for the "illinois courtroom". He thereby deserts his post and his duty and hides in innuendo and failure. He states no basis: Basis is a gain or loss that could or did or could occur within the proceedings or because of them. Again and with certainty, nothing less than the life or death of the nation itself is a consequence of these issues and these filings of case 05-2038; because NO contest has been given/ NO argument exists to refute this claim. Prove me wrong.

46.  Baker concludes he finds NO cause and NO understanding of the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, or 14th amendments. Baker continues to assert this is strictly a personal billing dispute/ even though a grade school level education knows it is not. Baker suggests that NO problem exists in Carles billing practices, and that I have no right to be informed, expect a fair & reasonable billing, or that it is unfair that I must defend myself as does every patient against an army of litigators. Baker demands financial repercussions are not real, and do not critically wound the lives of millions of people every year/ turn this case into a class action suit and we will see. Take a look, and explain to me exactly where the justice in these things is located, prove that justice occurred; is this too much to ask?. Baker says "I am clearly insufficient in my complaint" . I DISAGREE, for any jury in the land would understand "better than baker" therefore his position is deserted/ and his order rebuked.

47.  #2b the reply to the court states beyond doubt in 7 short & plain & clear descriptions (page 4) exactly why a redress of grievances is necessary and there is NO MORE CLEAR usage of language in any text or in any law book, that can refute its subject matter is clearly within the 1st amendment and the protection of the nation. This is a matter about life or death of the nation. This is a matter that asserts; you cannot disprove without investigation any single description, certainly not 7/ therefore DO YOUR DUTY and protect the nation.

48.  #2c The bankruptcy & greed of the medical industry describes a situation that has deteriorated even to the possibility of the death of the nation itself [prove when 50 million people learn, they have nothing/ that consequences are not imminent] prove that a redress of grievances is not the most and only tool available along with WE THE PEOPLE, to stop this destruction. Greed is the tool used to create this trouble, prove the medical industry is not greedy and at the forefront of this failure and fraud. It does belong.

49.  #3 The failures of a judge does not produce sufficient subject matter for the failure of a court. Your rule here is irrelevant. You are now the participant who lacks subject matter, as you have failed to assert why I should owe you anything. Your assertion of "not for profit" Has been heard and will now be contested in the future. Everything you filed is about the decay of value and subsequent imaginary statements that protect no one/ in reality not even yourselves. I filed for honor, duty, and the life of a nation: WHERE is your honor?

50.  The need fo court, remains the only motive involved in my demand for trial 05-2038. I HAVE PROVEN SUBSTANTIAL NEED AND RIGHT. Therefore the court, the judge, & the reality of trial have been expanded "beyond the norm" for this type of pleading/ because NOTHING LESS will do.

51.  As to bakers final words, he appears to become petty, refusing to allow electronic filing. In reality it is a trick he learned from the bastard's of the 7th federal appeals court in chicago. The 3 judges who conspired to rule against me in perjury by throwing out 2 cases with merit, using Mather v. village of Mundelein 869 F 2d 356, 357 (7th circuit 1989) Their own case and own verdict.

52.  This is a case about christmas ornaments on village property/ and neither case had anything to do with religion, christmas, or village properties or anything of the kind. A clear and simple perjury in collusion with each other/ they conspired to commit fraud/ and steal my rights as a citizen and did so: it is a felony; Because my rights are worth something more than money.

53.  To cover their tracks, these frauds issued a expunge from the court order to remove the evidence. But I still have my copy. Baker no doubt intended to do the same/ by remaining in paper he could use the concept of "Trash reduction"/ whereas electronic filing would be much harder to submit, without attention directed at that action.

54.  Again this review is NOT MY expectation or design. I intended to use the information gathered for BETTER PURPOSES/ but arrogance and pride insisted. Therefore we begin again/ the order of the court is removed by cause of fraud rule 60> 3 and by failure and criminal intent rule 60> 6 and more.

