The Value of Life


This is a Astrange question@, it exists as a framework intended to measure a life which could never be bought/ never be duplicated/ is capable of an eternity/ and exists within the meanings of love. These things are not true questions but a theology defended by an intellect which is simply BORED!

Therefore the value of life is in direct proportion to the boredom exhibited in it. Alternate to this statement is the reality of pain and the fundamental existence of freedom/ these examine a body, a life and ask ; may I die, please? The definition of pain and a lack of freedom that commonly goes with it identify a true need, an honorable and honest question called AI appreciate my life, but my reality is too much for me@. Does this mean suicide is honorable? The answer is no. PRAYER IS HONORABLE, you will be heard, but remember if you survive it is because some form of work is to be done by your existence/ when this is fulfilled then prayers are answered.

Of PLEASANT things; the simple answers are, that love exists as, that we are MORE than anything we could have given to ourselves, that we are MORE than an existence/ WE ARE ALIVE!

These VALUABLE things are evidence that humanity is loved by GOD because everything that could be done for humanity has been done. We are FREE, can you feel the beauty in motion, can you hear the message of love, can you measure the possibilities in THOUGHT, look inside your soul (nothing is a greater miracle). Remember this; that happiness is about being alive/ NOT simply about you, quit whining me, me, me, and start accepting that your place in society, in harmony with life, is defined by simple things, such as:

    1. Work hard & do your very best/ If you do, peace is your reward, because you did your share, and no one does better than that, irregardless of what they do.
    2. The reality of needs created by the human mind is Aa cry for mercy@ because I can no longer be this way! The predecessor of such a need is, a conviction of the heart that something you did/ something you believe/ the fear of death is overwhelming you. In truth, this is a good thing, it IS an awakening, demanded by your soul. A new beginning on the horizon therefore a new journey and a new destination. To be healed, YOU MUST CHANGE!
    3. Humiliation is Alike a hand, that reaches deep inside and brings back the trash you buried inside yourself@. The choice is throw it out now, or watch it grow. YOU are the only janitor capable of reaching inside your mind/ YOU ARE ABLE TO CLEAN/ therefore able to heal. IF you don=t clean, then you are and will remain a Amess inside@, the choice is yours.
    4. Pride is the decision created by selfishness, it is nothing more, and it is nothing less.
    5. Poverty of money is simply the demand to interact, be polite, don=t waste things, and understand we do need each other/ WE ARE EQUALS, irregardless of what the rich or powerful may think. Harmony explains those who separate or exclude themselves from the rest no longer belong.
    6. Knowledge is the existence of a truth inside/ understanding, the blessing or existence of a world beyond ourselves/ & wisdom, is the realization that all truth & law interrelate and consequences occur.
    7. Courage is an acceptance of the price that must be paid/ settle it in your mind or walk away. But remember, DO NOT give away your life or body without an honorable purpose/ YOU are valuable too!
    8. Love is the message AI value you@! IF you throw away your life, you alter the lives of those who do or would love you. If you commit suicide then Ayou die a murderer, with no chance to repent@.
    9. The journey into your own Identity/ your own life, begins by removing the influence of society upon you: You must learn to choose without influence, by accepting truth/ not simply by blindly following rules.
    10. A beginning step inside your soul is simply this: life allows no control except in these 3 things: fight, surrender, or learn truth (if you understand truth, the outcome can be changed). IF you accept truth as your guide THEN truth decides, not you! Here FAITH IN JESUS will heal your soul, and remove the darkness which covers your soul.
    11. Pain is a measurement, recreating the value of life within you/ death is a measurement of the value of other lives to you! It is here, that love becomes a meaning rather than a word.
    12. JOY IS LIFE ITSELF, coming to live within you/me! More simply it is GOD IN US!

Therefore remember, Athe doorway to heaven@ is the acceptance of your participation in life and eternity, the realization only truth can lead the way, and the treasure of a desire to be truly loved.

Life is a miracle, it is humanity that tries to make it less. A simple search into human psychology explains the reason as AI want to do it myself/ my way@! Some will argue NO, the value of life is lessened by the struggle to survive, the environment and its demands, it is all that humanity endures, and THEN, what humanity wants. These people are wrong; none of these things minimizes the fact, that life is a miracle. Therefore the reason, respect fails, is something else.

We begin with the question: what is life, what is human life, & what is reason? The answers return as a description of energy defined by motion and confined by a specific identity (energy defined is the creation of an impulse/ a defined identity is, the creation of a purpose). The critical definition is, a foundation of movement, built upon by the formation of thought! Thought, for the purpose of this discussion, becomes the consequence of motion & mass combined as a realization of order! Thought contributes the existence of methods of intervention in the processes of life and as a consequence of the immense reality of human selfishness, this definition is enough.

The miracle of things which can only act & react to each other, by becoming an ordered environment explain the symphony of recognition, as something beyond mass & energy (as we recognize it, exists here). Order is not a random event/ but a structured existence of boundaries & doors, of motion & speed. The existence of order is then determined as the law, recreated as Athe steps required to obtain but not control the intended outcome@. The existence of a miracle, is then Athe wisdom to separate, what is called law/ from that which can be called freedom or as we know it/ LIFE ! The distinction begins as a description of law; the application of rules & phenomenon which shall not be broken without destruction to some aspect of that law, and the consequences of that action. Life in the simplest terms is a realization of choices, the possibilities of creation as the freedom which combines with understanding to establish humanity. This is NOT a Asimple expression@ because the reality of a human life is the ability to recognize and accept the descriptions of love, value, hope, respect, and so much more! Therefore human life Acomes to us, literally created by thought@. Do you disagree? Consider the complexities of your own body, environment, life, and actions which join together as a reality ONLY by the comprehension of the experience called thought. Life by the measure of thought & the influence of actions demands that we recognize freedom as our right to choose, Athat no life might say, I am a slave (not of life)@ Instead every blessing and every curse is the destiny of your own decisions. WHAT do you want? We each choose our destiny, some say Aits predetermined, nothing I/ you can do@, this is a simple lie created to say AI=m not guilty of bad behavior/ its not my fault/ Its genetic, and so on@ the purpose of the lie being AI want to live, without lessons or laws, I want to do anything which suits me WITHOUT regard for damages or death or destruction / I want to be a god without responsibility@. People do live exactly by that description, never considering, never wanting to consider anyone else/ how many, look around and in the mirror. Life is about the existence of each of us, do you think all this work & all the effort necessary to allow you & me the opportunity to be alive is without a cause? Rather consider love as the reason, and the only cause granted to love is the hope, that someday we might also participate in eternal life, as family!