The Chapter, reading the gospel


If it is in your heart to do so, then read Matthew 14, READ SIMPLY: which means do not try to interpret, do not expect Aunderstanding immediately@, read as you would any other book, understanding comes later. Matthew 14 teaches the lesson of pride, and what it truly means Ato worship your own words & reputation@. Hatred created by the desire for pride & lust, the expression Ame, me, me,@ killed John. The second lesson is what should you do because there is grief in your heart: Do you know the difference between what you want and what GOD would or would not ask of you? LEARN, you may not give, what does NOT belong to you, you may NOT take what BELONGS TO GOD/ this is thanks & praise! The third lesson is separate yourself and PRAY! And then ACCEPT the true and real dimensions of your FAITH! Faith is Honesty & truth combined with RESPECT/ NOT regret. The fourth is GIVE THANKS, WITH RESPECT!

Mark 10 reads, the act of sexual intercourse is intended to be Aa seal of true love@ between a man & woman through the blessing of truth; simply AI want to spend my life, in your arms and in your heart@. Sexual intimacy that figuratively Ajoins@ to people is a promise, of a future together. To believe you do want each other, and then because of numerous problems or things changed to reject each other, is a failure you both have made. Failures or accidents are both destructive, and each person must pay accordingly. But those who succeed encounter a new truth, that GOD has indeed joined them together and they will know honest happiness as the blessings of love recreate their lives free of loneliness. Therefore sexual intercourse is a promise of a future together/ to be joined is the blessing of sharing & caring as if you were one person/ and adultery is Ato want someone else, is to steal from them their security, their hopes, and their love@ this is a SIN. Remember the Children always, IF you cast these aside THEN YOU TOO shall be cast aside. Children MUST BE LOVED. Love & Mercy go hand in hand, they are inseparable. True love that is rejected from your own child, IS a rejection of GOD as well, when the health and body of a child are desperately damaged, it IS OK to ask GOD for healing, even if it means death. The question of eternal life IS literally a question to you: DO YOU WANT THIS, more than anything else? IF you do not, then perhaps you are not worthy. JESUS GAVE EVERYTHING, it was HIS decision to make, and HE made it for you; but if your heart doesn=t want to then you sacrifice if you surrender anything beyond what represents an honest gift from you. All sacrifice is a Aslap in the face@ to JESUS YOUR SAVIOR, a very bad mistake. True love does not ask for glory or expect it, rather true love is sharing & caring with everything you are! NO one is perfect, forgive simply! NO one earns or deserves to be AIN HEAVEN@ only mercy can grant this to you. Those who do their best will be remembered. Remember this, that TRUE FAITH is never blind, rather throwing aside all the concerns of humanity, JESUS WILL GIVE YOU, the opportunity to follow HIM and learn how Ato see@.

Colossians 1 is to read and understand Atrue faith, is a great JOY@.

Colossians 2 Reminds you, you are now through faith, different than the world, not bound by their ways, but free.

Colossians 3 reminds you, Aunderstand, you are to live your faith/ it is REAL@.

Colossians 4 understand you too, are to work, and accept work with a true and happy heart.

FAITH is the blessing of your soul, the happiness of your spirit, and the treasure inherited that AGOD, is a part of your LIFE@, THERE IS, no greater blessing.

2 Thessalonians 1 read and accept you are indeed separate from the world, because you represent JESUS through your faith.

2 Thessalonians 2 read and understand, Paul is creating his version of religion (what to do & what not to do). It is, a separating within the churches, caused by a fading hope. Paul looks for an excuse Awhy@, and finds it in Asatan@ (we can hate here). Translated it becomes: condemn all who are hurting us, not as other men, but with a severe punishment (a curse).

2 Thessalonians 3 Read and understand Paul establishes Athings to do, and an order to work@.

It is true, That FAITH, is NOT a religion! Faith is the true acceptance of a belief and a complete trust, because your soul agrees. Paul began in this way, the change to religion & religious acts and whether it was Agood or bad@ is not our decision to make/ rather WE are asked to believe, and live accordingly. If you DO believe it is impossible to do otherwise. Do not strengthen your fears/ Rather Alook & Pray for JESUS in your life, no one can separate you from HIM: except you. BE AT PEACE!

Acts 10 reminds you to understand, no manner of dress, no difference in heritage or culture or skin, NOTHING excludes a man, woman, or child EXCEPT themselves. No one enters the kingdom of GOD, except through mercy: NO ONE! Read carefully THE LORD=S PRAYER, and remember love does not take more than it needs.

2 Corinthians 11,12,& 13 Remembering you are to live in this world, but not truly be a part of it. Be REAL, not searching for Aglorious things@, instead appreciate Awhat is glorious, is already inside of you@. It is common among all humanity, to ask for immediate gratification in everything, and then expect Aeverything will be done for me, now@. You could not be more wrong: Having received faith, it is then time to begin building an eternity, YOU have very much to learn, because life shall never be truly understood as a human being.