55.  Your interests are no longer important to me, whether you gain or lose irrelevant to me/ let the war begin: with this one exception.

56.  There are enough enemies in this world, choose to help me protect the nation and support the honor of society and democracy, and we will "be friendly".

57.  So there can be no doubt/ this redress is not about me, the reality is an invitation to all who can and will speak across the nation, they present the nation decides. But I would participate. These issues are the intent of this trial, not me. You cannot say you don't understand, because even a child would/ a jury without doubt, therefore you have no defense/ unless you can prove the 7 categories within the reply are in error. And you must prove substantially that these things do not truly endanger the nation and the world, otherwise they shall stand/ even if you desert.

58.  as of today, an order arrives from judge baker, striking the “osterbur reply”  as immaterial. And not in response to the courts 2/28/05 order/ further 4/6/05 at 9:30  in courtroom B at federal court in Urbana is set for hearings to address the issue raised by Carle demanding money.   Dated 3/ 23/ 05

59.   jurisdiction of this judge is then contested in this matter to be held as a motion trial 4/6/05.  Evidence has been provided as to the legitimacy of his claim to be impartial or doing his duty. He has effectively selected a tiny matter from the original filing, moved to denounce and disclaim justifiable  and harmless  under rule 61 of federal rules, as nothing  used by the judge can be held as consistent with “substantial justice”.  And again “the court at every stage of the proceeding must disregard any error or defect in the proceeding which does not affect the substantial rights of the parties. 

60.  I have instead held to the five required elements of a lawsuit:    it is a wrong to be held without equity or rights to a contractual debt, without full disclosure prior to making a decision in that debt. I have produced 7 distinct injuries and wrongs against the nation and me, which the judge discounts, because he refused to do his duty and protect the nation. I have submitted that the medical greed is in fact a situation that has been addressed, and he has “shit on it” because he is prejudiced to the aspects of fundamental justice and the truth of trial:   that justice is not, “held up by  conspirators or corruptions that in effect are common criminal activities: a simple thief, hiding in the dark in the alley”. I have demonstrated with truth and evidence that this nation is bankrupt producing irrefutable evidence in the form of the federal reserve, and demanding action lest the reality that comes from this deception and fraud/ devours the nation itself/ the judge vomits on this, and runs scared into the alley for more destructive actions.

61.  jurisdiction has been established, the subject matter is known and explained in detail/ whether you like it or not. Federal courts enforce “federal law”   or more correctly the United states constitution, and the intent of democracy:  which is clearly    WE THE PEOPLE   !  Therefore the judge acts with insolence and disrespect for democracy as well as against the constitution itself

62.    In more clear detail the preamble of the constitution which describes the state of  our union, and the responsibilities of all citizens including judges: states   WE the people,    in order to form a more perfect union {a duty to challenge, where life is inadequate to defend itself;  such as medical billing} establish justice { wherein a pro se plaintiff must act whether “legally schooled or not”/ because fools are using rules and various other deliberate tools to disavow and discredit true justice and fundamental EQUITY (Equity means I am equal with this judge/ not under or over, the law decides not the rules:  the law is the constitution, and the amendments used and the filings clearly prove a right) {these filings are about justice, take a look, not one word from the judge about anything relating to justice because he has no defense/ arguments stating rules or laws inferior to protecting society or personal rights to contest are an infringement of rights/ not a protection of them;   I do not ask for anything less than the protection of society/ I have received only the disgrace of  misfeasance, and the mistrial of a judge prejudiced against me from the beginning; due to past matters which he could not legally dismiss then either; a fact that caused the appellate court judges to conspire and commit perjury and felony larceny [lies which robbed me of due process].

