The Discussion of Life

The Brain and its foundation

Because Energy is life, a condition of living is energy control. Fundamental recognition/ interpretation/ DEVELOPMENT through ORDER/ & Atargeting of functional use@ all exist as Abrain usage@.

At its Beginning: Energy must be recognized OR there is no life. The brain converts energy as an interpretation of flow or opposing flow, by a process similar to Atornado type weather patterns@ (a vortex of directional energy). An Aelectrical storm@ created by the transfer of convection (hot/cold energies), create related densities inside the Agray matter@ of the brain. Blood flow develops Athe weather pattern@ of hot & cold areas. Convection IS a thermodynamic law and energy flow occurs. Gray matter opposes flow, acting as an insulator and this does result in electrical charges accumulating.

A Atornado@ is achieved as heat produces a Atree-like structure@ within the gray matter/ heat increases the density of energy, and electrical energy transfers through the above or below colder area as electrical current to create an open path. Energy flows through this path as a spinning vortex creating memory. (a tornado, is 3-dimensional because the Awall of the tornado@ exists as inside/ outside/ and the wall itself).

Energy IS NOT the flow of electrons, RATHER energy IS the flow which carries the electrons; the electrons bring kinetic energy within the flow, BUT ORDER and nothing less creates an energy (kinetic, by nature) which can be controlled.

The development of ORDER IS the most critical response of all living creation. Order is a demand, to end the chaos, or die. Consequently most of a lifetime IS spent learning about order, and the effects of chaos. The question is How do we learn?

The answer is pain. Pain is an EXCELLENT teacher, revealing only the critical facts and letting Athe student@ experience the secondary factors for themselves. The next question IS All pain does NOT teach OR at least the student is UNWILLING to learn. What is the reason?

The answer is We are complex biological creations capable of changing/ capable of re-organizing/ & subject to massive amounts of environmental stimuli. We are free, and MUST accept the reality of our lives.

Our Avisible@ relationship to creation (the reality of energy that is not kinetic, by nature) IS seen within the descriptions of our use of controllable energy (chemical & kinetic). Clearly order CAN create many purposes. The human question is: What is your purpose?

Purpose MEANS I WANT SOMETHING, and convert My own possibilities into Athat@ single obsession (a power).

ORDER, that is LOVE, allows energy to exist within a desire. Desire means, to ACCEPT THE POSSIBILITIES that energy IS more than want, IT IS LIFE.

LIFE means, order is determined by TRUTH.

LIFE means, order examines personal want, NOT becomes personal want.

LIFE means, order creates an identity that shall, become true.

LIFE means , order shall become the energy called love.

LIFE means, order shall determine Aall things@.


these are beginnings.

The issues represented by controlled thought ARE assembled & interpreted by the brain! The issues as controlled thought exist as our relationship to our lives/ our environment, Therefore it IS THIS RELATIONSHIP that creates & defines actual THOUGHT.

Thought may be perceived as Our relationship to ENERGY!

The question IS then: DO we control energy as thought? The answer is :True thought ONLY exists within Energy, Therefore Our Acontrol@ is simply to enter, OR not. The question IS How can we enter within the ENERGY CALLED LIFE?

The answer, to become LIKE THIS ENERGY, allows our lives as human beings to experience True ORDER, Here TRUE RESPECT is born, and our own possibilities multiply.



Remember this LOVE IS NOT A WANT!


Of all things human love is a misunderstanding to many, rather like a mystical experience of fate. HONEST LOVE JOINS the decision to accept, to the experience of LIFE, and when it IS true, to the energy of EACH PERSON. True love is then a SHARED ENERGY!

A statement IS REQUIRED: DO believe this, although pain IS a teacher, YOU ARE NOT! There is NEVER a cause or justification to inflict pain, by simple choice. Rather life selects the ways & means according to the student. Anyone who believes More than a minimum amount of behavior, to prove a point, as necessary, is justified, WILL stand at your judgment day (your death) and BE PUNISHED, MANY TIMES more. DO NOT say to yourself Anot me@/ LAW which is your justification WILL prove you wrong!