Galatians 1 & 2 reminds you, NO ONE is an apostle without true desire! IF you faith does not grow through the Atest of time@, then you learning is in error, and you are sinning. It is NOT the law, that we learn rather, IT IS THE CRUCIFIXION , that we do learn. The literal translation is: THE LOVE OF GOD IS GREATER, THAN all the world. Do apply this statement, Ato the wisdom of your soul@. It is unnecessary for you to ask anyone else, about this statement/ ask and honor your soul!

John 14 Read and understand, you will never be alone. The extremes of life, teach better lessons, than any other truth, because no lies are allowed..

John 19 Can you Asee yourself@, who then are you?

Acts 5 Understand these things are given as proof, JESUS DID RISE, Did HIS DISCIPLES not receive many signs & wonders, with a peace & happiness that never left no matter what the tribulation; these things are beyond Asimply human@ and require true faith, and honest participation, and JESUS was honored, and is today.

Acts 8 Know humanity lives between the extremes. Do you Afeel@ the happiness of Philip? Pray always.

Acts 12 and understand simply, JESUS IS OUR SAVIOR! Do read your Bible.

Hebrews 11, 12, & 13 suggest what should a person of faith do today?

Remember these simple thoughts throughout our lives, We do receive innumerable Asecond chances@/ But in death simply Ayou are who you are!@ UNDERSTAND, Faith is NOT an Ainsurance program@ this is a grievous sin, with bitter consequences. Faith is Becoming exactly what GOD, gave us life to be. There are many parts to a body/ there are many descriptions of life/ there are many unglamorous realities about living BUT all of them are important.

Many will ask, how could we believe in Aa story/ testimony@ 2000 years old? The question is more clearly defined as: WHAT has changed since JESUS came, WHY should we as Believers consider ourselves any different than the others, WHY has so much time past/ where is the promise now?

Today we look into the intimacy of nature, the very gift that sustains our lives, corrects our mistakes, and defends our lives upon this earth, and many say Ait must have been an accident multiplied over billions of years@. These people choose to be entertained by their stupidity rather than alert to the lesson of the day: that life is a highly defined, intensely organized, disciplined reality with very little room for error. (YOU say a single mistake in the genetic code can produce dramatic disasters, and you are correct in this as a fact). How then are a few billion codes capable of producing anything but chaos/ out of billions where are the mistakes? The human reality is MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, & FAME NOT learning certainly not caring/ instead the intellect of these people is Alets see what happens@, the blind are leading the blind. The question is why do people NOT desire wisdom or hope or happiness? The answer is they would have to choose RESPECT, LOVE, HONESTY, TRUTH, AND COURAGE, instead of power & gluttony. Why do people Ago along@, the answer is they want to believe someone is going to heal their bodies and their lives/ they cover their eyes and their ears and say AI want to believe/ MAKE me a believer@. The genetic code is NOT Aan instructional book@/ rather the truth says the manipulation of the genetic code by humanity means IT IS, A BOOK OF THE DEAD! The relationships of life, exist in the same methods as the food chain/ completely destroy one aspect of the food chain, and anything above that line shall die. Do YOU understand the description Achain reaction@ , it means Alike a domino experiment, push one down and many fall over within seconds, until a natural defense is hit. Do YOU think people who cannot even handle money (there are economic collapses, monumental debt and the lying to cover it up ETC, ETC, ETC, seemingly forever) Would you put your government in charge of your personal life, your children, and your future/ NO NEVER. Yet here they are Amonkeys in a nuclear power plant, playing with all the switches they can find@. This is a reality, that life is being CRUCIFIED TODAY ! Do you care?

The bible is an intimate look into several lives BUT as a result of ONLY ONE LIFE JESUS ! looking into the reality of powerful people whose greed, jealousy, and reckless behavior imitates the crucifixion of JESUS LIFE and the lack of concern by the masses of society, truly nothing has changed. It is still greed jealousy lust pride and a grim selfishness that control the world. Do you think the people of that day thought of themselves, in any way that you do not/ the answer is no! Rather after the fact of JESUS DEATH and RESURRECTION they did realize how wrong this was. Today, after the fact, when life and health are disappearing everywhere you look, you too will realize how wrong this was/ BUT unless you change the present/ you too will be dead, resurrected to judgment not mercy. You want physical freedom from pain/ yet pain is a great teacher, and responsible for realities immeasurable because humanity fails to listen. The existence of your life as well as all those who have realized SALVATION THROUGH JESUS ! Is granted to you, for the purpose that you might receive eternal life. IT IS WRONG to assume this is a thing/ rather YOU MUST PARTICIPATE AND LEARN. Because freedom means you do have the right to choose, and if you choose then you must understand! DO NOT be concerned about so little a thing as intelligence/ it does not count! Rather accept that understanding and choice exist within the framework of harmony as it is dedicated to love & RESPECT.

The common human struggle is not, how can I survive/ rather it is simply Abut I want to do it myself/ my way@, irregardless or truth or consequences. This is