63.  the preamble of the constitution further states that it is the job of the government and the people to “insure domestic tranquility”  {the protection of  the peace, by demanding bankruptcy and national depression be mediated, cannot be understated/ the judge finds this frivolous}.  “providing for the common defense” means literally the court shall “bend over backwards to provide access to the court system/ making certain every person, receives an adequate trial for the purposes of justice {this court plays with the amendments/ supports organized crime by disrupting the proceedings to spread contempt throughout the nation and certainly to everyone who seeks justice {this too is a crime, punishable by the removal from the bench/ if a jury would understand, a judge must as well/ NO EXCUSES.}

64.  the preamble of the constitution ends with “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity”   {a right to trial, did you provide lawyers as requested? No you did not,  therefore you are required to give me access to court by demand of the fourteenth amendment section 1, try reading it.}  if you do not produce an honorable and honest cause/ why the  filings are not important to the people and to the nation, or to me personally/   then I DO HAVE A GUARANTEED RIGHT, to justice, and not less than respect. This judge has no respect, and uses his seat as a weapon, not for civil actions or civil rights but contempt for all the people of America.  Pay attention, if this pleading is insufficient to acquire a hearing in fact rather than pretense/ then no citizen can be granted anything supporting justice, and the lawyers and judges have taken again a hostile possession of the court and used it against the people: who do you defend with these actions?  It is not the people of America, it is the blight of greed and power/ the actual opposite of democracy, which means “traitors are in charge”.  The court is cognizable to this type of evidence:   it means literally you are stealing democracy, and you should all be ashamed for the reality of those who disgrace you.

65.   the demand is quit sending men and women to their deaths in other countries, and for once in your lives stand up for the democracy that we are. In other words,    produce JUSTICE, do not talk, do not complain, do not run and hide/ DO YOUR DUTY, AND DEFEND LIFE.

66.  There are no limitations in the first amendment/ therefore I a citizen of the United States, am allowed by law to demand the 1st amendment be upheld. NO  EVIDENCE from the court exists, to confront this claim or denounce it/ the “bastard of the court” merely deserts the constitution, the duty, his position, his employment, and his dignity.

67.  There is no immunity/ because the judge is not performing his duties as directed by law/ he is hiding in rules to disgrace the law, and prove all that is wrong with the court today.

68.  There is no conscience in this court;  for this judge shows no standard of decency or fairness. Rather bigotry uses the rules and the lies of this court to escape from duty and design revenge and failure.

69.   THE FACTS AND EVIDENCE of true concern to the nation are in plain view, the reality of mischief in the court and outright disgrace is also in plain view. The foundation of critical merit is based not in rules BUT IN REALITY, as it is supported by TRUTH ITSELF.     You can see it, and you do know this is true and real and legitimate for its proclaimed intent:   to protect the nation, and resolve issues that are both troubling, damaging, and blatantly wrong.

70.   IF I MUST  do more than has been provided/ then you merely play with the lives of us all, for you do know the judge uses me for a victim/ I have plainly told you the appellate judges in this district are unrepentant liars, and provided evidence in the record baker has been picking apart without cause and expulsing. And you are all conspirators and by that measure, if you know and can react better/ then you desert the law, the democracy, and justice for us all:  “it is the definition of a traitor”:   WHO THEN ARE YOU?

71.   by rights,  I do claim protection from all actions against me under the federal whistle blowers act:   are these things less than money? While this act may or may not be specific to this case/ the reality of justice knows, that actions used by a judge to dispense tyranny is against the constitution itself  Article 3 section one states “shall hold their offices during good behavior”  does this not mean where bad behaviors are clearly in evidence/ there shall be penalties. Is the travesty and wrongdoing of a judge less than a corporate official? I tell you it is the very same/ or more correctly worse, because society is dependent upon the court? And they fail, just as worldcom, enron or any other. I find myself a whistle blower at this moment/ due to unconstitutional activities in the courtrooms of America:  YOU MUST prove it is the intent of democracy and justice to remove the pro se litigant from the courtroom  and deny due process and its appropriate justice/ to surrender the courtroom to the greed of lawyers and judges: who else can enter court: YOU HAVE PROVEN, no justice exists for the citizen of America in this court, and HOW MANY others. No need to clutter the reality with nonsense regarding law and rules/   it is clear and certain, baker will move to expel this portion of the record as well.  And I do know by the evidence already in force within this trial 05-2038  that an absolute perfect document  would be insulted in the same way if it came from my hand/ to this judge.

72.   I HAVE presented pleadings under health laws, and you know it/ I HAVE presented pleadings under anti-trust laws, and you know it/ I HAVE presented pleadings under civil right and guaranteed by the constitution laws, and you know it/ I HAVE presented pleadings under contract laws, and you know it/ I HAVE presented pleadings culpable by the court whose job it is to guarantee dispute resolution, only to have the court conspire to falsify testimony and the judge pleads “too stupid to understand”/ rules are NOT your “get out of jail card”, to reduce honesty to larceny. The code of conduct for justice is “JUSTICE FIRST”! 

73.   In closing, the demonstration of facts herein and hereby through this trial 05-2038 submits THE UNITED STATES COURT SYSTEM IN AMERICA is in disarray and presents evidence in direct disrepute of all the democracy stands for:     fundamentally meaning,   if no american citizen can participate in an honest courtroom hearing wherein any seated jury from society itself would fully understand the evidence and the purpose as for justice/ then the judge who denounces justice, discounts claims to the preference of rules,  and destroys the liberty of a practicing democracy of WE THE PEOPLE,     is fully in rebellion against the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

74.  the above document is sent to  “MANY PLACES” of both media and the court system of America.  Let it be clear, “I do not walk behind closed doors, in hidden places without turning on the lights and inviting people in”.

75.  liberty herein means;   the right to participate in truth, for the betterment of society. This court, this judge, and previous courts have proven beyond doubt,   that truth is not a participant in the courtroom of America/ and society is literally a worthless inconvenience to many judges. The purpose of a federal court is to hold the matters of democracy to a higher level than at any other place in society/ they are given the job of protecting the constitution and the values of a true democracy.       NOTHING OF THIS KIND, can be found in federal court/  prove this is not so. The issuances of rules, the demands for begging, the blatant lies, and the attempts to cover up and remove any case they “don’t like” is not judicial/ it is larceny against the people.

76.  I did provide substantial cause for trial and hearing/ I did say to the court, I am not a lawyer, send one because this affects all the people:   a medical industry against society, through the use of greed. I did provide evidence, and supported that evidence with facts. The hearsay of the judge in demanding useless little rules, is both frivolous and demonstrates true discrimination. Is this justice/ NO IT IS NOT.

77.  I did not come saying “I am right, listen to me”/ INSTEAD I came saying these things are serious affecting all of society and we need to investigate and decide what can be done before very bad things occur. It is hypocrisy to assert, that a federal court is not for this purpose, all laws go to this very purpose/ but politics are distinctly the problem, and evidence in the form of a national debt which proves bankruptcy MEANS it is no longer a political problem, redress is the only solution. It is this reality that DOES demand a national redress of grievances within the 1st amendment. Therefore this trial is about “the very employees of government that are hired to protect us/ and did not”.

78.  the consequence of these realities is now the subjection of all participants to the original truths explained in the filings of this case 05-2038.   The purpose of the state of Illinois being a defendant now comes to fruition:  I a citizen of ILLINOIS, a state of the United States of America, whose very position is intended to support the citizen against inappropriate advances of the federal government is asked:   where is my protection/ it is not in the constitution if those individual employees refuse to honor it/ such as this judge. I am one/ the state of IL is many, BUT THE JUDGE is only one as well. The power of democracy is in its constitution, NOT in its employees; therefore I do assert, that your position here is to defend the constitution both of the US and the state of IL and support life, by protecting  against GROSS NEGLIGENCE and blatant lies.

79.  the consequence of these realities now goes to the defense of all positions:  Carle states “we are not-for-profit” apparently under all their various names.  The question to the state of Illinois is    “what does not for profit mean: can they take out ANY amount of money for personal usage, and declare themselves “in the hole” financially due to all they “give to the public”.   Who decides and who checks what they claim as a service and appropriate cost? Where will I find this information, and when was it last documented in a manner suitable to courtroom examination.

80.  in the consequence of these realities, the position of  the University of Illinois also comes into view, and begins within the 7 basic tragedies set apart in the “osterbur reply, march 4, 2005 to the court”.   YOU are to present “expert information” regarding the truth about fusion energy and the consequences thereof. YOU shall be aware the evidence of fusion energy is the sun/ and you shall assert only what you can prove: otherwise to shall profess, the level of risk that fusion represents/ and WHY if there is any risk for turning the entire planet into a fire ball, anyone should be allowed to experiment with our lives and our future. Be clear.

81.  as we return to trial/  either in the courtroom or in the media view / some will suggest “ I attacked the judge from the outset, setting him up for failure”. It is not true,  he accepted the case from another/ knowing it was me;  should he not be considered  forewarned.  In preparation for this trial, a previous trial as listed in the documents was initiated. The purpose of that trial was to ascertain whether anything had changed since the last time in court “perhaps justice or a resemblance to respect had been born”?  clearly it was not so, and I asked in methods of the court and in personal “have you changed” questions before the court.  Therefore from the beginning, it WAS NECESSARY to approach the court as a hostile witness/ because that is exactly what would and did come.

82.  I am not a lawyer, therefore the options are limited to me/ and the claimed immunities so broad  “a terrorist can harbor in them” or a judge. This anticipatory breach because of evidence in the past IS CLEARLY a result of past experience with this judge/ who when he discovered he could not participate as a judge, should have reclused himself from the proceedings: he did not, a question he needs to answer.

83.  it is certain the US attorney expects protection from all counts by the court, even though due to the nature of the filings it is clear and certain these two have sought desertion from their duties/ and with reckless disregard portrayed the American people as abandoned. It should not be so!

84.  this document “call it anything you like, because nothing in your rules will change it”/ it is my statement and my presence in the court for the april 6, 05 at 9:30. It is sent earlier that you may decide what you intend to do, before you act upon it: but it may not be thrown out under any circumstance prior to court on 4/6/05 as it does stand there as my presence in court before the judge. We both know, my presence is irrelevant to the outcome of this motion trial/ and this document is my words, my defense, and my right to stand before the court.  IT IS A FACT,  that any written document can be used against me, in a wide range of legal realities/ therefore it is a legal presence, and it is my statement to you:  that no matter what is said, this is my  only response to this motion trial.

85.  I will however remind you clearly, having removed all other filings and dumped them in the trash/ if you throw this document out/ then you have no excuse to do less than throw out all motions against me: EVERY ONE.  If you do not, then you have acted without evidence or fact/ and have threatened my life without cause.  Is this not a criminal intent?

86.  THE ISSUE of revenge, is clear in this motion trial/ therefore I refuse to be present so that an “imaginary frown” or he didn’t like the way I was dressed  cannot be confused with an opportunity to raise the issue of contempt. I have no opportunity to defend myself in this courtroom/ against such hypocrisy, therefore I will not present the opportunity/ and you have no right to command my presence.

87.  we now come to the “moment of truth” as it regards this proceeding:  it is time as a nation to choose sides, whether you vote with your life and your standing in community to be  “ a citizen with guaranteed rights in a court of law/ or not”.   The fact that the content of trial is not to your liking is irrelevant, truth doesn’t care what you like. Truth is the difference, that decides the future.

88.  as has been plainly described in all these documents, unless the 3 judges who chose perjury and lies in the 7th circuit of the federal appeals court in Chicago have all been removed/ I will not proceed to appeals. I do refuse to participate further in the tragedy that is their lives. The outcome is very predictable; therefore it is meaningless.

89.  therefore an ultimatum is given to the district court/ find a new judge that we may proceed herein:   OR MOVE this trail to the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT.   Because it does involve the entire nation, our future, our lives, and our past: in NO uncertain terms.